UntitledTOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK ------------------------------- IN THE MATTER OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE REGULATING PEDDLING AND HAWKING TO INCREASE THE ANNUAL PERMIT FEE. ------------------------------------- STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) says: AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on April 14, 1982, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on an Ordinance Amending the Ordinance Regulating Peddling and Hawking to Increase the Annual Permit Fee, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, Mill Street, in the Village of Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Sworn to before me this day of 1982. Nota Public J YIRGILID F!r'I'!:MD�Z, JR. Notary P """ r, err Yerk state ReaWi!y is. U',—' County Clmm!saiun expires march 30 l �� NEV70 DISPLAY ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 914297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET WAPPINGERS FALLS APFIUAVIT OF PUBLICATION Mycommission expires ............................ AL.7-rrT Fa CcTFN NOTP.':Y F' ,i !,J 4 vf)PIA i'•�'�C�ic'1 OUt IY ,�r:li 4..4.� State of New York, the followir4 OrdinanceenOpAmending the County Of Dutchess. OrdHawnance tona to Increase the annual permit from 535.00 to $150.00 was adopted by Town of Wappinger. the Town Board of the Town of Wap - nger their Regular at Meat ng ;he a 1o, 1982. Ird NBeatrice Osten The following Ordinance was In• troduced byy Councilman McCluskey Of the • • • • • ...................................... whoction One: Section Section One: Section 1 Is herebyy. Town of Wappinger. Dutchess County, New 'fork. amended by,lncreasinp each license fee established therein to $150.00 being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the sewcsAl Dollars per Year. Section Two: This ordinance shall times hereinafter was, thG.YQ: 1tlV•�.tQ:Lf Fi�/�7 Flat�if take effect upon adoption, posting and W & S.U. NEWS, a newspaper printed and pubiithcd Nublication. or caudvoe Aye ,'M'rr. V frsaee— every Thursday in the yebr In the Town of Wappingt=, ay I, ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger do hereby -Dutchess County, New York, and that the aancxed =1r that the foregoing Ordinance NOTICE was duly pubilahed 1n the tetd newspapc: for wee duty adopted at a Rspular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of ... PAQ. , . week successively... , OACe� In CaCh weer:. Wappinger held May 10, 1982, at which time a quorum was,.prosent and par- ticipated throughout and that the same 12th 1�,�.,�� Commencing on the... , . , , ... day of......."�°is ...... has not been In any manner rescinded Q� 19. Agt.tid on the following dates thereafter, namely on or annulled and that the same is still In force and effect and is duly entered In ...... . the minutes of said meeting - IN WITNESS WHEREF, 1 haveand • ....... • , . • . • , ... , , .......... ending on the ....12th. day of.....M.�Y...... hereunto set my hand and the tsar of the said Town of W"pinger this 11th darof 19. both days inclusive. y May 1982. Elsina H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger. - :....... Dated: May 11, 1982 • ................. • .. . Subscribed and cwvn to before me this.... 12th ..... day of...... XAY........... 1e..82 ........................... r -- Notary Public Mycommission expires ............................ AL.7-rrT Fa CcTFN NOTP.':Y F' ,i !,J 4 vf)PIA i'•�'�C�ic'1 OUt IY ,�r:li 4..4.� TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WA PPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IN THE MATTER OF AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING LICENSE FOR SALE OF MERCHANDISE BY HAWKING AND PEDDLING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly elected qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on August 13, 1970, your deponent posted a copy of the attacted notice of Public Hearing on the Ordinance requiring License for Sale of Merchandise by Hawking and Peddling, on the signboard maintained by -your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, Mill Street, in the Village of Wappingers Falls, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Sworn to before me this a6774 day of August, 1970. Notary Public R0BEF, W. M0ti'i( 0 s NOTARY PUDIC, STATE Or iii'.; 1 OiRK RESIDING IN 0111CHESS COt1NTY CUMMISSION EXPIAES MARCH 30, 1Hw W. and S. D. NEWS DISPLAY ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AX7-3724 20 EAST MAIN STREET - WAPPINGERS FALLS, N.Y. Y, s SC-CPTE ega, AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TOTICE that the following Ord' by n 'rd of the Town of Wappinger i held t 2 70. Ordinance Requiring License' �t :. `£' for Sal of Merchandise by, r: Haw and Peddling State Of New York, The foN ordinance w� introduced by, an Mills County of Dutchess, �, "'BE�iT r, !O" Town of Wappinger. rY1NED by the 'vn Board o n of Wapp as follows:t k Section I. Li as repuquired;ex"ptions. Beatrice Osten Parson No sh blicly sell�`awk or ny prone rt .Of the ...................�...................... article o=rlbe►cha on the streA'is of the to t shall any n travel frOfil'hOuse house in any section of the', own, either t Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, or with 4 vehicle onveyance, aMrrying and selling or offer r beiduly s that he is. and �[ the Several sale any4roperty otang y SWOtn says of merchandise, wi `but first obt a y license t4hrefor as HAlsinafter provided, but n Ing herein co times hereinafter was, thCYO—Editor ;Publ sihe�f shall apPtx to sales il!iade to merchants for trade, or t es made to any person'of farm prodif sere produce isr employees o and sold , W. & S.D. NEWS. a newspaper printed and published the prod*ir thereof ais se persons 'delivering r apers o0perio .-which have n every Thursday in the year in the Town of Wappinger, previously contracted he term farm " shall not in Dutchess County. New York, and that the annexed nursery smock, potted or cut f9rs f; y l NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for Sectio*2. Applica p hawking and 1)ng license Appli on for a and peddling Iicense shall be mad y. .... .. week successively.. 9;19.A.. in each week, the appl nt in pe, a Town;Coun , and after approv f said �p tion by the tq*n ''.shall be authorize' o commencing on the. 3X4..... day of ... September. issue suc"ce,nse, ` ivin the . an herein specified. e Town Bc4fd may a' to p 19.7 p and on the following dates thereafter, namely on Y gra rmit in the eves t determines that the proposed licenseel,Is good moral cha ............. t or if the items sold represeft a danger to alth, safety, or w • • • • • , • .day .Of. ,,Sep Lemb�er and ending on the.... rd •. of the community. � �•� �;, .•. ........ Section 3. License fees. 19.7 Bboth days inclusive. The fo'#owing fees for licenses � reby established, to e collected by the town clerk. , � P� e { . � . � (a) For any person on foot or with v e drawn by hand C _........ ... ....... ...... .................... ..—$ (b) Po► a0v perso With vehicle drawn horse or any other ani' I ..... Subscribed and, sworn to bef q me (c) For any pe Ith a motor vehJ..le or motor truck $5 t c j / 7 ... ......$ this .... ..:......day of. ;4►`. Yt�. l r< > .. ,19..E I Section 4 Du of license.` (� / All licenses hereunder shalt. 'ri'litate 'on the 30th day; C G � � April next su the Issuance thereof. Section 5. of license. r NO[aty PUb C License r plications sh > be in person to the to'r clerk who the same I cords'' ith the terms of t article. The t "n clerk, before iss a ren of an existing licen My Commission eXl)Lres. J. ;, ` shall request the Qutchec d heriff to yestigate whether t applicant has befit convicted Crime sinceate of issuan the original licw/iea. Tha saidS, shall furnish' n writing, the informav rom such invest) 0-thie that the applicant w A ,Isdemea felon`'' Town Clerk shall not I tbe: to the Town Board. Section 6. Use of weighing and measuring devices r a All weighing and measuring devices used by peddlerbe k attached to a fixed standard suspended from the vehicl or conveyance used by such peddler, in.order to insure the accuracy. Section 7. Identification of vehicle. A person licensed under the provisions of this ordinance and using a vehicle, shall place upon either side of the body of such vehicle the words "licensed vendor," together with the number of such license. Section 8. Streets not to be obstructed. No person shall stop, either on foot or with any vehicle, in any of the streets, or on any of the sidewalks In the town for the purpose of vending any goods or merchandise longer than while actually engaged in selling at any one time. Such stopping longer than permitted by this Section 8 shall be an infringement of this ordinance and shall upon conviction be punished as set forth in Section 9 herein. Section 9. Any person upon conviction of a violation of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a violation as defined in Section 55.10-3Penal Law and shall be subject to the penalties as provided by law. Section 10. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption, Posting, and publication as provided by law. SECONDED BY: Councilman Clausen 4 Ayes 0 Nays - Absent: Louis Diehl Duly Adopted: Aug. 26, 1970 STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS) I, ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly adopted at a Special Meeting held August 26, 1970, at which time a quorum was present and participated throughout, and that the same has not been in any manner rescinded or annulled and that the same is still in force and effect and is duly entered in the minutes of —ii ..,ae....,. W• and S. D. NEWS DISPLAY ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AX7-3724 20 EAST MAIN STREET - WAPPINGERS FALLS, N.Y. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger will conduct a public hearing at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, in the Town of Wappin my of Dutchess, New York, on August 26, 1970 at 7 0 hear all persons concerning an Ordinance Requiringw of Merchandise by Hawking and Peddling. Clerk The following ordinance -was' r ills who moved its adoption. BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Iloard of ' pf Wappinger as follows: Section 1 Li • required; exceptions., No person `pubiicly sell, hawk or addle any property or article of merchaiwAse on the streets of the tov^. por shall any person travel from hoose to house in any section of,#E91 wn, either on foot or with a vehiet%"or conveyance, carryingsgoroffering for sale any property or article of merchandls�t first obtaining c license therefs hereinafter provided but herein contained shall apply tqa les made to merchant}, trade; or to sales made to any on of farm produce, it produce is peddled and sold by tN$ producer thereof or hi I or employees, or to persons delivoWng newspapers or perhxfl which have been previously contracted for. The term "farm produce" shall not include nursery stock, potted plants or cut flowers. Section 2. application for a hawking and peddling license. Applicatiollli for a hawking and peddling license shall be made by the applicar*,in person to the Town�Cncil, and after approval of said applicif n by that body, the ,plark shall be authorized to Issue such li0"se, upon receiving t se fee herein specified. The Town Board" -,.may refuse to gr to permit in the event it determines tli} the proposed lice -Is not of good moral character or if the iteme.eoid represent a d to this health, safety, or welfare of the comnjxnky. Section 3. 1.lcense fees. The following. ;,fees for if are hOroy established, to be collected by the ior ,A,t clerk. (a) For any peesonj'bn foot or wvehicle drsMlln by hand ............ ....................................„.......................$2.00 (b) For any person drawn b horse or any other animal Y .................... ....................$5.00 r vehicle or motor truck .................... r .......$5.00 Section 4. DuratioAll licenses Issuedhall terminate oil �Oth day of April next succeeding thereof. Section 5. Rene* of license. License renew ilipplications shall be made In to the town clerk who sh a the same in accordance with,{l»:terms of this article. The ark, before issuing a renewal of art existing license, shall requ tchess County Sheriff to investigate whether the applicant convicted of a crime since the data'of issuance of the origin hq, said Sheriff shall fundsh toy town clerk in writing, t on derived from such inva;tiatMtiitn. In the event that the H "Alas'convicted of a misdem64hor'$ppr a felony, the Town Clerk shalt not renew said license but application must be made to the Town Board. Section 6.. Use of weighing and measu.Ing'devices. All weighing and measuring devices used by peddlers shall be attached to a fixed standard suspended from the vehicle or conveyance used by such pedler, in order to insure the accuracy. Section 7. Identification of vehicle. A person licensed under the provisions of this ordinance and using a vehicle, shall place upon either side of the body of such vehicle the words ” licensed vendor," together with the number of such license. Section 8. Streets not to be obstructed. No person shall stop, either on foot or with any vehicle, in any of the streets, or on any of the sidew^ithown for the purpose of vending any goods or merchandise while actually engaged in selling at any one time. Such sger than permitted by this Section 8 shall be an infrins ordinance and shall ipon conviction be punished as non 9 herein. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. .....13MXM41L I...O.sten ................. of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is. and IR the several times hereinafter was, theEdit0rv4)Ubjjg}L91:... of W. & S.D. NEWS. a newspaper printed and published every Thursday in the year in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for ... one... week successively .... owe. in each week. commencing on the .... 13th . day of.p 19.70and on the following dates thereafter, jqUat . er, namelyon ................................................ and ending on the..I ki ... day of.. At l",st• 19-70 both days inc ve Subscribed and sworn to befo me I this. day of (. • Notary Public ` �•1•� 1 My commission expiresJ­h ��. TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY - NEW YORK ------------------------------- IN THE MATTER OF AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE HAWKING AND PEDDLING ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER ----------------------------------- STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) says: AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on June 14, 1978, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on an Ordinance to Amend the Hawking and Peddling Ordinance of the Town of Wappinger, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, Mill Street, in the Village of Wappingers Falls, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town ofWappinger Sworn to before me this c� day of 1978. Notary Public DOR !.S M. t Notary Pudic.. .i Dutchess Cour ry Commission expires 2Trrch 301914�_ uns • and S. • NEWS DISPLAY ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 914-297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET . WAPPINGERS FALLS LEGAL NOTICES AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Waoainaer Dated: June 13, 1978' State of New York, County of Dutchess. Town of Wappinger. ................:. .... ..,ofthe .....`:..1:........ Town of Wappinger. Dutchess County, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is, and A the several tithes hereinafter was, the. .,:{..,........,-..;.:•l.f.s1)"M1 W. & S.D. NEWS. a newspaper printed and published every Thursday in the year in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County. New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper fox ....94 --week succeuively....R'.'C1:.in each week, commencing on the... day of ....... ,Juner . 19.4 and on the following dates thereafter, namely on ..........................ttti...................... and ending on the ...... 14ay of......Jtute.... 19.11., both days inclusive.K (17 4" -- ( .............................. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..... 14th ..... day of, ........ June ...... 19..7 8 ..... Notary Public Mycommission expires ............................ ALBERT K OSTEIN NOTARY P11B11C,":'.' ` Off: NR1"1 YORK Q"v W.and• s NEWS DISPLAY ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 914-297-3723 84 EAST /MAIN STREET - WAPPINGERS FALLS AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. Beatrice Osten ...........,..............................ofthe Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is, and A the several tithes hereinafter was, theg9794tor790lishe& W. & S.D. NEWS. a newspaper printed and published every Thursday in the year in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for . , one, . . week successively.. ,once. , in each week. commencing on the.. 124h ... day of ....... Iuly...... 197.$ and on the following date& thereafter, narnely on .................... ......... ........ ....... .... and ending on the .... 19.0. day of... JA1Y....... 197.$ both days inclusive. 1 t i. r - Subscribed and sworn to before me this ....12th. ..... day of ...... lulY........... 19..I8 .... Notary Public Mycommission expires ............................ .c �,U iww.ru 4.0 l�SC� i in�Suli vii, ��.L: V