UntitledLJ. m ® D. W DISPLAI' A1)V'ERTISING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 914 297-3723 84 EAST' MAIN STREET-1VAPPINGERS FALLS, f', 12550 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the owner and at his expense and shall be folio EA TAKE N to the Ordinance malntalned so that said pipes and qon- Regulatin Waterand Sewer PI s wu nectlone shall be free of leaks. Upan 9 abandonment of the water service or adopted by the Town Board of tM Town demolition of the bultding, the water of Wappinppar at thelt,ftpulaf meeting, service shall be dug up and shut off at held Apr1116th,19B4: the curb valve by the ppropefty owner The fo►Ielwtng O . of tfffep and at his expense after obbinina ;a aec.uana a. The water service pop or pl s leading . from dwellings r ofMr between the curb valve and the meter or that the wattle aorvlcs shall be dug up and shut off at Itfro main becauspe of the bulldinQQ�,Ithlm this dleti to the abandonm*hf rS live water service or curb wlVe be•install0 by and at the exon of the property owner. The water service pipe or pipes from the demolitlon,of tfigbullding or buildings serviced by water, and that such repairs or shut off shall be made within sewn curb valve to the district water main shall bellnstalled by the water & sewer to days after th iln of such notice districts her, the water &rawer by registered return receipt re- qusstedeftceeptTRt in the event of an dletricte. it furnish the curb valve and the Itfr , fitting thereof on, the Omerpency, as determined by the 1hopetor,Inehall Which case, the water main aide of tris curb valve.. The fitting on he owner aide of � flare Building the npg repair* to be made Immediately. Upon valve. Sanitary sewer service laterals failure of the property owner to act, the Building Inspector shall order the leading from dwellings or other buildings within the districts to the repairs or shut off made and the cost of making the repairs or shut off shall be ed of paved portion of roadway or curb shall be Installed by and at the ex- pense of the property owner. Sanitary paid for bpytthe property owner. lthea plk, Itt. s fon that the xcavaater sower laterals from the :ppaved pportlon of the roadway or curb'to the tllstriCt servitth crystallized,0 a ppoint t permanent repairs cannot be made, then the sewer main shall be Installed by the water & sewer districts. Water & sewer Building Inspector shall order the water service replaced with new service pipe, districts shall not how be respon- =lce and the cost shall be charged against sible to Install water lines or the property owner. sewer service laterals on lots, or from (3) Such repair costs or shut off costs the mains to said lots within existing or new subdivisions. No connection to the water distribution system or the sawer as well .*a engineering and . ad - ministrative coats if undertaken by water & sewer dlstricu II be as main all be made until a permit ed by the Building 1 tor, and 11 iso theretofxshall be Issued by'the Buliding be a Ilan upon realand If ;got Inspector and all such connections or service pipes and fixtures shall be g4aors• atructetf,under and inaccordanow;tlh* Paid wl sixty (ei}idays after th* bi11- ng dab, shall beto acted In the manner as provided In this act for the the "Rulve and RegulationsSewer and Water Hook uta, Town of Wappingsr, collection of taxes or other char*g*e or asseesmentU; In default of their pay - effective June 1,1978" (Insluding all ad- dendums). ment. ' dto existing corpora - b. The water service pl or pi tion valves, service pipes, durb from dwellings or other IdIng wl hin the districts to the curb valve shall be valves or curb boxes occurring prior to completion of any construction, kept In good repair by the property ggrading permanent occupancy of dwells or other buildings within the dlatrlctall at the direction of the Building fin tor be repaired, replac- ed and/or paid for by the property owner or builder before water service to the dwelling or other place Is permanently commenced and allowed. (c) The repairs and replacement to the water as:from the corpoorIa�tion atop to the button main shelf be made by the water & sewer districts and the cost thereof shall be bome by the water & sewer districts. dwelling to tiro portlon�'of he pavesewer roadway of.turb or from e s bMarl . within the d b to theaamsall times t14�talned byowner a sit hie expenses Int manner and subject to the same Town remedies Vo enforcement powers as heretoforeforth for water connep, tion plpss;property owner shall be responsibte: for removing or otherwise remedytmg aayyyy������ and all obstructions or-" from click may occur In the' dwelling' so isees se servlc lateral the oro build go within the districts lip, the Ict sewer main. All expe�ssa relating. to this responsibility shall be paid by tiro property owner. Sectl�t� Thi*. The repairs . and maintell9cs dBiipatlone dsecAlttld In the prtfNdlnp sections shall be oon- tlnual obligations and shall appy.to all watseand sewer service paper pnev". ly Installed In the Town of Wappinger as well as to those subsequently In- stalkddthersin. SeNlon Four. The finding by 9 110urt of competent Jurladictlon of Invellift of any section, subdivision, p .Is or or phrase oft r- dinance shall not affect the validity of any remaining portion as each such portion shall be deemed a separate and distinctprovielon. 0"M �y Phis: To the extent that any law, "Olutlon or ordinance AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. BeatricE- ,sten ........ ............... ............ Ofthe Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several times hereinafter was, the .6o -Edi -Pub 1 _i, -he,- of the W. & S.D. NEWS, a newspaper printed and published every Wednesday in the year in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New Yc14, 1 and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for ... pt?e.... weeks successively. q�lqF . in each week, commencing on the. ..' `�tntiay of ri�r. ISI 4.. and on the following dates thereafter, namely on ................ and ending on the ....1Y : l�.... day of..l� ril 19. & 7. both days inclusive. . .. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... -18th... day of..April.... 19..-j`:....... / .. ...�....................v Notaty Public My commission expires ......................... NOTARY FUDLiC, QUALIFIEC i tl ; # 14 3270760 pp COMMISSION EXPINES MARCH u, 19�?i� of wap Inger held April 18th 1984 at which dime a quorum was present and participated throughout and that the same Is still in force and effect and Is duly entered In the minutes of said meetingy IN WITNE93 WHEREOF, ' ( have F. �n hereunto set my hard and the seal of h Arm the said Town of Wappinger this 17th day of April, 1984'. Elaine H. Snowden E ���@@@ Town Clerk Dated: April 17, 1W4 Town of Wappinger 7 S DISPLAI' ADL'ER7'1S1i%'G CLASSIFIED ADURPSRG 914 297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET--WAPPINGERS FALLS IVY 1 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE thattq; Board of the Town of Wappingo'Will conduct a public hearing on April 16th, 1984 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New. York to hear all .persons concerning an Amendment to the Or- dinance Regulating Water and Sewer Pipes as follows: The. foilowinc Ordinance 'was In - 0 o -3.13LIAX wife iva Xuu ane uiusnaa f—eu—�su�te�e 1ua� S uuyj aaow 10 Buffy xuy I Xjnuaq ayZ • lueaged eax lsel u1 1s11eu131tu1s a se feld 191 11i1s3AliS ss1W •alsdaajgSnod 3o ,Ceg )11goW s,tulf Aq paaosuods pq s► atis '£S kow uo I epeuxeg a111 le AuugiV u1 >q aq 01 Malted uaaZ 's'ft W aql ul 1s11eu1} a uasogo aq seq `Ioo11aS 112111 Au f .of 1e iolunt pue luaptsai jgSIA a `131saM1S auaal ;sljeull;useBed uiF► 111MIset -I AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ;i on ........................................... and ending on the ..... day of. April ' ' . . ' 19.8 . both days inclusive. 01 Subscribed and sworn to before me guthis ....4th .... day of. -April .... 19-84— t �-_�--� --'� �✓ Sul.................... -au Notary Public `lir i! -I ; sIe SIP My commission expires ......................... osTEri NOTA, -,Y iJr.W YORK State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. .........3er-`rice• Oeten .............. of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several times hereinafter was, theGl)—Edito-r—Publisher• of the W. & S.D. NEWS, a newspaper printed and published every Wednesday in the year in the 'Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said 8 • 4� newspaper for ... one,... weeks successively ..pike . in each week, commencing on the. 11th. . day of yy.`,, , i 19.84 . and on the following dates thereafter, namely ;i on ........................................... and ending on the ..... day of. April ' ' . . ' 19.8 . both days inclusive. 01 Subscribed and sworn to before me guthis ....4th .... day of. -April .... 19-84— t �-_�--� --'� �✓ Sul.................... -au Notary Public `lir i! -I ; sIe SIP My commission expires ......................... osTEri NOTA, -,Y iJr.W YORK