A First Family of Wappingers Creek .' .: A FIRST Ffu~ILY OF WAPPINGERS CREE~ Translating the data given to me by Theola Southwell, I have arrived at the following concerning the Brower family's early history in this country. .. .. . You will see from the information sheet that there is a question as to when Jacob Brower, son of Adam Brower and ~~agdalene Verdon, was born. Adam Brower and Magdalene Verdon here married on May 19,~. It is reasonable to assume that their son Jacob was born either in 1664 or 1654. We knoyT that Jacob BrOlier married Anneke Bogardus in 1682. This would place him between 18 and 28 years of age at the time of his marriageo Jacob Brower and Anneke Bogardus had cbildren, one of whom was Jacob Brower born January 28, 1684. ~illother was Adolph Brower. No i~formation is given in Mrs. Southhell's information, as to yThen Ad olphus, Adolph, I Dolf Brower I'ras born. i'i e do know that when he came to Wappingers Creek in 1738 he was tbe father of several children of whom Nicholas was tne eldest. Shortly before his sudden death in July 1739 his nine year old daughter was bitten to death while playi~g on the rocks by the creek. This above information is given by Peter Ze~ger in his newspaper for week of July 13, 1739, at which time he records the death of AdOlphus by being struck by a bolt of ligbtning. . Adolphus' was buried "on a high piece of ground above the creek. I' There are those still living who recall seeing his grave marker in the, cemetery behind Zion Episcopal Church. Mrs. Southwell is a direct descendent of Jacob Brower. The line of descent is as follows: Adam Brower m. Magdalene Verdon Jacob Brower m. Anneke Bogardus Jacob Brower Jr. m. Petronella Montague Cornelius Brower m. 1v'IaryArcher Charles Brower m. Elizabeth Hoff~an Peter Brower m. Margaret Champernoy Martin Van Buren Brower mo 1st Carrie Doughty 2nd Helen C. Gilmore the Of this last (?) union were born Lillian, Henry and Albert Henry Brower married Jemima Smith. parents of Theola Brower who married These last two named are Percy Southwell. They .:> -c: became the parents of Norma Jean Southwell. From the above record we see that Adolphus Brower, founder of Wappingers Creek's first flour mill, was brother of Jacob Brower ancestor of many present residents of Wappingers Falls. These citizens through the generations have been honest, industrious people and have done their bit towards promoting growth, industry and prosperity of our village and surrounding areao .. Before his sudden demise, Adolphus Brower laid the foundation for the present Village of Wapplngers Falls. Documentary proof of Adolphus' property holdings is found in the recordsofDutchess County. Helen r111kinson <Reynolds. has copied many of these records and included them in her book "Old Deeds, Mortgages and Public Papers." The same bolds true for Nicholas Browero Adolphus made his purChase of 755 acres from William Skinner and his wife Elizabeth (so~etimes called Catherine). Elizabeth . Skinner was descendant of one of the Van Cortlands and held property in Wappingers Falls as part of ber sbare of the Rombout Patento Nicholas Brower was the cbief beneficiary of his father Adolphus. By the time of the Revolutionary war the Browers held none of the three houses and two mills which Nicholas and Adolphus had built. Actually only the Yellow Mill and tne stone house could have been built by adolphus as he died within two years of his advent in Wappingers Creek. This leaves the YellOH House, The Red House .and the present Brewer-Mesier Hou$e to the credit of Nicholas as well as the Red Mill. Nicholas, son of Adolphus was married to a woman named Mary . This was from a mortgage and sale to Daniel Gomez Deco 2, 1758. (Liber 1 page 146 Deeds and Mortgages). Mortgages are recorded in 1762, 1763, and. on and on for years. Clinton Clapp tells us that Nicholas Brower lived near the lower part of the village~ Nicpolas Brower was a Captain of the Dutchess County 2nd Regiment Militia. He is referred to in the Clinton Papers on several occasions. Blakeslee refers to Captain Nicholas Brower as a spy for the Continental forces. One of the facts gleaned from the Clinton Papers is the one which refers to him as being a member of the Board of Court Martial. GEr~Ef,LOGY OF THE 000 ~'n::i:R Ii' AiG: LY ""\ "'1 . ".1 ADArr BRO'.'P'P' The above Adam Bro~or, imlcr~tcd gro~ ColonGo, Gor~nny in to the Dutch Colonio, NOi'/ Amotcrd~g Amcrico" in 1642. He occupiod tho old mill at Go\100naS, L.I., "ll~ero, Brooklyn, 1'\.Y. is ~t. tho prooont tl&Ilo.' Ac1o.ril BrO\1Cr mm"rlcd :'iaSdallno Verdon :'IUy 19, 1645 at tho Dutch Colonia or Now Azstcrd~~, Americu. Ad~~ Browor diod in 1698 at tho Dutch CO,lonie ot Ne'" Ai:1sterdo.m, Merica. .. JACOB OR Jl\COD!JS m~O\'.':r;R SRR,. Tho abovo Jacob or J~cobuo Brower w~n tho Done ot Ad~~ Broi'lor and HaGdu11no Verdon. Jacob Drovior \"1~O born J~n. 29, 1664 or 1654. Died no record of doath. ~~e d~tc or birth ot Jacob BrO\'10r in not certo.1n . us Lo.ura. he.a the c1e.to of his birth Jan. 29, 1684. Thin is iwpooniblo, an he cot n~rriod in 1682. Tho dato's I Give are Do gtJ.css, ho must have boon born about. bot"leon the period of 1654 and 1664 o.s they married quite younS 1n those days. Tho said Jacob BrO\'ior married ,A....motzo or Annake BorguduG Jan. 29, 1862. . ~ CHILDREN OF THE ABOVE J.I\COB BR9':;~ AT\'D lIYYE}:B BORGADUS , , 1683 Sybrent Bro \.; or ... .... Born Died Jacob Broi'lor : . " Born Jan. 28,1684 Died '. \'lillinID Drollor Born !.~ny . 8, 1687 Died Evorc.duo Bl"O\'IOr .' Born Doc. 1639 Diod ';'l\ Joh.."'l 131"0\/ er , Born Sopt. ,. 1691 Died i: 0, Anni e El1zab1th Bro,\<{sr Born Oct. 5, 1693 Died Ada::l Bro\':or Born l'Jov. 15, 1694 Died Poter Bro \';er . Dorn r-r o..r . 29, 1696 Died ~.J:D.3do.11n0 Bro\'lor :i3orn Ha.y 8, 1704- Died Ado~ph BrOi-ler Born Diad JACOB OR JACOBUS BRo\':ER JR. ~ho said Jacob or Jacobus ru."o,':or Jr. \';0.8 tho con oZ Jaoob or JacobuG 131"0'1'101' Sr. and. Annotz or Annolco Borcadun. i.inrrlod Jan. 29 ~ 1682. Tho said Jacor Bro\-/or J"J."'.r.lm'riod potronolla. ~,:ontasue or La. !i0l1to.SU0 JM. 29, 1709. Jo.cob BrO\'iaI' Jr. Born Jan. 28, 1684 Died Potronel1a MontaGue or La l"ro:a:i.a.guo Born Di cd ANNETZE OR AN~IEKE BORGADUS Tho above Anneke BoI'So.dus, tho nother of Jacob Brm-:er, Jr. \-Tas a duueh tor of vlllliam BorGudus and hi S ',':ifo, \'lyntzo syorD..i''1t. Ar101~o Borgadus \-lUS 0.100 the gl"D.nd GD..uchter of tho Rovoro.nd EVerc.rduo Borco.dus und h1 s ....:1fo Annctzo or Annol;:o Jc.nD or Jnnz ot tho Tr.1nty Church Mornor-ior, Trlnty Church, Eo\-; Yor1-:, N.Y. Annolco BOl"c:;nduEl \'10.3 o.lso tho croat eremd do.uchtor 0:::' Anno::o Jo.nz or Holland, mother of the Annol,::o Jc.ns or In....''1Z of Tr.1rlty Church r~omorieD. Tho Revorond Evoral~duo Borgadus coercrc.ted to tho D~tch Colonic Now ~stord~, ~~0rica in 1634. Tho ubove reoorda ot __. tho D.bou-o can. bo .found in tho Ro1'ormod Du.tch C~urch. BrOOklyn. :.-...""'......:0.. :::::i:'. "7:r..::;...:' ....,...-,...- l" 'v,'. .......-; -.r,' ..:...._~O . .;' . .1oW'~........... ,.........-.. ~~.., , 1'0' '. N.~. aloo tho ?~o~pont Historical socioty, Pierpont st. Brool:::lyn, N.Y. COHr.!ELI US BrW'::rn .. Tho oaid Cornolius BrO\'iCl'" '\-!aD the son of' In.coo or In.cobus BrO\";Ol~ and Petl"cnollo. r.rontoguo or La. l~ontD.CUo nc.rried Jan. 29, 1709 Jacob or Jacobus Broi':cr BOl"'n JD.~1. 29, 1684. Diod. Petronella. r,rontn.Guo or La HontC1.Guo Born Died Cornclius Bl"'owc~ Born married Nary Archor 17~3 ?~tilly Record Corncliuo Bro"ior Born Dec. 12, 1716 Died oct. 22, 1308 :-;n.ry ArChOl" Born Died CorneliuD BrOi-:er n.nd h10 three Dons sorved 0.0 privCltoo 1n 17'75 in Ca.pt. John Vun t;onschotcn'o Coo- pnny Col. Dirk Brinkerhoff's Reginent or Dutcho3S countj~ II.Y. Thoy served oovan yoo.~o, t~~1nG only two days hODe lc~vo cUl"'inG tho- 'lor" entire sorvico. Cornelius Broi-;or ~d his t:ll."eo cons on1::..otod at Peuchlwcpoio, N.Y. Recol"'do can bo f'o~ncl in tho Al"'chivos 01' state L1bo.ry of Now York, 111 Do.ouQ1toro or tho Revolution MaGD.zine IV No 2 paGe 92 your o~ 1896; also Public Libr~y 42na otroct o..nd 5"~h Avo, :NC',-; york, N.Y.; also in tho tIm! Ha.rlem Rocoro.o by Toler in tho Pierpont. Hintor'icc.l Socioty, Pierpont st. BrOOklyn, N.Y.; o.1so \~ar Dept. Adjutant Goncral'o Or~ica \'lushinstong D. C.; also in Public Po..poro 0-;: GeorGo Clinton' a Private Papers Vol. 4g pace 235 Art. 3784 19-13-S I Od dated Doo. 10, 1782 isouod to Cornolius .Brover for sor'~co as Private in oaptain Gilbe~t's I. LivinGston C nJ~Y, of ~t. Col. Fred- orick ~ossenro1ts ReGioonto COl"'tifl~~ta o~ Preazuro MnnUGoript Record Vol. L-10 New York state Libr~y Alb~J' N.Y. CHARLBS BRO\'iF.R . , Tho so.1d Chm"'leo Broi':or ,.:us D. 30:'1 of Cornelius Broi'ler and Hnry ArchOl" t1al"rled 1753 Family Record. Corncliuo Bro',-;or Born Doc. l2, 1716 Died Oct. 22a 1808 Ha.ry ArchOJ." .2ol"l1 Died I36l"th parontn of Charles BrO,\'IOl" bUl"ied in \':2.)pingel"'s Fo.fla cem- etory Wo.ppinGors Falls~ Dutchess Co., N.Y. The S~d Ch~"les ..~~'..":~' . ...~ '~":~.:~~ ~ -_.:I~'(~'!~, !>~"" .~ :r.... :".:....:~. ":'.~.-;."_'~':. _._~ ..,.-....__.._ "':~~ Broi'ler married Eli zi beth HofflJD.n Oct. 26, 1791 Charles BrO\-ler Born M~"ch. 16, 1769 Diod AUG. 1858 Eliziboth Hofman Born l769 Died 1847 Charles BrO\'ler and his V:lte Elizo..beth Ho?fmo.n ro."'o both buried in tho Zion Episcopal Church yard, WapplnGor"s Falls, N.Y. PETER BROt'iER T'ao said Poter BrO\'ior \"It:1.0 0. son of: Chc..rles Bro.\;er Dnd Eliziboth Hoffman married Oct. 26, 17910peter Ir.cOi-ror wc.rriod ~~a.rGQ.l"0t Champiol1or or Cha.:::lpernoy or Sha")crnoy in 1811 Fo..llily Record Peter BrOi-IOr Born Juno 24, 1792 Died Doc. 17, 1872 _ Ho.rGroto Championor Born Aug. 3~ 1796 D1ed A~3. 3, 1871 Both Peter :SrO~-le:c" and his \-;11'0 Harcreto Chc..rJpionor aro buriod. in the \'Jappinccro 1i'0.110, Comotary, Vlo.pplnGero Fulls, IT .Y. Peter l3l"'O"'lor lias 0. f1for in Capt. Abner Bunno1s cO:::Jpany let Do..vio Hocimont HO'\-l Yorlc sto.te KDJ.i tia \':m" of 1812. 'l'hi3 Gorvice becc..."1 Doc. 2.lt, 1813 and onded gar. 30, 1814 ho had six days hO:1o leavo during that time. Ho served p~t of his tiNc in D.. 103 fort, lli1oro tho city of Buffalo N.Y. is at the prosont tino. For records o.p~)ly to tho l'/or Dept. AdJutont Q-oneral' a Office \.: aal".1n.:. ton, D. C . ]tll.RTI N VAN BUREn BROi'JER : ...i MARTAI!'! VAN BU~F.J~ B~~O\:ER '" Tho sa.id r,;a.rtin vnn Buron BrO\;"Ol'" '.ms a son of' Peter Bro~':or ~~d MarGroto Champlonor or Champornoy or Sha.~0rnoy. wa.rricd in 1311 Fnm:lly Record Nm..t.ln V;xn Duren BrO';ior Eorn l.rD-rch 15. 1837 Died :.~::.rch 2, 1898. l.:a.rriod first v;ifo currle DOUU.l.ty 20rn 1840. mm'riecl oocond ";1fo Born Doc. 25. 1845 Helon C. Gili:';ore, diod HOV. 3. 1893 Hart.in Brov:or hacl 3 children one daucht,er Lilli c.n, 2 Dona Henry c..nd Albert Brollor. DauGhter Lillian died in 1898. Albort wan born AUGuot 2g~ 1865 - died ~C~. 2, 1933. Henry linn bo~~ Sept. 18, 1870 died November 16, 1939. Albert waG narried/ to Jennio Bird ----Thoy had throe children , ono boy Albort, . 2 dc.u,-::htcl"s Grace BrO"lor and Edna :i3ro\';or. Tho boy died at tllO yec.ra: Graco Drower smlt.h died at 42 yoars in July 8t~ 1930. Eru1a Brower Gosman born Feb. 17, 1896 -- died June 20, 1948 at 57 yexes of ago. -Henry BrO\'lor married Jer.-.1mn. Soi th :.:c-.y 25, 1098 Henry had one dauehter, Thoola., DauGht0r Thoola i'ms boi..";l 1.~c.rch 1~, 1902 ---.marri0d percy Southwell March 17, 1934. ~~ool~ had one daughter, Norma. Jean Southi1al1. Norma. bar-A July 2, 1936. GE~EJ.i..OGY OF THE HOFFI{AN OR HUFFMAN FAilILY r'!ARTIN HOFl7'~.7AN on IHWF'HAN ... Tho sn..id No.rtln Hof'fiiW.r. or }iuffr:Hln \':no bOl"n o:t Rvcl or Rovnl 'Si';odon in 1625. Dioa. j.ic.rtln IIoffr.lan o:':wrc:r....tcd ~row S',';oc1cn to tho Dutcl]. Colonio NO\-l Ar..st,or<3.o....a,? Ar.rorica. 1n 1654. l,:n.rt,in Hoffmo.n \'1['1.0 married t\':iC0. No children by f1rot '\':ii'o. . Pl vo ch11dron bol"'n by second \Vifo. :~['.t.J:'J~in ~loff'mD.n om-riccl firat \';ifo Eli zl bot,h He:rr.w.n t s in 1660 she died. Ho rocord of Birth or denth of Eliziboth Horr:;ono. Me..rtin Hoff~un mal"l"ioc1 socond wifo Enonzlto Dowitt um". 16, 1664 no record of bith or doath of' Em~nzlte Dewitt. NI CHOLAS PO)??!: I~N OR HUFFi.7AN 'l'ho said Nlcholaa Hoffmo.n or Huffman \-lClO 0. son of j'.~o.rtin . Hof'fmc.."I"}. or Huffman und Emo~1z1tc De\'Jitt marj,"ied ~,1c.r. 16, 1664. nicholas I'Joffman marriod J.:moteze Criopoll Dec. 30, 1704. Nicholas Hoffman was born in 1680 diad' Janotezo crispell \-:0.0 born 1682 d~.ed . Nicholas Ho ~f;nD.n \-:a.G DeD.n in tho old Dutch Church at Kingston~ N.Y. Bo vas a trustoo of a corporation 1n Kingston, N.Y. in 1712-1720-1726-1737. nO ^ signed for a chart.er fror:l King GoorGe Hov. 17. 1729 0.150 signed.- ~ by petor stuyvesant President of the colonic. Record of the . ~j above in the ReGonts of the stato University of New York. CHARLSS HOTo'F?,;A:r OR HUF?;.':AN The oaid Cho.rloa Hoffman or Huffman \'mn a. son of !,;1cholc:J.s. Hoffman or Huffm~~ ~~d Jcnotazo Crispell married Dec. 30, 1704. cho.rlos Hoffman mD.l'riod Eli zc.both Sypher --------C11ul"108 P.ofi'mnn . born 1727 died 1808 Elizabeth Sypher born 1734 or 1737 died 1805 or 1808. Elizabeth Sypher born Tho Buid Charloo Hoffman sorved as un E'tlolcn in Co.pt. "Tohn Van Bonschoten' s compo.ny Col. Dirk Brinlcorhoff' a Roclo0nt of ::11i tin. Dutchess countjr~ N.Y. He \'lao in servico from oct. 9, 1777 to Oct. 28, 1779 \\'11110 sorvinG "':i th tho above compu.."1Y und ~cGimont he "iUS 23 days on 0.."1. oxpedi tion t9 peoh:skill GuardinG tho I!udcon Ri var. Cha.rles Hoffman \'laS n. creat pntroi t and ho fed in his Homestead many Patroi ts. The Old Homestoad 1s still str..ncli.ng 4 miles bolo\'1 pouGhkoepclo I N.Y. Tho rocords of tho above 'Cluy be found in tho Archives of tho Sta.te of New york, Vol 15 paso 395 Edd1tod by Burthold; aleo 111 DaUGhters of the Revolution muco.zino Vol. IV No.2 your 1896 pc..:.;o 92 Public Libray NOl'! Yorl-:, 'I: .Y. also in tho Novl Harlom r,~co:rc1s by Tohler in tho p~orpont Hin- torlcl?.1 Society, PiOrp()~l"t, :; ., Drooldyn, N.Y. also in tho i"!(l.D Dcp~toont, Adjutant Gonorc.i's Offico, WunhinGton, D.C.; Ch~len lioffraM \'1<10 an Elder in "tho Old DUtch Church of' r.ro'\'; Ha.c:~cnso.ok, Dutchess County, N.Y. ehe.rlos Hoffman VIo.O tho futher of 13 children. Charles Boffman his wiro Elizabeth sypher Hof~wnn and children o.re buried in tho Private Burial Gl"ounda on the ~'!e:Jtorvo1t FOJJily Farm at Spockonl,::11l Dutchess County, N.Y. For record of the abovo burinl erolU1(ln seo Records of Dutchoss county Historical Society, Old Grnv00tonoa of Dutchoss county, N.Y. poucher Roynolds Col1octions ~ Volume II PaGo 234. Va.'"l Bonschoton G.L\ounds Adiance Memorial Library POUV1keopoie, N.Y. Also Rocord ot birth . ot Mortin Hol"i'm0l1 may be tound in the above reoorda. EU /'.1\ i~E:r?H mW:'iiAN on HO)i'?i:ArJ Eli zc.both Hoi'fmm'l no.uc;htoj.'" oi' Clw.r103 I:oi":tr.H:'..n ~nd 211 zc..both Sypher marriod no r'oco:.."'d. Eli zc..oGth :{olZrJo.r. \'1~3 ~a:rr>ioc1 to C11o.r100 u.."'O\':Ol'" oct. 26, 1791 Eliza-bat.h Eo:.:'faO-"1 Born 1769 Diod 1847 Chm--1os BrO\Wl" BOj."'l1 :~o.r. 16, 1769 Died AUG. 18S3 Elizabet,} Hoffwo...'1 and her Husbc.nd Charles BrO\'iOr arc bot:.. buricd in tho Zion E:9isoopo,J. CnUl"ch Y~"'c1, \'lapplncars Falls, Dutchoso CO\4l..ty, lJm'/ YOl"'k .. " .' . r . BELm; I S THE DATE T AKEi'J ?RO~I THE HEADSTONES I X THE ?RI VI, ':':8 BURIAL GBOUNDS ON THE OLD HO:'fESTEAD FAR;": O? THE \'iEST:::RVEL':' F A!.~I LY . . , I IN :.:mmBY OF CE:U1Li::S HOF'?MAN j';HO D2.::i')/\RTED THIS LIFE APRIL 11~th, 1808) IN THE 8lot OF HIS AGE .... \ 'j I .,-, I j'In ~'lE:.:ORY OF I C;U.nL~S C. I-rU?F:.rAN I \;FIO D~:?Jd1TED TEIS LIFE OCT. 11th 1817 I ~~ ~HE 49th lYEt.7\ OF HIS AGE IN ;.Tlo;:mRY 01!' ELIZADSTH HOF?!~J\X THE ',.:I?E OF CH1\RLE8 IIUFFHAJ."IJ' "!HO D~':P fl. 1 \'l'ED TEl S 1..1 FE JUNE 15th 1805 AGE 71 YE.'\..qS IN Z,:BZ.rORY I I I I / OF SINAL LEROY ~:IFE OF DANI EL HOFFHlili \1HO DIED NOV. 26i 1846 AGED 68 YEARS 2 ~.' ~ ALSO FOUND THESE T\'JO HEADSTONES J..DOUT 50 ?E:2:T FROH 'l'HE. ABOVE HEADSGJONES. THESE SIX HEADSTONES !..RE ALL I COUND FIND THAT ~;AS READABLE. THERE WAS 30 PERSONS BlmIED ON T~E SHILL. I N l1El.~ORY OF ELI AS ~1EYERS SON OF SAHUEL 11E'lERS \'lHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE ' SEPT. 11th 18051 AGED 19 YEARS . 9 :.:mJTHS I 7 DAYS I /' I II HE:mRY I OF " SAt':UEL S. =.:Y:~iS SON OF SAi.:"'LJAL 1.rEYERS I \\'HO DEP ARTZn THIS LIFE JULY 2t 1809 AGED 17 YEARS 6 HONTHS 9 DAYS ~, !., .,",'.'- . ! . J , t ... C ? -0 _ -v I~ ~ IX) i~ Ip to.- I I j I I~D l....~ l~ \ I...::- !€: I ~ j ~ !Sl:::> . lPO I..,. i7' C -.0 (') ..,. V' ~~ '<. p' I <-- ... .'.' ~ O(J :2 (J\~;? t.. e :3 ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ -.... ~ H~H~ -~ ....... )0_ '""- ~ ~ i I n- I~ 1(\1 I I 1 1 . 0 t "~--_....-l ~ r':> \f"' 11'.> ~("' Co .0( "t.G,. C' (" 9~~ A 9 . 'l .... {;.) . 0"2,. (' 'to /' \._..... '" 't ' .c ,. 9,.... ('"'t.- cfo <"\I' Y'\ '" o /.... 0/ ..... ~ e -,:. ,x ~ ~ "t- o ,Pc;. '"': 't.. ~'y ~. , '~, ~ " " "t,. , . ,\ -' ~ .....- . 0- ~ :-1) (') ~ ~ ~ ,~ \~ ~ I' I \ I S r ~\ ~ Hk ~ II , .J~ t.,. I de,., () I"" . ~ e,Y t .., r (:,Grs ,. i 8u ~,'o..l . lBarlSC.ho f!,/J I.lelt . { 0."; J vJe.~ T e'" r::- 'r yYt [ GO'f rJ. \i ro. .....V'" . r J Fo.yr\', Je.s. . ~\~ 0\:\ 3'1~yY\I\.<eGp(te. ...... '%- '1,0..... rJ ~'1 V\ . 11r~ C\. be.\oV> ro Q . ~ ~ ~ () I I c 1 ~ U,S.9 l.n ~ I I -~ in A~n'~d ~~3A~~~g~M ~H~ ~o ~h~d avz~S~~OH a~o 3:HL 1-!O 8CIllilOH-D TI rED'] SJNA I~d 8:H.L ~o NOI.LVOO'! ~o :-:o.:.s:-:s \