2002-12-09 RGMMonday, December 9, 2002 7:30pm Wappinger Town Hall AGENDA Call to Order Roll Call, Salute to the Flag Certificate of Appreciation Presentation Suspension of Rules for Public Comment on Agenda Items Discussions: Milea Hudson Valley Truck Center Architectural Review Board Subdivision Regulations -Five Year Flag Lot Driveway Mazochi Lateral Connection Correspondence Log: 2002CL-848 to 2002CL-863 Resolutions: 2002-331 Resolution Amending Town Board Schedule 2002-333 Authorizing the Town Board to Submit a Grant Application to the Greenway Conservancy for the Hudson River Valley for Planning Funds for the Development and Construction of Recreational Trails at Greystone Estate 2002-334 Resolution to Authorize the Town Comptroller to Encumber Funds from the 2002 Budget for the Purpose of Constructing a T -Ball Dugout at Robinson Lane 2002-335 Budget Amendments 2002-336 Resolution to Appoint Deputy Zoning Administrator 2002-337 Resolution Authorizing Supervisor to Sign Proposal for Mazochi Sewer Lateral 2002-338 Acceptance of Correspondence Log 2002-339 Resolution Designating the Town Board as Lead Agency for the Atlantic Mortgage Rezone New Business/Comments Adjournment 12/09/2002.RGM The final meeting for 2002 of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger was held on December 9, 2002 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York. SUPERVISOR RUGGIERO opened the meeting at 7:31 p.m. Joseph Ruggiero, Supervisor Robert Valdati, Councilman ` Vincent Bettina, Councilman Christopher Colsey, Councilman Joseph Paoloni, Councilman Gloria J. Morse, Town Clerk Others Present: Jay Paggi, Engineer to the Town Al Roberts Attorney to the Town Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent At this time, Supervisor Ruggiero distributed Certificates of Appreciation to the members of the Senior Center and Recreation who helped put the lovely Christmas display up in our Town Hall. Before the start of the meeting, Richard Cantor, Attorney for the Rezoning Application for Atlantic Mortgage Bankers explained that he had a prior commitment and is requesting Resolution 2002-339 be placed at the top of the agenda for the boards consideration RESOLUTION NO. 2002-339 TOWN OF WAPPINGER TOWN BOARD ATLANTIC MORTGAGE BANKERS, INC. COORDINATED REVIEW AND ESTABLISHMENT OF LEAD AGENCY The following resolution was moved by Councilman Colsey and seconded by Councilman Valdati WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York has received the petition of Atlantic Mortgage Bankers, Ltd. to rezone a 0.52 acre parcel from the R -2F 2 -Family Residence District to the HB Highway Business District (the "Proposed Action"); and WHEREAS, the 0.52 -acre parcel is located on the easterly side of Route 9 approximately 600 feet south of the intersection of Route 9 and Smithtown Road in the R -2F 2 -Family Residence Zoning District and is otherwise known as Tax Lot 6156-02-737984 (the "Site"); and WHEREAS, the rezoning request was accompanied by a full Environmental Assessment Form (Part 1) dated 11.5/01 and conceptual site plan entitled "Site Plan for SLD Holdings Ltd.," prepared by Day, Oswald an Gillespie, and dated 12/5/01; and WHEREAS, at its November 4, 2002 meeting, the Planning Board recommended the rezoning, provided that the development of the site be 1 12/09/2002.RGM limited to a 6,000 square foot office building and as set forth in the petitioner's application; and WHEREAS, the Proposed Action involves other agencies, including: the Town of Wappinger Planning Board; the Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals (should an area variance be required); The Dutchess County Health Department; the New York State Department of Transportation; and the New York State Department of Environmental conservation; and WHEREAS, the Town Board proposes to be the Lead Agency with regard to the Proposed Action under the procedures and requirements of the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR). NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Town Board hereby adopts and incorporates the recitations and statements set forth above as if fully set forth an resolved herein. 2. The Proposed Action, as herein defined, together with all other necessary approvals for the construction of a 6,000 square foot office building, is subject to both SEQR and the Town of Wappinger Environmental Quality Review Law (WEQR). 3. The Proposed Action is an Unlisted Action pursuant to both SEQR and WEQR. 4. The Town Board hereby declares its intention to act as Lead Agency for the environmental review of the Proposed Action and to provide for a coordinated review. 5. The Town Clerk shall circulate a copy of this resolution, as lead agency notice and the application materials to the following involved agencies: a. The Town of Wappinger Planning Board; b. The Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals; C. The Dutchess County Health Department; d. The New York State Department of Transportation; and e. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a roll call vote, which resulted as follows: JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Aye ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilman Voting Aye VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman Voting Aye JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilman Voting Aye CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman Voting Aye The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted. DISCUSSIONS • Milea Hudson Valley Truck Center. Larry Paggi, PE distributed three plan sheets for the above project to the board members. The first being a K 12/09/2002.RGM site plan of the existing conditions. The next is a grading plan of the site to the south of the developed area which would facilitate potential future development and/or expansion of the existing facility, and the third plan has been prepared to assist in the towns review of the grading plan. He is currently reviewing the Towns standards for automotive use for the site and will be coordinating those modifications of the site with the Town. This site has been used for heavy equipment or truck sales since the early 60's. He understands that a rezone is required of this property in order to facilitate the existing use and is here tonight to request that rezoning. Discussion followed. ACTIONS TAKEN. Dan Wery, Town Planner to draft a memo to the Town Board and Planning Board outlining the site plan issues incorporating the restrictions that were outlined and agreed to. • Architectural Review Board. Town Planner Dan Wery gave a presentation on design guidelines to develop new town standards. ACTIONS TAKEN. Dan Wery to obtain sample of designs for the Town Board. to go over. • Subdivision Regulations. Dan Wery explained that we have had a number of applications that have obtained preliminary subdivision plat approval and have been getting extensions for quite a few years and many applications were designed under old standards. The Planning Board discussed subdivisions and the need for a five year limit on extensions. They wish to send their recommendation to the Town Board to authorize Mr. Wery to amend the language to Chapter 217 of the Town of Wappinger Subdivision Regulations to include a five-year cap on extensions of preliminary subdivision approvals. Discussion followed. • Flag Lot Driveway. Dan Wery announced that the Planning Board at their November 18th meeting discussed lots and the required 50 -foot right- of-way. They are recommending the Town Board authorize Dan to amend the language for the Section 240-20 to include provisions that a flag lot be required to have the access of 50 -feet consistent for the road to the lot. Mr. Wery also presented draft amendments to the Subdivision Regulations that will need to be reviewed and adopted by the Planning Board and subsequently approved by the Town Board pursuant to Section 271.13 of Town Law. Discussion followed. • Mazochi Sewer Lateral. Jay Paggi, Engineer to the Town went over the proposal from Nenni Equipment to install a sewer lateral connection to the Mazochi property at 2516 Route 9D. The Resolution of adoption will follow. 3 12/09/2002.RGM RESOLUTION NO. 2002-331 RESOLUTION AMENDING TOWN BOARD SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS The following Resolution was introduced by Councilman Colsey and seconded by Councilman Valdati. WHEREAS, the Town Board has heretofore established a Schedule of Town Board Meetings for Calendar Year 2002; and WHEREAS, due to holiday vacation schedules and other commitments, several of the Town Board Members have requested that the Schedule of Town Board Meetings for the month of December be amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set forth and adopted herein. The Town Board Meetings scheduled for December 23, 2002 at 7:30 p.m. is hereby cancelled. The regularly scheduled Town Board Meetings heretofore established by the Town Board shall be resumed commencing with the January 6, 2003 Town Board Meeting. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Aye ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilman Voting Aye CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman Voting Aye VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman Voting Aye JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilman Voting Aye The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-333 AUTHORIZING THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER TO SUBMIT A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE GREENWAY CONSERVANCY FOR THE HUDSON RIVER VALLEY, INC. FOR PLANNING FUNDS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION OF RECREATIONAL TRAILS AT GREYSTONE ESTATE. The following Resolution was introduced by Councilman Bettina and seconded by Councilman Paoloni. WHEREAS, The Town Board of Wappinger will submit to the Greenway Conservancy for the Hudson River Valley, Inc., an application for 2002 Greenway Conservancy grant funds which will be used for the planning and development of trailways on the grounds of Greystone Estate; and 4 12/09/2002.RGM WHEREAS, In addition to applying for such funds, the Town of Wappinger will provide matching funds of 100% in the form of cash, in-kind services, or a combination of both to assist the total project cost not to exceed $10,000; and WHEREAS, The Supervisor of the Town of Wappinger has requested authorization to file a grant application for funding with the Greenway Conservancy for the Hudson River Valley, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $10,000. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Honorable Joseph Ruggiero, Supervisor of the Town of Wappinger, is hereby authorized and directed to file an application for funds not to exceed $10,000 from the Greenway Conservancy for the Hudson River Valley, Inc. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Aye ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilman Voting Aye CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman Voting Aye VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman Voting Aye JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilman Voting Aye The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-334 RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN COMPTROLLER TO ENCUMBER FUNDS FROM THE 2002 BUDGET FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING A T -BALL DUGOUT AT ROBINSON LANE The following Resolution was introduced by Councilman Paoloni and seconded by Councilman Colsey. WHEREAS, due to poor weather conditions the Town Recreation Committee has not completed the building of the T -Ball dugout at Robinson Lane Recreation Park; and WHEREAS, the Recreation Committee has requested the Town Comptroller to encumber $2,700 (Two -thousand, seven -hundred dollars) payable to Bracaden Construction from Recreation account A-7110.4. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth and adopted herein. The Town Comptroller is hereby authorized to encumber $2,700 (Two - thousand, seven -hundred dollars) payable to Bracaden Construction from Recreation account A-7110.4 in accordance with a letter dated December 4, 2002 from Ralph Holt, Recreation Chairman, to the Supervisor and Town Board. 5 12/09/2002.RGM The Recreation Committee is authorized to construct a T -Ball dugout at Robinson Lane Recreation Park in 2003 using funds from the 2002 Town Budget. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: Real Property Tax JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Aye ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilman Voting Aye CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman Voting Aye VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman Voting Aye JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilman Voting Aye The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-335 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND TRANSFERS The following Resolution was introduced by Councilman Colsey and seconded by Councilman Valdati. WHEREAS, the Comptroller to the Town of Wappinger, Gerald A. Terwilliger, has recommended certain amendments to the Town budget as set forth in a letter dated December 9, 2002 from Gerald A. Terwilliger, Comptroller, to Supervisor and Town Board Members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: 1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set forth and adopted herein. 2. The Town Board hereby authorizes the following amendments to the Town of Wappinger Budget adopted for the calendar year of 2002: A)General Fund — Budget Adjustments Increase A2089 Other Cultural and Recreation Income 16,000.00 Increase A7110.400 Parks C/E $16,000.00 Increase revenues and expenditures for Robinson Lane Paving. Transfer Parkland Trust approved by Town Board September 23, 2002 Increase A2410 Rental of Red Property $45,000.00 Increase A9950.900 Transfer to Capital Project $45,000.00 To transfer additional rents not budgeted to Greystone Restoration Project Increase A1090 Interest and Penalties Real Property Tax $5,500.00 Increase A3005 Mortgage Tax $135,600.00 Increase A3040 State Aid -STAR Program $12,000.00 Increase A1420.400 Attorney $80,000.00 Increase A1620.450 Miscellaneous $22,000.00 Increase A1680.400 Central Dutchess Processing C/E $15,000.00 Increase A5010.100 Transportation Highway/PS $10,000.00 Increase AA9010.800 State Retirement $6,200.00 Increase A9040.800 Worker's Compensation $2,400.00 M 12/09/2002.RGM Increase A6050.800 Unemployment Insurance $3,500.00 Increase A9060.800 Hospital and Medical Insurance $13,500.00 Increase revenues and expenditures projected in the 2002 budget B)General Fund -Budget Transfers Increase A1110.199 Justice Court/PS/Comp. Time $1,500.00 Increase A1110.400 Justice Court/CE $5,500.00 Decrease A1110.100 Justice Court/PS $5,800.00 Decrease A1110.102 Justice Court/Equipment $1,200.00 Increase A1355.199 Increase A1315.100 Decrease A1355.100 Assessor/PS/Comp. Time $5,000.00 Comptroller/PS $1,600.00 Assessor/PS $6,600.00 Increase A1355.400 Assessor/CE $2,200.00 Decrease A1355.200 Assessor/Equipment $2,200.00 Increase A1410.199 Town Clerk/PS Comp. Time $1,000.00 Decrease A1110.100 Justice Court/PS $1,000.00 Increase A1410.400 Town Clerk/CE $2,000.00 Decrease A1410.200 Town Clerk/Equipment $2,000.00 Increase A1620.199 Building/PS Janitorial Comp. Time $1,500.00 Decrease A1620.100 Building/PS Janitorial $1,500.00 Increase A1330.400 Tax Collector/CE $2,600.00 Increase A1950.400 Taxes and Assessments on Property $12,800.00 Increase A3310.400 Traffic Control/Public Safety $2,000.00 Increase A19990.500 Educational/CE $7,000.00 Decrease A1930.000 Judgements/Claims-Tax Cert. $18,100.00 Increase A5010.400 Transportation/Highway/CE $750.00 Decrease A5010.200 Transportation Highway/Equipment $750.00 Increase A1620.200 Building/Equipment Increase A1620.420 Xerox Copies Decrease A1620.400 Central Hudson Increase A1620.410 Telephone Decrease A1620.430 Vehicle Gas Decrease A1620.470 Carpets Decrease A7110.400 Park/CE Increase A7020.100 Culture/Recreation/PS Increase A7020.199 Cultural/Recreation/PS Comp. Time Increase A7110.100 Parks/PS Increase A7110.199 Parks/PS Comp. Time Increase A7620.100 Senior Citizens/PS Increase A7620.100 Senior Citizens/PS Comp. Time Decrease A1140.100 Playgrounds/Rec/PS Decrease A7110.400 Parks/CE Increase A1660.400 Central Storage/CE Increase A1670.400 Central Printing and Mailing Decrease A5132.400 Garage/CE $2,600.00 $1,000.00 $3,600.00 $7,000.00 $3,000.00 $1,000.00 $3,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,800.00 $7,000.00 $1,000.00 $3,800.00 $1,200.00 $2,000.00 $13,800.00 $4,000.00 $5,000.00 $9,000.00 To transfer between budget lines to cover expenditures. C) General Fund -Town Outside Village -Budget Amendments r1 12/09/2002.RGM Increase B2115Planning Board Fees $26,680.00 Increase B2590Building Permits $35,000.00 Increase B3410.401 Fire Inspector Vehicle Gas $250.00 Increase B3410.402 Fire Inspector -Vehicle Repair $450.00 Increase B3410.403 Fire Inspector -Telephone $920.00 Increase B3620.201 Bldg. Insp. Equip. Filing System $15,000.00 Increase B3620.400 Building Inspector C/E $2,000.00 Increase B3620.401 Building Inspector Vehicle Gas $1,200.00 Increase B3620.402 Building Inspector Vehicle Repairs $800.00 Increase B3620.403 Building Inspector Telephone $1,840.00 Increase B8010.400 Zoning Board/CE $500.00 Increase B8015.400 Zoning Department/CE $750.00 Increase B8015.401 Zoning Department/Vehicle Gas $200.00 Increase B8015.402 Zoning Department/Vehicle Repairs $250.00 Increase B8015.402 Zoning Department/Telephone $1220.00 Increase B8020.400 Planning Department/CE $15,850.00 Increase B8020.403 Planning Department/Telephone $450.00 Increase B3120.400 Vandalism Patrol $5,000.00 Increase B8160.400 Refuse and Garbage/CE $7,500.00 Increase B8162.400 Recycle/CE $7,500.00 Increase revenues and expenditures 2002 budget. D) General Fund - Town Outside Village- Budget Transfers Increase B3410.400 Fire Inspector $1,100.00 Decrease B3410.200 Fire Inspector $1,100.00 Increase B3620.100 Building Inspector/PS $7,000.00 Increase B3620.199 Building Inspector/PS Comp. Time $1,500.00 Decrease B7310.100 Youth Programs/PS $8,500.00 Increase B3620.200 Building Inspector/Equipment $2,600.00 Decrease B3120.200 Vandalism Patrol/Equipment $2,600.00 Increase B6410.400 Printing and Advertising $4,500.00 Decrease B5182.400 Street Lighting $4,500.00 Increase B8015.40 Zoning Department/CE $500.00 Decrease B8015.200 Zoning Department/Equipment $500.00 Increase B9010.800 State Retirement Increase B9040.800 Workers Compensation Decrease B9050.800 Unemployment Insurance Increase B7550.400 Celebrations Decrease B7310.40 Youth Programs/CE Increase B8160.400 Refuse and Garbage/CE Decrease B8160.100 Refuse and Garbage/PS Increase B8162.400 Recycle/CE $3,500.00 Decrease B8162.100 Recycle/PS $3,500.00 $500.00 $700.00 $1,200.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 Transfer between budget lines to cover expenditures E) Highway Fund -Budget Transfers Increase DB9010.800 State Retirement $3,500.00 Increase DB9055.800 Disability Insurance $500.00 r Decrease Increase Decrease 12/09/2002.RGM DB9040.800 Workers Compensation $4,000.00 DB9730.600 BAN Principal DB9730.700 BAN Interest $250.00 $250.00 To transfer between budget items to cover expenditures. F) Wappinger Sewer Phase 3A — Budget Transfers Voting Increase SV9710.600 Sewer Bonds -Principal $39,000.00 Increase SV9710.700 Serial Bonds Interest $365.00 Increase SV9730.700 BAN Interest $9,650.00 Decrease SV8120.400 Sewer Collection System $16,175.00 Decrease SV8130.400 Sewer Treatment and Disposal $32,840.00 To transfer between budget items to cover expenditures. G) Community Development Funds - Martz Field Handicap Accessible Bathroom Project $55,000 has to be transferred from the Parkland Trust Fund to the project to cover contracts awarded for project and architectural fees. 3. The Town Comptroller, Gerald Terwilliger is hereby authorized to make any additional budget transfers and adjustments as needed for the purpose of closing year-end for 2002. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Aye ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilman Voting Aye CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman Voting Aye VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman Voting Aye JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilman Voting Aye The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-336 RESOLUTION APPOINTING DEPUTY ZONING ADMINISTRATOR The following Resolution was introduced by Councilman Valdati and seconded by Councilman Colsey. WHEREAS, the Wappinger Town Board has conducted interviews for the purpose of appointing a Deputy Zoning Administrator; and WHEREAS, the Wappinger Town Board has found Susan Dao to be the individual capable of performing the duties of Deputy Zoning .. + Administrator, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Susan Dao is hereby appointed as the Town of Wappinger Deputy Zoning Administrator. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Aye ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilman Voting Aye CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman Voting Aye IGE 12/09/2002.RGM VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman Voting Aye JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilman Voting Aye The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-337 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SUPERVISOR TO SIGN PROPOSAL FOR MAZOCHI SEWER LATERAL CONNECTION The following Resolution was introduced by Councilman Valdati and seconded by Councilman Bettina. WHEREAS, the Town of Wappinger previously authorized the formation a Sewer Lateral Connection to the Mazoci property at 2516 Route 9D, Wappingers Falls, NY; and WHEREAS, Nenni Equipment Corp. has submitted a proposal in the amount of $8,612.08 (Eight thousand, Six Hundred, twelve dollars and six cents) to complete this project; and WHEREAS, the Engineer to the Town has approved and recommended the proposal from Nenni Equipment Corp; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set forth and adopted herein. The Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor to sign the proposal submitted by Nenni Equipment Corp. in the amount of $8,612.08 (Eight thousand, Six Hundred, twelve dollars and six cents). The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Aye ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilman Voting Aye CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman Voting Aye VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman Voting Aye JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilman Voting Aye The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-338 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PLACEMENT OF CORRESPONDENCE LOG ON FILE The following Resolution was introduced by Councilman Bettina and seconded by Councilman Valdati BE IT RESOLVED, that the letters and communications itemized on the attached Correspondence log are hereby accepted and place on file in the Office of the Town Clerk. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Aye ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilman Voting Aye 10 VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilman CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted. 12/09/2002.RGM Voting Aye Voting Aye Voting Aye CORRESPONDENCE LOG 2002CL- 848 TO 2002CL-863 2002CL - 0848 TOW Zoning Board Dan Wery 11/12/0 11/12/02 Fernwood Floral 2002CL - 0849 Rudy Neuss Charles 11/20/0 11/22/02;DeGarmo Hill Road 2002CL - 0850 Joseph Ruggiero Peter Marlow 11/8/02 11/12/02 CWWIA 2002CL - 0851 Michael Nowicki George Nieves 11/12/02 Permit App 2002CL - 0852 Cheryl Macri Joseph Paggi 11/12/0 11/12/02 Cider Mill Loop 2002CL - 0853 William 11/21/0 11/25/02 News Release 2002CL - 0854 Harry Serviss Charles 11/19/0 11/22/02 99-2R 2002CL - 0855 Joseph Ruggiero Joseph Pagqi 11/19/0 11/22/02 Buildinq/Zoninq 2002CL - 0856 Zoninq/Plannin 11/1/02 11/22/02 Monthly Report 2002CL - 0857 Arlene Scheurer Joseph Pagqi 11/20/0 11/22/02 Cider Mill Loop 2002CL - 0858 Joseph Paqqi Arlene Schuler 11/20/0 11/20/02 Cider Mill loop 2002CL - 0859 William Steinhaus Mayor Ross 11/12/0 11/20/02 Market Street 2002CL - 0860 Gerald Terwilliger Charles 11/14/0 11/20/02 99-2R Contract 6 2002CL - 0861 _ Sloper Willen 11/15/0 11/20/02 Minutes_ 2002CL - 0862 Gloria Morse Diane Birney 10/25/0 11/20/02 Voting Machines 2002CL - 0863 Harry Serviss Joseph Pagqi 11/18/0 11/20/02'99-2R Contract 6 NEW BUSINESS Mr. Berger was recognized by the Board in regard to deducting medical expenses for disabled Veterans on the tax bills. Supervisor Ruggiero explained that he would look into this matter in the morning and if we did not have this law on the books he would see to it that one is put on the books. The Town Board supports all our Veterans. At this time, 9:00 p.m. Councilman Colsey moved to go into Executive Session seconded by Councilman Bettina and unanimously carried. The meeting reconvened at 9:20 p.m. with all board members in attendance. There was no action taken at Executive Session. Councilman Colsey moved to close the meeting seconded by Councilman Valdati and unanimously carried. The meeting closed at 9:21 p.m. D jGooria 'Jj M Town Cer 11