Untitled \3 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION -;- _i585000ri_ 6~_ 000 ht l/ . II o. ,; J ~jO A ~ /~ROAD 57'30" -iI- --~ ("';, .. I- .:J ... - . H YDf PARK 74'00' 5' 1-:- .7 ~ 0 '$ " ., ~ .a . .0 -~-+ - ... I ds 0, ~I~ !-<,= ;jl~ :;J:;J A I .9 .J . 1': '.\1 ~. .... 'Il 2;<'E. . , ~c i<5~ Hutton :~;',/~ _ Cem r:. ~ c:.. ~L :~ ~ " --... . ... .. 43 \ 1 (...;. '0 if . / I ..- I 1 1 ~I 01 '1;1 . q, ':1, - t'!1 / 1 1 - -/ . -I 1 / 1 1 .1 ..--- c~:uw.ter I I \ I I , / , I sa J / 52/ , I I I 57 I Highland I Lailding all and I ,~.s sa I I r 7a 52 & ~ /f~ ....",-./ {:'.-' -- ~- ~o/ 53 -,,,>, o .;:rScnantz ,{:' " .:::- 56 2'30'f . , ..l \ '" Gasoline 90 \ 1 \ , ~, , I.. I I '/ 57 I sa/ / POUGHKEEPSIE QUADRANGLE NEW YORK 7.5 MINUTE SERIES PLANIMETRIC NW/o\ POUGHKEEPSIE IS' QUADR"f'lGLE i' ~ ~ 'o~ \9~m.E. 55' - -- - - ..--1,--- ~ 630000 FEET 462()1lOOm. N. /o~ ;/~~t 610000 415737 DP NOTICE This map shows wetlands protected under Article 24 01 the Stilte t;nvirQnmental Conlierv!ltion Law. Whether they are shown on this map or not, wetlands also may be protected under lederal law, pursuant to Section 404 01 the Clean Water Act, or under local law. Interested parties should consult with their appropriate Corps 01 Engineers 011 ice or local govern- ment to determine whether other permits are required. New York State Freshwater Wetlands Map~ Dutchess County ... ~ Map 13 of 22 This map was promulgated, pursuant to Article 24 01 the Environmental Conservation Law (The Freshwater Wetlands Act) on July 15,1987 by the Commissioner 01 New York State Department 01 Environmental Conservation. LEGEND: c::::> Approximate wetland boundary ... I? ~I if ~I ~I I \ \ Oil and \.. Gasoline 90 \ 32 I \ I \., I I... , I 1 I 57 I / ../ I 1 /... ....... I ....... '/64 Z \ ~ :'! ~-- RDRAL CE METERY .. 0 ... Norm CI:l D Q .. ~ \ ( t \ 600000 \ ,) I FEEl t'-- Mo~J~ LBO I.. ,<;o-~r')C:, ~~O{;? 1 ~. I, \ '10 (l :;~, ~ -). .61()lXXlmN,"'\\~~o ,/',/' ) " :1 '~ i IJ . \ I I U"',';,J Lant\d;~,lg, i'~ ~/\~ . I~ ::'~lJ .. . . '~~..~~~~~.\: l:o ',' I. .t~ ~~) L f _./'>'" Q{)\\J~ 41'37'30" "~-f I 74' 00' ~8 5000'; E. ~ ... 1 / I { I I I I , I i!7 , \ I 57 PK-19 I 31 J I Se' I 42 I '0 / "QUlm~' X L '~l 600000 FEET 57'30" 1 57 {O 00 4'" U,C/2 Il:f~ 60 ~Itl ~'~ ~~ 62}' 73 I ~. BM l<' ~"d1;' I " I . , I ' I . ~.. ~, , ^ _,Dj. Y '. # _' . x ' ~.s. 't /....J, WAPPINGERS FAL~S 161000'0 2 I " r:l 0'(- ./' ~Iap base from 1957 U,S, Geological Survey 7,5.mlnute Quadrangle, Map reVISions made uSing 1970 aerial photography, construction plans, official records and other sources, Features reVised Include: highways and other transportation facilities; civil boundaries; recreation sites; hydrography; and bUildings. Grey lint Indicates intensely developed areas In which only landmark bUildings are shown SCALE 1 24000 1 0 =-~- ~--------------.-.... ..,.-..-,"~----,---_..~~. 1000 0 : 000 2000 3000 ..000 5000 t ~ --r----r----~-~~--~---'-------,=" ""::"::'::=: ~ ::.' ;....-...., ~ ~'-:=E:::3=:-=~------T"""-"-----'------- Prepared and published In 1973 by the New York State Department of Transportation, In cooperation with the U.S, Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration Polyconlc projection. 1927 North American datulll. )- --------- --,,---, " -------~_. ,.-~-,-,,' '- -~ L .~- ~ lOOO-meter ticks based on the New York Transverse Mercat( Between 720 dnd 78. West Longitude, this grid IS Identical 10 Zone.IS ot th<: Ur Mercator grid, Areas east of 72<> and west 0178" are direct mathematical i::Jde! Re'r'lslons may not comply with National Map Accuracy Standards. Correspondence concernIng thiS and other maps of the Department of Transportation should be directed to: Map Information Unit, New York State Department of Transportation, State Campus, Albany, New York 12226, 1 a,OOO-foot ticks based on the New York Plane Coordlo, East Zone. QUADRANGLE LOCATION ll: " Ul .. ~ New York State Freshwater Wetlands MaPe Dutchess County ~ Map 13 of 22 This map was promulgated, pursuant to Article 24 01 the Environmental Conservation Law (The Freshwater Wetlands Act) on July 15, 1987 by the Commissioner 01 New York State Department 01 Environmental Conservation. LEGEND: c:> Approximate wetland boundary 11 Upland inclusion AA-OO Wetland identification code NOTES This map Indicates the approximate location of the actual boundalles of wetlands regulated according to the Freshwater Wetlands Act Map Information other than the wet land boundaries was prepared by the New York State Department of Transportation and tile United States Geological Survey The loea. lional Informalion provided on the map IS for reference only Marsh symbols do not necessarily indIcate the locatIOn of a regulated wetland Adjacent areas of the regulated wetlands are those areas within 100 feet of the bou IIdary at the wetland These areas are subject to regula. lion pursuant to the Freshwater Wetlands Act but are not delIneated on thiS map AfJ adj3 cent area may be extended by special order 01 the CommiSSIoner 01 the New York State Department of EnVironmental Conservation or the local regulatory authollty Caples at Freshwater Wetlands Maps are available from the regional ofttces of Ihe Department of EnVironmental ConservatIon Maps are a\lailable for inspection at these of flees and local gOlJernment clerk'S offices REVISIONS Dale Wetland # DescriptIon of cnange 3-23-94 PK-23 Adjuftmll'lt to !h)ll Cl.., 'i " ltchess 0 jntryCIUb lller- , " /1 , " 41 '37'30" 73'52'30" -,,-,-,,---J INDEX TO 19600 (I" 0800') MAP COVERAGE BOUNDARIES: State County.. Town or City.. Incorporated Village. Federal.Ald Urban Area 'Soo.., ~'>c ~< , M"~l -~~ i ~ll ~c..'t, 0" /o,!- -L f.\ET[R )1 grId POUGH!(EEf>SI~ ROADS: Tounng Route markers Interstate U s. State DIVided highways and streets: Wide mall .--------'--'-"'"-'.- Narrow mall or barrier, ,~-'=-=--' -- 1,...:(:,aITran:,..erse [l~LDn':i at Lone 18 ale grId, State HIghway number and limit 8U2Q' UndiVided highways and streets: 4 or more lanes -'-'''--- Less than 4 lanes. -----= Cou n ty road n---I Interchange number.. Ii Vehicle track; trad POUGHKEEPSIE QUADRANGLE SECOND EDITION - 1973