1999-11-04 PH11/04/99.PH A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on November 4, 1999, at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York on the Benefit Assessment for the Fleetwood Water District. Supervisor Smith opened the Meeting at 7:10 P.M. Present: Constance Smith, Supervisor Robert Valdati, Councilman Vincent Bettina, Councilman (arrived 7:40 p.m.) Joseph Paoloni, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present: Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent Absent: Joseph Ruggiero, Councilmen The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavit of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof the Minutes of the Meeting). The rate for the Fleetwood Water District in 1999 was $247.13 and in 2000 will be $190.84. There were no comments or questions from the audience. COUNCILMAN VALDATI moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mr. Paoloni, and unanimously carried. The Public Hearing closed at 7:11 P.M. 1 Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER OF - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE BENEFIT ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR FLEETWOOD WATER DISTRICT STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn deposed and says: That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on October 27, 1999, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on The Benefit assessment Roll for the Fleetwood Water District on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Sworn to before me the 1 day of h nL -Y�-- ,1999 NOTARY PUBLIC ALBERT P. ROBERTS NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York Qualified in Dutchess es Feb 28 20tY� C^Om,ni,,ion Exp Southern Dutchess News 914 297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET — WAPPINGERS FALLS NEW YORK - 12590 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. .............. Joan Miller. .... of the NOTICE OF RECEIPT OF, � ; ,� Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, ASSESSMENT ROLL £ fr• PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Assessment "Ifor err g my been d sworny , says that he is, and at the several ,•�! FLEETWOOD WATER DISTRIC% Bookkee er times hereinafter was the .................P............ hu been completed and N on tik+�rtr my oflloe at 20 Mlddlebush Road, WaPPinp.n Falls, Now York, and of the SOUTHERN DUTC.HESS NEWS a , ,may be emninad at any time during business hours.newspaper printed and published every Wednesday PLEASE TAKE FURTHER., the Tbwn so"meet a the Vft Whppkrper wlti meet n IMJbwn Hati;� in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess Count New y, 20 Mlddlabueh Road, Wappingers Fells,Novo leer, I a the +u,M.and November, 1069 at 7:10 P.M.�and'. York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly oonekler any obj"Wg,fyhlgh. Irm. Mmedelosaldroll:-• "`°# ELAINE H. SNOWDEN published in the said newspaper for ...oxle..weeks TOWN-CLERK' '• TOWN OF WAPPINGER 3 successively in each week, commencing on the {Dated Oa. 26,1669`• • -- 27th_ y October 99 .... da of ................... 19..... and on the following dates thereafter, namely on ................................................................. and ending on the ..,27th_., day ofOctober 19.99 both days inclusive. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ._27th day of . ID , totes 199.. .......... 41 Notary Public My commission expires ................................. PAGlIEI_ wlSI,WIT . .a'0 O6�1/, 11/04/99.PH A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on November 4, 1999 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York on the Benefit Assessment for the Central Wappinger Water Improvement Area. Supervisor Smith opened the Meeting at 7:11 p.m. Present: Constance Smith, Supervisor Joseph Ruggiero, Councilman Robert Valdati, Councilman (arrived at 7:40 p.m.) Vincent Bettina, Councilman Joseph Paoloni, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present: Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent Absent: Joseph Ruggiero, Councilman The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavit of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof the Minutes of the Meeting). A Benefit Unit Assessment Grievance Application was received from Margaret Godbout and Frank Buyakowski for Central Wappinger Water. The rate for Central Wappinger Water Improvement in 1999 was $55.05 and in 2000 will be $46.40. COUNCILMAN PAOLONI moved to close the Public Hearing, Seconded by Mr. Valdati, and unanimously carried. The Public Hearing closed at 7:12 p.m. 2 Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER Is] U NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE BENEFIT ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR CENTRAL WAPPINGER WATER IMPROVEMENT AREA STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn deposed and says: That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on October 27, 1999, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on Benefit Assessment Roll for the Central Wappinger Water Improvement Area, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. r l � Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Sworn to before me the 4yy day of VlaW ivjV-1,1999 NOTARY PUBLIC Al. BERT P. ROBERTS NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York Qualified in Dutchess County (!nmmiaaion Expires Feb. 28, 20 Southern Dutchess News 914 297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET — WAPPINGERS FALLS ' NEW YORK - 12590 NOTICE OF RECEIPT OO'��+ ASSESSMENT ROLL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that MM:' Assessment Roil for the ' CENTRAL WAPPINOER WATER IMPROVEMENT ; n �te has been completed and Is on file J my office at 20 Mlddletwsh Road, Wappingers Falls, New York, -and, may be examined at any tlmq during buskase hours. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICEI that the Town Board of the Town of. Wappinger 10111 meet at thaTown Hap;' 20 Mlddlebush Aoad, WappingWs� Fells, New York on the 4th day`bf, r November, 1999 at 7:11 P.M and'' conskler any objections whloh may, be mads to said roll. ELAINE H. SNOWDEN' TOWN CLERK, TOWN OF WAPPINQER Dated Oct. 25, 1999 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, Courlty of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. ............... Joan Miller .... ............................... of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several times hereinafter was, the ... Bppkkeeper....... of the SOUTHERN DUTC14ESS NEWS, a newspaper printed and published every Wednesday in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for-..Q.Me..weeks successively in each week, commencing on the -,27th day of ...October,- 19.99 and on the following dates thereafter, namely on ................................................................. and ending on the ...� t..... day ofOetober 19.99 both days Juoscrioed and sworn to before me this ..27t1z •-• day of .•.. 0 toi�be % X99 Notary Public My commission expires ................................. fiAl "FL Wfr144f l�tiTAr+ "l'1'. ^ �, : qr t!r•� yaw t1Ur1!!'T_ia i•' 1�;�' _, ."f' �•^.iliJi'd 11/04/99.PH A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on November 4, 1999 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York on the Benefit Assessment for the Wappinger Cranberry Water Improvement Area. Supervisor Smith opened the Meeting at 7:12 p.m. Present: Constance Smith, Supervisor Robert Valdati, Councilman Vincent Bettina, Councilman (arrived 7:40 p.m.) Joseph Paoloni, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present: Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent Absent: Joseph Ruggiero, Councilman The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavit of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof the Minutes of the Meeting). The rate for the Wappinger Cranberry Water Improvement Area in 1999 was $10.75 and in 2000 will be $8.49. COUNCILMAN VALDATI to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mr. Paoloni and unanimously carried. The Public Hearing closed at 7:13 p.m. 3 Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE BENEFIT ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR WAPPINGER CRANBERRY WATER IMPROVEMENT AREA STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn deposed and says: That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on October 27, 1999, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on the Benefit Assessment Roll for the Wappinger Cranberry Water Improvement Area, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Sworn to before me the `%� day of =Lmrl- I e - ALBERT P. ROBERTS NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York Qualifier) in Dutchess County Commission Expires Feb. 28, 20 Southern Dutchess News 914 297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET — WAPPINGERS FALLS NEW YORK - 12590 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. Joan Miller ................... of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, NOTICE ASSESOF SMENT ROLPT L being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several ASSE38MENT ROLL r PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Ci Assessment RONfor tiwtimes hereinafter was, the ...Bookkeeper _,,,,,. WAPPINOER CRANBERRY WATER IMPROVEMENT AREA `,' "4, has bow Completed and Isonfile at of the SOUTHERN DUTCHESS NEWS, a ,my offloe CIO Mlddlebuah Road,' Wappingers Fells. New Yorkkend� newspaper printed and published every Wednesday may be examined at any time duck PLEASbusines. hours.in the Town of Wappinger, ,PLEASE�TAKE FURTHER.NfyTIC� , Dutchess County, New that the Tb" Bow of the Thwnv w0•MWdl*r_ shwill ROtttt>b i— ` York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly 20 Mlddlebwh Road, WeppMpere Fano, Newyork on the 4th deXat: published in the said newspaper for ...QAe..weeks November, 1969 at 7:12 P.M. artd<,' oonNder any s whloh may , be made toaldroll...,, '. successively in each week, commencing on the ELAINE H.' SNOWDEN `'` , OWN WAPPILERK, „27th da of October 9 ' TOWN OF wAPPINOER ....... y ................... 19..x.. and on the Dated Oct. 25, 1666 following dates thereafter, namely on •................................................................ and ending on the ...... day ofOctober 19.99 both days inc usive. C.. ...... ............. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..27th._ day of....Oc ober l 1999 � Notary Public My commission expires ................................. RACti[IL lAll^'-AF i WOTARY i'U71.1f,, STIiF OUAI IHEO IN OW, tt 1 Sus.`:7: MWISSION EXPIRES MARCH 3i. 11/04/99.PH A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on November 4, 1999 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York on the Benefit Assessment for the Myers Corners II Water District. Supervisor Smith opened the Meeting at 7:13 p.m. Present: Constance Smith, Supervisor Robert Valdati, Councilman Vincent Bettina, Councilman (arrived 7:40 p.m.) Joseph Paoloni, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present: Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent Absent: Joseph Ruggiero, Councilman The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavit of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof the Minutes of the Meeting). The rate for the Myers Corners II Water District in 1999 was $767.00 and in 2000 will be $741.00. COUNCILMAN PAOLONI moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mr. Valdati, and unanimously carried. The Public Hearing closed at 7:14 p.m. 4 Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE BENEFIT ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR MYERS CORNERS II WATER DISTRICT STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn deposed and says: That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on October 27, 1999, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on the Benefit Assessment Roll for Myers Corners II Water District, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. 21--�-e 4AVt� Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Sworn to before me the q 0' day of 1nov-*� ,1999 ALBERT P. ROBERTS NMApy PUBLIC, State of New Vulkkp� (11#gNtind in Des Feb 26, 2rU% "'T'01aiean Exp Southern Dutchess News 914 297-37:23 84 EAST MAIN STREET — WAPPINGERS FALLS NEW YORK - 12590 NOTICE OF RECEIPT OF ASSESSMENT ROLL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Nls Assessment ROB for dw MYERS CORNERS 11 WATER DISTRICT has been oompleted and is on Nle at my'oNlos at 20 Mlddlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, Now York, and may be examined at any"du0 j, business hours. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that #0 Town Board d the Town o1� Wappinger will most at "Town Hall, . 20 Mlddlebush Rad, Wappingen�i Falls, New York on the 4th day, 011Y November, 1gN at T:13 P.M. and;; oonsider any 0*00ons whloh, may '' be made to osld roll. ELAINE H. SNOWDEN''` TOWN CLERK TOWN OF WAPPINOER. Dated Oot. sa, u011 ; AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, Courlty of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. .....„__,__.._Joan Miller .................... of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several times hereinafter was, the ...$Rolciceeper_ of the SOUTHERN DUTCHESS NEWS, a newspaper printed and published every Wednesday in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for .'..O.Me..weeks successively in each week, commencing on the „27th day of ...October19.99 and on the following dates thereafter, namely on ................................................................. and ending on the ...� th... day ofgctober 19.99 both days inclusive. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ... day of .... 0 tober .499 \ Notary Public My commission expires ................................. "'Cl 117:1_ VMSHAnT NOItIR`; I WILT, S fA I E OF prKt YORK OUAU' I --O IN 9UTCAI 1S COUNTY 4 14-431T q()2 (".0h1MISSION EXPIRES MARCH 31, QJ2 11/04/99.PH A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on November 4, 1999 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York on the Benefit Assessment for the North Wappinger Water District. Supervisor Smith opened the Meeting at 7:14 p.m. Present: Constance Smith, Supervisor Robert Valdati, Councilman Vincent Bettina, Councilman (arrived 7:40 p.m.) Joseph Paoloni, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present: Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent Absent: Joseph Ruggiero, Councilman The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavit of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof the Minutes of the Meeting). The rate for the North Wappinger Water District in 1999 was $926.00 and in 2000 will be $897.00. COUNCILMAN VALDATI moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mr. Paoloni, and unanimously carried. The Public Hearing closed at 7:15 p.m 5 Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER AFFIDAVIT OF OF POSTING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE BENEFIT ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR NORTH WAPPINGER WATER DISTRICT STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn deposed and says: That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on October 27, 1999, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on the Benefit Assessment Roll for the North Wappinger Water District, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Sworn to before me the Ll L�% day of \Am _ ,1999 NOTARY 'PUBLIC ALBERT P. ROBERTS NOTAPY PUBLIC, State of New York fattjilifiod in Dutchess County �pgy�tyli9�iAn Expires Feb. 28, 20 Southern Dutchess News 914 297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET — WAPPINGERS FALLS NEW YORK - 12590 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, Courlty of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. ............. Joan Miller ..................................... of the _ Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, NOTICE OF RECEIPT OF ASSESSMENT ROLL being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several PLEASE WE NOTICE that the ;k Assessment RoU for tM d NORM WAPPINGER times hereinafter was, the ...Bookkeeper _ WATER DISTRICT has bsenoomPletrrdand IsOnfit* 44 of the SOUTHERN DUTC%IESS MEWS, a My offloe at 20 Middlebush Road, may *=miFallned NewYork, and newspaper printed and published every Wednesday • may be examined at arty time durkp'.b business hours. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE - pp' In the Town- Wappinger, y, out to Town Board d the Town a ger, Dutchess Count New '^"'Middl r""sh Road, Wappinpr' York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly 20 Middlebueh Rosd, WaPPinpran „; Falls, New York on the 4th day of November, feed at 7:14 P.M. and published in the said newspaper for ...O.A.e..weeks oonsidsr any objections whW,may ` be made to self roil. ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, successively In each week, commencing on the TOWN CLERK, TOWN OFWAPPINGER' „ 19..... 27th, day of October 99 Dated Oct. 25,1999 and on the following dates thereafter, namely on ............................................. ................ and ending on the ...7th... day ofOctober 19.99 both days inclu ' e. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..27th day of ._...Oc be 999 cJ . /`� ;t��iL�'` Notary Public My commission expires 0 i1Ps�—r IGT.. t�, . f T• OUAL1 a.0 ip, I,I,- MWISSION EXPIRk8 P f.F, C;; ;i i, 11/04/99.PH A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on November 4, 1999 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York on the Benefit Assessment for the Oakwood Water District. Supervisor Smith opened the Meeting at 7:15 p.m. Present: Constance Smith, Supervisor Robert Valdati, Councilman Vincent Bettina, Councilman (arrived 7:40 p.m.) Joseph Paoloni, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present: Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent Absent: Joseph Ruggiero, Councilman The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavit of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof the Minutes of the Meeting). The rate for the Oakwood Water District in 1999 was $71.48 and in 2000 will be $42.72. COUNCILMAN PAOLONI moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mr.Valdati , and unanimously carried. The Public Hearing closed at 7:16 p.m 0 Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk _ TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER 143W NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE BENEFIT ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR OAKWOOD WATER DISTRICT STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn deposed and says: That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on October 27, 1999, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on the Benefit Assessment Roll for Oakwood Water District, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Sworn to before me the 4 �l day of WNv%./4A-\. ,1999 NOTARY PUBLIC ALBERT P ROBERTS NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York Qualified in Dutchess County,,, Commission Expires Feb. 28, 20 1 Southern Dutchess News 914 297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET — WAPPINGERS FALLS NEW YORK - 12590 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. Joan Miller ........................................................ of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, NOTICE OFAEC EIPTOF being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several ASSESSMENT ROLL pLEASETAKENOTICE that the times hereinafter was, the ... BRokkeeper....... Aaaefamant Roll for the . OAKWOOD of the SOUTHERN DUTCHESS JEWS a WATER DISTRICT , has been oomPillged and Is oil f" at my office at 20 Mkddlebuah Road, newspaper printed and published every Wednesday Wappingers Falls, New York, and mmay beaim s7ours.d°""yGmi°uring in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New buskrea hours. pLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that aa► Town Board of the Town Of"' York, and that the annexed NOTICE was dui Wappinger will meet at thaTown Hall, y a!lebush na4tgeFps,NowYork ohe h day of published in the said newspaper for ...Ome..weeks November, logo at 7:15 and consider any objectionswhich mi may successively in each week, commencing on the be made to said roll. ELAINE H. SNOWDEN 27th O c t ob e r TOWN CLERK ........... day of ........ Pl. ...... 19.99 and on the TOWN OF WAPPINOER Dated Oct. 25, 1999 following dates thereafter, namely on ................................................................. and ending on the ...27th... day ofOctober 19.99 both days inclusive. ..:... .. ...--� Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..27th... day of ....0 tobe 1c�99 Notary Public My commission expires ........ t tTir�rr�►,7..... �fll',aK!`r t n'l; Ili, c:T `• i{. (4: n:c�• i l';'' 01JAl+!:!i-l)INPUl",' C(V0Y (�OWIISSION EXPIRES MARCH 33. 11/04/99.PH A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on November 4, 1999 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York on the Benefit Assessment for the Wappinger Park Water District. Supervisor Smith opened the Meeting at 7:16 p.m. Present: Constance Smith, Supervisor Robert Valdati, Councilman Vincent Bettina, Councilman (arrived 7:40 p.m.) Joseph Paoloni, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present: Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent Absent: Joseph Ruggiero, Councilman The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavit of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof the Minutes of the Meeting). The rate for the WappinFer Park Water District 1999 was $295.35 and in 2000 will be $285.14. COUNCILMAN VALDAT moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mr. Paoloni and unanimously carried. The Public Hearing closed at 7:17 p.m. 7 ��]L� Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER .M NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE BENEFIT ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR WAPPINGER PARK WATER DISTRICT STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn deposed and says: That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on October 27, 1999, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on the Benefit Assessment Roll for the Wappinger Park Water District, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. l .. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Sworn to before me the q UA day of x ,1999 LM t, NOTARY PUBLIC AtROPT P. ROBERTS HgTA"Y NOLIC, State of New York 1394M thad o% Outchess County Southern Dutchess News 914 297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET — WAPPINGERS FALLS NEW YORK - 12590 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. Joan Miller .................... of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, NOTICE OF RECEIPT OF „ t ASSESSMENT ROLL. ^,a` " being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Me 10 AssessmentRotlfor the , times hereinafter was, the Bookkee l r WAPPINOER PARK .................P............ wgERoomp p.". dT__ of the SOUTHERN DUTCHESS NEWS, a has been completed and Is on fib al.. - my office at 20 Mlddlebush Road Wappingers Falls, New York.,& newspaper printed and published every Wednesday may be examined at any time du w busknss hours. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTIc in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New that Ba Tom Board of the Tam 20 MiddlebusmRood,eet at eTown York, and that the annexed NOTICE was dui 20 Middlebuah Rad, WappMg�r � y Falb, New York on the 4th day,! November, 1999 at 7:19 RM- a published in the said newspaper for conalder any obiectlorns whbh no be made to said roll. ELAINE H. SNOWDEP! successively in each week, commencing on the • jaM bLtRK - 27th TOWNOFWAPPINOER ........... day of ...October„ 19.99 and on the Dated Oct. 2s„ 1t following dates thereafter, namely on ................................................................ and ending on the ... �1... day ofOctober 19.99 both days inclu ive. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..27th... day of ....•O . b%e/r ee99,9�� � ........... � ... Notary Public My commission expires ....... ..... �(NVI�lISSIgN fXPIR�S t�llAliCli 39, .Q� 11/04/99.PH A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on November 4, 1999 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York on the Benefit Assessment for the Fleetwood Sewer District. Supervisor Smith opened the Meeting at 7:17 p.m. Present: Constance Smith, Supervisor Robert Valdati, Councilman Vincent Bettina, Councilman (arrived 7:40 p.m.) Joseph Paoloni, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present: Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent Absent: Joseph Ruggiero, Councilman The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavit of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof the Minutes of the Meeting). The rate for the Fleetwood Sewer District in 1999 was $3.60 and in 2000 will be $9.25. COUNCILMAN VALDATI moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mr. Paoloni and unanimously carried. The Public Hearing closed at 7:18 p.m. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk E:3 TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER OF - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE BENEFIT ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR FLEETWOOD SEWER DISTRICT STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn deposed and says: That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on October 27, 1999, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on the Benefit Assessment Roll for the Fleetwood Sewer District, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Sworn to before me the q Ul day of V10�w--kL0- ,1999 ALBERT P. ROBERTS NOTARY PUBLIC State of New York Qualified in Dutchess County Commission Expires Feb. 28. 20C1-0 Southern Dutche'ss News 914 297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET — WAPPINGERS FALLS NEW YORK - 12590 NOTICE ASSESSMENT EROLL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the, Ran the A11uS tWERiDISTRICTr- or FLEETWOD has been oomptotsd and 11 on 11M s1 my 00los at 20 MlddleWsh Road, Wappingers Falls; Now York, and may be sxaminsd at anIy time durktg buskMu hours. i E*a the � Dowd of the Town 0 FURTHER ti WaPDngef ydll meat at theTown Han, 20 Middlebush Roadthe 4th , Wappingers OfFalls, New York gn November, lggg at 7.17`P.M.'snd oonskfer any obNot�s whloh may be meds to "id roll ELAINE H. SNOWDENts TOWN CLERK TOWN OF, WAPPINGFR,': Dead Oct. 25. 1999 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. ...............Joan Miller ...................................,.,, of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several times hereinafter was, the ...Bookkeeper_ „_, of the SOUTHERN DUTCI3ESS NEWS, a newspaper printed and published every Wednesday in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for ...oxLe..weeks successively in each week, commencing on the „27th day of ...October19.99 and on the following dates thereafter, namely on ................................................................. and ending on the ...7th... day ofOctober 19.99 both days Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..27th... day of ._., Oc ober 11199 1 . ...........,..,. Notary Public My commission expires ... .....r,,r.t.ri.** ,N. 4I TriT...... 11/04/99.PH A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on November 4, 1999 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York on the Benefit Assessment for the Mid -Point Sewer District. Supervisor Smith opened the Meeting at 7:18 p.m. Present: Constance Smith, Supervisor Robert Valdati, Councilman Vincent Bettina, Councilman (arrived 7:40 p.m.) Joseph Paoloni, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present: Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent Absent: Joseph Ruggiero, Councilman The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavit of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof the Minutes of the Meeting). The rate for the Mid -Point Sewer District in 1999 was $36.91 and in 2000 will be $35.45. COUNCILMAN PAOLONI moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by, Mr. Valdati, and unanimously carried. The Public Hearing closed at 7:19 p.m W, Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE BENEFIT ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR MID -POINT SEWER DISTRICT STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn deposed and says: That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on October 27, 1999, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on the Benefit Assessment Roll for the Mid -Point Sewer District, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. vacm t Q1,. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Sworn to before me the 40� day of ,1999 ALBERT P. ROBERTS NOTAflY PUBLIC, State of New Yuik (IkWified in Dutchess County 00mmission Expires Feb. 28, 20 Southern Dutchess News 914 297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET — WAPPINGERS FALLS ' NEW YORK - 12590 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Is State of New York, �II.. County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. . .. ,.._..Joan Miller .. of the ..................................... Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, NOTICE OF RECEIPT OF " being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several ASSESSMENT ROLL PLEASE TAKE entRollfor04lhs times hereinafter Was, the ...BRpkkeeper Assessment Roll for the , a-7 ........ ............ MIDPOINT SEWER DISTRICT ' ; hes bear,Completed and Isonfile atl of the SOUTHERN DUTCHESS NEWS a my oHlos at 20 MiddleWsh Road, s Wappingers Fells, .New York, anl,o may beexamined uenynm.aur ,,, newspaper printed and published every Wednesday business hours. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New that the Town Board of the Towr1 Ot Wapphpr will most at thaTown Hag, 20 Mlddlsbush Rad,'WappMOars York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly Falls,' Now York on the 4th day of November, logoat rte PM, and, published in the said newspaper for consider any'oblectbna whloh; mlr � p be mads to said roll. ELAINE H. SNOWDEN' successively in each week, commencing on the , i1OWN CLERK TOWN OFWAPPINOF.R 27th October 99 Dated oa.2a,tevg.< ........... day of ................... 19..... and on the following dates thereafter, namely on ................................................................. and ending on the ...27th... day ofOctober 19.99 both days inclusive. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th... day of ._., Ocober 1999 Notary Public My commission expires ........ I^ -.,.,,T,.,,, ...... �3Urtillr {(:0 li! IMT 'l ll `; i 1 iiilhi i Y 0V /� (^.til V.j6SIi1N EXPIRES MARGt131, 11/04/99.PH A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on November 4, 1999 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York on the Benefit Assessment for the Rockingham Farms Sewer District. Supervisor Smith opened the Meeting at 7:19 p.m. Present: Constance Smith, Supervisor Robert Valdati, Councilman Vincent Bettina, Councilman (arrived 7:40 p.m.) Joseph Paoloni, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present: Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent Absent: Joseph Ruggiero, Councilman The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavit of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof the Minutes of the Meeting). The rate for the Rockingham Farms Sewer District in 1999 was $17.44 and in 2000 will be $16.54. COUNCILMAN PAOLONI moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mr. Valdati, and unanimously carried. The Public Hearing closed at 7:20 p.m Iff Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER OF - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE BENEFIT ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ROCKINGHAM FARMS SEWER DISTRICT STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn deposed and says: That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on October 27, 1999, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on the Benefit Assessment Roll for the Rockingham Farms Sewer District, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Sworn to before me the 40A day of ,1999 9!1 H p "ORFars N9 �,ta�� of r'�,!is�o' 4etiec��e�s ew coin York /figs fi�� 28,20 Southern Dutchess News 914 297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET — WAPPINGERS FALLS ' NEW YORK - 12590 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, �1tar. Courlty of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. Joan Miller _ of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, "No-ICE1WRECEIPT0F.r', ' being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several ASSESSMENT ROLL 'f .n,�RoN iw »t times hereinafter was, the Boolckee er .................P..... ....... MsessmROCKINGHAM FARM r' aEWER olstRlc&'�'#' of the SOUTHERN DUTCHESS NEWS, a ha, be•rt eompletsd end Ira on III• °t,3 My office at.,20 Middl Wah �i+•d. Wappinp•ra Falls, New and newspaper printed and shed every Wednesday may bs •xamin•d_at any drM kre•dutkW bua• hours in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess Count New PLEASE TAKE FURTHER,"Q%E' County, .. that M• Town Board of the To" Of , Wappin vAHm•statth•Town,Hall, York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly F. MawY eRo e'*u4%h in0.1 f published in the said newspaper for ...Ojle..weeks F. Maw Nw+-York u+ the 4th day of Novmb•r, 1989 at 7:19 PM, and be mad• to a fttosaki y obi°"°"' whlot!tmlY , b• /UNsuccessively in each week, commencing on the N " ELE H. 8N0WDEN TOWN CLERK ..27th day of ...October„ 19.99 and on the TOWN OF;#APPINOER ..... . °e"dOo1'' following dates thereafter, namely on ................................................................. and ending on the ... �]... day ofOetober 19.99 both days inclusive. .................. ..... Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..27tH day of . ctob 199 Notary Public My commission expires ............ FtR C'NrL . �IM!^'i.� �7 iJOtARY PUBLIC, STA i F OF Vr,:- yrf1h aDUALIFIED IN nUiCIIC�S c;OU )I y 14-405590- COMMISSION EXPIRES MA" RnH 31, 11/04/99.PH A Public Hearing was held by the town Board of the town of Wappinger on November 4, 1999 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York on the Benefit Assessment for the Central Wappinger Sewer Improvement Area. Supervisor Smith opened the meeting at 7:20 p.m. Present: Constance Smith, Supervisor Robert Valdati, Councilman Vincent Bettina, Councilman (arrived 7:40 p.m.) Joseph Paoloni, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present: Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent Absent: Joseph Ruggiero, Councilman The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavit of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and make part thereof the Minutes of the Meeting). The rate for the Central Wappinger Sewer Improvement Area in 1999 was $137.54 and in 2000 will be $134.24. A Benefit Unit Assessment Grievance Application was received from Margaret Godbout and Frank Buyakowski for Central Wappinger Sewer Improvement Area. COUNCILMAN VALDATI moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mr. Paoloni and unanimously carried. The Public Hearing closed at 7:21 p.m. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk 11 TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE BENEFIT ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR CENTRAL WAPPINGER SEWER IMPROVEMENT AREA STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn deposed and says: That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on October 27, 1999, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on the Benefit Assessment Roll for the Central Wappinger Sewer Improvement Area, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Sworn to before me the` UA day of \N OW-rw�-,1999 NOTARY PUBLIC ALBERT P. ROBERTS NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York Qualified in Dutchess County Commission Expires Feb, 28, 20 ek w Southern Dutchess News 914 297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET — WAPPINGERS FALLS ' NEW YORK - 12590 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. ............ Joan Miller ....................................... of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, NOTtOEOFRECEIPTOF ,,.F;• being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several ASSESSMENT ROLL "I PNOnOEthat times hereinafter was, the Bookkee er Assessment Roll for the ..l? ........... CENTRAL WAPPINOER SEWER- hes bee -MPWtedand'sonNeat of the SOUTHERN DUTCHIESS NEWS, a my Wappingers Falls, Now at 20 Yc k, and � may beo>�^da, say omedu*Q newspaper printed and published every Wednesday business hours. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE,,, that the Town board of the Tovm alb, in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New W&PPinper will meet at theTum Hafkt 20 Middlebush Road, WappinW44 York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly Falls, New York on the 4th day of'a November, rase a r.2o PM. ►r►d published in the said newspaper for ...oA.e..weeks oonswer any obleotbns whit Indy be made to said roll., ELAINE, H. SNOWDEN successively In each week, commencing on the `' 'TOWN CLERK TOWN OFWAPPINGER ..27th, day of October Dated DO.25,1goo .....•.......... I9. �� and On the following dates thereafter, namely on ................................................................ and ending on the ...� th... day ofOetober 19.99 both days inclusive. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ._27th.._ day of ....0 tobe 19 9 Notary Public My commission expires ................................. PACITL WISHAnT N1T?;r" f i.+tti !c, AM, r. or trvj y0a 00AMIED IP! DU1CItESS COiINTY N 14-4055902 (10MMISS10N EXPIRES MARCH $1, d„4 11/04/99.PH A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on November 4, 1999 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York on the Benefit Assessment for the Wildwood Sewer District. Supervisor Smith opened the Meeting at 7:21 p.m. Present: Constance Smith, Supervisor Robert Valdati, Councilman Vincent Bettina, Councilman (arrived 7:40 p.m.) Joseph Paoloni, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present: Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent Absent: Joseph Ruggiero, Councilman The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavit of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof the Minutes of the Meeting). The rate for the Wildwood Sewer District in 1999 was $58.96 and in 2000 will be $56.45. COUNCILMAN PAOLONI moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mr.Valdati , and unanimously carried. The Public Hearing closed at 7:22 p.m. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk 12 TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER OF - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE BENEFIT ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR WILDWOOD SEWER DISTRICT STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) AFFIDAVIT OF POS'T'ING ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn deposed and says: That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on October 27, 1999, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on the Benefit Assessment Roll for the Wildwood Sewer District, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Sworn to before me the 4 � day of VA aVI-O-',1999 Al BERT P. ROBERTS NMARY PUBLIC, State of New York AtWitiod in Dutchess Count e411M0,k4kjan Fvpires Feb. 28, 20:...;,� Southern Dutchess News 914 297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET — WAPPINGERS FALLS ' NEW YORK - 12590 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION z �rr State of New York, Counity of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. ............. Joan..Miller........... ............. of the ........... Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, NOTICESMENT ROLL RECEIPT ASSESS being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that 00 AssessmantRbllfor the ; times hereinafter was, the ... Bopkkeeper.,,,,_, WILDWOOD SEWER DISTRICT has been Completed and b on TIN u� of Wa at 20 MiddlaWsh Road, of the SOUTHERN DUTC.HESS NEWS, a my Wappingers Falls, New York. and, may bee■aMhOstany"ma d!+r" .c I newspaper printed and published every Wednesday business hours. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town.Of in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New Wappinger will Moet st thsTown Hall 20 Middiebush Road, Wappmwr6{ York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly Falls, New York on tha Ah day' of 1999 at 7:10 P.M. ands November, "000sider any obNalons whloh MY published in the said newspaper for .-..o.XJle..weeks be mada to said roll' ELAIDEN NE H. successively In each week, commencing on the TOWN OFWAPPINQER Datedod.2s,19a9 ,' 27th October 99 .... . day of ................... 19..... and on the following dates thereafter, namely on ................................................................. and ending on the ... � 1t ... day ofOctober 19.99 both days inclusive. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..27th... day of ..., October X99 Ole Notary Public Mycommission expires ................. ............ F7F,c;HC_l ��,; � , �j11RU5I�lllilt�Uirnt.�.�.:� VMd,jSSj0N EXPIRES MARCH 31, 11/04/99.PH A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on November 4, 1999 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York on the Benefit Assessment for the Wappinger Transmission Sewer Improvement Area #1. Supervisor Smith opened the Meeting at 7:22 p.m. Present: Constance Smith, Supervisor Robert Valdati, Councilman Vincent Bettina, Councilman (arrived 7:40 p.m.) Joseph Paoloni, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present: Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent Absent: Joseph Ruggiero, Councilman The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavit of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof the Minutes of the Meeting). The rate for the Wappinger Sewer Transmission Improvement Area #1 in 1999 was $329.06 and in 2000 will be $290.09. COUNCILMAN VALDATI moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mr. Paoloni, and unanimously carried. The Public Hearing closed at 7:23 p.m. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk 13 TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER W OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE BENEFIT ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR - WAPPINGER SEWER TRANSMISSION TREATMENT IMPROVEMENT AREA #1 STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn deposed and says: That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on October 27, 1999, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on the Benefit Assessment Roll for the Wappinger Sewer Improvement Area #1, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Sworn to before me the q4' day of �% &0 -v -k°— ,1999 NOIgRY AL p ROBERTS Qualified g I State o� CorrtMission E In Dutchess o�n y°fk XPires Feb. 28. 20 jetc-+ Southern Dutchess News 914 297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET — WAPPINGERS FALLS NEW YORK - 12590 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, Couilty of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. Joan Miller ........................................................ of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, NOTICE OF RECEIPTOF a" being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several ASSESSMENT ROLL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the ' times hereinafter was, the $o kke e e Assessment Rol for the "Iw ....... Q • ..... •'P � ....... WSMISSI N SEWER , of the SOUTHERN DUTCHESS NEWS, a TRANSMISSION TRE/CTMENT", IMPROVEMENT AREA et has been oompleted and is on fila at newspaper printed and published every Wednesday my`offloa at 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York, andw maybeexaminedatany time du*vk in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New business hours. pa5a PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE York, and that the annexed NOTICE was dui that Me Town Soard of its Town of'. y Wappinger will meet at theTown Hal,`" 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers'; published in the said newspaper for .'..Wle..weeks Falls, New York on the 4th day of ii November, 1e99 at 7:22 RM. and *; successively in each week commencing on the consider any oblectlons,"Wh may be made to said roll. 2 % t 11 ELAINE H. SNOWDEN day of 19.99 and on the TOWN CLERK TOWN OFWAPPINgER followingdates thereafter, name, Dated Oct. 25, 1999 , yon ................................................................. and ending on the ... �7.th... day ofOctober 19.99 both days inclusive. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ._27th... day of ... r ...... 0 o 1 �9 ..........ff�. ....... , .. Notary Public My commission expires ......... yMtqtiArq.... 'q-vir (!7 rri. V;'�IIA tt0f9I,WV0N EXPIRES MAII..tI �I. 11/04/99.PH A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on November 4, 1999 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York on the Benefit Assessment for the Wappinger Sewer Transmission Treatment Improvement Area #2 Supervisor Smith opened the Meeting at 7:23 p.m. Present: Constance Smith, Supervisor Robert Valdati, Councilman Vincent Bettina, Councilman (arrived 7:40 p.m.) Joseph Paoloni, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present: Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent Absent: Joseph Paoloni, Councilman The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavit of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof the Minutes of the Meeting). The rate for the Wappinger Sewer Transmission Treatment Improvement Area #2 in 1999 was $44.57 and in 2000 will be $55.12. A Benefit Unit Assessment Grievance was received from Margaret Godbout and Frank Buyakowski for Wappinger Sewer Transmission Treatment Improvement Area #2. COUNCILMAN moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mr., and unanimously carried. The Public Hearing closed at 7:24 p.m. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk 14 TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER OF - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE BENEFIT ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR WAPPINGER SEWER TRANSMISSION TREATMENT IMPROVEMENT AREA #2 STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn deposed and says: That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on October 27, 1999, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on the Benefit Assessment Roll for the Wappinger Sewer Transmission Treatment Improvement Area #2, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Sworn to before me the day of VI 0-U-0-y�-;4-L ,1999 wMeNESPON. • . I'm N"M • ALBERT P. ROBERTS NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York Qualified in Outchess County Commission Expires Feb. 28, 20- 2 0 Southern Dutchess News 914 297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET — WAPPINGERS FALLS NEW YORK - 12590 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger Joan Miller - ................... of the - ,.. NOTICE OF RECEIPT OF Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, � "' +� ASSESSMENT ROLL ti Y;,*beingduly sworn, says that he is, and at the several AssessmenPLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the f- Y }► . WAPPING Roy for the ' times hereinafter was TRANSMISSION SEWER ,the ...Bookkeeper_..••_. TRANSMISSION TREATMEN'G.�: ;�'' • • - IMPROVEMENT AREA on et of the SOUTHERN DUTCI*ESS NEWS, a has beeneen oom completed and u on 1 '' my office at 20 Middlelbush Road, Wappingers Falls, New Ygrk, and newspaper printed and published every Wednesday may be examined al Y uhy, urM durinqbusin PLEA E hours in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE'^', that the Town Board of.the Town of Wappinger Wit most attheTownHall, York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly 20 Mlddlebush Road, Wappingers Fells, New York on the 4th day of L November, 1999 at 7:23 P.M, and published in the said newspaper for ...Wle..weeks consider any objections which may be made to said roll. successively in each week, commencing on the ELAINE H. SNOWDEN TOWN CLERK 27thOctober TOWN OFWAPPINOER ........... day of ................... 19.99 and on the Dated Oct. 25, 1999 following dates thereafter, namely on ................................................................. and ending on the ...7th... day ofOctober 19.99 both days inclusive. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..�7tYi... day of ..., ctob r ,199 .. Notary Public My commission expires .......G;1:: ; .+: !;:.�•.:a...... 11/04/99.PH A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on November 4, 1999 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York on the Benefit Assessment for the Watch Hill Sewer. - - Supervisor Smith opened the Meeting at 7:24 p.m. Present: Constance Smith, Supervisor Robert Valdati, Councilman Vincent Bettina, Councilman (arrived 7:40 p.m.) Joseph Paoloni, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present: Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent Absent: Joseph Ruggiero, Councilman The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavit of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof the Minutes of the Meeting). The rate for the Watch Hill Sewer in 1999 was $49.76 and in 2000 will be $44.44 COUNCILMAN PAOLONI moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mr. Valdati and unanimously carried. The Public Hearing closed at 7:25 p.m. 15 Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE BENEFIT ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR WATCH HILL SEWER DISTRICT STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn deposed and says: That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on October 27, 1999, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on the Benefit Assessment Roll for the Watch Hill Sewer District, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Sworn to before me the i c12A% day of \A ,1999 PAP ALBERT P. ROBERTS NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York Ouatified in Dutchess County Commission Expires Feb. 28, 20.. P— Southern Dutchess News 914 297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET — WAPPINGERS FALLS NEW YORK - 12590 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. ...............Joan Miller...._....._..._.._.. of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, NOTICE OF RECEIPT OF ASSESSMENT ROLL being duly sworn, rn, say s that he is, and at the several PLEASETAKe NOTICtRONI that tho times hereinafter was, the ...$ookkeeper. arpr.: Assessment RoM for tM , WATCH HILL SEWER • , has be0n00mPNted and 15a" a of the SOUTHERN 'DUTCHESS NEWS, a MY 0"100 at 20 Middlebush lo0d WePPinyns Fills New Yolk, aAd; may be examined atknyre dwkW.`. newspaper printed and published every Wednesday buskoss houn KIA C 1, At%E FyR�rhEin the Town of Wa Na�.tm.ytbwneoaroalth. ppinger, Dutchess County, New 20yw'; bUsh" Road w�aPn Falls, New y0* on,Ih0 4th day Ot York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly Novsmber, 199Ii at 7:24 Wh In M published in the said newspaper for ...oA.e..weeks consider>u+Yobk10t � �r be made to said roll. "NS H. LERK successively in each week, commencing on the TOWN OF WAPPINOER f 2 t 11 Dated Oct. 25,109 „_� ....... day of .... 19.99 and on the following dates thereafter, namely on .............................................................. and ending on the ...... day ofOctober 19.99 both days inclusive. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..��th... day of ... Octo r 1 99 Notary Public My commission expires .......... NC Alw rml_1C, STA i c VF P",V YDT'•K DUALIFIED IN DUT(lltr(�C CC.•!�aTY 1114-4357r ",' 0 ,OMVI�SIDN EXPIRES MARG11 31, 11/04/99.PH A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on November 4, 1999 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York, on the Preliminary Budget for the Town of Wappinger for 2000. Supervisor Smith opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Present: Constance Smith, Supervisor Robert Valdati, Councilman Vincent Bettina, Councilman (arrived 7:40 p.m.) Joseph Paoloni, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present: Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent Absent: Joseph Ruggiero, Councilman The Town Clerk read the following letter from COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO. Dear Supervisor Smith and Town Board Members: I am unable to attend tonight's Public Hearing on the Wappinger Preliminary Town Budget. I have been admitted into the hospital to undergo treatment for a recurring spinal injury. If anyone of the public would like to speak with me about the budget please have them call me at my home. The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavit of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof the Minutes of the Meeting). SUPERVISOR SMITH announced that she prepares a tentative budget and its the boards job to increase, or decrease it. The purpose of the tonight's meeting is to get input and answer questions from the public. Please state your name and address so we put it in the record. Regina Pace, had a question regarding the Senior Center. She wished to know how many seniors attended the center on a daily basis. Supervisor Smith answered approximately 85. Most of them come every day. Mrs. Pace responded, "that comes to $7,700 per person, which is a lot of money". She wondered why they did not rotate it so more seniors could attend. It seems to be limited to only a few. Supervisor Smith explained she was right, its not fair, it is supposed to be open to all senior citizens, but because of the size of the building we have a waiting list. COUNCILMAN VALDATI pointed out that steps are being taken to investigate the possibility of building a new center which can serve more residents. Resident Mary Schmaltz, 7 Edgehill Drive informed the board that she was on the waiting list for five years before she was eligible to get -into the program. Tonight, many members of the community were here to voice their support for the full $100K allocation as requested by the Grinnell Library Association. The Board had reduced the figure to $80K. 1 11/04/99.PH Polly Wisniewski, of Kent Road, explained that she adopted a son from Poland, and he thinks the library is "America". If it was not for the library, he would have no social skills at all. She thinks the board is making a big mistake in cutting the funds for the library. At this time, Tony Campilii, 11 Spring Street, and also President of Grinnell, wished to address the board on behalf of all the residents here tonight. He wished to present some facts that happened in Tuesdays elections as to where we stand in Wappinger as compared to the rest of the towns and villages in Dutchess County. Pleasant Valley Library boosted its contribution from $88K to $180K, up 104%. The Town of Beekman increased Town Library budget by over $82K from $73K to $156K, up 112%, and Poughkeepsie Public Library District approved $2.4 million with an increase of $225K. While Grinnell is grateful for the support they have receive, they have not had an increase in town support for operations in 3 years. Last year the library increased the salary structure for their staff which is well below the average for comparable positions. The staff receives no benefits. Salaries range from $7.10 to $8.45 per hour. Many have been here between 5-10 years. Over 170,000 patrons used the facility last year. We are only asking for funds to adequately serve our patrons, your constituents. The Town support is critical to the future of Grinnell Library. Joe Corrigan of the Wappinger Central School District explained that Grinnell services the area that he feels needs it the most in terms of the school district. On behalf of the children who attend Title I schools, Grinnell becomes a necessary component of their education. The number of preschool programs that are run for those children help them better prepare them when they enter kindergarten. The number of children who take the library for granted and use it, better prepares them for the school district. He is counting on the Town of Wappinger to allocate the necessary funds to support what should be the heart of the village and the town. Resident Polly Miron was recognized by the board, and she stated that she is here tonight to support the library. Melissa Fisher of 257 Myers Corners Road pointed out that she home schools her children and goes to the library with her children every week, and the library has been very helpful and very encouraging. Resident Dillis Clark stated that she has lived in the area since 1963, and even though she lives in the Town of Poughkeepsie, Grinnell is the library that she has used since that time. Now her children and grandchildren are finding it a great resource. Now we need more money that ever. They don't just provide books and newspapers, now they provide computers, videos, books on tape, and they need to keep those all up to date. Dan Takacs, an educator and resident of the district for over 30 years spoke in favor of 0 11/04/99.PH providing Grinnell with more funds. At this time, SUPERVISOR SMITH wished to compliment Grinnell Library for their summer program. The school district in Wappinger does not provide reading for the children in the summer. If they don't have a place to continue to read, they would revert back. COUNCILMAN PAOLONI said the Board supports the library and just wanted additional information as to where the money will be allocated. Mr. Campilii responded that they have been on record for the last four years to have a representative from the town board attend any one of their meetings. They do a financial report on a monthly basis. They are prepared to provide a full financial disclosure with a representative that they were told would come to them from the town board, and thus far no one has ever attended one of their meetings. SUPERVISOR SMITH said that members of the board do have other commitments and find it difficult to attend some of the library meetings. COUNCILMAN VALDATI said, whenever the library has presented a request to this board, he has done what he could. He is an educator by profession, and he will do what he can with this budget to get what you need. Helen Fiumarello, Wheeler Hill Road, said they have always invited the town board and other officials to their meetings, and to walk into the library to see what is needed. COUNCILMAN BETTINA said he shares the other board members thoughts, and as a former educator himself it is very important to him that the library is the center. We have an obligation to the taxpayer to make sure the money is spent judiciously. This board has always supported the library, and sees no problem with that. As we said earlier we must take a look at the numbers. In closing, Mr. Campilii said if you had looked at some of the articles that were in the paper on some town districts that were substantially smaller than the Town of Wappinger, they have budgets of almost a half million dollars. Take a look at the Grinnell budget which serves one of the largest populations in the county and our budget is $250K. Also received was a letter from Paul Tobin, Principal of James Evens Elementary School expressing his opinion that the funding for the Grinnell Public Library be increased for a number of reasons. His students utilize the Library on a daily basis to improve their reading and literary skills. They have developed an outstanding partnership with Grinnell and have written grants together. Mr. Tobin feels it would be an injustice to the entire community if their full amount of funding is not granted. SUPERVISOR SMITH informed the residents that he Board would continue budget talks on Tuesday, November 9th at 7:30 and maybe every night after that. This is not the final budget. There were no more questions or comments regarding the budget. 3 11/04/99.PH COUNCILMAN BETTINA moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mr. Valdati and unanimously carried. The Public Hearing closed at 8:00 p.m. i Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk 11 TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER M NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET OF 2000 FOR THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn deposed and says: That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on October 26 1999, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on the Preliminary Budget for the Town of Wappinger, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. `� o Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Sworn to before me the '� day of ,1999 I vj'I,M�F pz ALBERT P. ROBERTS NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York Qualified in Outchess County Commission Expires Feb. 28, 20Ll-d Southern Dutchess News 914 297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET — WAPPINGERS FALLS NEW YORK - 12590 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Bre Town Board of theTown d WappkW will most at the Town Hall, 20 Mlddlebush Road, Town of 1891) at 7:30 P,M.pfoj!'� d h0Wlna a Public pry Ilminary Budget d aalfl for 2000 year bpQ�!!R uary A copy out said P BBuuddgpeett J available at the Off lbwn 1 Clark of th* bwn ofwappktger„ToaTt..' Mau,.20 MkkdlsbushJa dk7hrih A,: be Inapage� 6Y atry` Ton. The propoad alar1� TN bar of the ?bwn B}� Clark, and tha.lbwn: (+ of Highways an as IoNowa: Supervisor i 42,000.00 Superintendent of 521,000.00 Town Clerk Isla 41,828.00 Councilman '! d $ 7,780.00 Councilman r dll 7,780.00 Councilman 8 7,780.00: Councilman S 7,780.00 ” BY, ORDER OF BOARD Snj Clark Dated: Oct. 25, 1889 Wappin0an Falls, NY AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, Courlty of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. Joan Miller .,, of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, being duly sworn; says that he is, and at the several times hereinafter was, the ...BQo]ekeeper.,,„_, of the SOUTHERN DUTCHESS NEWS, a newspaper printed and published every Wednesday in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for ...wle–weeks successively in each week, commencing on the „27thday of ...October., 19.99 and on the following dates thereafter, namely on ................................................................. and ending on the...��th... day ofoetober 19.99 both day; Subscribed and sViorn to before me this ..27th... day of ....October 1�9 >� ......r..... ....... 4 Notary Public My commission expires . ^�ne� l!:^i.lr1 t,tri is �r:ai;r, l 0,)