1998-10-14 RGMCONSTANCE O. SMITH SUPERVISOR TELEPHONE: (914) 297-2744 FAX: (914) 297.4558 October 6, 1998 MEMO TO: FROM: RE: TOWN OF WAPPINGER Town Board Attorney to Town Engineer to Town Media C Constance 0. Smith WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1998 7:30 PM Speed Limit Resolution (Maloney Road) Scenic Hudson Mark VanKirk (escrow) , Alpine Nicole Farms Road Improvement Lauffer Easement (Robert Lane Drainage) Wastewater Agreement Greenway --- Owin Wrafter SUPERVISOR'S OFFICE 20 MIDDLEBUSH ROAD P.O. BOX 324 WAPPINGERS FALLS, NY 12590-0324 COS:dly NO OTHER BUSINESS SHALL COME BEFORE THE BOARD. 101498.WS The Workshop Meeting of the Town of Wappinger was held on October 14, 1998 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York. Supervisor Smith opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Present: Constance Smith, Supervisor Robert Valdati, Councilman Vincent Bettina, Councilman Joseph Ruggiero, Councilman Joseph Paoloni, Councilman Others Present: Al Roberts, Attorney to the Town Jay Paggi, Engineer to the Town Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent The first item for the boards consideration is to authorize payment of the Audit Journal/Warrant. The following Resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO who moved its adoption: Be it resolved, that the Audit Journal/Warrant dated October 7, 1998 in the amount of $4,176.00 and the Audit Journal /Warrant dated October 13, 1998 in the amount of $285,720.08, having been presented to the Town Board for their review and audit, be and the same is hereby approve for payment, in the amounts so stated. Seconded by Mr. Valdati Motion Unanimously Carried The following Resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN BETTINA who moved its adoption and authorize the Supervisor to sign: Department of Transportation Division of Traffic Engineering and Safety State Campus 1220 Washington Avenue Albany, New York 12226 Gentlemen: The Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, by resolution adopted October 14, 1998, and the County Superintendent of Highways of the County of Dutchess, hereby request the Department of Transportation, pursuant to Section 1622.1 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law, to establish a lower maximum speed at which vehicles may proceed on Maloney Road, a Town Highway between Route 376 and Town of Lagrange Town Line. Upon Receipt of the notice that the regulation herein requested has been established, the Town of Wappinger will provide, install and maintain signs in accordance with the Vehicle and Traffic Law and conforming to the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices of the Department of Transportation. 1 Seconded by Mr. Paoloni 101498.WS Motion Unanimously Carried Steven Rosenberg, the land preservation director of the Scenic Hudson, gave a presentation and produced photos of several sites in the Hudson Valley that were created to preserve the regions natural beauty and quality of the Valley. The Scenic Hudson is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and enhancing the scenic, natural, historic and recreation areas of the Hudson Valley. He also explained the land preservation projects that were created. Mr. Rosenberg also introduced Ron Samuelson, another member on the staff who works with a number of school and community groups to promote involvement in activities and projects they work on. He stressed their objectives to protect the land and then come up with workable plans that involve members of the community. They have been meeting with different municipal groups to let them know what they are doing on behalf of their communities. All the work being performed in these parks and preserves is being done by volunteers and most of them are students. Mark Van Kirk (ESCROW). At the last meeting, Mrs. Smith was asked to go to Mark to discuss his escrow account and try to reach some sort of an agreement plan to pay off his escrow account. They did talk, and Mr. Van Kirk is willing to pay, but can not pay all at once. He also felt that there were a majority of errors, not only his, but the towns as well. The amount of escrow owed to the town by Mr. Van Kirk is $6,611.75. At this time Mr. Van Kirk was recognized by the board to explain his position involving complaints as the owner operator of a landscape business on Myers Corner Road. There were several discussions with the attorneys involved, and he thought the attorneys had reached some sort of agreement to negotiate. He feels the escrow will create a hardship and wishes to have it reduced. With an escrow of this much money, he feels far to much work went into it what was originally required for the validation of the complaint. Discussion followed. At this time 8:30 p.m. COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO moved to go into Executive Session to confer with Al Roberts, Attorney to the Town on this matter. Seconded by Mr. Bettina. Motion Unanimously Carried The meeting reconvened at 8:45 p.m. with all Board members present. Supervisor Smith announced it was the decision of the board that Mark pay $1,600 now, and then 5 payments of $1,000 quarterly. That would be in the form of a promissory note which would be drawn up by Attorney to the Town, 2 101498.WS and agreed to by Mark. In the mean time he can go back and get his site plan. Mark said he would think it over and get back to Mrs. Smith. COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO made a motion, subject to accepting the Towns proposal of payment of the existing escrow, if this is completed within 3 more Planning Board meetings, no more fees will be incurred by Mr. Van Kirk. Seconded by Mr. Paoloni Motion Unanimously Carried Ed Kellogg of Alpine was recognized. He informed the board that there was a public informational meeting, and from that meeting Alpine received a list of items of concern, and came up with a new agreement. As far as he knows, Alpine has addressed everything. They are installing sewer and water totally at their own expense, which is saving the residents of the town a significant amount of money. They will also be making highway improvements. At this time, they are the No. #2 taxpayer in the town. The latest issue to arise is this ongoing problem with Wappinger Park. They are willing to donate the pipe, donate the fittings, and make the connection on their side of the property. They would join the district, which would lower the cost for everyone in the district. Mr. Kellogg informed the board that the savings for each household in the Wappinger Park would be $313 per house hold. If there was no expansion, they would pay $485. They are offering to perform a service for the town that will be helping residents, and not themselves. Mr. Kellogg informed the board that his main objective here tonight was to set a Public Hearing. Setting the Public Hearing is not committing the board to approve this project. There is time between now and whenever a decision is made on the project to work out an agreement. There is a time factor. Mr. Kellogg explained the rezoning would be followed by site plan approval, followed by issue of the building permit, and once all of the items are in place, they can obtain construction financing. MR. RUGGIERO informed Mr. Kellogg that he must understand, that the last meeting the town board had a month ago was the first time this town board has sat down and deliberated with its members with the folder in front of them, which is the document they need to set a Public Hearing. We are not stalling you he explained, the board received the document, and the board was uncomfortable with part of the wording in the document. In your counter proposal to us, you did acknowledge our conditions. SUPERVISOR SMITH asked the board if they wished to go into Executive Session to discuss the new agreement with the attorney and them come back to talk to Mr. Kellogg? The board agreed. At this time, Mr. Kellogg was agreeable, but he feels he has an agreement that will work, which includes all the conditions. If there are any conditions that need to be modified or added, he requests they be 91 101498.WS done tonight. SUPERVISOR SMITH said that they would discuss the agreement, and if there were any questions, call him or his attorney in to answer them. At this time 9:00 p.m. COUNCILMAN BETTINA moved to go into Executive Session to discuss the Alpine agreement with Al Roberts, Attorney to the Town. Seconded by Mr. Paoloni Motion Unanimously Carried The meeting reconvened at 9:35 p.m. with all board members present. SUPERVISOR SMITH informed Mr. Kellogg and his attorney, John Adams that the Town Board went over the agreement presented to them, and there are several items that still needed to be addressed. They have authorized both attorneys to meet again and come up with another draft, and at that time we would set a Public Hearing. We can't do it tonight. Mr. Kellogg wished to know what issues in the agreement needed to be addressed, and address them now. Mr. Roberts, Attorney to the Town advised the board not to discuss the negotiations publicly at this point. Mr. Kellogg wished to know from the Town Board, what the issues are, that are not acceptable. Mrs. Smith said they want the attorneys to meet to discuss them. COUNCILMAN BETTINA moved to authorize Mr. Kellogg's attorney, and Mr. Roberts to go into a meeting at this time in order to discuss agreement negotiations. Seconded by Mr. Ruggiero Motion Unanimously Carried Next is Orwin Wrafter of the Dutchess County Planning Department with several questions. He explained that one of his tasks is lead planner for the Town of Wappinger. What that means, is if there is any information requests, they come through him. If there is a change in Town code, the referral comes to him. If its a regular referral for zoning change or set back, it would go through the community planning program group. He wished to know if there were any improvements that could be made in the process to assist the town. Supervisor informed Mr. Wrafter that the Planning Board seems to be satisfied each and every time that we need something sooner than 30 days. The DC Planning Department has been very cooperative. Mr. Wrafter said that the county is considering subdivision reviews. What are the town's thoughts? Supervisor Smith said the board opposed the idea of involvement of government. Mr. Wrafter also wished to know how the Greenway process can help the community, and are there any projects that the Town anticipates will be helped by the Greenway? Supervisor Smith informed Mr. Wrafter that the Town of Wappinger has a very small 4 ,;4i ��_- 101498.WS involvement in the Greenway because we only have the Reese Park area. We have gone in with the Village of Wappinger and Town of Poughkeepsie back in 1990. They have helped us with grants. Mr. Wrafter informed the board that Greenway is creating a 10 year work program, and wished to know if there were any projects the town anticipates within the next 5-10 years that we wish to receive help from the County. Supervisor Smith said we always have something that we would welcome help from the County, if your talking financially, we don't get as much as we would like to because we are to affluent. We are always willing to accept help from anyone. The final question from Mr. Wrafter. Does the town perceive any possibility of either going through the Town comprehensive plan or the codes in the near future? Supervisor Smith explained that we are doing the zoning amendments first, and now we are getting proposals for the comprehensive planning, but we have not moved forward beyond that. We are into codification now. NO ACTION TAKEN Supervisor Smith recognized Mr. Kellogg of Alpine, and he said at the meeting he attended with Attorneys Al Roberts and John Adams, this evening, it was explained the conditions in order to set a Public Hearing, and at this time they would take this under consideration. NO ACTION TAKEN Because of the late hour, Supervisor Smith informed the Board that they would table Nicole Farms Road Improvement from the agenda to another time. ATTORNEY TO THE TOWN AL ROBERTS gave a short report on the Lauffer Easement (Robert Lane Drainage). The Lauffer Easement has been secured, and was recorded last Friday. We can start as soon as the bids are awarded. She does have the right to come back if she establishes damages beyond $5,000, which is what it would have cost had we gone to court. MR. ROBERTS also gave a short report On the Dutchess County Water and Wastewater Agreement. The county wishes to give the Town $10,000, because they wish to participate in any of the water pipe facilities and/or pipes that will be planned in the town and then want the opportunity to expand the pipe if they pay for the incremental increase. In exchange if we do go forward, they want 20 days in which they can comment on an alternative bid for their construction purposes. In return they will pay a maximum of 110% for water that we charge to in -district residents and a maximum of 150% for out of district residents. Mr. Roberts explained that he will need some direction from the Town Board. SUPERVISOR SMITH announced that the board would address this at length at another workshop. NO ACTION TAKEN 5 101498.WS There was no other business to come before the Board. COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Paoloni and unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. By Florence Hannon Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk D Town of Wappinger )ate '13198 03:36 pm Page: 1 Invoice Audit Journal Iran line vndr po invoice claim date due s description debit credit amount 00006 A-1 FENCE CO 0001 000243 RF00001852 0000981784 09128/98 09/28/98 N REPAIR FENCE AT REESE PARR 0001 REPAIR FENCE REESE PARK 7110400A 0600000A 310.00 invoice total: 310.00 00014 ANIMAL HOSPITAL WAPP FALLS 3002 RF00001853 0000981785 10/01198 10/01/98 N KENNEL RENTAL OCT. 0801 KENNEL RENTAL OCT. 3510400A 0680000A 400.00 invoice total: 400.00 00014 ANIMAL HOSPITAL WAPP FALLS 1003 RF00001854 0000981786 10/01198 10/01/98 N ANIMAL CARE 0001 ANIMAL CARE 3510400A 0608060A 1,019.00 invoice total: 1,079.00 00014 ANIMAL HOSPITAL WAPP FALLS 3004 RF00001855 0000981787 10101/98 10/01198 N ANIMAL CARE 0061 ANIMAL CARE 3510400A 0600000A 175.00 invoice total: 175.00 00014 ANIMAL HOSPITAL WAPP FALLS 3005 RF00001856 0000981788 10/01/98 10/01/98 N ANIMAL CARE 1 ANIMAL CARE 3510400A 0600000A 405.00 invoice total: 405.00 00034 CARO POLLUTION CONTROL 1006 98-0720 0000981189 10101/98 10/01/98 N LAB ANALYSIS EMRR. SBR BLDG 0001 LAB ANALYSIS TW HALL 1621450A 0600016A 10.80 invoice total: 10.80 00040 CENTRAL HUDSON GAS 6 RLRC x007 RF00001857 0000981790 10/61198 10/01/98 N 7482-0276-02-5 8001 7482-8276-02-5 1620400A 0680800A 33.16 invoice total: 33.16 00640 CENTRAL HUDSON GAS & RLRC D008 RF00001858 0000981790 10101/98 10/01198 N 7645-1940-00-1 0001 7645-1940-80-1 1620400A. 0600000A 190.31 invoice total: 190.31 00040 CENTRAL HUDSON GAS & ELEC 3009 RF00001859 0000981790 10/01/98 10101198 N 7645-1830-00-4 0001 7645-1836-00-4 1628480A 0600000A 2,798.41 invoice total: 2,798.41 00040 CENTRAL HUDSON GAS i ELIC 0010 RF00001860 0000981790 10101/98 16101/98 N 7645-1727-00-2 1 7645-1727-60-2 1620400A 0600000A 118.31 Invoice total: 118.31 00040 CENTRAL HUDSON GAS 6 ELRC 0011 RF00001861 0000981790 10/01/98 10/01/98 N 7645-1838-00-7 0801 7645-1838-00-7 1621400A 0500000A 94.23 invoice total: 94.23 Town of Wappinger )ate ` 13/98 03:36 pm Page: 2 Invoice Audit Journal :ran line vndr po invoice claim date due s description debit credit amount 00040 CENTRAL HUDSON GAS & RLRC 1012 RF00001862 0000981791 09/30/98 09/30/98 N 7851-1550-01-6 0001 7851-1550-01-6 1620400A 060000OA 19.34 Invoice total: 19.34 00040 CENTRAL HUDSON GAS & RLSC 1013 RF00O01863 0000981791 09/30/98 09/30/98 N 7964-1460-00-5 0001 7964-1468-80-5 1620400A O600000A 127.75 Invoice total: 127.75 80048 CENTRAL HUDSON GAS & HLHC 1014 RFOOOO1864 0000981792 09/30/98 09/30/98 N 1802-1960-00-6 8001 7802-1960-00-6 1620400A 0600000A 14.60 invoice total: 14.60 80040 CENTRAL HUDSON GAS & HLHC )015 RF00O01865 0000981792 09/30/98 09/30/98 N 7802-1962-00-2 8001 7882-1962-00-2 162O400A O60000OA 15.81 invoice total: 15.81 00048 CENTRAL HUDSON GAS & HLHC 416 RF00O01866 0000981792 09/30/98 69/30/98 N 7512-0470-00-2 1 7512-0470-60-2 162040OA 060000OA 13.38 invoice total: 13.38 08840 CENTRAL HUDSON GAS & ELIC 411 RFOOOO1867 0000981792 09/30198 09/30/98 N 7690-6425-01-8 0001 7590-0425-01-8 1520400A 0600000A 183.36 invoice total: 183.36 80040 CENTRAL HUDSON GAS & SLEC 1018 RFO0O01868 0000981793 09/21/98 09/21/98 N 1816-1572-04-4 0001 7810-1572-04-4 1620400A O680000A 46.17 invoice total: 46.17 00079 DUTCHHSS COUNTY OFFICE 419 RF00OO1869 6000981794 09/30/98 09/30198 N DIAL A RIDS SEPT. 0001 DIAL A RIDS SEPT 7610400A 0600000A 1,656.00 Invoice total: 1,650.60 00100 NORTHEAST COMPUTER SERVICE 1020 9804295 0000981795 09/28198 09128/98 N GENERAL NETWORKING 0001 GENERAL NETWORKING 1680400A 0600000A 350.00 invoice total: 350.00 r 00104 PASSION SPORTS 421 000220 RF00O01870 0000981796 09/02/98 09/02/98 N SUPPLIES FOR PLAYGROUNDS SUPPLIES FOR PLAYGROUND PICNIC 73104008 06000008 563.02 Invoice total: 563.02 00162 NY COMMUNICATIONS CO 3022 81674 6000981797 10/01/96 10/01/98 N COMMUNICATION SYSTEM OCT. Town of Wappinger )ate X13/98 03:36 pm Pager 3 Invoice Audit Journal ---- :ran -------------------- line vndr po invoice claim date due s description debit credit amount ----------------------------- 0801 COMMUNICATION SYSTEM OCT 5110408DB 0600000DB 1,143.00 invoice total: 1,143.00 08162 NY COMMUNICATIONS CO 1023 81672 0000981798 10/01198 10/01198 N COMMUNICATION SYSTEM OCT. 0881 COMMUNICATION SYSTEM OCT 31204008 06000008 190.00 invoice total: 190.00 08184 PAGGI & MARTIN 3024 RF00001871 0000981799 10/01198 10/01/98 N SERVICES J.PAGGI SEPT FLEETWOOD 8001 SERVICES J.PAGGI SEPT FLESTWOO 144040098 060008098 14,868.50 invoice total: 14,868.50 00184 PAGGI & MARTIN )025 RF00001872 6000981800 10/01/98 10/01/98 N SERVICES J.PAGGI SEPT 0001 SERVICES J.PAGGI SEPT 1140416A 0600808A 1,504.88 0002 SERVICES J.PAGGI SEPT 1440400HD 060000ORD 4,993.25 6003 SERVICES J.PAGGI SEPT. 14404008 0610100B 11,695.75 invoice total: 18,193.00 00184 PAGGI & MARTIN )02 RF00001873 0000981801 10/01198 10/01/98 N SERVICES J.PAGGI SEPT. 1 SERVICES J.PAGGI SEPT 8131400SR 8600000SR 8.75 Invoice total. 8.75 00184 PAGGI & MARTIN 121 RYB0001874 0000981802 10/01/98 10/01/98 N SERVICES J.PAGGI SEPT 8081 SERVICES J.PAGGI SEPT 14404008 06080008 55.08 0002 SERVICES J.PAGGI SEPT 8092000T 0600000T 92.50 invoice total: 147.58 00184 PAGGI & MARTIN 328 RF00001875 0000981803 10/81198 10/01/98 N SERVICES J.PAGGI SEPT 0801 SERVICES J.PAGGI SEPT 1440400B 06008808 112.50 0002 SERVICES J.PAGGI SEPT 0092000T 0600000T 2,026.25 invoice total: 2,138.75 80184 PAGGI & MARTIN 129 EF00001876 0000981804 10101/98 10/01/98 N SERVICES J.PAGGI SEPT 0001 SERVICES J.PAGGI SEPT 8320400WP 0600000WP 83.75 invoice total: 83.75 00184 PAGGI & MARTIN 430 RF00001811 0000981805 10/61198 10/01/98 N TRI -MUNI J.PAGGI SEPT "01 TRI -MUNI J.PAGGI SEPT 14404009V 06000009V 4,636.16 Invoice total: 4,630.76 00184 PAGGI & MARTIN 3031 RF00001878 0000981806 10101198 16/01198 N SERVICES J.PAGGI SEPT CASTLE BAT 8001 SERVICES J.PAGGI CASTLE BATHRO 14404009E 0600000RF 685.25 invoice total: 685.25 06184 PAGGI & MARTIN 0032 RF00001879 0000981801 10101198 10/01/98 N TRI MUNI J.PAGGI SEPT Town of Wappinger ate 13/98 03:36 pm Page: 4 - Invoice Audit Journal can line vndr po invoice claim date due s description debit credit amount 0001 TRI -MUNI J.PAGGI SEPT 1440400HU 0600010HU 1,280.60 invoice total: 1,280.00 00184 PAGGI & MARTIN 033 RF00001880 0000981808 10101198 10/01/98 H SERVICES J.PAGGI SEPT 0881 SERVICES J.PAGGI SEPT 14404008 06000008 1,502.75 invoice total: 1,502.75 00194 POUGHKRRPSIE JOURNAL 034 RF00001881 0000981809 10/01/98 10/01/98 N SUBSCRIPTION FOR SENIORS 0881 SUBSCRIPTION SENIORS 7620418A 0600000A 38.30 invoice total: 30.30 08288 ROYAL CARTING SERVICE CO 035 RF00001882 0006981810 09130/98 09/30/98 N BULK PICK UP 1998 0001 BULK PICK UP 1998 B160400B 06000008 563.50 invoice total: 503.50 00208 ROYAL CARTING SERVICE CO 336 RPOOOOI883 0000981811 09/30198 09130/98 N GARBAGE PICKUP 1 HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE 81604008 66000008 2,138.60 2 RRCYCABLES 8162400B 06000008 574.20 3 GARBAGE PICK UP 1620450A 0600000A 751.00 invoice total: 3,463.80 00216 SOUTHERN DUTCHRSS NEWS 337 RF00001884 0000981812 09/30/98 09/30/98 N SCHOOL TAX COLLECTION 0081 SCHOOL TAX COLLECTION 1676480A 0600000A 39.50 invoice total: 39.50 80219 THE HOME DEPOT/GRCF 038 RF00001885 0000981813 10105/98 10105/98 N SUPPLIES FOR ROADS PAINTING 0001 SUPPLIES ROAD PAINTING 511041ODB 0600000DB 108.22 Invoice total: 108.22 80219 TER HOME DEPOTIGECF 039 RF0000JB86 0000981814 09/18198 09/18/98 N NUTS/BOLTS 8001 NUTSIBOLTS 5130400DB 0600000DB 24.37 invoice total: 24.37 82370 CIRNIGLIA & SWARTZ ARCHITECTS PC 040 58 0000981815 10/05198 10/65198 N RIC COMPLEX FEASIBILTY STUDY 8001 RIC COMPLEX FEASIBLE STUDY 7620400A 0600000A 5,125.12 invoice total: 5,125.12 00216 ELAINE H SNOWDEN 041 RF00001887 0000981816 10/05198 10105198 N PETTY CASH 1 PETTY CASH 1670400A 0600000A 13.60 0002 PETTY CASH 1620450A 0600000A 1.71 0003 PETTY CASH 1450400A 8608000A 6.40 0004 PETTY CASH 1255000A 0600000A 8.00 invoice total: 29.71 Town of Wappinger late: -'113/9B 03:36 pm Page: 5 Invoice Audit Journal :ran ne vndr po invoice claim date due s description debit credit amount 00279 SHERIFF OF DUTCHESS COUNTY 142 RF00001888 0000981817 10185198 10/05198 N VANDALISM PATROL AUG. 0001 VANDALISM PATROL AUG 3120400E 06OO000B 7,321.44 invoice total: 7,321.44 00284 HUDSON AUTO & INDUSTRIAL 643 6325 0000981818 09121198 09/21/98 N STOCK FOR SHOP 2 @001 STOCK FOR SHOP 2 5130400DB O60O00ODB 52.08 invoice total: 52.08 80284 HUDSON AUTO & INDUSTRIAL 044 RF@0001889 0000981819 09/11/98 09/11/98 N NUTS/BOLTS 8881 NUTSIBOLTS 5136400DB O60000ODB 569.37 invoice total: 569.37 80289 ZEP MFG CO 045 65400967 0000981820 09/22/98 09/22/98 N ZEP 40 0001 ZIP 40 513041ODB 860000ODB 325.56 invoice total: 325.56 80289 ZEP MFG CO '104�Wl 65400662 0000981821 69/22/98 09/22/98 N VARIOUS LUBRICATIONS VARIOUS LUBRICATIONS 5138480DB O60000ODB 689.01 invoice total: 689.01 00316 SEDORE, O'SULLIVAN, LETTERIO & 1047 RF00O61891 0000981822 10/82/98 10/02198 N SERVICES SEDORE OCT 8001 SERVICES SBDORE OCT 1320480A 060000OA 1,625.06 invoice totals 1,625.00 80333 HUDSON RIVER EQUIPMENT 048 17924 0000981823 10/82198 10/02/98 N PINTLE MOUNT/HOOK 8801 PRINTLE MOUNT/HOOK 5138408DB 0600000DB 95.80 Invoice total: 95.00 80333 HUDSON RIVER EQUIPMENT 1049 17923 0000981824 09/17/98 09/17/98 N EQUIPMENT TRAILER 0001 EQUIPMENT TRAILER 5138280DB 06O0000DB 2,106.00 invoice total: 2,706.00 80334 JAMES J BAISLEY 150 RF000O1892 0001981825 09/04/98 09104/98 N TREE REMOVAL BOXWOOD CIRCLE 0001 TREE REMOVAL BOXWOOD CIRCLE 5140400B O600000D8 695.8Q Invoice totals 695.00 00334 JAMES J BAISLRY 151 RF00OO1893 0000981826 09111/98 69/11198 N TREE REMOVAL SPOOKHILL RD TREE REMOVAL SPOOKHILL RD 5140400DB 0600000B 326.51 invoice total: 326.50 00349 AGWAY PETROLEUM CORP 1052 @B@-980524 0000981827 89/17/98 09117/98 N RFG REG GAS 8001 RFG REG GAS 511140ODB @688800DB 283.6: invoice total: 283.61 Town of Wappinger ate: 3/98 63:36 pm Page: 6 Invoice Audit Journal can line vndr po invoice claim date due s description debit credit amount 06363 MCDONALD & MCDONALD, INC 353 000282 8271005 0000981828 09/22198 09/22/98 N SPRINGS FOR TRUCK 13 0001 SPRINGS FOR TRUCK 13 5130480DB 06080000B 810.32 invoice total: 810.32 80363 MCDONALD & MCDONALD, INC 254 8224010 0000981829 08/12198 08/12/98 N PARTS TRUCK 115 8001 PARTS TRUCK 15 51304/008 060601ODB 420.38 invoice total: 420.30 08367 BOTTINI FURL CORP 355 703534 0000981830 09126/98 09/26/98 N LOW SULFER DIESEL 8801 LOW SULFHR DIESEL 5132100A 0608106A 1,171.21 invoice total: 1,171.21 80389 NILTON ALLEY AGWAY 256 000230 RF00081894 0000981831 88/27/98 08/21198 N BLACKTOP SEALER ROBINSON LN 8001 BLACKTOP SEALER ROBINSON LN, 7110400A 0600000A 492.10 Invoice total: 492.10 00407 LESIGH LAWN & LANDSCAPING INC. 057 r RF00001895 0000981832 09/29/98 09/29/98 N LAWN MAINTENANCE SEPT 0001 LAWN MAINTHNANCR SEPT 1620450A 8611000A 995.88 invoice total: 995.00 00428 CORBIN EXCAVATING 358 5040 0060981833 69/24/98 09/24/98 N TOPSOIL 0001 TOPSOIL 51114BIDB 060101IDB 957.92 invoice total: 957.92 00571 ALBERT P ROBERTS ESQ 359 RF60001896 0888981834 10102/98 10/02/98 N SERVICES A.ROBERTS SEPT FLRETWD 8801 SERVICES A.ROBIRTS SHPT 142041ORB 06661009B 58.00 Invoice total: 50.00 00571 ALBERT P ROBERTS RSQ 360 RF06001897 0000981835 10106198 10106/98 N SERVICES A.ROBRRTS SEPT 0081 SERVICES A.ROBHRTS SEPT 8092060T 8610060T 1,587.50 invoice total: 1,587.50 00571 ALBERT P .ROBERTS ESQ Al RF00001898 0000981836 10/06/98 10/06/98 N SERVICES A.ROBERTS SHPT 8081 SERVICES A.ROBRRTS SEPT 1428400A 0600080A 2,537.50 0002 SERVICES A.ROBERTS SEPT 1420400B 0600000B 3,641.00 SERVICES A.ROBRRTS SEPT 6092010T 0600006T 1,258.80 SERVICES A.ROBERTS SEPT 8320460WP 0600000WP 37.50 SERVICES A.ROBRRTS SEPT 8130480SR 0600000SR 58.60 invoice total: 7,516.00 80571 ALBERT P ROBERTS RSQ 062 RF00001B99 0000981837 10/06198 10/06/98 N SERVICES A ROBERTS SEPT 0881 SERVICES A.ROBHRTS SRP? 14284608 06808008 925.80 invoice total: 925.00 Town of Wappinger ate; 3/98 03:36 pm Page: 7 Invoice Audit Journal can line vndr po invoice claim date due s description debit credit amount 00718 ANACONDA KAYE SPORTS - 363 000252 313393 0000981838 09/14/98 09/14/98 N BASKETBALLS/VOLLRY BALLS 0001 2 BASKETBALLS, 4 VOLLEYBALLS W 7140408A 0606100A 198.00 invoice total: 198.00 00142 J&J KLRAN 364 3325 0000981839 09/21/98 09/21/98 N CITRUS HAND CLEANER 0001 CITRUS HAND CLIANRR 5138488DB 0600000DB 52.80 invoice total: 52.80 00841 H 0 PENN MACHINERY CO 365 9S99303328 0000981840 09/22/98 09/22/98 N PARTS FOR CAT LOADER 0001 PARTS FOR CAT LOADER 5130401DB 061081ODB 368.60 invoice total: 308.60 08855 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 366 4896-3 6000981841 09/11/98 09/11/98 N WHITE PAINT 8001 WHITE PAINT 7110460A 8610806A 48.08 invoice total: 48.00 88894 SPRINT 1 HR PHOTO 361, 80130 0000981842 10/05/98 10/05/98 N FILM DEVELOPING ASSESSOR 0801 FILM DEVELOPING ASSESSOR 135540BA 0668110A 144.34 Invoice total: 144.34 80894 SPRINT 1 HR PHOTO 368 RF00001900 0000981843 10/62/98 10/02198 N PHOTOS FOR SENIOR CENTER 0081 PHOTO FOR SENIOR CENTER 7621481A 0610000A 43.46 invoice total: 43.46 68984 RXPAND8D SUPPLY PRODUCTS, INC. )69 51243 0000981844 09/11/98 09/11/98 N GRATIS AND FRAMES 8081 GRATIS AND FRAMES 5110486DB 86980BODB 702.00 invoice total. 702.00 00934 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC )10 3464448 0000981845 09114/98 09/14198 N DRILL BITS/STOCK 0001 DRILL BITSISTOCK 5130480DB 060610ODB 204.32 invoice total: 204.32 02046 POUGHKRRPSIR WASTE CO CORP. )71 1724 0000981846 09108/98 09/08/98 N BALI OF FLANNEL 0001 BALI OF FLANNEL 5130400DB 0680000DB 148.51 Invoice total: 148.50 62161 COFFII SYSTEM OF HUDSON 372 �811 000255 I9830664 0000981847 69/15198 09/15/98 N COFFER FOR SENIOR CENTER COFFEE FOR SENIOR CENTER 7620400A 0600000A 100.80 Invoice total: 100.00 02137 IAAO INTERNATIONAL ASSOC 013 RFOO101901 0000981848 09/28/98 09/28/98 N MEMBERSHIP Town of Wappinger ate: 13198 03:36 pm Page: 8 Invoice Audit Journal can line vndr po invoice claim date due s description debit credit amount 8001 MEMBERSHIP 1990510A 0680800A 130.00 invoice total: 130.00 62202 BRADY'S POWER BQUIPMBNT 014 RF00001982 0000981849 09/21/98 09121198 N OIL/CHAINS 8881 OILICHAIN 7110400A 6600060A 46.35 invoice total: 46.35 82202 BRADY'S POWER BQUIPMBNT 075 RF00001903 0000981850 08125/98 08/25/98 N PARTS/OIL/FILBS/BTC 8001 PARTS/OILIFILE/ETC. 5130400DB 061886ODB 247.52 Invoice total: 247.62 82744 AMERICAN FIRST AID INC. 676 375102 8000981851 09/28198 09/28/98 N SUPPLIES FOR FIRST AID 8081 SUPPLIES FOR FIRST AID 5132400A 0681688A 23.64 Invoice total: 23.84 62205 FREDERICK P CLARK ASSOCIATES INC 011 RFOOOO1904 0000981852 09/21/98 09/21198 N SERVICES F.CLARK AUG SERVICES F.CLARK AUG 8092000T 0681006T 5,805.00 invoice total: 5,805.00 62205 FREDERICK P CLARK ASSOCIATES INC 078 RF00001905 0000981853 09/21/98 69/21/98 N SERVICES F.CLARK AUG 8801 SERVICES F.CLARK AUG 8892800T 0608888T 24.88 invoice total: 24.00 82273 SUN -UP ENTERPRISES, INC. 079 RF00601966 0060981854 69/16/98 69/16/98 N RETAINAGE RELEASE SPOOKHILL/WIDM 8881 RELEASE RETAINAGE SPOOKHILLIWI 5110488DB 068108ODB 6,806.18 invoice total: 6,806.18 82368 ARKEL MOTORS INC 080 RF00081917 0000981855 09122/98 09/22/98 N TRUCK PARTS 8081 TRUCK PARTS 513111ODB 0611000DB 24.60 Invoice total; 24.60 82368 ARKBL MOTORS INC 091 RFOOOO1908 0000981856 09/09198 09/09/98 N ASSORTED TRUCK PARTS 0001 ASSORTED TRUCK PARTS 513545ODB 0601000DB 216.22 Invoice total: 216.20 02387 NYS ASSOCIATION OF TOWN 082 RF00001969 0000981857 10/01/98 10/01198 N MEMBERSHIP MEMBERSHIP 1996580A 0600000A 40.02 invoice total: 40.00 02544 SMITH'S COMMERICAL TIRE SER. INC )083 H050099 0000981858 09/10/98 09/18/98 N TIRES FOR TRUCKS 4 AND 14 8001 TIRES FOR TRUCKS 4 & 14 5130400DB 068110ODB 448.41 invoice total: 448.47 Town of Wappinger ate:' 13/98 03:36 pm Page: 9 Invoice Audit Journal can line vndr po invoice claim date due s description debit credit amount 62558 N. NAJCHBRS PRO SHOP 084 000245 4043 0000981859 10/62/98 10/02/98 N TROPHIES SCHLATHAUS RACE 1013/98 0001 TROPHIES SCHLATHAUS RACE 7140400A 0600060A 201.50 invoice total: 201.50 81197 SSIFTS, DONALD 085 RFOOOO1911 0000981860 09/23/98 09/23/98 N CLOTHBS/BOOTS ALLOWANCE 8001 CLOTHES/BOOTS ALLOWANCE Invoice total: 5110400DB 0688080DB 271.22 271.22 02889 TRONCILLITO BROTHERS, INC. M6 RF00001912 0000981861 09/30/98 09/30/98 N WATER DELIVERED FLEETWOOD DIST. 0001 WATER DELIVERED FLEETWOOD DIST 8320480WF 0600080WF 5,850.00 invoice total: 5,850.00 02965 WILLIAM LUMBER 287 RFO0001913 8000981862 09/21/98 09/21/98 N BOLTS/CAR WASH 0001 BOLTS/CAR WASH 7110418A 0600000A 28.72 invoice total: 20.72 r: 82990 ARISTA INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK 088 RFOOOO1914 0000981863 10/01198 10/01/98 N DISABILITY INSURANCE JULY/AUG/SE 0 01 DISABILITY INS. JULY/AUG/SGPT 9155BOIA 8680088A 440.70 0002 DISABILITY INS. JULY/AUG/SEPT 90558008 06000008 549.90 0003 DISABILITY INS. JULY/AUG/SBPT 91558DIDB 0600000D8 187.20 invoice total: 1,111.80 83002 HOPEWELL HOME IMPROVEMENT, INC. M9 000286 RF00001915 0000981864 10/01198 10/61/98 N DRAFT PLANS/SPEC POLE BLDG BARN 8001 DRAFT PLANS F SPECS FOR POLE B 7118460A 0600000A 108.88 invoice total: 700.00 83851 HYDE PARR PAINTING & 090 600217 1264 0000981865 09/18/98 09/18/98 N PAINT SILO AT BARN 0001 PAINT SILO AT BARN 7110460A 1610100A 5,515.00 invoice total: 5,515.00 63145 NENNI EQUIPMENT CORP 091 RFOOOO1916 0000981866 10/02/98 10/02/98 N FLEETWOOD WATER INTERCONNECTION 0001 FLEETWOOD WATER INTBRCONNECTIO 834840098 0600080HB 64,818.14 invoice total: 64,810.14 83155 A-1 PORTABLE TOILETS 092 000285 14388 0000981867 09/26198 09/26/98 N 2 PORTAJOHNS ROBINSON LN �1 RENTAL 2 PORTAJOHN ROBINSON LN 7110400A 0608080A 90.00 invoice total: 90.00 83191 RINALDI, BOB a93 2131345624 0000981868 09/21/98 09/21/98 N VARIOUS TOOLS 8801 VARIOUS TOOLS 513046ODB 860000068 74.25 invoice total: 74.25 83226 ARROW EXCAVATING 094 100253 92282 0000981869.09125/98 09/25198 N PUMP SEPTIC ROBINSON LN Town of Wappinger ate: 13/98 63:36 pm Page: 10 Invoice Audit Journal ran ------------------------------ line vndr po invoice claim date due s description debit credit amount 8001 PUMP SEPTIC AT ROBINSON LN 7110410A 1600010A 300.88 invoice total: 300.00 00034 CARO POLLUTION CONTROL 095 RF00001917 8000981870 09/01/98 09/01/98 N WATER 98-0597 SEPT 0001 WATER 98-8705 832040OWC 1611001WC 23,166.67 invoice total: 23,166.67 00034 CARO POLLUTION CONTROL 096 RF00001918 0000981870 09/01/98 09/01/98 N WATER 98-0705 SEPT 8001 WATER 98-0765 SEPT 8320400WH 1608008WN 5,158.33 Invoice total: 5,158.33 00034 CARO POLLUTION CONTROL 1097 RFOOOO1919 8000981810 69101/98 09/61/98 N WATER,98-0105 SEPT 8801 WATER 98-8105 SEPT 8320480WF 161681OWF 2,708.33 invoice total: 2,708.33 08.034 CARO POLLUTION CONTROL 1098 RF00001920 0000981810 09/01198 09/01198 N WATER 98-0705 SEPT WATER 98-8705 SEPT 8320400WP 0600008WP 2,083.33 invoice total: 2,683.33 80034 CARO POLLUTION CONTROL 099 RFOOOO1921 8008981870 09/01/98 09/01/98 N WATER 98-0705 SEPT 8801 WATER 98-8185 SEPT 8321400WO 6600000WO 2,863.75 invoice total: 2,063.75 80034 CARO POLLUTION CONTROL 100 RFOOOO1922 0000981810 69/01/98 09/01/98 N WATER 98-0705 SEPT 8001 WATER 98-8105 SEPT 832040OWT 8680000WT 2,266.67 Invoice total: 2,266.67 00034 CARO POLLUTION CONTROL 101 RF00001923 8000981810 09/01/98 09/01/98 N WATER 98-0105 SEPT 8001 WATER 98-8785 SEPT 8320400WA 8600000WA 2,891.67 Invoice total: 2,091.67 80034 CARO POLLUTION CONTROL 103 RF00001925 8000981810 09/01/98 09/01/98 N WATER 98-0705 SEPT 8881 WATER 98-0105 SEPT 8320400WH 8608000WH 1,125.00 invoice total: 1,125.00 88834 CARO POLLUTION CONTROL 104 RF00001926 0000981870 09/01/98 09/01/98 N WATER 98-0705 SEPT i WATER 98-0105 SEPT 8320400WR 8600800WR 916.67 Invoice total: 916.67 80034 CARO POLLUTION CONTROL 1105 RF00001927 0000981871 09/01198 09/01/98 N SEWER 98-6704 8801 SEWER 98-0704 SEPT 81304008? 6608000SP 6,525.00 invoice total: 6,525.00 Town of Wappinger ate: 13198 03:36 pm Page: 11 Invoice Audit Journal ran line vndr po invoice claim date due s description debit credit amount 60034 - CARO POLLUTION CONTROL 106 RF00001928 0000981871 09101/98 69/01/98 N SEWER 98-0704 SEPT 8001 SEWER 98-0184 SEPT 8120406SI 6600010SI 5,400.60 invoice total: 5,400.00 88034 CARO POLLUTION CONTROL 107 RPOOOO1929 0000981871 09101/98 09/01/98 N SEWER 98-0104 SEPT 0801 SEWER 98-0184 SEPT 8130400SI 0680088SI 7,371.67 invoice total: 7,371.67 80034 CARO POLLUTION CONTROL 108 RF00001930 0000981811 09101/98 09/01/98 N SEWER 98-0104 SEPT 0001 SEWER 98-8184 SEPT 8130406SK 8600080SM 7,580.88 invoice total: 7,500.00 88034 CARO POLLUTION CONTROL 109 RF00001931 8080981811 09/61/98 09/01/98 N SEWER 98-0704 SEPT 0001 SEWER 98-8704 SEPT 8121400SR 060000@SR 3,666.67 Invoice total: 3,666.67 88834 CARO POLLUTION CONTROL 110 RF00001932 0000981871 09/01/98 09/01/98 N SEWER 98-0704 SEPT 1 SEWER 98-8184 SEPT 8130488SR @608000SR 6,378.33 invoice total: 6,378.33 88034 CARO POLLUTION CONTROL 112 RP00001934 0000981871 09/01/98 09/01/98 N SEWER 98-0708 SEPT 8801 SEWER 98-8104 SEPT 9130410SW 8600600SW 9,675.80 Invoice total: 9,675.80 00840 CENTRAL HUDSON GAS & ELEC 113 RF00001935 0060981872 09/01198 69111/98 N 7411-1700-00 8081 7411-1108-88 5192400B 06006008 1,892.19 invoice total: 1,892.19 80040 CENTRAL HUDSON GAS & ELEC 114 RF00001936 6000981872 09/01/98 09101/98 N 7411-1760-00 0001 1411-1160-80 518240@LH fi00000LH 1,448.01 Invoice total: 1,440.07 68834 CARO POLLUTION CONTROL 115 RF000@1937 0000981872 09101198 09161198 N 7411-1720-00 8001 7411-1720-88 5182400LC 0680808LC 58.55 invoice total: 58.55 80040 CENTRAL HUDSON GAS & ELEC 116 RF00001938 6060981872 09/01198 09/01/98 N 7411-1740-00 0 01 7411-1748-80 5182400LD 0608008LD 558.55 invoice total: 558.55 00162 NY COMMUNICATIONS CO 117 81673 0000981873 18/01/98 10/01/98 N COMMUNICATION SYSTEM OCT 8881 COMMUNICATION SYSTEM OCT 34104008 06000008 55.34 0002 COMMUNICATION SYSTEM OCT 3620400B 86060008 55.33 Town of Wappinger )ate 13/98 03:36 pm Page: 12 Invoice Audit Journal ---------------------------- :ran line vndr po invoice claim date due s description debit credit amount 0003 COMMUNICATION SYSTEM OCT 80154008 06000008 55.33 invoice total: 166.00 00184 PAGGI & MARTIN ?118 RF00001939 8000981874 10/01/98 10/01/98 N TRI -MUNI J.PAGGI SEPT 0001 TRI -MUNI J.PAGGI SEPT 144040090 0600000HU 768.08 invoice total: 760.00 80184 PAGGI & MARTIN 119 RF00001940 0000981875 10/01/98 16/01/98 N TRI -MUNI J.PAGGI SEPT 0001 TRI -MUNI J.PAGGI SEPT 1440400BU 9600000OU 2,421.00 invoice total: 2,421.00 00206 ARCH PAGING 1120 8100121795 0000981876 10/01/98 18/01/98 N PAGER RENTAL OCT. 8081 PAGER RENTAL OCT. 5132400A 0600000A 26.15 0002 PAGER RENTAL OCT 34104008 06000008 13.88 0003 PAGER RENTAL OCT 3621400B 06000008 13.88 0004 PAGER RENTAL OCT 80154008 06000608 14.24 invoice total: 68.15 80682 MEDICUS, P.C. ;121 134067 0000981877 10/01/98 10/01/98 N DRUG/ALCHOL PROGRAM SEPT 8001 DRUGIALCHOL SEPT 9089800A 0688888A 306.80 Invoice total: 306.00 80929 NYS UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE '122 RF00001942 8000981878 10/01/98 10/01/98 N ADDITIONAL UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANC 8081 ADDITIONAL UNEMPLOYMENT INS. 96508608 06000088 864.00 invoice total: 864.00 02432 BARIGHT ASSOCIATES INC. )123 RF00001943 0000981879 10/01/98 10/01/98 N 10 CAR WASHES TOWN PATROL 0001 18 CAR WASHES TOWN PATROL 31204008 0511000B 55.08 Invoice total: 55.00 02432 BARIGHT ASSOCIATES INC. 124 RF00001944 0000981880 10/01/98 10/01/98 N ASSESSOR'S CAR CLEAN INSIDE/OUT 0001 ASSESSOR'S CAR CLEANED 1620450A 8600000A 99.95 invoice total: 99.95 62649 CSEA EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND 1125 RF00001945 0000981881 10101198 10/01/98 N DENTAL/OPTICAL OCT 8801 DENTALIOPTICAL OCT 9060900DB 06000000B 987.10 invoice total: 987.70 83085 CRUM & FOSTER INSURANCE 126 RF00001946 0000981882 10101/98 10/01/98 N GENERAL LIABILITY DEDUCTIBLE 8001 GENERAL LIABILITY DEDUCTIBLE 1910400A 6600000A 1,000.80 Invoice total: 1,060.00 03229 MORELLI, THERESA GAROFALO 127 97-384 0000981883 09110/98 09/10/98 N ESCROW RETURN 397-384 SEEDING 0801 ESCROW RETURN 197-384 0093080T 8600000T 506.08 Invoice total: 500.00 Town of Wappinger )ate, 113/98 03:36 pm Page: 13 Invoice Audit Journal :ran line vndr po invoice claim date due s description debit credit amount 00034 CARO POLLUTION CONTROL 3128 98-0719 0000981884 09/23198 09/23198 N LAB ANALYSIS TOWN HALL 98-0719 0081 LAB ANALYSIS TOWN HALL 98-0119 1620450A 0600618A 10.80 Invoice total: 10.80 total: 285,728.88 final total: 285,720.08 Town of Wappinger Ate ; 07/98 03:67 pm Page: 1 Invoice Audit Journal gran line vndr po invoice claim date due s description debit credit amount 00017 IRBNB CZBRWINSKI '001 RF00001773 0000981716 09/15198 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 0001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450400A 0600000A 62.00 invoice total: 62.00 00019 JAY RUBINSTBIN 1002 RF00001774 8000981717 69/15/98 89/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1451468A 0600606A 60.00 invoice total: 60.00 00078 ROBB M HORTON 1003 RF00001775 0000981718 09/15/98 89/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8081 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1458400A 0600808A 68.88 Invoice total; 60.00 08515 ANN PBRAGINO 104 RF00001776 0000981719 89/15198 89/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1456400A 8600888A 62.68 invoice total: 62.06 BARBARA GUTZLBR 100580617 ,, RF06001777 0606981720 09/15198 69115198 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 0001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450400A 0688888A 64.80 Invoice total: 64.00 60618 BARBARA A JBNSSN 406 RF80001778 0000981121 09/15198 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8081 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1456488A 0680008A 64.00 invoice total: 64.00 88630 DONALD F GULLBRY 007 RF00601779 0000981722 09/15/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 0001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1458460A 6600168A 66.00 invoice total: 66.00 60644 HBLBN HILOBRBRAND 1008 RF00061780 0000981723 09/15/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450400A 0600008A 68.80 invoice total: 60.00 60646 HENRY SBMP 1009 RF00001781 0000981724 09/15/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 0001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450416A 0600008A 64.00 invoice total: 64.00 00660 LBSLIB URBANSKI 1010 RF00001782 0000981725 09/15/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 81 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450400A 0680688A 60.88 invoice total: 60.00 08675 NORMA D CLARK 3011 RF00001783 0000981726 09/15/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 0001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450400A 0660808A 66.80 Invoice total: 66.00 Town of Wappinger )ate:' 07/98 03:07 pm Page: 2 Invoice Audit Journal :ran line vadr po invoice claim date due s description debit credit amount 88684 VERA HAMILTON 112 RF00001784 0000981727 09/15/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1458400A 0608600A 64.60 invoice total: 64.00 00688 VIRGINIA V. GULLRRY 3013 RF00001785 8000981728 09/15/98 69/15198 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450480A 0600006A 62.88 invoice total: 62.00 80689 VIRGINIA MAYNARD 414 RF00001786 0000981729 09115/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8881 PRIMARY DAY 1498 1456406A 8600008A 62.80 invoice total: 62.00 68781 EILEEN MASTERSON :015 RFOODO1787 0000981130 09/15/98 69/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8801 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1458460A 0608080A 62.88 Invoice total: 62.00 88802 THERESA LINACRE 1016„ RFOOOO1788 0000981731 09/15/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8081 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450400A 0680880A 68.80 Invoice total: 60.00 88817 JACK M GREEN 017 RF00001789 8000981732 09/15/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8081 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1456418A 0680008A 64.60 Invoice total: 64.00 88864 ANN MARIE BUCK 1018 RFOOB01790 0000981733 09/15198 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 0801 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1458488A 1681600A 64.80 invoice total: 64.60 01828 MARY SALANSKY 1819 RFOOB01791 6000981734 09/15198 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8801 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450406A 0688880A 62.08 Invoice total: 62.00 01035 DIANE PARLIN 1020 RF00601792 0000981735 09/15/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450488A 0600800A 68.80 invoice total: 60.00 01074 CAROL JANE WALKRR )021 ,+ RF00001793 0000981736 09115198 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450468A 0601080A 62.08 Invoice total: 62.00 81081 JOHN COSTELLO A22 RF00001794 0000981737 09/15/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 Town of Wappinger ate: 07/98 03:01 pm Page: 3 - Invoice Audit Journal can line vndr po invoice claim date due s description debit credit amount 0001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450406A 0686110A 62.00 invoice total: 62.00 81089 MICHARL FRANZHSB 023 RFOOO11795 0000981738 09/15/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450406A @618180A 60.00 invoice total: 60.00 82283 ANGHLINA NOBILH 324 RFOOOO1796 0000981739 09/15/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 0001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450400A 0688888A 52.80 invoice total: 62.00 62284 ANN CICCARBLLI 025 RFO0001797 0000981740 09115/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 0081 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450406A 0688101A 62.00 invoice total: 62.00 02288 CAROL CASAllA 326 RF00001798 8088981141 89/15198 89/15198 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450480A 0680000A 60.86 Invoice total: 60.00 82289 CAROLYN W FHLTHR 021 RFOOOO1799 0000981742 09/15/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8801 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1151488A 0688888A 64.08 Invoice total: 64.00 02343 BARBARA G SLADRR 328 RF00001801 0000981743 09/15198 69/15198 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1458460A 0600000A 64.60 Invoice total: 64.00 62460 BRNHST C HARRIS 029 RF00001801 0000981144 09/15/98 09115/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450400A 0668800A 64.00 Invoice total: 64.00 82500 CARMHLA LAURINO 030 RF00001802 0000981745 09/15198 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8881 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1458406A 0611100A 62.60 invoice total: 62.00 02561 GLADYS RUIT 031 RF60001803 0000981746 09/15198 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1458410A 0600006A 66.00 invoice total: 66.00 62563 JOHN B STB6D 032 RF00001804 0000981747 09/15/98 89/15198 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8081 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450400A 6611111A 62.06 invoice total: 62.60 Town of Wappinger ate: 31/98 03:67 pm Page: 4 Invoice Audit Journal ran line vadr po invoice claim date due s description debit credit amount 02570 TERRY RINMER 033 RF00001805 0000981748 09/15/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 6001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1456460A 0600100A 66.00 Invoice total: 66.06 02601 BARBARA FALCO 034 RF00001806 0000981749 09115/98 09/15198 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 0001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1456410A 0600818A 62.80 Invoice total: 62.00 02608 CECILIA N KEENAN 335 RFOOOOIB07 0000981750 69/15/98 09/15198 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 0001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1458400A 0600000A 60.00 invoice total: 60.00 02612 ELEANOR J CROSHISR 236 RF00001808 0000981751 09/15/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 0001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450408A 0600000A 66.00 Invoice total: 66.00 02613 GLORIA GUERRIERO 037 RF00001809 0600981752 09/15/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 1 *PRIMARY DAY 1998 1458110A 0608000A 62.00 invoice total: 62.00 02621 SHERYL L GLICKMAN 238 RF00001816 0000981753 09115198 09/15198 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 0001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1456406A 0600008A 60.00 Invoice total: 60.00 02622 THOMAS GURRRIERO a39 RF00601811 0000981754 09115/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 0001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450408A 0600680A 64.00 invoice total: 64.00 62758 POULIOS, A. J. 040 RF00001812 0000981755 09115/98 09115/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 0001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450400A 0600000A 66.00 invoice total: 66.00 02762 BUCK, JOSEPH M. 041 RF00001813 0000981756 09/15/98 09/15198 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1451410A 0600000A 62.00 invoice total: 62.00 02768 AXES, DOROTHEA 242RFOOOOIB14 0000981757 09115/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 0 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450400A 0600000A 60.00 invoice total: 60.60 02772 O'RILSY, JOAN MARIE 043 RF00001815 0000981758 69/15/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 0001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450410A 0606808A 68.00 Invoice total: 60.00 Town of Wappinger )ate: 07/98 03:07 pm Page: 5 Invoice Audit Journal :ran line vadr po invoice - claim date due s description debit credit amount - 62775 KOWALSKY, BERNICE '044 RF0000I816 0000981759 09/15/98 09/15198 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 0001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450400A 0600000A 62.00 invoice total: 62.00 02776 GIRTELL, ANGELINA A. 445 RF00001817 0000981760 09/15198 69/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 0001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450400A 0600000A 62.00 invoice total: 62.00 82785 ANTONIOLLI, ANDREW 046 RF0000IB18 0000981761 09/15/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 0081 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450400A 0600000A 62.60 invoice total: 62.00 02786 GUARINO, JOSEPHINE T. 141 RF00001819 0000981762 09115/98 09/15198 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8801 - PRIMARY DAY 1998 1451400A 0600000A 60.00 invoice total: 60.00 82949 MACAYA, LORETTA RF00001820 0000981763 09/15/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8881 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450400A 0600800A 64.00 invoice total: 64.00 82951 MBUSBURGSR, EDWARD 1049 RF00001821 0000981764 09/15198 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1458400A 0600000A 62.00 invoice total: 62.00 02952 MBUSBURGER, ELIZABETH 050 RF00001822 0000981765 09/15/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450411A 0600000A 62.00 invoice total: 62.00 02955 PILON, PAUL 051 RF00001823 0000981166 09115198 09/15198 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 0001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450400A 0600000A 64.00 invoice total: 64.00 63890 GOLDBERGER, EDGAR F. 052 RF0000I824 0000981767 09/15/98 09115/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8081 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450400A 0600000A 54.00 invoice total: 64.00 03693 STEED, REBECCA 053,, RF00001825 0000981768 09/15/98 09115/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 0001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1451400A 0600880A 62.00 invoice total: 62.00 83096 GREENMAN, ROBERT 454 RF00001826 6000981769 09/15/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 Town of Wappinger ite: )1198 03:01 pm Page: 6 Invoice Audit Journal - - can line vndr po invoice claim date due a description debit credit amount 0001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450400A 0600800A 62.08 invoice total: 62.00 03102 DEWOODY, CAROLE 355 RF00001827 0000981770 09115/98 09/15198 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 0001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450400A 0600000A 60.00 invoice total: 60.00 03184 HAGGERTY, JOAN M. 056 RFOOOO1828 0000981111 09/15/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450468A 0600000A 62.00 invoice total: 62.00 03107 VACCARINO, ROBERT 051 RFO0001829 0000981772 09/15/98 69/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8081 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1459400A 0600006A 64.60 invoice total: 64.00 03236 LAUNINO, ALFONSO 358 RF00001830 0000981773 89/15/98 09/15198 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450400A 6680110A 62.08 invoice total: 62.00 63237 BAIN, JAMES B. 359 RFOOD01831 0000981774 09/15/98 69/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1456400A 0608000A 62.00 invoice total: 62.00 03238 WOODY, DAVID P. 360 RF00001832 0000981115 09/15/98 09115/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 0001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1451400A 0688016A 64.00 Invoice total: 64.00 83239 JOHNSON, SUSAN 061 RF00001833 0000981116 09115/98 09/15198 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 0001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450400A 0600080A 64.88 invoice total: 64.00 83246 DEMILIO, ANNA MAY 362 PF00001834 0000981777 09/15/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450400A 0606000A 60.60 Invoice total:. 60.00 03241 BODLEY, LINDA 363 RF00001835 0000981118 09/15/98 09115198 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450400A 0606000A 60.00 invoice total: 60.00 03242 HARTNETT, KAY 064 RFOOOO1836 0000981779 09/15/98 09/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 0601 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450460A 0600800A 62.00 invoice total: 62.00 Town of Wappinger ate 07/98 03:01 pm Page: 7 Invoice Audit Journal can line vndr po invoice claim date due s description debit credit amount ------------------------------------------------ 63243 MORSE, JOAN M. 065 RF00001837 0000981780 09/15198 09/15198 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450460A 0600000A 62.60 Invoice total; 62.00 03244 GR66NMAN, RALMA 066 RF00001838 0000981781 69/15198 09/15198 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 0001 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1450411A 0600000A 62.00 invoice total; 62.00 03245 MACAYA, BRIAN 067 RF00001839 0000981782 09/15/98 89/15/98 N PRIMARY DAY 1998 8881 PRIMARY DAY 1998 1456480A 0600060A 60.00 invoice total; 60.00 total; 4,176.80 final total: 4,176.00