1998-09-28 RGMAGENDA TOWN BOARD TOWN OF WAPPINGER SEPTEMBER 28, 1998 7:30 P.M. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1. SUPERVISOR CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO FLAG 3. ACCEPT MINUTES 4. REPORTS OF OFFICERS: Reg. Aug. 24, 1998 Workshop Sept. 14, 1998 Sup/Bkkr Town Justices Rec. of Taxes Bldg. Insp. Zng. Adm. 5. AUDIT JOURNAL/WARRANT $ 6. PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS a. Arthur Coughlin, Chelsea. re: Confiscation of Town property by a Town Resident b. Margaret Myers, Robert Lane, re:"Order to Remedy" by Zng. Adm. of Stream blockage c. Debbie Peck re: Renaming Road in Ardmore Dev. to Horton Lane d. Request for return of escrow by T. Morelli, Maloney Rd., $500. e. Notification of intent to renew Liquor Licenses by: (1) La Fonda del Sol (2) Orchid European Cuisine f. Linda Tasadfoy, Assessor, response to Planning board suggestion of assessors Office do rezoning notifications g. Receipt by Town Clerk on 9/14/98 of Map, Plan & Report for Drainage Improvement Project for Robert Lane by J. Paggi, Eng. to Town h. J. Paggi, Eng, to Town, Reports: (1) re: Hussain Pump Station (8/28/98) (2) re: Robinson Lane Recreation Facility (8/31/98) (3) re: cost ananlysis for Wappinger Park Water (8/28/98) (4) re: Carmel Heights Subdivision (Water & Sewer Utilities on Albert Lane (9/1/98) with Corr. from D. Co. Dept. of Health(8/25) and CAMO (8/28/98) (5) Maloney Road/Box Culvert (8/31/98) (6) Update on V. Fishkill/Fleetwood water pump station (9/9/98) (7) Kent Road/Traffic Problem - w/corr. from Joel Miller (9/4/98) (8) Report on Castle Point Landfill Closure Project submitted to Ms. King, NYSDEC i. G.Foster, H. Supt. Corr. (1) Additional space for Highway equipme t (2)Additional Highway workers. j. Emanuel Saris, Esq. Re: Cranberry Hills Associates vs T/W Certior ri correspondence 9/8/98 k. Arthur Kaiser re: Noise from neghbor working on racing cars, etc. 1. Approve Lehigh Contract for Snow removal at Emergency Services Bldg, and Authorize Supervisor to sign m. A. Roberts, Esq. Attorney to Town, Reports: (1) Robert Lane Drainage/Lauffer Easement (2) Orchard Drive subd.-Humeston/DeLucc a ,n. Micheal Tremper, CAMO, Reports (1)Water & Sewer ROW on Kent Road (2) Corr: re: Service Lateral - Mrs. Pace, Myers Corners Rd. o. October Workshop rescheduled for Tuesday, October 13th (Monday is Holiday) 7. COMMITTEE REPORTS 8. BONDS & LETTERS OF CREDIT 9. RESOLUTIONS a. Introduce Local law for Rescinding "NO PARKING" Local Law on Regency Drive, and set Public Hearing b. Bids received for purchase of used Highway Equipment 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 11. NEW BUSINESS 12. ADJOURNMENT 092898.RGM The Regular Town Board Meeting of the Town of Wappinger was held on September 28, 1998 at the town hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York. Supervisor Smith called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Present: Constance Smith, Supervisor Robert Valdati, Councilman Vincent Bettina, Councilman Joseph Ruggiero, Councilman Joseph Paoloni, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present: Al Roberts, Attorney to the Town Jay Paggi, Engineer to the Town Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 24, 1998 and Workshop Meeting of September 14, 1998, having previously been forwarded to the board members, were now placed before them for their consideration. Councilman Valdati stated that on page 4 of the Workshop Meeting of September 14th, a motion was made by Councilman Bettina authorizing the Attorney to draft documents releasing the town from future water damages and also seconded by Mr. Bettina. That is incorrect. It was seconded by Mr. Valdati. COUNCILMAN BETTINA moved that the above stated minutes as presented by the Town Clerk be and they are hereby approved as corrected. Seconded by Mr. Ruggiero Motion Unanimously Carried REPORTS OF OFFICERS Reports for the month of August were received from the Town Justices, Supervisor/Bookkeeper, Receiver of Taxes, Building Inspector, and Zoning Administrator. COUNCILMAN VALDATI moved to accept the reports and place them on file. Seconded by Mr. Ruggiero Motion Unanimously Carried SUPERVISOR AUDIT JOURNAL/WARRANT The following Resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN VALDATI who moved its adoption: Be it resolved, that the Audit Journal/Warrant dated 9/23/98 in the amount of $103,423.39 having presented to the Town Board for their review and audit, be and the same is hereby approved for payment in the amount so stated. 1 092898.RGM Seconded by Mr. Ruggiero Motion Unanimously Carried Correspondence from Arthur Coughlin a resident of Chelsea informing the town of the confiscation of town property by a town resident. Discussion followed. It was determined, that at the July meeting, Mr. Paggi was authorized to survey the property. He needs a clear title deed to the property in question, before he can proceed, and he will survey that deed. No action will be taken, until title of property is determined A response from Margaret Myers, Robert Lane who was issued an "Order to Remedy" by the Zoning Administrator. The area in question refers to the blockage of the stream behind her home. Supervisor Smith said she and Mr. Close inspected the area, and discovered concrete blocks across the stream, which she removed. No one knows who put them there, but the neighbors have singled out Mrs. Myers as the person causing the blockage of the stream. Mrs. Myers called Attorney to the Town, Al Roberts, and was very indignant stating that she had never been back there. Mr. Roberts advised the Board, in future, when the Town sends out "Orders to Remedy", based on someone else's statement, obtain a written statement specifically identifying the complainant. COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO moved to accept the correspondence and place it on file. Seconded by Mr. Bettina Motion Unanimously Carried Correspondence from Debbie Peck in response to renaming of the road in Ardmore Development to, "Horton Drive". She is very disappointed in the proposed name. She and her neighbors feel they worked very hard in coming up with suggestions for a name, and would like the town to reconsider. There are other new developments that will require names, and suggests "Horton" be used at that time. Mr. Ruggiero said he would get together with the residents to discuss the matter further and get back to the board. COUNCILMAN VALDATI moved to table until Mr. Ruggiero discusses proposed names with residents first. Seconded by Mr. Ruggiero Motion Unanimously Carried A request for the return of escrow funds in the amount of $500 was received from T. Morelli, Maloney Road. COUNCILMAN VALDATI moved to approve the return of the escrow in the amount of $500 based upon the recommendation of Don Close, Zoning Administrator. 2 i uwii u F WJ ippirrger-- ,WE, a^ 1141 ai ways l IIrYUiLe AL(dit: .JU7-WnEil - -------------------- ❑ :ri:. :1. t '`a r r' LeCiL a'=alt 3'��^ifi ---------------- 20034 :Ay POLLUTION CONIR3L 100 1 98 IO C. JIJ-4tJ4 1"T0 -19•K! t•2 :'kri VL�IZIJ'vlJil,: i,1 (' f�_: 1 j !'� �'�::l. 38 '1;;, .l: _� q i SIS h i Pi L.. APir�`'�i., T3vl�J ���: 0001 LAE' ANALYSIS TOWN HALL 1620450A 0600000A 10.80 iitl'Isic; totil: 14. 03 � 00034 CAHO POLLUTIO'1 CONFROL } EON �8- 65 J,:. �t._S .' �'� 1 � 0k'02J41�'-3r Vire 2�: r��;98 t8l26/9� N LAA ANALYSIS E!1ER. SER';'. BL DS kk�L�_ cool E""tR. LAB NN•ALYSIS M ERV. 50 1t:04J � a''00Z 13 L:Gz'Lt:vL'('� i'1 ^" :V.4ti innice k9d: 1 ter' 010040 GENTfnt HUDSON GAS P ECEC KIN,000� ^ 8168 00E/98 0V/lJ{�8 r'i I -C- i" -U l 7941-2255-00-6 2��01 7341-E255-00-6 12 'lr 0A lt'LL'�iUL'F7 a D(�ell 1 IIA 2VY.IE't'Yti�l 1 i1;. l�iJJ.J invoice total: 109.85 00040 CENTRAL HUDSON 6 A $ EL ECC 0004 RF00001684 200098166 06;26198 08/2-/98 N 76;:0--0290-00-8 1 VvV/ 630-2290-0V -8 33i'0' 000 �¢r� VV -3 C:tlk�il 13.83 in YJice t':tal: 13.8-1 00040 CENTRAL HUDSON SAS d EL'EC 05 RFOON1685 0000981609 08/06/98 08106/98 N 7645-18}30-00-4 ' e'ULi 7645-183.0-00-.4 162040k'A 0600200A 1,Fit. 9i invoice total: 1,291 91 0;0132 GOLDLIEF Rg'RODUCTl TMl9 0007 5740 10.00981611 03!11198 08/11/98 N BUSINESS: CARD LOWERY 0001 K'0 SE CARDS LOWLRY 1660400A 0800000A 27. 20 invoice total: 87.20 00113 KA13ER PERNANENTE 0028 RFONOT87 N00981612 05:40i/98 09/01/98 N HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUM OCT. 0001 HEALTH INSURANCE OCT. 9C60800A 0E0r1100i,, 297.6-3 invoice total: 291 6i 0011.2 NY COMMUNiCATI NS CO f� 0209 58 1711.33 �yc}5 t 2z1G'L �S-31110 oC '+ (t 9101 58 4r1 �1t �G r•Ji ��i/ JV 11' Iil4HT iU .,�aTEr�I1 SEPT.�7Lt 1 N COMMUNI M SYSTEM 0701 r COMMUNICATIOP; SY:Tu"1 S'�i. 5, , 01 03Di i:L:�+t;01:0: Ir , 060100002. '03 1, 143.�1�L invui_e total: 1114:. 0o 0016E BELL ARM F 1 C E 11 ^ rr r• hv a' ', 1'l lti., ''r•<-' {? 1 22=ii-3A E�23r120- 1614 invoice Val:169.42 ,. 1 _c: - �;�, , BELL AW i I 11 RfL0 0020,381514 0?! 1/98 +'jl2 l9G N 25 KO 02�01 297-1850 8cc34k2rC 36010O C c�.LEE invoice total:2 •`E. 0:166 BELL ATLANflC 0012 FFOOOOI690 000098/614 09/01/98 09/01/98 i 2?7_0260 0001 297-0060 1680410A K00100A 177.42 invoice total; J 177.4 Tot -in of WappiTTger- n.}e: 09/23/98 10:41 as 11 Page: l Invoice Audit Jour,i ' PGI ! 1111: vndr p 111Y1iiL! ll7id i���r due i deice iption debit credit as Dunt 00}6.6 BELL ATLANTIC 07/0 N 29 7-Ib3e201 220410A 0-60111^fir. 40 '!! invoice total: 40.71 20166 BELL ATLANTIC 0'014 RF00001692 0000181614 05/01/198 09/01/98 N 297--5451 I 1Uc.i �,-' L�7!-�'r i ((> 171 IUL014110`1 i ttl��.�,, K0001V.0� r — 1k�. 33 invoice total. 55.3-3 00155 BELL ATLAP3(IC 0015 kF0023:693 Ob0098:614 051011198 0 /211'S. 11 297 -57 0301 '297'5771 16234}oA O630000 -A, 432.15 invoice total: 432.15 00166 BELL ATLANTIC 8016 RF00001694 0000581614 05/01/98 09/01/98 N 1-8275 0001 297-8275 1020412A 0603030A 302.76 invoice total: 3302.76 00166 BELL ATLANTIC 17 RF002016955 0200981614 09/01/58 09/01/98 N 297-4342 ml 297-4342 1620410A 0600000A 37.98 invoice total: 37.58 00166 BELL ATLANTIC 0018 RF00001656 0000981614 09/01;98 09/21/98 N 297-1373 00 L01 7 -1311 J 1320410A 7Or�01� 000§ 01' 43.5E invoice total: 43:.56 01� BELL ATLANTIC 0019 RF.SM1189-i 0000981614 03/01/58 01/01/93 N 297-1212 0021 297-1212 1620410A Oo00003A 2 6. `6 inVOiCe total: 2,E, 58 00166 SELL A T L.!i ( I 0,120 RF0000 08 0220981E:4 0`:101/98 0:101/98 N 2937-9451 0101 297`9451 1620410A 06@0000A 1=_ 4 invoice total: 1::6.54 00166 SELL ATLAFTIC 0021 RF00001E99 0200`.-,'61614 0'1/01158 09/01/98 N 297-1850 0001 297-1050 8.:20400WC O'0000WC 30.88 invoice tOt3i. 30.88 00166 BEL' ATLAN(IC =`2 RF000014700 00.00981614 0rj/0}/'98 09/01/98 N 297-5771 ` 1 � 0{'v l 7 29' Sr 71 i„ 1u2041E�r 21013. 0 i'i6c,e.,as��. ri 4111.. 82 in -nice total: 412.82 00190 PLAITS COUNTRY VILLAGE LrCKSM11H 0023 B-2532 00005381616 09/01/98 01/01/98 N RE -KEY CONFERENCE ROON Town of Wappinger- <«te: 09/23;98 10:41 ai HELIUM TANK COMMUNITY 3145 5130400,58 invoice total: 93.60 Faye: 3 00236 HAND`;' REPOT ALL CENT_R 0031 eoeO00006 Invoice Audit Journal 11CI355 0000981624 08120/98 08/20/98 N 10 BLADES 0001 n line vnr po in',oice cicii date die 5 description debit credit a.o:ant 0001 110651 0006981 625 08-12,51 98 ..1/25i .v N M1.x4��.Y ITEMS 0 ei MiEl.f. 1Ii S RE -KEY CONFERENCE ROOM ItK-'O450A 0600000~ 55.00 002+4 � _'iV�ice total: 0033 5-ioil RF 0001706 0000981626 09/01/98 09/01/98 N PER TOWN CONTRACT 0092 PER TOWN CONTRACT PI TNEY EWE}St'' invoice total. 0024 371616 0000981617 09/01/98 0:x/01/98 N 1 YR MAINTENANCE MAILING MACHINE 0001 1 YR MAINTENANCE MAILING MACHI 16204JOA 06000100A 1,436.00 invoice total: 1,436.e2 00192 PITNEY BOWES 0025 496490 0000981618 09/01/98 0`3/01/98 N POSTAGE METER RENTAL 0001 POST -ADI METER RENAL 162134:,OA 0600000A 231.75 invoice total: 231.75 00216 SOUTHERN DUTCHESS NEWS 0026 RF00001701 0000981619 05/09/98 09/03;98 N AD FOR COMMUNITY DEB. FUND'S 0001 AD FOR COMMUNITY DLV. FUND 16704010A 0600000A 11.11 invoice total: 7.11 0��219 THE HOME DEPOT/GEC~ 0027 W00001702 0000981620 09/21/98 09/21/98 N VARIOUS TELEPHONE HOOKUP SUPPLIE 0001 VAR. TELEPHONE HOOKUP SUPPLIES 1520410A 0600000A 54.82 invoice total. 54.82 0019 THE HCOME DEPOT/37-CF 0028 RF00001703 00011981621 0:;09/98 09/ej;98 N FLORESCENT TUBES (BULBS) 0001 FLORESCENT BULSS 5110400DB 063,000OD: 1.;1.00 invoice total: 131.00 00219 THE HOME DEPOT/G.CF 0029 n RF00001704 t.t'J 0000981622 09/15/98 09;15/98 N SHOVELS, RAKES 0001 SHOVELS, RAKES 5110400DB 06e0000DB 113.24 invoice total: 11.5.24 7050400E e00i 37.45 HELIUM TANK COMMUNITY 3145 5130400,58 invoice total: 93.60 00236 HAND`;' REPOT ALL CENT_R 0031 eoeO00006 116.62 11CI355 0000981624 08120/98 08/20/98 N 10 BLADES 0001 714540eA 10 BLAXS 6,e0o.00 invoice total: 0023E T fiFi'iiL t ii`L{�� r ML COI F%' eevi 110651 0006981 625 08-12,51 98 ..1/25i .v N M1.x4��.Y ITEMS 0 ei MiEl.f. 1Ii S inuice total: 002+4 � TOWN OF WAPPINGER 0033 RF 0001706 0000981626 09/01/98 09/01/98 N PER TOWN CONTRACT cool, PER TOWN CONTRACT invoice total. 7050400E 0E00320B 37.45 3145 5130400,58 .1. 0000 0DB 93.60 9r,. 6 51304@ODB eoeO00006 116.62 1&62 714540eA 0�00000A 6,e0o.00 6, 000.00 Tuwn of Wappinger nate: 09123/98 10:41 as 00328 Page: 4 an Invoice Audit Journal dezcription debit credit amotnt line vndr po invoice clai;+ date d��e s 8 00250 VELLANO BROTHERS, INC. 0000981631 0034 000250 51174919 0000981627 09/06/98 09/08/98 N MANHOLE EXTZNSION RINSS 0001 50 CAST IRUN MANHOLE RISERS 5110400DB 0600000DB 2,750.00 invoice total: 2,7:,0.00 01279 SHE;IIFF OF DUTCHESS COUNTY 0035 RFNOO P07 0000981628 07/05/`18 07/05/9° N BOAT RAMP PATROL JULY 4TH 0001 BOAT RAMP PATROL JULY 4TH 7110400A C 00O00A invoice total: 0031E SEONE, O'SULLIVAN, tETTE i ! 0036 RF30001708 0XX 098iE29 09/14/`18 09;'14/53 N TRI—MUNI SEDORE CDO1;E 13'20400HT 0GO0000HT 0001 TRI—MUNI S invoice total: 00344 R G H COri'STRUCTI+ti 0037 RF00001705 000,"58163,1 08101198 08101/98 N BLACKTOP HANDICAP PARKiN6 ROCKIN 0001 BLACKTOP HANDICAP PARKING ROCK 7110400A 0600000A invoice total: 317.80 hi 8 118.01 118.01 4, 3O'0.00 4,300.00 9.92 9.92 7,692.42 1,634.35 5,387.18 14,"r 14.55 149.50 145.50 602.25 EOL. J 143.9, 14196 300.00 300.00 00328 AW'cSCO 8 9IOE28 0000981631 08/31/98 0/31/98 N CYLINDERS i 0001 CYLINDERS 5130400DB 060OOOODB invoice total: 00348 MVP HEALTH PLAN INC 0039 RFNX4 71x0 0000981632 08/31/98 08131/98 N HEALTH INS1iRANCE PREMIUM SEPT. 0001 HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUM SEPT. 90E0803A OE00000:A 0002 HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUM SEPT 90E0800B 0E -000@0B pO03 HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUM SEPT. 9060800D8 &00000DE invoice total: 0011-1 AGWAY PETROLEUM CCRr' 0040 020-973554 0000981633 08/31/98 03/31/18 N RFG RES SAS 0011 RFS REG GAS 51104000DB 12GONX00B invoice total: 0,,03;. - t�tu't � AGWAY PETROLEUM OURP j Ot�+1 Oui 7uui3� 080 0,68739 tit ui63Y ZZ10�381 eu �ti 32 8/&1;3� 80/20/ • %�.+.Ctr yu I�f FG REG GAJ R+ 0z01 RFG REG SAS 51104000B 0600000DB invoice total: z, ;3E.7 BOTTINI FUEL CORP 0042 E44557 DOCOM1635 08;119/98 08/19/98 N SULFER DIESEL 0001 EWER DIESEL /iI04O,0 A 0600000A invoice total: &'369 PHILIP E STILLERXAN 0043 RF00001711 0000981636 09/15x'98 09/15/98 N COURT STENO ON1 COURT STENO 1110400A 06000500A invuice total: N54 CORATTI WATER GROUP LTD 0044 279311 0000,381637 07/29/98 07/29/98 N WATER DELIVERED TO NY 317.80 hi 8 118.01 118.01 4, 3O'0.00 4,300.00 9.92 9.92 7,692.42 1,634.35 5,387.18 14,"r 14.55 149.50 145.50 602.25 EOL. J 143.9, 14196 300.00 300.00 Town DF Wappinget• ^-•te: 09/23/98 10:4: as Paye: I-ivoice flt_tdit JoLtrnal n line vndr po in°,:,ice claiu date due s description debit credit aauun. -----k I'll .71-- WATER DELI VE HW71 1E2045OA 06 t 00A 3;. i.2' 4 nvuicE total: 3J. J4 00374 CORATTI WATER GROUP LTD 0045 2`17119 0,000981638 01/16198 07,''16.198 N WATER DELIVERED TC TOWN HALL 0001 WATER DELIVERED TOWN HALL 1620450A OE0000OA 74.25 invoice total. 74.25 30374 CORATTI WATER GROUP LTO 0045 5.9915 0000981539 08/31198 00/31/98 N COOLER RENTAL SEPT 'OCT HWY x0,01 COOLER RENTAL .EPT/CCT HWY 16204:2A 0600000A 1E.00 invoice total: 16.00 00,374 CORATTI WATER GROUP LfD 0047 929184 0000981640 08/31/98 08/331/98 N RENTAL COOL COOLER SENIOR SEP/GC 0001 RENTAL COOLER SEl`lIOR SEPT/OCT 16204'22 OE00000A 14.00 invoice total: 14.00 00374 CORATTI WATER, GROUP LfD 0048 RF00001712 0000`381641 Ou/3i/98 08/34/98 N WA?ER DELIVER`//COOL RENALS 0001 WATER DELIVERY/COOLER RENTALS 1620450A 06ANO3A 155.23 invoice total: 155.20 ,01 00389 MILTON ALLEY AGWAY 0049 034205 0000981642' 03/27/98 08/27/rIB N BOLTS/RAKES 0301 BOLTS/RACKS 7110400A 0600003A 25.55 im uice total: 25.55 00428 CORE"IN E:XCAVATTti ((�� i.'�CS0 4951/4958 0000981643 08/27/98 08/27/98 N TOP SOIL/ ITEM #4 0001 TCP SGIL/ITEM #4 51104000B OE00000B 540.,69 invoice total: 540.68 00516 CAN ZAG ROYAL A�12TO PAIRrS INC. 0051 000141 194291 0000981644 0,`d/26;98 05/26/98 N BATTERY FOR LOADER 0301 BATTERY FOR LOAD; --R 711042"kA 0600030A 126.95 invoice total. 126.9) 00528 WINDSOR BUILDING SUPPLY 0352 000233 51398305 000,3981645 0813I/58 08r31198 h MA -WING CHALf, RSG A +1- 0001 1 Pt=LET MAF1'ING CHALK ;IEC AREA 7110400A 0600000A 251.04 invoice total. 25'.04 O0`r44 MARINE MIDLAND BANK r•rn jnL53 SLr_0rr6 0H00r81646 Oar/3t/C8 iJJ,1:/98 N COUPON` FEES �d IMP CL ! , i l n P .1T l3 I ' 38 "210 0,133 ( �. li :i:: i i wi COUPON LES I�1F' ER BP: 9/1/, i 13�34skA b,:1�:z:1 lEl. r i11 ice total: 160.77 005Y4 94RINE MIDLAND BAP/ 0054 SEP093EA 00009816+7 09/01/98 09/01/98 N CTIUPON FEE 5.80#0 INP SER BD 3/74 0001 COUPON ; EE" 5/00: IMP GER EL' 3/ 1380400P 0600000H 321.54 invoice total: 321.54 l own or Wappinger, te: 09!231193 10:41 as Faye: 6 Invoice Audit Jouv,nal ��'Can line vndr po invoice c13ie nate due eacription debit credit amount 00578 PCUGHKEEPSLE ASPHALT, INC. Ot''ji fi 0000:1713 0000981648 08131/ 98 06/,;'./'38 N MISCELLANE-10 BLACKTOP' COci MISCELLANEOUS ELAC1!TOF' 15113411D 061k0408 8,4ry3.91 invoice total: 00855 SHcRWIN WILLIAMS 0056 000'218 3999-6 0010/81649 08/21/98 08/21/98 N PAIN? FOR Bi'.CT;UTS,P.LDK--', RESTSuC 0001 PAINT FOR DUGI3UTj,BLDGS,RESTRO 7110401A O- 0300A 500.00 invoice total. 501.FO 01-05 SHERWIN WILLIAM'S 005; 3778-4 00,00981650 281'17/98 08/17/98 N 2 GALLON PAIN1 2011 2 GALLON PRINT 7110420A 0600000A 35.78 invoice total: 35.78 003-24 EXPANDED SUPPLY PRIJOUC i5, INC. 0058 51010 0000`:81651 28126198 08/26/18 N RISER RINGS 0001 RISER RINGS 51104200B 2602000DB 72'3.00 invoice total: 7222.20 00904 EXPANBED SUPPLY PROCUCTS, INC. 59 000223 50990 2000981652 08/26/98 08/26/98 N PIPE 1,124.55 0001 10 PIPES, 10 CGUPLINGS AMHERST 5110400DB 0600002JB invoice total: 1,124.55 2090+ EXPANDED SUPPLY PF'ODUCTS, INC. 0062 50907 0702981653 08120/98 08/20/38 N VALUE BOX RISERS 000I VALUE BOX RISERS 5.1104000B 06 1000CB 400.00 invoice total: 4017.00 00317 EMPIRE BUS FORMS INC 0061 002234 64346 2300981654 09/21/18 O /21/98 N SCHOOL TAX RECEIPTS ENVELOPES 0001 12M SCHCCL TAX RE1:C=IPT LITYIELOP 1330400P 06000'00A 528.00 invoi=e total: 5'29.00 229=''3 NYS UNEMPLOYIeY�-NT INtSURA?;CE 10R 2 P.F3 011714 OOOOS81655 01121/18 29/21/98 N 214D QUARTER UNEMPLOYMENT INS-URAN 0001 ^ ' ' ' '-, -'-'F' OYM, NT ''' �N� �-11a„ rah. tN�� , � ; �1.�. ������ "` 1`�8 00000002, 3 744.20 , invoice to"'ayl: (�1. '144. 21 1u'38'2 1� R;. D. R< D I;ii_Ff A3�1Ja.., i;fiL. OO63 C #lam : ��.�-�. ECO+:� G1�Jh ,—t... 2=j:15192 rf rr. •`: i T_ f�: 117,7 0515; KI N TR. MUN.1 RUVAKCFF 0001 fRI-iyiUNil RIaI IKOf ' 1440400HV ;1LGeQ0021H1V 53:.75 invoice total. 5993. 75 1;0393 EXECUTIVE OFFICE SYIE".S E4 2 c01000-961+ '2711,15 �1 . G5. r,!1� : CC Y.`'Si 15 "0 c, 1" 'j8 c c c y c.' bCc SUIPPC"T c�11t.i%5u N .,G+TWAR� ilPii141 u�H:� .. u is 0001 $G'TWAFE MAINTENANAIE Si P'P''R I IG20450A 0;j'00'300A 2,G26.50 invoice total: 2,6'26.50 01031 FIRST 01UM LTC INS CO 0065 RFO1001715 0akl981658 19;15/98 09/15/98 N LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUM SEPT. 0001 LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUM SEPT 9045800A 0600000A 224.55 20.02 LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUM SEPT 9045800B 0600000B 66.36 F own of Wappinget T -4e: 091123/98 10:41 a® -`aye: 7 ii+vr�ice AuditJournal ?fin line Yadr to invoice cla414 date due = description debit Credit a2ullnt t, LIFE INSURAN E SLF j04580DE VOL 06l00a nB 16 .1,Fn ln'i91C 4tlG3a. TJ+' `'. 07 01052 KIMBERLY AUTO Pnri; 0166 RF00001716 0100981651 0`J+151`18 l�=I J;'��' Pd ASSOkTEL' AUTO PARIS t ASST AUTO i='AI;iS J,,0400D:, 0f�.{30t,Di 1,147.65 in 'Oke total. 1,147.65 01057 D C COMM OF FINANCE OCIS 006? 5231+ EE009o1561 OWIO,' 09110;'98 N COMPUTER CHARGES OCIS SEW,, 0001 COMPUTER CHARGES LCIS ;iEPT 16000400A AV00.1000tiA 11.58 invoice total: 11.=8 02013 GREATER S]UTHERN DUTCHES 0068 RF000041717 0000981661 09/10/98 09/10/98 N MEMBERSHIP DUES 1001 MEMBERSHIP CUES 1990501A 0o00O03A 215.00 invoice total: 215.00 02122 ARISTOCRAT TOURS INC 0069 000065 RF004001718 00t0�0`--+81662 09/15/98 09/151198 N BUS TRIP ELLI5 ISLAND/ 0001 WS TRIP ELLIS IS.I5TAIUE LIFE 71404E0A OiSO0000A 605.00 invoice total: Ee5.00 err 02160 CHAMBERS FORD TRACTOR SALES INL. 0070 43225 00010981663 08110198 08/10/78 N PARTS FOR TRACTOR 00111 PARTS FOR TRACTOR 51314003 06:3030.028 17.50 invoice total: 17.51 02169 CHEMUNG SUPPLY CORP. 0,1111 000242 5430590 000,1581664 O`�/103/98 4 x/13/98 N CATCH BASIN RISERS 0311 :,0 CAT BAS I J R i m r 3 51 104u 0DE 060000,00B 15154.11 invoice total: 7,154.11 02199 BELL ATLANTIC MOBILE 0072 RFOI'011719 0001981665 09/06/58 09/06/98 N MOBILE PHONE SERVICE AUG 0001 MOBILE PHONE SER';IGE A,,26 1;c041E� 0600 C'001 A 240.20 invoice total: 240.20 12202 9RADY' S F`CWER EOUTANLP� 1 0073 rs R'-' 0001720 { v:66G 0" 0198' C��r L "/ 2;198 03/25; `98 Pw OIL/RCF`EIPA TS 0001 OIL/ROPE IPA RTS 51 0433D? 3600'0000E 247.62 invoice total: 247, 6c 0.266 SELL HERRING INC 0014 1 65 1, 3 03./07/ry8 0.3:1 ;7:9ui' 1 INSPECT FIRE �.'='I�: .�.;' �. 004.1 INSPECT TIkt fCXE,1C INSPECT FIRE EX f ,fiGUtU Ln,n E`,20462 & �`t1�1�'i:'1 010OZ 6r. c:} h. Jv invoice total: 64.53 err 0 263 {'LL JJ MARGARET ROE 0075 RF01001721 0301981669 09/03/98 09/08198 N PETTY CASH 0001 PcrTY CASH 714040iA 0.1C0000A 48.45 0002 PETTY CASH 7620400A 0600001A 71.61 0003 r'E ITY CASH 7310400x: 06001'008 19.64 invoice total: 139.70 uwrr. or Wa:tppinger-• `.e: 03/23/98 10:41 am page: G Irivuice i edit Jour Tlal tran line vndr po invoice claim date die i description debit credit asotnt 02361 PATRICIA F DOWNEY 0076 RF00001722 0000381669 03/08199 09/08/96 N COURT STENO 0001 COURT STENO 111040F0A 061100000A 112.10 invoice total: 1i�.143 02363 REDWING PROPIERTIES INC 221 � 00 jj002 � 014.�L�V r �+�7r�9�lGi N8 0 G�Lt�rJlb7i' r - `9808/2E/38 Ci�/ Lr.'/ �r_' 08/26,'98 " ENED TOP SO 1 1� SCREENED �F'JiL 0101 028 TON TOP SOIL 7110401A 0600000A ,61.33 invoice total: 461.39 023370 ARCHETYPES 1178 #53 00009,81671 09/02;98 09/02/98 N FEASIBILITY STUDY REC. 011PLEX 0001 FEASIBILITY STUDY tic C. COMSILEX 7G20400A 062110�-�A 3,157.59 invoice total: 3,157.58 02428 BECKER BUSINESS SYSTEMS 0079 00024; 269`30 000058IE72 08/31/98 08/31/93 N 1 CASE TONER 0001 i CASE KONICA TOMER TOWN CLERK 1670400q 00011001A 88.50 invoice total: 88.50 02544 SMITH'S COMMERICAL. TIRE SER. INC 20 H047285 0000981673 223/31/93 08/31/98 N TIRES ' 0001 TIRES 5130400DB 062000228 TO 52 invoice total: 273.52 02593 AT&T 0081 RFO0001723 1002y81674 09/01153 09101/98 N LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE 00411 LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVIC IG20410A 0600202A 214.16 invoice total: 214.16 22593 Ah r 0282 RF00001724 0200981675 09/21/98 09/01/98 N LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE JULY 0001 LONG DIST;12E TE11 EPHONE .POLY 1620410= 01,00001A 1587.61 invoice total: 18i. 61 02667 COMMISSIONCR OF FINAIC-L 0083 RF00001725 0004?98i6it 09/03/3 O9/03i58 N 3 STREET INDEX LISTINGS ALSESSGR 2001 3 STZET INDEX LISTING A3SESSO 1204,2A 0;_111 1n 1+0.10 invoice total: 14100 E;;ONA S RIyER BINE 0084 00720/ 00209cb77 17/17/9, 2i/1+'i 38 N FOP ERTH;DEATH CERTIFICATES 0001 FOR BIRTH/DLATH CERT:FICi,(:S 1410401A 0600000r 1,511.02 invuice total: "n"00- ,310.0002889 02889 iwILLInO BiRtITN::T,S, In. B5 RF00011726 0r,,C0981618 09/1•.'/91 0`;/17/93 N WATER DELIVERED FLEETWOOD AUG � q COI WATER DELIVERED FLETW-'333HJt 83222- YF 060000OWF 3,7550.00 invoice total: 3,752.01 02889 TRO2CILLITO EROTFECS, INC. 0086 RFO-0001727 0000x381679 0`j/17/98 03/17/98 N WATER DELIVERED FLEETWOOD AUG IM 0031 21rvel 002'10981EZ4 09116178 M'16/98 N CRAFTS FOR SENIORS 0001 CRAFTS FOR SENIORS 7520400A 0600000A 45.43 invuice total: 46.43 0:;073 O. N. WOOD Of CIONIN. LLC. 0032 RF3Ox,31733 0000981685 02/101112 031111.21i'38 N HOSE/TUBE FOR VACTOR n, /y I(jl�'01 r i C �I s" HOSE/TUBE FOR VACiDR '30r 00 J13it 3VDB ((yy t�h:210DO aftr0c•'�3{'LU t J 67 i.3L invoice total: 677.0;: 03141 GUTi.Hl3 COUNTY TRUCK F, ':-.T 0293 0000981686 091191198 08/19:38 P 1 MASTER CYLINDER 0001 1 MASTER CYLINDER ;1,770403725 167.76 invoice total: 167.76 0315ti A-1 PORTABLE TOILciS 0094 020251 142603 000O981687 M1041198 09/04/98 N PORTAJOHNL� FOR COMUNITY DAY 98 0001 PORTAJCH'1S FOR COMMUNITY DAY 1 7 �50400A 06030011A 325.04 invicz total: 325.03 03153 A-1 PORTABLE TOILETS 0095 000227 ly?68 0003981688 O110+19W O'3/04/33 N RENTAL PIORTNJOHN AIPPORT PK 1 RE3/1HANIL'IC P PORTAJOH°: AIRP 71104,00A O,:J:MKIA 133.00 invoice total: 133.00 �r+ 03155 A-1 PORTABLE TOIL_TS 0096 000228 14257 0000981689 09/04/98 05/041`98 N -C PORTAJOFNS ROCKINGHAM PY, 0001 2 PORTAJOHN R CKING'r1 j1 PSK 71104'0A 05IO.000A 116.00 invoice total: 116.00 Town of Wappingers e: 091123/98 10:41 as F'ayL: 11 1: Invoice Audit Journal Iran li?e vndi' Po invoice claim gate :1 •l2 i description de1wit c.`ed. it a3C`+dn` 03155 A-1 PORTABLE TOILETS 0097 00022-5 14098 0000961692 09/04/98 03104/98 N i PORTAJOHN SCHLATHAUS P11; 0001 1 PORIAJOHN SC'HLATNAUS PK 7113400A 0E.210303A 58.00 - invoice total: 58.00 0155 A -i PORTABLE TOIL`"IS 0098 000226 14096 0010381691 1'3104/38 O`j/04/98 N 1 PORTAJOHN CASTLE POINT BALLFD 0001 1 PORTAJOHN, CASTLE PT EA' LFIEL 7110420,1= K-000 OA 5`�.00 invoice total: 58.00 03155 A-1 PORTABLE TOILETS 0139 0210234 14097 0000381692 0r1/0ii!98 09/04/98 N 1 PORTAJOHN BOAT RAMP 0001 1 PORTAJOHN BOAT RAMP 7110400A OEM= 58.0[1 invoice total: 58.03 03151 ADA"S POWER EOGIPMIENT 0100 0001K 50175 020098,1632"3 08106/98 06/06/98 N NEW' DECY, DOWER/ 2 SETS BLADES 0011 NEW DECK JOHN DEERE MOWER 711020OA 0 600U0A invoice total: 2,712.92 03176 COLLTNIAL BUILDL-RS " 11 #4 0090981634 09/08/98 05,08/98 N WORK DONE CASTLE PT BATHROOM FAC "� 0031 CASTLE PT BATHR'J014 FACILY 7110400HF 06 -OMIFF 16,150.00 invoice total: 16,150.00 03191 RINCLD1, BOB 0102 213134`617 0000981655 08,12+198 08/24/98 N PULLER 0031 PULLER 51304MB 0600MMB 69.75 invoice total: 69.75 0191 RINALDI, BOB 010 RFrO.?017;:4 0 -20981696 09/07/98 09/07/98 N STOCK FOR GARAGE 2 0031 STOCK FOR GARAGE 2 5130400B 063:76,00H 151.52 invoice total: 151.52 0302 MINIMA LEACrp•c HL 141 0104 9810003673 O7UM'16r37 09/07/98 N LEASING FOR COPIERS OCT. 0001 LEASING COPIER OCT 1(;20420A ,.:.., 03031001Z -A C'_2 Jf j.01 invoice total: :75.00 03202 MINOLTA L EA:;I ii J JG'.r;CL c 0Iin5 r. rr•'r-i?-. y83 4,923 8 ,. -.r. 0000%1�1L hry q' 1. G '05-1 1/18 A. 1 '+]c 79,01,.E C•�1r.e`f 2 5T N LLA IN -G, C;PIERC 4 0001 LEASING COPIERS SEQlf 1023L 2 A Ob"i%I OH 575.00 in;:,ice total: 575.00 e03205 1 N v1 hIL_:Ib.NS l6 7,3, 04`.}k`�816 y 03,116/92 O�.r16i96 N SIGNS 0NE �W11 4 WAY SIGNS rt 511-0400DB a��l �1}:, ., 06�:;:0tOIDB y �ar. 41 0, ln`roice total: UD 103205 HILL kYAN" 5116l rs 0107 7176 0030381700 09'159/98 0`J/09198 N VARIOUS STREET SIGNS tfi2CET 01 VARIOUS STRSKINS 511040i�DB 06000;10DB 133.03 invoice total: 133.00 -Fawn of Wappingers 09/23/98 10:41 as 'aye: 1. Irivoice Audit Journal -invoice de�criation debit amount man line vr,;poa 01x1® dwie dile a credit 02,205 HILLMAN SIGN5 C:Ot 1146 0'+00 81701 08/21/98 08;21/98 N SIGN 0001 SK 511 4it�0D8 lEOZOOKE 18.751 invuice heal: 18.75 0115 HILL= SISN's 0103 7167 0003981702 0=3/02/98 09/02/ 98 h LETTEQr'5I R:r23/ 1 N DECAL PAi rz,;L 0001 LE if i z -R/ rOWN iCECAL TOWS: CHR 3120400B 0E0010008 350.00 invoice total: ml so 03230 THE LILLIPIVIAN BALLON C011. 4Y 0110 00027+ 001736 0000981703 09:'x3/98 03:'08198 N BALLCNS.'STRIPS COMMUNITY DAY 98 0001 GALLONS, PENNANT STRIP'S COMMUN 75504008 0600000E 120.00 invoice total: 120.00 03231 CACACE, CARL 0111 EFOOCO1735 0£00981704 0:`,'11!98 09/11/98 N WORK CLOTHE /BOOTS 0001 WORK CLOT; IE (BOOTS 511040008 060000OD8 27.54 invoice total: 227.54 033LJ'3 LOWELL, ANTHONY 2 RF00001736 000x381705 09113/98 03/13198 N TOWN PATROL CAR WASHED lir 0001 TOWN PATROL CAR WASHED 331204008 06000008 6.00 invoice total: 6.00 03234 HIMUNDSON, MARY 0113 RF00001737 00050981706 05%02/98 03/OC,`4.J N REFUND FOR BASKETBALL CAMP 0001 REFUND FOR BASKETBALL CACP 2001000A 06000009 25.00 invoice total: 2100 00040 CENTRAL HUDSON 3=.S & CLEC 0114 RF00001733 0000381 707 KJ/27/K' 08,'27;98 !7 76:'0-0760-00-0 0001 7E'30-0760-00-0 1620400A 060,00e,TH 828.04 invoice total: 828.04 00040 CENi RAL HUDSON GAS & ELEG 00 RF30001739 OCCO2781708 08/27x58 08/27/98 N 78j5-1220-08-2 000 1895-1220-08'2 16204009 i'uZVvl't{ 2i. 0 Y invoice total: 2& 04 00 t EE. BELL ATLET i C '2'115 RF00110:740 K'SiL': 2170i 09/04/58 09/04/98 N 297-7780 0001 297-1780 162i1410A 600000R Ji. 52 invoice total: 97.52 00166 BELL ATLANTIC 7 RF00001741 0=58:7c5 09/04198 09;04/38 N 297 -4752 `kw 0001 297-4752 162Z410A 0100000A 28.733 irrroiLE total: 28.73 00166 BELL ATLANTIC 0118 RF00001742 0000361709 09/04/35 0;:;/04/98 N 297-9928 r Town of Wa}. pi nger-, te: 031126 198 10:41 y� P=-gE: 12 Invoice Audit Journal tran line vndr po invoice clad date dile s de}cription tit credit ..".tu;,t 297'9728 1�C6Y;v:'}i 'c""i;=?'ti{•k r. 76. 85 iil�ioiL'e 'Qi_!. C lb'.y_• .vJ 00166 SELL ATLANTI" 0119 R'F000:11743 0000`581709 09/04/98 09104198 N 297-3692 000i 2911-3692, 102041 0A OE00000A L1. JC invuice total: 27.30 0016.' 8=LL AT'i.ANTiC 0180 RF07001744 0000981109 09/04/98 09/04/98 N 297-9861 0001 cK,-93J1Z,4126A 0,600000A 78.74 invoice total: 78.74 total: 103,423.39 final total: 1031, 423.39 Seconded by Mr. Paoloni 092898.RGM tf Motion Unanimously Carried Notification from La Fonda Del Sol, and Orchid European of intent to renew their liquor license. COUNCILMAN VALDATI moved to accept the above notifications and place them on file with no comment. Seconded by Mr. Bettina Motion Unanimously Carried Correspondence from Linda Tasadfoy, Town Assessor in response to a proposal from Mr. Close and the Planning Board requesting the Assessor's Office to notify abutting property owners when a rezoning is pending. Her office would like to comply with the Planning Board and Mr. Close's request, but with the new Star and Disability Exemptions, over 1,000 Building Permits to review and value, 600 to 700 sales and many other jobs, Ms. Tasadfoy feels her offices is already understaffed. In addition, there is no New York State Real Property Tax Law that would even cover this office for anything of this nature. Discussion followed COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO moved to authorize Attorney to the Town Al Roberts draft zoning laws establishing procedure notifications for abutting landowners. Seconded by Mr. Bettina Motion Unanimously Carried Notice of receipt by the Town Clerk that the Map, Plan & Report for Drainage Improvement Project for Robert Lane was received from Engineer to the Town, Jay Paggi on 9/14/98. COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO moved to accept the notice of receipt from the Town Clerk, that the Map, Plan & Report for Drainage Improvement Project for Robert Lane was received from Mr. Paggi, and place it on file. Seconded by Mr. Bettina Motion Unanimously Carried Several reports were received from Jay Paggi, Engineer to the Town. The first concerns the Hussain Pump Station. If all goes well, the project should take three (3) years to complete, providing no other issues arise, and recommends that this information be transmitted to Mr. Hussain. COUNCILMAN VALDATI moved to accept the report and place it on file. Seconded by Mr. Ruggiero Motion Unanimously Carried The second report concerns the Robinson Lane Recreation Facility. Mr. Paggi is in receipt of a memorandum from Dan O'Connor dated August 27th 3 092898.RGM J In the memo Mr. O'Connor asked for a complete engineering evaluation of the water system to his office by September 30th 1998. COUNCILMAN VALDATI moved to authorize Mr. Paggi to prepare the engineering evaluation of the water system as requested by Mr. O'Connor. Seconded by Mr. Ruggiero Motion Unanimously Carried At the August 24th Town Board Meeting, Mr. Paggi was authorized to prepare a cost analysis for extending the water line along Old Route 9 from the Alpine Shopping Center southerly and connecting into the Wappinger Park Water. He has prepared a table for the board that shows the tax rate for options that were discussed. Mr. Paggi suggests the Town review these numbers and decide which framework would be best to pursue. COUNCILMAN VALDATI moved to accept the cost analysis and place it on file. Seconded by Mr. Paoloni Motion Unanimously Carried The next report concerns the correspondence Mr. Paggi received from Dan O'Connor dated August 25, 1998 regarding his acceptance of the Certificate of Construction Compliance for the water and sewer lines in the Carmel Heights Subdivision. Mr. Paggi was also in receipt of a memo from Mike Tremper of CAMO stating that the pump station and the line in Sherwood Heights tributary to that pump station are in adequate condition and capable of handling the eighteen new homes from Carmel Height. However, Mr. Tremper does bring up conditions of the sewer line on Vorndran Drive where there have been flow problems in the past during times of infiltration/inflow. Mr. Tremper stated that the problem is not related to Sherwood Heights pump station. Mr. Paggi strongly recommends that the infiltration program that we are starting now to set up, be implemented as soon as possible to insure that the existing condition on Vondran is improved. COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO moved to accept the correspondence and place it on file. Seconded by Mr. Paoloni Motion Unanimously Carried The next report concerns the Maloney Road/Box Culvert. As instructed, Mr. Paggi analyzed the drainage area tributary to the existing culvert on Maloney Road just west of Daley Road. A field inspection confirmed the impending failure and Mr. Paggi applied for the necessary permits for replacement of the drainage culvert. After doing so, he received a notice of incomplete application on the permit that was applied for to the DEC. They stated that the proposed culvert was of insufficient size. The DEC has a In 092898.RGM policy that they enforce now which requires a single culvert, not multiple, as proposed. The cost of replacing with twin culverts is $3,900. The DEC requires one single culvert at a cost of $14,000. Mr. Paggi recommends that an aluminum box culvert with a cross section area of between 30 - 50 square feet be installed, and has sent the board a copy of the Contech aluminum box culvert pricing and sizing sheet, for their consideration. COUNCILMAN VALDATI moved to authorize $14,000 for the purchase of an aluminum box culvert for Maloney Road as recommended by Mr. Paggi. Seconded by Mr. Ruggiero Motion Unanimously Carried Mr. Paggi also gave an update on the Village of Fishkill/Fleetwood Water District Interconnection meeting that he attended on September 9th , 1998. We are ahead of schedule and expect to have water by Thanksgiving. COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO moved to accept the report and place it on file. Seconded by Mr. Paoloni Motion Unanimously Carried Next is a report from Mr. Paggi regarding the Kent Road/Traffic problem with correspondence from Assemblyman Joel Miller. Mr. Paggi attended a meeting at Joel Miller's office on August 26th, to discuss the Kent Road speeding problem. Also in attendance were Connie Smith, Joe Ruggiero, Vincent Bettina, Graham Foster, Sergeant Bashor of the DC Sheriff's Dept., Captain Schall of the NYS police, and Al Roberts, Esq. In his response of September 8th, 1998, Mr. Miller felt everyone attending the meeting was in agreement to have a stronger police presence in the area to deter speeders using Kent Road as a shortcut. He intends to put a press release in the local newspaper to this effect. Mr. Miller has reached out for funding for extra policing via various avenues, and will keep the town informed on the progress of his request. COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO moved to accept the Mr. Paggi's report along with Mr. Millers reply and place them on file. Seconded by Mr. Paoloni Motion Unanimously Carried The last item from Mr. Paggi concerns his report submitted to Ms. Patricia King of the NYSDEC Division of Management and Budget Services regarding the Minority and Women's Business Program component of the Castlepoint Landfill Closure Project. COUNCILMAN PAOLONI moved to accept Mr. Pages report that was submitted to Ms. King for the Castle Point Landfill Closure Project, and place it on file. Seconded by Mr. Ruggiero 092898.RGM Motion Unanimously Carried Notification from Graham Foster, informing the Town Board that the building that formerly housed Tire King has become available, and the owners daughter asked him if the Town had any interest in purchasing the building. It contains about 4,300 square feet, and has heat, bathroom facilities and a concrete floor. It is also equipped with several 14 ft. overhead doors which would make it an excellent addition to the Highway Department. As the town continues to grow, we will require additional space to house the highway fleet. With the current cost of building, the purchase of an existing building in good repair near our current facility is desirable. The asking price is $190K, which is negotiable. COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO moved to discuss this matter at a future workshop. Seconded by Mrs. Smith Motion Unanimously Carried At the August 24th meeting, Mr. Foster was requested to estimate the cost of two additional highway employees, with required equipment, to maintain the drainage easements for the remainder of 1998. Assuming we hired two employees on 10/1/98 the labor cost for the remainder of 1998 would be approximately 1215.0 hours @ 15.43 per hour which comes to $18,747.00 One brush mower estimated at $1,800.00 for areas which will not allow the use of a tractor, i.e. Spring Terrace holding pond, Lookout Point holding pond and brooks with steep banks. One Bobcat type skid steer machine with excavating equipment, mower, track, bucket and blade is estimated at $60K. COUNCILMAN Ruggiero moved to discuss further at a Budget workshop. Seconded by Mr. Valdati Motion Unanimously Carried Communication from Emanuel Saris, Attorney to the Town appointed to handle Tax Reviews, to defend on behalf of the Town, informing the Board, after months of negotiations, Cranberry Hills Associates, has agreed to offer a settlement of $2,300,000 full value, for all years at issue. Mr. Saris recommends that this settlement be accepted by the Town Board. COUNCILMAN VALDATI moved to authorize Emanuel Saris, Attorney to the Town Appointed to handle Tax Reviews to defend on behalf of the Town, proceed with his recommendations and settle. Seconded by Mr. Bettina Motion Unanimously Carried Correspondence from Arthur Kaiser of 15 Valley Road, complaining about the excessive noise being created by his next door neighbor repairing a racing car in his driveway. The car has no muffler and the engine creates an D 092898.RGM earsplitting racket which seems to be way above the noise level allowed by the town. He is requesting the towns assistance on this matter. Supervisor Smith informed the Board that she referred this matter to Mr. Close, Zoning Administrator and Mr. Close informed the Board that he looked into the matter, and everything has been cleared up. COUNCILMAN BETTINA moved to accept the correspondence, and place it on file. Seconded by Mr. Ruggiero Motion Unanimously Carried Next is to approve the Lehigh contract for Snow removal at the Emergency Services Building, and authorize the Supervisor to sign. COUNCILMAN VALDATI moved to approve the contract with Lehigh for removal of snow at the Emergency Services building and authorize the Supervisor to sign. Seconded by Mr. Ruggiero Motion Unanimously Carried Al Roberts, Attorney to the Town advised the board on the status of the Robert Lane Drainage/Lauffer Easement and presented a resolution for the Public Hearing on the condemnation for their consideration. The following Resolution was moved by Councilman Ruggiero and seconded by Councilman Bettina. WHEREAS, it is necessary for public health, safety and welfare of the residents of Robert Lane to increase the rate at which storm water is drained from their property; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to acquire a permanent easement over certain real property presently owned by Elizabeth Lauffer, more particularly described in the annexed Schedule "A', in order to increase the storm system capacity draining storm water runoff from the property surrounding Robert Lane, and to properly channel the increased rate of storm water runoff flowing onto the property of Elizabeth Lauffer. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Town Board hereby intends to offer to purchase the permanent easement, more particularly described in the annexed Schedule "A', for one hundred percent of the highest approved appraised value. In the event said offer is not accepted by Elizabeth Lauffer, the Town Board intends to proceed to acquire this permanent easement pursuant to its vested power of eminent domain. 2. The Town Board hereby determines that the intended action, that is, the acquisition of the permanent easement pursuant to Eminent Domain Procedure Law, is an Unlisted Action pursuant to Article 8 ECL, the 7 092898.RGM related Title 6 - 617 NYCRR, Local law #6 of 1992 and actions for which there are no other involved agencies. 3. The Town Board hereby declares itself LEAD AGENCY PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 8 ECL AND THE RELATED TITLE 6, PART 617-NYCRR. 4. The Town Board hereby reserves its right to make its Determination of Significance pursuant to SEQRA, and will not make such determination until the conclusion of the Public Hearing on the proposed permanent easement acquisition identified herein. 5. The Town Board hereby schedules a Public Hearing on the proposed acquisition to be held at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York, on the 26th day of October, 1998 at 7:15 o'clock p.m., and that the Town Clerk be directed to post and publish notice of the Public Hearing in the form annexed hereto. The question of adoption of the foregoing Resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows: Constance Smith, Supervisor voting aye Robert Valdati Councilman voting aye Vincent Bettina, Councilman voting aye Joseph Ruggiero, Councilman voting aye Joseph Paoloni, Councilman voting aye The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted. COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO moved to authorize Engineer to the Town, Jay Paggi to go out to bid for the Robert Lane drainage improvement project. Seconded by Mr. Bettina Motion Unanimously Carried Mr. Roberts also gave a report on the Humeston/DeLuccia Orchard Drive Subdivision. Mr. Roberts explained that the primary issue to be resolved is the claim of Mr. & Mrs. Devine, who live at the most north-easterly lot on the so called Orchard Drive extension. The Devine Home was built in late 1960's or early 1970's, and originally there was a driveway leading to a cellar/garage. This apparently proved difficult for the Devine's and they began using a second driveway over property N/F/ J. Klein and now owned by the Town of Wappinger. A small portion of this second driveway appears to encroach on land of the above referenced subdivision. Mr. Roberts presented a simple solution for the Devine's to assert their rights to the continued use of the second driveway. Councilman Ruggiero has discussed the resolution of the above matter with Mr. Roberts on several occasions and Mr. Roberts asked Mr. Ruggiero to have Mr. & Mrs. Devine retain an attorney so that this resolution may be implemented. SUPERVISOR SMITH moved to authorize Mr. Roberts to prepare the necessary papers. Seconded by Mr. Ruggiero 092898.RGM Motion Unanimously Carried Next are several memos from Michael Tremper of CAMO Pollution Control. As part of their maintenance program, CAMO recently TV'd the gravity sewer line on the All Angels Hill Road end of Kent Road. This inspection revealed a possible buried manhole on the property of 102 Kent Road. It is standard procedure when one is found, to excavate and bring it up to grade, so access can be gained for future maintenance or emergency. The resident on 102 Kent Road was reluctant to let the Town or any of its agents to have access to the property for such work. Mr. Tremper has reviewed the Town Assessor's record and deeds and there appears to be no record of any easements. At this time there are no urgent maintenance problems, but the question has arisen if there is an emergency situation, obtaining legal access. Discussion followed. COUNCILMAN VALDATI moved to table until more information is obtained. Seconded by Mr. Ruggiero Motion Unanimously Carried The next memo concerns a request from Mrs. Pace of Myers Corners Road to relocate the sewer lateral cap to the most eastern portion of her lot. If approved, the question of whom should bear the cost of the construction of the new tap and abandonment of the old tap will need to be addressed by the Town Board. Discussion followed. COUNCILMAN BETTINA moved to authorize Supervisor Smith to call Mrs. Pace, and inform her that the relocation of the new tap is approved, but she must bear the cost of construction of the new tap and abandonment of the old tap. Seconded by Mr. Valdati Motion Unanimously Carried At this time, SUPERVISOR SMITH announced that the October Workshop has been rescheduled to Wednesday October 14th (Monday is a Holiday). COMMITTEE REPORTS COUNCILMAN PAOLONI had no reports at this time. COUNCILMAN VALDATI had no reports at this time. COUNCILMAN BETTINA had no reports at this time. COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO on the status of codification process. Mr. Roberts replied that we need to get together with Dina to finalize. A meeting will be set up and they will get back to him. COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO regarding the watershed, aquifer agreement. Several month ago, he informed the board that the Town of Poughkeepsie was developing a recreation facility along the Wappinger creek north of 7 092898.RGM Atlas Water. We were supposed to have a Town inter -municipal watershed agreement drafted for the Town of Poughkeepsie and the Town of Wappinger because of concerns regarding fertilizers and pesticides going into the water system. What is the status of that. Supervisor Smith announced that a meeting was held, and no action was considered, until we look into the practices employed by the Town of Wappinger. Discussion followed. COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO moved to authorize Mr. Paggi, Engineer to the Town to draft a letter to Recreation Chairman, Ralph Holt, requesting methods regarding pesticides and fertilizers practices employed at town recreation sites. Seconded by Mr. Bettina Motion Unanimously Carried COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO moved to authorize Mr. Paggi also draft letters to Paul Cassillo and Ed Rose requesting practices employed by the County regarding pesticides and fertilizer. Seconded by Mr. Bettina Motion Unanimously Carried COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO moved to authorize the Engineer to the Town, and Attorney to the Town to work with Supervisor Smith in establishing an agreement with the Town of Poughkeepsie on methods employed regarding pesticides and fertilizer. Seconded by Mr. Bettina Motion Unanimously Carried COUNCILMAN VALDATI had no reports at this time. SUPERVISOR SMITH gave a short report on the Sales Tax Committee meeting that she is serving on. We get a percentage up to $86K. We receive nothing over that amount. More information will follow. SUPERVISOR SMITH informed the board that the Town of Poughkeepsie has adopted a Local Law providing for the use of cart corrals for shopping carts with locking devices. She has provided the board members with a copy of their local law to look over, and would like someone to authorize the Attorney to the Town to go over this law and come up with something similar for the Town of Wappinger. COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO moved to authorize Attorney to the Town to draft a local law on cart corrals with locking devices. Seconded by Mr. Bettina Motion Unanimously Carried SUPERVISOR SMITH also announced that County Legislature Fran Knapp has a resolution requesting an inter -municipal agreement between the County and City of Poughkeepsie for police services from the County. Mrs. 10 092898.RGM % `' 7 Smith feels that it is only fair that Wappinger receive some of that tax money also. She wishes to be authorized to send a letter to the County Legislature stating, if they provide County monies policing for the City of Poughkeepsie, we would certainly like to be included. COUNCILMAN BETTINA moved to authorize Supervisor Smith send a letter to the County Legislature requesting that Wappinger be included in the inter -municipal agreement for police services with the County also. Seconded by Mr. Valdati Motion Unanimously Carried SUPERVISOR SMITH also gave an update on personnel. She received a list with eight names for Comptroller from the Dutchess County Personnel. Department, and sent canvass letters out. She also sent out 15 letters to canvass for the Building Inspector. There were two people on the list for the Deputy Building Inspector. One applicant refused, the other applicant to consider is Joel Petrus. SUPERVISOR SMITH announced that she received a call from Mr. Kellogg, of Alpine, and she would like to be authorized to have Jay Paggi, Al Roberts, and herself meet with him and present items that were discussed at the last executive session workshop. COUNCILMAN VALDATI moved to authorize Attorney to the Town, Engineer to the Town, and Supervisor Smith to meet with Mr. Kellogg and present items that were discussed at executive session and come back to workshop for further discussion. Seconded by Mr. Ruggiero Motion Unanimously Carried BONDS & LETTERS OF CREDIT Mr. Close submitted his report for the month of August on the schedule of Bonds and letters of Credit on the various subdivisions, the amounts, expiration dates and call up dates. COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO moved to accept Mr. Close's report and place it on file. Seconded by Mr. Bettina Motion Unanimously Carried RESOLUTIONS Next is to introduce the Local Law and set a public hearing to rescind the NO PARKING law along Regency Drive. The following Resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN PAOLONI and seconded by Councilman Ruggiero. WHEREAS, no parking was prohibited on Regency Drive pursuant to Local Law #6 of 1991, Section 5(b); and 11 x,16 092898.RGM WHEREAS, no parking was prohibited on Regency Drive in response to neighbors complaining of the multitude of cars parked on the street in consequence of soccer games being played at a nearby recreational field; and WHEREAS, soccer games have been relocated to another recreation field and the parking situation along Regency Drive has alleviated; and WHEREAS, the Town Board has received requests from several neighbors on Regency Drive requesting that the no parking law on Regency Drive be rescinded; and WHEREAS, the Town Board has determined that it is in the best interests of the public health, welfare and safety of the People of the Town of Wappinger to rescind the no parking law on Regency Drive by repealing subsection (b) of Section 5 of Local Law #6 of 1991. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Town Board hereby introduces for adoption Local Law #_ of the Year 1998 in the form annexed hereto. 2. The Town Board hereby determines that the repeal of the no parking law along Regency Drive by the introduction of the aforementioned Local Law, it a Type II action as defined in 6 NYCRR 617.5©(16) and, accordingly, the Town Board hereby expressly determines that this action is not an action that requires review pursuant to the provisions of the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) or pursuant to Local Law #6 of 1992 or pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby schedules a Public Hearing on the proposed adoption of Local Law #_ of 1998 to be held at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York, on the 26th day of October, 1998 at 7:10 p.m., and that the Town Clerk be directed to post and publish notice of the Public Hearing in the form annexed hereto. The question of adoption of the foregoing Resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows: Constance Smith, Supervisor voting aye Robert Valdati, Councilman voting aye Vincent Bettina, Councilman voting aye Joseph Ruggiero, Councilman voting aye Joseph Paoloni, Councilman voting aye Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted. The next item for the Boards consideration is to award the bids for the Highway trucks. Three bids for the 1981 Chevy Dump Truck #16 were received, the highest, being $152 from Timothy A. Paraskeva. No bids were received for the two Reo's, so Mr. Foster will dispose of them for scrap metal. Mr. Foster recommends we award the bid for the 1981 Chevy Dump Truck #16 to Timothy A. Paraskeva for $152, his being the highest bid. 12 092898.RGM COUNCILMAN BETTINA moved to award the bid for the 1981 Chevy Dump Truck #16 to Timothy A Paraskeva for $152 upon the recommendation of Mr. Foster. Seconded by Mr. Ruggiero Motion Unanimously Carried Next are several requests for the transfer of funds. At the Town Board Meeting dated September 14, 1998, approval was given to authorize Don Swartz to perform a structural study for Greystone for $22,800. A request has been made to transfer $22,800 from Appropriated Fund Balance Account #0599.OA to Budget Expenditure Account #7620.40A in order to perform the study. COUNCILMAN VALDATI moved to approve the transfer of $22,800 from Appropriated Fund Balance Account #0599.OA to Budget Expenditure Account #7620.40A. Seconded by Mr. Ruggiero Motion Unanimously Carried At the August 24, 1998 meeting, approval was given to authorize $8,170 for the installation of a new electronic controller for the traffic signal at Middlebush Road and Route 9. A request has been made to transfer $8,170 from the Appropriated Fund Balance Account #0599.OA, to Budget Expenditure Account #3310.40A. COUNCILMAN VALDATI moved to approve the transfer of $8,170 from Appropriated Fund Balance Account #0599.OA to Budget Expenditure Account #3310.40A. Seconded by Mr. Ruggiero Motion Unanimously Carried Approval was given at a Town Board Meeting to transfer to Tri -Municipal Sewer Commission, $75,000 from Town of Wappinger Fund Balance Unreserved Account #909HT and #909HU, $37,500 each, to make payments up to design phase. COUNCILMAN VALDATI moved to approve the transfer to Tri -Municipal Sewer Commission, $75,000 from Town of Wappinger Fund Balance Unreserved Account #909HT and #909HU, $37,500 each, to make payments up to design phase. Seconded by Mr. Ruggiero Motion Unanimously Carried The last item for the Boards consideration is to authorize the Supervisor to Sign the Pop Warner Agreement for 1998. COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO moved to authorize the Supervisor to sign the Pop Warner agreement for 1998. 13 `��0 092898.RGM Seconded by Mr. Bettina Motion Unanimously Carried There was no other Business to come before the Board. COUNCILMAN BETTINA moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Ruggiero, and unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk 14