Division of Fishkill to Wappinger .~ .. Cl~n p. 400. , AN ACT (hr the divil'ioll of the town of FiRhkill, in tho . count}. or Dut.chcl'l", Rnd for the ercction of 0. ncw town .. I .. from the northern portion thereof, and. for the o.ppor~ tionmcnt of the renl ,md per801l0.11)rol)crty of so.id town I "od of tho dobt8 thorcoC. .\ f h l'l&86Cd )(ay 20, 1~76; lhrec~f1fths being l,rcleut. 71" Pt'flp'~ fIt,,,, it~ '" Nt~~~pt't>M"'<<l in8etlah and A.semblv, elo ttl(J('1 (JI Jil/lo~' : ' . Sr.CTION 1. All t1lRt pnrt. of the town of ]:iAh kill, in I.he connty or nllll'hc~~ ..ilnnl... h'in~ '"111 b('in~ nnrth of " linl! lK'gillnin~ at. R poillt on tho l'IlI'll'rly .ho.'C of Ihe IInllllllll rin'r, dilllllllt two hlllllh'cd feet norlhl'rl, fmll1 tho 1'I'llilll'lIce nf 'J'homll" Ahh.itl~c, nll,l rnlllling from thcnrc c;~lA..'rlr, in "Illmij;:'hl. line 101\ point inllw ccnler of the pnblio hi~h'Wll,.ll'/l(l;n~ from Fi"hkill to JIopewl'lI two hundred fl'Ct, nurl,hel'ly, fl'l'lII the hOll1csll'lld of J..cbhen8 Ohllrlock, Rnd rnnnillf from thellce ill a I'lnlifhllino dlle CM" to lho \Vesledy bRnk of Hprol1 creek, i8 herehy ~1'I'Ch't inlo 1\ Ill'pllrUW nnd nl'''' town, to be llercufl.cr known and dis- tillJ:lli.lll'tl h)' thc nAme of .. Wappinger." , It 2. Alllhllt pnrt of the J're~cnt town of Fishkilllying 8011th of tho lilH' dCK'ribcd in the first BCction or this I\et, Ilhn1l ho and I'('main n IlCp" .r;uo ton'n in IBid county, known and distinguishlld by tho nlLmo ot Of ....ishkill." ~ :J. All IAw8 in foreo At nnll from the t,imo of the pnsARgc of this Mt, npl,licnhlc to tho town of l"i,;h kill R8 now l'xisting, 8hl111 upply to tho town of Fishkill "" herehy rontillucd, excep~luch laws as al'o inconsis. knt ",ilh tho I,ro,'i@ions of this RCt. ~ of. 1'ho lirst onn1\l,1 town nlt'Cting of the town of .. WI\I'pin~er," as JH'rein e!'Cctt'IJ, 8hAII be )1('111 at the \VIl~on.nlllker8 "hop, of Browcr IJl'Illhel'B, in the ,'illn;.!c of Wn}lpin~l'r's }'allll on the first 1'nc5dl1Y or Mllrch, ei~hleen hnmln'lI "IIlI t1c\'Imt)'.six, amI therenrrer on the Illllne. el:n' Ihnt. other town8 hold their ullnnul town meetings in 8nid county (If" Dnlchr8!\. Arminins W. Armstrong, JOllcph Vun Voorhis ana . Jo:<<lwllnlll. Pier, Rre ht'rehy appointed t.o presido at tho first town meet- in~ tll be held in mi(1 toll'n of WAppinger, to Ilppoint a olerk, to ol'cn and kl'('pl he polls, nnd hBVO nnd cXl'reillC Iho sumo powers as justices or the pCftCC whclI prl'sidin~ nt town meetillgs. ~ 5. Tht' personnl property or the tmvn of' Fish kill 1\8 it heretofore exisl,'d inclnding All moncys in the hnnds 'of oOlcers, which arc not 1"Cl'lnirell to mCl't. lil\hilities matured at tho time of the pnssAge of thi. BCt., Ilhall bo npportioned bet.ween tho town of Wappinger ILIJ herehy constitntctl, nnd the town of Fishkill all hereby continued, by the slll'cnisor of the Mid town of ~'ilhkill, and Cla;'ton E. Sweet of the to"'n of Wappillger, who Are hereby made s}lCClal commi8sioners for that purpose, pro rata according to tho amount of tRxablo property in tach of laid toWOI, .. the lame existed immediately before the paasage or thi. net, lUlIt to lX' n".rrIAined bv tho lllt:t "~6Cf:~hl('nt or Milt to"'n. t'll('h al'l'"rlillllll1rnt IIhAII he ll11ldo bet.ween the lirAI. dlL)' of )(I\Y Dnd lh(' tlrel c1:ty of AUj;:'lIl't, cighken huudred Rnd (!('Tl'n ty.lI VI'. I If a. The n'"l ('~httt! 1I,'llIlIging toO the Ilnid town of l<'iRhkill is herchy tlil'\'('h...l to he sold h" the /llll'cilll commiRsioncre Ilro~s"id, "IHl t.Jle pro- ~'t..1s lherrof Apportloncd bcl\"t'en the llnid two towns nccOI'(lill8' to the mllnDer Rnd rulo of.apportionment dCl!eribc(1 ill tho )11.61. prcccdlllg 8l'C.I ; lion. . .... All dehls. bonlJs, o"Ji~Alionll RlHlIiA"i1ifiI'8 of thl' town of l~iAh. kill eri~lillg at. the limo of 11ll' p:\.Ill'U;rC of Ihis IICt~ or which ~hall hlLve ~n Rntlwri'A'tl or cli!'Cr!c'11 h)' RII)' exiRlillll Rct~ Rrc IWI'l'h)' "\lpurlionNl holm"," the ~ull town of Wllp)lilllll.'r II1HI the to,,"II of FiHhkil 118 herehy conlinlll'(I, IIcC\lrlJillg to till' ",n"lIl1t of 'nxahle prOp('rl." in c'RCh to bo AIIrNtailll'l1 hy Iht' ~.~(,l'l'lIlrlll. 1',,11 of tllIlllllid town of ]:'ishkill, fOl' tho Tl'nr 11111' thllllMIIII ci~ht Illllldl'l'(J Rlld IlIJ\'l'nt)'.rollr. And I.he mid t{'JWIl ~f Wnl'l'i,,~r and the to"," of Filihkill' R8 h(,I'\'hy con thillI'd, lll.nll bo hl'n('t'f'Jrtll he l!cn'nllly cl1lLr~..d with its rell}lCcth'c llhAl'C of tho prillci-, : Plll.nl! illtt'l'Cl't or s:tid deLta, bonds, ohligntionsl\nd liabilitil'8 Recording . to llllCIt apportionment. It sh/\II be tho dilly of the Mid 8)lCcil\l com.. miulllnl'ra to pfepnre an occllrate statement of the lI,i(1 dc'btt!, bonds anti ohliltl'lio,,1I, and of the mat.urity or time "lid times or till' p'ymellt , . r , r i f: \ ,I I I t [, , I j L . . ,f. ,\ , , :~ .., \hen.of 1'0 fAr All t.ho ~nmc elm II\.' nFccl'lniu('(l by them from the 1\'col'cls luul r:\p~ra in tho t01\'1I ('1(,l'k', ollie~ or oUl('rwil!I', to cln~8ify t,h('m in ftol"Cll1'\lnnce with the npl'''rlillnmellt hl'rehy directed, EO I.Imt ('neh ,,'ill lx-nr it. relntin' 1'1'\lllortaOIl of Illlrh dc-hlA, honcb, obligntions Rnd IInhili- t..i~s .t the mntnrit)' thl'r<'Or, nnd of the int('rest t.o "eerllc I\ml \x.oeomo 'dno th(,I\'01I until ~1I('h mAtufily. RIIII in ('Me of nny elil:ngr.'ement bet WN:n the ll.'\icl 1l}lC..cinl COII\llli8sione..~ Up"" wriU.cn npplicnt iOIl of cilh~r of Iheln, the fllpcr,'i811r of t.he to\\'Il of l~nst. Fishkin is herehy (,lnl~''''l'fl'tl nllll tlireelt'tl to net '\fith llH'm in I"erfonnillg the (lutil'&' hl'n'h)' 1"'I.'lerilk'tl; 11,,1 the dl'Cil!iclI\ of 1\ mnjol'ity of the l;nill three per- ,nllll upon 11II)' qUl'stion "ril!ing in the premiF('1! shnll bo cnnclllBh'c upon the ~,itl t\\'o towlIS; 'rhe .lIicl ~tat('mell t I:hnll be signt'tl by the p(,l'!;on& nillkin~ the Ilnl11~, I\IUlllhl\1I be neknowl('elgcll by them bdol'C nn fllliCl'r RlIthori7.I'11 to tuke Ihe ueknowll'clgm(,lIt, nnel one of l!:lill Btnt('\nent& .halll)(' filro ill the ollil'e of the cll'l'k of thc town of FiFhkilllLS hereby contilllll-d. uI,,1 ono in tire clerk's omce of the town of W"llpiuger, nnll one shnll be tmllsmiltetl to aud filetl with the clerk of,t IC bOl\l'(l of .nl~\'\'illOrs of llulehel's cOUllty, uml the slIl"ervisors of Dl1tcllep-s count.y' ,hl\lI, frtlm time to timl', in tho tn:t Il','il'lI re!;!lecth'ely lIcxt prl'<'l'tling thl' mnlllrit)' of the ,lrincip:ll or interest of nny of the snicl dehtll, bonel1', ohliJ!:ltion& or lil\hi itic~, nsse&ll, levy nlHl collect ngninst the )lrOperty fenl Rnel rel'l'onnl, (If Ihe to"'n of l.'ishkill ns herchy continueel, t.he \l\'0- porlion of elleh prinripnl Bnel interest wilh which t.he sumc 8h1\1 he c1lnrgetl bv thc npportionlllent ol>o,'e pro,'ic1ed, nnd slmlllLSscsfl, lc,'y Bnel colll'Ct ninillllt the IlrnllCrt.y, renl nnel Ilersollnl, of the said t.own of WAppingcr, the proporlton of lluch princi}lnl BlId inlcrt'lIt with which Ule Fllhl to'fIl of \\ n)lpin~cr shnll he chn1'gocd by t,he BRid npportion- mellt, "nd- the Colll't'tor of the ~Iliel toWll 01' W np)lin~er shnll }layover to t.he paid SII)lcniflOl' of the 1.0"'0 of l<'ish 'kill 1\8 hereby continuell, tlw 8monnt eo M8('~cd, levied and c01lcoted ngainst the Mid rropertyof' Mid t.own of W"rpinger, ""d tbe Mid sU)ler/isor 8ha1l PBY tilt' Mid' princirnl anel interest abon-mentioned .. the' eame '.hallf~ll' dne~ I'OIlll'CU vely. ' , :,! ',., . ' ' ,': .. I" i i ; I , I . "I' l:t :.' I .,. ' ; " .. .. .. . I ... ~ 8. TIlc rif:1lt~ (,n'tlit,. nnd RF!=<'tll of thl' Mill to,,'" of l~isllkill olhl'l' tlll'" Ih~ n'RI lnel l~rFllIlnl ('"IIIIe lwrl'illhl'fnre I1Il'nt io1l11'11 nre hrrehy npl~lrlioiINlllI..I1\'l't'n Ih~ lIlIill tll"'" of Wllppingt'r IlIltl tho town of Fillh- )011 M hl'rehy ('(mtilllll't\. Rcc'llrcling to the 1'11)0 of npport.ionOle"t "bovo Ill\'~ril"',1 in rc'''IM.'<.'t, 10 t hI' 11I"'n ell'hl", ~ tl. Thc 1I1l11t'nil'llfS llf ))1I1r111'I'& ('llIlIll)' IIhRIl, in t,hc "ntlnRl tl\lt, J('tir~ M'("~ "''''' ulllI rollt'I'L n~uinst the lnxl\hle ll\'lll'crt)', rl!nllllld )wr- '0111,1 llf the Mhr 1cl\\'Il tlf Wl\l'pill~l'r, the )ll'tlportinll of the l"lllto /llId COli II I)' taXt'" to he horllc hy l!nHl t.U1\'n /ll'cll\'llill~ to IRw, /llId 8hl\II iSl!IIo thdr 1\'Rrmllt for t.he collediu\l of sIIeh tnxl'& to the collec(.or or tho town of W/ll'pillJ:er, who Sllllll collect the snme, nnd muk\! r('t,nrn /Iud )ll"'",Cllt Ihcl'\'of in t.he p-nmc mRnller 1\& ie provided by law for collcc- tiOIlIl. retllrnlllllllllll\\'mclIle h)' town cllll~ctor8. ~ 10, All n('el'l!~llry eX)~IIl!I'8 illcllrrell nnd to be incurred in tho dh'i"ion of pnitl town of 1- illh kill, shnll he 1\ clll\rgo uponl\llcl pRid by tho ~own of Wnppingt'r Rnd the tOWIl of }<'iehkill, 1\8 hcrehy continllcd, in the 1l1'\\portioll Ilt'rt'tufore llrescribl'll for the npportionmcnt of t,ho t.own ell'lll". nllllsllch chnrJ:I'1I nllll CXlll'IUIl'& shnll bo nnelitl-d by Lho bOllrd or toll'n uI"litol'll of t'nch of snitl tn"'"I1, ~ 11, I\\lthing in this net lllll,llnm'ct the ri~hls or 'nhritlgr. tho term flf unh'c of nIl\' town nOll'l'r ill either of ~lIi" tOWIIII of Fillh Ie ill 'or WR\I\lill(:l'r, Rnll the 001('('1'8 e\l'cll'l\ on Ihl' IIl'lIt '1'Ill'sdn)' ill )lnreh 1~7[J, at t ,~ Rllnllnl tOWII ml'l'ling or t,hl' tOWIl of Fi6hkill R!l it exillted lwior to Ihe )ll\~!l-l'~e of Ihill AI'I, sh/lll ho\cl over, nlld pel'form the dlltics or their rellpl'Ctl'"C oOlcell for both the tOW\l or Fishkllll\s hl'rcby continucd, Btlll the to\\'\l of Wnppillger os hcrehy~ennstitlltcd, ullt.il tho t!lcction of town oOll'('\'8 for the Bnill town of Wn\ll'inger 1\8 pro,'iclcd by this act, after which the territorial jurisdictlO\l of suen olficcra othor thl\n jUl'til'('s of the llCllC(', s11n11 not extend oo)'olld the limite of the towu in. which they .h"ll l'C.icle .n.cr the dh'ision hlRdo by thi. oct... ' l$ 12. All IOta inccnli.tent with the provisionl or thil lOt an bereb1\ re)ll'alod. ,,/ ,"!" ',: "I ':.,: -'! ; j II. Title aohhall take efl'ectimmediate!1' ,<i ," ",/,' / "'i;" ',~ I ., i :. , i . \, '