UntitledMembers of the Dutch Arms and Livingsotn ivum and i he Corps march to Bank Square Plaza during Rhi ebeck's Bicentennsal celebration. Resi- dents commemorated the signing of the Declaration of independence with a beil-ringing and firing of cannons. I_i_-___._ ,-.......I DL...,.. The Bicentennial spirit wasn't dampened by a little rain Millbrook Sunday. Dancing, in downdown Millbrook, Sunday as members of the O.H. Booth Fife and Drum was part of the village's celebration. Corps, City of Poughkeepsie, march in competition in Poughkeepsie Journal Photo Gus Thomes, Pawling Bicentennial Commission, left, presents a savings account passbook to George Cunningham, town supervisor, Sunday during ceremonies at Murrow Paris. The savings account, opened for $19.76 at Pawling Savings Bank, will be worth $40,000 100 years from now. A Time 'japsule and monument were dedicated in the park. Poughkeepsie Journal Photo Mrs. Connie Smith, chairman of the Wappinger Town the Greer Toyota site between Route 9 and ata xoute Y. Bicentennial Committee, rings the town's Bicentennial was the highlight of July 4th activities in the town. bell, dedicated in ceremonies Sunday. The dedication at Poughkeepsie Journal Photo commemorate the glorious s during the Revolution along U of the Hudson River, whicl rightly be called the craddl Republic." A Bicentennial monun Revolutionary War soldie stones from historic plat Bicentennial quilt, map of the area and a 1732 kitchen at Wyck Homestead were dedics The monument was dedi, memory of the late Town Su Herbert W. Muller Sr., who d; 18. Muller was instrume planning for the monume funding it. Elsewhere in the area parades and ceremonies wer, Beacon, Dover, Millbrook, I Rhinebeck and New Paltz. An ecumenical church colonial activities and squi ting were held in LaGrange monument and time capsi dedicated at Murrow F Pawling. Commemoration signing of the Declaration dependence was held in Rh An ecumenical service, costume contest and dedicatii Atteibury School were held fordville. COMPUTERIZ Pay Roll Sorvil UP TO 30 emp/oya •75 Put mowH 462-4131 MIC�lEL1# u � � hk«