1992-06-08 SPMi wial Meeting of the Town Board of the `mown of Wappingeir was held on June H, 1992, at the Toc;a !-Tall_, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers nger Falls, New York. . `aper i- or Smith opened the Meeting at 6:45 P.M. Present: cons tanc,e Smith, `supervisor .;aures Mills, Councilman Robert -t. Valdat.i , Councilman Juae Visconti, Councilwoman Robert. Wallace, Councilman Elaine iT . Snowden, Town Clerk oth,rs Present: A'.1>e rL Roberts, Attorney Emanuel Saris, Attorney Joseph E. Pa gi, Jr., Engineer -j e d May 26, 1 1. I This Meeting cans ticl�edulez.t«t the �i•`g�:Ili_�r. �leet_:I� ul° �la;� i�J�, for the purpose of amending the Resolution Ordering the Demolition f the Braker _associates, Ltd., property located at 3E Old Route 9 i f , after investigation, it was determined that hazardous wastes were on the site. Erman"el Saris, attorney with Gellert & Cutler, who has been Packing on this matter, informed the Board that the Fire Inspector contacted the D.H.C. today and they advised him to have the. 'Town g5 out to bid on the demolition and include in the specifications the existence i f the material, identifying it by name, which would put the burden of proper cleanup of the site on the z,R-ntractor, eather than the Town. MR. VALDATI moved to amend the Resolution adopted on May 26, 1992 on the Demolition of the 'Braker Property, to include in the bid specifications, the existence of the hazardous wastes, to be properly disposed of and the cost to be borne by the successful contractor. .econded. by Mr. Mills Motion Unanimously Carried O\ SP60892 The next item to be addressed by the Board related In mcq"irina, easements for the Tri -Municipal Sever Plant to seat ine Town of Wnppinger residents. Mr. Roberts emplained that they Kaye he -7, unsuccessful in their negotiations frr the tun �npnjinn parcr-Y. and the Rkstronm pnrcel and in the event that the situntini) remains ns, such, a resnlutiou for fcrmal rondemnPlion of the Properties involved, was Prepared by the firm of GrIjeri A CUUPY, The follnuing Resolution was introduced by COUN(ILWOMAN VISCONTT and seconded by Councilman WolInce: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the To -n of Wappinger has heretofore n"tharized the formntinn of the Wnpping-r 4-ypr Transmission/Treatment 'Improvement (hereinnCtpu refprrpd tn n�, "improvement") pursuant to Article 12-C of th- Toun inn fo- th- purposes of constructing a sewer trnnsmission trunk line nnH r� ""e (1) million gallon per day eNpnnRion OF the V-Wey irrolmorl facility known as the Tri-Municipm! Sewage Finut, lacnWO Er th- Town of Poughkeepsie; and WHEREAS, prior to the format ion of the Improvemont, the Tn-u 13"and , pursuant to Articir R EQ, and Titlr E fart 617 VVFRF, h2--, caused in he prepared and norppted nn Fnvi—m—tll ImPnot Matement, and has made a St2temeny of Findings pursunnt they-tv; 2 n tl WHIVIVIVAS, the engineering plans: require that the trnnk line pill have to be instUIPH in anO through vprinus pn7relq of pr;vntply and publicly owned property %Pnerqlly set forth in n -ortnin map prepnrpd by Pnogi and Marlin, Engine-rs to the Tmprnvement, entitled "Sewnge Trnnsmigsion Line, Tovn of' Wappingnr", dated November 1990, revised 5/19/92, jnb namb-7 R9-077/1.1; nnd WHEFFAS, in order for the trunk line to hp rnnqiructP(l and connected Wrough privntely or publicly owned Innds, th- Tnvu must obtain easements and rilhts-•,f-way Wo"gh the vmrious parcels affected as determined by the Enginenrq to the improvement, Paggi and Martin; and WHEREAS, the Town Board, on behalf of thP ImP7n-emON, dr-termined that it is essential, a matter of Public and in furtherance of the public welfnre to obtain the Pasements and riahts-of-wm to InY, inyt&l nud nn"Y" sewer transmission trunk Un- and nvpurtena"(Pq: nMl WHEREAS, Paggi. and Martin hnvP d""mi" I" 'ar"dril ,,,,g rh,v- nparsRary pngemanty Pad viphtn-"f -vnF F"r Or 4vnnll INT nre rnsnmeutg and righLq-of-Vq7 thr-"gh pnrf--Iq jonvy-d wiLhin the Town of Wnppinger by: W trT Wnp 51Y numbry 19-6157-01-37F617-00 purl —ned by Fri-drich Ty"Y"' purl po"nn FEshroew; (ii) taN map gvirl UUMI-nn by Leith Q. Cnpolino; Mi) tvN UNK P"Mh-u M -C!57-01 ownpri 288662-00 and anned by thp Fstnir Pf %rUrPt 0, Wna n'_; n"!'!, WHEREAS, Paggi and Marlin hnvr- i.] _heel' survcy ll , " "Prop" to construct the trunk line thrnugh the Pn-rP!q, 160 Tamp-, wo Cupw ruption Fasement " ccpinn -f "h inh npa "a N 1- �zn The NWD Fi-yk "f the To"" of wappingrr; mad inl -Qnn•. !"q uni, snid maps, PngO nnO Ynrilv ho -o prepcyp& w�KeF �U Ynim& nF thu "isnmonts, both pormnopw ind iemp"YA:c, .V�nlqh 140 Far�els; an(l NHFRF\S, 3OW11h, ungC120i & Knoplaunq, Peat H�Iar­ Kn7m PC -noted nnpnrat" "PPrqK&S apyrOyIng Tv- VOKI of lip "rwrownrioned PNvPMPktY and right i -:t -WAY S-�, f;; In---! nunvd by FrWrink Q�tr�"m and japn-_:� 7hqt-.-v finv map grid n"mhw 19-1157-01-nW17.00;, 7� 1 0' Sj,qT7,05, Kil pvrpc� OUL06 hy Neith G. napoKnn ;1�� nnn LUlh-r 19.5L77. W-WOU11-00), to bp S3,167,00, and tit!: Xr-GJ ranad iW th" Evint- nf Nargarpt A. rapolino i= mop gric Eon ncr hp S3,802.00. QHFRRAK , in n-pnrdance with This approinn L and pupsunn; t No Pwpii rrman! n nf Oe Eminent Domain Drawodure Lau, The Tsq� wopyingor, m ophnif KF tho Wnpyirtger Seven imprrvownt, iii! )f _'r to Fri pWich Fkqtrnnm « Awn" FRn n! it h Q. C zip"! i ny ard the Fst ate nf Mnv9nrw A, (a p": A k� 1 H A% n appraisnd valup, 7espoprKel', nnY. K Q pill aign offer an Advanae Faywrt in th, Ofil Omwanis. Tho 'p - my nC thosp offers arn vpt Y"POK in 00 1� "n s-ni by ift" T"wn Superilsor, rnphe4 Gf YWA 01- ntvwPN;! happto, s� Filedr1wh Eksrroem and Hanna FRst—v, Nplin K, nrd K" Estayp nf Margaynt A. la� nw, prAY-Y17 cv� af the nNN-tod parcaln; oW THERFAR, the offOys Pwn�t'twfr �jgh-v; 411pinlad appraivrin OF just wnMPPnsn1!"r f�y —Spe-v 1va prappyl ln� , ACV, TWIREFORY, BE 7T RVSqLYYD \S 1OVLwVq: Tho TKin Rcim nf thn Tn-n P" Wnpyinv�v, "P ih" wnrpinow �P�e- Tranymissiun/TrentmPni 4p wrOPOK On �v 1� PSnnnvW1, a matter qf Fuvlq� ind iv CC Qe P"Wil welfatc, ;K nalwin :vn �n,�Wnniy ana KgWy-wf-wry th"ough thp pnpnn:1­ntn& in T(-, I vC -appingn P, an F" 1 i�v� : I! pirN-i ni 2. A 57 Fv' �v 114 rion and Hanna Ek-tyarm ka� mnP 9rN Plmb"P 15-h P7kG:7.nn1, 41l !)Y 1"Pi th ;. tnw-j :A� 0,16 numboy nrl Wi) par"01 CvLe& the Fw7ovn "F Awwrc7 \, cnpnkrin Qa� mup vrid hnTh-I in­ ERM62-M!, fn; rho Paqns of eonvtw"�-ing Ora irwaKinn 4�-Yv trannMissiar trun4 line artH appnrtpnnn��s i: KP,`O!daY,­ K-K thp plan- and P -Op" -W h! papyi vlva yortizi t4p lmrr"-"Ment. Bonrd if thn Tnwn of kappinqel , �n Yh�:f Le�nby Alro, ts tbal thr !nKn nV411 nnanKvar; easements and rj9Wq-"f­RY, Tics'' w"K jght�.of.ua; shall F� chlalnQ �y puychn�t, n! pur4nnnt to the aWherilY of the EMIL-Pt Dam"In 7�o jnn� po"ra ;,r- _`/7,. Wrents Supnr-inor 5tv--an-' pagg! nkA Martin, Enghnnpr4 to thn P- pn4crt� and agy memh�rR nf hip firm, cc - lent I-1prnmy tn rhe Tuna. t" nnjertakp ?4 a -:s VE" and3,iv�IuKin:, hn, n.: W the riffnarnO pr�yev:7 FrIneni romwir Yn"codp7n Lov, and wny farth-i KM% ;q1vnUnnT r" \r0r:0 4 UL and the YIqv," 1,1 :, pnrt 0 1 T -NYC RR , nhv i r-- K 1 a �, �A A � q , � , P7 -Y , c, pepar7s, nna vhopywpww-P� 'Call to Tho Tox� Pomp& fu�vh(� Smith, pagg! and Anvi in, J12gKow 4 !A Ubelt P. Knocrts, _W IM7 rnm�-14 nE K- firm, angollatiDns liTh frindr1rh vn)vm or d No nnp an& t Thn 7ayn RnwPA hirPhY Y -P -W- ! Lr- P w,: pwi� PUN i� perr>94 1" ho hwid 0: 1 1 n T. IV % A 4 1 j � n 22n -f varmn! -t 1. M. for hn rr4enp"� 'WqU3�wi Fnom Ek�tw�m th! !Jqrrj yKnu—M -1 �� K AM I hw%" an opport unj ' Y ' " n -Ord I I K 1 "O"n 1 j�jan ar the _.+ acquiv" � �W K 1_ W­ 1�cpcqnd Nuny 3 f no: if f wi " , n-novss r; , K, The Tn"r CIPA K dip�n!nzi 1 , CIVKh -"nh ­71— pahlia Hoarinq 1" fivp (5) :n�uus af A luanhherpyif, A vu pnn 1 , a! least ten ! W, w: 1c wpw Oan UIPT; ,21, ALY� ,,�Ar 1, un pollp hoaring-, ny� in ivo Al Op bowthpon Dat _heys Pnn, 7, The Tnwr fl"rh is al— dh�� j 1 Kcpnsaid 4"tic"n K, i, mpn-iv� mail, Opturn rgcnirt rrqU­z-&, A=�11� P1 "P( r t : 01 yn 7y r RaV nn!] Ot-: 7 ReYWHKoA Duly Adoptpo k las! j. -M to -rmp bp"Ov, A � bpi 0 h r �: n 1 n 1 L ni" u2n nath"rizaijon for ot"vn,: bmah-_1 Kiriq thn hnnNle- matter'F "P Ta% lerliornrin For thp 7 un, -h4nK a 1 fnr tho conifor V:, S,vi- -Nylnlv�d 1�nv Inth h---. and An Assessor F-11 is ta� in On 7 wA's kcs! ywrvu" YUC77pmezv rf if ve cw4rn-c �n a nc"Pptahlu hlyin. in "von� thoy n�" anpo to hav" Or prelimirar: agyp" �.; chink 1 -sq K unst than a full opprai�,' m"a W! h" Anqat— in T3F --On Qe,, pmrnw neWO, MRS. VISCO%Tl mnvpd in nnt5opiv� 't—non Fmanu-i �nrjq In qWa% OPPnOyal in Oc mary-P rF " yetilemnz, f thc a poplimin8py % 1 4