1988-05-02 RGMAGENDA TOWN BOARD TOWN OF WAPPINGER BIMONTHLY MEETING MAY 2, 1988 1. SUPERVISOR CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. ACCEPT MINUTES: April 4,'88 April 18,'88 Regular meetings 4. REPORTS OF OFFICERS: 5. PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO FLAG a. Peter Marlow, D.C. Public Health Eng. re: Public Water supply & Sanitary Surveys b. M.D. Rudikoff, Tri -Muni Sewer Commission, related to Engineering study requested by c. Request from S. Goldberg & S. Stoller for for Political Parties in Town d. Letter & Certificate from M. Liebermann re: completion of Code Enforcement Officials Courses e. Certificate of Insurance from WCSD #1 ("Meyers Run Against Drugs") f. Wapp. Federation of Transit Custodial & Maintenance Workers re: "Awareness Weekend" Resignation of Linda Berberich, Ping. Bd. & Zng. Bd. Secretary Wapp. Park Homes re: cost estimate Saratoga Assocs. use of meeting room g. 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS 7. RESOLUTIONS a. Approve Contract for Sr. Citizens Program & Authorize Supervisor to sign Adopt Local Laws on Sewer and Water Rates Draft EIS T/W Wastewater Facilities Plan - Authorize Final EIS 2 Vacancies - Board of Architechtural Review Request N.Y.S.D.O.T. to consider concept of Left Hand turn lane in proposed Route 9 Median into Guardian Storage f. Appointment of full time Clerk to Bldg. & Zoning Depts. b. c. d. e. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. Rejection Notice of Local Law #2-'88 (Hou.:e numbering) b. Memo from Thos. Wood, re: M.& O. Sanitation - Sludge Removal Contract. 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. ADJOURNMENT 144 The Regular Bimonthly Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger was held on May 2, 1988 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. Supervisor Paino opened the meeting at 7:32 P.M. Present: Irene Paino, Supervisor Vincent Farina, Councilman David Reis, Councilman Constance Smith, Councilwoman Robert Valdati, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present: Joseph E. Paggi, Jr., Engineer The meeting started with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag followed by a moment of silent prayer for the Town of Wappinger and its residents. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 4, 1988, having previously been forwarded to all Board Members, were placed before them for their consideration. MRS. SMITH moved that the Minutes of April 4, 1988, be and they are hereby approved, as submitted by the Town Clerk. Seconded by Mr. Farina Motion Unanimously Carried Reports were received from the Town Justices for the month of April. MR. VALDATI moved to accept the reports and place them on file. Seconded by Mrs. Smith Motion Unanimously Carried Petitions & Communications - A report on the Wappinger Park Homes Public Water Supply and Sanitary Surveys was received from Peter Marlow, Senior Public Health Engineer for Dutchess County. This report was requested by the Town Board as a result of complaints from residents in that area on the quality of the water. Pressure recordings were conducted by the department based upon low pressure concerns at this water company. The results conformed with minimum pressure requirements and Mr. Marlow indicated that the department will continue to monitor the pressure occasionally and will respond to future pressure complaints with a pressure check program. The second communication relating to sanitary surveys which were conducted for sewage system failure, chloride contamination and storm drain pollution. The residents 145 expressed concern of salt content in the water which they felt could be leaching into the ground water from the salt bin at the Highway Department; investigation of this proved there was no effect in the Wappinger Park area. They also investigated wells in the area and found that all but two had acceptable drinking standards. These communications have been forwarded to the Engineer, Attorney, Camo Pollution and the representative from the Wappinger Park Homes. MR. FARINA moved to receive these communications and place them on file for further discussion at a work shop meeting upon completion of the Engineer's report. Seconded by Mrs. Smith Motion Unanimously Carried Mr. Matthew Rudikoff, President of the Tri -Municipal Sewer Commission wrote to the Attorney, Thomas Wood, regarding the cost estimate related to an engineering study requested by Saratoga Associates. While preparing the D.E.I.E. for the Wastewater Treatment Facilities Plan, Saratoga Associates requested information from the Tri -Municipal Commission required for this document; it was not submitted to them, however, the Commission did submit a cost estimate to the Town in the amount of $28,000.00 for the information required by Saratoga Associates. Mr. Reis commented that the Tri -Municipal Commission has not been cooperative during the preparation of the D.E.I.S. and he felt the price was outrageous. He had conversation with Frasier Associates, Consulting Engineers , pertaining to engineering costs that we could incur in obtaining this information from Tri -Municipal and they felt the cost would be substantially less than that quoted by the Commission. A memo from the Attorney to the Town indicated that under the Freedom of Information Law, we should be entitled to more information from Tri -Municipal. MR. REIS moved to authorize J. Kenneth Frasier Associates to obtain the required information from the Tri -Municipal Commission at a cost not to exceed $20,000.00. Seconded by: Mrs. Paino Roll Call Vote: 3 Ayes Mrs. Smith ---Nay, Mr. Valdati---Nay Motion Carried Mr. Valdati referred to Mr. Wood's Memo which requested that the Town authorize him to request available information from Tri -Municipal which, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Law, would probably 146 involve only costs related to copy work. Once this is submitted to Saratoga Associates they can determine if they need additional informa- tion or studies for the preparation of the Final E.I.S. He felt they should follow the Attorney's recommendation, thus saving some cost to the Town. Mrs. Smith agreed that they should follow the Attorney's recommenda- tion and endeavor to obtain the information through the Freedom of Information Law with a small cost involved; it appeared to her that (kw, $20,000.00 was quite a bit of money to spend if they didn't have to. Mrs. Paino felt the situation needed clarification; in order for Frasier Associates or any other engineering firm to do the calculations on the data that Saratoga Associates needs to include in the F.E.I.S. (which should have been in the D.E.I.S., but due to lack of cooperation from Tri -Municipal, it was not), they need basic information that is available by law under Freedom of Information and also through the S.E.Q.R. Law. Mr. Reis is indicating that Tri -Municipal has to be directed by the Town Board to forward the information to Frasier Associates so they can review the information and do the calculations. Their price is over $8,000 less than that quoted by Tri -Municipal. Mr. Valdati added that the original amount authorized for Saratoga Associates was $100,000.00 and that should include obtaining the information needed from the Commission. Mr. Paggi explained that this amount was estimated and the process has taken longer than they anticipated due to objections to the lead agency and numerous attempts were made to obtain information from various agencies, some of which were worthwhile and others were not as cooperative; all of this took extra time, hence additional monies. County Legislator Sandra Goldberg requested that Mr. Wood's letter be read for their information. To: Supervisor and Members of the Town Board From: Thomas F. Wood, Attorney to the Town Re: Tri -Municipal Wastewater Treatment Project Date: May 2, 1988 Previously, you have been advised that I had made a request pursuant to the provisions of the SEQR Law of the State of New York, to Tri -Municipal for certain information and data that Saratoga Associates and their engineering consultants were desirous of obtaining, with respect to their preparation of the DEIS for the Wastewater Treatment Project. My correspondence is made part of the exhibits annexed to the Wastewater Treatment DEIS. 147 In response to our request, Tri -Municipal Commissioners have forwarded to us through Matthew Rudicoff, their engineer, a letter indicating that they wishea the Town of Wappinger to agree to pay some $28,000 to obtain that information and calculations necessary. While it is recognize by all parties that some of the information must be calculated by profEssional engineers, our consultants have indicated that the cost wotld not reach the amount of $28,000.00. It is therefore, my recommendation to the Town Board that you formally authorize me to request on your behalf, that Tri -Municipal provide us with the basic information available to them as it already exists, in the form of pla s and prior calculations, pursuant to their being an involved agency u der SEQR, as well as pursuant to the Freedom of Information Law of the tate of New York. The only charge that they would be able to impose or collect from the Town then, would e an appropriate charge for their cost of copying and collating the material and providing it to the Town. Once this information is received, our consultants and engineering consultants may review the same to determine a cost to calculating the additional information based upon the raw data available from Tri -Municipal. I would therefore respectfully request at your meeting of May 2, 1988 that the annexed Resolution be adopted by your Board allowing me to proceed on this matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. The following Resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN REIS who moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the Town Board has been designated the Lead Agency for the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement with respect to a Wastewater Treatment facility plan, and WHEREAS, the Draft Environmental Impact Statement has been received by the Board, and that a Public Hearing has been held for public comment, and WHEREAS, based upon the Draft of the Environmental Impact Statement, it is obvious that additional data is necessary with respect to the operations and expansion potential of the Tri -Municipal Sewer System in order to complete the final Environmental Statement, and WHEREAS, Tri -Municipal officials have requested that the Town of Wappinger pay in excess of $25,000.00 for the receipt of this information, and WHEREAS, It is the understanding of this Town Board that said information may be available through cooperation of involved agencies under SEQR, Article 18 of the Environmental Conservation Law or under the terms of the Freedom of Information Law, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board does hereby authorize the Attorney to the Town to formally request the documents and information requested by Saratoga Associates from Tri -Municipal Sewerage Commission with respect to preparation of the Draft Environ- mental Impact Studies, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said request shall be made immediately so as no delay will be experienced in the preparation of the final Environmental Statement. Seconded by: Councilman Farina Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays A request was received from Susan Stoller and Sandra Goldberg, 148 Co -Chairpersons of the Town of Wappinger Democratic Committee, for the use of Town Hall for political parties of the Town. MRS. SMITH moved to grant their request and designate the Senior Citizen Room for the meetings of the political parties. Seconded by: Mr. Valdati Roll Call Vote: 2 Ayes, Mr. Farina, Nay, Mr. Reis, Nay, Mrs. Paino, Nay Motion Defeated Mrs. Smith read from Section 64 of Town Law which stated that a political group may not use the facilities of a town hall or any portion thereof for the purpose of private and/or public meetings if they are also used for town purposes. The Senior Citizen Room, she stated is not used for town purposes and she, therefore, made the motion that the political parties of the Town be allowed to use this specific room. Mrs. Paino differed with Mrs. SmitI reasoning for this motion, pointing out that many organizations use this room for their meetings. Further- more she did not feel the Town Hall should be used by the various political parties of the Town, but they should be reserved for non- profit groups in the Town and as taxpayers they should be entitled to the use of the building as they are paying enough money for this new Town Hall. Mrs. Stoller noted that the political parties do serve the Town and the process of selecting candidates is part of the constitution; it was her thought that all political parties should be a part of the Town Hall and allowed the use of its facilities when it was convenient to arrange the meetings. It was also noted that the Recreation Commission meets at the Senior Citizen Room each month and this is definitely for town purposes. Mrs. Paino reiterated Section 64 of the Town Law stating that political party private or public meetings may not take place in any portion of the town hall which is used for town purposes. This room will soon be used for the Senior Citizen Program four days a week, a new program which is scheduled to start in the very near future and one of the first of its kind. A roll call vote was then taken resulting in the motion being defeated. Our Fire Inspector, Mark Liebermann wrote to the Board informing them that he had attended and completed the first two courses for Code Enforcement Officials required by New York State. He will be attending Course III during May and at this point has received certificates, 149 copies attached to his correspondence for Courses I and II. MR. FARINA moved to accept this correspondence and place it on file, congratulate Mr. Liebermann for his achievements and wish him luck on the remaining courses. Seconded by Mrs. paino Motion Unanimously Carried A Certificate of Insurance was received from the Wappinger Central School District #1 for their coming event, "Meyers Run Against Drugs", previously requested by the Town Board when they received a request to use Town Roads for this event. MR. REIS moved to accept the Certificate of Insurance from the Wappinger Central School District #1 and place it on file. Seconded by Mr. Farina Motion Unanimously Carried On a related matter, an announcement was received from the Wappinger Federation of Transit Custcdial and Maintenance Workers re "Awareness Weekend". This will be a run against drugs, on Sunday, May 22, 1988 in the Town and Village of Wappingers Falls. Those interested are welcome to participate and may contact Lenney Moretti at 221-9888. MR. REIS moved to accept this announcement and place it on file. Seconded by Mr. Farina Motion Unanimously Carried A resignation was received from Linda Berberich, Secretary to the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals. MRS. SMITH moved to accept this resignation and place it on file pending a discussion with the Board on further information she has obtained from conversation with Ms. Berberich and Mr. Levenson. Seconded by Mr. Farina Motion Unanimously Carried Committee Reports --- Mr. Valdati, Health and Safety, reported that he had complaints of speeding from residents on Wheeler Hill Road and suggested that the radar gun be used by the Vandalism Patrol to check the speeding. MR. VALDATI moved to forward a letter to Detective Carl Amburgey requesting that the Town Vandalism Patrol incorporate the radar gun to determine if there is unsafe speeding conditions in the Wheeler Hill Road area. Seconded by Mrs. Smith Motion Unanimously Carried 150 Mr. Reis had no reports for this meeting. Mr. Farina, Cable, announced that they have made progress with U.S. Cablevision thanks to the efforts of the Town Cable Committee, headed by Mr. Cortellino and the City of Beacon Cable Committee who worked in conjunction with Mr. Farina and Charles Shaye of the New York State Cable Commission. As a result of urging the residents to send letters of complaints, the cable company has conceded and forwarded the following letter which the subscribers should receive on May 16, 1988. %imr' Dear Valued Cable Customer: Over the last several months we have received numerous letters from our subscribers regarding the scrambling of several of our satellite services. Some letters have been favorable and some have not. The unfavorable letters have by in large been from those subscribers who purchased a cableready set or VCR and were able to pick up expanded basic channels without a converter. These people thought that they would never need a converter to pick up the expanded cable channels. Unfortunately, this was inconsistent with our company's plan to secure the channels so that only those who paid for the expended service would receive it. It is important to us that our subscribers are happy with our service and we are taking the following action toward that goal. Introducing Full Basic Service: Beginning June 1, 1988, we will introduce our Full Basic Service which will replace our present eleven channel Basic Service. This new service will consist of 22 channels including Arts and Entertainment and Nickelodeon which had previously been scrambled. We have cancelled plans to secure any other existing unscrambled channels. All of the Full Basic Channels are listed on the enclosed Channel Card. in order to receive the Full Basic Service channels, you must either have a cable ready TV, a cable -ready VCR or a manual channel selector box. Please don't confuse the channel selector box with the addressable Scientific Atlanta remote control converter. The manual channel selector box may be rented from U.S. Cablevision for $2.00 per month. The monthly charge for Full Basic Service is $13.00. If you rent a channel selector box for the additional $2.00, your monthly fee will be $15.00. New Channels to be Added to Full Basic Service: By the end of August, we will add a 24-hour governmental channel. This channel will include C -Span featuring live coverage of Congress in session, public affairs programming from Washington, and New York State Governmental programming including NYSCAN (New York State Community Affairs Network). Expanded Basic Service: For $17.50 per month you will receive our Expanded Basic Service which offers several excellent features including every channel available on Full Basic Service. Expanded Basic subscribers enjoy the convenience of wireless remote control channel tuning with the state-of-the-art addressable Scientific Atlanta converter. The expanded service also offers several additional program choices including Madison Square Garden Network featuring the New York Rangers, New York Knicks, Tennis, Boxing, and other events live from Madison Square Garden. 151 CBN Cable Network offers a wide array of family programming from popular syndicated shows like Gunsmoke, to movies and children's programming. Nashville Network is ne of the most popular cable networks available and offers a vari ty of quality programming including fishing shows, auto racing, rodeos, music specials and more, all with a country flavor. Financial News Network will keep you in touch with financial news as it happens, with up-to-date stock market reports, investor advice, and business news. As an Expanded Basic of subscribing to several For a reasonable monthly f channel with SportsChannel New Channels To Be Added T Within the next few m new channels to the Expand several programming option things develop. • ubscriber, you will also have the option uality premium entertainment channels. e you can add Cinemax, Showtime, Sports - Plus, or The Disney Channel. Expanded Basic Service: nths, we will be adding two or three d Basic Service. We are evaluating and we will keep you informed as Pay -Per -View special events are also coming to U.S. Cablevision and will be available exclusively to Expanded Basic Subscribers. Soon we will offer events like Wrestlemania and Professional Boxing on the special pay-per-view channel. The advanced technology of the Scientific Atlanta convertr allows us to authorize you to receive specific events which you order from the convenience of your home. U. S. Cablevision has, and will continue to work toward improving our programming nd our service. Having cable now has more advantages than ever efore. We hope that you are taking advantage fo The Cable Carc.. This card will allow you to receive fantastic discounts at mane area retailers. If you did not receive the cable card, please call our office or just stop by and we will be happy to give you a new one. Again, we always appreqciate your input regarding the types of programming you want to seep on cable and we hope that the changes introduced in this letter will be welcome ones in your home. Sincerely yours, s/ Howard Erichsen Regional Manager Mr. Farina thanked the residents who showed their concern and worked with him and reiterated his appreciation to Mr. Shaye, from the Cable Commission who also helped them in this effort to persuade U. S. Cablevision to "see the light" and give their subscribers back the full basic service. Mrs. Paino felt they owed Mr. Farina many thanks and a big applause for his unceasing work in obtaining better cable service for our residents. Mr. Farina, re Town Garbage Program, reported at a previous meeting that Royal Carting had increased the fees to the Town for this service. Discussion was held by the Town Board, resulting in the Comptroller soliciting other companies for this service only to find that Royal is the lowest; there is therefore no other alternative other than to raise the rates for this program. The Town now shows a deficit in this fund and in order to break even they will have to charge $3.00 152 a bag, with a discount to the Senior Citizens at $2.50 per bag. MR. FARINA moved to increase the rate for the Saturday Morning Garbage Program to $3.00 per 30 gallon bag, Senior Citizens, $2.50 per bag. Seconded by Mrs. Paino Motion Unanimously Carried It was requested that a letter be directed to Paul Fanuele who sells the tickets for that Program and notify him of this price change. Mrs. Smith, Dial -A -Ride, reported that she had received many complaints and the problem was with a driver; he has since been replaced so the complaints have stopped. Mrs. Smith attended the Airport Informational Meeting regarding the permanent easements for those in the flight pattern. There were many residents presents and they were all against this proposal and she concurred with them. There are also many questions on the hold harmless clause the County is contemplating. There will be many more meetings on this matter before the situation is settled. She was pleased that there were about one third of the County Legislators present to listen to the comments. Mrs. Smith also mentioned that three more proposals were submitted for the Heating and Ventillating Maintenance Contract, making a total of four for the Board to consider. MRS. SMITH offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, Donald Synnett was Mayor of the Village of Wappingers Falls for sixteen years, and WHEREAS, Donald Synnett has been a highly regarded and respected member of our community for many years, and WHEREAS, We are ever mindful of his caring, dedicated, living contribution to our community and his special love for the MIA Park, and WHEREAS, Don was always there whenever his constituents needed him most, often putting his own health and well being aside to assist friends and neighbors, and never feeling any job was beneath him. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger expresses its profound sorrow on the untimely passing of Donald Synnett on April 18, 1988. Seconded by: Mrs. Paino Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays 153 Resolutions --- The Contract for the Senior Citizens Program was ready for approval by the Town Board. The Dutchess County Association for Senior Citizens, Inc., forwarded an addendunwith no change in the dollar amount. The two minor changes were, one, to increase the hours of the Director to thirty (30) hours a week and reducing the hours of the instructor from twenty (20) hours to seventeen (17) hours, and two, that the Town would be responsible for all janitorial services necessary to maintain this room at the Town Hall. MRS. SMITH moved to approve the Contract between the Town of Wappinger and the Dutchess County Association for Senior Citizens, Inc. and authorize the Supervisor to sign said Contract. Seconded by Mr. Farina Motion Unanimously Carried Public Hearings having been held on May 2, 1988 by the Town Board on Local Laws increasing and or decreasing water and sewer rates on various Town districts, the matter was placed before the Board for their consideration. MRS. PAINO moved to adopt Local Law #3 of 1988 as follows: LOCAL LAW NO. 3 OF THE YEAR 1988 AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. 1 OF 1985, LOCAL LAW NO. 1 OF 1982, LOCAL LAW NO. 9 OF 1980, WITH RESPECT TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF WATER RATES FOR THE TALL TREES WATER DISTRICT. BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, as follows: SECTION 1. Any and all prior laws establishing water rates for the Tall Trees Water District with respect to residential uses is hereby repealed, only with respect to water rates and the prior laws otherwise confirmed. SECTION 2. The following water rates are hereby established for the Tall Trees Water District. A. Residential 1. Each residential unit connected to the system: $180.00 annually and payable on a quarterly basis. SECTION 3. This Loyal Law shall take effect upon adoption and as provided by Municipal Home Rule Law. Seconded by: Mr. Farina Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays L 154 MRS. PAINO moved to adopt Local Law #4 of 1988 as follows: LOCAL LAW NO. 4 OF THE YEAR 1988 AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. 7 OF 1980 WITH RESPECT TO THE IMPOSITION AND CHARGE FOR WATER RATES FOR THE CONSUMPTION AND USE OF WATER FOR THE OAKWOOD WATER DISTRICT. BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, as follows: SECTION 1. Effective the third district fiscal quarter of the year 1988, the following rates shall be charged: the owner shall be obligated to pay the minimum charge of $45.00 per quarter, regardless of the consumption of water for said quarter, provided said owner is connected to the system at any time during the quarter. SECTION 2. All other provisions of Local Law No. 7 of the year 1980 are hereby ratified, with the exception of Section 1, Subdivision B which this Local Law hereby amends and which refers to the minimum charges for consumption of water. SECTION 3. This Local Law shall take effect upon adoption and as provided by the Municipal Home Rule Law. Seconded by: Mr. Farina Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays MRS. PAINO moved to adopt Local Law #5 of 1988 as follows: LOCAL LAW NO. 5 FOR THE YEAR 1988 AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. 2 OF 1985 WITH RESPECT TO THE FLEETWATER WATER DISTRICT. BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, as follows: SECTION 1. Section 1 of Local Law No. 2 of the year 1985 is to be amended as set forth herein below: The owner shall be obligated to pay the minimum charge of thirty dollars ($30.00) each quarter, regardless of consumption of water for said quarter, provided said owner is connected to the system at any time during the quarter. Consumption is billable at the rate of $1.00 per 1,000 gallons. SECTION 2. All other provisions of Local Law No. 2 of the year 1985 are hereby ratified with the exception of Section 1, which this Local Law hereby amends and which refers to water charges. SECTION 3. This Local Law shall take effect upon adoption and as provided by the Municipal Home Rule Law. Seconded by: Mr. Farina Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays 155 MRS. PAINO moved to adopt Local Law #6 of 1988 as follows: LOCAL LAW NO. 6 OF THE YEAR 1988 AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. 6 OF 1984, LOCAL LAW NO. 1 OF 1981 WITH RESPECT TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SEWER RATES FOR THE FLEETWOOD SEWER DISTRICT. BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, as follows: SECTION 1. Any anc all prior laws establishing sewer rates for the Fleetwood Sewer Diatrict with respect to residential uses is hereby repealed, only with respect to sewer rates and the prior laws otherwise confirmed. SECTION 2. The following sewer rates are hereby established for the Fleetwood Sewer District. SECTION 3. This L and as provided by Municip Seconded by: Mr. Farina cal Law shall take effect upon adoption 1 Home Rule Law. Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays MRS. PAINO moved to adopt Local Law #7 of 1988 as follows: LOCAL LAW NO. 7 OF THE YEAR 1988 AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. 13 OF 1984 WITH RESPECT TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SEWER RATES FOR THE WILDWOOD SEWER DISTFICT. BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, as follows: SECTION 1. Any and all prior laws establishing sewer rates for the Wildwood Sewer District with respect to residential uses is hereby repealed, only with respect to sewer rates and the prior laws otherwise confirmed. SECTION 2. The following sewer rates are hereby established for the Wildwood Sewer District: A. Residential 1. Each residential unit connected to the system: $240.00 annually and payable on a quarterly basis. SECTION 3. This Lccal Law shall take effect upon adoption and as provided by Municipal Home Rule Law. Seconded by: Mr. Farina Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays MRS. PAINO Moved to adopt Isocal Law #8 of 1988 as follows: LOCAL LAW NO. 8 OF THE YEAR 1988 AMENDING OCAL LAW NO. 15 OF 1984 WITH RESP CT TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SEWER RAT S FOR THE MID -POINT PARK SEWER DISTRICT. BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, as follows: 156 SECTION 1. Any and all prior laws establishing sewer rates for the Mid -Point Sewer District with respect to residential uses is hereby repealed, only with respect to sewer rates, and the prior laws otherwise confirmed. SECTION 2. The following sewer rates are hereby established for the Mid -Point Park Sewer District: A. Residential 1. Each residential unit connected to the system: $380.00 annually and payable on a quarterly basis. SECTION 3. This Local Law shall take effect upon adoption and as provided by Municipal Home Rule Law. Seconded by: Mr. Farina Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays MRS. PAINO moved to adopt Local Law #9 of 1988 as follows: LOCAL LAW NO. 9 OF THE YEAR 1988 AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. 12 OF 1984 WITH RESPECT TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SEWER RATES FOR THE ROCKINGHAM FARMS SEWER DISTRICT. BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, as follows: SECTION 1. Any and all prior laws establishing sewer rates for the Rockingham Farms Sewer District with respect to residential uses is hereby repealed, only with respect to sewer rates and the prior laws otherwise confirmed. SECTION 2. The following sewer rates are hereby established for the Rockingham Farms Sewer District: A. Residential 1. Each residential unit connected to the system: $240.00 annually and payable on a quarterly basis. SECTION 3. This Local Law shall take effect upon adoption and as provided by Municipal Home Rule Law. Seconded by: Mr. Farina Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays LOCAL LAW NO. 10 OF THE YEAR 1988 AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. 10 OF 1985, LOCAL LAW NO. 14 OF 1984, LOCAL LAW NO. 5 OF 1976 WITH RESPECT TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SEWER RATES FOR THE WAPPINGER SEWER IMPROVEMENT AREA #1. BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, as follows: SECTION 1. Any and all prior laws establishing sewer rates for the Wappinger Sewer Improvement Area #1 with respect to residential uses is hereby repealed, only with respect to sewer rates and the prior laws otherwise confirmed. SECTION 2. The following sewer rates are hereby established for the Wappinger Sewer Improvement Area #1. A. Residential 157 1. Each residential unit connected to the system: $133.00 annuallly and payable each quarter. SECTION 3. This Local Law shall take effect upon adoption and as provided by Municipal Home Rule Law. Seconded by: Mr. Farina Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board on April 18, 1988 on the Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement on the Wastewater Treatment Facilities Plan. The following letter was received from the Engineer relating to this matter: April 29, 1988 Mrs. Elaine Snowden, Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Reference: Public Hearing D.G.E.I.S. Town of Wappinger Wastewater Treatment Facilities Plan Dear Mrs. Snowden: In response to the concerns raised at the Public Hearing for the Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement for the Town of Wappinger Wastewater Treatment Facilities Plan, our office has examined shifting the proposed location for the Reese Park Wastewater Treatment Facility approximately 500 feet to the south. This would move the proposed location for the constructiDn of the facility off the dedicated park lands known as Reese Park. By copy of this letter, I a:n asking that the Town Board authorize the firm preparing the final generic Environmental Impact Statement, the Saratoga Associates, study this alternative as a section in the F.G.E.I.S. I will be forwarding a sketch within the next few days to you to forward to the Town Board and the Saratoga Associates showing the proposed locatiDn and its layout with respect to the various adjoining properties. By copy of this letter I am notifying the Town Board of my request. If there are any questions and/or concerns, please contact this office. Very truly yours, s/ Joseph E. Paggi, Jr. MR. REIS moved to authorize Saratoga Associates to proceed with the Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement on the Town of Wappinger Wastewater Treatment Facilities Plan. Seconded by Mrs. Paino Motion Unanimously Carried 158 Two vacancies still existed on the Board of Architectural Review and were placed before the Town Board for their consideration. The following resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN REIS who moved its adoption: RESOLVED, that David Wood be and he hereby is appointed as a member of the Town of Wappinger Board of Architectural Reviews to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Constance Smith, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the said David Wood shall serve on the Board of Architectural Review for a term which will expire January 21, 1991. ih,,,i Seconded by: Supervisor Paino Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays The following resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN REIS who moved its adoption: RESOLVED, that Louis Frazita, be and he is hereby appointed as a member of the Town of Wappinger Board of Architectural Review to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Carol Courtois, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the said Louis Frazita shall serve on the Board of Architectural Review for a term which will expire January 21, 1990. Seconded by: Supervisor Paino Roll Call Vote: 3 Ayes Mrs. Smith ---Nay, Mr. Valdati---Abstain Mrs. Smith commented that Mr. Frazita's resume was received late and therefore his appointment should not be considered at this meeting. Mr. Valdati added that the policy set by the Board was that all material for the Agenda should be submitted by the Tuesday prior to the meeting; this was what they agreed on and this should be no exception. There were other names to be considered for this vacancy which should be placed before the Board and if not acceptable, they would submit other names. It was Mrs. Paino's opinion that the appointment should be made tonight as this Board has been operating without its full membership for quite some time and the Chairman, Mr. Cirulli, was anxious to have the appointments made tonight so they could get on with the business at hand with a full Board. The next item on the Agenda related to requesting the New York State Department of Transportation to consider the concept the a left hand turn lane in the proposed Route 9 Median into Guardian Storage, located near the New Hackensack Road intersection. Mr. Reis noted that this was discussed at length at a work shop with the D.O.T. 159 MR. REIS moved that the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger request the New York State Department of Transportation consider a left hand turn lane into the Guardian Storage property from the proposed Route 9 Median. Seconded by: Mrs. Painb Roll Call Vote: 3 Ayes 1rs. Smith ---Nay, Mr. Valdati---Nay Prior to the vote on this :notion, Mr. Hirkala was recognized by the Chair and stated that this action was a mistake and furthermore, the business was illegal in so far as the warehouse portion is concerned; the site plan approval was for a rental business. This property owner's problem is self imposed and if they consent to this left hand turn, every other business along Route 9 will request this treatment. Mr. Reis replied that he should have been at the work shop and he would realize this was for safety reasons; Mr. Hirkala still vehemently expressed his objection, stating that in that area with Wendys Fast Food Restaurant and the busy intersection it would be a danger to permit said left hand turn, they will kill somebody and he would recommend that the Town be sued and they did it with this proposed action. He again referred to the illegal uses on the Redl property and said he intended putting in a_formal recommendation for the -property to be feviewed for all the businesses being conducted on that site. Mrs. Smith commented that at the work shop Mr. Redl strongly suggested that she talk to some truck drivers about this proposal; since her husband is a truck driver for thirty years she discussed it with him and four other truck drivers. Their opinion was that it was absolutely ridiculous to put a cut in there since they were widening the road to make it safer; to have a tractor trailer cut across three lanes of traffic is not safe. They recommended turning off on Old Route 9 to Middlebush Road, then north on Route 9 to reach the Guardian Storage or any other place' of business along they way. In reply to Mr. Incoronato's question on what the D.O.T. recommended, Mrs. Paino replied that their recommendation for the trucks and trailers entering Guardian Storage was that all the traffic be dumped on New Hackensack Road; this road has problems enough, she felt, without tracker trailers turning off of Route 9 and hitting traffic from the plaza in front of Imperial, plus McDonalds and the traffic from the Imperial Plaza and Wendys. 160 June Visconti added her comment that she agreed with Mrs. Smith's recommendation, which, she felt was the safest way for access to that business. Mr. Farina felt this plan did have merit, however, there were truck drivers who were not regulars, and one of the state representatives at that work shop felt that these particular drivers would very probably head south and turn left into Imperial Plaza, using that for a turn around on to New Hackensack Road and then north to the Guardian Storage. This particular plaza cannot handle that kind of traffic, it's not paved to accommodate that much weight. Mr. Hirkala persisted in his efforts to disallow this warehousing use on the Redl property and pointed out that this would make a difference in the type of traffic that needed access to that site; you would not have tractor trailers in and out, it would be predominantly cars which would not present a problem. Put it back to Highway Business and they wouldn't have this situation. Mrs. Paino concluded the discussion and stated that given the options available to alleviate the pending problem, the proposal to make a cut in the median for a left hand turn seemed the safest approach to her. The vote was then taken, resulting in the motion being carried by a three to two vote. Mrs. Paino requested that a letter be directed to the D.O.T. indicating that a majority of the Town Board have requested that they consider the concept of a left hand turn in the proposed Route 9 median into the Guardian Storage. At budget time, both the Building Inspector and the Zoning Administrator indicated that they could use additional help between their two depart- ments and could also help out with Planning and the Fire Inspector. The salary for this person was allocated in the Budget for 1988 and an individual is available who is satisfactory to all concerned. The following resolution was offered by SUPERVISOR PAINO who moved its adoption: RESOLVED, that Dorothy Schwartz, be and she hereby is appointed as full time Clerk to the Building and Zoning Department at an annual salary of $11,000.00 prorated from may 3, 1988. Seconded by: Councilman Reis Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays 161 Mrs. Smith had asked for ai'resume for this individual at the last meeting and felt she should be informed of new employees since she does co-chair the Personnel Committee. The full Board was not even aware when she was hired part time, nor were they knowledgable of the fact that a full time appointment would be considered until they received the Agenda. She did not feel this was the proper procedure. Mr. Valdati suggested that the department head include a recommendation on the proposed appointment along with the resume of the individual. Unfinished Business --- A rejection notice was received from the State on Local Law #2 of 1988, House Enumeration, due to the fact that the word "Ordinance" was used instead of "Local Law" in the text of the Law. MRS. SMITH moved to readopt Local Law #2 of 1988 as follows: BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, as follows: LOCAL LW - HOUSE ENUMERATION SECTION 1 - Legislative In ent It is the intent of t that all new buildings con Local Law should be unique e Town Board of the Town of Wappinger tructed after the effective date of this y numbered, so as to provide easy identification for both the general public as well as emergency vehicles. The Town Board finds that this is in the best interest of the general health, welfare and safety of all of the residents of the Town. SECTIN II - Enumeration Required The Town Assessor, sh 11 upon receipt of a duly approved subdivision map or site pl n for commercial property, assign a unique number to the build ng to be erected on said property, to be unique from any other nimber on the same street upon which the premises is located. SECTION III - Numbering Required Within five days after the assignment of a number, or occupancy, whichever is laser, the owner of a property receiving a Certificate of Occupancy following the adoption of this Local Law, shall erect upon said property, the number given to the property by the Town Assessor in accordance with the rules and regulations to be promulgated by the Building Inspector of the Town of Wappinger. Said number shall be clearLy visible from the nearest public highway serving the property. Said number shall be placed either on the building itself, or on a sign post located at the driveway entrance to said property in accordance with rules of the Building Inspector. SECTION IV - Penalties Any person who fails to erect the building number as heretofore required in a proper location within the time periods prescribed, or allows the number to be removed without replacing the same, within five days after notification of violation, shall be deemed a violation of this Local :Law. A violation of this Local Law shall be a violation and the property owner or tenant shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $250.00. SECTION V - Effective Date This Local Law shall take effect upon filing with the Secretary of State. 162 Seconded by: Mr. Farina Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays A Memo was received from the Attorney regarding the M & 0 Sanitation Sludge Removal Contract. MRS. PAINO moved to accept the correspondence and place it on file pending discussion at a future work shop. Seconded by Mr. Farina Motion Unanimously Carried A work shop was held last week to discuss certain changes in the Local Law on Interim Zoning previously requested by the Dutchess County Department of Planning. The Local Law has been revised and the next step is to set another Public Hearing. The folloiwng proposed Local Law on Interim Zoning was introduced by SUPERVISOR PAINO: A LOCAL LAW REGULATING FOR AN INTERIM PERIOD THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS IN THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER, PENDING COMPLETION AND REVIEW OF AN UPDATED AND REVISED COMPREHENSIVE MASTER PLAN AND CONTEMPLATED AMENDMENT OF THE ZONING ORDINANCES BY THE TOWN BOARD. BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger as follows: 1. SHORT TITLE This Local Law shall be known and may be cited as the "Interim Zoning Law" of the Town of Wappinger. II. LEGISLATIVE INTENT AND FINDINGS OF FACT A. The Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, concerned about land use and development trends in the Town and the region and the standards contained in the Town's current development regulations, has had prepared an updated Master Plan and intends to prepare an appropriate Zoning Ordinance. For this purpose, the Town has and intends to continue to conduct research, studies and surveys and will present findings and recommendations to the public through informational meetings and formal public hearings both by the Planning Baord and the Town Board. This procedure will lead to the adoption of a revised Master Plan and the preparation of and adoption of necessary amendments to the zoning ordinances and subdivision regulations of the Town of Wappinger to implement such plan. The necessary completion of research studies, surveys and rewriting and adoption of Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance is expected to take nine (9) months. B. The Town Board does hereby find that, pending the completion of the necessary surveys, studies, meetings and hearings and other actions incident to proper consideration and decisions relative to the Master Plan and any revisions and amendments of the Town zoning ordinances, that appropriate statutory measures must be taken during this period to protect the public itnerest by preserving the integrity of the proposed revised Master Plan and Zoning Ordinance. The Town Board also finds that continuation of present zoning regulations during the interim period may destroy the integrity of the Master Plan and its basic purposes, comprehensive aspects and intentions, in that, since the adoption of the Master Plan now in effect, the Town has experienced localized ground water shortages and pollution, building on steep slopes, infrastructure deficiencies, and the lack of affordable housing, and the rapid escalation in land values. 163 Pursuant to authority duly vested in it, it is the intention of the Town Board to protect aid Master Plan and to preserve its intended objectives and in ure implementation by hereby adopting reasonable protective inte im regulations during preparation and consideration of the afore aid Master Plan and prospective changes in the zoning ordinances a d thereby protect the public interest and welfare and prevent pr mature land development that could prejudice the integrity an objectives of the Master Plan or result in the establishment of la d use patterns that may be inconsistent with and in violation of t e intent of the revised Master Plan. The interim zoning legisla_ion is intended to supplement existing zoning laws in the Town of Wappinger by adding area to the minimum lot size required in each residential and business districts with all requirements of the supplemented zoning designation in the present law to apply as is set forth in Section 421 and 422 as supplemented herein. The Town Board fu2ther provided herein for a review and appeals procedure to avoid or iminimze any iniquities or hardships that may result from the s.rict application of these regulations. III. SUPPLEMENT TO CHAPTER 66 OF THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER ZONING ORDINANCE. A. Section 421 and 422 entitled "Schedule Establishing Standards: of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance is supplemented by the following area requirements as set forth in the following table: S 421 SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS FOR RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS Lot Designation R 10 R 15 R 20 R 40 Square Footage 20,000 30,000 40,000 80,000 S 422 SCHEDULE OF REG1JLATIONS FOR NON RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS PI lA 2 acres PI lA 4 acres OR lA 2 acres HB lA 2 acres HBI2A 4 acres GB 45,000 square feet NB 1 acre (20,000) B. Any application for subdivision in accordance with subdivision regulations that has been granted "preliminary approval" by the Planning Board prior to the effective date of this law shall be allowed to continue under the pre-existing schedule of standards. C. Section 421 "Multiple Family Resident Districts 3 acres and 5 acres" and "425 PUD" is suspended until this law expires. D. The official Zoning Map and Zoning Law of the Town of Wappinger adopted March 10, 1980 shall be deemed supplemented accordingly. E. This law shall expire nine (9) months from the date of adoption. F. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, no provision of this Interim Zoning Local Law shall govern any property serviced by both a Sewer District and a Water District. Any property serviced by both a Sewer District and a Water District shall continue to be governed by the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance without regard to this Local Law. G. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to apply to or effect any subdivision of land where the ultimate result will be three lots or less. IV. SCOPE OF CONTROLS. A. During the effective period of this Law: 164 1. Building permits shall be issued in accordance with the revised standards herein. 2. The issuance of building permits where a completed application has been submitted to the Building and Zoning Inspector within thirty (30) days from the effective date of this Law, shall be in accordance with the requirements of the law existing immediately prior to the adoption of this Law. V. APPEALS AND VARIANCES Where there are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships in the way of carrying out the strict letter of this Local Law, the Board of Appeals shall have the power, in passing upon appeals, to vary or modify the application of any of the regulations or provisions of this Local Law relating to the use, construction, or alteration of buildings or structures, or the use of the land, so that the spirit of this Local Law shall be observed, public safety and welfare secured and substantial justice done. VI. PENALTIES Any person, firm, entity or corporation that shall construct, erect, enlarge or alter any building or structure or subdivide any land in violation of the provisions of this Local Law or shall otherwise violate any of the provisions of this Local Law shall be subject to the penalties authorized by Town Law Section 268 for violation of any Zoning Local Laws. VII. VALIDITY The invalidity of any word, section, clause, paragraph, sentence part or provision of this Local Law shall not effect the validity of any other part of this Local Law which shall be given effect without such invalid part or parts. VIII. REPEAL OF OTHER LAWS All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Local Law are hereby superceded to the extent necessary to give this Local Law full force and effect during the effective period. IX. CONFORMING STATUS MAINTAINED Any structure for which a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued prior to the effective diate of this Local Law shall continue to be deemed conforming and shall not become "non -conforming". Any application for alterations or additions to these existing conforming structures shall be reviewed without regard to the provision of this Local Law. X. EFFECTIVE DATE This Local Law shall take effect immediately, upon filing with the Secretary of State. MRS. PAINO moved to set a Public Hearing on the Local Law on Interim Zoning on May 16, 1988 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York, to hear all interested parties. Seconded by Mr. Reis Motion Unanimously Carried 165 New Business --- Mr. Incoronato had some information to share with the Board and the residents present, that being that Royal Carting Company will now pick up newspapers and magazines from their customers for recycling. He hoped the other carting companies would soon follow suit. Since Royal picks up the garbage at the Highway from the Saturday Morning Garbage Program, he recommended that the residents be informed they can bundle their papers and magazines and help the conservation effort. Mrs. Paino referred to correspondence received from Commissioner James Spratt, Dutchess County Department of Public Works regarding the 7 -Eleven Store at Route 9 and Old Hopewell Road. The Southland Corp., operators of the stere have been directed to close the exit/ entrance from the store out to Old Hopewell Road (CR 28) due to the dangerous condition that e:Kists due to southbound vehicles on Route 9 turning left onto CR 28, t:zen immediately attempt to turn left again into the parking area, and by cars exiting here and attempting to turn left up the hill. The Town has so far been unsuccessful in their requests to have the County close this cut and have been very concerned due to the danger involved. It took a long time but at last the County responded to their concerns. There was no other business to come before the Board. MR. FARINA moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mrs. Smith and unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:06 P.M. Reg. Mtg. 5/2/88 Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on May 2, 1988, at the Town Hall, Middlebush Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, on a proposed Local Law Amending Local Law No. 1 of 1985, Local Law No. 1 of 1982, and Local Law No. 9 of 1980, With Respect to the Establishment of Water Rates for the Tall Trees Water District. Supervisor Paino opened the Hearing at 7:03 P.M. Present: Irene Paino, Supervisor Vincent Farina, Councilman David Reis, Councilman Constance Smith, Councilwoman Robert Valdati, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavits of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof of the Minutes of this Hearing). It was noted that the rates for the Tall Trees District will be $45.00 each quarter, a reduction from $544b per quarter. Mrs. Paino asked if there were any comments from the public. Noone had comments either for or against the Local Law. MR. FARINA moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mrs. Smith and unanimously carried. The Hearing closed at 7:04 P.M. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED LOCAL LAW ESTABLISHING WATER RATES FOR THE TALL TREES WATER DISTRICT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) ss: says: AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on April 26, 1988, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on a proposed Local Law establishing water rates for the Tall Trees Water District, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, Middlebush Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. Sworn to before me this „„2/r-vL,' day of %7'u .4, 1988. Notary Public Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger CECILE S. HAWKSLEY NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORE NO. 4866032 QUALIFIED IN DUTCHESS COUNTY .6 COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG. 4, 19...a Southern Dutchess News 914 297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET — WAPPINGERS FALLS NEW YORK - 12590 NOTICE andGIVEN tha- hasbeen duly presented int before the Town Board of the Tom of Wap- pinger. Dutchess Courcy, .New York _on,.--. Apnl 19th, 1988, a proposed Local Law as ' follows: LOCALLAVVAQ OF THE YEAR 1888' AMENDIM . LAW NO. 1 OF THE' - YEAR-4985.x--r.+..s.. AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. 1 OF THE.yEAR . r AMENDING LOCAL N� 9 OF THE YEAR 1990 WITH RESPECT TO THE ESTABLISH-'+ MENT OF WATER RATES FOR THE TAU. TREES WATER DISTRICT . LOCAL LAW NO. OF THE YEAR 1988 BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town of Wappir• Dutchess County, ' New York. as follows: ' - SECTION 1. Any and all prior laws establishing water rates for the Tall Tress Water District with respect to residential uses is hereby repealed, only with respect to water ratesand the prior taws attenrke confirmed. I SECTION 2. Ths following water rates aro hereby established tor the Tall Tress , Water District. - A. Residential 1. Each residential unit connected to •--the system: 8180.00 annually and Payer on a quarterly basis. shallSECTION 3. local andIsm as provMk, ef- ided by M• ut upon adoption untn Home RuleLaw. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Town Board will conduct aLPubl PublicL141inng the on the aforesaid proposed Town Hall, 20 Middiebush Road, Wapp- ingers Falk, Dutchess County, New York May 2, � ddat t whichbml P.M.� intedwi8 be heard. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that copies of the aforesaid proposed Local Iter will be available for examination and in- spection at the ohmsofthe Town Clark of the Town o1 Wappings in the Town SMO between the date of this notice and the date of the Public Heanrr. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk ' - Town of Wappinger Dated: April 20, 1988 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. ....Giaela.Schmita of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several times hereinafter was, the .Bookkeeper of the SOUTHERN DUTCHESS NEWS, a newspaper printed and published every Wednesday in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for ...one..weeks successively in each week, commencing on the �>t... day of ...April 19..8.8 and on the following dates thereafter, namely on and ending on the .22th day of ...April.. 19.?.?. both days inclusio !' Ca) A' Subscribed and sworn to before me this .�.z t .... day of ..aP .. Notary Public My commission expires RACHEL WISHART NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORK QUALIFIED IN DUICHESS COUNTY # 14-4°55.02 COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 31, 19b A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on May 2, 1988 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, on a proposed Local Law Amending Local Law No. 7 of 1980 With Respect to the Imposition and Charge for Water Rates for the Consumption and Use of Water for the Oakwood Water District. Supervisor Paino opened the Hearing at 7:05 -P.M. Present: Irene Paino, Supervisor Vincent Farina, Councilman David Reis, Councilman Constance Smith, Councilwoman Robert Valdati, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavits of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof of the Minutes of this Hearing). The rate for the Oakwood Water District will be $45.00 per quarter, a reduction from $55.00 each quarter. Mrs. Paino asked for comments from the public either for or against the Local Law and if there were any questions. There were no comments or questions from the public. MR. FARINA moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mrs. Smith and unanimously carried. The Hearing closed at 7:06 P.M. cine(> -GO t-, H. Snowden Town Clerk TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK AFFIDAVIT OF IN THE MATTER POSTING OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED LOCAL LAW ESTABLISHING WATER RATES FOR THE OAKWOOD WATER DISTRICT. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State Of New York. That on April 26, 1988, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on a proposed Local Law establishing water rates for the Oakwood Water District, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, Middlebush Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. Sworn to before me this cL- C— day of `27cam/ 1988. Notary Public 01.1 i o i� Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger CECILE S. HAWKSLEY NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORK NO. 4866032 QUALIFIED IN DUTCHESS COUNTY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG. 4, 1Q IG Southern Dutchess News 914 297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET — WAPPINGERS FALLS NEW YORK - 12590 • *or 6 1fiEPEBv3. W"!�N thatah're Aaalpeen day presented andintroduced- before the town Board al the Tewn of Wap! pi r, Dutch's. County, New York on • April 18th, 1988, a proposed Local Law as ! LOCAL LAW N0. OF THE YEAR 1988 AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. 7 OF THE YEAR' 1980 WITH RESPECT TO THE IM- POSITION AND CHARGE FOR WATER RATES FOR THE CONSUMPTION AND USE OF WATER FOR THE OAKWOOD WATER DISTRICT - LOCAL LAW NO. OF THE YEAR 1988 BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town of Wappnger, Dutchess County, New York, u follows: SECTION ,1. EBective the third detnct fiscal quarter lot the year 1988, the -follow- ing rales shall be cheroot: the owner shall be obligated to pay the mmtmum charge of $45.00 per quarter, regardless of the con- sumption of water for said quarter. provid- ed said owner es connected to the system it any time during the quarter. -- • 2. All other provisions of Local Law No. 7 of the year 1980 are hereby , ratified, with Me exception of Section 1, Subdwxr'on 8 which the4ocal law hereby amends and which refers 10 the minimum xharges for consumption of water. r SECTION 3. This local law shall take et- ' . fact upon adoption and as provided by the t Municipal Home Rule Law. . NOTICE IS FURTHER -GIVEN that the Tam Board wll conduce a Public Heanng on the eloresaid proposed Local Law at the -Town Hall, 20 Midde kbush Road. Wapp- ' fingers Falls. Dutchess County, New York on May 2. 1988.7:03 P.M. E.D.T. on such 7 date at which time all parties mterested will be heard. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that y copies of the aforesaid proposed Local Law will be available for examination and in- spection at the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger to the Town Hall between the date of this notice and the date of the Public Fearing. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Dated: April 20, 1988 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. Gisela Schmitz of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several times hereinafter was, the Bookkeeper of the SOUTHERN DUTCHESS NEWS, a newspaper printed and published every Wednesday in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for one weeks successively in each week, commencing on the ...2.� . day of April 1988 and on the following dates thereafter, namely on and ending on the 27 h day of .Apr, l,,, 19..8.8 both days inclusive. / /� / / y 1 I Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...2.7 tb... day of ..Ap .. Notary Public My commission expires RACHEL WISHART NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE CF NEW YORK QUALIFIED I.1 DUTCHESS COUNTY H 14-4S55SC2 COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 31, 1 A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on May 2, 1988, at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, on a proposed Local Law Amending Local Law No. 2 of 1985 With Respect to the Fleetwood Water District. Supervisor Paino opened the Hearing at 7:06 P.M. Present: Irene Paino, Supervisor Vincent Farina, Councilman David Reis, Councilman Constance Smith, Councilwoman Robert Valdati, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavits of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof of the Minutes of this Hearing). The rate for this District will be $30.00 per quarter down from $31.00 per quarter. Mrs.Paino asked for comments or questions from the public; noone spoke on the proposed Local Law. MRS. SMITH moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mr. Valdati, and unanimously carried. The Hearing closed at 7:07 P.M. (4,,Mk SIJA'w9dk, Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED LOCAL LAW ESTABLISHING WATER RATES FOR THE FLEETWOOD WATER DISTRICT. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being'duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on April 26, 1988, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on a proposed Local Law establishing sewer rates for the Fleetwood Water District, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town hall of the Town of Wappinger, Middlebush Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. Sworn to before me this �in-0t-- day of 3%T 4/ 1988. J Notary Public lie Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger CECILE S. HAWKSLEY NOTARY PUBLIC. STATE OF NEW YORK NO. 4866032 QUALIFIED IN DUTCIIESS COUNTY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG. 4, 19 Southern Dutchess News 914 297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET — WAPPINGERS FALLS NEW YORK - 12590 • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Nat There • has been duty presented and introduced r before the Town Board of the Town of Wap - n" paver, Mitcham County, New York on April 111th, 1986, a proposed Local Law as h'ilmoCAG 1 X10'."°FOR ThgYEAR:. 1� AMENDING LOCAL LAW Ni).. -2 OF 1985 fr WITN RESPECT .TQ FI. THE.EETWOOD • t -WA EF1OISTAIC7'•- BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. as follows:- ' • SECTION 1. Section 1 of Local Law No. 201 the year 1985 is to be amended as set lords herein below:. The owner shall be•obligated to pay the minimum Charge of thirty dollars (930.00) each quarter, regardless of consumption of wOeerr toraaid quarter, provided said owner T Is'e0ilneoted to the system at any time dur- . ing the quarter. Consumption Gs billable at + Amnia of 81.00 per 1,000 gallons. bECTION 2. Ail other provisions of Local :Law No..2 of the year 1995 are hereby ratified -with the exception of Section 1 which; this local law hereby amends and which refers to water charges. • SECTION 3. This local law shall take of fact upon adoption and as provided by the • I,. 1 Municipal Home Rule Law. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the - Towq•Board will conduct a Public Hearing on the aforesaid proposed Local Lav at the Town .Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wapp- ingers Falls, Dutch's& County, New York -- on May 2, 1988 7:06 P.M. E.D.T. on such _ daW'at which time all parties interested *11 be heard. . NOTICE IS. FURTHER GIVEN that . copies 01 the aforesaid proposed Local Law will be available for examination and in- t�etown Clerk Town of Wappinger inthe Town Hall between the date of this notice and the date of the Public Hearing. tP Elaine H. Snowden _ - Town Clerk Town of Wappinger April 20, 1988• AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. GLspla $chmitz of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several times hereinafter was, the Bookkeeper of the SOUTHERN DUTCHESS NEWS, a newspaper printed and published every Wednesday in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for one weeks successively in each week, commencing on the 27th day of April 1988 and on the following dates thereafter, namely on and ending on the 27th day of . April 19..813 both days inclusiv, 4.1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of .APri?... 0988 My commission expires Notary Public 'Mal E1 WISNICRT"' NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORK OUALIFIED IN DUTCHESS COUNTY N 14-4a559O2 COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 31, 19.12 A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on May 2, 1988 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, on a proposed Local Law Amending Local Law No. 6 of 1984, Local Law No. 1 of 1981, With Respect to the Establishment of Sewer Rates for the Fleetwood Sewer District. Supervisor Paino opened the Hearing at 7:09 P.M. Present: Irene Paino, Supervisor Vincent Farina, Councilman David Reis, Councilman Constance Smith, Councilwoman Robert Valdati, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavits of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof of the Minutes of this Hearing). The rate for this District will be $70.00 per quarter, up from $60.00 per quarter. Mrs. Paino asked for comments from the public in regard to the rates for the Fleetwood Sewer District. Noone spoke on the proposed law. MR. REIS moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mr. Farina and unanimously carried. The Public Hearing closed at 7:10 P. Elaine ti. Snowden Town Clerk TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK AFFIDAVIT OF IN THE MATTER POSTING OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED LOCAL LAW ESTABLISHING SEWER RATES FOR THE FLEETWOOD SEWER DISTRICT. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on April 26, 1988, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on a proposed Local Law establishing sewer rates for the Fleetwood Sewer District, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, Middlebush Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. Sworn to before me this 02/Lee-- day / ee- day of 19//a...44/ Notary Public 1988. ---,I-Li-el- Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger CECILE S. HAWKSLEY NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORE PI 0.4866032 OUAUFIED IN DUTCHESS COJNTY0' COMMISS!ON EXPIRES AUG. 4, IL -GC Southern Dutchess News 914 297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET — WAPPINGERS FALLS NEW YORK - 12590 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that there has been duly presented and introduced `°' before theTown Board of the Town of Wap' -Flinger, Dutchess County, New York on April 18th, 1988, a proposed Local Law as loaowe LOCAL LAW NO. ' OFTHE YEAR 1988 ' AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. d OF THE YEAR 1984 AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. 1 OF THE EAR 1981 H Y WITH RESPECT- TO THE ESTABUSH- MENT OF SEWER RATES FOR THE FLEETWOOD SEWER DISTRICT LOCAL LAW NO. OF THE YEAR 1988 - BET ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town o1 Wallows: , Dutchess County, New York, as follows: SECTION 1. Any and ell prior laws establishing sewer rates for the Fleetwood Sewer District with respect to residential uses is hereby repealed, only with respect 10 sewer rates and the prior laws otherwise , confired. . . SECTION 2. The following sewer 'rates are hereby established for the Fleetwood Sewer District. t. iA. Residential . w- 1. Each residential unit be obligated to pay the minimum charge 01870.00 each 1 quarter, regardless of consumption of water tor ,said quarter, and 52.50 per 1,000 f+gallons, additional. w,. - SECTION 3. This local law shall take el- * fed upon adoption and as provided by { Municipal Home Aute Law. - NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the tTown Board will conduct a Public Hearing on the aforesaid proposed Local Law at the town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wapp, Fangers Falls. Dutcbess County, New York on May 2. 1988 7:09 P.M. E.D.T. on such I date at which time all panes interested will I be heard. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that copies of the aforesaid proposed Local Law will be available for examination and in- spection at the office o1 the Town Clerk of Me Town of Wappinger in the Town Hall between the date of this notice and the date of the Public Hearing. Elaine H."fSnowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Dated' April 20. 1988 - AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. Gisela„��h>,tia,tZ. of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several times hereinafter was, the Bookkeeper of the SOUTHERN DUTCHESS NEWS, a newspaper printed and published every Wednesday in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for one weeks successively in each week, commencing on the .22th.. day of .AgriL 19.88 and on the following dates thereafter, namely on and ending on the 2 7th 1958. both days incl ave day of April.... Li( /i} � , • Subscribed and sworn to before me this .27.tb..... day of ..ARtodu•.49.8.8. • Notary Public My commission expires RACHEL WISHART NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORK OUALIF:ED IN DUTCHESS COUNTY # 14-455902 �%� COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 31, 19,(,- A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on May 2, 1988 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, on a proposed Local Law Amending Local Law No. 12 of 1984 With Respect to the Establishment of Sewer Rates for the Wildwood Sewer District. Supervisor Paino opened the Hearing at 7:12 P.M. Present: Irene Paino, Supervisor Vincent Farina, Councilman David Reis, Councilman Constance Smith, Councilwoman Robert Valdati, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavits of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof of the Minutes of this Hearing). The new proposed rate is $60.00 per quarter down from $65.35 per quarter. Mrs. Paino asked for comments from the public either for or against this proposed Local Law. There were no comments made by those present either for or against the Law. MR. FARINA moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mr. Reis and unanimously carried. The Hearing closed at 7:13 P.M. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk i TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED LOCAL LAW ON A PROPOSED LOCAL LAW ESTABLISHING SEWER RATES FOR THE WILDWOOD SEWER DISTRICT. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) says: AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on April 26, 1988, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on a proposed Local Law establishing sewer rates for the Wildwood Sewer District, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, Middlebush Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. Sworn to before me this 6;i4,7 day of ///fr 1988. Notary Public Alp Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger CECILES. HAWKSLEY NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORIC NO. 4866032 QUALIFIED IN DUTCHESS CO'JNTY,Ty--- COAIrSSTN EXF1RES AU3, 4, 19 4' Southern Dutchess News 914 297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET — WAPPINGERS FALLS NEW YORK - 12590 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that there has been duly presented and introduced I before the Town Board of the Town of Wep- t purger, Dutchess County, New York on 1 April 18th, 1988, a proposed Local Law as follows: LOCAL LAW NO. OF THE YEAR 1988 i AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. 13 OF THE YEAR 1984 WITH RESPECT TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SEWER RATES FOR THE WILDWOOD SEWER DISTRICT LOCAL LAW NO. OF THE YEAR 1988 BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of . the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County;"" New York as follows: SECTION 1. Any and all prior laws establishing sewer rates for the Wildwood Sewer Distract with respect to residential uses is hereby repealed, only with respect. to sewer rates and the prior laws otherwise confirmed. SECTION 2. The following sewer rates are hereby established for the Wildwood Sewer District: A Residential " 1. Each residential unit connected to' - the system: 8240.00 annually and payable on a quarterly basis. SECTION 3. This local law shall take ef- fect upon adoption and as provided by Municipal Home Rule Law. - - NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Town Board will conduct a Public Hearing on the aforesaid proposed Local Law at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road. Wapp- ingers Falls, Dutchess County. New York on May 2, 1988 7:12 P.M. E.D.T. on such date at which time all parties interested will be heard. • NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that - copies of the aforesaid proposed Local Law will be available for examination and in • - ' spection at the office of the Town Clerk of • the Town of Wappmger in the Town Hall between the date of this notice and the date of the Public Hearing Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Dated: April 20, 1988 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. Gisela Schmitz of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several times hereinafter was, the Bookkeuer of the SOUTHERN DUTCHESS NEWS, a newspaper printed and published every Wednesday in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for one weeks successively in each week, commencing on the ..2,7.t44.. day of .Apri1 198 8 and on the following dates thereafter, namely on and ending on the 27th day of April 19.8.8. both days inclusive. (.11e,g Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27 th day of .. A.P.r - �� � 1�� Notary Public My commission expires RACHEL WISHART NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE CF NEW YORK QUALIFIED IN DUTCHESS COUNTY 1114-4555902 Q COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 31 1 A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on May 2, 1988 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, on a proposed Local Law Amending Local Law No. 15 of 1984 With Respect to the Establishment of Sewer Rates for the Mid -Point Park Sewer District. Supervisor Paino opened the Hearing at 7:15 P.M. Present: Irene Paino, Supervisor Vincent Farina, Councilman David Reis, Councilman Constance Smith, Councilwoman Robert Valdati, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavits of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof of the Minutes of this Hearing). The proposed rate for this district is $95.00 per quarter down from $118.60 per quarter. Mrs. Paino asked those present if there were any comments or questions on the proposed rate for this district. No one responded with any comments or questions on this Local Law. MR. FARINA moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mr. Reis and unanimously carried. The Hearing closed at 7:16 P.M. actRNIAtt4. cLA-CL9. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED LOCAL LAW ESTABLISHING SEWER RATES FOR THE MID -POINT PARK SEWER DISTRICT STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) says: AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and That on April 26, 1988, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on a proposed Local Law establishing sewer rates for the Mid -Point Park Sewer District, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger,Middlebush Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. c72 -11A Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Sworn to before me this c.,Z /4.-aC� day of ',9/%tLi-1/ 1988. (1%.--Cf-L4 I ,,,,ti1,...4� Notary Public CECILE S. HAWKSLEY NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORK O . 4866032 QUALIFIED IN DUTCHESS COUNTY/ COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG. 4, 19 ii Southern Dutchess News 914 297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET — WAPPINGERS FALLS NEW YORK - 12590 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that there has been duly presented and introduced belore the Town Board o1 the Town of Wap- pinger. appinger, Dutchess County. New York on April 181h, 1988, a proposed Local Law as follows: LOCAL LAW NO. OF THE YEAR 1988 AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. 15 OF THE YEAR 1984 WITH RESPECT TO THE ESTABLISH- MENT OF SEWER RATES FOR THE MID- POINT PARK SEWER DISTRICT LOCAL LAW NO. OF THE YEAR 1988 BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town 01 Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, as lollows: SECTION 1. Any and all prior laws .eslabhshing sewer rates for the Mid -Point Sewer District with respect to residential uses is hereby repealed, only with respect t0 sewer rates and the prior laws otherwise confirmed. SECTION 2. The following sewer rates are hereby established for the Mid -Point Park Sewer District: A. Residential 1: Each residential unn connected I0 the system: 5380.00 annually and payable on a quarterly basis. SECTION 3 This local law shall take ef- fect upon adoption end as provided by Municipal Home Rule Law. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Town Board will conduct a Public Hearing on the aforesaid proposed Local Law at the Town hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wapp- ingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York on May 2. 1988 7:15 P.M. E.D.T. on such date at which time all parties imeresled will be heard. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that copies of the aforesaid proposed Local Law will be available for examination and in- spection at the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger in the Town Hall between the date 01 this notice and the date of the Public Hearing. Elaine H Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Dated: April 20. 1988 , AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. Gisela Schmitz of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several times hereinafter was, the Bookkeeper of the SOUTHERN DUTCHESS NEWS, a newspaper printed and published every Wednesday in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for ...P.ta.e..weeks successively in each week, commencing on the 27th... day of .APs1 , 198.8., and on the following dates thereafter, namely on and ending on the 27th day of APr 19 88 both days inclusive. 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this ,.2 7. k�.... day of .Apx: l - 198,8. ? Notary Public 1,84 My commission expires RACHEL WISHART NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE CI: NEV: YCRK QUALIFIED IN DUTCHESS COLkf: COMMISSION EXPIRES MAilCH 31, t9 (! A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on May 2, 1988 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, on the proposed Local Law Amending Local Law No. 12 of 1984 With Respect to the Establishment of Sewer Rates for the Rockingham Sewer District. Supervisor Paino opened the Hearing at 7:18 P.M. Present: Irene Paino, Supervisor Vincent Farina, Councilman David Reis, Councilman Constance Smith, Councilwoman Robert Valdati, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavits of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof of the Minutes of this Hearing). The proposed rate for this district is $60.00 per quarter down from $68.90 for each quarter. The Supervisor asked if anyone in the audience had questions or comments on the proposed Local Law. There were no comments made or questions asked on this Law. MR. FARINA moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mr. Reis and unanimously carried. The Hearing closed at 7:19 P.M. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK AFFIDAVIT OF IN THE MATTER POSTING OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED LOCAL LAW ESTABLISHING SEWER RATES FOR THE ROCKINGHAM FARMS SEWER DISTRICT. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on April 26, 1988, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on a proposed Local Law establishing sewer rates for the Rockingham Farms Sewer District, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, Middlebush Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. Sworn to before me this day of (7,4'..--(7/ 1988. Notary Public Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger ,(11,61SEX, CECILE S. HAWKSLEY NOTARY PUBUC, MATE OF NW YORK NO, 4866032 QUALIFIED IN DUTCHESS COUNTY pc - COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG. 4, 19.._Z Southern Dutchess News 914 297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET — WAPPINGERS FALLS NEW YORK - 12590 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that there has been duly presented and introduced I before the Town Board of the Town o1 Wap- I pinger, Dutchess County:.New-eork On April 18111, 1988, a propgi49-Local Law as i follows: �-'"',55(f'-. LOCAL LAW NV' '7OF THE'YEAR 1988'. t1 AMENDING LOCAL •t:AW r•NO. 12 OF.Ii { THE YEAR 1984•rbaf' •- yr- = 1 1 • WITH RESPECT TO THE ESTABLISH- 1 MENT OF SEWER RATES FOR THE " ROCKINGHAM SEWER DISTRICT . .LOCAL LAW NO. OF THE YEAR 1988 1 • > BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board o1 , the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, as follows: SECTION 1. Any and all prior laws establishing sewer rates for the Rock- ingham Sewer Distnct with respect to , residential uses is hereby repealed, only with respect to sewer rales and the prior laws otherwise confirmed. SECTION 2. The following sewer rates are hereby established for the Rockingham Sewer District: A. Residential . 1 Each residential unit connected 10 the system: 5240,00 annually and payable on a quarterly basis. SECTION 3. This local law shall take ef- fect upon adoption and as provided by Municipal Home Rule Law. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Town Board will conduct a Public Hearing on the aforesaid proposed Local Law at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wapp- ingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York on May 2, 1988 7:18 P.M. E.D.T. On such dale at which time a0 panes mlerested will be heard. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that copes of the aforesaid proposed Local Law will be available for examination and in- spectiOn al the odice 01 the Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger in the Town Hall between the dale o1 Ins notice and the date of the Public Hearing. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Dared: April 20, 1988 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. sela..Schmirt of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several times hereinafter was, the Bookkeep r of the SOUTHERN DUTCHESS. NEWS, a newspaper printed and published every Wednesday in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for one weeks successively in each week, commencing on the .27.th.. day of April 19 88 and on the following dates thereafter, namely on and ending on the .Z.7.tb. day of April.... 19 8 8 both days inclus Subscribed and sworn to before me this .2.7th.... day of APr Notary Public My commission expires RACHEL WISHART NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE CF REW YORK QUALIF;ED+ IN O!' I:,I IESS COUNTY # 14,1C5EErC7 COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 31, 19, p A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on May 2, 1988 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, on a proposed Local Law Amending Local Law No. 10 of 1985, Local No. 14 of 1984 and Local Law No. 5 of 1976 With REspect to the Establishment of Sewer Rates for the Wappinger Sewer Improvement Area #1. Supervisor Paino opened the Hearing at 7:21 P.M. Present: Irene Paino, Supervisor Vincent Farina, Councilman David Reis, Councilman Constance Smith, Councilwoman Robert Valdati, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavits of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof of the Minutes of this Hearing). The proposed rate for this district is $33.25 up from $25.00 each quarter. Mrs. Paino asked if there were any comments or questions from the audience regarding the proposed rates. No one spoke either for or against the proposed Local Law. MRS. SMITH moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mr. Farina and unanimously carried. The Hearing closed at 7:22 P.M. CLAiM, -AA SttAS1A3oPA-, Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED LOCAL LAW ESTABLISHING SEWER RATES FOR THE WAPPINGER SEWER IMPROVEMENT AREA #1. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) says: AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and Tht she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on April 26, 1988, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Law establishing sewer rates for Hearing on a proposed Local the Wappinger Sewer Improvement Area #1, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, Middlebush Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, Sworn to before me this /7/ a -t-1/ • 6-14-4Lu/ Notary Public day of 1988. C:LnLi k AL raei.., Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger CECILE S. HAWKSLEY NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORE NO. 4866032 QUAUFIED IN DUTCHESS COUNTY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG. 4, Southern Dutchess News 914 297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET — WAPPINGERS FALLS NEW YORK - 12590 .•.. agliceas-iienEEPrGLVEN,h.t there has been duly presented and introduced before the Town Board of the Town of Wap• . ginger. Dutchess County, New York on Apnl 19th, 1988, a proposed Local Law as follows: • LOCAL'LAW NO. OF THE YEAR 1988 AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. 10 OF THE YEAR 1985 AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. ,14 OF THE YEAR 1904 AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. 5 OF THE YEAR 1976 ' WLTH RESPECT TO THE ESTABLISH- MENT OF SEWER RATES FOR THE WAP- ' FINGER SEWER IMPROVEMENT 61. LOCAL LAW NO:' OF THE YEAR 1988 BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, as follows: ' SECTION 1. Any and all prior laws establishing sewer rates for the Central Wappinger Sewer Improvement 61 with respect to residential uses is hereby repeal- ed, only with respect to sewer rates and the prior laws otherwise confirmed. SECTION 2. The following sewer rates are hereby established for the Wappinger Sewer .I mprovement:1X . A Residential ' 1. Each residential unit connected to.„ the system: 5133.00 annually and payable each quarter. SECTION 3. This local law Shall take ef- fect upon adoption and as provided by Municipal Home Rule Law. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Town Board will conduct a -Public Hearing on the aforesaid proposed Local Low at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wapp- ingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York-. - on May 2, 1988 7:21 P.M. E.D.T. on such , date at which time all parties interested will be heard: NOTICE IS - FURTHER GIVEN that copies of the aforesaid proposed Local Law will be available for examination and in- spection al the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger in the Town Hall between the date of this notice and the date of the Public Hearing. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk, Town of Wappinger Dated: April 20, 1988 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. Gisela Schmitz of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several times hereinafter was, the Bookkeeper of the SOUTHERN DUTCHESS NEWS, a newspaper printed and published every Wednesday in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for one weeks successively in each week, commencing on the 2 7 th day of .April 198 8 and on the following dates thereafter, namely on and ending on the 27th day of April 19.13/3 both days inclus Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2 7th day of . A r 4988 j Notary Public My commission expires RACHEL WISHART NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORC, QUALIFIED IN DUTCHESS COUNTY # 14-4251J32 COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 31, 19/9