1982-02-03 PHA Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on February 3, 1982, at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Village of Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York, on an Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map of the Town of Wappinger. Supervisor Diehl opened the Hearing at 6:48 P.M. Present: Louis Diehl, Supervisor Nicholas Johnson, Councilman Bernice Mills, Councilwoman Frank Versace, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavits of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof of the minutes of this hearing). Supervisor Diehl asked if anyone wished to comment on this rezoning. No one spoke for or against the Amendment. Mr. Johnson moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mrs. Mills and unanimously carried. The Hearing closed at 6:51 P.M. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly elected, qualifiedand acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on January 13, 1982, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on an Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map of the Town of Wappinger, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, Mill Street, in the Village of Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. arn0A4_ Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Sworn to before me this day of 4-Z" 1982. • Notary Public 111. ' "f •:'J.4 3.t* County C,,miuJ,n az,iras And 30, ../"( t1 14. Cati • NEWS- DISPL 44 Y ADVERTISING . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 914-297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET • WAPPINGERS FALLS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE hist the Town Board, of thesown of Wappinger will conduct a Public Henri al the Town Hall, Milt ,Street, Wappplagers Falls, New York on'February 3, 1 at 5:45 P.M. EST, on- an. Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map of the Town of Wapp- Inger as follows:-- . - ...... ..-- - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF " THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER 1. ' The. following, ordinance wan in- . troduced by Councilman Johneon,o/ho moved its adoption:: ,+ 3 :' - .- BE IT RESOLVED and ordained- by the Town Board of the Town of Wapp- Inger,,Dutchess County,'New•York, In pursuance to the authority conferred by the laws of the State of New York, as follows: SECTION t. Th. -Town ofWappppinger Zoning Map adopted March 10 1980 as amended from time to tlme, (a hereby further amended by rezoning he follow - Ing described parcel of land from "R-20 (Residential. ,'Zone) _ to -NB (Neighborhood Silliness), said tract of land being on the Went. aide of- Al? Angels Hitt Road, and mon particularly described as follows: Tax Maps No. 148357-03.190015 - Lyndon C. -Hickman No. 19.8357.03.185004 Deeds Recorded In Uber 1232 Pg. 298 Bounded on the North by 1y0P Po: 7� Drive: East .b AIL A i I R : Road: West by FortySlxtyllve Club; Southby Texland Properties Corporation and John and Susan Nardeltl - SECTION It. This amendment shall become effective • upon adoption, posting and publication, as proscribed by Town Law: - Elalne H. Snowden • Town Clerk Dated: January 13, 1982 Date of Publication: January 20, 1982 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Suite of New York. -Couhty of Dutchess. Town of Wappinga. Giseic Stri jtj..l z. of the Tparn of Wappingcr. Dutcbess County, New Ya being duly swan. says tbzt ':e Is, and it the several .. times bercinafter was, tie...PQPJS epe,L or W. &$.D. NEWS. n newspaper printed s:nd 17 bl:shed every Thursday In the yeas in the Town cr Wa? !ager. •Dutcbcst County, New York, and that the sri:exed NOTICE was duly published in the said news;aper fcn ....or ei.week successivelyon.a 3....1n each week. commencing cn the2 Qth.... dky of.. January • • • 19.8 a.nd on the following dates thereafter. namely on • • and ending on the2 Qt?h ....day of...Jan.uary•- 3 .2.. bots days inclusive .. Subscribed and sw:fn to befc:e me this 20 tn d:y 1982 Natery Public M; :ornmas(c.n expires : Y _r 1 A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on February 3, 1982 at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Village of Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. Supervisor Diehl opened the Hearing at 7:00 P.M. Present: Louis Diehl, Supervisor Nicholas Johnson, Councilman Bernice, Mills, Councilwoman Frank Versace, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Absent: Gerard McCluskey, Councilman The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavits of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof of the Minutes of this Hearing). The Town Clerk read the following letters: Tax Map Parcel No. 625803-278358 To: Town Board Referral: 82-14, Town of Wappinger Re: Cornell and Drake Zoning Amendments In accordance with the provisions of General Municipal Law (Article 12B, Sections 239-1 and 239-m), the Dutchess County Department of Planning has reviewed subject referral with regard to pertinent inter -community and countywide considera- tions. Upon analysis, this Department makes the following findings. This application proposed that land north of Myers Corners Road be rezoned from a Residential (R-20) Zoning District to an Office Research Zoning District (OR -10A). The property comprises over 30 acres of land. This land is adjacent to a property that is zoned for planned industry uses. If the proposed action were approved, the result would be a total of 50 acres of land zoned for office and industry in what is primarily a residential area. The Town Development Plan recommends that the subject property be used for residential purposes. Lands designated for industry in the Town Plan are located near the Route 9 corridor, along the railroad right-of-way in tle northeastern part of the Town and in sites on All Angels Hill Road. The development of non-residential uses on the 30 -acre site would have an impact on area groundwater resources, sewer systems, and the road network, as well as on existing land uses. Recommendation This'proposed rezoning would have a significant impact on the overall development of the Town and must be considered in terms of the impact on Town and area growth -- residential, commercial and industrial. The Dutchess County Department of Planning recommends that, prior .to a Town Board decision on the zoning amendment, studies be carried out to determine the impact of this proposal on roads, water resources and sewer service capacities and the relationship of this proposed use to existing and potential development in the area. After completion of such analyses, the decision in this matter should be based upon local study of the facts. The Dutchess County Department of Planning does not presume to base its decision on the legalities or illigalities of the facts or procedures enumbrated in subject zoning action. Dated: January 29, 1982 Kenneth R. Toole, Commissioner Dutchess County Department of Planning By Richard Birch, Senior Planner January 19th, 1982 Town Board Town of Wappinger Town Hall - Mill Street Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 RE: Cornell & Drake - Rezoning Request Dear Board Members: At the January 18th, 1982 Planning Board meeting, a motion was made by Mr. Fahuele, to recommend that the rezoning request be granted subject to the provisions that the road known as "Four Fields" tit be used as an access to the site and that the building sie be limited to 250,000 square feet. The motion was sedcnded by Mr. Parsons and was carried by those members present. Vote: Mr. Fanuele - aye Mr. Mills - aye Mr. May - aye Mr. Brannen - term expired Mr. Keller - absent Mr. Parsons - aye Mr. Rubenstein - aye Respectfully yours, s/ Betty -Ann Russ, Secr. T/W Planning Board Mr. Fred Johnston, partner of Pizzagalli Construction Company from Vermont was present and asked to speak on the rezoning; he stated that he had met earlier that evening with residents of the area of the proposed rezoning. He was available, he stated, to answer questions on specific problems that the residents felt the rezoning would cause, i. e., traffic, storm water runoff, esthetics, access, land use, pollution, effluent, water control, etc. If it was not rezoned, so be it, he said, they were not going to show up with New York lawyers 3 kie and try to fight it. If it doesn't fit the best needs of the community, it won't be done, there are other communities, but there are particular advantages to this site. Upon the recommendation of the Dutchess County Department of Planning to conduct studies and at the urging of the Town Board, they had conducted a complete Environmental Impact Statement by the engineering firm of Hayward Pakin which is not normally required for a rezoning but under these circumstances he agreed it should be done, even though his firm does not own the property and have no particular building plan in mind. He then explained what the statement was and what questions it answered, and submitted it to the Town Board. Their main concern in accomodating the residents of the vicinity of that rezoning was trying to come up with something to answer objections to people on the immediate road which is Four Fields and belongs to this parcel and has six houses on the road. He compared what might be a housing development of 66 homes which could be built up to that road, with perhaps 2 or 3 cars for each home with a single office building; their proposal calls for the elimination of that road as a means of access to that property and they would establish whatever buffer that would be required to insure them that the project would not be seen from any of those homes and they arrived at a figure of 300' of land that would be left as land forever wild; they were willing to live with restrictions; they plan only office research, not testing or manufacturing. They do not have a definite plan for the building, he repeated, nor do they have a client; the number of cars could range from about 10 to a maximum of 590. He then told the public he was available for any questions they might have; a plan was submitted for them to view. Henry Semp, All Angels Hill Road, asked a clarification of why OR -10A is mentioned in the legal notice as office and research only, when in fact, according to the Zoning Ordinance, light industry district should also be included as part of OR. This rezoning is of great concern to those opposed and their concerns include 1. added traffic since it has been stated that between. 300 and 600 cars in addition to the IBM complex will travel on an already overcrowded bedroom community road and would create a serious safety hazard especially when schoolchildren are within walking distance of their schools, 2. a fear of lower real estate value to surrounding homes, 3. excessive noise pollution affecting the bedroom community, 4.=.:_a danger of pollution of one of the Town's aquifer recharge area, 5. the property contains a wetland which should be protected. There has been sufficient evidence and concern, he continued to warrant a request for an environmental impact study conducted in conformity with the SEQRA law and should be done before any rezoning of the property takes place. He asked if the Town Engineer had been contacted to prepare and submit an environmental assessment form for the state DEC as requested. Mr. Johnston responded that the zoning classification Light Industry was not allowed without a special permit; if they were granted an OR use that would be a very narrow use; if they wish to build for industry they would have to come back again and apply for a special use permit, which he said was not their intention; the building that they do have now are strictly for office use, not industry. As far as traffic goes, yes, he admitted, there will be more traffic since there will be cars in the parking lot due to additional people working in that building; the purpose of their design including traffic lights was to put the burden of waiting or having problems on the guy who is trying to get out of the lot and on to Myers Corners Road, not on the people who are already on the road. If they have to stack up and stay in that project until kingdom come, that's their problem; the intent of having traffic lights is to control the flow on Myers Corners Road so that it is a reasonable flow; the lights are adjustable and if they so desired cbu "`be five minute green on Myers Corners Road and a 30 second green coming from the project. He compared it with a basketball game crowd coming out of the school and the fact that it really took a short period of time for that amount of traffic to disperse. There would also be the additional expenditure of $100,000.00 by them to try and satisfy the wishes of the Town of Wappinger by not going along with the approved access across from Fenmore Drive, but rather going down the road and acquiring land from the Humestons. As far as noise, there would be no noise associated with the building, it would be dry office usage. Pollution of the aquifer should cause no problem; the fact that a building is over the aquifer does not mean necessarily that 160 there should be a problem with it. This he said was on record with correspondence with the state and they are doing it on their present site. The way it has been engineered will cause no impact to the environment; their research has shown that it will not create a problem. They would have to be rotten neighbors to pollute the aquifer. A complete Environmental Impact Study had been done which does address in detail the question of the aquifer. As far as wetlands aro concerned, the extent of the flood plain is actually off of that property, it belongs to the DWS property, which is Cranberry Hills. Mr. William Rohde, Engineer with the firm of Hayward and Pakin then spoke and noted that this localized aquifer was not connected to the two main aquifers in Wappinger---Sprout Creek and Wappinger Creek; this is an isolated aquifer located between Myers Corners Road and Widmer Road. A telephone survey of local officials in Dutchess County including the Planning Department, Health Depart- ment, New York State Department of Transportation, the Soil Con- servation District and others to ascertain if there were any cases of aquifer contamination in Dutchess County and they were assured that there were no such cases in a complex suite as the one planned. Linda Carman, 18 Fenmore Drive, presented a petition with over 100 signatures against the proposed rezoning of the Cornell -Drake property from residential to office research. They were opposed because of the increase in traffic which would occur and the fact that the area contains a wet aquifer and a wetland which is vital to the Town's water resources. She also reminded the Board of Article 1, Section 108 of the zoning Ordinance which purpose is to prevent the pollution of water sources and wetland and safe guard the water table. Mr. Johnston then addressed the public and said he would be happy to meet with a group of interested people at any time, no matter how many, 10 or 100 and go into further detail with them. This hearing did not have to be the only time they could get information and speak their piece. They wanted to show the people what they intended to do so that the causes they gave for being against it would not exist. Benjamin Kaufman, 6 Sachson Place ----heard a lot of talk tonight about minimizing the inconvenience that they have with the roads, and talk about no problem with the aquifers but what bothers him is that they have no usage right now; they want to build a building, but do not know what building or for whom it would be built or why. He saw no advantage to rezoning it right now if it is going tojust sit. Why not wait to rezone until you have a plan to show us, what you are building and who will be occupying the building. Mr. Johnston replied that he could not wait, he would go someplace else, he does have plan but could not tell them all of his plans; it was not in his best interests, he said to spend thousands of dollars in acquiring the property, getting it rezoned and flying from Vermont several times if he did not have a specific plan in mind. Furthermore, he went on, he had shown a plan, a drawing had been exhibited and they know exactly what it is going to be, the fact that there isn't a billboard with a name on the front is immaterial; the use is for offices and it will be used with all restrictions. Mr. Dick Bickerton, Primrose Court, asked if the Town Board would enforce the codes if this is passed; he then brought up the subject of the trees in his subdivision which was supposed to be planted on each lot. He was reminded that the Town Board attempted to use whatever leverage they could but acceded to what the people wanted and accepted the roads without the requirement of the trees being planted ----this, however, was the wish of the residents in that subdivision. Next time, they would treat it differently. Mr. Leif Jensen, 46 Widmer Road was for the proposal and asked if they had compared the difference if homes were built with driveways and land coverage with their complex. He felt the Town needed this type of complex, it was no burden to the taxpayers; they would not get services from the Town, it would help the water and sewer districts financially; there are many safeguards under the new Zoning Ordinance in this Town against anything going amiss and there were many developers who did not want to build homes in the Town of Wappinger due to the restrictive Ordinance. Jeannette Fitch, 4 Rosewood Court, disagreed with the previous speaker; it would lower the value of their homes; it's a nice residential area now, the buildings will smother it out, definitely against the rezoning. William Gindel, Town of Poughkeepsie, one of the abbtte¢rs_ to Four Fields Road, original owner and developer of the road until it was sold to Cornell and Drake, he still has one acre and wondered what will become of the road. It was intended to eventu- ally become a Town road, will it be a private road, will the residents have to plow the road, can his lot get a building permit on a private road, were some of his questions. This, he was told was a matter for the Zoning Board, however, the developer has said they were willing to dedicate the road to the homeowners or to the Town. If it were dedicated to the Town it would have to be brought up to Town specs, and the developer was asked if he was willing to do this. Mr. Johnston then stated that at an earlier meeting that evening with residents, some of them felt this was not a good idea when the suggestion was brought up; he was willing to cooperate with the homeowners on that road. The meeting that he spoke of had nothing to do with the Town Board; they did not call it and had nothing to do with it. Mr. Johnston stated that what- ever was done concerning this road had to satisfy all parties concerned. The residents there have to be happy, the first step on the part of the developer is to give up usage of this road and they are willing to do this, beyond that, is something that will have to be worked out to the satisfaction of the residents and the Town officials. There is no limit on how far they are willing to go; Mr. Diehl commented that Mr. Johnston had previously stated that they would do most anything to satisfy the homeowners of that road. Mr. Versace pointed out that any restrictions the Town Board wished g to be put on this rezoning should be included in the resolution before it was referred to the Planning Board and in addition they would put the normal restrictions on their referral back to the Town Board. Mr. Johnston would not be bound by anything that was said tonight; it'must be officially included in all reso- lutions and notices. Benjamin Kaufman was curious about the sewer system, what do they intend to do. Mr. Johnston answered that it would not be disposed of on sight. He compared a subdivision versus an office complex of that sight with approximately 700 employees which would generate 10,500 gallons per day, 50 lot subdivision 400 gallons per day, which which would total 20,000 per day for sewage. The complex would use the Town sewer system, subject to recommendation and approval of the Engineer; if a favorable recommendation does not come forth, they would own a nice piece of property with no place to put the sewage. Henry Semp, All Angels Hill Road, then asked Mr. Johnston if he didn't get the rezoning, would he pull out and where would he go, would he stay in under utilized. on Myers Corners located on Myers the area; he then suggested Rt. 376 which was Why, he asked, was everything being concentrated Road. Mr. Johnston answered that when they first Corners Road, it was the ideal sit uation, it was zoned for their use and had water and sewer facilities, and the land in back of the present structure would be ideal if they could acquire it as it was contiguous to the first parcel and they felt it would be a success. Jonah Sherman, Myers Corners Road, Four Fields----Pizzagalli is building a 20 million taxpayers of the Town parcel may also be an dollar structure which is an asset to the of Wappinger, and asset, but that's rezoning the additional not where it stops. He listened to Mr. Jensen talking about the beautiful Zoning Ordin- ance the Town adopted, but everytime someone wants to suit their needs. In this he says "what for", why have one if make a buck, we change the zoning to case we have unusual circumstances, we have a handsome building, a well regarded developer with a mysterious plant who may be interested in going into an office L building in a 30 acre parcel and he could see this favorably as long as there are a number of guarantees and benefits locked in. What troubles him is the Town Council's attitude about further rezoning. It's like a cancer, one little spot here and another one there ---there's Humeston's property and Diesing's property and 5 acres at the corner of Myers Corners Road and All Angels Hill Road with a sign up for sale. Wha twould go there, would it be housing, or is the Town Board going to rezone that as well. He could easily find his way to endorsing Mr. Johnston's request with restrictions to rezone this property, but he could not easily go along with the precedence this might be setting. The area has struggled for 15 years to restrict commercial development, but he sees it starting to sway and he doesn't think he wants that kind of development to continue on Myers Corners Road. He was thinking about the intersection at All Angels Hill Road with the traffic problem and the fact that the Engine Company is there and what impact will it have on Cranberry Hill, a major proposed housing development. If they are going to be drawing over 10,000 gallons of water a day, there should be some kind of guarantee for those who do not have the privilege of having Town water that they will have sufficient water. He gave his support on the present building because he felt it was right for the area, but he has questions on the one they are now planning. He concluded by saying will Myers Corners Road be another Route 9. Mr. Jensen reiterated that the wording of the new Zoning Ordinance put a lot of teeth into zoning laws and how they effectuate a development. You cannot close the door on rezoning, each request must be considered; many years ago when the present building was rezoned PI, everyone was against it, yet after the XYZ building was put there, we had no problems and it has helped the tax base. The County taxes have now risen considerably and the Town of Wappinger keeps trying to hold their taxes down and this rezoning would help. If the plan was wrong he would not want to see it there, that's why he asked if a comparison had been made with a possible subdivision on that parcel. The road will be widened, not because of Pizzagalli, but because it is part of their long range plan and gradually safeness will be accomplished because of this plan; this is an opportunity for the Town. He reminded Mr. Sherman that he was in the Economic Development Corp for the County and not that much business has come into the County for the last few years, now here is an opportunity to bring a project into the Town to help offset the taxes. Mr. Johnston added his comments to this reasoning by saying that he would hate to have the merits of this project judged solely by the number of dollar bills they contribute although that is a good point, but long range it has to make sense. That will not do anything to make people feel happy over what havoc it will cause with traffic, pollution or what it will look like. They are willing to take the time to make sure that what they build will be attractive, with quality, without pollution and will incidentally contribute tax dollars. Mr. Sherman reiterated that the EDC of which he was a member and which was approved by the various Town Boards and supported by the Chamber of Commerce brought in some $25 million dollars in construction in the County in the last two years. What he was trying to address was this was a very unique company doing a very unique job---he could remember not too long ago when the Town Board was trying to put in a roller skating rink in the same place when they were so hungry for tax revenue----this must meet the total interest of the Town not just one very narrow interest. That's his concern, are they going to get so hungry that they will keep rezoning and then the attitude will be negative on everything. Benjamin Kaufman felt the Town Board has an obligation to the people already there---he came up from the city and thought he was really in the country, all green. He was afraid it would turn into an area where his kids couldn't play on the street, it would be full of traffic, too much density of population, too much industry and that's not the reason he moved to Wappinger; he might have to sell his house and move out further and he would hate to do that. Renata Ballard, Hilltop Drive, concerned about the traffic flow \� at Myers Corners Road and All Angels Hill Road, since all the developments come down through that intersection and the traffic now is getting horrendous and the building isn't completed yet, referring to the first building and is not occupied and they yet to see the impact that will have on that intersection. Her question was why rezone now, why not wait to see the impact of the first building and how it is handled as far as the impact study, widen- ing the road, traffic lights, improving the road making it a three lane for four lane road or whatever. Would the Board consider this? Mr. Johnston noted that the first building was to be completed in July and they would see the impact before they were ready to pro- ceed with the new building, there were many steps to be taken before they would be ready to go ahead; Mrs. Ballard argued that they could come to the Board after the first building was occupied and ask for this rezoning and then could point out how well the situation had been handled, they could then illustrate how the problems had been handled. She asked him to consider it and Mr. Johnston answered that they already had. No one else spoke. MRS. MILLS moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mr. Johnson and unanimously carried. The Hearing closed at 8:24 P.M. P.H. Cornell -Drake Rezoning 2/3/82 ‘.0 Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk ancl S. D. NEW- VISPL.AY ADVERTISING . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 914-297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET - WAPPINGERS FALLS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger will: conduct a Public Hearing at the Town New, Mtlt S Wappingers.le. New York on 3, fill82*17'00. TOa P.M. EST, on an ordinance Amerman} the Zoning Map of the Town of Wapp- Inger aafollows: .- The following Ordinance thrall Introduc. ed by CouncilmanJohnsenwhomoved . Its adoption: - BE IT RESOLVED and ordained by the Town Board of the Town of Wapp- Inger, Dutchess County. New-Yoprrk-in— pursuance to the authorty conferred by the taws of the State of New York. as .T follows: SECTION L The Town Zoning Map adopted 1Narclr. 1 and as amended from time to me is hereby further -amended by• rezoningl the following_ described-parcN.oHan& from "R-20! (Residantlagnto Oftke4 Research-10A classification, said nal • t-wa: a BEGINNING st a nt'-on the Nor. - Overly side of )(Ant being the �rWming ands of nowr hence along the Easterly line of lands �f said Reis and lands of now orhxn sr- - y Canter and Healey the following; North 77-30400 West 80.00 -feet -to a - point; North 000840 West -136.00 -fest - toe point North 140920 East-1-71.29- feet ast1-71:29- feet to a point North 22.1820 East' 558.54 fest to s point -theme North 71 • 0640 West 377.00 feet to a point on the • Northerly line of the herein described . property thence along the Northerly Easterly Southerly bounds of said propetty, the following; North -182410 East 24.779 fest to a point; North Z019- 30 34830 East 237.28 feet to a point Nadir*. 20-30 East 458.28 feet to a pont North 52-23-20 East 121.19 -test to a point , North 1300-10 West 184.12 fest to a -. point North 1-2330 West 100.84-festto_ a point North 123230 East 61.42 festa to a point North 12-0600 East 74.32 feet to a point North -8846.23 East • 390.02 toot to a point South 24 3.100" East 12603 fest to a point South 7604- 00 East 99.59 feet to a point North 50- , 5160 East 320.54 South 20-17--20: East : 870.56 feat to a point South 4054.40- West 54647 fest to a point South 44-08. 20 West 47229 fest to a point North 70 W279.29 est .atSouth West 7.-0-feet point South Ea409-20 West lst�8&6�Nea -to- a.polnt;South 7736.40 East 111.75 feet- to a point on the Nalhary line of Mrin. Corners Road; thence long said Nor theny line of said Myers Comes Road, South 0353.50 West 80 fart more or less to the point or pia:sof Beginning. Containing 31.43 acres of land be the sen* mora or less. Present owners: Mlehaa D. Cornell and Ronald R. Drake Tax Grid Numbs: 525803.278358 Deed recorded: Uber 1488- Pg. 454 Bounded W the fnlIv M - • sped •3 PIO IDOSO1 o1 PUO CIPS * •660 LS 114A019 st44 uo BADS * 1E14 GIDS UO - DS S.1W1'1>i int int aoud_..-- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York. -County of Dutchess. Town of Wappinger. Gisela §cA:.;ni,I.4 of the Tpwn of Wappinger. Dutchess County, New York. being duly sworn. says that he is. and it the several .. times hereinafter was. the Bookkeeper of W. Lc S.D. NEWS. a newspaper printed and pf;blitbed every Thursday in the year in the Town of Wa:; Inger. -Dumbest County. New York. and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said new:paper for . week successively... Ai►Ae. in each week. commencing on the..21th .. day 0!.... f.an uary.. ita. and on the following dates thereafter. namely on and ending on the2 Q th 19.$2 both days inclusive. day of.� �.►ac:... J Subscribed and sworn to before me ileo....«Ati. day of "'.tzlLla tg$2 My commission expires Notary Public it 11 ij 11 TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER STATE OF NEW ,XORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on January 13, 1982, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on an Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map of theTown of Wappinger, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, Mill Street, in the Village of Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. auto (k SWn.a&QA.,Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Sworn to before me this Et-cq day of1982. Notary Public VIRC!ti'J ..''.;".':^•:Z JR. NCtery io)'G :: r:,;, 1[:±; Mete tammtaaten eeetrea *larch 30. 1 ¶ p J