1981-06-29 PHA Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on June 29, 1981 at the Wappinger Junior High School, Remsen Avenue, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York on a proposed Local Law which would prohibit the Town Board from granting approval to further participation in the Tri-Mmmicipal project. Supervisor Diehl opened the Hearing at 7:40 P.M. Present: Louis Diehl, Supervisor Bernice Mills, Councilwoman Janet Reilly, Councilwoman Frank Versace, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Absent: Nigholas Johnson, Councilman Others Present: Jon Holden Adams, Attorney The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavits of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof of the minutes of this hearing). Mmx'iem Baker asked where this notice was published. Mr. Grant said he thought they were headed in the right direction ----letting the people decide. Mike Hirkala had some questions ----the amount of $480.00 was the cost estimate including the lateral district for the unsewered area? Was the funding for lateral 3 district included in that figure? Why did the Board, knowing that the funding had been dropped for the #3 WSI which were the laterals, still use that figure? This figure was used at the June 4, 1981 public hearing and it is a false figure since they knew at that time that the funding would not be available. He was in favor of a public referendum. Mr. Sekely, Cedar Knolls, stated that the town of LaGrange dropped out, why can't the Town of Wappinger just drop out? This town is not big enough for such a sewer district. If it's a referendum they have to go to in order to drop it, he says yea. Steve Todone, Losee Road felt that $480. was bad enough but they all know that is not a true figure, and he agreed they should have a referendum. Peter White was sorry we couldn't follow LaGrange and do as they did ---drop out; people came up from the city for the green atmosphere: however, if this system goes in, the few farms and open lands that are left, will have to be developed due to the cost of this system. If they are subdivided then it will cost the town more in services. Mrs. Grant was worried about the impact on the school district due to the cost of such a system. Mr. Grant asked about the repair of roads after the pipes are laid ----is the cost of this included in the figure given. Mrs. Sekely, Cedar Knolls reminded the public that the grants given by the government are really being paid by the taxpayer. Mrs. Grant---- why not let those who want it pay for it and exclude the ones who don't. Mr. Grant asked if all residents could vote or did they have to be property owners; the reply was all registered voters could vote . He hope all the figures would be published at election time. Mike Hirkala said the EPA is actually blackmailing us since they are telling us either take this plan or take nothing. After the last public hearing there was talk of an alternate plan ----why not before? If this referendum takes place on Election Day, would it affect the September 30th deadline for a grant, he questioned. The response was that the project would be delayed a year. Mrs. Grant asked about a petition to convince the Board to held this referendum and asked how many signatures were needed. Mr. Sekely asked what about the fact that LaGrange is dropping out ---will that affect the figures. Me. Lapar explained that the work in LaGrange would not be done, therefore it would not change our cost. Mrs. Ballard asked about the Town of Poughkeepsie participation, and when the Board would vote on this matter, and felt they should have more publicity. Mr. Grant then asked the position of the rest of the Board -- he knew Mr. Versace's feelings on the referendum. Mr. Diehl said he was committed to a negatory referendum; Mrs. Reilly explained that she and Mr. Johnson voted against this local law, since there was another meeting coming up and possibly there would be an alternate plan presented, however, Mr. Versace felt that would have nothing to do with the subject of discussion either a vote to continue with the project or a vote not to; it had nothing to do with an alternate plan,, this perhaps could be approached after it was determined if the voters wanted Tri -Municipal or not, if it went to referendum. Discussion followed on alternate plans that could be presented, and more public hearings would follow. Mr. Hirkala wanted to see everyone assessed equally in the project, as it was now, those not already in a system would pay more. Mr. Diehl asked if anyone had additional comments on the local law and those who had already spoken had the oppor- tunity to speak for or against the referendum and they repeated their opinions. The Public Hearing closed at 8:20 P.M. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk W. and 5. D. NEWS• DISPLAY ADVERTISING ww CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 914.297.3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET • WAPPINGERS FALLS OTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN't there has teen duly meented and In- • troduced before U i Town Board of the , "Town of Wapping*, Dutchs.s County, • Ns a Yak on JUnadth,111Bt; a propos-7' ad Local Law u folbwer. . . , LOCAL LAW P40.-031,11ABT`.' tad.0unwanti* the.- . Rule or abolish- Erolnnatom a mir 623, subd. tthe. power of 7 . EIT otthe TOwn of W WHEREAS each member d- ---- . y;.to m.leolsladve body (Town Board) of.' the Town of Wapptnpar pcesesseeland,' enjoys- st the passant.. time, ;.p urnorpesottralned right to vote upon any th, m.nner each member Ind fdIlion requiring Its wIIy .In their sols dlaoralon deems ap DWHERE ,AS the'plupass of 11Nalifor _ taw le to abolish or Ilaa sucRpower u= It relates to the Issues atecUnQ the' continuing particlpatfon of the Toed of Wappingar u a tmember of,IP Tri; Mu WHEREAS ths;abolition of curtail. Ing.: of the polo+, of each Individual mamba of the torn'- board with, respect to the same Is subject to • mandatory referendum, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED j by Me Town Board of the Town of- Wa pincer as follows:. . 1. Eacwary ery nnnibe►4 • of the Town Board of thrsTown of Wap•' thlrilocal flaw, be effectiveonihe dekko( X'•restlnp a favorable yob a a` b •.:which would appeow or permit ' tinuatlon of the Town of Wappinpa u a mambar of the TrhMun*cdpal Ct,m.- , mission, or to do Or undenalos any act whish would Gauss the Introduction • b.fora Use town board In Be leglala be -capacity of -airy resolution, local law; ordlnimal Or curer iflatbra.- vote thereon if :the subject s thereof relates to any act to bother theii objectives or purposes or activities of the TMMunklpal Commission. (bt Them shall be exempted from Ma provisionso- uof this local taw any+m t . on, boa, lar, ordinance or other matter which would cause the. withdrawal the. Town; from membership and participation In Me VIMunicipal Commission -or to undertake any other .,matters n.ceatory to wind up and todemilnste ' and conclude Its participation a a' member of the TrI. Municipal Commis. Won. Section 2. This locaf,Isw shall be subject to a mandatory refarandum t and shall be submitted for approval of tM el.clore at the next general elec. tion of the town, and the proposition to be paced before the .1 tors at . said general election shall be stated as follows: SHOULD LOCAL LAW NO. 19111 WHICH PROHIBITS INDIVIDUAL TOWN BOARD MEMBERS FROM GRANTING APPROVAL TO FURTHER PARTICIPATION OF THE .TOWN IN TRI•MUNICIPAL BE APPROVED/ resultt in the adaption of saldoval f suchl tion local law, failure to receive a majority of said proposition shall result 10 a defeat of said proposltIon. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Wapp. Incl wIU conduct a Pubt c Nearing on L agOLlM gDUIBIJo uognolas anuN, cr.in.N.., 1...,.... AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York. County of Dutchess. Town of Wappinger. Gisela Schmitz of the Town of Wappinger. Dutcheu County. New Yak. being duly swan. rays that he h. rend R the several... theles berelnafter was, the Bookkee, *er of W. as S.D. NEWS. a newspaper printed and published every Thursday in the year In the Town of Wappinger. •Dutehess County. New York. and that the annexed NOTIDCEEe as duly published In the said newspaper for week succeysixely Once in each week. eon senting on the 17th day of.....iTVfle 19... and on the following dates tbereafte4 namely en and ending on the...) -.!.ti . day of...1ZL1ILe. 39.Q1- both days taclusives L✓ Subscribed a_nd sworn to before me this th day of June ----- Notary Public tg.8J. My commission expires ALBERT P:1 OSTEN ^TAY s:;�_.c, t.T.rE F=W YGRJ GIAINtY 014-3240760 SSW M.4 CH, 30, 19522 TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER AFFIDAVIT OF OF • POSTING A PROPOSED LOCAL LAW CURTAILING THE POWER. OF THE TOWN BOARD IN RELATION TO THE TRI -MUNICIPAL PROJECT. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on June 15, 1981, your deponer.t posted a copy of the attached Notice of Public Hearing on a proposed Local Law Curtailing the Power of the Town Board in Relation to the.Tri-Municipal Project, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the. Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, Mill Street, in the Village of Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. Sworn to before me this 2f clay of n m Notary Public 1981. DORIS M. HIGGINS Notary Public, State of New 'York Dutchess County #4626807 Commission expires March 30, 19 i5� aine H. Snowden Town Clerk