1979-01-15 PH979 A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on January 15, 1979, at Town Hall, Mill Street, Village of Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York, on -an Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Wappinger (Recreational Zoning). Councilman Johnson opened the Hearing at 7:07 P.M. Present: Nicholas Johnson, Councilman Bernice Mills, Councilwoman Janet Reilly, Councilwoman Elaine Snowden, Town Clerk Absent: Louis Diehl, Supervisor Leif Jensen, Councilman The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavits of Posting and Publication, duly signed and notarized (attached heeeto and made part thereof of the minutes of this Hearing). Recommendation had been received from the Dutchess County Department of Planning disapproving this amendment (on file in Town Clerk's office). The Planning Board of the Town of Wappinger had not, as yet submitted their recommendation. Mr. Johnson commented that he did not agree with the recommendation from Dutchess County stating that the amendment did not include criteria, standards or locational guidelines for the Town Board's decision making. He felt that it more than met this criteria, it gave the Town Board more control, this amendment followed the PUD amendment. He then asked .for comments from the public. Jonah Sherman --what is the intent of this zoning, why not just ask for a variance,. Mr. Johnson explained that this came about because of a request for rezoning and rather than rezone an entire piece commercial, they would issue a special permit for recreation, then if this permit is deviated from, the parcel would then go back to its original state which would be residential. Warren Strohm, Pine Ridge Drive, asked why they couldn't use Special Use Permits instead of creating a new zoning. Mr. Johnson explained that the present Special Use Permit does_ L 9so not cover this zoning, that is why they are creating it. Mr. Strohm asked what role the Planning Board would have. Mr. Sherman felt if we move into a floating zone for recreation, the next thing we will moveto is a floating zone for industrial development. The home owners and investors will get into such a position that they will not know who there next door neighbor is going to be. Three story buildings are permitted in this zoning; this could mean that a parcel in the middle of Angel Brook develop- ment could have a building of this proportion. It will not be harmonious but it will meet one of the qualifications of this zoning. We have enough commercially zoned property in the Town for profit making recreation without creating a new zone. There may be individual circumstances where you could use this but not to turn the entire Town into an open zone, it is not appropriate. Mike Hirkala asked what the minimum property size was ---answer to this was 5 acres. He had no opinion on this, could not venture on what the proper size should be. He had mixed emotions on this, he questioned the legality of taking site plan approval out of the hands of the Planning Board. On the other hand, he approved that the Town Board would make the final decision on these applications. Mr. Johnson corrected him, saying that the Planning Board still had their function of site plan approvals. Mr. Hirkala commented that he liked the concept; what the ramifica- tions will be remains to be seen, it will need close watching. Mr. Sherman noted that a Tennis Club facility had been built in the Town of Poughkeepsie recently on Sheafe Road, but for some reason was not successful. What if this happens in this case, if a racquet club is not successful. Mr. Johnson explained that in this case the property would revert back to its original state, which would be residential. Mr. Strohm asked if the Town Planning Consultants worked on this zoning. He asked if the Town Planning Board had reviewed it and he further questioned if this was published. Steve Saland, recalling when he was a Councilman on the Board, noted that when applications were submitted to the Board, a Public Hearing would be held for all comments pro and con; it does not 981 necessarily mean that just because this amendment is adopted, all applications under this zoning will be approved. Mrs. Mills, going back to Mr. Sherman's question on what would happen if this was not successful, remarked that if one venture didn't make it, perhaps another application for the same property would prove more fruitful and any buildings that might have been erected would remain for the next venture. No one else spoke. Mrs. Mills moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mrs. Reilly and carried. The Hearing closed at 7:39 P.M. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk 46- TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK 98r IN THE MATTER AFFIDAVIT OF OF POSTING AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER (RECREATIONAL ZONING) STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on January 2, 1979, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on an Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Wappinger, (Recreational Zoning), on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, Mill Street, in the Village of Wappingers Falls, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Sworn to before me this ,/J day of =!1z, c: 1979. ety Notary Public t17. and O. D. NEWS DISPLAY ADVERTISING - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 914.297-3723 84 EAST MAiN STREET - WAPPINGERRS FALLS Notice PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of Me Town of Wappinngger will conduct a public hearing a7:00 p.m. January 15, 1974, of Me Town Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York, t0 hear all persons concerning an Ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance Of the Town Of Wapppp,nger, as fotlowe: Sect"wn 470.10. Legislative Findings and Purpose. The Town Board finds it desirable, to , riecreeatioonal facilities within the town and to establish a harmonious living environment relative to these uses Mat Would be otherwise not possible through a strict Euclidian zoning ordinance and to permit a flexible use toward land use for recreational purposes by not Iimiting the development of non-public recreational uses to any -specific areas of • the to but to permit placing • of recreational developments in any area � of the town where development of such i use will be consistent and harmonloi s with the land use structure of that ares. This local law will establish guidelines t0 define, In part, what elements will be necessary t0 permit such recreational development and establish a mechanism for such development to safeguard these concerned. Section 470.15. Definitions. Recreational Use: This tam shall be broadly construed and given its plain' and ordinary meaning and shall Include all traditional Corms of recreational ,activity but shall not be construed to extend to those areas that are '"traditionally In the form of en:i tertainment rather than recreation such as movie theaters, amusement halls,' etc. I Section 470.20: Eligibility Requirements., Subject to the tams of this local law, a recreational use development will be i permitted. within all zoning districts. of the Town of Wapptnger upon approval of the Town Board. a. Each recreational development will • comprise at least 5 acres of land having continuity without regard to dividing streets, whether public or private on; which such tract may have frontage. b. Ownership of •the land proposed for recreational development shall be that, ordireeqqunaede.,rby Section 460.32 of the zoning rk c. Open Space. Not leu than 30 percent, of the total area of recreational; development shall be composed of open space which shall be preserved in its; naturalcondifion..Such land sha0 have physical, topographical, and geographical characteristics which will •,,, adequately suit this purpose. Section 470.30.•Minlmum Design Stan. dards. a. No structure shall 'exceed three conventional stories In height or thirty. five feet, whichever is less. b. No building or structure shall be closer than fifty feet from the street line. C. Off.treet Parking. The provisions of Section 454.07 of the zoning ordinance shall control this section. The Planning Board in reviewing. the overall development plan may_ require a number in excess of the, lame if the Proposed use requires the same and with due regard to the health, safety, and welfare of the uses of the facility and its surrounding community as a whole. • d. Utilities. All utilities servicing any building or structure within the recreational use development shall be installed underground -in the manner prescribed by applicable regulations. e. Roads and Highways. All interior roads and parking areas shall conform with the applicable standards contained in the regulations of the town. 1. Signs. Signs within a recreational use development shall be limited to one in number and shall have setbacks as required by the zoning law. g. Fire Protection. A recreational development shall be served with marked fire lanes adequate in design to serve the facility. - h. Screening. Where nonresidential• • use shall abut a residential use, - adequate and substantial natural_ screening shall be provided. • Section 470.40. Application- Procedure. The applicant and town will follow those procedures prescribed In Section 460.40 and 460.42 (planned unit development) excepting that references therein to planned unit development of "PUD" shall be deemed deleted and substituted in its place shall be recreational use development. Introduced by: Councilman Nicholas Johnson Seconded: Supervisor Louis Diehl Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Dale¢: December 24, 197a ,. - ,!!! AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess. Town of Wapptnger. Beatrice Osten of the TQwn of Wapptnger, Dutcbess County, New York, being duly sworn. says that he is, and !t the.several times hereinafter was, theCo—Editr9r-Pu131#11,es;f W. & S.D. NEWS. a newspaper printed and published every Thursday in the year in the Town of Wapptnger. •Dutchess County. New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for 044... week succeuively...QZIPA .. in each week. commencing on the.. 3rd.... day of.. January 19.7,9and on the following dates thereafter, namely on and ending on the..... fitl..day of.JotitivalZy 19.79both days inclusive. C Subscribed and sworn to before me this moi' ....day of..., olaxtuary 19.79 Notary Public My commiuion expires hOT,A7. F . ,.r .. i:F•'i YORK c.:":;: : H :,O, 13i60