1977-12-29 RGMThe Annual Year End Meeting and the Regular Bimonthly Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger was held on December 29th, 1977, at 7:00 P.M., at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Village of Wappingers Falls, New York. Supervisor Diehl opened the meeting at 7:04 P.M. Present: 'Louis Diehl, Supervisor Leif Jensen, Councilman Nicholas Johnson, Councilman Frank Versace, Councilman Elaine Snowden, Town Clerk Absent: Louis Clausen, Councilman Others Present: Matthew Ryan, Comptroller Mr. Diehl stated that the purpose of the meeting was to make transfers from one account to another for the end of year balancing of accounts. The transfer were to be taken in block form under one district rather than individually. MR. JOHNSON moved to transfer the five items under Central Wappinger Water, as requested by the Comptroller. Seconded by Mr. Jensen Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays MR. JENSEN moved to transfer eight items under Tall Trees Water District, as requested by the Comptroller. Seconded by Mr. Johnson Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays MR. JOHNSON moved to tranfer five items under Fleetwood Water District, as requested by the Comptroller. Seconded by Mr. Diehl Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays MR. DIEHL moved to transfer four items under Oakwood Water, as requested by the Comptroller. Seconded by Mr. Jensen Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays X73 MR. JOHNSON moved to transfer ei§ht items under Rockingham Farms Sewer District, as requested by the Comptroller. Seconded by Mr. Jensen Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays MR. JOHNSON moved to transfer six items under Mid Point Sewer District, as requested by the Comptroller. Seconded by Mr. Jensen Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays MR. JENSEN moved to transfer six items under Fleetwood Sewer District, as requested by the Comptroller. Seconded by Mr. Johnson Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays MR. JOHNSON moved to transfer five items under Wildwood Sewer District, as requested by the Comptroller. Seconded by Mr. Jensen Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays MR. JOHNSON moved to transfer six items under Wappinger Sewer Improvement #1, as requested by the Comptr®ller. Seconded by Mr. Diehl Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays MR. JOHNSON moved to transfer $1,345.75 from Zoning Administrator Personal Service to Building Inspector, Personal Services, as requested by the Comptroller. Seconded by Mr. Jensen Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays Mr. JOHNSON moved to transfer $394.00 from Zoning Administrator Contractual to Building Inspector, Contractual. Seconded by Mr. Jensen Roll Call Vote: 4Ayes 0 Nays MR. DIEHL moved to transfer $86.00 from Refuse and Garbage -Con- tractual to Building, Contractual. Seconded by Mr. Johnson Bei1,Gall Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays L 1 MR. JENSEN moved to transfer $565.00 from Youth Programs, Equipment to Youth Programs, Personal Service. Seconded by Mr. Jensen Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays The Anti -recession Funds were done individually. MR. JOHNSON moved to transfer $330.00 from Anti -recession Funds to Justices, Personal Services. Seconded by Mr. Jensen Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays MR. JOHNSON moved to transfer $1,615.00 from Anti -recession Funds to Justices, Contractual. Seconded by Mr. Jensen. Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays MR. JOHNSON moved to transfer $415.00 from Anti -recession Funds to Receiver of Taxes, Personal Services. Seconded by Mr. Jensen Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays MR. JENNEW moved to transfer $665.00 from Anti -recession Funds to Receiver of Taxes, Contractual. Seconded by Mr. Johnson Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays MR. JOHNSON moved to transfer $300.00 from Anti -recession Funds to Assessors -Contractual. Seconded by Mr. Jensen Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays MR. JOHNSOr moved to transfer $100.00 from Anti -recession Funds to Elections -Contractual. Seconded by Mr. Jensen Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays MR. JENSEN moved to transfer $151.00 from Anti -recession Funds to Celebrations -Contractual. Seconded by Mr. Johnson Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays MR. JOHNSON moved to transfer $105.00 from Anti -recession Funds to Control of Animals -Equipment. Seconded by Mr. Diehl Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays MR. JENSEN moved that $105.00 be transferred from Anti -recession Funds to Community Beautification -Contractual. Seconded by Mr. Jensen Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays MR. JENSEN moved to transfer $113.00 from Anti -recession Funds to Unallocated Insurance -Contractual. Seconded by Mr. Diehl Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays MR. JOHNSON moved to transfer $300.00 from Anti -recession Funds to Playgrounds and Recreation Centers -Contractual. Seconded by Mr. Diehl Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays MR. JENSEN moved to transfer $246.30 from Anti -recession Funds to Buildings -Contractual. Seconded by Mr. Johnson Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays The Comptroller requested authority to encumber the following accounts of various Town departments. Conservation Advisory Council: Dutchess County Planning Department; $140.00, Dutchess County Cooperative Extension $89.00, Dutchess County Cooperative Extension $83.05, Copies Plus, $90.00. Recreation Commission: Eggleston, $660.00, A-1 Fence, $1,500.00, Hudson Valley Building, $300.00, Letterii Sporting Goods, $500.00, Town Highway, $4,000.00, Caldors, $^3.88. Buildings, Equipment, Eggleston, $1,596.30, Arnee Audio, $650.00. Town Clerk, IBM, $578.50, Comptrollers, New Ledgers, $779.00 Assessments on Tax Proceedings, 1977, $500. ADp, $500.00, Social Security, $6,301.85, Disability Insurance, $500.00, Social Security,. $6,338.99, Disability Insurance, $700.00, Dutchess County Planning Department, $700.00. Supervisor's Office, H&B Office Machine $41.40, Mobil Oil Company, $7.00, Justice Court, Hanna Electric, $250.00. Transfers Requested - Year End Meeting - December 29 1977 TRANSFER FROM c SW8310. Administration-Person.Serv. LSW8310. Administration-Person.Serv. SW8330.2 Purification -Equipment SW8330. Purification -Contractual Unantir;ipated Surplus 1 TALL TREES WATER SW8310.1 Administration -Contractual iISW8310. Administration -Contractual ISW8330. Purification -Equipment ISW8330•. Purification -Contractual ISW8340. Trans.& Distrib.-Equipment 'SW8340.; Trans.& nT9730.6 BAN Principal SW_9730.IfI BAN Principal I� I1 I SW8330., SW8340. SW8340.;4 SW8330.1 1111 SW8330. 1 2 TO ff 3 1 1 00 SW:3 • .4 Adtiiin st'r tion-OgntractuT34 1 00 SGJ832..4 Power 4 f ,0)I.00 SW: 3:? , . 4 s Power & 701.00 SW 32 .4! Power & L$,20 .00 SW 324.,4; Power & 1 1i 'I I 576 4=T: P i g-Cont±actu,S1 it , �pipg-Coati'4a ul pi g-Conitt'acltu4l unpi g -Co !tr4cf u i I , s t 3 0.'1 } Admin' str atro 3 '! .`4; Power & P unp'i 320.4; Power & p `' I` 320.4.' Power & Distrib.-Contractual 1,000.00 1 1,507.00 SW83 0.1 SW83.0.1i FLEETWOOD WATER Purification -Contractual Trans.& Distrib.-Equip. Trans.& Distrib.-Contractual Purification -Equipment Purification-Person.Serv. OAKWOOD WATER 96(}.00 9 5.00 2{J0.00 1,193 .00 r -Per to .Sere. g -Contractual g-Cont.racu i g_Contract all 1.t1 320.4 Power & pumping-Cort=acfftul 320.74` Poer, &Pumping -Cor t_ac�tu�il S 320.4- Power & Pmip• rg-Conti SW8330.1 IPuri4cat dn- erson.Se , SW320.4 !Power & P 'piig-Contrctu41 i 1 I1 1:11 ;P SW 320.4; owers & .P ping-Cotracstual SW 320.4, Power & Piimpipg-Contractul 00 Shc 320.4 ilPoweri &` P ping-Cotritu 1 SW81326.!4 Power & P ping-Conte++ctu4l .1Admin istrh ion-Perso 1- 336.00 fl Administration -Contractual Administration -Contractual SW83�,� SW83 Q4 SS8110.4 SS 81100 .- 4 SS81 ..' 2 _ r X5.812.0. SS8120.4 4 SS 8130 .,2 Purification -Equipment 2Trans.& Distrib.-Equipment ROCKIN31]AM SEWER Administration -Contractual Administration -Contractual Admini$tratibh-Equipment Sew.Cali.Sy�y E i ai_rnnent Sew. COZi �, y 4 ontractual SewrTtettA&Dis. . -Equip. t r 5b 1 .00 S 631 .00 S£�3 .00 SW z 32 .00 SWE32 !Power 1 3}39.00 S$6,1 44.00 S 243.00 S r _1160Q.00 S 400.00 S$g130. 8 Administr oh-Per-on,Serv. Sewage Tr at.4Disp•s.=Per�Se� tUal ctu l Sewage 4reat. Disp Sewage Treat.&Disp s. -ler Se 1' Sewage ' Tr a isods r 1 s 1 rt-_ T 1-1�022.00 S 8130.'f Sewage Trrat. Dispos.PerSe? I i SS8130..2. SeinGfteli' Di_sp :t`Equiplt t 1,,9`7 3.00 S 8130.4 `Sewage Treat. Dispcss.-Contra(p - -Surplus �J 1 ,105 .00 S 1304 Sewage Treat. &Disp s'. }Contr+ar'` f � IIO. MID POINT SEWER L LSS8110.2 Administration -Equipment SS8110.4 Administration -Contractual , 24 .00 t. SS8120.2 Sew.Coll.Sys.-Equipment ; I r7 00 S.3$11(24 13 S:3 4. SS8120.2-Sew.Coll.Sys.-Equipment SSS1.20.4 Sew.Coll.Sys.--Contra. ,. al i SS8130J2 Sew.Treat.&Dispos.-Equip. I I 81 . I --t, i I - - - ' -- - f-1 00 SS 13 .1` .00 S3 1,R30.4 ,nnl 001 S 139.4 Administration -Per Sewage Treat. Dispels-.� Sewage; r'reat.&Di s s . Sewer e' Treat.�&Dispgs'.. on1 Sewage Treat . &Di�Gr, is o tray Sewa e Treat.&D Sp?s ontral I f}. l4 W ,SOH 10'WCS5 A . •{ )1.01AH WIMrE' 6'6c. W-+= Y a e:Vn1` ,5 77 FLEETWOOD SEWER A stration-Per.Serv. tion -Equipment ation -Contractual Sew.Co 1.Sys. -Contractual Sew.Treat.&Dispos.-.Equip. eat.&Dispos.-Per.Serv. SS SS81 O. $S81 - SS WILDWOOD.SEWER A .nistration-Pers:Serv.. stration-Equipment SS81I 0 4 Administration -Contractual ,ssg; 0.2 Sew.Coll.Sys.-Equipment SS810.k2 Sew.Coll.Svs.-Equipment 2 4 SS8120 2 S58120,4 SS8Ii30,1 SEWER IMP.#1 Administration-Pers.Serv. Administration -Equipment Administration -Contractual Sew.Coll.Sys.-Equipment Sew.Coll.Sys.-Contractual Sew.Treat.&Dispos.-Per.Servl r, 6 0 69 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 Transfers Page 2 2 3 • 5 s 44 00 S 9 00 S 00 00 00 I . 0-- 4 ew ge Treat.t ew ge Treat.& ew ge T. ew-geT e ewage Tre ew ge T 'e •1 .& s t ct act fl 8130.1 ev4ge, Treat.& ewlge Treaci._ 8130.1 ew g irea-E.& 8139.1 8130.4 8 00 SS8]3�.4 00 s Opo.4 2 00 1, 00 00 S58130.4 5..00 00 SS8130.4 rig 0 0S58130. 11 110 ew g T eaL N S 0 . asp° . isPo .s ct P .'er‘ g T 111111111 11111111 - -g-1220 ew ew g g iS o .-Contraci e _g T ew g 4C1 t el ci ntraci ntraci r e4 - 4 _J 111 1 A/C# A/C Title A1110.1 Justices -Pers. Services A1116.4 Justices -Contractual A1339.1IRec. of Taxes-Pers.Serv. lieA1339.4, Rec.ofTaxes-Contractual a A1355.4iiAssessor-Contractual A145.4 Elections -Contractual ff 2 Control of Animals-Eguip. Celebration -Contractual Community Beautif.-Contract. A4$ A7550.4 A8510.4 116 B3621).1 Bldg.Inspector-Pers.Serv. B3620.41Bldg.Inspector-Contractual B731b.1 Youth Programs-Pers.Serv. I (Transfer From -1,fZonincl Administrator-Pers.Serv. B801b.41Zoning Administrator -Contract. B8166. !Refuse & Garbage -Contract. B7310.2IYouth Programs -Equip. Ii ARF11141 Anti -recession Funds ARF1111 4 Anti -recession Funds ARF133dL1 Anti -recession Funds ARF1133c4L 4 Anti -recession Funds ARF1 55.4 Anti -recession Funds ARF1 5CL4 Anti -recession Funds 1ARF7 50,4 Anti -recession Funds A F I ti -recession Funds ARF'851.. Anti -recession Funds _ARF1910HA _Anti-rgc e s si gn_Fund s_ _A702p.1 Rec.Admin.-Pers.Serv. .41.62p, ,L Buildings -Contractual 1 1977• To Date 21.ib08.2 ,345.9 3,b73.7 1, 7.31 ' I97.43 8.87 .11 5.001 2 578 1977 Projected 0 9I .23 I � .001 13,47.091 300.00 I 111800.001 206.001 .00I .00 ,� 0 - �q,b1.6.9' 1,0' 4.7 1.4,6 '.9 rL $i 1,345.7 694.0 106.0 1,6!.5 4 21,67 .75 1110 -001 144850.001 l 3 -- 4 1977 ! Needed Budget 4f 23, 10,100( 21,191'1001 '131060.00 1 1635.00,1 1 1 ; 500.0* ootoo, I 175t00!! 2 ;000.00 i' 120, 00 1i I ;20,330.00. ! 720. oo 141,285.00 I. 3i0)0 '1,3.b4 1 415.j0 1 6.5. )0 3.0. )0 1w0. )0 1 '3, 1,3.75 40.00 , j 5ig.E9 i!,514.75 I .00 0 6 .0q .0 t i .Admin.-pers.Serv. dg.Admin.reontract ,dg.Admin.`-Contractu • Youth Programs -Pers. 1111i Jis 'ces-Per on,Servces . 11 1 JustcesrCon actua c.of TaxesPersona_ S.rv. 1. c.bt•T es -Contractual FI Y r �sessors-Contractus �;•1!CI ray It ectrons- o}itract�ua Cel rat'gnsContact aL Dntrol i Aimals-gi? t C+�mnmunity `Beautifi:cai io .rCon allocated ns'. -doh a foal aygroud ns p Rec Ce e{rs-Co Bildings Equipment - 1 1 1 I • .. A • 'C u'Y•. wA..,. G'6(4P* )ED A,G7664 'q lMVC.O I • 1 L 580 Highway Department--Bell-Herring, $91.60, Urey Hardware Co. $28.03, Clove Excp•rators, Inc. $3,249.50, Lloyd Lumber $80.40, N&S Supply, $215.11, Spoor-Lasher Co., $2,404.16, Agway Petroleum Corp.. $1,000. International Salt Co. $634.25, Dutchess Quarry, $4,800., Queen City Distributors, $124.21, B&K Auto Supply, $130.65, Bell -Herring, $93.60, Mid -Hudson Chevrolet, $38.10, Urey Hardware Company, $21.70, H.B. Office Machines, $149.40, Wappinger Auto Supply, $14.82, McCallum Chevrolet, $28.05, Witchey Gas & Service, $16.00, Hudson Industrial Fast. $609.81, Walter Smith Wilding, $46.47, Tieline Batteries, $138.90, TEK Bearing, $20.00, Reardon -Briggs, $57.60, Hudson Industrial Fast. $223,63, International Salt, $1,011.94, Clove Excavators, Inc. $337.50. Mr. Diehl explained that these items are for services rendered, bills that have not been received or equipment ordered and not received, we encumber the money from this year's budget. MR. DIEHL moved to authorize the Comptroller to encumber the necessary accounts in order to pay obligations incurred in 1977 as submitted: and listed above. Seconded by Mr. Johnson Roll Call Vote: Ayes 0 Nays The business of the Year End Meeting being completed, Mr. Diehl then went into the regular bimonthly meeting of the Board. He asked the Board if there were any Committee Reports. Mr. Jensen reported that there seemed to be some concern about an action taken by the Conservation Advisory Council. They had appointed a secretary to replace Mrs. Lois English who had resigned. The Council had not requested this appointment and Mr. Jensen made note of the fact that only the Town Board can make these appointnnnts and set the salary. He was of the opinion that a letter should be directed to Mr. Hawksley, Chairman of the Council, that this is not the policy of the Town, in fact it is against Town Law. In the future these matters should be brought to the attention of the Town Board for their decision. This had been previously mentioned to Mr. Hawksley. 581 MR. JENSEN moved that a letter be directed to Mr. Edward Hawksley, Chairman of the Wappinger Conservation Advisory Council, informing him that according to Town Law, the Town Board is the only agent that can appoint personnel to the Council and set the salary. The Council cpr_ make a recommendation but the Town Board has the final say. Seconded by Mr. Johnson Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays Mr. Jensen reported that the Tri -Municipal Sewer Commission had sent out a request for proposals to four environmental firms that had put in qualification statements to the Commission over the past two months. These firms have been reviewed by the EPA and upon their recommendation and the Commissions, these four firms were sent the technical package and other papers required for them to submit these proposals, they should be coming back to the Commission by the 27th of January. Mr. Diehl asked that the Chairman report back to the Commission his recommendation that an opportunity be given to any concern wishing to bid for the engineering portion of the work --not just four, but any number of engineering firms should be considered. Mr. Jenser explained the procedure involved. The Commission adver- tised in the New York Times and the Engineering News Records as well as a local paper (Poughkeepsie Journal) and had received 19 qualification statements. These were reveiwed by the Environmental Impact Branch of the EPA. Some were disqualified because instructions were not followed, and because of the volume of technical material that has to be prepared, it is important that every detail be ad- hered to. The final determination will not necessarily be the dollar figure alone, it will depend a lot on how the proposals are made out relating to other categories. Mr. Diehl commended Mr. Jensen on his excellent explanation of their actions but still wanted his recommendation to go to the Commission. Mr. Diehl reported that Atlas Water Company, a privately owned company, was out of water today because of a motor breakdown. He 582 was in touch with the Health Department and was told it would go back on late today or tonight. He offered this information for the benefit of the Board members in case they were contacted by the residents that were serviced by this company. (Mr. Clausen arrived at the meeting at this point). Mr. Ryan asked the Board for direction in the matter of a check for the person that Conservation Council had appointed as their Secretary. A check had been prepared but not issued for services that had been performed. Did the Board wish him to hold this check until further action was taken by them? MR. DIEHL moved that the check for the Secretary to the Conservation Advisory Council be held by the Comptroller until the Board makes a formal appointment. Seconded by Mr. Johnson Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays Mr. Clausen reported that Mr. & Mrs. Miller would be present at the meeting tonight, he had told them it was at 8 o'clock. They had had a problem back in December with sewer blockage and sub- sequent damage to their playroom. There was a question on the final commitment by the Board and/or the Insurance Company or Camo Pollution on their claim for the damage. Mr. Diehl had received a call from Mr. Sullivan's office who represented Marshall & Sterling as a claims adjuster and they had told Mr. Diehl they had no obligation. There was nothing received in writing to this effect. The following letter was read: December 19, 1977 Supervisor Diehl Town of Wappinger, Mill Street Wappinger Falls, New York Re: Stephen J. Miller Residence, 24 Balfour Drive, Town of Wappinger Sewage back-up Dear Supervisor Diehl: In regard to the above our log indicates that Terry Glass responded to a call by Mrs. Diehl at approximately 12:00 noon of a sewage back-up at the above residence. This was the first time a problem had occurred in this area. 583 Mr. Glass observed a blockage in the main line downstream from the Miller residence which caused sewage to flow into the Miller residence. When the main line was cleared the sewage stopped flowing into Mr. Miller's Home. We have since thoroughly flushed these lines with the Town of Poughkeepsie power flusher and found a great deal of "grease" build up in the pipes. As far as liability is concerned your insurance company has taken a position in similar cases that there is no negligence as long as the Town responds to the emergency call. The Town cannot be expected to have personnel or video equipment observing every foot of sewer main twenty-four hours per day, 365 days per year. There have been instances where the insurance company has determined the installation of the sewer lateral from the main to the building was the problem. You may wish the Town engineer and building inspector to look into this. There have been cases where the 'wilding was built at a grade whereby the basement floor would not be serviced by the sewer system and the building owner has installed unauthorized facilities in his basement after the occupancy permit was issued. I take exception to the inference that Town Sewer and Water officials were not able to be contacted. At some expense CRMO Pollution Control, Inc. provides a twenty-four hour answer phone at 297-6893 and a twenty-four hour answer service at 229-8337. There is someone on call three hundred and sixty-five days per year. I understand that Mr. Miller might have contacted the Village of Wappingers Water and Sewer Department. Please advise as to any further action you wish us to take in this matter. Very truly yours, Camo Pollution Control Incorporated s/ George B. Cacchio, Pres. Mr. Clausen took exception to the last paragraph of the letter, since Mrs. Miller stated she did not have the numbers of Camo Pollution and went through many agencies and departments before she was able to contact anyone. She did not blame Camo and therefore Mr. Clausen thought that sentence was unnecessary in the letter (first sentence). Next he pointed out that whenever there was a Town blockage, as in this case, residents would not be at fault, it's a Town responsibility and they would bear it, in his opinion. When we ask for a report from Camo or any other Town agency, all we want is the specifics, not their opinion. They were merely asked to give a report on whether it was blockage in the Town's lines or the residents, that's all the Town Board requested at their last meeting, they did not want presumptions from Camo. He hoped a letter would be forthcoming from the insur- ance company, as we still had nothing in writing whether we are liable or not. He felt the Millers' had a legitimate claim. The 13 ,'584 1 Town Board could put in a one-way valve system for them in case Town lines did become clogged, it would not back up into the home. They could then be guaranteed there would not be a repeat perfor- mance. He repeated that he took exception to Camo's letter and did not think the Town handled this matter expeditiously. Mr. Jensen agreed with Mr. Clausen on the time element of the handling of this matter.but he had no argument with Camo's letter. He discussed a similiar case that had taken months to settle and saw no anxiety on anyone's part. Further discussion ensued on the knowledge of the phone numbers in an emergency as this. Mr. Clausen_ brought up another item regarding the insurance com- panies --what are we paying them for. The Board heartily agreed with that opinion. In this case, it was the Town's lines, the resident suffered damage in his home, we are not insured for this -- what are we insured for. Mr. Diehl recommended that the Engineer and Building Inspector investigate the structure as recommended by Camo, bathroom facili- ties, further that a letter be sent to Marshall & Sterling for them to advise this Board of their decision on this claim. The Board is concerned that they have had no communication from them. Mrs. Miller arrived at the meeting and when asked if she had any comments to make, she asked if the Town has insurance, why isn't this covered. There was a question about the C.O., but upon check- ing upstairs in the Building Department, this was issued for a bi- level home, finished on both levels with 21/2 baths. She claims she cannot get insurance if this happens again. How can she protect herself? Mr. Johnson informed her that the insurance companies, this MR. DIEHL moved that the Town Building basement Camo and Sterling she was not being singled out by is an overall policy. Clerk instruct the Engineer and the Inspector to investigate the bathroom facilities of the Miller report to the advising them giving them a decision in the home, as referred to in the letter from Board. Also, direct a letter to Marshall & that a letter is requested by the Board in regard to the responsibility of damages If the Town is not insured for this, why He further requested that at the Miller residence. not and exactly what are we paying for. all these reports be received prior to the next Town Board meeting. Also, that an immediate inspection of the Miller home be made by the insurance company. Seconded by Mr. Clausen Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays Mr. Clausen thought that any matters such as this should be reported to the Board immediately, it should not have to wait for action until a Town Board meeting. MR. DIEHL moved that all Town personnel be instructed that if they are involved in any situation of an emergency nature associated with the Town, they should file a written report with the Town Board within five days. Seconded by Mr. Johnson Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays Since there was no other business to come before the Board, Supervisor Diehl entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. MR. DIEHL moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Jensen and unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:07 P.M. c') aine-H. Snowden Town Clerk Audit Mtg. 12/29/77