1973-03-27 PHA Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on Tuesday, March 27th, 1973 at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, New York on the Establishment of the Wappinger Watch Hill Water Improvement Area. Supervisor Diehl opened the Hearing at 7:56 P.M. Present: Louis Diehl, Supervisor Louis Clausen, Councilman Leif Jensen, Councilman Stephen Saland, Councilman Elaine Snowden, Town Clerk Absent: Harry Holt, Councilman Others Present: Allan Rappleyea, Attorney to the Town The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavit of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized by Albert Osten of the W&SD News. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made a part thereof of the minutes of this Hearing). Mr. Rappleyea went into detail on the description and function of the Improvement Area. Brinkerhoff Water Company will provide water mains. Mr. Arkawy, principal of the Watch Hill subdivision asked if anyone had questions. Warren Strohm asked about boundaries, was it within the Town of Wappinger. Steve Herczg asked about the cost per unit. Mr. Steinhaus asked when the applicant had submitted map to the Town Board and will this depend on preliminary or final approval. Mr. Strohm wanted to make sure there was subdivision approval. 7y/9 No one else spoke on this Improvement Area. The Hearing closed at 8:24 P.M. Qcu-kk_ Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER AFFIDAVIT OF OF POSTING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE WAPPINGER WATCH HILL WATER IMPROVEMENT AREA, IN THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER, DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK, PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12c OF THE TOWN LAW. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on March 13th, 1973, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on the Establishment of the Wappinger Watch Hill Water Improve- ment Area, on the signboard maintained by. yoour deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, Mill Street, in the Village of Wappingers Falls, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. Sworn to before me this day of AP/6'e..44 1973. Notary Publib JA.A.>Q Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger NY P. P. SALVESTRI NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW VOW( .1:15:0ING IH DC -S COWilY colicssio* WIRES MUCH 30,1916 71/1 W. and 5. P. NEWS DISPLAY ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AX 7 - 3724 20 EAST MAIN STREET - WAPPINGERS FALLS '•33.;"....,. _ _ -..... „ +r ,,:ljt z: , il,.a-r '4i ` .. F Vr: '"-.'„ • '4'7'2PLEASE.TAKE NOTICE that' the. Town Board of the Twice Wappinger wilfi conduct a public hearing at the•Towet Hall, Mill Street. Wappingers Falls, New Yerk.on Tuesday,March 27th .1973 at 7:30 p.m. EST, to Moran pewee concerning the Matter of the Establishment of the Wapping,r Watch Hill Water Improvement Ansa.. let accordance with.the:followig Order:. - - ., ,,,�.tai,.s, .. - .- . ,. . At a meeting of the Town Boardot theTown of Wepplegir.had at the Town Hall in the Magic( Wappingers Falt$ Dutetiass County. New -York on the 12th day Prase*: -::Y t 1_ Louis: D: Diehl, Supervisor. 2.Lopis C.ausin.-Qouncumers 3. Laif'Jiesen, Counc@nan = 4. Steven Saland, Council -44 Absent: . HARRY HOLT '_,- i, :, .,.. <..... a,. - IN THE MATTER OFTHEESTASI _SHMENTOYTHEWAPPINGER WATCH HILL WATER` IMPROVEMENrAREA, IN THE TOWN OF WAPPiNGER. DUTCHESS COUNTY. NEW YORK..PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12c OF THE TOWN LAW- s.+i - .- -,rst ewe'.-'..ke.00,9.:•ia :,i4+-,... „• WHEREAS a map: plan; and'ripoftheve been prepared In such manner and in. such detail as hes heretaf0rebwtt diFiimined by the Town Board of the Town of . WappingerrNstiegto the estaalehmrntotaproposed Water Improvement Area to be known a• the Watch Hill Water lmaintement Ari, in the Town of Wappinger.. Dutchem County, New York. pursuant *Articte 12c of Motown Law, and WHEREAS mid map,plan, and report helve been duly tilsd lathe Cork's Office of . the To Of Wappinger for public. inspection and ; :;.17,---- WHEREAS said map, plan, and report were prepared by Rudolph E. LaPar, a competent engineer, duly leaned by the State -of New York. Mowing the boon - dares of the proposed Improvamant Ana and a general plantar the wetter system, and -..........,.....4...,-:-. - i :.,:.c. %''. w� "- 4- WHEREAS the Improvements prpowd as. set forfh•'bi said plan and report .consist of water suppty,waterslorapefacllitlse, water mains, pumping stations and associated facllhlas located M tet Town of Wappinger, and . WHEREASthe improvement will provide for the Watct, Hill Development, of the 'Nun of Wappinger, and said lands in the Town of Wappinger are bounded and .cribed generally as follows: )eginning at a point on the Town Line, Town of Wappinger, on the North and um of Fishkill on the South sold point being the intersection of said Town Line , lands of now or formerly Carlson and running thence along lands of now or ly, ser id Carlson,aiong lands of now or formerly Perry, along lands of now for , nutty Rosenfeld, along lands of now or formerly Dougherty, along lands of now or formerly Creo, along lands of now or formerly Webb, along lands of now or • fcrmeriy Larrenn, along lands of now or formerly -Cadwallader, along lands of now orformerly Streeter, along lands of now or formerly Suoszo. along lands of now or i formerly M. Mures, along lands of now or formerly- L4skow, along lands of now or I formerly Nebon and along lands of nowor formerly Rose, tet following: North 34 31.5Q Edit 192.90 feet to a point; thence North 56411.20 East 97.57 feet to a point; Memo North 60.26.10 East 12390 feet to a point;: thence North 5547.20 East 111S.16 • feet Ma point ; thence South 251940 East 112.36 feet to a point; thence South 7s-22.30 East 97.01 feet to a point; then* South 7559.00 Edit 126.73 tees to a point; thane* Stunt 0045.50 East 25.49 feet t0 a point; thence North 411.14.31 East 362.64 feet to a polntsihence forth 61.36.40 East 442.04 feet tea point; therm, North 77-21.10 East .. 299.15 feet to a point: thence Narth76.0640 East'339.73teet to ep oint; thence North ' 7501.99 East 520.11 feet to a points thence North 7311SW East.173.00feet to a point;. donee North 511-21.50 East 197.52festtoapetint; thence North42-411.10 East 97.541101' • foaming: thence North 742140 East 113.56 feet.to:spoke'; thence North 6549.10' . Eau 121.13 feet to a pointrthence forth 73-39.00 East215.41 flit toa point; Minx( . South 7.411.41 East 530.12feetto • point; thence South -1044f f West 314.26 feet to as ; thence 71-42.10 pointence South Wet i50.0 feet to a pointL:thaMuth uth 69.33. 0 West -75.55fe1 to a point; thence South 1552.10 East 47.13 feet toapolnt; thence South 31 4020 East 104.60 feet 9.0 a point; thanes South 9 -35 -50 -East 799.14 feet to a point. thence South 13-29.3) Eau tat ll fait to a point; thInce.(roriil.77.10.10 East 375.05 . feet tow point ; thence North 66.99.10 East 202.71 feet too point; thence North 72.59. . 30 Eau 1.4.93feet to a poinssthance North 735930 East 903.12feet to a point; Mance , Na -101209-20 East 270.0019et Ma point; Mance North72-2730 East 123.15 feet to a ;mist; thence North 73.12.10 Eau 1932.90feef 0 a paint; thence North 69.11-10 East `199.00 feu to a point; thence North 73.02.10 East 5211.10feet to a point; then* South % 912.10 East 241.64 feet too point than* North 24.59.45 East 250.10 feet to a point; '-thane• South 61.07-50 East 45.19foot to • point; thence South 35.19.50 East 25.1i feet 0a point; thence South 24.56.45 West 470.75 Met to a point; thence South 62.99.00 East 175.95 feet to • point: thence South 2317:10 East 271.71 Met t0 a points thence Nath 6059.10 West 14330 feet toe point; thence South 73.39.10 West 45442 Net to a ' mint; thence South 3301.50 Mho 11511.41 feet to a p01M; thence South 73-39-10 Mia . 45L12Iset to a point; thence South 73.0010 West 600.00feet to a point; thence South j 7401.10 West 123.00 to a pint; thence South 7321.10 Whet 150 feet more or lees to a 1 point On the aforesaid Tows Lifts. Town of Wappinger on the North and Town et and ' East Fibkill on the South; thence along sold Town Lite, over and through lands 4 now or formerly Lask0w and over through lands of row o formerly11 Areaway. Northwesterly 5970feet more or haste the point beginning containing .166 Ac3esOf land b• thesame mereor ins. -• WHEREAS, it proposed that sold improvements are to be installed with no cost • 1 s Improvement Area M that 199 developer of Ms land will install the water 1 pply facilities. water mains and pumping stolons and associated facilities, and 1 1 proposed Improvement Area will contract with the Brinkerhoff Water Com - y. Inc. for a supply of water, and WHEREAS. M is now desired to cal a public hearing pursuant to Section 209Q Subdivision 1 W the Town Law; - $ 5 to NOW. THEREFORE, IT 1S HEREBY ORDER EDbythe Town Sweat the Town of Wappinger, Dachas County. New York, as follows: Sectio 1. A meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger. Dutcheta Osunty, New York, shall be held in the Town Hall. Mill Sheet. Village of Wap. Ringers Falls, New York, in said Town on the Vitt day of Mach, 1973 at 7:30 p.m. .. Mhoming Eastern Standard TN, to held a public hing on the aforesaid proposed lm. 1 gravamens and the plan. report, and map prepared and filed in connection therewith. at while all persons Interested In the subtext thereof may be heard concerning the same.andto take such action thereon as isrequired or authorised by law. .w�.> ,' ... ... . v Section 2. Th. Town Cork 1ah•meby authorized and amnia to give nand of such peek hearings by publishing a copy of this order ace 411 1 1 wappin9as and Southern Ovtchess News.theofficia newspaper, and by posting a copy hereto upon We bulletin board of her office, such publication and posting 10 be made not lest Mort ten (10) nor more than twenty (20) days before the dale set herein lar said medic boring. . Section 3. This Order Mad fake effect immediat AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York. County of Dutcheu. Town of Wappinger. Beatrice Oaten of the Town of Wappinger. DutchesslCounty. New Yak. being duly sworn. says th*o he is, and it a seyc al times hereinafter was. the �f W. & S.D. NEWS. a newspaper printed and published every Thursday in the year in the Town of Wappinger. Dutchess County. New York. and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published In the said newspaper for one week succeuively once in each week. co� mencing on the 15th day of Marti} 11I.1', and on the following dates thereafter. namely on and ending on the 15th day of Marc 19!?. both days inclusive. �V' • • Subscribed and swan to before me this.. 2h. day of.. hili% 19.7.3 Notary Public My commission expires •if •- ie, STASE GF NEW YORK ht7T A.cY F l L QUALIFIED Ii+ DDICaSS COUNTY .I #14-6240760 77 COMMISSION EXPINES BANCR 30.19. e A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on Tuesday, March 27th, 1973 at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, New York on the Establishment of the Wappinger Watch Hill Sewer Improvement Area. Supervisor Diehl opened the Hearing at 8:25 P.M. Present: Louis Diehl, Supervisor Louis Clausen, Councilman Leif Jensen, Councilman Stephen Saland, Councilman Elaine Snowden, ;Town Clerk Absent: Harry Holt, Councilman Others Present: Allan Rappleyea, Attorney to the Town The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavit of Posting and Pubiication duly signed and notarized by Albert Osten of the W&SD News. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made a part thereof of the minutes of this Hearing). The reading of the description of the Area was waived. Mr. Rappleyea explained the plans for the Sewer Improvement Area. Mr. Strohm asked about approval of Dutchess County Department of Health in regard to density. No one else spoke. The Hearing closed at 8:31 P.M. OLWQ Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk 11 1 i! TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: ''.NEW YORK IN THE MATTER AFFIDAVIT OF OF POSTING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE WAPPINGER WATCH HILL SEWER IMPROVEMENT AREA, IN THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER, DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK, PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12c OF THE TOWN LAW. STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) says: ss: ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on March 13th, 1973, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on the Establishment of the Wappinger Watch Hill Sewer Improve- ment Area, on the signboard maintained by . your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, Mill Street, in the Village of Wappingers Falls, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. Sworn to before me this day of 727/7A1C.// 1973. -011: Notary Pubic/ ANTHONY P. S!LVESTR1 NOTARY PUBOC, ST;, EESU 1::C1 !A ..., Li COWgissIGii EXPinS li.;,[iCii 30,19.1 2, 2 (- t Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger W. and S. D. NEWS DISPLAY ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AX 7 - 3724 20 EAST MAIN STREET - WAPPINGERS FALLS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger will conduct a public h earing at the Town Hall, Mill Street Wappingers Fails, New York. on Tuesday, March 27th, 1973 at 8:00 P.M. EST to hear alI persons concerning the Matter of the Establishment afThe-.Wappinger Watch tHilt Sewer Improvement Area; in accordance with the follawing'order:. --. -- • • At a meet ing of the Town Board of the Town otWappiriger,held at the Town Hall in the Village of Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County...New,-yak, on the 12th day of March 1973.•- _ .. .. Present : •k. : 1. Louis D. Diehl, -Supervisor:`. 2. Louis Ctausen, Counchman:- 3. Leib Jensen, Councittnan 4. Steven Sal and,Councilman Absent: HARRY HOLT-1 _ ,e;:et IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTABLISHMENTOF'THE WAPPINGER WATCH HILL SEWER IMPROVEMENT AREA, IN...THE';TOWN -OF- WAPPINGER. . OUTCHESS- COUNTY; NEW eyORK..PURSUANT`,TO"ARTICLE 12c. OF -THE- "N',. LAW,. _ _ '.;r t'_.:ti.J ., .,, -.-.eeeee• WHEREAS a map, plan, and report have beet; prepared in such Manner, and"in s4ch detail as nas heretofore been,determined by -the Town. Board of the -rowel of Wappinger; relating to theest ab{ishment of a proposed Sewer I mprovement Area -10 be Jewett as the Wappinger.Watch Hill Sewer Improvement_ Area of the -Town of Waopinger, Dutchese County, New'rork, pursuant to: Anile 12e of the Town -Law. W N E REAS said map, plan.and report have been duly -f ired in the Clerk's Office of the Town of Wappinger for public inspection and,eeee-_ '. - WHEREAS said map, plan, and report were prepared by • Rudolph E. LaPer, e cottlpatenteengineer, duly licensed by the State of New York, showing the boun- CarieaofthePrCposedemprovement Area and a genera{ plan for theseweP$ystem, and WHEREAS the'iimprovements proposed as set forth• in said plan --and report consist of sanitarYesswer facilities, sewer.mains, pumping-statlons and associated ' facilities loceted•fn-the Town of Wappinger, and WHQREAS'fhe aplweement,will. provide.for the *Althorn -area of'tt►e.Tdwn of • Wappinger'and said'tands in the Town of Wappinger ars bounded. and •described -generally as follows: - - - ing et apoint.in the most easterly comer of lot 88, SS shown on a map -of . • Ou • Park, Section 48,dated February 9, 1972,revised March 7, 1972, prepared by ss&Behr, P.C., Carmel ,N.Y. and filed inthe officeofth1County. Clerk of County on • March -24, 1972, running -"thence from said POINT OF SLING and along the northerly line of said lot 88 of Outchess Park, Section 4B tie the Town Lin* (reputed ) dividing the Town of Wappinger on the north and the -own of Fishkill on the south, and running along the northerly bounds of Dui -- chess Park. Section 48 along the northerly bounds of Brinkerhoff Watch Hill,:: Sections 3 and 4, and along other lands of the Grantor. North 85.57.56 West 2743.73 fee' . to a point in the line of lands now or formerly of Carlson; thence along lands rower formerlyof Cartson,thefo!towing courses and distances North 34-31.50 East 192.90 ft. " . North 56.02.20 East 91.57 ft.. ;• North 60.26.3 East 123.98 ft. .. North 55.27.20 East 185.1610. ' South 25-19.30 East 82.36 ft. South 78.22.30 East 97.01 ff. South 75.53.00 East 126.73 ft. South 79-20.30 East 358.71 ft. South 88-55-50 East 25:29,t. North 48-14.30 East 362.64 ft. North 61.36.40 East 442.05 ft. and North 63.18.20 East 139.66 ft. to lands now or formerly of Perry; thence along Lands now or formerly of Perry, and lands now or formerly of Rosenfeld, North 77-21.10 East 284.03 ft. and Norte 76-04-30 East 60.68 ft. to a point; thence through other lands of the Grantor, the -following courses and d,st antes : South 48-09.00 East 573.97 ft. - South 30.56.57 East 163.80 ft. South 19-57-30 East 125.00 ft. , South 46-3122 East 55.90 ft. South 19 57-30 East 242.47 ft. South 64-29-00 West 136.83 ft. and South 72-5700 West 20.06 ft. to the POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 33.468 acres. WHEREAS. ii is proposed that there will be no cost for the establishment of said Sewer Improvement Area in that developer of the land involved herein wilt install the facilities and dedicate the same to :he Improvement Area without cost to the Irnpeo4ement Area, and the Improvement Area will contract with the Town of Fishkill, acting on behalf of the Dutchess Park School District, for services in treatment of the effluent; and WHEREAS, it is now desired to ctti a public hearing pursuant to Section 2090, S,,ndivisiort 3, of 'he ov.+.: La 0�HObylhe IT IS HEREBY • 0 Dbythe Town Board of Inc Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New Yak, (lows: Section 1. A meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. shall be held in the Town Hall, Mill Street, Village of Wap- i pnyera Falls, New York, on the 27th day of March, 1973, at 8:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, to hold a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed improvements and the plan, report and map prepared and filed in connection therewith at which all persons interested in the subject thereof may beheard concerning the same, and t tot ake sucn act ion thereon as is required or authorized by law. Sect ;en 2. The Town Clerk is hereby authori zed and directed to give notice of such public hearing by publishing a copy of this order once in the Wappingers and Scu'hem Outchess News,tha official newspaper, and by posting a copy hereof upon Me belief in beard of her office, such publication and posting to be made not less than ten (10) nor more that', twenty (201 days before the date set herein for said petitic hearing. Section 3. This Order shall take effect immediately. Leif W. Jensen Louis Clausen Steven Saland Louis Dielel' AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. Beatrice Osten of the Town of Wappinger. Dutchess County. New Yak. being -duly sworn. says that he is, rand dt the several times hereinafter was. theCo-Editor- Pub lishear W. & S.D. NEWS. a newspaper printed and published every Thursday in the year in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for one week successively... SAS c.. in each week. commencing on the...l� tl} .. day of...x� 19. ? and on the following dates thereafter, namely on and ending on the..day of....MazCh..... 1a 3. both days inclusive. frt • Subscribed and sworn to before me this....15.th day of March 19.23 Notary Public My commission expires ALBERT M. OSTEN NOTARY PUOLL,. STATE OF NEW YORK QUAUFIE) i': SG :;UUNTY COMMISSIOi1 EXPiticS blARCti 30, 19 ,77 AGENDA - TOWN BOARD APRIL 9, 1973 1. Supervisor call meeting to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Accept Minutes -- Reg. March 12, 1973 4. ;REPORTS OF OFFICERS Supervisor Town Justices Building Inspector Bills: Gen. Fund.' Highway OKSD FLTWD SD OKWD FLTWD WD RFSD 5. PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS a. Frank Newman re: use of Twn Trucks for recycling b. Norman Bishop re: property flooding & drainage c. Vacancy on County Board of Representatives d. Hawking & Peddling Lic..Applications - Incoronato & Whitmore e. Public Service Commission re: Tall Trees rates f. Request from W. C. School to use voting Machines g. V. Kelley Re: RFSD Expansion of Treatment Facilities h. Alan Hall re: petition for speed limit in Angelbrook Estates i. Laurence Kleinman -Hidden Hollow Apts. request for Sewer Service j. Daniel Wormwood-Dutchess County Red Cross- re: funds for swimming Program k. E. v K. Cunningham re: Power Test, Central Valley,&Frederick Smith 6. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 7. RESOLUTIONS 'IA. Bonding for Highway equipment b. Leskow Circle (Rd.) c. PUD d. Twn of Wappinger vs M. Cornell e. Request to County Representatives re: Tax Installment Payments g. Watch Hill Water & Sewer Improvement h. Transfer of funds from Fed. Rev. Sharing into Demolition Accn't 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Klein & Alexander soil mining application John M. Reed. re: Claim of Richard Barger 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. ADJOURNMENT