1972-12-11 RGMAGENDA --TOWN BOARD DECEMBER 11, 1972 1. Supervisor Call Meeting to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Accept Minutes--Nov.13,Reg. Nov. 17 Sp., Nov. 27, Sp. 4: Reports of Officers: Supervisor, Town Justices Building Inspector Bills: General Fund: OKSD: FLTSD: Highway Fund: OKWD: FLTWD: RFSD: Petitions & Communications a. 'Wm. Bulger re: Legislation Affecting Local Court b. Peddler's application -Donald Bell --Charles Cortellino c. J. Thomann request to accept Deer Run & Vorndran'Dr. Sect. III Edge Hill Manor d. Mihans re: Fleetwood repairs , e. Mihans re: request to purchase station wagon or light utility truck. f. John M. Reed re: acceptance of roads in Mid -Point Park "(Royal Ridge) Recommendation from Zng. Regulations, Advisory Comm. g. 6. Reports of Committees 7. Resolutions Sect. 421.3 Zng. Ord. Amendment ---Transfers Unfinished Business a. Order from Public Service Comm re: Tall Trees Rate Schedule b. Charles Cortellino request to apply for Membership NYS Asscn.'of Cons. Commission 9. New Business 10. Adjournment The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Town of Wappinger Town Board was held on December 11, 1972, at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, New York. Supervisor Diehl called the meeting to order at 8:26 P.M. Present:, Louis Diehl, Supervisor Louis Clausen, Councilman Hairy Holt,(;Coupcilman Leif Jensen, Councilman Stephen Saland, golanci1man Elaine H. Snowden; 'Pawn Clerk Others Present: William Horton, Superintendent of Highways ,...p Algin. E. Rappleyeat.Attorneyt9tWTown Rudolph E. Lapar, Engineer to the Town The minutes of the November 13, 1972 Monthly Mee.t.ingand the Special .Aeet.ings of November 17, 1972 and Novemper 27, 1972 laving,: been: prev 4 y.aent to the Town Board members, were now placed before them, goR, their approval. MR. CLAUSEN moved the minutes of the November 13, 1972 Regular Monthly Meeting and the Special Meetings of November 17, 1972 and November 27, 1972, as submitted by the Town Clerk be and they are hereby approved. Seconded by Mr. Holt. Motion Unanimously Carried Reports for the month of November were received, from the Supervisor, Town 4. st , es, anc Building Inspector. MR. CLAUSEN moved the Reports from the Supervisor, Building Inspector and Town Justices, for the month of Noviember, be accepted and placed on file. {J Seconded by Mr. Jensen. Motion Unanimously Carried Bills presented for payment for the month were as follows: Qene,l.,Zrl; $871,3?4.62 OKSD: $247.49 F1tSD: $454.16 Highway Fund: 12,708.23 OKWD: 122.57 F1tWD: 131.84 RFSD: 13,039,78 8t h MR. CLAUSEN moved the bills be paid, subject to audit. '' ` 4 Seconded by Mr. Holt. Motion Unanimously Carried Judge William Bulger had written to the Board regarding efforts that are being made to do away with the local court system �f the State of New York. He requested to speak before the Board concern- ing this matter. The Judge ;felt that abolishing the -local courts would be a disservice to the; citizens and local government. It would be expected that the taxpayer would pay a lot more in taxes for a lot less in local services. For this reason he asked the Board, if it so sees fit,' torjadopt a resolution to be directed to our legislators requesting they oppose any attempt to do away with the local court system. He !further stated that he would be"glad to supply to the Board a resolutionto this effect if they so desire. The Board concurred with Judge Bulger, and indicated they would fadorably consider a resolution forwarded by him on this subject. An application was received from 'Donald Bell for a Hawking and Peddling License. The application had been referred to the Dutchess !.)t County Sheriff's Department, and returned indicating no criminal record in file. MR. HOLT moved to approve the application and grant Donald Bell a license for Hawking & Peddling in the Town of Wappinger. Seconded by Mr. Clausen. Motion Unanimously Carried An Application was received from Charles A. Cortellino for a Hawking and Peddling License. The application had been referred to the Dutchess County Sheriff's Office, and returned indicating no criminal record in file. 0 MR. HOLT moved to table. Mr. CortallihG�s application. Seconded by Mr. Clausen. 'Motion Unanimously Carried 3 L 28; A request was received from James Thomann to accept Deer Run and Vorndran Drive, (Sect. 111 of Edge Hill Manor) as Town roads, also asking for a letter to release a cash bond held by the Empire National Bank, and release $500 cash bond held by the Town for snow plowing. - Mr. Horton stated that Deer Run and Vorndran Drive have exceeded the specifications they were under and are complete. The only thing the Board might want to take under consideration is the trouble with the water coming down from the back of the houses. There would, however, be no solution as a road problem on these two roads, it's private property to private property and would have no bearing on accepting the roads. Mr. Rappleyea advised the Board that the Town still requires the presentation of deeds and certification of title and certification of monuments. He would presume that the Board would not accept these roads tonight in absence of these items. MR. CLAUSEN moved to table Mr. Thomann's request for acceptance of Deer Run and Vorndran Drive until all the deeds, certificates of title and monuments are received. Seconded by Mr. Holt. Motion Unanimously Carried A memo was received from William Mihans regarding the repair of the sludge return pump at Fleetwood. Mr. Jensen stated that he believed corrective action was taken on that as it could have been an emergency. A request was received from William Mihans for the purchase of either a station wagon or light utility truck for the water and sewer departments. MR. HOLT moved to table Mr. Mihans request for a vehicle for the water and sewer departments. Seconded by Mr. Saland. Motion Unanimously Carried 2,84- A letter of resignation was received by the Town Board from William Mihans, Superintendent of the Water and Sewer -Plants. Mr. Jensen recommended this matter be tabled until the next regular Board meeting, and it was so directed by the Supervisor. Mr. Clausen suggested at this point that, there being various ways in which the Town may proceed on sewer and water operators, it might be the time now that the Town should get all the facts and figures and evaluate exactly what we're doing. He said, further, that since Mr. Lapar is studying, and putting together, a water and sewer program for the Town, that if we do have a sewer and water operator hired by the Town, and it's agreeable with Mr. Lapar, that the operator go through him in engineering matters, that there be some type of control by the Engineer to the Town rather than two or three different people giving suggestions and looking at it from different aspects. It was his suggestion that the operator would be under the guidance of the Engineer to the Town in relation to engineering specifications of water and sewer plants in the future. Mr. Jensen commented that the operators in the past have been in close contact with the Engineer along these avenues when it gets beyond the operating maintenance. Mr. Clausen said the Town had been fortunate in the past, but looking into the future, when the Town is in the process of going to other individuals, he would like it to become a matter of record that future operators realize that this close cooperation does benefit the Town, and they should, in fact, by authorization of the Town Board, go through the Engineer as they have been in the past. MR. JENSEN moved that the liaison be kept between the Sewer and Water Departments and the Engineer to the Town. Seconded by Mr. Clausen. Motion Unanimously Carried 5 A letter was received from John M. Reed, representing Mid -Point Park Subdivision, requesting the Town to accept the roads in this subdivision. Mr. Horton stated that none of these roads areiready for acceptance. MR. CLAUSEN moved, upon the recommendation of ther.Highway :Superin- tendent, that the request to accept the roads in Mid -Point Park (Royal Ridge) be denied. Seconded by Mr. Jensen. Motion Unanimously Carried A memorandum was received from the Zoning Regulations Advisory Committee with the recommendation that Section 412.02 of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance, adopted January 29, 1963, be repealed - in its entirety. MR. JENSEN moved to direct the Attorney to prepare a resolbtion and whatever else is required in connection with the elimination of Section 412.02 from the Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance; and further, that this recommendation be forwarded to the Dutchess County Department of Planning and Town of Wappinger Planning Board for their review and recommendation. Seconded by Mr. Saland. Motion Unanimously Carried Mr. Jensen further commented that it appears to him, after many readings of the Town Ordinance, that the original intent was to bring in central water and sewerage by the developer wherever it seemed feasible. It seems the Town has gone beyond that now, with municipal water and sewer becoming a -)reality. Possibly this section has lost its original intent.: A request was received from Mr. Diehl and Mr. William Egan to attend an informational workshop in Albany on Federal Revenue Sharing on December 20, 1972. MR. CLAUSEN moved that permission be granted Mr. Diehl and Mr. Egan to attend the workshop in Albany, and that their legitimate expenses be a Town Charge. 286 Seconded by Mr. Saland. Motion Unanimously Carried A letter was received from Rudolph Lapar requesting an executive: session early in 1973 with the Town Board, the New York State -_Depart- ment:of-_Environmental Conservation, and the Dutchess County Health: Department.. in order: to determine the ultimate development._ of the., Wappinger Sewer Improvement Area #1. Mr. Diehl directed Mr. Lapar's request be carried over to the January meeting. Mr. Jensen, ,under Committee reports, stated that the Southern_. Dutchess 1990 meeting last week had, been well -attended. Dave - Portman, for Frederick_. Clark Associates discussedgrowth patterns, among other things. There will be another public meeting in January. Mr. Clausen, with respect to the new Town Hall site and Building Committee, reported that he and Mr. Jensen, are looking at various parcels within the Town to get a comprehensive report to the citizens, (; 1 and Mr. Jensen has asked Mr. Lapar to come up with facts and figures to see what it would cost to renovate the existing Town building to get the maximum utilization out of it. MR. CLAUSEN moved that the Town Board authorize Mr. Lapar to come up with this study on the existing Town Hall Building. Seconded by Mr. Jensen. Motion Unanimously Carried Mr. Saland, regarding the Landfill, commented that he had occasion to attend a joint meeting in November, at which Mr. Diehl made the motion for the second time to see what he could do about removing Mr. Joseph Mihans. Mr. Diehl's motion, at that time, had failed for the lack of a second. He believes that he and Mr. Diehl are of a similar mind at this point. It is apparent, through the Health Department reports that the situation has not improved despite the numerous' threats. Mr. Saland again requests that this Town Board go on record seeking the removal of the gentleman who is administer- 7 i087" ing the landfill site,,with the idea being perhaps that we can improve -the administration of the site. Mr. Diehl stated that he had indeed made the motion again at the following meeting - he makes it every month - with the same results. He does believe now, how- ever, that other members of the Landfill Board of Governors are concerned and are thinking in the same direction as himself. MR. SALAND moved that Mr. Diehl continue to express this Town Board's desire to call for the suspension of the Superintendent of the Land- . : : c. fill due to improper operations and administration. o.. Seconded by Mr. Diehl. Motion Unanimously Carried Mr.'.: Clausen brought up the problem of the leaking roof. He mentioned that the Town Clerk.had been asked to contact some roofing firms to come up with a bid. Six firms were contacted (three of whom: -physic- ally inspected the roof) and one evaluation recommendation was received from Vanguard Organization Inc. They quoted $1,915..00 to accomplish the repair work, and indicated temporary repairs could also be made to eliminate immediate leaks until early spring when the work could be accomplished in full. MR. CLAUSEN moved to accept the quotation from Vanguard Organiation Inc., and further to direct Mr. Rappleyea to draw up a contract that would enable the firm to proceed immediately with temporary repairs and complete the work in the Spring for the price quoted. Seconded by Mr. Jensen. Motion Unanimously Carried Mr. Diehl, referring to a meeting held with Cole, Layer,.Trumble -Company, the Town Assessor, Town Board and Board of Assessment Review, regarding the County reappraisal. The appraisal manual had been brought in by Mr. Logan, and Mr. Diehl turned this over to the Town Clerk at this time. 2 8 8" - Mr. Holt, with reference to the Narcotics Guidance Council, commented that a meeting had been called by the new Chairman, Al Roberts for familiarization for potential members on December 13th in the Town Hall. This is to apprise candidates for the Council as to the re- quirements and e-quirements'and qualifications, and, following that, they will have some requests to make of the Town Board as to membership on the Council. -. A Public Hearing was duly held on November 27, 1972 on the proposed amendment to Section 421.3 of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordin- ance, at which time affidavits of Posting and Publication were offered for the record, and all interested persons were heard. The_matter was:now placed before the Board for their._ consideration. The following Ordinance was introduced by COUNCILMAN CLAUSEN who moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Boar$f the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, pursuant to the authority conferred by the laws of the State of New York as follows: Section 1: Section 421, Subdivision 3, is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 421 3. Farm use, farm produce stand*, zoological farm* or park*, zoo;* game farm*, nursery* and green house*,_ provided that no unenclosed storage or manure, or odor or dust producing substance shall be permitted within one hundred (100) feet of any street or residential property line". Section 2: This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption, posting and publication as prescribed by Town Law. Seconded by: Mr. Jensen Roll Call Vote: Supervisor Diehl:_ Aye Councilman Clausen Aye Councilman Holt =. Aye Councilman Jensen Aye Councilman Saland Nay Mr. Saland qualified his Nay vote with the statement that he thought it was inopportune at this time to pass this resolution until we had further opportunity to speak with the principals that are interested in the development of that particular section (on Robinson Lane). 1 Although he is not opposed to the change, he would have preferred to confer and speak with them at greater length before going ahead and passing this resolution. A request for transfers of accounts was received from the Super- visor's Office. The following resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN HOLT who moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the sum of $3,600.00 has been appropriated to Account #A1355.4. This account has been overexpended-and over- drawn by the sum of $193.81. In order to meet bills presented for payment, the additional monies were obtained from Account #A8030.4. We, therefore, recommend that the Town Board authorize the transfer -of the sum of $500.00 from Account #A8030..4 to Account.#A1355.4An order to eliminate the overdraft and reimburse said account and in order to meet future bills presented for payment against said account, and confirm the previously unauthor- ized'appropriation.-. RESOLVED, that the sum .of $500.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account #A1355.4 and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account #A8030.4. Seconded by: Mr. Clausen Motion Unanimously Carried The following resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN HOLT who moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the sum of $13,900 has been appropriated to Account #A1110.1. This account will be overexpended and over- drawn:by-.the sum of $400.00. In order to meet the bills presented for.payment the additional monies will-be'obtained from Account #8030.4.: We, therefore recommend that the.Town Board authorize the transfer of the'sum of $400.00 from Account #A8030.4 to Account #A1110.1 in order to eliminate an overdraft and reimburse said account RESOLVED, that the sum of $400.Q0 be and the same hereby is appropriated to Account #A1110.1 and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from Account #A8030.4. Seconded by: Mr. Clausen Motion Unanimously Carried The following Resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN HOLT who moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the sum of $2,000.00 has been appropriated to Account #A8510.4. This account has been overexpanded and over- drawn by the sum of $178.57. In order to meet bills presented for payment, the additional monies were obtained from Account #A8030.4. We, therefore, recommend that the Town Board authorize the transfer of the sum of $178.57 from Account #A8030.4 to Account #A8510.4 in order to eliminate the overdraft and reimburse said account, and in order to ratify and confirm the previously 2.89 290 unauthorized appropriation. RESOLVED,: that the sum of .$178.57 be andthe same hereby -is apprgriated to Account #A8510.4 and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from Account #A8030..4 Seconded by: Mr. Clausen Motion Unanimously Carried The following resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN HOLT who moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the sum of $4,200.00 has been appropriated to Account #A1450.2.. This account has.been overexpended and.•over- drawn by the sum of $703.45. In order to meet bills"presented for payment, the additional monies were_obtained from Account #A1450.-1. We, therefore, recommend that the Town Board authorize the:transfer..of.the--sumi-of $7Q3.45 from.Account4A1450.1 to. Account #A1450.2:in order.to eliminate the:overdraft and reimburse said aecoutn;• and in order:to ratify and confirm the previously.: unauthorized appropriation. RESOLVED, that the sum of $703.45 be and the same hereby is appropriated to Account #A1450.2 and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from Account #A1450.1. Seconded by: Mr. Clausen MotionUnanimously Carried Thefollowingresolution was offered by COUNCILMAN HOLT who moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the sum of $300.00 has been appropriated to Account #A3310.4. This account has been overexpended and over- drawn by the sum of $610.19. In order to meet bills presented for payment, the additional monies were obtained from Account #8030.4. We, therefore, recommend that the Town Board authorize the transfer of the sum of $610.19 from Account #A8030.4 to Account #A3310.4 in order to eliminate the overdraft and reimburse said account, and in order to ratify and confirm the previously un- authorized appropriation. -.--- RESOLVED, that the sum of $610.19 be and the same hereby is appropriated to Account #A3310.4 and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto ' from .Account #A8030.4 . Seconded by: Mr. Clausen. Motion Unanimously Carried The following resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN HOLT who moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the sum of $1,000.00 has been appropriated to Account #DB5120.1. This account has been overexpended and over- drawn by the sum of -$480.16. " In order to meet bills -presented for payment, the additional monies were obtained from Account #DB5120.4.- We; 'therefore, recommend that the Town Board author- ize the transfer of the sum of $480.16 from Account #DB5120.4 to' Account #DB5120.1 in order to eliminate the overdraft and reim- burse said account, and in order to ratify and confirm the pre viously unauthorized appropriation. 291 RESOLVED, that the sum of $480.16 be and the same hereby is appropriated to Account #DB5120.1 and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from Account #DB5120.4. Seconded by: Mr. Clausen Motion Unanimously Carried The following resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN HOLT who moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the sum of $2,850.00 has been appropriated to Account #A3310.2. This account has been overexpended and over- drawn by the sum of $162.30. In order to meet bills presented for payment, the additional monies were obtained from Account #A8030;4. We, therefore, recommend that the Town Board authorize the transfer of the sum of $162.30 from Account #A8030.4 to Account #A3310.2 -in order to eliminate the overdraft and reimburse said account, and in order to ratify and Confirm the previously un- authorized appropriation. RESOLVED, that the sum of $162.30 be and the same hereby is appropriated to Account #A3310.2 and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from Account #A8030.4. Seconded by: Mr. Clausen Motion Unanimously Carried The following resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN HOLT who moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the sum of $19,000.00 has been appropriated to Account #DR5112.4. This account has been overexpended and over- drawn by the sum of $1,937.76. In order to meet bills presented for payment, the additional monies were obtained from Account #DR5112.1. We, therefore, recommend that the Town Board authorize the sum of $1,937.76 from ,account #DR5112.1 to Account #DR5112.4 in order to eliminate the overdraft and reimburse said account, and in:order to ratify and confirm the previously unauthorized appropriation. RESOLVED, that the sum of $1,937.76 be and the same hereby is appropriated to Account #DR5112.4 and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from Account #DR5112.1. Seconded by: Mr. Clausen: Motion Unanimously Carried MR. CLAUSEN moved that a_letter be sent to all Town Department Heads, asking that they submit all bills for payment of outstanding services etc. for 1972 in by December 22, 1972, arid, further, that a Special Meeting be called for the purpose of transferring any overdrawn accounts and auditing the final bills for the Year 1972, on December 28, 1972 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Seconded by: Mr—Holt Motion Unanimously Carried • The following letter was received from the Supervisor's Office: December"5, 1972 To: Town Board Members From: Supervisor's Office Re: Transfer of Monies The Supervisor's Office is requesting the Town Board to transfer the sum of $4,212.19 from the Highway Improvement Program to the Highway Fund, Item 1. This money is in an unused fund and was included in this year's budget as part of Highway Item I, Unexpended Balance. In order for the Supervisor's Office to transfer these monies -it needs a resolution from -the Town Board. In the 1972 Budget the unexpended•balance in Highway Item I was estimated to be $49,000.°°. The actual unexpended balance was $46,879,00 and in order to meet this year's budget this resolution should be granted. Respectfully submitted, Supervisor's Office MR. CLAUSEN moved to concur with the recommendation from the Super- visor's Office and authorize the Supervisor to transfer the sum of $4,212.19 into Highway Item I from the Highway Improvement Program. Seconded by Mr.Holt. Motion Unanimously Carried The following resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN CLAUSEN who moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the Town of Wappinger is presently occupying premises owned by the County of Dutchess known as the Dutchess County Airport Landfill Site and is operating the same in conjunction for other municipalities, and WHEREAS the County -6f Dutchess proposes to make improvements upon said premises to provide that the said premises comply with the New York State and the United States Statutes and Ordinances, NOW" THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Supervisor of the Town of Wappinger is hereby authorized and directed to execute a supplemental agree- ment concerning said landfill site, a copy of which is attached hereto.' Seconded by: Mr. Jensen Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes The. following Ordinance was introduced by COUNCILMAN HOLT who moved its adoption: The Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Wappingeradoptedon January 29, 1963 and amended from time to time is hereby further amended as follows: SECTION 1: Article 220 entitled "DEFINITIONS" is amended by providing that the sub -section thereof titled "Mobile Home" is amended to read as follows Mobile Home:Any vehicle or similar portable structure with or without a foundation or wheels, jacks, skirtings, wood or masonry block supports, de- signed or constructed to be towed, driven or otherwise transported to its resting site and which is further designed to permit occupancy for dwelling or sleeping purposes. The term "mobile home" shall .also include the term "house trailer". A factory constructed home approved by the New York State Building Council in accordance with the provisions of the New York State Building Code and as provided for in the New York State Executive Law shall not be deemed to be a mobile home. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption, posting and publication as provided by Town Law. Seconded by: Mr. Clausen MR. HOLT moved that the proposed Ordinance Amendment be forwarded to the Dutchess County Department of Planning, Town of Wappinger Planning Board for their review and recommendation, along with the Building Inspector and Zoning Administrator, and a copy sent to the Town Zoning Board. of Appeals. Seconded by -Mr. Clausen. Motion Unanimously Carried Mr. Rappleyea, upon being asked bytSupervisor Diehl to.briefly explain the above -amendments purpose,'explained that in the past, the Town Zoning Administrator has taken the position that the definition "Mobile Home" included those structures that require transportation to the site by way of vehicle - specifically trac- tor -trailer-- which would obviously include factory structured modular homes. Starting in 1970 and continuing thereafter, the State Building Council which is authorized pursuant to the Executive Law, to amend the State Building Code has adopted rules and regula- tions governing the inspection on the construction site, that is, in the factories of modular or factory constructed homes and in b4 accordance with their standards they have provided for the approval of these homes and actual seals being placed upon them by inspectors in the factories. The Town of Wappinger when it adopted a Building Code, of course, adopted the State Building Code, so that in effect they agreed to abide by the Law of the State Building Code require- ments. Therefore, the State Building Council, by its regulations have mandated the approval of factory manufactured homes, provided they bore the .seal of the State Building Council so that it would appear that if we're going to continue to abide by that State Build- ing Code we are obliged to accept those homes that have been approved by the State Building Council. As an additional factor, and a rather weighty one, the Courts have held, on a couple of occations, that the sound definition of a Mobile Home could not include a.so:.called Modular -Home. The same ordinance was challenged in the Town of Wappinger and the Town lost the suit, and the matter is now on appeal. It would be his recommendation that if the Town is going to follow the State Building Code that the Board adopt the particu- lar ordinance so as to conform to the State Building Code and the decisions of the courts rendered thus far. A notice was received from Public Service Commission stating that a Public Hearing would be held on December 21, 1972, at the County Office:Building,,on the'application of Harry Raker for a raise in water rates for Tall Trees development. MR. HOLT moved that the Attorney to the Town be present at this Hearing to represent the Town of Wappinger on behalf of the residents of Tall -Trees. - - Seconded by Mr. Clausen. Motion Unanimously Carried. MR. CLAUSEN moved that the request of Charles Cortellino to sub- scribe to the New York State Association of Conservation Commission be again tabled. Seconded by Mr. Holt. Motion Unanimously Carried 2 95 Under unfinished,business, Supervisor' Diehl: recognized Louis Eck. Mr. Eck'referred.back .to Mr.. Clausen's report -on. the Town Hall, and said he'd seen a report from the State Inspector dating back to 1967. He said Mr. Lapar should see it so he could come to a decision as to what needs to be doneto the present Town Building. He hoped the Board should look into all different angles. He then approached the subject of the County Appraisal, more particularly this time about notice of change to county residents, and then onto how they can grieve and how can the Town accept the County figures. Mr. Eck asked if he could go over the Cole -Layer Trumble Company Appraisal Manual (Mr. Logan's copy). Mr. Diehl, having mentioned that Mr. Logan had left it with him, and he'd leave it with the Town Clerk, stated that Mr. Eck could inspect it in the Town Hall. MR.-DIEHL moved that the Town Clerk be empowered to purchase or obtain a copy of the Appraisal Manual for the use of the Board of Assessment Review. Seconded by Mr. Holt. Motion Unanimously Carried MR. SALAND moved that the Attorney to the Town prepare a resolution with the assistance of Mr. Lapar, Engineer to the Town, to be pre- sented before this Town Board within the next two weeks, and simultaneously, being referred to both Dutchess County Department of Planning and Town Planning Board, whereby all property on Route 9, in the Town of Wappinger, which is not presently used for commer- cial purposes, and not presently residential, be rezoned residential. Seconded by Mr. Jensen. Roll Call Vote: Louis Diehl Nay Louis Clausen Nay Harry Holt Aye Leif Jensen Aye Stephen Saland Aye Motion !carried Mr. Saland stated his purpose would be primarily to avoid the strip zoning that's in the process of occurring, allow planned commercial development perhaps, who knows what might be in store with -some - kind dfiplanned concentrated development of the area. As it is - now, he thinks they are wasting an area that perhaps could be:the prime source of ratables in:the.Town. Mr: Jensen commented the possibilities of strip development on Route 9 must be offset. By rezoning these lands to residential, the Town Board_aan.govern-the development of. Route 9, opposed to what is mandatory now. - Mr. Holt observed that all have experienced -driving -Route 9_through the -Town of -Poughkeepsie. Had there been -a master plan -for that whole.complex, an.exit at either end.withnaccess roads on -the backs of -both properties -might have been designed, with a more comprehen- sive traffic pattern than they have now. If the Town_of Wappinger can, in some way gain a better control of the development of Route 9 through: this. motion, -the. Board has to look into it very seriously. Mr. Saland said what frightened him was the prospect of the Town of Wappinger stretch of Route 9 being nothing but_hot dog stands, hamburger huts and. gas stations. Hopefully he'd like to circumvent that. Mr. Diehl, upon voting on the Resolution, stated that he would have to vote no on the basis that approximately three years ago I commit- ted myself to the public on this Board that Route 9 basically is a commercial zone, and, on that basis he would have to vote no. Mr. Clausen said, voting no, he also supported what Mr. Diehl said. He basically stated that he thought Route 9 was the place for com- mercial property. He also said Mr. Saland voted no on a past resolu- tion for the Parkers World on the basis that he would liked to have had more time to study it. This resolution just appeared this evening, it was not discussed by the Town Board, is rather sudden and he thinks presents some problems and could be prejudicial: He would liked to have had more time to discuss it with the Board and Mr. Saland, on that basis he voted no. Mr. Jensen commenting on the subject of zoning, and the questions as to the possibilities of law suits from the audience, he thinks it's 7 297 the responsibility of the Town Board to take in the whole scope of the development of this Town. It is to be hoped that it is develop- ed in an orderly fashion, and to say that he has been committed to something three or five years ago is not thinking forward. He referred to a large tract of land the Board zoned for shopping center. back five or six years ago, no action has been taken by that parti- cular person who asked for that rezoning, and with the influx of other more recent shopping centers in the area, possibly that classification should be changed. The Town Board has a responsibil- ity to all the Town residents in the future to govern our own destiny, and the only way to do this is govern it in the proper fashion. The original zoning has been amended from time to time since its inception, no plan is 100%, therefore there should be amendments to everything when they are deemed necessary. Mr. Diehl stated that when he said he was committed to it some time ago, he will say again tonight that he believes Route 9 is the basic place for commercial growth in the Town of Wappinger. As Mr. Jensen said, the zoning ordinance as we have it is not 100% correct, and perhaps he is correct there, and perhaps some of the recommendations and changes tonight are not also 100% correct. -He also thinks the ratables, with the properties of planned commercial development on Route 9 are very essential to the Town municipal water and sewer system - to the completion of that, the ratables there are most necessary. As to the lands zoned shopping center, that is still alive. Mr. Jensen added that this was not to preclude that no commercial development will ever happen on Route 9, this is not the intent of this resolution. The intent is to help govern what is going to be developed on Route 9. Further discussion and comments followed amongst the Board members reiterating the pros and cons of Mr. Saland's motion. Mr. Finnan past (R) Councilman took issue with the proposed Route 9 rezoning to residential, pointing out that it seemed far better to 298 rezonethe suspect offenses rather than take this proposed step and asked if the impact on the ratables had been taken into consid- eration. Supervisor Diehl recognized Charles Nadell, 30 Split Tree Drive, who asked what was happening with the Town and their suit against Malcolm Cornell Inc. He has spoken to Mr. Rappleyea on numerous occasions with regard to this subject, and receives the same answer that it is still pending before the court due to continuous adjourn- ments. He questioned why the case can't finally be settled. Mr. Rappleyea briefly reiterated the various reasons that have stalled the due processes of this litigation. This problem was further discussed covering the same ground that has been covered many times regarding the responsibilities, emergencies, and liabil- ities of this road problem. Mr. Murray asked about stop signs being erected in developments and was informed that they couldn't be erected on roads not yet accepted by the Town and in other instances permission had to be obtained from the State to place them. Mr. Finnan asked Mr. Horton what was causing a flooding problem on Old Hopewell Road at Ridge Drive. Mr. Horton said a spring must have popped up, and has spoken to Mr. Petrovits about the situation. MR. HOLT moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Mr. Saland and carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Reg. Mtg. 12/11/72 ai5N/s64, Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk WARRANT To LOUIS DIIiL , Supervisor Town of WAPPINGER , County of W 405 , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of WAPPINGER , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 11th day of w �?• , 19 ?2, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you arehereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT 819 Hodges Badge Co.pany,Inc. 820 Susan J. Pike 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 Francis Sherow Sloper-Willen Community lance Service, Inc. utoaatic Voting Chine Division IR. D. Webster IR. D. Webster Joseph De Nagy James T. Guarino J & 1 Parsons, Inc. 'George Wells 'Thomas Logan 'Custom Cleaning Contr. 'Allan 1. aappleyea 'Rudolph E. Lapar, P. E. Rudolph 1. Lapar, P. E. 835 Lombardi & Son, Inc. 836 Lombardi & Son, Inc. Nathan J. Noose & Son 837 Agway Representative 838 Arthur J. Robbins, M.D. 839 Marine Midland Bank 840 Thomas H. Huhn AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT 21.00 A7140.4 OTHER INFORMATION 9.70 18010.4 A1620.1 133.00 139.00 - A1620.4 6.00 i,250.00 ,803.00 5.00 A4540.4 A1450.2 A3120.4 5.00 A3120.4 42.00 A1450.1 201.001 A3510.1 I65.201 13620.4 177.26' A3510.1 ,4 / ti' 223.54' -*1355.4 f} 125.001 A1620.4 *1420.4 666.66 I 11420.4 A1440.4 41440.4 Angel Brook Estates 833.32 .600.00 11,000.18 ,179.79 252.60 25.00 225.00 8.96 841 Edna C. Winters I_ 32.50 ; if 1/0i7 Tn Witness Whereof, I have hereunto se my hand this 12th day of DECEMBER [SEAL] Serial Bond /356 '1 375.00 291.66 166.66 666.66 Reimbursement from Ra. Ind i Developer Issue Serial Bond Issue A7110.4 *1110.4 A1620.4 A1450.4 A7110.1 i� W3lPPI11GER and the Seal of the Town of , 19 72 Town Clerk To WARRANT LaiIB DIAL , Supervisor Town of WAPPIIIGBR , County of DUT011128 WAPPINGZR , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the llth dayof D8C R , 19 72 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificae thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT 842 Clitilord Thorpe 843 Allan X. Rappleyea 844 Dr, Daniel J. Hannigan North Cornty Pord Tractor, Inc. 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 (AMOUNT ALLOWED 78.7 10,740.0 311. 28..81 277..6! 17.55 8.35 399.25 16.20 8.00 13.00 51.06 28.83 5.29 14.50 22.50 37.45 171.86 32.16 108.00 12.781 11.61' 16.151 `/ /) 30 /..�G-- set m han and the Seal of the Town of WAPiTII1G>sA Power Test Petroleum The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company The Lawyers Coy -operative I Publishing Company Central Hudson Gas i Iles Central Hudson Gas i Bloc Marshall i Sterlinq,Inc. Marshall & Sterling,Inc. I.B.M. Grey Hardware Company Urey Hardware Company The Pendell Press The Pendell Press 'The Pendell Press Xerox Corporation Wand S.D. News 'W•and B.D. News 'Williamson Law Book Co. Chester Sats Co.,Inc. R. J. Brooker Company FUND OR ACCOUNT OTHER INFORMATION 83620.4 25.75 88020..4 53.00 Serial Bondi Issue A3510.4 A7110..4 A1621,4 A1110.4 7.85- A1410.4 9.70 18010.4 A5182.4 A3310,4 A1910.4 A1910.4 A1220.4 A1450.4 A7110.4 A1110.4 A1620.4 A1620.4 A1620.4 86410.4 A6410.4 86410.4 A1110.4 A1620.4 63620.4 (Typewriter Repair) 37.44 70.56 in Witness Whereof, I have hereunto y this 12th day of Mae= 19 72 Town Clerk [SEAL] WARRANT To LOUIS DUHL , Supervisor Town of MAPPINGER , County of P156 , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of NAPPINGER , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 11th day of DEER , 19 72 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT 1AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT 865 R. J. Brooker Co.,Iac. 1.48- A1110.4 866 R. J, Brooker Co., Inc. 5..40 A1620.4 867 Sylvan Lake Telephone Co 9.25 A1620.4 868 Great Bear Spring Co. 30.00 A1620.4 Director of Beal 869 Property Tax 7.50 A1355.4 870 'Credit Bureau of Pough. 60.00 A1355.4 1 Capitol Highway 871 Materials, c. OTHER INFORMATION 872 ventral Hudson Gas i Elea 259.85 1 A1620.4 873 A-1 Pence Co, Inc. 11,074.00- A7110.4 874 Badolph S. Laper, P. *.3,804.28 Wappinger Suer Imp. 01 875 Dave Alexander, Inc. 1960.00 17110.4 876 N a 8 Supply Corp. 1 9.74 A7110.4 (Hudson Val'ey Building 877 Materials, Inc. 167.65 A7110.4 878 1Clove Excaektors, Inc. 1983.36 A7110.4 879 Dennis Rainboth I 31.88 A7110.1 880 John Pray 192.00 A7110.4 881 ' George Schlathaus 28,50 A724,0,4 882 'Ralph Vinall 1347.50 87310.1 883 11i11ia J. Frederickson 1 98.00 A7140.4 884 'The B. P. Goodrich Co. 149.12 A7110.4 885 'Anthony Bose 20.00 A7110.4 886 1ltrlville Bleacher Corp. 936.00 17140.4 887 H. J. Meurer 31.70 17110.4 / O O 4p- - w11PPDOGSR In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto sett my hand and the Seal of the Town of this 12th day of D , 19 72 Town Clerk [SEAL] To WARRANT LCUIS DUIHL Town of WAPPDGIIR , Supervisor County of atnaniss , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the lith day of DI:MOM , 19.n., in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM NAME OF CLAIMANT AMOUNT FUND OR No. ALLOWED ACCOUNT A9060.8 .278.11 B9060.8 888 Hartford Life Ine. Co. 889 Mew York Telephone Co, 460,51 A1620.4 890 Pauline *gen , 15.00 A1220.1 K113Lf OTHER INFORMATION 293.55 984.56 In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of women this 12th - day of D1C1011111 , 1972 (SEAL) Town Clerk SPECIAL DISTRICTS WARRANT To LOUIS DIEHL , Supervisor Town of WAPPINGER WAPPINGER , County of DUB , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the , 19 72 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as 11th day of a certificate thereof and directed to pay hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT I AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT 193 Central Hudson Gas & Elec 131.84 194 R. H. Lingo, Inc. 3.98 Town of Poughkeepsie 195 rlington Sewage T.P. I 20.00 196!Central Hudson Gas & Ilse 183.58 197 'Central Hudson Gas & Bloc 122.51 198 IN & 8 Supply Corp. Town of Poughkeepsie 199 Arlington Sewage T.P. 200 Central Hudson Gas & Elec 201 Axton Cross Company 202 'Axton Cross Company 203 J 8 8 Parsons, Inc. Poughkeepsie-Wappinger 204 Landfill Project 205 (Anderson Bros. Elec. 206 (Central Hudson Gas & Elec 207 ICamo Pollution Control 208 IN & S Supply Corp. 209 IN & 8 Supply Corp. 210 IN & 8 Supply Corp. 211 Prof Poughkeepsie ngton Sewage T.P. lton Chazen - 212 onsulting Engineer lton Chasen - 213 resulting Engineer 214 'Milton Chazen - Consulting Engineer 215 IUrey Hardware Company In Witness this 12th 8W2-8320.4 881-8130.4 581-8130.4 881-8130.4 SW1-8320.4 200.15 882-8130.4 20.00 8824130.4 132.97 114.21 239.95 13.65 9.00 48.99 625.65 284.34 15.84 2.17 21.45 20.00 ,991.60 ,880.00 ,693.70 I 87.04 882-84;0-4 883-8130.4 882-8130.4 883-8130.4 883-8130.4 883-8130.4 883-8130.4 883-8130.4 883-8130.4 883-8130.4 883-8130.4 883-8130.4 S83-8130.4 Rockingham Bond Accoun 883-8130.4 881-8130.4 OTHER INFORMATION 38.07 76.14 72.01 15.03 WAPPINGER Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of day of DECEMBER , X32 Town Clerk [SEAL] SPECIAL DISTRICTS To LOt1#S DIEHL Town of WAPPINIGER WARRANT , Supervisor , County of. __MAMA , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of NAPPI1c1G13R , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 11th day of D� , 1972 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, ydu are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT OTHER INFORMATION 216 W I S Supply Corps 32.1 SS3-8130.4 SS1-8130.4 24.90 083-8130.4 24.92 217 willies a. Nihans, Jr. 74.7 SAM -8130.4 24,90 Ton Gen,ilun l Vou.• 890 Pauline Egan 26.25 SS3-8110.1 / 4 9/. 7b' 7 In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of WAPPUGZR this 13th day of DSR 19_12 _ Town Clerk [SE] HIGHWAY DEPT. WARRANT To Louis D. Diehl , Supervisor Town of Wspp1n sr , County of Dutchess , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Wappin9er , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the l 1 thday of December , 19..1, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, yciu are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT IAMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT 259 lower Test Petroleum 342. 015110.4 260 Queen City Distributors 84.7 11 261 Clove Excevaters,Inc. 835.5 es 262 Wiortlskiil Rod & Dun 189. u 263 Spoor -Lieber Company 40. F " u 264 Thalman Equipment Co. 15.4 u 265 n u 11 IL R u 266 Vanes Auto i Air Express 9.4 u OTHER INFORMATION 267 Capitol Highway Maters al a1 19. *5130.4 268 McDonald & McDonald,Inc. 24. ' 11 269 Acme Tank & Truck 233.1 u 270 Walter Smith Welding 4.5 t1 271 McCallum Chevrolet 8. u 272 Ellison Products 10.7 ti 273 .1 11 105. n 274 Roberts Diesel, Inc. 15.4 11 275 11 it /1 48.4 , Si 276 Fishtail Plains Swags 5.,t i' 277 Mal Eales & amply 16.9 1. 278 $ & K Auto Supply 622. u 279 Thalmen Equipment 4.0 /1 280 11 It 7. ' ' 1. 281 11 II 36.7 n In Wit"fih Whereof, I ve h reunto set my harm and the Se19 f the Town of r this day of [SEAL] Inger Town Clerk To Louis 0. Diehl WARRANT , Supervisor Town of Msppingor , County of 04114 , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of WsP_PinDor , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 11th day of_ , 1972..., in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM NAME OF CLAIMANT AMOUNT FUND OR No. ALLOWED ACCOUNT 282 Hudson Aiwr $s1+os 3$9.85- ONS190.4 113_.Uy lW 4jr. Caumany 12AS 0 284Au oUoti w Broke 72.07 is 1 28 -Melton Al ley 139.90 " 286 Ki dom ass $ Service 1 a 287 Oolph' C. Hermon Company 433.°50 is 288 R.M. Lingo Inc. 51.03 u 289 1Itttsrntt.n1 Salt Co. 704.97 0$5142.4 290 1 " ii ii 666.12 n 291 ii a is.41691 o 292 Clove E*o.v.tors,Ins. 6149.50 i*6 293 1.11anos Misl.y 275:00 @$3140« 1 294 'low York Colmunlootions 438.00 0$5140.4 430 70.51,a3 ?o OTHER INFORMATION In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of *POW this 11th ,day ofCI" Nllber 1912.. [Sem] Town Clerk