1972-07-26 SPMA S&CiallMeein- of the 'bOWn Board of heToWn of WaPpinger was held on July 26, 1972, at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls t New 'York. J Notice for the Special Meeting was mailed on July 18; 1972; to each Ilbard member, calling the Special Meeting for'July 26; 1972, at 7:340*P.M. fak the purpose of action on RockinghamtFarms4:Sewer ImproVeffient, and any other'busind.ss thatsmaY properly come before ' thl6ftWard.. ,• • Supervisor Diehl called the meeting to order at 9:15 P.M. Present: Louis Diehl, Supervisor Louis Clausen, Qouncilman Harry Holt, CounCilman Leif Jensen, CounCilman Stephen Saland,..CoUncilman Eine H. SnowdeniTown Clerk pthe s Present: Vincent C. Kelley, Engineer to the Rockingham Farms Sewer District i-f')1Jeseph'D4'Quihn±c kittorneyt6 the Rodkingham District A prblimihary Engineer's Report-Phas.i-I Expansion " of Treatht Facil- ities3TOWn-of Wappinger ROckinghaM-Farms,Sewer District, havi3-14 been submittd by MitnhaznK-sSociat'es oh- July 20,-1972; was discussed t6,:adebAain Which' -Of the three alternates'Presented would Ve'chosen as theroute the Board felt most feasiblt4 to 'take'. . MR; bMEALfmoved t� accept alternate,B of the Prelimina'ry Engineer's Keridit:'Phage 1, subMitted by Milton Chazbh.lAeSociateg'. Se'00neld'hy Mr. Holt. Motion Unanimoiasly Carried The foll0Wing resolution was offered by Mr. DIEHL, who moved it adoption: -WHERtAS, it appears to be in the public interest to increase and improve existing sewage treatment facilities ai aRpurtenances ef'otkinAdckiAgham'Varitiic8ewerAJistridttifi. ihe i'oWri 8f Wappinger pursuant to Town Law, Section 202-b, and -!‘ AgicONSP.004I4Myx#*xltx*WNWPWTPRixi5V4h4x#W$06105 OCIWN KIPii5NMitC443idgxVi*xU6N4x*Ii4V464xt#8tIZEixtiVIPP184xVW 4REAS, the availability of a map and a plan of the proposed imprd4Ment and an estimate of the cost thereof would.provide4the. 1, , toWn. td with assistance in determining the feasibility of under- taklking 4.4ch a'project. TBE RORE,,BE,IT RESOLyED by the Topn Board of,the, Town f of IN nger that the firm of Milton Chazen Associates, of Pough- ,igewYOrk, competent engineers, duly,licensed py the.,$tate Of Se" rk, be and they hereby are engaged, authorized and directed to re and furnish to the Town of Wappinger a map and plan and, cost eStimate Of the construction of a proposed improvement to the existihg sewage treatment facilities and appurtenances of the. Rock4 ingham Farms Sewer District. Seconded by: Mr. Holt. The question of adoption of the foregoing resolution was put to a vote on roll call which resulted as follows: Mr. Diehl voting Mr. Clausen voting Mr. Holt voting 'Mr. Jensen voting Mr. Saland voting . Ave, Ave The resolution was thereupon declared adopted. • • • • -MR. CLAtSEN moved to ,direct And empowen.Joseph, D. Quinn, Jr..v,Attorney to the Rpainghamlarms_$ewe.r Dietact,and:Vincent'O. Kelley,,pE off_MiltOn“Chazen, AgeOciAtes, Engineex, to the Rockingham FarmsvSewer District; to take whatever, pteps,neceseary to direct and enforcem . Eugen Schuele, developer of Edge Manor, Section III, and. Vincent Dangler, developer of Ye Olde,Apple,Orchard to inspect, and correct any,infiltration and exfiltration, and any other defects relafting to the 10" line running from Edge Hill III to the Rockingham Farms4qfwer Plant; and further, the Town Board respectfully vequests. a progress - report by -September 1, 19724 with the completion date by October 1, 1972. Seconded by Mr. Saland. _Motion Unanimously-Oarried / • - F.tAl 1.5 M.R. DIEHL poved to notify .Rudolph E. Lkpar, Engineer,to, the Wappingen '„ • ,17 Sewer Improvement Area I, to begin Pfeliminary Plans regarding the treatment of waste water from the Rockingham Farms Sewer District by the sewer treatment plant of Wappinger Sewer Improvement Area I. Seconded by Mr. Holt. Motion Unanimously Carried 3 I77 The following letter was received: July 20, 1972 Town Board Town of Wappinger Mill Street Wappingers Falls, N.Y. Re: Rockingham Sewer District Bid for Renovations Gentlemen: Bids were received on July 12, 1972 for renovations to the Rocking- ham Treatment Plant covering items of work required by the Health Department and other -items requested by Mr. Guttman. One proposal was offered by Roy C. Knapp & Sons, Inc. of Beacon, N.Y. in the amount of $18,983.00. We recommend acceptance of the bid and award of contract. Very truly yours, s/ Vincent C. Kelley, P.E. MR. DIEHL moved that the bid of Roy C. Knapp & Sons, Inc. for renova- tions at the Rockingham Farms Sewer Treatment Plant, be rejected on the basis of only one bid received; and further, authorize Vincent C. Kelley, Engineer to the District, to re -bid for these renovations. Seconded by Mr. Saland. Motion Unanimously Carried The following bills were presented for payment: Quinn & Reilly, Rockingham Farms Sewer District, $8,275.00 Hall & Co. Inc. Rockingham Farms Sewer District, 7,600.50 MR. DIEHL moved these bills be paid. Seconded by Mr. Holt. Motion Unanimously Carried Applications for Peddlers and Hawkers Licenses were received from Ronald C. Edwards and John Franco. The applications had been referred to the Dutchess County Sheriff's Department, and returned indicating no criminal record on file. MR. JENSEN moved to approve the applications and grant Ronald C. Edwards and John Granco licenses for Hawking and Peddling in the Town of Wappinger. Seconded by Mr. Holt. Motion Unanimously Carried MR. CLAUSEN moved that an executive meeting be scheduled for October 11, 1972, to meet with both Vincent C. Kelley, and Joseph D. Quinn, Jr. Engineer and Attorney, respectively, to the Rocking- ham Farms Sewer District. MR. SALAND moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Mr. Holt and unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Spec. Mtg. 7/26/72