2012-142 2012-142 Resolution Authorizing Change Order Nos. 2 & 3 for Cider Mill Loop Water Storage Tank Demolition and Replacement Contract At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, held at Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York, on April 9, 2012. The meeting was called to order by Barbara Gutzler, Supervisor, and upon roll being called, the following were present: PRESENT: Supervisor Councilmembers Barbara Gutzler William H. Beale Vincent F. Bettina Ismay Czarniecki Michael Kuzmicz ABSENT: The following Resolution was introduced by Councilwoman Czarniecki and seconded by Councilman Beale. WHEREAS, by Resolution adopted by the Town Board on August 8, 2011, the Town Board awarded a bid to Sun Up Enterprises, Inc. in the amount of$809,129.00 for the demolition and replacement of the Cider Mill Loop Water Storage Tank; and WHEREAS, by Resolution adopted by the Town Board on November 14, 2011, The Town Board approved Change Order No.1 to the aforementioned contract in the amount of $11,135.00, which resulted in a revised contract sum in the amount of $820,264.00; and WHEREAS, the Engineers to the Town, Morris Associates Engineering Consultants, PLLC, have approved two additional Change Orders as hereinafter set forth, which two Change Orders will result in a new contract price of $827,880.56. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: 1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set forth and adopted herein. 2. The Town Board hereby approves Change Order No.2 which decreases the total contract price by the amount of $5,875.00, resulting in a new contract price of $814,389.00, a copy of which Change Order is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "1". 3. The Town Board further approves Change Order No.3 which authorizes the installation of a paved driveway to the project at a cost of $12,800.00, as well as the removal of an existing concrete pier at a cost of $691.56, thereby increasing the total contract price by the sum of $13,491.56, resulting in a new contract price of $827,880.56, a copy of which Change Order is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "2". The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: BARBARA GUTZLER, SUPERVISOR WILLIAM H. BEALE, COUNCILMAN VINCENT F. BETTINA, COUNCILMAN ISMA Y CZARNIECKI, COUNCILWOMAN MICHAEL KUZMICZ, COUNCILMAN Voting: Voting: Voting: Voting: Voting: AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York 4/9/2012 The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted. L~JpdJL CHRISTINE FULTON, TOWN CLERK Sent By: MORRIS ASSOCIATESj 8454731962j Mar-30-12 11 : 54AMj Page 1 JWt.. MORRIS ASSOCIATES ENGINeERING CONSULTANTS. PLLC .' 9 Elks Lane. ~hk..paI., New york 12801 TeI~ (845) 454-3411 Far. (845) 4'n-1962 o 84 Green Street. Suite 1. Hudson. New Yo/i( 12534 Tel~ (518)828-2300 Fax: (518) 828-3963 ,..March 30, 2012 .-..-:---- - - - - - - - Town ofWapplnger Town Board Town Hall . 20 Middlebush Road Wappingers Falls. NY 12590 Attn: Hon. Bamara Gutzler, Supervisor Fb. 2." B' - 2 'is ~ 2- RE: Cider Mil' Loop Water Storage Tank Demolition and ReplaeemBnt- Contract No. 10-013 Project Char'lge Orders #2 & #3 ' ' MA#W20B39.10 ' 7671 0-5 Dear Ms. Gutzler and Town Board Members: Enclosed' please find coPies of the AlA Document G701 entitled Change Order #2 and '#3 and a copy of the estimate Of work from Sun-Up Enterprises. Inc. The purpose of these change orders is a result of the following: , , Change Order #2: - 1. Change Order #2 is presented to modify Change Order #1 which included the . removal of the -existing utility pole and guy wire and replacing with a new utility pole and guy wire. It had been determined through conversation's with Central Hudson that the pole is not in any danger of toppling over. Therefore, Change Order #2 decreases ~the total contract: price by the amount of : $5,875.00 to a'new contract price of $814,389.00. Change Order #3: 1. Change Order.#3 is presented 'to add a paved driveway to the project. This , proposed driVeway will connect the end of the existing driveway serving the tank and the adjacent residence with the new control shed in6taUed by CAMO Pollution Control, Inc. last fall. The cost estimate for this work per estimate sup.plied by Sun-Up Enterprises in a letter dated March 23, 2012 is $12,600.00 (copy of letter attached). 2. . SeC~ndly, an additional service was performed by the contractor to r~move an , existing concre,te pier at the fear of the site for an amount of $691.56 (see . attached ticket #9646. . Therefore, witti the adc;.tition of this driveway and the removal of the concrete Pier, the new total contract price will increase by the $13,491.56 to , $827,880.56. E:\documen\s\iWapp!nger\a W2008\W20839.01 Cidl!lf Mill WalerTank Replacemenl\C0J2 & ~ Itrto TB 3-28-12.doc EXHIBIT 1 r\C;""c.I YCllU. mOl OU LV I' I I. .",aul Sent By:. MORRIS ASSOCIAT~S; 8454731962; Mar-30-12 11 :55AMj Page 2/6 Town of Wappinger Hon Barbara Gutzler Page 2 March 3D, 2012 RE: Cider MiI~ Loop Water StOrage Tank Demolition. and Repl~cement - Contract No. 10-013 Project Change Orders #2 & #3 . MAitW20B39.10 Due to the additional work proposed, the date of substantial completion of the project IS increased by 98 days from January 23, 2012 to May 1, 201 Z. . Please place this on the'agenda for the April 9,2012 Town Board Meeting for approval of Change Order.s #2 & #3. . Please call me at (914) 475-5749 (cell) or (845) 454-3411 Ext 30 (office) to discuss this matter prior to the meeting. Very truly yours. MORRIS ASSOCIATES Engineering Consultants, PUC ~~ Engineer to the Town RJG/met Enc. Cc Albert Roperts, Esq., Attqrney to the Town (by e-mail and fax) Christine .Fulton, Town Clerk (by e--mail) Michael Tremper, CAMO' (bye-mail) E:\doCl1ments\T Wapplt,lg.r\a W2008\W20839.01 Cider MIll Wllter T alll( Replacement\C0lI)2 & ~ Itr to Te 3-2&-12.doc Sent By~ MORRIS ASSOCIATESj Sent By: MORAIS ASSOCIATES; 8454731962; B454731982.; Mar-30-1211:55AMj Mlr~2B~12 3:45PM; Page 3/6 Page 2/3 I...."~:I'.., ...- 0:::.: aAlA , : DoCument G701'- - 2001 , ""1' ~"i)' "l,,,,,:~~p "..~~~ .,~ . . .r~ti.i.~iA:~l .ie Ortler ~~"""" ,~~iJ!'; ,~d t\' , .,,~1;t,!f::I'': :1/,:'.'::" :-:1-1, , I...... . ~"i~""'.lh$ ; fNtIIM,~tlldlrta:l) . ttwtlEOIIIfIlNUMIER: 2 .. - ,...- l~#""'r.\r.'t~'!f.,Is.;..~~. Mill ,Loop WateX' ...-.. Ma;r:ah)O 2012 ~Ci. rr.II~/...~I,"1!t:o.u",":!:",,,:,.:.lS!" . _'1Iii I ~ . ..- '-"."'!;t:Cfx:aga Tank DU101itieql Gt. r!1J :;.:',,':%!!o!ll:.;,','!oO",;y,,!. . ~~' ~s~.. 083.9.1 ~*~:r~~:~a~~rJ:t'~~:flJ ..-~ ~~ ~:~< .~ Up. ':~~~!r.B' In~. tGNTMCJDA~teuber 12, 2011 ~ ;..~~;~ ; . I Rg ~'~ I'.~' , ~.. '1'.' Il , ,_... . I.r. AI!,:::);L;. ~- ::;~~ .::~f ~.. . ~ ~'..::r.' :~ I.JM! 1~5!)lr'.'=:':' ,-- ......; !'.-:~ '.'<rC... . '!!l...." ...i.'*>l J',.., I.\~":: ~ '!:-'.;:J;.Dii\ ~ JPUII"A: . ,~)~ l~IJ~it .:~~ll'- 'I".~".,.; . ~~...~........~,.~~~..CAarcDIJw:IJw.I). ~~ ~~ ~,,", !!\'I'l'~' ~'Js,~ ~ange Order *1 by tbe removal of. ~t portion .. ,"'l~ ;'~ ...~r~~'.. J T'~, . elf. y1DQ' and 1nst:a111ng ~ new 4:0' class &: woo9en ~'i!- ;:'~~if~~,;;,~p~ · ,~~ . 'a~ of 9S, 875. o~U'" . . 'Ii~.. "fl'''' '."~l~ . ,.... ~ \.I.....,~ ~ - -'.- C :!!;~ ''11... .."!''!:~ .n.."t.lli't ,'~.:i~.,..'i lilS'~ol.l:' ~ ~..~A1_. '. t~I.~ ,n'l~ .t." .1.:r r"::-t,~r.'11 . rt\ '1::t~ :~,~. .~'.q':+;' .~f,:';~ ,,:,:~~.~.,:- 1I1i,~.. . ~ \ -"r:'':' ~(:' 111 u.... J'pM 1....-,.,;111' .iJ':-':. ..' ~ "~'.''''h'~;~k 'p; !_~.,\.~~~n::~~,'\, ~ -.' ~ 00 ,~.~.. .... ..'........':'!!:~ ~ .... 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HJIIIl 'PIe MI.,., lrIII'anPtf ,,~. 110,..--- -r"'~""""1IJ, En=~ X ARQfnCc;rO ~Ra .PI!LD a 0JHBl J..:1 ___III, 12590 l 'd 908L 'ON S3SIHd~31N3 dO NOS WVIO:Ol ZlOl'OE 'HVW Received: Sent BY:, MORRIS ASSOCIATESj 8454731962j Mar 30 2012 11:15am Mar-30-12 11 : 54AMj Page 1 J~ MORRIS ASSOCIATE'S ENGINeERING CONSULTANTS, PLLC ii, 9 E.1ks Lane, Poughkeepel., New York 12S01 T.I~ (645) 454-3411 FiOC (845) 4'n-1962 084 Green Street, Suite 1. Hudson, New York 12534 Tel: (518) 828-2300 Fax: (518)828-3963 ,.MLrch 3.!k2~,~2 _ _ _ _ _ ,_ - -- Town of Wappinger Town Board Town Hall ' 20 Middlebush Road Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 7671 ctf Phon. #I Attn: Hon. Barbara Gutzler, Supervisor Fb. 2..q g - z'iS 2.. RE: Cider Mil' loop Water storage Tank bemolllion and Replacement- Contract No. 10-013 Project Change Orders ft & 13 MA#W20839.10 , . Dear Ms. Gutzler and Town Board Members: Enclosed' please find coPies of the AlA Document G701 entitled Change Order #2 and #3 and a copy of the estimate of WC?r!< frpm Sun-Up Enterprises, Inc. The purpose of these change orders is a result of the fOllowing:' ,.' . Change Order #2: 1. Change Order #2 Is presented to modify Change Order #1 which included the . removal of the existing utility pole and guy wire and replacing with a new utility pole and guy wire. It had been determined through conversations with Central Hudson that the pole is not in any danger of toppling over. Therefore, Change Order #2 decreases -the total contract price by the amount of : $5,875.00 to a'new contract price of $814,3B9.oo. Change Order #3: 1. Change Order.#3 is presented to add a paved driveway to the project. This , proposed driveway will connect the end of the existing driveway serving the tank and the adjacent residence with the new control shed installed by CAMO Pollution Control. Inc. last fall. The cost estimate for this work per estimate sup.plied by Sun-Up Enterprises in a letter dated March 23, 2012 is $12,800.00 (copy of letter attached). 2. ' SeCondly, an additional service was performed by the contractor to r~move an . existing concre,te pier at the fear of the site for an amount of $691.56 (see . attached ticket#964B. Therefore, wit" the ad<;iition of this driveway and the removal of the concrete . Pier, the new tOtal contract price will increase by the $13,491.56 to . $827,880.56. E:\documents\T Wapp~nger\a W2008\W20839 ,01 CldBr MiD WalerTank Replacemenl\C0t2 & t31tr to rB 3-28-12.doc EXHIBIT 2' Received: Sent By:, MORRIS ASSOCIAT~Sj 8454731962j Mar 30 2012 11:1Sam Mar-30-1211:55AMj Page 2/6 Town of Wappinger Hon Barbara Gutzler Page 2 March 30, 2012 RE: Cider Mil! Loop Water storage Tank Demolition and Repl~cement - Contract No. 10-013 Project Change Orders #2 & #3 ' MA#W20B39.10 Due to the additional work proposed, the date of substantial completion of the project is increased by 98 days from January 23. 2012 to May 1, 2012. . Please place this on the'agenda for the April 9, 2012 Town Board Meeting for approval of Change Orders #2 & #3. Please call me at (914) 475-5749 (cell) or (845) 454-3411 Ext. 30 (office) to discuss this matter prior to the meeting. Very buly yours, MORRIS ASSOCIATES Engineering Consultants, PUC ~/~ Robert ~(;,E' , Engineer to the Town RJG/met Ene. Cc Albert R~erts. Esq., Attqmey to the Town (bye-mail and fax) Christine ,Fulton, Town Clerk (by e--mail) Michael Tremper, CAMO' (bye-mail) E:'ldoclIments\T Wappll:lg.rIa W2008\W20BS9.01 Cider Mill W8terT811k Replacemen!IC()j2 &.3 Itr to -re 3-Z&-12.doc Received: Sent By:, MORRIS ASSOCIATES; 8454731962; Mar 30 2012 11:16a~ Mar-30-12 11 : 56AM; Page 5/6 ." SU~ VPft rn~urnml!rn[]~rn~QIJ~CCo . ,I ~ . ~ " [.;:'i~fl! .: '_ J ....... . De...... . 11M Werk' bca..... W.t....cs S~(~'. . :; ..: I I A..laalt P........ eo.aet. "'0..1& .I_....rv Sewed "'~l" '" i'" , . . , I~ ,:: I .r "1',1.1 March 23. 2012 Morris Associates 9 8ks Lane . Poughkeepsie; NY 12601 ATTN: Mike.Takacs . Re: Cider MUI:T ank - Asphalt Driveway ScaDS of Work o Excavale.and grade to I depth of 12" o Ins.taU:S" It8m 4 o Instal!:2-1JZ' Type 3 Binder o lA5ta1l' 1..112" Type 6 Top o Area not to exceed 1,200 s.f. Proposal Amount S 12.800.00 Exclusions .. o P9rml~, bonds o Testing o Striping thanK you forthe opportunity to 'quote tis woJi(. If you have MY questions, please feel free to contact us. Very truly yours, ?5 Erik AUgauer. Es6matof 1607 ROUTE 376' WAPfolNGERS :FIIL1.S. ~E\AI YO.RK 12590 'TELEP"'OHB84.5.462-1800-fAX 84!.462-8375 'd ~OLl 'ON S3SI~dH31N3 dO NOS ~'d6l :01 llOl'tZ 'HVW Received: Sent B~: MORRIS ASSOCIATES; 8454731962; Mar 30 2012 11:16am Mar-30-12 11 : 56AM; Page 6/6 ... .. . SUN: UP ENTER,PRlSES, INC. . 1607 Roun: 376 W,APPiNGERS FAUS, NY 12590 SALE'S OR:DER WR/'~~ ..11 15QP~ ~ re , 1__ ... T_r..r.: (1145) _~J8ao , fa (M5) 4IZ.aJ75 ."""'110, BOLD 10: , \~~ ~ v.-~,.........,,...-d"L~ -- ~\P) ~ ~~ '"k\~ \..-.~,,'- ......... P""".~''''' 9J.flP-m: ~~....~ ~~~ c;:J:?- ~o ~ n~,- ~~ > Tl!lWIt \. t: \.. ~ (\ \."'" ." ~l. - :r.n~/ fl,(. 'wr,"rd12. t9IbON'r' 111.1. ~, '" 4 " I ::t-.. -~-_.....-...-.. --.......-.,...... ----~- .-.....--.. \ '.' : :... 1,4., I ..----- . . , I I " . I l 'J HLL 'ON S3S1Hd~31N3 dfl NflS WdH:il 'IOZ'6l'HW Received: Sent By: MORRIS ASSOCIATESj Mar 30 2012 11:16am Mar-30-12 11 :55AMj 8454731962j Page 4/6 Sent By: MORRIS ASSOCIA~Si 8454731982; PfIIge a/3 Ma~~2g.12 3:48PM; . ill Document G701'" - 200.1 En=Jix MCHIT2DT IJ ~TORC FlltDO , 0"fItiR 0 , - '~r&." o.dId ~~...~.!9,,~OJL 1..........000p~. R"'" OQ j:.nur.~~ . ~ I 13,4.91.56 " .. tJaia CIaDp 0J:c1II' wJU be S 62" . 880 '56 \:~~"'.",_"""by ( 98 )c1lyt . Jfi(~~~ ~~V- -~D'W~u-J ~ ~:~. . DAD ~.. ~T! 0A1mOr4: yDII......, ..... en ."111 ~ Cortin!" Qacu"*", an....1atI 'HI"'" lippe_II) 1lI'i,tl, Aft Art...... .....ll.lh. c:hanaY \lIIIIIlIlI\t:pII.."., , _~.'I'Il'l~-""~'.~/'.'"_''' ..,.,..................~ A1i......--. w.<l~'.'nM AJA" 11M.."'...... III ~..,UJt ~~.............,....,.."'-A.."-A.~. ol"'" ..........0.- """''''* ~ _.,., ........... "" I" ..,.......... __ cMl..."lII......................,.....,...... WI _......,.................... ",*, ~...~ _/WIIllUI&_CUlJ__" ...~.... ~ T......~.......... M A"" CDnlIJiI;I 11_ HIlI n. AIMrbII "....0I-""-1ooIIl ~ ......w....... G 'J 90BL 'ON S~SIHd~31N3 dO NOS WVIO:OlllOZ'Ot'HVW I i I I i i I ! i I I I I I I I I ,I I I j ! ! i I I ! i i I' I I 1 I I