1971-05-17 SPM1 6 A Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger was held on May 17, 1971, at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls;. New York. The date' for this meeting having been set of the May 10, 1971 Regular Meeting. Supervisor Diehl called the meeting to order at 11:35 P.M. Present: Louis Diehl, Supervisor Louis Clausen, Councilman G. Donald Finnan, Councilman Harry Holt, Councilman James Mills, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present: Rudolph Lapar, Engineerto the Town Allan Rappleyea, Attorney to the Town MR. MILLS moved that Vincent Dangler be given one Building Permit, with a hookup rate of $480.00 for the one house he wants to have ;' . t bilrU <,and instruct the acting Zoning Administrator that he has been given approval for one house. Seconded by Mr. Holt. Motion Unanimously Carried MR .CLAIUSEN moved the following Order In the Matter of the Estab- lishment of the Wildwood Sewer:..listrict and setting a date for the Punic Hearing thereon, be adopted. Secomdsd'by Mr. Finnan. Motion Unanimously Carried (A copy of the Order, in entirety is attached hereto and made part hereof of the Minutes of this meeting.) An Appl.ipationhad_been,made by S. J. Reynolds for a soil mining permit. Recommendations were received from the Acting Zoning Inspector And Engineer to the Town indicating they had reviewed the apptic-ation .and -.recommende'dh.:tha.t approval be' gran .ted subject to the submission of a $10,000 Performance Bond, and, that both _tie appliaanite ,and his contractor be furnished with a copy of Section 439.011 through x439.019 of ,the .Town of ''Wappinger Ordinance,.' so! th T 16 may be fully aware of the limitations and restrictions stipulated therein. MR. FINNAN moved that a soil mining permit be granted to S. J. Reynolds, based on the Acting Zoning' Administrators' 'and 'Engineers' recommendations. Seconded .by. Mr, Clausen. Motion Unanimously Carried - The following letter was received: May 13, 1971 Louis Diehl, Supervisor Town of Wappinger Town Hall, Mill St. Wappingers Falls, N.Y. .Re: L&A..Sewer Rate Dear Mr. Diehl: As a result of the answers received by the L&A Filtration Corp- oration from the Town•'Board, which completely breaches the committments mutually agreed on by the L&A Filtration Corp. and the WA" Board that should be part of the minutes of the previous Town meeting, at your meeting of May 10, 1971, it has become imperative that L&A Filtration Corporation. effectuates an iinterith rate for sewer service in the area it is franchised to operate. In view of the act that L&A Filtration Corp. has filed with the Town Board all tr.ecogd l'r:egi i4ei.1', and said records being verified by the officers of the Corporation who also hold 100% of the„ stock, :we feel that tthe i'pradraisitin'atir n that the Town has indulged in since September 1969 cannot be allowed to bring about irreparable harm to L&A Filtrations dr rporat ion:', Until such time as the Town jjuOta ies its' postion by state nfg what -a permanent rate they feel should be set for sewer service, we wish to inform you for the record that L&A Filtration Corpora- tion has placed in effect an interim rate for service of $40 minimum ,per quarter ..t,GUstomers using over 20,000 gallons per quarter will be billed the additional charge of 20 cents per hundred.= Respectfully yours, L&A Filtration Corp. ,f s/ Fred J. Lafko, Pres -Sec. s/ David Alexander-U.Ps°Treas. MR. DIEHL moved that this Town Board empower the Attorney toestart any legal action necessary to prevent this increase in rate. Seconded by Mr. Holt. Motion Unanimously Carried + i.; Mr: Diehl stated that .Mr. Joseph Gutmann hag requested that he .be hooked up to the Highway Department's two way radio system. He 1 63 feels it would be an asset and would avoid inconveniences when he's needed at the different plants, or when he needs assistance from the Highway Department as he could contact, or be contacted, by the secretary at the Highway Department in cases of emergency, etc. MR. CLAUSEN moved that the Town authorize the expenditure of the cost of installing a two-way radio in conjunction with the Highway system for Mr. Gutmann's services. Seconded by Mr. Mills. Motion Unanimously Carried Mr. Clausen stated that, in view of the fact that Town Justice Vincent Francese cannot serve on the Board of Assessment Review, a member of the Town Board should be appointed. MR. HOLT moved to rescind his previous motion appointing Justice Francese to the Board of Assessment Review. Seconded by Mr. Finnan. Motion Unanimously Carried MR. FINNAN moved to appoint Harry Holt to the Board of Assessment Review. Seconded by Mr. Mills. Motion Unanimously Carried MR. MILLS moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Mr. Clausen and unanimously carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:52 P.M. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Spec. 5/17/71 At • meeting of the Town ioerd of the Tow of Wappihsr held at tha Town Mall is the Village of Wappingers Fells, Duteh•as Y©xkon the Present I 7V day of , 1971 1. „„ 2. C c. r c i\ Chgt1 3. Ca u +\.rv.A r. 4. Cc u S. 11/4•-)Ong._ LOU C-14C4- 60r:k.\A knt\czr\ JgrneS NAk% ,Jr .W0MM.4M0.M1M•4f'40•44pw•orA41w01.ww.►Mw W4040MwwMOPOW In the Matter of the ■stabllalment of the W1tdsud $ StatwOot is the Tolle of Wepptaser qty Mew York, purewiliti 1 - Ato 1244 of t#es Tete taw •MwMM•wn Mr.M0,0,0A4100!!!.N0.10NMWM*0#fwrAM/ANr WORMS a wap, plaa►, and roper t have bass properad manner sad in suds detail as has heretofore beast dstovnin the Town •osrd of the Taws of Vapp eqr tta to the is s such by blisb west of a proposed Bearer lepenvement Awes kern% as the WtldVOOd Surer Distrist is tks Tenet of Mipptaltrt Das ksu diasra ty, New York, pursuant to Aerttslee 1301i of the ?sus Law sad WUTAd said sap, per►* a 'evert have hoes t s of ee of the ism fa imiltrt tad IiiiS,iSAS ! map, pima y filed in and rest have boon duly filed is the Clack's otft.e of the Uwe of Vsppteaer1 and MMUS said map, pleat end report wore pby Su+ 1pk S. Laiar, a sempeees4 esiu►esr, duly licensed by this State of Ser Fork, showing the bselria ids of the propeted dtstri need a Sea eral plea of the saner system, and YIlRtM the improvements propeosd as sett foss La s*U plan and report senate* of nein sewers msstbel•s, loaeeral lines, a anew disposal plant located . the Tors of Wappi e�r, and W IIRSA1 the improvement will provide priaarity for tha said arra which is bounded and deacrfb.d as follows; J ..D? TH Vant P T G 1s&ieeinj at a point on tha a+cnx>whsrly side of Widmer Road, said point beins approxinatsly 205* fast from tbe is►tsrsactioa of tha cantor lino of Split Trs. Wiwi, said point befog tha north oast corner of lot 86 an a nap amtit sd "Wildwood Forest, S.ation 2 i► Section 2 A" on file in tha Dutchaaa County Clerk's °fi'ios as map No, 3349; themes the fellowims bearings aed distances: South 31' 02' 10" most 1751* feat, North 57 35' 50" east 208* fort, South 14' 20' 58" east 448* feat, North 54' 55' 20" east 332* fart. North 19' 10' 10" vest 118* feet, North 52' 49' 10" east 717* fast, North 55' 55' Sal" oast 1,494* foot, North 17" 24' 0" east 132* fsat,, to south ss of Widmer Road, these aloes the south side of WLdeer 110* fiat to a point, theeee la a X1y diatostic* mss W4d r Road .... ; foot to the s thaast seiner of lot 47 on a trap esti• tl ed {ifildwoed Forest " se lila is tau► Dutrohess County Clark's office tea sap #3174; than the fallowing hearings and distan...s t North 14' 57' 10" cuts 3444 t, South 76' 04' 30" east 260* fasts, North 14' 47' 50 east 489* feet, North 260 52' 30" wart 447* feet, North 24' 37' 08" most 219* feet, North 27' 49' 20" most 413* feet. -2- South 57' S6' 30" west 670* fe *t, North 27' 31 30" west 698* foot, South 59' 34' 10" worst 377* fast, North 26' 11' 10" vest 645* 'asst, to tha soothoriy aids of Root ksnsack Road, thane* wsat.rly alb tha southerly side of Now Hackensack Road 425* !loot, thence crossing New Hsoka"ssok Road in a northerly aviation 94* foot, to a point on tha norther., ly std. of Naw Hackensack Road, said point Wag the southeast corner of lot 1 as 1s1d down on * map entitled "quiet Acres" on fila in the Dutch's* County Clesk's offioo as nap #2936, theme the following bearings and Animals: North 21' 14' 00" west 177* feet, Uort:h 61.' 15' 00" east 323* foot, South 28" 45' 00" oast 173* foot, to a point on the ly side of Iaw *aak.issaok Need, thence, 'rsatsrrly along t.hs port lin. of Now Hackensack Road 787* foot to a point, said point bring t:h• southeast air of the lands of L A A Filtration Corporation, thorn tier f~rllonting bootlegs and distances around the lands of L R A Filtrations Korth 27' 42' 00" wet 297* foot, South 71' 3Q' 00" west 100* fist, themes in a generally westerly diractton *long • strew bed and Wappingers Crook 380* f� South 10'' 32' 20" east 33* foot South 500` 16" 30" oast 33* fust, South 84' 48' 50" past 03* foot, South 67* 52' SO" oast 25* fest, South 3111t 43" 30" .art 13* foot, South 55' 33' 50" east 24* fast, South 72' 39' 20" oast 129* feet, South 36' 17' 50" east lig* feet South 49' 51' 40" east 43* foot Siad, sa a point 'on Kew polat being the southerly corner of the sands of L i 4 ►iltratioa, these* crossing New laokeasaek lead and oaster» ly along the southern side of New Kackoasaak load 800* feet to the southwest tuterseetion of New Wkenssok Road and WJ ldwood Dove, thence along the wester* side of Vtldsoad Drive the following distances and bearings: Along a curve to the right 39* foot, son+ h 22' 591 20" oast 80* feet, a curve to the loft 97* feet, south 47' 29 20" east 102* feet, a curve to the sight 396* feet, south 32' 03' 10" oast 144* fest, to a p©int,, said point being the uoetharu corner of lot 1 as laid down on map entitled "Nap of Wildwood ?+rest" on file in the Dutohsss County C1.xk's office as map #3176, thence in a generally southwesterly digestion around said subdivision, the following bearings and distances: South 570 56' 50" west 199* foot, South 3' 44' 50" east 100* feet, South 15' 29' 10" east 161* feet, South 17' 58' 30" oast 239* foot, South 23' 38' 00" east 170* feet, North 58' 10! 50" east 393* feet, South 4' 43' 50" west 209* fret, South 73' 31' 20" east 299* fest, North 71' 07' 26" oast 332* feet, Dtoth 34' 09' 30" east 25* feet, South 36' 48' 10" oast 453* feet, -4- South : 10' 30" vest 620* foot, to the south side of Widmer Road, thanes soros* Widmer Read and along tks south side of Widmer Rood 170* feet to the point or place ©f beginning. i U M$, the maximum Ott proposed to be sapondad for said ieproveaant is $412,500.00 and the proposed method of financing to be employed consists of the issuan©e of serial bonds of said Town pursuant to tit* Local Mono* Law, to mature in annual in* •tallments over a period net emoeoding thirty years payable in the first instance by assessments levied upon the several lots or portable of land within the benefited area hher.inbeiere d*soribad in just proportion to the mount of benefit which the improvement* shall confer upon such lots or parcels, and idlNIMBI it is n©w desired to call M public ting pursuant to filiation 109D of tits Tera i.r(nr; $ W, THL"RUCIR, it is hereby ORDER= by the Town Board of th+s Tow of Wappinger, butches* County, New York, as follows: Section 1. A meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wa pinger, Dutch*** County, New York, shall be held in the *C�inaam 11 5C%o\ `th`'l erg Corners in said Town, on the V4 day of ores- , 1971, at Sab or*look p.*. , Nestorn Daylight Tia, t© hold a public hearing en the aforesaid proposed improvements and the plan, report, and map prepared and filed is connection there* with at which all person* intarssted in the subject *Woof nay ba heard concerning the sem and to take such action thereon as is required or authorised by la+rr. Section 2. 'fee Two Clerk is �sby rut sed dtre+rted to pivr notice of such praiict heauitrl# by publishing a copy of this order once in the Wappingers thorn Dutohass Nws, the official nwspapsr, and by po ting $ copy hereof upon the bulletin board of his officio such publication and posting to b* made not less then tin (10) nor more than Monty (20) days before the date set herein for said public hearing Section 3. This Carder shall take offset immediately. Dated; May 17 , 1971 1 tams tasat. 1,00I0 CLAUSi VIHIALD a. PIW*A$ S WARY HO aims KILLS Somber* of the T Town of Wappin*or Dl.v York d of the roc County,