1967-10-02 SPM899 A Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger was held on October 2, 1967 at 8:00 P.M. at the Town Hall, Mill 'Street, Wappingers Falls, New York. The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:03 P.M.. Present: Joseph Fulton, Supervisor William Bulger, Justic e of the Peace Vincent Francese, Justice of the Peace Louis Clausen, Councilman Louis Diehl, Councilman Elaine Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present: Knud Clausen, Superintendent of Highways Quinn & Reilly, Attorneys to the Town Rudolph Lapar, Engineer to the Town Mr. Fulton called for a 15 minute recess at 8:04 P.M.. Meeting called back to order at 8:32 P.M.. Roll call taken. All members still present. Mr. Fulton stated that the primary purpose of this meeting was that he had a proposal regarding Wildwood Forest Section I that he wished to put before the Board. He outlined the proposal as follows: 1. Skyview Development Corporation would deliver to the Highway fund the sum of $2,700.00. 2. The Highway Superintendent and the Town Board would, proceed to accept, in total, the roads, recreation, and anything else that might be implied in the Town taking over the responsibilities of this development. 3. He has had estimates in the area of $12,500.00 for blacktopping Wildwood Drive - and would personally recommend a bond for this amount. The plan is that the $2,700.00 would be used by the Highway Department to put' in a drainage system adjacent to the roads to improve the drainage of those roads. He had checked with the Town Engineer, and it is all feasible. The $12,500.00 wpuid be for the Town to proceed to blacktop this road with an l" of blacktop. Hta suggests that the bond be floated in the amount of $15,000.00 with the intent pf about $12,500.00. With the cooperation of the Highway Superintendent in blacktppping this road the Town Highway trucks would draw the blacktop. The Highway Superintendent would then rent the services of equipment of Dave Alexander, rent his paving crews, to pave this road. The second part of the proposal was the purchase of a lot (owned by James Klein) that the Recreation Commission was anxious to obtain. The lot (which will be in the name of Lafko & Alexander) will be sold to the Towh for $2,700.00; plus 3 plus or minus acres of additional recreation land (which is contiguous with what the Town already has); plus clear title to right of ways on Widmer Road (presently a portion of Widmer Road is on private property). Mr. Francese asked if the lot in question was the one on the road which if obtained, would give direct access to the Recreation Area, and was told that it was. Mr. Louis Clausen asked if the $2,700.00 figure was for the drainage and paving plus the pipe or labor and materials. Mr. Lapar stated that it wps only for Wildwood Drive drainage based on Mr. Kelley's original map. It could do a good job, only on Wildwood Drive. Mr. Fulton asked Knud Clausen if he had brought in any estimates on blacktop (noting that he had discussed this with him last week). Mr. Clausen said he didn't have any estimates, as it had never been his intention to recommend blacktop on that road now. Mr, Diehl asked that Mr. Lapar be asked to give his feelings on blacktop, as he stated a week ago he was against it. Mr. Lapar restated that he was against putting down blacktop however, if somebody would guarantee it — if for instance, the whole road broke up and someone would guarantee it — if for instance, the whole road broke up and someone would go in and replace it — that would be different. DaveAlexander said that if the drainage were put in them he would guarantee it, but without a drainage, he wouldn't. Mr. L. Clausen asked Mr. Alexander if he could foresee that the weather would permit this year for blacktop. Mr. Alexander said there were about 2 months left. Mr. Fulton asked Mr. Quinn what the legal ramifications were. Mr. Quinn said they could provide the Board with a Bond Resolution within the next few days, and as long as the amount to be funded does not exceed $15,000.O0, it could be accomplished by action of the Board. A short discussion between Mr. Diehl and Mr. Quinn transpired regarding the type of Bond — whether they were referring to a performance bond or finance bond. Mr. Knud Clausen interjected a caution that they should be cognizant of the ' possibility that, even with the agreement for guaranteeing the blacktop, if there should be a breoh—up it could be blamed on the drainage. If Mr. Alex— ander supervises the drainage, and guarantees the job there, he would say okay. He added, however, that to go in and put blacktop down on VKi|dvomd Drive would be against common sense, Mr. Fulton brought up here the 2nd option would be oil and chip. Mr. Bulger asked if he understood Mr. K. Clausen to say that he had a counter proposal. Mr. K. Clausen said his proposal is that it would be better for the people of Wi/dwmod Forest and for the Town to go in and fix the roads (oil & chip) in Wildwood Forest so.they are open all year round, he would go in and plow snow this winter, do anything that would be done for anyone else, but would not guarantee blacktop. He felt the road needed a stable base before putting blacktop down. He has nevee recommended it and he wouldn't take the respons— ibility but, on the other hmnd, if the Town says here's the money, and Mr. Alexander is willing to guarantee it, he would recommend doing it. Mr. Francese said the one question he would ask was if Mr. klexander would absolutely guarantee it to the Town, after the drains in and macadem down. & Mr. Fulton commented that if the Board would go along with this Boem, and its definitely the responsibility of the Highway Superintendent we will have given him the funds to take 2 options and would expect, if he accepts this, then its keA.ce, av- ill 1614.1 /nE.E-r-ING i-re_cl J. 1-a-Pko L_oL EJ J aleph 14:-F(A_t+eriA I en na ....\eir)sert FUL-T o - -Pe.5011.Cf -Piiiclolph 1.Lapr knuci Ciakse-r\ JosepP, , Quinn )..)(7. Susan. J. -Pike, on tine_ own 1.&N:3 rci boild 62 pulled, Thi's imeans sui+. "Bcisrl suilL cgaa-i).51L- -4e. • vgioper„ air attOr rle_Li (=MCI T- have no c_ho;ce., at -1-1-11s poi. rl'IL -4-2) proceed Lir/es5 50me-i-h•Ln CDynes up. We CGnnolt- t'i-tri I. s 5 u14- un/ewe have_ barket;14. of i-cit'h 'a Cornol;ssirmer. )1 cThe hand co-e..II b '5 Lo'n ail c:i 01-11g, h and ii x i wr•INI - arc4 La+5 hgar- T t Sre ern(2.-POL . - N.)0 aiAcd Fr i z_ kr-“Ad met CI Own -11-tiere, ciestu-daci what to '0-t,,y(..ct what C01/1 Clu 5 I 0725akt.4 CL-AusEm - Law su:(11- fd L2 -I0, /(Drt c45 heat- H-trik rIIerole_. treemevrfs Lafko, L&;i(/ --t(2,11 h:py, do, f he well aoree. acceerne,ft* `Mai' Gohal-- he S 00 fina do. tid II CI ii0OCCI SecitertA 1.71 'lava&ij ffi rnelnuirnotcl 1. &cone' 'vex 071_ 0-f ea serrie-pd-5, c-t/Ha-t- t)k. GLIL piace,. 3.- rn 1L Y fra4ie. ape.k_cla-,a4;P) cie_airtzcl up • we_ orutsi- dean cycd- V-i/e-ed-i-cA Oa5c/kt s aitch ..suie_ *hat cfrai4 e i 5 pet. 5 there Y-iiree places krheire: en,u6 citc:ej dAtreAra LA- ke, road .07hd /`\A 1 I (Ai- ( 9irat/i .34,16:1 1 Pmt have `-6e. Gk)hey le_ WIre sh c wild U� r. Lapar has beevt. cvar Tefe, avtc ‘1-0-kok. (oak lith /d w o Qd Lath ems, , 7' 1-&re.5 d n. T� r . Cil (32 ak pL-.A-PA, _ 1 wrote. `ins C.s2: f-er . (h(aad The (Q r ) Cie acrdrain p1( Prekle.- efra0ce-tb c;4- so nobody Ccs �LLca . Ope, c(Lfch deavie d - rep- rap, e,+c . LDra a9e ease rh e;,_t s - all cm -K s 4-ruct- /;-k_ caeproved bL / ices se4 %.I weer. AF V,o - 1 -!ere asa. refines&rcii-ai ve, avid & o-F-nc;a/ of 'S'k view -boy e✓I opal eA,1- Paraf-c, , . i ds ed 1 o wz, Cou,ktse/, c cs you In&ie kt -e.r o -f a-pproxmaf€it UuL i cir��fe,h.. b e /11.r. ke I I e. . , C -o p y of wh tC1-1 was se-kct- 'fie c. c -t- oy -1; cc. -Pie 14 asked 17c cLc,i L.apar. L-AP/CR-dort + ( k J 1i ve��. 4 .. LA c- KO_Nl r . 0 2-i t se ie , d (:J c: (.� h �Irc. a co p ci 0-1 t a r IA-- /I1r. ke.l red ins pected, cabou,ut t�Li1 a� '�� . 4& d /11 !- l +0--K �..-X U l N N - /1 c. L a# kc i +S r e to r f i vi I a (0_,•t-e.r dated Lk l G I?) tI9co(). addressed over 0)e se na, -u_re, o; V1CvL+ ke_lIe who Was. ie. Encineer `0 1-11e, I oc,;✓i atecf .i.'I4ache T otile_ 62:1 -far is d re or L heCh is d (esu ne 4rnee f i, vi.j of e (,v1 Ici wacci sc , and L-1- 5a -cis — ociEct-ti a - 1- t e Lo (tsQt-F, scceud ra , Sfa l -e s t 4 ese irLdias cr1 aLv_ aUut c a CC_U-rd cies or oYY1 r ss c ows Ld me inn©w as soon as (Jc>s5 i bie, -Q port CO-KS145 Of fin) 0 /-'\,A\1 ► ► r 9 (1 Oa 5e5 E vl d u - revers :ID a a Gerk-FarQ.vt c.Q -f--c dI SC -us Lfe WO( Lfevv& s be d ovle- a s 1 r,sf-ed ovt a rg? por+ cI -tad June G 1 9 (0 Co a n d re S(..c rn e_ c n d i c a,t-es �-Fr �.�- `�► � .-Pollowl v< eo l� wre, P rasewt: v. kelle k. Claus g -P P �� Lafko) D. A1ex�rncier, R. L.a-��O d Sa4ron, avkci _ -dere were_ ceApies c' bi- sed- ( op1e : K.CIaLt.set/L, F. LaCkO, A(e)c.q�dc r J . Quirt r i. i)ororta ► aInd +e Towi' bcd LAL)5 Nl - have a re_por .rawt °1-h at- Yr ee.f- L v\ . FkScO _ "Back +© June 9 - -Pot th s -- ,a t we're do here , we 're_ evn aan d 2C thors . k+ is - a . re so. L L+ , c4 e arc `I•"Pna* Our +0 5fQr+ Lid pfoceedbil. S . i1 wau I otr'acrd Can S -Kar -I- Su; --i- is on (Qcov awricJ- t ai-I:viA o hQ (shwa -I Sc..Lp iL fev ciEA/L -. Record Shows he made re c n i e rid atucnc.r . 1 I's 5oiVc Ch a vie— here, s O I e l w 1+ 1 L/V *le at,id-ino r ±Li l-! (cp w Cop() rr< < ssr WA- , 1 �' 1!-h ere are awl. c av _ es C e- e_ b ► cpd- a.+ ©ur c. ►id ✓via k e. Cha-i/kec s . - r,n el 1 s on e. In oto +D st ar 4- u r + , -There s he y (a a+ cicaI c4 a -s -Ce -K5, ✓riod t ,ad,just-mei+5 ©r v\`4- k t hr" now we're_ a c 1-1 Vl ©vk a r e s o kc+ L Cn'i © T unless so r ti e Lh a.,t5e stamen b9 4r_9fwa.,3Crm r.ssro er d 'd- `I -In t;v� P/te. TOW-I&tv0and Caid f e Su +. 1tri ffno-id- his re_ ce-w ien e.nci a.�-c, . /\7\ A \11_1_4 Qu'N NA - AS GcrideC5fairld knutcl has 90+ some- recorrl e.,e‘dattevvS -fp m ake_ here,.Jv fa' {less Ce-errkr-‘5 caLka So -Per "14') +0 pouk.. + +he_ problems -1-6 at he. and 1, /15i,-)Luat,i CCM alt criar- CLISC.used, FUI-Tom - We. want -frine clocneavid toThe. Safi's-Fach,o-vuof --he H(5. hwaii Co nial pt,e fe, +o 'lave Q1/19 ki--lcu'vt Cvl +h e cLuri-, ,hu+ acree-ren* tiou do C.+ a sei- j +hat Is Mat wockld 1 -hs has -1-050 (1.1.4-rz) Coa_rf-, pop)e, over +here (A)(11 Dave +0 waif- artc,t-i)er clear, Cosi-- 01 ore_, u_ t 4-ti.atn H- iv, 0744d -Px +61.1n5s. (-pc( _are, Com lel/ ffed We_ probablui tA)Ch hays2 a5roe, si-ra 1.3vrt-evN. LA.p some :Fut.:1-01v are wct./Lil c/owi/La.{Ad ayeenlevcfrt4e basis of rte44112,ed reernevue 44,1 4-{4e 1 LAE K,0 - `I -he_ record; tioe_ were. once *Old iv 1(04z, be-fOre we. Lioetici- Liik +0 C.(314/1. pieta_ (pads what we 1, -)ad 4-0 cLo.• CAJe_ di'cl ever()) b14 1-1-Qwtsas recommevi_decl excepi- ,Ausz_Ni _-hduc..) ()cloy -1 c,uerevd- avtd Cer4- "frine. e@seyne_vci--. LAQ -1-1/1 se are ?-ha ko id-€A/ti speas c:)n(.4.NA eit.cfs c5-14_Li.dd cce becau_se_ uincier -fraAkci -Prervyt 'leers "ve 5o+, 413 have Co-Acrete, VVt g_wv \ eAA.:fs cAkshe ael , of Ccs p par -- PI a V, L /L 13 0 ►-d appro‘/at Cal 1 ed c, cxei-e Copper cue.(d +a t 1 c cin ov t Atv e . ' , 'r Y \ L rro-t 3 s c v h c. -f I'S . all we. C OLL(d pi,Lf CA/. CO:4)0r tOdd LO L L l G o vvt.. -_+._ __ +DId wo©de.vt '$fd.k.es werepc,ci- )14,, rhe ©i-her Lap r e (A ii& l -I- T Gt5 trod (-�2�, 4-o 1.-- APA S c_ha tier -- cri/i ( w ease r e kci- b.2_71 -cu ee kt f causes, NQ -L0 ea seam evUr Cavne d o L.cmC, c-wL Seh a t ie r �s '1ct �� d v r ry iv _ as('//4_ Yee_ l e.rbrc ver Sc.,c .o -1,L, , are &a 0 allc, sk_r, a4- T.eQ.r s ce - T h ai- Wz./2pc.pcs (9-- t cr'atov s tihstal a i1.0 -14.s cra ureas ? PAR - 'FJ'LQ dart s drams eat s 'ShErunk crZL ft/i4-( plat& L W1d be. vitsfabCed as , err 9t5-DcO rQ ate& Gken/i PSC pia 10 c rd, Ac K� - �c.�-j eC¢ .-o�-f�.r 1 ov�rn r� rr� c, 's tck r ail Ike dta.cEs t ,t(ci - - v t gc o 'L e �� - avr d a,C ( p1ai&s, v aps , L 'vz_ eves p ike e U h atie✓ Qrau►�1 a a2 '4 -he& -e_ vvi&ips are sub ch arm T-- p1 acevrwA/ -- as F'r as NI -Putt are (LP- c�Lc.01, Manner vtAL -1 UL e1, e.k. are d ha mrd + PrO-Fx e -a c-11 c th Ct r vu(DAiLd -i<L0,CAA, . Wi y.Ak- cAoto a. Fl.SL CQ Rre p__ 3 Si -a r t� tik. A' ta� (� p f an -I-0 a (o4{-' o -F V U Quc -- htj►Iclflr earinn± per110 +o ehancae • /SAN 1E• iq i 41-�heL have fb �-► come +-b Eh e2r and N(ghvoa citperircteAcleg SAW K0 - presQn ' enoJin� er .nd hhoJhwacl supertotendeni- Were_not of-Pic' � . Th;s road was d evnar d ed bu bLi o\IQ.rn•i n mind s c7� Q. T ewn ' cerci or 4Pi av n -1-01C1 +h e. m -b b Q-Po,rce d s + a f) road so ear I L wou_cd resu I-1- 1.11 detar poral-1On er-- Vie. road _ F-IovdeVe r , e i vvsi sfed d nci pre ssLL re, pu+ on p rey E o u 'Board ` a fi c'f- i ov, be p u -f- i n as as GJ e nd1 7r ► vim,, a 9a n s+ ad v ce, d -n d L. -FoucJ, h -t- all 1 could . - `I- k ► s makes comp) caged S c,c t -i- vn ate_r- i a 1 •o c1 wa�►�-s cer+ai'v, rc�s dovie. over 1ere and wavtfs 5reeme� *h e ti w i 1 / b e c1 ov7e 41,,td a cl ad -e. he. (1 w i 1( be c civ e, vi W k I I. .c) +0 T ouOn ?)oard avid saG held Lcip5u cf LAv Ko - Town Bart) i 5 povier less. Clan se►& Can ahead (A.31441 (cb vI ry e -v d cid i awsu i 1- avid he. (s one tAxh-o can drO P � 4- , QUiA A3 - Comes c,c.,vldQr coshes C.-ac,U _ +h►s htc51-)wai cavnv 1(sstovaer- has acceptance of +hose. rods, y.F he- cLo►& -d-- i,e i' ervt CA/ ire c.o cLrs e_ �s Sue a LAWL ÷0 eve r- a cQ s . bicytA have-- a COW rvi L.4 yl ervCf - --C) Dex rvr1 '.0 suck a -1-Lry)€, . �eo�ard les 5 +Ih € ova t l- mA-4 5L-h,t1-, oin I's atm e d e.r s 1--a,vka EA -14k C 1 ata'k I.- A-FWD,t V5 Was . Vex I ci o►ne; • T e -}-w o poi vt s brou.51--v+ are par +- of e vt 5 s z - ,mus- be d.evi2 . SOLI 1'P) .o •/e 4-0 recornmead vnat recdmmeed- ./\.\-4\y it, tq(f l.. L- A o s N - in C.VQX' re c C,� e 5+'C� d ! O l,c� V1 ' o *& ke. road Over . L _ l' make_ e sfQl-ern e,vcl ovlce. avid said •M r. Lafgo re_ cc_sed rn e w I1e'i W ao- avid asked f r- se r -v k.cce . -L eR3me +0 clot) ma c1 be_ h tncWre.d +i ees anc r asked clop ` D Sc -rape.. +1e. roads. (INA. d L d Some , bLA+ not c'vu ` 2 k 1.1d has 5O+ 14- Or or c. `�-(•� 1 +'1c, S �`l!?a " he St a.fecE here. CLAt)5 ti - (t a Per1t., +0 '�-c" e. e✓2r ro�c.� n kJ i (d wood '4 otk 14-":11 cto 4-11o5e_ 41';`5'' I v : L c st5ned -P6 r -hem and l.� t S b� foie map , 1. Mor»vyievri-� LAF. KO - cies. -2. V cr► -�1 cart 6 & o easerne.id-s +hal- f --he are, in places. o ti N - • on +hese , e a se.wierul-5 , t,o h a.-1- <S L(D . has as ked r �-Or end 1-aea,-- i s `4a - S v;eY s enskR neecs e k e r Ce,r -t ki -cci e act- *Ina+ 4 -he i �, S+ a i I a c o vt5 are., w� n 6)/re_as shown oh +ham wlaaps dr a+fC,rnafi4 tee, show -Fad -Ena -e �.re i n a d kclrere;rd- LocatZech d 90 -cd Cau_s - r Glnav1511115 The Coca -tc on R I- -ere. i '1a tpt(f)e,vi s ero b I evvi *hat a lAd he 11as pr©b tevn 'C rue_(( 441of s noi- OL -Lr (rob (,e.v a'( -- al I . Map IS UQd. at Cook -Mil Clerk's r�- e avAd ,e are ev1 i a -t" ea a2.(ryt e 5 w -t. ( bQ_ Coca ted b1A-- CQ,<- f a vrz Lef5 . "The pr o b l e kua re. i�s ur h o Q.r 1 1 kci C,p1 , . uvl. ail ait-v' cyKs cyn. p u _ 3 L1 -6I ., 0 hal- was re9,u1(eci &d Go hk_I-ile, ' CcsneDit-rt,cctuvit.' YY e¼ L.A.Y-11---6 441 e SQ.+ i -ra 0 f +tie e,i(tolee,i-- avid sLk-W LAid-eAkCie-ri* o -r ki.;_(3 tri.iiu alit S . - senn' t .-r% -.1,1c e_. i if\ '--"€_ 1 a s -f- e_AAteAA.c-e- nAtA_si- be Li -0 -i-eni2_ Sa-f-ts-caCi-CC57,L, o -F -11--. evt_ ukeer avwt hc.q(110 a,i,i Sufi-. . . 1-- ,.a' K 0 — now deAdt32- c:14/1devil ok.e.Ry- Ow crywLe_ arerkAugg 5 couple rrf.) (434-Crr-ac.t(Le1;-.LAl t-rtelr€. re •(--r-t c.i-cAtn, UirNIN) - -t-ke. 1-3,..")E11 of -14-Neli--St4tuati,trIk.) I's tu-Pt_ici-A e •the. 4 yik' 51 -ail alt- ba -14... s Co-inpLi Lo -;41 "HU_ c9 u.:(-244,‘eAA-1--s ci-6.1- bt.x. re- UM. posed toke. LA. .-1-1-‘9_ 0212,./(210pm ale 1A.s atop( e-ve.ci , St.k-bdi.;,16-k..' c,f ID 1 eaiys ft, cyyl cLca:\ n L&JW biz rad :c. I l ci Sfefetid- -141 ain .L.4- i s 4b tyv, vri a IQ e /I liltin cervilpLii tio-;+-1-, 4-1/Fe_ Co--KcLci c viAs (AAA po5e ci erfri k L, vv‘ , ,... onct i Vloi-ki iiv 10(4- Q Cki-raci-.,..)-fil Cl .-ti-piocutk-te,i,-c/ &IL* C-eadd (lel- Coivi.e. bup ak-bvi-rar ;ILI el -o dal — i; Al e Sup -i. 1..S safiFiecf to cdaars ale...) '/ilo- oEiravy"N,e_ GoQs (peil,‘. ci:et-ch . 1... Actco - '14- +ifue_re.. ih.\ a 171.`t -Or th_aci5DA.1 L'Akj' /,u -e... hatle. rIA:ts bo-tv24L..) Lo'f-5 -ctr0 i afe'r ) So foer , arzt 6-rai/vtare ea5e.vvvetAf ac3 Ltr-xj a-5 'awl sire (s_ci- CAA- rea erlk_ ak) le_ en-6-in.rter we._ ca* -N. tp 'a-c/t_c3t1A-e)i-e- kyi. LAID -rid- ci-D Coq' 4-ka-2A11- d avkx a o t N.Nrki - 1,3 -ha* RiALLA 1-9)Q.dr 0,-r le W0CLitAlelACLAA15 66-1 a Ite.r: .5 p-cobie'4ift, 1. r q -Ke._ 11-1.0-h.. obLeAaiu tkiha-i- el Wack,i-- fo kittrw .-- -frhog,e, v-v1.--J-e,4c- c_iriveAaati,:e 'matt bi,nci ScinaA ler 'c -4-kzul aA-e_ \t-tliVre ._ 111.(2_ Fr t:, b Lem& is Lo -h.9._4&_ *he_ Ciii.A/Q.J.,ev nv24t- pia, VI aS aWitIvQ.,d, easeAfv\oAk_+s Were_ shxnAl-k_ CAL, c -492c:, -c., Locafikk:s c.ctfali--. l•O ak/j-!5 en/k_ 11111..01.X S U* -1" 1 -file_ d-QA/el.t5217)/1112An-vt +0 -St- ate- Ac\A`l t< tot G1 4-143z_pt.fae s etc c ;-cl�u s ace_ s(rt os j- o -v NAQ, (La. kaUJ C Aus - c c,or-- & d'1 a4t c 50 a- --a*%s *, w a 'err 11-0 414._ ca -c4, ba�t:t/Ls . Water i 5 +ta arc-wA d hrnic& �(J app ox i ►hate 5 b • r 6wv, Cu-kifue Shb ca-vvLe_ Q v N m [ li rvvi does a (tet- of ci/e.1.z;�Jm oot' �c�-�rto S vin a4-± civ l 41 -Lie cin' e� a�- ,i-� c f res c ► ie. C -t Zvi ams &ad c!c� 5'1-D1 at dicl ara.i (e fer 4-1/LL c ted maps, kms sati, a,1( .2.1t7Y1 J el avtc_e_ s Lc & s u.b e c f- u Lc he s slit-rv?i dratkc aa,� EWA_ +-h eu9 k, r1.0 re C t j vv_ d:oi d C6aes rte'- Mahler l� hjz his ft f -le eXa-vn1x.ed �9:>e - vU hack a P p-!.CdecPafa h,i . of s LCpD° (e o th eA '. &Her rKth &i mer �-a tfK d 0 -kJ: Go -hat Like 4rL �'s -see sair s ems' , Fu -r- Fav - 0.0 e,,,vu is fl 4 eco 1, d' & - a-14. 14c ejse. U L A F KO - csh e. Lb' cl one, be au se !,v eti haat? ail g/0-1‘ CJ a � �c� Cc -s , £ �c( cern.V Xs '-r� af rr � 2 / C7 f (. 04. have_ I1ZZ01C. ✓ C.hak c(f 6,--ra;nta Gic. C_ , 'Me area a -P e a‘.ezYvLe/ - 15 C 7Z/ Q colvd 62 L`f' / 5 tit& 1-rit. Lig f� -h a bkcau . Vhai A%2)1LE r (I& k - We �s tt -i- - rcvx - aff P&oSs Jus /and , - reas wW43& if s --'e. crYLeAi „ , /11.,A1/41 (1 e,n /26742d b&L'ecteAr did &n.yV-ht)itq $1--oqati ase//4,694ei, c,c57-poraY-1,r-A -rot21/e_ s y7ft O7 - E*F U LT. t.D00 — ea 5/)6211,0. ciL-CukL2c1 am d cerkkkigc/ L A *F Ko o priv:aied p-re:Tped-04/iS nalt 747)(ed dr 1 k;gedc29 - i9-6-74 1/40 cati-e,r-ne4t;e, .9-6774 1)a,k1" 5-b-nte_ WmAtis , LOaGd 6.,i -e -41t04,(5/4 csReLd dra tocVor tty-1;44-wit NV-hwit ease/J/71_14ot- cmiro-aed. LA.FKo ttio (o -Niftsz. Z xed ct prennt:si2cti 62if1-0 an' -a (diar- rn- Sume4 2L-40Er - '11-fixtra WI, Li inre ci La- AF KD 1 1 ryi fibt aVe-cLce pro b (Q44,Ls 01-1-4-12,r cc baiced 9ch &tier 's ,t Mr. U. I I'M aVre h vL acikes (if 45 -it WL -e.._ r `41 kv4- ra-rod-e Mt_ a ciavi:c.574- 1,6a1-61-- nt'sc/-14-e_ 4,Dirce - c .-3-7,0-4_, Us+ Q/frva cc>, , - treed --Sy- Q-1-kfL 1"),krt) Q -X d: LA.ria 4r Ce5-1,0-ro /1 boatoc 1 - us*Iiaa(5F.AiL cfkai deavLod i-AFRo we cud aaree .611- wa-s back gA;ta,t V-frikkuv., •cArta..0A ro2Acyi eve,R..C6st-ck atild We_ La-i.li clo That. !'1A\-1 LI 1C( ) - Lu -C. vi• cad c� bay ivt_s d , a AT ►z.o - -7)t bC cm. feuLJ(±Q r 4112-, , M a te, t. F -17 1'p ax -c d £u ' , h w vu.te/h_ch -cQ e)k_ ,i);Lwr a u ► ba svk5 - U. ve *siV/u2d fter L arPat 6,014 . rt 11,t/ ()Li) 5ci b.ecc7 te., ai_optuall ve ColoicAt aI j 6-8 GTEcL2an `� z elacclAi 'C-emrz v& *4J0 /1/2r3/01-h-rs 6.Q.4.1are- pLugleci tLe avj • /b a -Fa-citu re. orrna ez cer . vs - gee. places co -axe ha've. r- -1- 11t30d WLa,re pirMased 61)2_ rF at fo ad k- '- cimAnt. c://iv teck Gtrty-uici 1 -Ar-- KO - 5144 ! L4 Vv a d yw �,j' o - • _ (s , b{ W lic l -"r r4' at, a civirIL, ern u r- -144 - ( - Q o car 4-00 2e t hP,rQ . (6erucr Lcsi-? -A u -E... _ ( � -7-(Arz 7iacz 6niq-Ge_ rc. c��- h aid Cry cin r/kt.' Q olit.. \E2S2_ 01-1/&+r ,VE Kg - tee `s YLM 'l2LL ti'Q b€ row ° s 4 -hat . qA- na c ra GGI r n '1 1 vas 1 c 'ri s cam', rec Uzck 'I M r . ( atA..s. au/se-1 . Mr. La fa,r- .11 CU 4-C.or Uri 7Iqr s SPK. f 0/17nQ f±" t).114 . c has ettsh_e co -/-W' " t ' Comes 4kt_id r as fitahoct .o T C&rr'ecf r2, 41 -for ‘14116 tzk. 'LI a& P -14'1.a,/ recArnm.44Le4kcia4co;-k.) ptui iA/L)reA4c.}1 d-raA;ts (Qco-myvivitdece ovani too A-. uk.ch) '41te. bed of siz-14(road .-IfActo Wifa-e, 126 (csitjeir /5 (D-12? tOWLe4- L WL L bed cJ Mi frac carOblem/L,.71-Rea-e--fri., )4- LeYbks 4-16- road h>5 soeit.e_.. 1,oreC k /Vain/WC plac'4 -eh'e a-1460 deb tiory vtruci2s totcarAAerri' doh vored Inad artd artive, tiver p&-vemte,id- road /is C.>“-5ed kia-far J UALC&Ir e4 c/ Wt -C. /%91(0/7624kt, /71-c ses imad 1,LcAs -70-7,02a" & sided Fro-rn sat) i/K:j tAidch4Y-500/ — What haFpVLS (.-hf2A 6 cto_voityme.4 awco-veck and ChAki.ep2i-L. --ta)(4-5 kf4 boor le, i5L-hat p‘cp,f4-L7 po9TQpf-opo,r+t1. if hi 5 ati-ty-r nelis e-p2.rate. propEr 811 qktz_ cif2xolo-per ci6eG +he cpv-e. pe_o-p-te_ o'er rs .11-o tkrz.re-5;6- road wt..) DALAI-Le. vu2.. p;Igai-,e_ (cadk accepied bc1 niumic)p, feopliz_ ci2uelt5Fau2A-c,enva ctei-to-YL aktd saAi "-t-hk Scisuo-t buses are, y1bpl'ciet479 ckulctre4&, atAct Claike0-1A-4 LALYe. CgDs4A Cr tit)( 01011) icWe. 0 A) &Lk , - ptea ecLo Pti4n la a paa:t- 4CJcesi) sLb chi 4-0 pezypti2_, avid Ive_,&tc9avue1/5-(20,‘e Cuk13-(4---u/Kok- cto dam . rikAitio-pkeALi- coa_cis are eveAr ce-Ki/va. be, puled. um.tcc:odic(--ti -coema- Crh erkiL 6a-ktd Aatoo&._ re 5 cidett ad -6d el / 411 , rq(7 L A F ,U _ tcrhateit/Or- e445 vfer5 Chsz C' 1 \' OA ! 5 L 9 A.. O� e c, a5fe J p��e, - i t P c C Tfr e up w -t i pA''o of ` i &t Po -cd - prc :te T t ra/ pf -vzd cf . C -- 5t/i a( scare- 444d care,44 d food of /-b e area waw cau S,e cd b boo-re/5 Ga% ecii w 4» , K , to /re bar r 1-o 1./ p tat a n d cu c a l c gfd-ter- dfriese cl d rn a z- s ► C7 til - I.t d c (4C- r u5 rQ 7`PXS vow i ki cJ- We t SLCE- pigees (Ar'Z i +saki e-, L.APA - CQ r +tin ia4- 6,11.10 e c Co lL it- of M L/i -ru Gk c> t c , &fl j Ut r s 5t elafu re , Ct-AusaM 80(,t_ pit *hose. pLpes c SpeCr16:att s b7- -f -he 13v1r.nqq la oarci ? L --A PAt�Z - e-ikoultQ.er s re_pervt s t be l Ld-11 . the 1 13ovl4.1 rCI 04cjvhzce.r cd laes a et u dial C61 Cer +hal- p L p€. L_ A P R -c o - } t,L)he.vt we_ Cyo aver- c4 --o ci i e. ck 42.2- - ©n`P�ur p=74 of . \-f-kuL road t cycle 435 Wiis &ad wfia - NIS. L- -r- P1ea�5 c-rush.i of LA tPA+`� - c cc -c cra i SOU/Rd d a./r ¢,r d�t.0 '1�ra-p c cc -kid -614 -C ins . co -fess 1 a -i 422vl vvk_w (.1/Lq 1aLo 64-0Lf- S 0-74-- 4L. hook c vu1 pre - fag r cared riie.r (Fes cam,, L ft e i<o - haue_ ups ped -e C0 c.* ., .4P - ! L -� . rn a Li -4 -le C,I -nca r d L A-rio - w= , - - f I + , �e sem-- ace 1 u M A\1 (1c' --Y-errc_fad ►(n2- gu,ad / be -arm + i g -, s La m–. kkLA/ Ovvk-bc,r 1-f(wse) ro adds Liu -e.x e. a 1 re --1,2-4 - .. cry A C t-Avs A - J- C an not - -a.e 41,.o roads bo /-4-k)o-/A2' 411 e.4,n b.t'c_c ocid and 6Li .i= c t'p . .LAc Ko - % Livid a (5-t 10 uvL - .e re_ aihd C k p t e -1- L) p vt_I- a, 5°/A----` Lc) Wt. (- Lk) Jet nxDd (cads: 0 ► ti - Kv1ct.d L08±s S 077Le.. re s ux bac (Ai' d e_ 4he re Sesri e_ kv�ct . 3- d csh -d- .Kno t,v Lo -h " fe vi ../ndd2.{S-t a-cC u Oc,, cLoti, .-1- Loavct -I-o do arul t). -r --1-1--)+ --hone- a4--- � . - ;', ct-- -t-a -i-h CA/4,D t,t.. .,(-e_ l 0--12. (Jv�o +0 c o 2. LA F K Q - alea 5 .That d ewe r- t gait -f% - Loo_ Lo 'til 5C a c .c� d- (acL, et. , a vtci pct. sub-rac c. e a. -tryi Qrt i. . 1 c.2 u ilt-- CD /2t 52 '141 a1 -& ii /Oew l•-1 ae-i•12AA_5 ark '/E,ad -VD u_.) ick ine-r- oac s aoa e d r q- 6 -.l-vm0--, 45 k) - pw± a coal oc /ay -ex av\ct � c�- r- 8 L sakee© (AA. &Ad cf,o mat- J o b a,kkd,8,2A- cy,,,±- fire . _. L.4 - Ko . - n oi- er- iiit ( a aiAci CeCbat .– ►_ c,oavc-- ems. atka /Vl(. Ke.11 e- 0m 'sea . 1A. -f- a . b-LLO --Pres-vvc‘thrz_Tc3-//A/u cyk., calL 4--ru_ Sci-) aAl er civi/Le ro-vovitorids . . 6- 's env_ T.r a/j,�`� VV�. ._)--Av qutek_ .io ertEsc!-- 'r ,-ems gol trot-- 4 L_\-LA)actiArts--d 7-b-r-e_t n Low. Le_ be_*ar c)--. A + o i . ✓Yl Iii of - cdo L'V 4 -LD C .c) i -h (6 -Eyck, + re Sat)UK , 1-- WILL nzi- Cot 4)road , Sup +. cY j4C-#t.-Ja..c, s 1 k)3.ti 4P6 r c ese. \d er c s (Lb loas1 s 4-r e -(A -r. < C�-/R, Y Q4& iLt . `2,k_._. _ c.,,,,,AA---S: -1-a-A2s2-24,,os.k.,-cca6s ztex- tf,t/L,441-s2-, c,731A-OAY1-v9-1&, ____----- 4?\ )t1Q.,, niesu3.-2,- ikCD' Lt:40-A/L- 4" -CD \ru2-"Lio ) fC ) . 4A ..\V-' (4/V\S I/0 Olii2X- '4" haAfc_afful 47) cu) t.5-1, 1.- , (9-(,,\ ur- coacil and vvi,9 (Dads Lc e... L bc-caLk- ai* e.., Gh. at let: re, *he, Lx)0-ior 4 , A=)t)--}< trAr2- * ( 2-Cr0 aiv\e'l ct. ti1/4. vi .1PtA"'D •.i.kler/L-- coad)s c3Aa6 cr-----2.- 6.1nr) S tell 'etio tiaee Crq ‘ 'QA -K9-- CL. ' uYt.s acA-CAD-ku tQAiik- ‘1--1(1)3_ciz, s all& cecuver , )Act : 41'eAAD (weds si-c9/00' -c-ccsot- I:Vv----it-i<K-, at `44Ascrzg- ' <Vie. <DA/0 os-ffecil:eri-- CI:(A` ve, 4-Q-17 ti- C't2iv\k-s . ‘.-- Pc.-‘„ 36 0 - ,61AA:4-- 1;wato•Thg-- co -041'1(3f a;ft-- weice, vvL, ..,.....---- LA-le-xe., akx-e-N,.) , caois2_, 4-(jvvub 'vyt., , eAav\Aulk, i:Ait, Nt-hsz-. V iba&6 . Cl _ IPIL6k oc- -4-1&-Q- If s -,D,03 ey las051/0 'esiryLaY1,ervo t)-1-1(1,0 'Lk ,---k-Vv_Ak. saki\ a- •,--ciAL, \.6 a, - +0 QAAD alfLa A ve- vo-V1-93 ()mkt) fe 51foo tstA (2 avvA 4"1 d.46/1 Tbu--es-i^. rytsa-i&. 4-fru2:Tryvoik, accepLs repcloJI: c.,,vutuer ac_cept- . Ccie 44.)2_ eKisd-Qd 1A4 -`441i2- Ritct 4(%/YiLL, of 41.0 VkCLVu LM K t51/03&, C ;4,7,2_6( ge5t- 9)ad darksz, u.siNi4',A4_, a we_o_L o (\)I alfutD Lai0 Sk-UOF QA/i/k-f- k16 -/K, --D-k_tbec)e/t&Q Sue+ f ic k"' b1-1S1)11S--s.S. trY Weivot 4D cLo -e,1(Asi 01,LL caRareAkr +3 al -52- 1+-# 'S @DL)v fuLre 15 41- at/t6 eAvaCivo-J2.-e-O 44 f,ar-e_ d -c ‘441 b (Lot , lAkfui-irar crli c Y „ I,ce&v„s2A4 citnik_ ‘z13-cri.o , 1- a;A(./Cli h.c.(pc ,d-fert-c .c9grees L1-42,44tscCaAara-A3t-QQ_d b2- pci-Fed L-A-Pke, que.54-(;074,s L0 -kW is auil v@ssaio le Gh-p2 . Go f\)(Q hfue tAybef-i-kk,r- -1-1-11s ryl)PcNis q -k52_ 's a41 aig)vifaxs 1--a4/vdzArcp, Nuiz LJt , anid,d-Cems sect 0--frt„ dkAidoprn)2AJTFe-rst- iHNit)bzS4:5cled igs A-LkLoti apt I$ V4LQ ikLcisbi tx-t- cow -T tkri+In ic_9(,cT/n/Luttts aire, alwams ) 94) q-bhQJricrtUL 1(1 %4--kl9._ +Uniu2, 1 elk) wait,* 0 rti 1 - 4 -PA 1,1 n :-> rNz, ‘ck 44kt 5(avi\ iv\ acA 1 -44\•PsQ- Q:-.0-c' ,..AAr:N.0 , ‘zAe., , a - e43'- 4 U2-- `4-1'sLic 4-LAAtob 10,19x fe?c-i )---' `•'" - ct Tts-utli'-‘ , ,,, 5:ia .0 c( If.\1/4cee ijneivIA_ _ 1 1/4,0_,...uok,` A, ,-,01:)-(- 09J -A • c.,(10 u :6p Vy v- _L,:hr‘k La A- aes 1^A . , _Ao.-Cur • Ck- 0 uk.e,41):5' ‘11't'l;:ts-141-9-t '41:9P ?...-1%-- tarQ,60%'.1A-1-)k)ciA:,:11":%':4-vof"A„,„sa -,t-kAil ' 4kALs 6- \)e.) g.ceci---. \ a,u3„, , ou-e mcs610 so, a \QA,65 kdtf:- <ki\ILI ccjiCA02-, 4-Q- ,1\ 4)2' :ff4_0 \DI iAtivv3a)A6 cef2-5 treff (A1 AJ3')‘A ciic5W2- 4-1) n c41(u._ : ru"-Cu-1)31A- ts,w+ Im(aG cr9- c-f3AA, qittuL-- (4 00 c-cr'Otr (11' nitro v- (o( AA cuicW 3Asjiik \OM' 4 • o e,, iv:is MAA -A .).0-0'A Cu - 9s0 c5-1A5t- avoL ce_-„p2p,(2,1/4„ 0.9_ co 9-tA . Kcil& • -=—' we=:V_' eral92(vacarCeK) tA atAce_cx:5 , cectsra atuff"-i' 4(:,0„ tsW -acceApk- NA-Vo- ULkLI, 1)1/4.14\ a +ha* cse,usrrsb Ai NA -70 e-crcrlio ,mow, ezd c;0‘., avvd cnit5"\i'lv\A A up to him (oil & chip, or blacktop this fall). Mr. Bulger asked for a clarification "does the Highway Superintendent approve the entire proposal with the exception of the use of blacktop as the finish product ori the road surface." Mr. K. Clausen slated yes, at the present time, and when questioned further clarif— ied that in April or May he would accept blacktop. Rules were suspended for Mr. Fulton to verify a point with Mr. Alexander. The question put to Mr. Alexander was if he thought this plan was feasible blacktop with the proper drainage. Mr. F,lexander said that, with proper drainage, it may break up in a few spots here-and there and if it does, he will take care of it. Mr. Diehl questioned what he would do if it were 50% or 75% broken up. Mr, Alexander was inclined to believe that it wouldn't. Mr. Quinn questioned Mr. Alexander as-to his action if the Town called him and said the road was ready for blacktop and he saw that the drainage was not properly installed. Mr. Alexander answered that he wouldn't do the paving. Rules resumed. Discussion continued, recapping the situation in Wildwood, the points of the proposal, and various alternatives of approaching the proposals. Rules were suspended to permit discussion with Mr, Lafko. Mr. L. Clausen brought up the meeting that was held between Messrs. Clausen, Lafko, Lapar and Quinn and questioned Mr. Lafko as to what was left to be done and whether all the land was deeded to Recreation. Mr. Lafko said there had now been about 12 plus acres dedicated to Recreation. Rules resumed. Mr. L. Clausen asked Mr. Quinn if he concurred with Mr. Lafko on the deeding of the land to the Recreation Commission, does the Town have title. Mr. Quinn said the Town of Wappinger does have title, however, there were certain -problems involved in-the title which need to be straightened up. Corrective instruments have been presented to Mr. Lafko to straighten out-these problems of title. Mr. Bulger had a question if this proposal were to be accepted, that the Town were to accept full responsibility for all of Wildwood, there were some problems which the Board may not have considered here, which may or may not be included in that statement — to Mr. Lafko, questioned•where the ?elegardes particular problem stand at this time, and is he considering, et this time, if it is not completed to the satisfaction of the Town attorneys, that the Town is accepting that problem as-it's responsibility as well. Mr. Lafko answered yes, with some explanation following, he said that 90% of 7o$ the work was completed, and as.had been suspected the main problem was the conduit that ran under New Hackensack Road was too small. Mr. Bulger then asked if Mrs. Telegardes and her engineering people agree that this is the only further problem are there still differences between Mr. Lafko and Mr. Ielegardes. Mr. Lafko only said that it was a good thing the course of action that was taken, was taken, that he even went so far as to,oil and chip her driveway. He wouldn't elaborate further. Mr. Bulger asked further on objections of Mr. Nolan to some sewer pipe, which is bare in the area of his property, were there plans to take care of this. Mr. Lafko answered in.the affirmative to the objection and explained that it was eventually to be hooked up to a storm drain and taken care of. Mr. Diehl asked Mr. Fulton, in regard to solving of the Wildwood problems, what he foresees in solutions to Tall Trees, Beechwood Circle, and Fleetwood areas— what connections with the problems being solved in Wildwood. Mr. Fulton rejoined that he felt each should be taken and solved on its own merit, that he would not necessarily recommend blacktop in all these areas. Wildwood, he felt would best serve the Town, economically, blacktopped. _ Discussion went back to proposal on Wildwood and with Mr. Lapar about the stability of the road. Mr, Lapar was decisive in his conviction of the instability unless corrective drainage was properly installed. Mr. Bulger recalled that the Highway Superintendent had some reservations about making a recommendation and the Board cannot act without that recommendation, so suggested that the Highway Superintendent and Engineer to the Town meet with Messrs. Alexander and Lafko, try to come to a meeting of the minds, so the Board may know whether or not they can or cannot go forward with the proposal. Mr. Fulton felt the problem wasn't that complicated, all the Board has to do is consider the bond, after that the total responsibility is up to the Highway Superintendent to work out with the Engineer and Messrs. Alexander and Lafko. Mr. Bulger was still of the opinion that the Highway Superintendent should have time to be convinced that it was either a good proposal that he could recommend, or that his doubts are firm. _ Mr. K. Clausen said he could recommend tonight that the Town take over Wildwood Forest provided that the Town furnish the money, but he still felt the Town would continue to have problems. He had no objections to the Town Board passing a resolution which would allow him to do either the blacktop or oil & chip, as he saw fit. Motion to recess was made, seconded and carried. Recess 10:12 P.M.. Meeting called back to order 10:32 P.M. Yes Mr. Fulton reviewed the proposal es he had originally presented it. Mr. Bulger made the statement that the Town had been in 'dispute with Skyvi'ew development on the Wildwood area over a significant period of time. It would seem that in May (this year) that various persons in Town government in particular the Superintendent of Highways, the Engineer td the Town and representatives of Skyview held a meeting at which there was a meeting of'the minds as to how to best resolve this problem up to the point where the basic issue was the amount of resurfacing -required of Wildwood Drive. It is his understanding that the'proposal made here tonight is to resolve the problem where there is conflict. It should be noted that Skyview has either made all the other corrections necessary or is in the process -of doing those, and that this proposal is to resolve this one final big stumbling block, the resurfacing of Wildwood Drive. (Incorporated here, for the record are the minutes taken at the May 11; 1967 meeting between the Highwy Superintendent, Engineer to the Town, Mr. Lafko and'Mr. Quinn in the Superintendent of Highways' Office as the basis for Mr. Bulger's preceeding statement.) Mr. Diehl asked that it be included in the Resolution for getting a bond for $15,000.00 that the conditions of whether it be blacktop, or oil and chip would be at the option of the Highway Superintendent. Mr. Fulton restated the proposal -- Part I 1. The Skyview Development deposit with the Town of Wappinger, a certified check in the amount of $2,700.00 to be used, as the Highway Superintendent sees fit, on Wildwood Drive for drainage installation. 2. The Highway Superintendent and Town Board will accept, in total, the roads and recreation lands and take full responsibility for the public property in the Wildwood development. 3. The Board authorize and direct the attorney to the town to draw up a Bond Resolution, not to exceed $15,000.00. This amount, or any part thereof to be used in the re—surfacing of Wildwood Drive and it will be at the option of the Highway Superintendent whether this surface will be blacktop, or oil and chipping. The agreement'also encompasses that if the efection of the Superintendent of Highways is that blacktop -finish be applied to Wildwood Drive there is an agreement on the part of Mr. David Alexander that if the Town will haul blacktop to the site he will supply equipment, and manpower to suitably install this substance. Such equipment will be paid for on a rental basis, at the prevailing rate, with operators supplies. Part II 1. That Lot 27 Block B, Quiet Acres map, be purchased by the Town for the sum of $2,700.00 from Mr. D. Alexander and Mr. Lafko, and that the Town will receive also, free of cost, 3 plus or minu§ additional acres contiguous with the recreation 'land there now in title of the Town of Wappinger in Quiet Acres; also received from Mr. Alexander and Mr.,r_afko clear title to any land now in dispute, adjacent to or in the right of way of Widmer Road to which Mr. Alexander and Lafko claim title, and all necessary drainage easements which may be required for this road improve— ment to be conveyed by Messrs. Lafko and Alexander on their corporate interests to the Town of Wappinger. Mr. Fulton asked Mr. Lafko if he was in agreement with the preceeding proposal. Mr. Lafko and Mr. Alexander were in agreement with this proposal, and all actions involved. When asked about right of entry, Mr. Lafko said the Town could have right of entry on the land if given a release for his liability policy. Mr. Fulton made note that any work done on these roads will be at the peril of the Town (Wildwood Drive). The Town will have to assume responsibility for any— thing that flows from it. Mr. Fulton stated that the check of Shyview Development will be put in escrow in the amount of $2,700.00 and a check of the Town for $2,700.00 for the lot in question and the drainage implied. Mr. K. Clausen, Highway Superintendent recorrinended the proposal as presented tonight as his recommendation to the Town Board. —Mr. Fulton moved the acceptance of the preceeding proposal for acceptance of the roads in Wildwood Forest Section I, recreational areas and the resurfacing of Wildwood Drive. Seconded by Mr. Bulger. 5 Ayes. Motion Unanimously Carried. Mr. Quinn made a brief report on Mr. Justice Hawkins decision on the Swenson case. The stay order was continued until such time that this Board should call a hearing on this matter and make a determination. It was his suggestion that on adequate notice, the Board schedule a hearing, and be prepared to have the Engineer to the Town and other personel prepared to testify, suggesting also that the site be re—examined. Mr. Swenson must be given notice and given the right to appear at the hearing and be represented by counsel and present such witnesses, in his own behalf as he may choose. If such action is taken the Board will then have to make a determination as how to proceed. Mr. Fulton moved that the Board instruct Mr. Ludewig and Mr. Lapar to review the Swenson property in regard to this permit and report back to the Board at the Administrative Hearing on the status of the property, as to how it stands in relation to the Town's Zoning Ordinance. Seconded by Mr. Clausen. Motion Unanimously Carried. Mr. Fulton moved that the own Clerk so notify Mr. Swenson, with the help of the attorneys office, serve proper notice on Mr. Swenson as to administrative hearing and to his participation is such. Seconded by Mr. Diehl. Unanimous. Mr. Fulton moved that the Administrative Hearing on the Carl Swenson mining permit be set for Monday night October 9, 1967 at 8:00 P.M.. Seconded by Mr. Clausen. Motion Unanimously Carried. Mr. Fulton moved to adjourn this meeting until 7 P.M., October 9, 1967. Seconded by Mr. Francese. Motion Unanimously Carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:07 P.M.. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk