1967-04-06 RGMAGENDA TOWN BOARD APRIL 6, 1967 1. Supervisor open meeting 2. Roll Call 3. Minutes accepted 4. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Rezoning petition from Nussbickels (N & $ Supply Corp.) to rezone the Residential portion of their property to GB. B. Petition to diminish New Hackensack Fire District from annexation. C. Recommendation from Wappinger Republican Committee - Re: Receiver of Taxes D. Notice of Public Hearing - Village of Wappinger E. Permission request by Recreation Commission to. attend Convention F. Letter from LeRoy M. Hulse Re: Dog Problem G. Correspondence from Quinn & Reilly, Re: Oakwood Knolls Sewer and Water systems H. Letter from J.D. Quinn to R. Aldrich, Re: Spoolt Hill Properties v Town of Wappinger Planning Board I. LATE CORRESPONDENCE Letters from Circle Sand & Gravel, Southern Dutchess Sand & Gravel, Highway Materials Co. re: Bids -Highway Highway Materials Inc. Quinn & Reilly, Norton Salt Planning Board Rd: Holler & Vorndran Rezoning Frederick '& Rolison G.H. Spendley Re: Tall Trees Lighting REPORTS OF OFFICERS ,j4v)0zIL‘e Justices Building'Inspector -- Supervisor Bills: General Fund 6. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Building Committee Rockingham Billing Highway RESOLUTIONS Proposed Local Law #2 Water Supply & Distribution System UNFINISHED BUSINESS Memo - R. Lapar Re: Mid -Point Park Operational requirements from R. Lapar Oakwood Water Report from N.Y. State Dept. of Public Acme Tank & Truck to E.C.C. Re: Works Re: .31 PAGE 2 AGENDA - TOWN BOARD APRIL 6, 1967 9. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS 2 Vacancies on Recreation Commission - Maurer, Boscove 10. NEW BUSINESS. 11. ADJOURNMENT • 7 The Regular Meeting of the Town of Wappinger Town Board was held on Thursday, April 6, 1967, at the Town Hall, MiII Street, Wappingers Falls, New York. Supervisor Fulton called the meeting to order at 8:52 P.M.. Members Present: (answering roll call) Joseph H. Fulton, Supervisor William Bulger, Justice of the Peace Vincent Francese, Justice of the Peace Louis Clausen, Councilman Louis Diehl, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk April 5, 1967 Supervisor, Town of Wappinger &. Members of Town Board. Gentlemen: I would like to report to this Board the recent passing of William Clarkson, Sucich Place, Town of Wappinger. Mr. Clarkson, a long time resident of our town had been for many years, active In Town affairs and was serving as a Constable i•n the Town of Wappinger. I would also note that William "B111" Clarkson, not only served his Town well but also his country. Up until the time of his death he was a member of the United States Navy. This man has given the greater part of his life to his country and to the good of his fellow man. At th4.s time, in behalf of his wife, I sould°like to turn over his Constable shields and papers verifying the same. I would also like this to be part of the official records of this meeting and request our Supervisor to call for one minute of silence in memory and respect of William "Bill" Clarkson. s/ Louis Diehl, Councilman Town of Wappinger The Board observed. a minute -of silence. Mr. Francese:, Mr. Supervisor; - if it. is in order I would like to make a motion to place the papers on file with the Town Clerk and to have the shield retired from perpetuity. Seconded by Mr. Bulger. Unanimously carried. The minutes of the public hearing of February 14, 1967 were accepted on motion of Mr. Diehl. Seconded by Mr. Bulger. Unanimous. It was moved that the report from the State Department of Publid'Works regarding the flooding condition of the property of the Acme Tank and Truck Corporation be brought up at this time. The letter and report received from Mr. Salvatore John Amico, Eng- ineer in charge of the Rt. 9 construction, were presented to the Board. The Board suspended the rules to permit discussion with Mrs. Antoniolli, Mr. Chatlos, Mrs. Cit- erella, verifying the water problem. Mrs. Antoniolli, to her knowledge said that this problem has:never existed prior to- the.,construction of the new Rt. 9. Mr,. Chatlos point- ed out that the property in question had been farmland at one time and is now, in his opinion, a man -tirade swamp created by this construction. The rules were resumed. Mr. Diehl: :Mr.3.&ulton,.it is my bel.i.ef that we should certainly follow this through with immediate action,. I know from the .letter:the State says they are not at fault. I would much. prefer to feel that something has been done wrong there, I do know :the property. I would recommend that we give this back,to Mr. Ludewig, Mr. Lapar and 528: Mrs Quinn to take what immediate action they can as soon as possible. Mr: Fulton: I would like to point out to you this is a situation between a private party and the State. It might be wise for us to have Mr. Lapar arrange for a meet— ing with Mr. Sinacori with these people. Mr. Quinn: There is very apt to be a private cause for action in favor of these people. If there is one, it is against the State of New York and/or the contract— ors on the project. The record should show that they should not be lulled into any sense of security, as to proceeding with any course of action that they may be ad— vised that they have, by any action this Town Board might take because this Town Board may try to assist them in any way, as this Town Board Lacks control or power to proceed against the State. This will not prevent the statute of limitations from running against the people and they ought to know that. Mr. Fulton (to the Antoniollis): You clearly understand that this is a case between you and the State? We will use our good will with the State and try to get the head engineer to come doyen and meet with you. The Town has no action in this case. There is a statutory time In which you must make a complaint against the State of New York. Mr. Fulton suggested that they register a formal complaint with the State because the matter is beyond the Jurisdiction of the Town. The Board recommended that they consult their attorney on the matter and get his advice. The clerk was directed to write to Mr. Sinacori requesting he meet with these people. The Board was presented with a petition for rezoning from Iva De. Nussbickel, Paul Nussbickel, John Nussbickel, Norman Nussbickel, Wilbur Nussbickel., and Herbert Nussbickel for a back portion of their property, situated between Old Route.9 and new Route 9, north of, the Cooper Rd. intersection, .that is presently. zoned R-20 and R-40, to general business. Mr. Francese: Refer it to the planrl,ing Board, and also,. I am happy to state that this has already been taken into consideration by the Planning Board in the real— ignment of the zoning of the new Route 9. Petitions from Property Owners for exclusion from New Hackensack Fire District— Mr. Ian MacDonald was present to represent the petition.. He stated that there were two matters,involved here. One involves the Liss Road area annexed to the Village of Wappingers Falls in'1958, and .the Imperial Plaza area which was ann— exed to the Village of Wappingers Falls in June of 1964. First, the Imperial Plaza annexation, I have a petition from Arnold and Vicki Cecchini, signed by them as the only owners in that area. This application is made, pursuant to the Town Law, to exclude the portion annexed to the Village from the. New Hack— ensack Fire District. This was never done. And, in connection with this applic— ation, we have a certified copy of a resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Wappingers Falls whereby the Village, as they are required to do, pursuant to the Town Law, assumes that portion of the bond of indebtedness as it applies to the portion annexed to the V\\|oge° The second petition involves the Liss Road area, annexed in 1958, in which there one u great many more people, and this petition is considerably longer. It says essentially the same thing, that these people must be resldent taxpayers and that . ` the taxable real property aggregates at least one-half of the assessed valuation ' of all the t ob|e rear property in the pootion on. / d. Certified copy of the . / resolution of the Village Board agreeing to assume their share of the bonded in- debtedness. . . Mr/'MaoDono|d ten presented two resolutions to the Board. '. . Mr° Quinn: Mr. Supervisor, l think, in fairness to Mr. MacDonald, this is going to have tID be taken under advisement and tha'poprs will speak for thomse|ves^ ' 'tt d theyi order.Frankly, there is a and l am �u�e that as they �ne �ubm| e are n rnn y, question In my mind as to whether this requires a special act of the Legislature or not, but l would think that would be received as submitted and if there is any add- itional omtimn' l think the Board will permlt it to come 'n'os if it were here now, sO to speak. The Board felt that they were not prepared to act on it at this meeting. Mr. MacDonald had no objection other than to ask the Board that this might be taken up at a special meeting for action because it materially effects the borrowing pro- cedu� s of the New Hackensack Fire District, and they are in the process of selling some securities. Mr° Diehl: What Is the viewpoint of the commissioners of the New Hackensack Fire Olst'ict on this? me. MacDonald: TO the best of my knowledge, the commissioners are wholly in favor of this. Mr. Francese: Would the failure of this nohaving been done at the time of annex- ation, . - . . la thenn' legal. impediment caused by the failure of that action at that time? Mr. MacDonald: No legal impediment. Statute doesn`'t say when it should be done. Mr. Diehl: Mr. Supervisor, could you^ through your office, contact the commiss- ioners of the New Hackensack Fire Department and clarify some of this information? Mr. Fulton: Let both petition's be referred to counsel and Mr. Bulge ry wmuid:yuu contact the fire commissioners, relay our question on this subject under discuse- ion^ and have them contact me° A letter was received by the Board from the Wappingor Republican Committee recomm- ending that the position of tax collector be made a 2 year appointive term rather than onelective office. Mr° Francese recommended to have it taken under advisement by our counsel and they notify as of What actions' are necessayr, and what legal bounds 'we may go to in these 5 s 3 0 - matters. matters. Mr. Fulton suggested that Counsel refer to the first—class Town committee's report to find out the different options available. The Board received a notice of public hearing on proposed zoning changes in the Village of Wappingers Falls to be held on April 17, 1967, at 7:30 P.M. at the Garner Engine House. Mr. Fulton appointed Mr. Clausen and Mr. Diehl as a committee to attend this., meeting as representatives of the Town. The Recreation Commission requested permission to attend a conference to be held in Rochester, New York, from April 16 thru April 19. Mr. Bulger moved that the members of the Recreation Commission be given the nec— essary authority to attend the said convention. .Seconded by Mr. Diehl. Unanimous— ly carried. A letter was received from LeRoy M. Hulse, Myers Corners Road regarding the grow— ing dog problem 1.e. dog packs running the streets and fields killing small game, molesting other dogs and children. He suggested two alternatives -- that the Town Board pass dog laws requiring owners to confine animals to their own prop— erty or to notify the Commissioner of Markets and have the town declare a curfew area. Mr. Diehl made a motion to forward this letter to the Dutchess County Sheriff's Office and the Town Dog Warden asking them, if it is at all possible, to deliver a report to this Board on;their findings of an investigation of the problems in— volved here. And, in addition, write to the office of local government and ask them what advice they have on, these dog problems. Seconded by Mr. Francese. Unan— imously Carried. Mr. Bulger: The statement is made here there are dog packs running the streets killing game, cats and other dogs. I think certainly this, should be referred to the Dog Warden, who should interview the writer of the letter to see if he can do anything to solve that problem. The Clerk was instructed to wlrte these people for their reports and information. Copies of communications between Quinn & Reilly and Weiner & Loeb re Oakwood Knolls Sewer and Water Systems were received as information, as was a copy of a letter from Quinn & Reilly addressed to Russell AldrOich regarding Spook Hill Properties vs. the Planning Board of the Town of Wappingers Mr. Bulger commented on the receipt of notification from the State Traffic Co fission regarding the placement of stop signs at both ends of DeGarmo Hills Road. He was curious as to what prompted the State's action since no one remembered a formal request having been made. Letters were received from Circle Sand and Gravel and Southern Dutchess Sand and 531 Gravel which referred to bids that they had submitted on March 2, 1967. As these materials have been advertised for re—bid there was no action necessary. A letter from Highway Materials Inc. was received by the Board intimating that the Morton Salt Co. did not meet the Highway bid specifications 'for salt. In turn a letter from Mr. Quinn to Morton Salt was received and read, putting them on notice that there had been a question raised as to their meeting the bid specifications and directing their attention to the letter from Highway Materials, Inc.. In this letter Mr. Quinn asked that the Town Board be informed by Morton Salt Co. of their position regarding this bid. A third letter, from Morton Salt Co., was received and read indicating that they had submitted a bid, in good faith, to supply the Town with United States mined salt but they did not meet the specific requirement of New York State mined salt. Mr. Bulger: I move that we reconsider the motion made agreeing that the Morton Salt Co. met all specifications and, therefore, was awarded the contract. Second— ed by Mr. Francese. Unanimously Carried. Mr. Bulger: I move to rescind the motion'and the award.to the Morton Salt Co., because they fail to meet the specifications and to award the contract to the second low bidder, Highway Materials Co., Inc.. Seconded by Mr. Diehl. Unanimously Carried. Letter was received from the Planning Board regarding the rezoning petitions of Henry Vorndran and John Holler. The Planning Board recommended that the Board deny, at this time, these requests: as the matter of decentralized businesses is scheduled to be reviewed ill a few months with the Planning Consultant as an overall need for the Town. Mr. Francese: In view of the Planning Board's recommendation, I move that we table any action to be taken by this Board at the present time. Seconded by Mr. Bulger. Unanimously Carried. A letter was received from Fredericks and Rollison, Attorneys representing Beacon Cable Corporation, stating they intend to -send in a formal application for CATV. Mr. L'Archevesque had already met with this firm and asked for direction from the Board as to whether to continue prior authorized negotiations or to consider subseq— uent applications. Mr. Francese stated that if Mr. L'Archevesque felt that the Highway Displays has so much more to offer than the other ones he should continue negotiations as authoriz — ed at the previous meeting. Mr. Quinn commented that there had been action authorizing negotiation of a contract and the time will come when there must be a public hearing held at which applications of this sort will be given attention. Mr. Francese recommended that the Supervisor continue negotiations on the basis of the action taken at the last meeting. G.H. Spendley 3 d| requestinginformation The Boo�d received o letter from . as to when street lights would be installed in Tall Trees, as Central Hudson hos already formulated plans and budgeted for this _proect. This was referred to the lighting Committee. Mr. Bulger, at this point stated that the situation on the lights at the New Homburg Bridge had been looked into and resolved. Mr. Fulton asked Mr. Bulger if there was any report on o requested light for the intersection of Route 9 and Curry Road. Mr. Bulger replied that he and Mr. Diehl had not been able to make o decision on this asyet. The Monthly reports of the Justices of the Peocov Building lnspectory and Supervisor were ordered received and placed on file. General Fund $10v540°27 Highway 7^063°92 Mr. Bulger nuwed that the bills be paid, subject to audit. Seconded by Diehl. Unanimously Carried. Superintendent of Highways, Knud Clausen had several things he wished to bring before the Board. He requested the Town Boards assistance in the matter of snow removal. He explained the prob4em he had with parked cars during snow storms this winter and would like the Town Board to take into consid— eration a snow ordinmncmv and have it enforcedv to have no parking on the road from the time it starts to snow to spring. Something that will give him the authority to remove cars from the road without the intervention of . policemen. Mr. Bulger Inquired about the responsibility if o car is damaged. Mr. Quinn said o clause could be included in the ordinance to exempt the town from liability. Mr° Bulger moved the proposal be referred to counsel. Knud Clausen next spoke about the Eck Development Rd. Rood is laid out but you sink down in clay and mud. Town roads accepted about 10 yrs. ogov as gravel roads. These roads are Eck Drivev Ado Dr\vev Marilyn Drive, Michael Drive» Lydia Drive, Peter Drive. They can't be let gov it will cost more the longer they wait. There is no use to regruve| them as the situation will be the same next fall and winter. These roads must be paved. There Is no drainage either. Mr. K. Clausen asked the Board to meet with him 9 A.M. 3ot° to inspect these roads and decide what to do. He said he won't be able to do it on his own, it must be put out on contract or rent machinery whichever the Board feels is best. look into the proposal drawn up by the previous highway engineer. Bad conditions exist all over, it must Get sturled° He asked that it come up for o vote, either accept it or reject it. If the Board rejects it, we must take a different approach. We will have to allow for it in the budget so we can do m certain part oil the roads every year. Next he asked counsel if there had been any progress mode on acquiring the Eck property. Mr. Quinn said the problem is this -- Mr. Eck, personally is willing to make some conveyance, but his co—owners are not willing to sell. He said as for as he could see there Must be on eminent domain proceedings. Mr. Bulger: I move that the town attorney and Town Supervisor be author— ized to conduct condemnation proceedings on land *on Spook Hill Rood for which the Town hos not been able to make any offer or agreement in order to obtain title. Seconded by Mr. Francese° Unanimously Carried. K. Clausen asked Mr. Reilly how he was making out with Mr. Shapiro on acquiring his piece of land on Widmer Road. Mr. Reilly hodn«t been in contact recently with Mr. Shop\ro's attorney. Mr. Fulton co/led o 10 minute recess. Meeting called back to order. Mr. Franoese — Building Committee Report Reoent|yv in speaking to other Town Board members, it was thought that we might allow the Town Clerk to expand on the 1st floor and use the 3rd floor for meetings. Mr. Lapar & I have inspected the 3rd floor — there seems to be o slight sagging of the beams. Mr° Lapar went up on the roof and there are leaks and before we do anything at all it is suggested that we have the roof repaired on this building. There has been a figure of approximately $1*500 on thses repairs given to Mr. Lapar by contractors. I would like to make a suggestion that Mr. Lapar get several informed quotes from several different contractors and present them to the Board for review. He asked Mr. Lapar if he wonted to give a report tonight. Mr. Lapar said Mevd rather wait to give a report* he did state that the roof was horrib|e* its obviously leaking, it must be fixed. Mr. Fulton asked Mr. Lapar if he had determined if it was structiono||y a||right~ Mr. Lapar: Structurmtq it can be braced up and the roof leakproofed, it should be no problem. Mr. Diehl agreed with Mr° Franpyoe that we go ahead and get bids to repair the roof and shore up the beam° Mr. Bulger asked to have investlQotedp as fur as cost is concerned, not only the roof but also the structural defects. * � �� „, Mr. Francese said he would continually bring in reports as things progressed. Mr° Diehl — on the 11 yr road progran. As this program has been around about 2 yrs and being a good program what he would like to do is get it off the ground. It has the endorsement of the present highway engineer and at this point it probably needs revision in regard to cost. Mr. Quinn: The most you can do is plan fair perhaps either 1 year or two years at m time. It is not feasible, because of the provisions of the Local Finance Law, to budget for whole program at one time. Any expenditure on town roads, where there are neither going to be County nor State funds ovoi|ob|ev must go to referendum. Now it would be very nice if you could finance for 11 years. I think the engineers agree that it's extremely difficult to predict construction costs for an 11 yemr period at this point and your financing for that purpose could be questionable. There's been no change in the Local Finance Law. If you wont to look at your costs .aQaln for year one and year two and give those to us and let us prepare the necessary bond issue reso|utlonsv then it will have to go to mandatory referendum and them you might issue bond anticipation notes on the thing and 0o‘pwrhnno another two years and set your program up again and Wo to a referendum again. It seems terribly expensive to go mandatory referendum each year but there was no change in the finance law this yew:° It's highly archaic for o town this size and with the amount of roads to not be able to spend more than $15,000 without going to u raferendumv but unfort— unately Section 3500 of the Local Finance Lam so provides. So, if you want to pick your roods and bring your cost estimates up to date, and let us prepare the necessary reso|utipnsv we can then put it to referendum. This total picture was in the neighborhood of o million dollars and I think it would be chancey as could be to try to estimate road construction costs for a particular purpose and get locked into a referendum for 11 years from now. Mr. Diehl: Mr. Supervisor, Mr. Quinn answered the question — this is exactly what l was trying to get at and l think it is the answer, so I would recommend, that before the next meet\nQv Mr. Clausen get together with Mr. Quinn and Mr. Leper and firm up these old specifications, and whatever changes are nec~ essory^ so that we can have some action on it at the next meet|ngv and l believe Mr. Quinn, from his own statement, is ready to do something as soon as he gets the.final information, then he can move forward. Mr. Diehl — on Doctor Committee — He had reported two months ago about n woman doctor being interested in trans— ferring here. This apparently hos fallen through, but he has o report that o Dr. Henschel is talking to Dr. Jacobson and is interested in purchasing his home and practice, at this point it looks good. 5 . Mr. Clausen, Committee report on obtaining school for Public Information Hearing, reported he was successful in getting the cafeteria at Main Building, Wappinger Jr. High, Remsen Ave., April 13, 7:30 to 10 for a Publie Information Hearing on the Sanitary Landfill Site. He asked Mr. Fulton if invitations had been extended to the Landfill Committee as such. Mr. Francese would like to have invitations extended to State Health Dept. people, County Health Dept. Conservation Dept. who might be interested. Mr. Clausen: I think we should all commend the W&SD News for doing such a wonderful Job on printing the map for the vote on Sanitary Landfill site. Mr. Francese:recommended a letter of thanks be sent to the Publisher of the W&SD News. The Board inquired as to the progress of obtaining the new voting machines. The Clerk reported that the Automatic Voting Machine Corp. had promised delivery before the 20th of April. Mr. Fulton said he would contact theTjown of Poughkeepsie to see if voting machines might be available to borrow in case the machines weren't delivered in time. Mr. Bulger made a motion that the Supervisor be authorized to sign any contracts necessary to accomplish the purchase of 2 voting machines, and rental of 4 others. Seconded by Mr. Diehl. Unanimously Carried. Mr. Fulton asked the Board if .they had any discussion on the proposed billings for Rockingham Farm (all Board members had received copies in the mail.) ROCKINGHAM SEWER DISTRICT Ject: Proposed Budget and Sewer Rate for Year 1967 Proposed Budget— Estimate of costa: 4, $ 5934.00 Operation contract 1($ 494.50 X 12 mo • f G $ 2400.00 Electric ($200 per no. X 12 ) $ 100.00 Chemicals $ 705.00 Mlscelleanous. $ 2000.00 Engineering costs — $ 1400 --accrued to $ 600 --for 1967 $ 2000 Tot. Eng. $ 11,139.00 Total Budgetary Requirement Proposed. Proposed Sewer Chei, es— $ 52 Users rental rote for year 1967. $ 18 Additional Bose charge for users and also for vacant lots with ready accessible Mains & Laterals. 9 Base charge for vacant lot lacking ready oocossYb|E Mains & Laterals. Therefore: Sewer service charge to individual home will be $ 70 for 1967. Basis for Charges: (e) 661 1(b) 42 (c) 619 Therefore* Lots approved in District. Lots with homes now using service. Lots vacant presently non—using. 327 Vacant lots lacking ready accessible Mains & L 334 Lots now using or have ready accessible Mains— and Laterals. $ 18 X 334 6012 9 X 327 2943 ', 52 X 42 = 2184 11,139 Total Budgetary Requirement Proposed. Submitted.b �T ^" Oh F. Fu|Ioh- ~ — -~ `� Mr. Francese sold hne.00bIddtQfind any fault in it and to work the billing. Mr. Francese made a motion to Form District and empower the Rockingham Farms District per it might be a very good way accept 1he \sor's report on the Rockingham Supervisor to bill the property owners in the the recommendation scheduled by the Supervisor. Seconded by Mr. Bulger. Unanimously Parried. Mr. Fulton brought up a problem with Top O'M\!\ Road. Mid—Point Park Development adjoins Ponorom Acres and the rood appears straight, but changes names at a point. Top 0'H111 and Emil Lane to be Join at the top. 6t would take an action of the Town Board, before any people started living there to decide if it would be all one name' or if the names would remain and change in the middle. Mr. Francese moved that the road under development at present tJme in Mid—Point Park, known as Emil Lane, which connects with Top O'H1II Road, will be named Top O'Hill Road. Seconded by Mr. Diehl. Unanimously Carried. Letter received from Mr. Quinn reggrding second draft of the Proposed Town of Wappinger Local:Law #2 — providing for regulation of water supply and distribution systems, submitted herewith for the Board's consideration. Mr. Quinn so stated that this was a follow—up on communications he had directed to Board members several weeks ago. Mr. Clausen made a motion reclnding the action offering the prior Local Law #2 which was a proposed one in 1966. Seconded by Mr. Francese. Unanimously Carried. Mr. Clausen made a motion that this matter, both the communication and proposed legislation be tabled until the next regular meeting. Seconded by Mr. Francese. Unanimously Carried. Memos from Rudolph Lapar on Mid—Point Park re: progress on sewerage plant and lines and Oakwood Water Systems re: minimum operational requirements for ECC operators, received and placed on file. Two vacancies, occurring on May 1, 1967 on Recreation Commission. Both Or. Hugh Maurer and Mrs. Kitty Boscove's terms expire, both present members of the Commission, and the Recreation Commission recommends their re—appointment. Mr. Francese made the motion to accept the recommendation of the Recreation Commission, to reappoint Mr. Hugh J. Maurer and Mrs. Kitty Boscove 5 year terms each, to fill the vacancies which will be created on May 1st 1967. Seconded by Mr. Clausen. Unanimously Carried. Mr. Fulton stated that the Civil Defense Unit in the Town need some equipment. They've asked if they can make an expenditure for some uniforms and equipment for the Town of Wappinger personel. Mr. Fulton made a motion that this Civil Defense Unit be allowed to make this expenditure up to $200. Seconded by Mr. Diehl. Unanimously Carried. Rules were suspended to allow Mr. Eck to mention to the Board that the Wappingers Chamber of Commerce was going to hodd a testimonial dinner May 19th for Dr. Jacobson, who is retiring from practice, and he would like the cooperation of the Town Board to make it a success. Mr. Bulger moved to resume the rules. Motion made by Mr. Fulton to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Mr. Diehl. Unanimously Carried. Meeting adjourned 11:28 P.M.. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk WARRANT To Joseph H. Fulton , Supervisor Town of Vappin er , County of Dutchess , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the ..6th___day of April , 196Z___, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM NAME OF CLAIMANT AMNoOUNT D 211 Joseph H. Fulton 212\I 'Ir. Jaees Mills, Jr. _7 Brian Place, V.F. FUND OR ACCOUNT OTHER INFORMATION Misc. Assoc. of Wowns & Exp. n 21artiate`I 693.25 Planning Boa -11 — Consultant "C" 214, 'BM Corp. Sales Office 215 oseph E. Ludewig 216 'Joseph Gutmann 20 \ 'Central Hudson G.& E. 218N1 219 \I IE.CC ;New Hack. RD.,V.F. \10.80 Bldg. Insp. "C" Otherth 25.80\1 " ++ ff 10.40) "16.90 1 Bldg. Insu. C" Other ( Miles) 482.16" Oakwood Knola (sewer) n t+ ►8 366.34 8 8 I (water) 300.00` " " !etc. 220 ' on—Cross Chemical 13.00] " „I 221 `' " If " 114.25 ft i 9.81 Rockingham Fires 237.7I " (sewer) 224\y lton Chazen Assoc. lic\117.Ylaof in k . B ldwiniPlacee. 64.5 226 \. is is It 1164.21 227 » Y le 1132.0 » » 10,x.2.'1 (Water) 222 \ 'Amelia Crosby 223 ., Central Hudson G & E. 225"' Public Saf » » iist,PcP ig a tt csignals » q In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of this 6th day of April , 19.67.. [SEAL] Vappinger Town Clerk WARRANT To ant Joseph H. Fulton , Supervisor Page 2 Town of Wapping-er , County of Dutchea , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 6th day of a certificate thereof and directed to pay hereinafter stated: April , 1967 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as CLAIM NAME OF CLAIMANT No. 188 \ Xerox Corp. Reeheetsr, .1T.T. 190 IWilhia.aon Law Book Co. 191 \ 'Eleanor Croshier 29z\B/1Thownson dCai., Brooklyn 193 'Verner Christensen 194 V 13311gwigginkse,N.7. 195 ,.,tCe-rBAlyer 196 . Central Hudson, POBox,Pok 197 ,, 1lfappingere Central School • Q It ft 198• 199 f► ft t/ 200 II01146tRoOrii. 201 202 Fidakiwitlap Sign Seri. liSeraW$ Rwell Jab- 203 . Pat Siracusa II.J. 204 .,. pitmen AMOUNT' FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT 14q.o4 / 37.5o 28.2& 3.01/ 6.00 26.80 216.00 31.50 37.92)r 17��6. ` 4.00 78.004 5,90, 25.6o \ \I 1©0.00 8c 1'oon 205 L loper—Willett Co.alAeb1. ,od Ir ft .. �� Mise, A.bul derv. $1,000.001/ n fl (li+.'s.Egedlp. i125.00 OTHER INFORMATION Tovn Clerk +hC++ Office & Other ►1 J of P. t►Ct, ather +► r► ft If Assessors - )ffice & other "C" Assessors ,t f it :.... CA �..r. Recreation "4" .• se ft ft tf " ' 0ths�r t1 tt rt rf it tt t1 t1 fl Recreation " lc" "B" Other It V fl " $�3.30�- 33.;.t?-1 Pu. ch_ of Equip a r tt 207 TB fl It It 208 ,\' 209 \- 210 ud Clausen 21. 22.32 5z}\ -I 51.00 tin Leskow 1 69.10 I (. (1q,/8' In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of....wapp , this 64 ...... .... day of April-. tt 1t ft ft 11 t1 1t fl 11 ft fl tt 1, ft fl it tt [SEAL] Town Clerk WARRANT Joseph H. Fulton To , Supervisor Town of Wappinger , County of Dutchess , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the Wappinger 6th day of April , 19 67 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. 165 Associated Hospital Serv. 166 v Rudolph E. Lapar Chief Electronics, Inc. 160 V 14 N. Bridge St., Pok 168 Great Bear Spring Co. 169 Marine Midland Ntl. Bank 170 New York Telephone NAME OF CLAIMANT 171 172 ti 173 174 1?5 176 1?7�' YlughtlitIserflet. It It tf ft Mid Hudson Oil Co. It rt t► t1 ft I n n 178 Commando Window Cleaning 179\/ Xerox Corp. 180 LvSJDu ssrTgaSk.Pok 181\' Messrs. Quinn & Reilly 182`' 183" The Reporter Co., Inc. 9 tt Walton, N f. 184 The Campbell Press. 185 186 W. & S.D. News,20 E.Main 187" Elaine H. Snowden ►1 ft 11 IAMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT 139.25 750.O&r Serv. of 134.' 5.00' 225.06 207.10\" T.B.-T.H. 95.g- 129.14 5. 129.1 118.53 41.1ie 130.06 115.20, OTHER INFORMATION ? /0./.54. T.B. - Insuuance "D" other 3,4.„? \V & exp. T.B.-T.H.- hese of Furnit & equip. T.B.-T.H. " ' Rentals !t 11 ft 38.1x\' 95.00v 86.90 500.00' 906.50 `' 7 14.00 23.00 139.4.v ft ►1 0 ft ft It - "D" Telephone - "D" 1 Repairs " 11 Heat T.B.-T. 'qv Other " 9 It 9 8 1It n n It ►f It ft 11 etc. Serv. of At*78 & Exp. of !Mtg. II ft 1f Printing & Jdvtag. all depts. ft It ft It ft t1 tt ►1 Town Clerk ' c" petty cash '13Zo,�y In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of Wappinger this_._.6th.. day of April , [SEAL] Town Clerk