1967-01-05 ReorgThe Reorganization Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger was held on Thursday, January 5, 1967, at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, N.Y. Present: Ucoseph H. Fulton, Supervisor William J. Bulger, Justice of the Peace Vincent Francese, Justice of the Peace 0 Others Present: Joseph Quinn, Attorney Harold Reilly, Attorney Rudolph Lapar, Engineer Supervisor Fulton called the meeting to Louis Clausen, Councilman Louis Diehl, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Joseph Ludewig, Building Supt. Verner Christensen, Chairman of Assessors order at 7:15 P.M.. Mr. Fulton: Dispense with reading of any minutes tonight and go right into the reorganization. The Town Clerk appointed V. Esther Snowden and Eleanor B. Morton as Deputy Town Clerks. Mr. Francese: While you're making appointments, I found that through very good manipulations of deposit we've made over $3,000 on Certificates of Deposit. I would like to commend Mrs. Crosby on being able to get this much interest. The following resolution was read by the Town Clerk: RESOLUTION NO. I, YEAR 1967 TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS, COUNTY, NEW YORK, ESTABLISHING THE AMOUNT OF OFFICIAL UNDERTAKINGS TO BE FURNISHED BY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER The following resolution was offered by Justice of the Peace Bulger who moved its adoption. RESOLVED, that the persons holding the following offices and positions of emplcayment in the Town of Wappinger be and they hereby are -required to furnish official undertakings, conditioned for the faithful performance of their duties in the sums set forth after the respective offices and positions set forth below: Town Clerk Tax Collector Deputy Tax Collector Deputy.Town Clerk Supervisor Justices of Peace Constables Supervisor's bookkeeper $ 4,000.00 ',500,000.00' 25,000.00 4,000.00' 22,000.00 4,000.00 .each 1,000.00 each 10,000.00 39ry AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that the form and sufficiency of surety of such undertakings shall meet with the approval of the Town Board of this Town and shall coMply with the provisions of the Town Law of the State of New York in general and with Section 25 thereof in particular, and it is further RESOLVED, that such undertakings shall be filed In the office of the Clerk of the County of Dutchess pursuant to the provisions of the Public Officers Law and other related statutes of the State of New York, and it is further RESOLVED, that a blanket undertaking in amount of $10,000.00 be procured from ` corporate surety licensed to do business in the State of New York indemnifying the Town of Wappinger against losses arising from the failure of all other Town empl9yees to perform their duties or to account properly for all monies for property received by virture of their positions or employment. 3 94 Seconded by: Councilman Clausen { A motion was made by Mr. Bulger, seconded by Mr. Diehl to adopt the following Resolution. Resolution #2 setting, salaries of certain classified civil service positions in the Town was read by the Clerk. Salaries were inserted as each office was named. Upon reaching the Assessors Mr. Fulton made a recommendation that the two assessors salaries be set at $1,900 each and the Chairman at $4,600. Mrs. Snowden said several letters had been received from the Assessors themselves. Mr. Fulton noted that Town Law provides that the Chairman can receive anbmount equal to, or more than, thq other .two. The other two have to be equal,. Mr. Quinn: The intent of this resolution is that you fix a basic amount. Mr. Fulton asked if there were any objections to his recommendations. Mr. Diehl: On this, I would vote no. To this point I would vote yes, but as you get to the assessors, I would prefer that to be an individual motion. Mr. Fulton pointed otit that there was a change in the pay period. It had been infor- mally discussed at the meeting of December 29th. Pay periods had been on the 15th, and the 30th of the month. He advised that this resolution will make the pay period every second Friday, except those that are on a contract to the Town. Mr. Francese: Returning to setting the assessors - I would think along Mr. Diehls' objection, we should exclude the three assessors from this resolution. I think a separate resolution is required under the circumstances. Mr. Quinn: Exclude the three assessors from this resolution and vote on it omitting them. Motion made by Mr. Francese, seconded by Mr. Bulger to adopt the following resol- ution. RESOLUTION N0.2, YEAR 1967 TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK ESTABLISHING THE SALARIES OF CERTAIN CLASSIFIED CIVIL SERVICE POSITIONS IN THE TOWN The following resolution was offered by Justic e of the Peace Francese who moved its adoption. RESOLVED, that the annual salaries for the following named Town officers and employees be and the same hereby are fixed and established at the following rates: Supervisor Superintendent of Highways 1 Justice of the Peace 1 Justice of the Peace 1 Town Councilman Town Clerk 1 Deputy Town Clerk 1 Deputy Town Clerk Supervisor's Confidential Secretary Supervisor's Bookkeeper Building Inspector $ 4,050.00 7,650.00 2,700.00 2,700.00 1,350.00 5,580.00 3,300.00 2,600.00 600.00 3,400.00 3,700.00 L L Zoning Administrator Director of Recreation Deputy Building Inspector Collector of Taxes 3,300.00 1,500.00 2,300.00 900.00 400 AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the salaries of persons holding the aforesaid positions shall be paid every other Friday throughout the year 1967, with 26 pay per iods during such year, with the first payday to be January 13, 1967. Seconded by: Justice of the Peace Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes Mr. Fulton called for discussion on Assessors salaries and asked Mr. Diehl spec- icically if he had some objection. Mr. Diehl: My discussion mdight go pretty lengthy on ;this. The figures you had quoted I am not in agreement on and would not vote in favor of. At the last meeting some questions came up of various private industries being reassessed. At this meeting we have a report from the Chairman saying he cannot bring the information in to this meeting that was requested. Previously I felt that the Chairman should receive a greater salary. Mr. Quinn, in an attempt to clarify the point Mr. Diehl was referring to, stated Mr. Christensen had been in to see him earlier in the year, on the question of assessing water and sewer plants, and he proceeded to briefly describe the different approaches toward assessing these facilities. Mr. Diehl: Mr. Quinn's explanation was very beautiful, but he lost me completely. In the first place, Mr. Christensen himself said someone in the State Dept. had ill-advised him and wasn't employed there any more. Second, if he had this inform- ation and submitted it to the attorney, he should have at the same time given the information to the supervisor. .f the.information was there it was never made pub- lic to the Board itself.. Up to this point I was of the opinion that the Chairman was putting in many more hours. I had no answer to the problem that exists. Mr. Bulger: You agree we are in the reorganizational phase, where we set salaries? Mr. Diehl: I don't feel I could vote yes on anything like this when I have serious doubts in my mind. Mr, Clausen: Chairman appears to be a full time Job. It seems he is there Just about every day. I think the Chairman, being full time, should get greater pro `portion of the salaries. Mr. Fulton: I don't consider the Job, at this point, a full time job. It is getting to that point. Mr. Clausen: It seems to me that Mr. Christensen made the point, I think the point you were very sympathetic on, loss of income because of time put in as assessor. The Chairman has a greater burden and responsibility. If anything, I would like to see him get a greater proportion. Mr. Fulton: As it is now, the assessor's Job is one of responsibility. We expect 4-U' them to work as many hours as it takes to get the Job done. Mr. Clausen: We ought to look at our own consciences and what we know. If we think one man has been doing an exceptional job, the other assessors are responsible, but not putting in enough time. This is where the good Job should be compensated. If there is any hesitation in my mind it would be that. I'm not convinced that the other assessors are putting time in that is supposed by the salary schedule. Mr. Clausen made a motion that the Chairman, whoever it may be, receive a salary of $6,400 and the other 2 assessors receive salaries of $1,000 each. Motion failed for lack of a second. Mr. Fulton: If you want a reason why I didn't second the motion on that, if you will accept it - I would like to see this Town maintain a three-man Board of Assessors but my feeling are that I would like to go for a goal of a ratio of about 3 to 1 on this. When we go to a first class town, at that time I think the two assessors would stay right where they are and upgrade the Chairman. I think the minimum ratio is to hold $1,900 and increase the Chairman's salary. Mr. Francese moved adoption of the resolution setting the Assessor's salaries at $1,900 each, with an additional $2,700 for the Chairman, making a total of $4,600 for the Chairman of the Board of Assessors and further that the salaries of persons holding the aforesaid positions shall be paid every other Friday throughout the year 1967, with 26 pay periods during tuch year, with the first payday to be January 13, 1967. Seconded by: Mr. Bulger. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Bulger ---Aye Mr. Francese-Aye Mr. Fulton ----Aye Mr. Clausen ----Nay Mr. Diehl -----Nay The Town Clerk read Resolution No. 3, appointing personnel to various Town offices and positions of employment. Knud Clausen recommended Ken Croshier as Deputy Town Superintendent of Highways. Motion made by Mr. Clausen, seconded by Mr. Bulger to appoint V. Esther Snowden as Tax Collector. Unanimous. Mr. Francese recommended Harry Straley as Dog Warden. Mr. Fulton made a motion that Verner Christensen be reappointed as Chairman of the Board of Assessors and be paid every other Friday throughout the year 1967, with 26 pay periods during such year, with the first payday to be January 13, 1967. Seconded by Mr. Bulger. Mr. Diehl: I would have to vote no on thb entire resolution. Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes Mr. Diehl: Nay The following Resolution No. 3 was offered by Mr. Francese who moved its adoption. RESOLUTION NO. 3 YEAR 1967 TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF WAPPINGER, 40.2. DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK, APPOINTING PERSONNEi- TO VARIOUS TOWN OFFICES AND'POSITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT RESOLVED, that the following persons be and they hereby are appointed to the following offices and positions of employment with the Town of Wappinger to serve in such capac ity throughout the year 1967 unless their services shall be sooner terminated at the pleasure of the Town Board, or in the case of the persons design- ated to serve• as bookkeeper and confidential secretary to the supervisor, unless the services of those persons shall be sooner terminated at the pleasure of the supervisor: NAME ' OFFICE Amelia Crosby Robert L'Archevesque Joseph Ludewig Joseph Ludewig Kenneth Croshier Esther Snowden Harry Straley ' Elaine H. Snowden John Biasotti Joseph Gutman Supervisor's Bookkeeper Supervisor's Confidential Sect. Building Inspector Zoning Administrator Deputy Town Superintendent of Highways Collector of Taxes Dog Warden Registrar of Vital Statistics Director of Recreation Deputy Building Inspector AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that the salaries otherwise fixed for the above designated offices and positions shall be paid to the holders of such offices and positions, with the exception that no compensation shall be paid to the holder of the office of Deputy Town Superintendent of Highways payable every other Friday throughout the year 1967, with 26 pay periods during such year, with the first payday to be January 13, 1967, and with th'e further exception that no salary or compensation shall be paid to the Dog Warden and the Registrar of Vital Statist- ics who shall, however, be entitled to receive for the performance of the duties of their respective offices the fees fixed by applicable statute. Seconded by: Mr. Bulger Roll Call Votes: 5 Ayes 0 Nays Resolution No. 4 establishing the salaries of certain classified Civil Service positions in the Town was placed before the Board. RESOLUTION NO. 4, YEAR 1967 TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF WAPPINGER, DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK, ESTABLISHING THE SALARIES OF CERTAIN CLASSIFIED CIVIL SERVICE POSITIONS IN THE TOWN " The following resolution was offered by Mr. Bulger who moved its adoption. RESOLVED, that the annual salaries for the following classified Civil Service positions in the Town be and the same hereby are fixed and established at the foll - owing annual rate: Secretary to the Assessors Secretary to the Building Inspector AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, shall be paid every other Friday such year, with the first payday $4,000.00 4,500.00 that the salaries of persons holding such positions throughout the year 1967, with 26 pay periods during to be January 13, 1967. Seconded by: Mr. Diehl Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays Resolution #5 setting pay scale for Highway Department was placed before the Board. 408 Knud Clausen recommended the various hourly rates and explained to the Board that the pay raise by the hour is very small. His agreement with the workers that they get hospitalization paid in full and overalls supplied, will compensate for this. They are now getting $2.80 an hour and I recommend a raise to $3.05 (Foreman) - Chauffeur from $2.47 to $2.65 perhour, - Operator from $2.47 to $2.65 per hour and Laborer from $2.25 to $2.43 per hour. That is my suggestion. Mr. Fulton: You need a new resolution to do what ,you want to do. Mr. Diehl to Knud Clausen: Reword the resolution so that it is just dollar value and work out overalls afterwards. You have the clothing in your resolution - elim- inate that from;your resolution. Mr. Fulton: He is not making a resolution he's just making a recommendation. Knud Clausen: The boys asked for 254 an hour straight raise. Louis Clausen: Submit a higher salary raise and take it out of that. Mr. Quinn: I am sure supplying clothes cannot be done;unless they fall under cat- egory of safety equipment for the workers, and they would become property of the Town. Mr. Fulton: The Town has been paying for half of their hospitalization. Knud Clausen: I recommend that the Town pay for the full amount. Recess at 8:36 PMO., reconvened at 8:48 P.M.. Mr. Fulton to Knud Clausen: I would recommend that we pay foreman $3.05, Chauff- eur $2.65, Laborer $2.43 - 180 raise for the laborers and truck drivers, and 254 an hour for the foreman. RESOLUTION NO. 5, YEAR 1967 TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF WAPPINGER, DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK, ESTABLISHING THE PAY SCALE FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT The following resolution was offered by Mr. Bulger who moved its adoption. RESOLVED, that the pay scale for the following categories of employees hired by the Town of Wappinger Highway Department be and the same hereby is fixed and established at the following maximum hourly rates: Chauffeur $2.65 per hour Operator 2.65 per hour Laborer 2.43 per hour Foreman 3.05 per hour AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that all of such Highway Dept. employees engaged on an hourly basis shall be paid every other Friday throughout the year 1967, with the first payday to be on Friday January 13, 1967. Seconded by: Mr. Diehl Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays Resolution No. 6, Year 1967 establishing the pay scale for part time clerical and secretarial employees engaged to serve the Town Board and its officers, officials and agencies, offered by Mr. Diehl who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Bulger. 404 Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF WAPPINGER, DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK, ESTABLISHING THE PAY SCALE FOR PART TIME CLERICAL AND SECRETARIAL EMPLOYEES ENGAGED TO SERVE THE TOWN BOARD AND ITS OFFICERS, OFFICIALS AND AGENCIES RESOLVED, that the pay scale for all extra part time clerical employees engag- to perform services for the Town Board of this Town and/or its officers, officials, and agencies be and the same hereby is fixed and established at a maximum hourly rate of $2.00 per hour, and it is further RESOLVED, that the pay scale for all extra part time secretarial employees engaged to perform services for the Town Board of this Town and/or its officers, officials and agencies be and the same hereby is fixed and established at a max- imum hourly rate of $2.25 per hour, and it is further RESOLVED, that all of such extra part time clerical and secretarial employees engaged on an hourly basis shall be paid every other Friday throughout the year 1967, with the first payday to be on Friday, January 13, 1967. Resolution No. 7, Year 1967, establishing petty cash fund for Collector of Taxes offered by Mr. Bulger, seconded by Mr. Clausen. Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF WAPPINGER, DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK, ESTABLISHING PETTY CASH FUND FOR COLLECTOR OF TAXES RESOLVED, that a petty cash fund riot -to exceed the sum of $200.00 be and the same hereby is established for the Collector of Taxes, and it is further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of this Town advance an amount not to exceed $200.00 to the Collector of Taxes to fund such petty cash account, and it is further RESOLVED, that payments from said petty cash account be made and that the Supervisor of this Town be reimbursed for advances made to such account in accord- ance with the provisions of Section 64, Subdivision Ia of the Town Law of the State of New York. Resolution No. 8 designating official newspaper of the Town of Wappinger was offer- ed by Mr. Diehl who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Clausen. Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF WAPPINGER, DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK, DESIGNATING OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER RESOLVED, that the W. & S. D. News, a newspaper regularly published in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and having a general circulation in .this Town, and being a newspaper entered as second class mail matter, be and the same hereby is designated as the official paper of this town, and it is further RESOLVED, that the Poughkeepsie Jourrial_and The Evening News, newspapers pub- lished in the County of Dutchess and having general circulation therein, be and they hereby are designated as additional 'newspapers for the publication of Town notices, subject to the limitations of Section 64, Subdivision 11 of the Town Law of the State of New York, and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is authorized and directed to give notice df such designation to the publishers of such newspapers. Resolution No. 9, designating the time and place for the holding of Town Board Meetings, offered by Mr. Bulger who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Francese. 4 Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF WAPPINGER, DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK, DESIGNATING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR THE HOLDING OF TOWN BOARD MEETINGS RESOLVED, that monthly meetings of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger shall be held at 7:00 o'clock in the evening of the first Thursday after the first Tuesday of each and every month at the Town Hall, Mill Street, in the Village of Wappingers Falls, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, or at such other place or places within the Town of Wappinger as the Town Board shall, from time to time, designate. Resolution No. 10 designating depositaries for Town of Wappinger monies was off- ered by Mr. Francese who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Clausen. Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF WAPPINGER, DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK, DESIGNATING DEPOSITARIES FOR TOWN OF WAPPINGER MONIES RESOLVED, that the Marine Midland National Bank of Southeastern New York, the Dutchess Bank and Trust Company, and the County National Bank, each being a banking institution maintaining banking rooms and offices in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, be and they each hereby are severally designated as depositories of the monies of this town, and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is directed to give notice of such designation to each of said banking institutions. Resolution No. 11 relative to temporary deposit and investment of Town Funds was offered by Mr. Francese who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Bulger. Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK, RELATIVE TO TEMPORARY DEPOSIT AND INVESTMENT OF TOWN FUNDS WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of this Town Board of the Town of Wappinger that there are now or may be in the future funds and monies, except proceeds of loans and monies the investment of which is otherwise provided for by law, belonging to the Town which are or which may be in excess of the amount required for immediate expenditure to pay current expenses and obligations, and WHEREAS, it is or it may be to the advantage of the Town to deposit and/or invest all or part of such funds in special time deposit accounts, or certificates of deposit issued by, banks or trust companies located and authorized to do bus— iness in this State, short term obligations of the United States of America and/or the State of New York, and WHEREAS, it appears that the temporary deposit and/or investment of such ex- cess and surplus funds may be beneficial and profitable to the Town of Wappinger, NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby RESOLVED, that the duly elected, qualified and acting Supervisor of the Town of Wappinger be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to deposit and/or invest such surplus and excess funds of this Town in the aforesaid man— ner pursuant to Section 11 of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, and it is further RESOLVED, that such temporary deposits and/or investments shall be secured, registered or held, as the case may be in the manner prescribed by Section II of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, and it is further RESOLVED, that the aforesaid Supervisor of this Town be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to take all steps necessary from time to time to carry out and implement this resolution. 4U6 Resolution No. 12 designating insurance agent for the Town of Wappinger was offered by Mr. Clausen who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Francese. Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF WAPPINGER, DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK, DESIGNATING INSURANCE AGENT FOR THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER RESOLVED, that the Beasley Agency, Inc., a general insurance agency doing business in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, be and it hereby is designated as the insurance agent for this town. Resolution No. 13, employing legal counsel for the Town of Wappinger was offered by Mr. Francese who moved its adoption and seconded by Mr. Clausen. Roll' Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF WAPPINGER, DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK, EMPLOYING LEGAL COUNSEL FOR THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER RESOLVED,that the law firm of Quinn & Reilly, 44 Cannon Street, Poughkeepsie, New York be and the same hereby is employed and retained for the purpose of furn- ishing to the Town Board, its officers and agencies such legal advice, counsel and services as may be required and shall receive compensation therefor in accordance with a proposal submitted to this board. Resolution No. 14 employing engineering services for the Town offered by Mr. Clausen who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Bulger. Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays TOWN BOARD, TOWN -OF WAPPINGER,- DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK, EMPLOYING ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE TOWN RESOLVED, that RUDOLPH LAPAR, 17 Hasbrook Drive, Poughkeepsie, New York, be and he hereby is employed and retained for the purpose of furnishing to the Town Board, its officers and agencies, such engineering advice and services as may be required and he shall receive compensation therefor in accordance with a proposal submitted to this board. Let the record show that the Clerk filed the letter of Rudy Lapar's proposal with this resolution. (It is exactly the same letter submitted by Mr. Kelley as to his provisions.) Resolution No. 15 appointing Town Constables was placed before the Board. Mr. Bulger requested this particular resolution be temporarily tabled. Resolution No. 16 appointing Certified Public Accountant to audit the accounts and reports of the Supervisor and of 'the Town Clerk was placed before the Board. Mr. Fulton requested some discussion on this and called recess at 9:03 P.M.. Meeting reconvened at 9:16 P.M.. Resolution No. 15 offered by Mr. Diehl who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Bulger. Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY,. NEW YORK, APPOINTING TOWN CONSTABLES RESOLVED, that the following named persons be and they hereby are appointed to serve as Constables -in and for the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, at the pleasure of the Town Board: DWIGHT ROBBINS ROBERT LAFFIN WALTER ALTONEN ALBERT BERBERICH RALPH ALTONEN ELTING SCOTT VK[ILlAN CLARKSON JOSEPH COSTA DONALD W. NICKERSON RICHARD HORNE RALPH SHEEHAN WILLIAM MCGAUGHRIN RICHARD PRICE JOSEPH DONALD SYNNETT AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that the aforesaid persons so designated as Con- stables shall be paid no salary by the Town Board but shall be entitled to collect the statutory fees allowed by law. Resolution No. 16 offered by Mr. Francese who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Bulger. Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF WAPPINGER, DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK, APPOINTING CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT TO AUDIT THE ACCOUNTS AND REPORTS OF THE SUPERVISOR AND OF5HE TOWN CLERK RESOLVED, that Herman Bernstein, A Certified Public Accountant of the City of Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, New York, be and he hereby is retained to audit the accounts and reports of the Town Supervisor and the Town Clerk for the year 1966, and it is further RESOLVED, that the said accountant receive reasonable compensation for the productive services which he shall render to the Town in this connection" Mr. Fulton: We have some communications that we felt were urgent tonight. Mrs. Snowden reminded the Board that they have to appoint a representative and alternate to the Association of Towns meeting. Mr. Fulton: l should like to put the Board on notice that Mr. Koffsky hos res- igned. Mr. Francese: Are we going to appoint a delegate to the Association of Towns or not? l think our next regularly scheduled meeting is after the Association of Towns. l move to appoint Supervisor Fulton delegate and Mr. L. Clausen alternate delegate, seconded by Mr. Bulger. Unanimous. Mrs. Snowden read David Koffshy`s1et1er of resignation from the Zoning Board of Appeals. Mr. Bulger: l think we had better question counsel. The law requires that o resignation be addressed to the Town Clerk. Mr. Quinn: l think the Town Clerk can have Mr. Koffsky orally confirm that. Mr. Clausen: Today l spoke with the Vice Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals, Mr. Jacobson, and they weren't aware we were going to read the letter of resign- ation. Said they would like to forward recommendations. Mrs. Snowden: Dr. Harvey Miller's term expired on January 4th. Mr. Francese made a motion to re -appoint Dr. Harvey Miller to a 7 year term on th/ ailiattog'board seconded by Mr. Clausen. Unanimous. Mr. Clausen: Should we have o resolution to keep standing committees in the Town. Mr. Bulger: l think it would be o good idea to review the standing connnitteed. Note that it is the understanding of the Board that these oonm|tteed continue to operate. 4 U° 8 Mr. Diehl: On the appointment of Dr. Miller, I would assume that the Town Clerk would notify him. Mrs. Snowden: Bids were advertised in the paper for two material spreaders for the Highway Dept. One bid was received and opened. It was from Ralph Herman, $5,870 for both of them. Mr. K. Clausen recommended that the Board accept the bid. Motion was made by Mr. Bulger, seconded by Mr. Diehl to accept the recommendation of the Highway Superintendent and accept the bid of Ralph Herman for 2 Material Spreaders at the total cost of $5,870. Mr. Fulton: Let ;the record show that the billing, in accordance with our prev— ious discussion on Oakwood Knolls, will go out to the Oakwood Knolls residents we expect to put the bills out on the Rockingham District, but before that, there will have to be some discussion on, the Rockingham District. Mr. Fulton: I don't know whether you gentlemen realize this or not, but in tonight's paper there was an article for selection of Wappinger--Fishkill area for toll free calling area . Mr. L'Archevesque has been personally working on this project for three years, working very closely with the telephone company and probably one of the first ones notified of;this decision. I think he is to be commended for his efforts on;this. Mr. Francese: The Honorable Justice of the Village Pantaline has requested I ask Town Board if he may use this hall February 1, Wednesday evening, for a Jury Trial. Motion made by Mr. Bulger to permit Judge Pantaline the use of the Town Hall on February 1, 1967, seconded by Mr. Diehl. Unanimous. Mr. Bulger: The lighting committee has a report. Mr. Fulton: The telegram to Rockefeller and Mr. McMorran were sent. I under— stand that there is a blinker light at that intersection. Mr. Clausen: The letter to Mr. Rockefeller was drafted and sent. Mr. Bulger: The realignment of Creek Road and the New Hamburg—Hughsonvi1le Road and the installation of the new bridge — there is a matter now of removal and re- installation of two lights in that district. We have visited the area and have come to a conclusion as to where they should be installed. We discussed it with Central Hudson. We have resolutions here and recommend adoption as it appears in them. Motion made by Mr. Francese, seconded by Mr. Clausen to approve the changes and 1 additions for Central Hudson Lights. The following resolution was moved by Councilman Louis Diehl, seconded by Justice of the Peace Vincent Francese, and duly carried. WHEREAS, the Central Hudson Gas 8. Electric Corporation has reviewed its street lighting standards and practices and proposes to revise the schedule of lamps offered to its cu6tomers and WHEREAS, the Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation has submitted o proposed modification of the agreement dated September 1. 1961 for street light ing within the Hughsonville Lighting District which will enable it to effect said revision. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the modifying agreement dated January 5. 1967 as submitted by the Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation be and is hereby approved, and it is further RESOLVED that Joseph H. Fulton. 8uoerv\sor be and is hereby authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the Town of WaoninqeI. Unanimous. Mr. Bulger: In relation to some of the traffic problems that have occurred along Route 9 - we have investigated, with aid of Central Hudson, the instn||atYoh of lights at main intersections - Route 9 and Osborne, MacFor-- |ond, Hopewell and Middlebush Roods. The one in particular - Hopewell Road, will be installed on a 14 ft. arm which may be pivoted after the new Route 9 is opened, if we so desire. Motion made by Mr. Clausen, seconded by Mr. Froncese to approve these install- ations of lights on intersections of Route 9 & Osborne, MacFarlane, Hopewell and Midd|ebush Roods. The following resolution was moved by Mr. Louis C|ausen. Councilman, seconded by Justice of the Peace Francese, and duly carried. WHEREAS, the Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation has reviewed its street lighting standards and practices and proposes to revise the schedule of lamps offered to its customers and WHEREAS, the Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation has submitted o proposed modification of the agreement dated September 1. 1961 for street light- ing within the General Town Lighting District which will enable it to effect said revision. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the modifying agreement dated January 1967 as submitted by the Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation be and is hereby approved, and it is further RESOLVED that Joseph H. Fulton. Supervisor be and is hereby authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the Town of Woppinger° Unanimous. Mr. Fulton: Refer Mr. Raker's request for lighting in Tel Trees to the comm- ittee. Mr. Bulger: We have received communication from the Planning Board, indicating that residents of the area of the intersection of Edgehill Drive and Al | Angels Rood have indicated a problem would be created with establishment of a proposed church there. We hereby submit the request for a street light at this intersect~ 410 ion. The following resolution was moved by Justice of the Peace Vincent Francese, seconded by Councilman Louis Clausen, and duly carried. WHEREAS, the Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation has reviewed its street lighting standards and practices and proposes to revise the schedule of lamps offered to its customers and WHEREAS, the Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation has submitted a proposed modification of the agreement dated September 1. 1961 for street lighting within the General Town Lighting District which will enable it to effect said revision. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the modifying agreement dated January 5. 1967 as submitted by the Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation be and is hereby approved, and it is further RESOLVED, that Jj seph H. Fulton. Supervisor be and is hereby authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the Town of Wappinger. Unanimous. Mr. Francese: The Recreation Commission Vice -Chairman has asked me if they might meet with 'the Town Board some time before their mext regular meeting. Motion made by Mr. Clausen, seconded by Mr. Diehl to'suspend rules to hear from Mr. Lafko. Unanimous. Mr. Lafko: I'd just like to ask a question. Mr. Diehl and Mr. Quinn toughed on water franchise rights and taxes. So that we can get clarification here, now, I would like to ask counsel if his answer to Mr. Diehl was based on research and legal opinion, or just some conclusions.I would like to be on the record as asking who pays the direct expense of the taxes? Mr. Fulton: I don't think this is proper subject for the Town Board. This is up to the Assessors. The Town Board neither has the right to set this policy or to act on it. Mr. Lafko: The Assessors don't know about public service evaluations, etc.. Mr. Francese: I think how we got around to this was, that Mr. Diehl presented some figures here last month. These were filed figures and they were assessments which seemed to be much too low for filed figures. You said there was ignorance on the part of the assessors. Mr. Lafko: Innocent ignorance. Mr. Francese: They were going according to letter they got from some man in State. All they were assessing was the plant and the facilities around the plant and not \the lines that were under the ground because this was the ruling they had got from the State Board of Equalization. This is subject to a lot of argument, I suppose. I think this was definitely established last month. I don't think rates has any thing to do with this. Mr. Lafko: That's Just like saying that the taxes on a warehouse or a store has nothing to do with the product. Mr. Fulton: I think Mr. Lafko has a problem here, he should take it up with the Assessors. Mr. Lafko: I say that Mr. Quinn is not quoting on a statute. To give you an example, Central Hudson runs poles and gas lines all over this Town. If you were to assess them, this would have to be figured into the rate and the rate would be phenomenal. Mr. Fulton: If you're seeking relief or an answer to this problem, it lies with the Board of Assessors. This Town Board is not going to set policy for the Board of Assessors. We can't. The whole thing can be resolved with the Board of Assess- ors. They will meet with you and bring down someone from the Board of Equalization. Mr. Lafko: Let's have a motion that we have a meeting, the sooner the better, and have public service official in on it. Mr. Quinn: You cannot bind the Assessors in that way. On motion of Mr. Bulger, seconded by Mr. Clausen, rules were resumed. Mr. Clausen moved to adjourn meeting, seconded by Mr. Diehl. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 9:52 P.M.. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk