1966-12-29 SPM8 8.6p A Special Meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger, was held on Thursday, December 29, 1966, at the Town Hall, Mill Street Wappingers Falls, New York, for the purpose of auditing accounts. Present: Joseph H. Fulton, Supervisor Louis Clausen, Councilman Vincent Francese, Justice of the Peace Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk William Bulger, Justice of the Peace Others Present: Joseph Quinn, Attorney Robert L'Archevesque Amelia Crosby The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Fulton at 9:40 A.M. The following letter to the Board from Mr. Fulton was read. Dec. 29, 1966 Town Board Town of Wappinger Town Hall Wappingers Falls, N.Y. Gentlemen: In the preparation of the 1966 budget for the Town of Wappinger, no funds were appropriated for emergency sewer plant operation of Oakwood Knolls. An expenditure of $868.31 was incurred for the Oakwood Knolls sewer plant when a bill was presented to the Board by the Hankin Utility Company in the amount of $868.31. Money for this expendi- ture was obtained from General Fund. Due to an oversight, your approval for the use of money from General Fund to meet this expenditure was not obtained in advance. At this time we request that the Town Board authorize the transfer of the sum of $868.31 from General Fund to "Emergency Sewer Plant Operation, Oakwood Knolls" in order to ratif' and confirm the previously unauthorized appropriation. We submit herewith for your consideration a resolution accom- plishing this purpose. Very truly yours, s/ Joseph H. Fulton, Supervisor The following resolution authorizing the establishment of account appropriation for emergency sewer plant operation, Oakwood Knolls, and the effecting of the necessary transfer to accomplish such purpose, was proposed by Justice of the Peace Francese, seconded by Justice of the Peace Bulger, and duly adopted. 388 +i "Town Hall & Offices, Rentals." This account has been overexpended and overdrawn by the sum of $112.20 in order to meet bills presented for payment. The additional monies were obtained from "Town Hall & Offices, Other Expenses." We, therefore, recommend that the Town Board authorize the transfer of the sum of $112.20 from Town Hall & Offices, Other Expenses, "to account "Town Hall & Offices, Rentals" in order to eliminate the overdraft and reimburse said account and in order to ratify and confirm the previously unauthorized appropria- tion. RESOLVED, that the sum of $112.20 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Town Hall & Offices" item, "Rentals" and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "Town Hall & Offices," item "Other Expenses." WHEREAS, the sum of $5,000.00 has been appropriated to account "Town Hall & Offices, Repdirs, Light Heat & Phone." This account has been overexpended and overdrawn by the sum of $525.00 in order to meet bills presented for payment. The additional monies were obtained from Town Hall & Offices, Purchase of Furniture & Equipment" and Town Hall & Offices, Compensation of Employees.". We, therefore, recommend that the Town Board authorize the transfer of the sum of $346.09 from "Town Hall & Offices, Purchase of Furniture & Equipment." and the sum of $178.91 from "Town Hall & Offices, Compensation of, Employees," to account "Town Hall & Offices, Repairs, Light Heat & Phone" in order to eliminate the overdraft and reimburse said account and in order to ratify and confirm the previously unauthorized appro- priation. RESOLVED, that the sum of $346.09 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Town Hall & Offices," item "Repairs, Light Heat & Phone" and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "Town Hall & Offices" item "Compensation of Employees." RESOLVED, that the sum of $178.91 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Town Hall & Offices", item "Repairs, Light, Heat & Phone" and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "Town Hall & Offices", item "Compensation of. Employees." WHEREAS, the sum of $4,800.00 has been appropriated to account "Insurance, Fire & Liability." This account has been overexpended and overdrawn by the sum of $505.33 in order to meet bills presented for payment. The additional monies were obtained from "Insurance, item "Compensation", Insurance, item "Official Bonds & Undertakings," "Insurance, item "Other, "Printing & Advertising, all Departments", Elections, "Compensation of Officials". We, therefore, recommend that the Town Board authorize the transfer of the sum of -- $ 80.35 from "Insurance, Compensation" 133.00 from "Insurance, Official Bonds & Undertakings" 106.39 from "Insurance, Other" 177.04 from "Printing & Advertising, all dept" 8.55 from "Elections, Compensation of Officials" to account "Insurance, Fire & Liability" in order to eliminate the overdraft and reimburse said account and in order to ratify and confirm the previously unauthorized appropriation. RESOLVED, that the sum of $80.35 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Insurance", item 'Fire & Liability", and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "Insurance", item "Compensation". RESOLVED, that the sum of $133.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Insurance", item "Fire & Liability" and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "Insurance", item "Official Bonds & Undertakings." RESOLVED, that the sum of $106.39 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Insurance", item "Fire & Liability" and that the said sum is hereby transferred threto from account "Insurance", item "Other". RESOLVED, that the sum of $177.04 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Insurance", item "Fire & Liability and that the said sum hereby is transferred thereto from account "Printing & Advertising, All Departments". RESOLVED, that the sum of $8.55 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Insurance", item "Fire & Liability" and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "Elections" item "Compensation of Officials". WHEREAS, the sum of $600.00 has been appropriated to account "Justice of the Peace, Office & Other Expenses." This account has been overexpended and overdrawn by the sum of $480.66 in order to meet bilis presented for payment. The additional monies were obtained from "Supervisor, Compensation of Employees". We, therefore, recommend that the Town Board authorize the transfer of the sum of $480.66 from "Supervisor, Compensation of Employees", to account "Justice of Peace, Office & Other Expenses" in order to eliminate the overdraft and reimburse said account and in order to ratify and confirm the previously unauthorized appropriation. RESOLVED, that the sum of $480.66 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Justice of Peace" item "Office & Other Expenses" and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "Supervisor item "Compensation of Employees". WHEREAS, the sum of $8,500.00 has been appropriated to account "Town Clerk, Compensation of Employees". This account has been overexpended and overdrawn by the sum of $651.89 in order to meet bills presented for payment. The additional monies were obtained from "Elections, item "Other Expenses", "Elections, item "Compensa- tion of Officials" , "Supervisor, item " Compensation of Employees". "Supervisor, item Office & Other Expenses". We, therefore, recommend that the Town Board authorize the transfer of the sum of $451.71 from "Elections, Other Expenses" 22.54 from "Elections, Compensation of Officials" 116.84 from "Supervisor, Compensation of Employees" 60.80 from "Supervisor, Office & Other Expenses to account "Town Clerk, Compensation of Employees" in order to eliminate the overdraft and reimburse said account and in order to ratify and confirm the previously unauthorized appropriation. RESOLVED, that the sum of $451.71 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account"Town Clerk", item "Compensation of Employees" and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "Elections", item "Other Expenses". RESOLVED, that the sum of $22.54 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Town Clerk" item "Compensation of Employees" and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "Elections" item "Compensation of Officials" RESOLVED, that the sum of $116,84 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Town Clerk" item "Compensation of Employees" and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "Supervisor" item "Compensation of Employees" RESOLVED, that the sum of $60.80 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Town Clerk' item "Compensation of Employees" and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "Supervisor" item "Office & Other Expenses". WHEREAS, the sum of $135.00 has been appropriated to account "Association of Towns, Dues". This account has been overexpended and overdrawn by the sum of $45.00 in order to meet bills presented for payment. The additional monies were obtained from "Maps & Descriptions". We, therefore, recommend that the Town Board authorize the transfer of the sum of $45.00 from "Maps & Descriptions". RESOLVED, that the sum of $45.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Association of Town, Dues" and that said sum hereby is transferred thereto from account "Maps & Descriptions". WHEREAS, the sum of $1,000.00 has been appropriated to account "Association of Towns, Expenses". This account has .been overexpended and overdrawn by the sum of $552.01 in order to meet bills presented for payment. The additional monies were obtained from Maps & Descrip- tions". We, therefore, recommend that the Town Board authorize the transfer of the sum of $552.01 from "Maps & Descriptions" to account "Association of Towns, Expenses" in order to eliminate the overdraft and reimburse said account and in order to ratify and confirm the previously unauthorized appropriation. RESOLVED, that the sum of $552.01 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Association of Town, Expenses" and that said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "Maps & Descriptions". WHEREAS, the sum of $800.00 has been appropriated to account "Town.Clerk, Office & Other Expenses". This account has been over - expended and overdrawn by the sum of $8.55 in.order to meet bills presented for payment. The additional monies were obtained from "Elections, Compensation of Officials". We, therefore recommend that the Town Board authorize the transfer of the sum of $8.55 from "Elections, Compensation ofOfficials" to account "Town Clerk, Office & Other Expenses" in order to eliminate the overdraft and reimburse said account and in order to ratify and confirm the previously unauthorized appropriation. RESOLVED, that the sum of $8.55 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Town Clerk" item "Office & Other Expenses" and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "Elections" item "Compensation of Officials". WHEREAS, the sum of.$5,000.00 has been appropriated to account "Assessors, Compensation of Employees". This account has been over - expended and overdrawn by the sum of $354.50 in order to meet bills presented for payment. The additional monies were obtained from "Assessors, Office & Other Expenses". RESOLVED, that the sum of $354.50 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Assessors item "Compensation of Employees" and •that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "Assessors" -item "Office & Other Expenses". s 9$ WHEREAS, the sum of $10,500.00 has been appropriated to account "Services of Engineer". This account has been overexpended and over- drawn by the sum of $526.80 in order to meet bills preSented for payment. The additional monies were obtained from "Assessors,'' Office & Other Expense" and "Dog Warden". We, therefore recommend that the Town Board authorize the transfer of the sum of $483.53 from "Assessors, Office & Other Expenses", and $43.27 from "Dog Warden" to account "Services of Engineer" in order to eliminate the overdraft and reimburse said account and in order to ratify and confirm the previously unauthorized appropriation. RESOLVED, that the sum of $483.53_be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Services of Engineer" and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "Assessors' iteM "Office & Other Expenses". RESOLVED, that the sum of $43.27 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Services of Engineer" and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "Dog Warden". WHEREAS, the sum of $8,920.00 has been appropriated to account "Parks & Playgrounds, Other Expenses". This account has been overexpended and overdrawn by the sum of $2,296.96 in order to meet bilis presented for payment. The additional monies were obtained from "Parks & Playgrounds, Compensation of Employees" "Parks & Playgrounds, Purchase of Equipment", Annual Audit & Examination", "Employees Retirement System". We, therefore recommend that the Town Board authorize the transfer of the sum of $1,210.80 from Parks & Playground, Compensation of Employees" 542.91 from Parks & Playground, Purchase of Equipment" 100.00 from Annual Audit & Examination" 443.25 from "Employees Retirement System" to account "Parks & Playgrounds, Other Expenses" in order to eliminate the overdraft and reimburse said account and in order to ratify and confirm the previously unauthorized appropriation. RESOLVED, that the sum of $1,210.80 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Parks & Playgrounds" item "Other Expenses" and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "Parks & Playgrounds" item "Compensation of Employees". RESOLVED, that the sum of $542.91 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Parks & Playgrounds" item "Other Expenses" and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "Parks & Playgrounds" item "Purchase of Equipment". RESOLVED, that the sum of $100.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Parks & Playgrounds" item "Other Expenses" and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "Annual Audit & Examination". be RESOLVED, that the sum of $443.25/and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Parks & Playgrounds" item "Other Expenses" and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "I -Employees Retirement System". WHEREAS, the sum of $200.00 has been appropriated to account "Parks & Playgrounds, Patriotic Observances". This account has been overexpended and overdrawn by the sum of $14.75 in order to meet bills presented for payment. The additional monies were obtained from "Employees Retirement System". We, therefore recommend that the Town Board authorize the transfer of the sum of $14.75 from "Employees Retirement System" to account "Parks & Playgrounds, Patriotic Observances" in order to eliminate the overdraft and reimburse said account and in order to ratify and confirm the previously unauthorized appropriation. 3 9A) RESOLVED, that the sum of $14.75 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Recreation" item "Patriotic Observances" and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "Employees Retirement System". WHEREAS, the sum of $6,000.00 has been appropriated to account "Permanent Improvements". This account has been over - expended and overdrawn by the sum of $906.46 in order to meet bills presented for payment. The additional monies were obtained from "General Fund". We, therefore recommend that the. Town Board authorize the transfer of the sum of $906.46 from "General Fund" to account "Permanent Improvements, Town Hall" in prder to elim- inate the overdraft and reimburse said account and in order to ratify and confirm the previously unauthorized appropriation. RESOLVED, that the sum of $906.46 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Permanent Improvements" item "Town Hall" and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from General Fund, Surplus". WHEREAS, the sum of $3,500.00 has been appropriated to account "Town Share Social Security". This account has been over - expended and overdrawn by the sum of $2,124.92 in order to meet bills presented for payment. The additional monies were obtained from "Employees Retirement System". We therefore recommend that the Town Board authorize the :transfer of the sum of $2,124.92 from "Employees Retirement System" to account "Town Share Social Security" in order to eliminate the overdraft and reimburse said account and in order to ratify and confirm the previously unauthorized appro- priation. RESOLVED, that the sum of $2,124.92 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Town Share Social Security" and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "Employees Retirement System", WHEREAS, the sum of $10,000.00 has been appropriated to account "Attorney's Fees & Litigation". This account has been overexpended and overdrawn by the sum of $6,313.65 in order to meet bills presented for payment. The additional monies were obtained from "Elections, Compensation of Officials", Dog Warden" Police, Constables & Deputy Sheriffs", Contingent Purposes," "Councilmen, Other Expenses", Veterans Orgs. for Rooms", "Maps & Descriptions", "Supervisor, Office & other Expenses" and General Fund. We therefore recommend that the Town Board authorize the transfer of the sum of $1,979.68 from "Elections, Compensation of Officials" 240.73 188.00 78.31 89.77 200.00 937.99 10.00 2,589.27 from from from from from from from from "Dog Warden" "Police, Constables & Deputy Sheriffs' "Contingent Purposes" "Councilmen, Other Expenses" "Veterans Orgs. for Rooms" "Maps & Descriptions" "Supervisor, Office & Other Expenses" "General Fund, Surplus RESOLVED, that the sum of $1,979.68 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Attorneys" Fees-& Litiqatien" and that the Said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "Elections" item "Compensation of Officials". RESOLVED, that the sum of $240.73 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Attorneys' Fees and Litigation" and that 315- • the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "Dog Wqrden" RESOLVED, that the sum of $188.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Attorneys' Fees andLitigatiOn":Aildflthat the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "Police, Constables and Deputy Sheriffs" item "Compensation". RESOLVED, that the sum of $78.31 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Attorneys' Fees & Litigation" and that the said sum'is hereby transferred thereto from account "Contingent. Purposes". RESOLVED, that the sum of $89.77 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Attorneys' Fees & Litigation" and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "CoUricilmen" item "Other Expenses". RESOLVED, that the sum Of $200.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Attorneys' Fees & Litigation" and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "Veterans Orgs. for Rooms". RESOLVED,* that the sum of $937.99 be and the same hereby is Appropriated to account "Attorneys' Fees & Litigation" and that* the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "Maps & Descriptions". RESOLVED, that the sum of $10.00 be and the same hereby is' appropriated to account "Attorneys' Fees & Litigation" and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "Super- visor item "Office & Other Expenses". RESOLVED, that the sum of $2,589.27 be and the same hereby is appropriated to account "Attorneys' Fees & Litigation" and thatthesaid sum is hereby transferred thereto from General Fund Surplus, and it is further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Wappinger be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to make such transfers in accordance with the provisions of this resolution, and it is further, RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby authorize, empower and direct the Supervisor to expend said sum for the'above mentioned purpose and for no other purpose. Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays Carried Dec. 29, 1966 Mr. Bulger suggested, on the basis of the informal discussion the Board has had before, and knowing it would mean more work in some respects, all those persons, departments, and agencies, set up some sort of a procedure whereas they would obtain approval of the Town Board before they expend and report to the Board the items which they are authorized to expend. Mr. Fulton agreed this is ideally correct, but pointed out that it would inhibit certain activities. Mr. L'Archevesque suggested a similar approach, of having monthly accountings by individual departments to the Board showing how 3 9 4 much they have spent, committed against their allocated budget items. Mr. Bulger said he wasn't proposing anything in detail. Mr. Fulton asked if he meant prior approval before expenditure. Mr. Bulger said that was one way, or, by giving them their detailed budget and not having them spend more than these amounts, unless authorized. He pointed out that there is a resolution on the books which says that no one is to expend over $500. without prior approval of the Board. He said it is obviously not working. Mr. Quinn pointed out the problem of anticipating accounts, and having bill come in the last day. Mr. Bulger said a letter to all venders of record should be sent out in Sept. saying if they have any outstanding invoices for services for the year that the Town will not pay these, and why, unless they get them in before X date. He stressed that these letters be sent out in September or October. Mr. Francese suggested the Supervisor present a proposal of what he expects the department heads to do. Mr. Fulton: Next year I want to change the pay schedule for the Town. All we want to do is pay every second Friday. Let the record show I reported to the Board on this and I have the approval of the Board. Mr. Bulger: Put it to work. Mr. Fulton asked if any night other tan Thursday would be more suitable to the Board. Mr. Bulger said Friday is not a good night, there would be a tendency to run meetings longer knowing we could sleep next morning. Plus, the people would be stretching them out. Mr. Quinn said he would like to draft a proposed agenda to be followed at every meeting where normal business is being done. Mr. Clausen suggested that things the Board doesn't act on should be held to .the end of the meeting. Mr. Francese said he didn't think late correspondence should be taken up at the meeting. 3,p . Mr. Bulger proposed a couple of things for consideration - 1. When we establish the time of the meetings that we adhere to that time, plus or minus one minute. 2. That we advise the public that we will hold public discussion to 30 minutes from that time, and also make the public aware that we are all available to them, (we are listed in the phone bood) and will be happy to discuss their problems without waiting for the formality of a meeting, and, therefore, we could cut down on some of the things that don't need to be here. Publicize it in a practical manner. Mr. Clausen moved that the Justices' dockets be audited, seconded by Mr. Fulton. The Board adjourned to justice court at 10:45 A.M. Meeting reconvened at 11:22 A.M. Mr. Francese proposed the following resolution, seconded by Mr. Clausen. Dockets of Justice of the Peace, William J. Bulger, have been duly examined on December 29, 1966, and that the fines and fees therein shown to have been collected have been turned over to the proper officials as required by law. Roll Call Vote: 3 Ayes .Mr. Bulger abstained. Mr. Bulger proposed the following resolution, seconded by Mr. Clausen: Dockets of Justice of the Peace, Vincent S. Francese, have been duly examined on December 29, 1966, and that the fines and fees therein shown to have been collected have been turned over to the proper officials as required by law. Roll Call Vote: 3 Ayes Mr. Francese abstained. Next order of business - auditing of the Highway Superintendents Books. Tenna Jensen: There are no large outstanding bills under present balances shown. $6,783.50 bills Highway balance for the whole year - $28,976.92. to be audited and paid. All items combined. Item 1 Item 1 Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 3 Item 4 Item 4 Item 4 Complete General Special A Purchase Repair Weeds Snow Miscellaneous Total $ 1,210.44 7,499.04 15,513.94 1,053.30 100.41 144.99 558.36 2,243.71 652.73 28,976.92 8 96 Mr. Fulton: 1 think these statements are sufficient. Mr Mr. Bulger: Total expended plus total balance should come back to total authorized to be expended. After informal discussion by the Board on the scheduled meeting to review a contract between the Town and L&A. Motion was made by Mr. Clausen, seconded by Mr. Bulger that the Clerk be directed to send a letter notifying Mr. Worona that the meeting scheduled for Jan. 3, will be adjourned to Jan. 17. Unanimously carried. Mr. Clausen: The letter is to be addressed to Mr. Lafko & Co., with copy to Mr. Worona and send copies of this to every member of the Town Board and Quinn & Reilly. A meeting with Mr. Ludewig was set for Jan. 3. The Clerk was directed to send out notices. Mr. Bulger introduced a resolution indicating that the financial records of the Town Clerk and Tax Collector have been inspected by the members of this Board today, and that no discrepancies have been found. Seconded by Mr. Clausen. Unanimously Carried. Mr. Bulger proposed same resolution in relation to financial accounts of the Superintendent of Highways, seconded by Mr. Clausen. Unanimously Carried. Motion by Mr. Clausen, seconded by Mr. baxlger to pay bills subject to audit. Unanimously Carried. Motion made by Mr. Bulger, seconded by Mr. Clausen to adjourn. Unanimously Carried. Meeting adjourned 1:00 P.M. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk