1966-11-03 RGMThe Regular Meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger, was held on Thursday evening, November 3, 1966, at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, New York. Present: Joseph H. Fulton, Supervisor William J. Bulger, Justice of the Peace Vincent S. Francese, Justice of the Peace Others Present: Joseph D. Quinn, Attorney for the Town Harold Reilly, Attorney Joseph E. Ludewig, Building Inspector Knud Clausen, Highway Superintendent A.W. Vandewinckel, Planning Board Chairman I'lie meeting was called to order by Supervisor Fulton at.7:05 P.M.. Minutes of September 15, September 20, September 29, 1966 were tabled. Reports of Justices of the Peace, Building Inspector and Supervisor were read. Louis C. Clausen, Councilman Louis D. Diehl, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Received and ordered Bills were presented General Fund Highway Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. placed•Jon file. in following $16,748.73 12,578.70 total amounts: Diehl made a motion that the bills be paid, subject to audit, seconded by Bulger. Unanimous. Fulton: We are moving item #9 on the Agenda to Item r/4. Before we hear from lak, I would like to propose a resolution to the Board. I am sure we're fam- iliar with the problem on Dorothy Heights. Mr. Fulton proposed the following Resolution for adoption: For the safety and general welfare of the residents of Dorothy iiei.ghts Road and in action on their petition forwarded to this Town Board signed by a large majority of the residents of Dorothy Heights Road requesting restrictive measures to retain the safe and pleasant characteristics of this planned residential area. The Town Board so directs that Dorothy Heights Road be established as a dead end road terminating at the extreme southerly end of the now estab4ished and accepted road right of way and further it is authorized and directed that the Town Super- intendent of Highways, as soon as reasonably possible, construct a barrier of a permanent nature, so as to obstruct any further potential traffic volume which might contemplate entry excess to this southerly end of Doroth Heights Road. Seconded by Mr. Diehl. Resolution duly adopted. Mr. Zak thanked the Board for the decision they just made, and'stated if there are any legal suits against the Town as far as Dorothy Heights is concerned, the Board would have over 90% of the residents behind them. Mr. Malcolm Cornell: I have on the agenda two things - first is the resolution giving back bond to,bonding company on Wildwood Forest.. Mr. Knud Clausen informed the Board that he and the Engineer to the Town had in- spected the work and found everything correct, and recommended the release of Mr. Cornell's bond. Mr. Bulger asked Mr. Cornell to describe what the bond covered? Mr. Cornell stated that it covered the taking out of pipe and putting in of a larger size pipe; rebuilding two manholes. (Location: Wildwood Forest, Section I, center mall on the way to the apartment house section). Motion made by Mr. Diehl to suspend rules, seconded by Mr. Clausen and carried, to permit a question from Mr. Fanvelle about reseeding where the pipes have been re- placed. Mr. Fulton moved to resume rules, seconded by Mr. Bulger and carried. The following resolution was proposed f9r adoption by Mr. Clausen: " WHEREAS, an application has been received by this Board from Malcolm Cornell, Inc., requestinginal approval and acceptance of the improvements to correct the defects in the storm sewer trunk line and outfall didch of the Wildwood Forest Sect- ion I subdivision as defined in the engineer's report previously submitted to and approved by the Town Engineer, upon which the resolution of this Board of September 9V1965 was adopted setting a performance bond to complete the same in the amount of Nine thousand ($9,000.) Dollars, and WHEREAS, the Town Engineer and Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Wappinger has reported to this Board that the satisfactory corrections have been made, and WHEREAS, it appears that the applicant, Malcolm Cornell, Inc., has complied with and fulfilled all conditions pertaining to the correction of said defects as pertains to said $9,000.00 performance bond contained in the resolution duly pass- ed and adopted by this Board with reference thereto on the 9th day of September, 1965. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that this Board does approve and accept the correction of said defects, and it is further RESOLVED, that Malcolm Cornell, Inc., as principal and Peerless Insurance Company as surety, on a certain performance bond heretofore posted with the Town of Wappinger on the 9th day of September, 1965, guaranteeing the performance of said corrective work, be and they hereby are released from any and all liability on said $9,000.00 bond, and it is further RESOLVED, that this Board does hereby consent that the said performance bond be cancelled and e*onerated forthwith. Seconded by Justice of the Peace Francese. Resolution duly adopted. Mr. Cornell: The eecond reason I am present is in regard to the resolution in- volving the road specs of the Town of Wappinger that were passed this past March, 1965. I'm not appearing here to go back to old specs. I'm appearing here for only one thing. I'm asking for a resolution of the Town Board to clarify the situation before I proceed any further. Mr. L. Clausen: I sent Mr. Louis Lefkowitz a copy of the resolution of March, 1965, and the interpretation of Mr. Quinn, as to the resolution along with an affidavit signed by Mr. Diehl. I, Louis Diehl, currently Councilman of the Town of Wappinger, proposed a resolution on March 4, 1965 relating to the upgrading in the road specifications of the Town of Wappinger. This resolution carried unanimously and was duly adopt- ed at this meeting. I am positive that this typed resolution presented for pass- age at this meeting contained no modifications, no alterations of words, no cross- ed out words or "written over" words, and in short, no changes of any kind. No discussion was held at this meeting on making any modifications or changes, etc.. The intent of my resolution was certainly not to give release from the new updated road specifications predicted upon an application for "preliminary layout". At a subsequent meeting of the Town Board, when the minutes were approved, no changes, modifications, etc. were considered and the approval of the minutes of the March 4, 1965, which was typed in the original form. s/ Louis Diehl, Councilman Mr. Clausen: Along with that affidavit, I sent this letter explaining what my concern was. Mr. Louis Lefkowitz Attorney General New York State Office Building Albany, New York Dear Sir: Three documents are enclosed: Document I is a copy of an original Town man Diehl and adopted on March 4, 1965. 5 and the last paragraph. Paragraph 5 states: "WHEREAS, it is the Widmer Road Wappingers Falls, N.Y. Oct. 18, 1966 Board resolution introduced by Council - Your attention is directed to paragraph desire of the Town Board that these re- quirements be effective immediately and that all those who have not made formal applications for approval of subdivision plats" ---(Italics mine). This very clearly states the intent of the resolution which was aimed at prevention of acceptance of additional sub -standard roads which had to be rebuilt at taxpayers expense. The last paragraph in its original text reiterates this position and states: "RESOLVED, that these requirements shall become effective immediately and that all new roads, except those in subdivisions whose developers have made formal application to the Planning Board forplat approval, must comply with these specifications." (Italics mine). You will note however that the original text of this resolution has been changed by crossing out the typed word "plat" and hand -printing above it "PRELINANRY" (presumably a misspelling of preliminary). The effect of this alteration in the interpretation of our Town attorney is to nullify the intent clearly stated in preceding paragraph 5. The results is that some builders have petitioned to conte under the old road specifications. Even though they do not meet the stipulation made in Paragraph 5, the Town attorney has said that such petitions should be granted. (See Document 2.) You can readily see that such an interpretation, if allowed to stand, could result in the Town spending many thousands of dollars to repair additional sub -standard roads. Document 3 is a statement from Councilman Diehl, the author, of the resolution to upgrade the road specifications. It clearly states that the alteration was not introduced nor approved by him nor was it even discussed. In addition, there are several taxpayers who attended the March 4, 1965 meeting and all are prepared to state that there was no discussion of such a change nor was there formal action taken to change the original text of the resolution. I, therefore, ask your advice as to the proper procedure and seek your assistance to ensure that the intent of this resolution as defined in paragraph 5 is fully applied to protect the taxpayers. By copy of this letter to Comptroller Arthur Levitt, I am requesting that his office also render assistance in preventing an unwarranted commitment of tax dollars. I will appreciate a prompt response. Very truly yours, s/Louis Clausen, Councilman Town of Wappingers I received this letter from Louis Lefkowitz: November 1, 1966 Louis Clausen, Councilman Town of Wappinger Widmer Road Wappingers Falls, N.Y. Dear Sir: Your letter of October 18, 1966 relating to a resolution adopted by the Wappinger Town Board on March 4, 1965 relating to approval of subdivision plats has been received. The Attorney General is unauthorized to pass upon the validity or the inter- pretation of resolutions or ordinances of local municipalities. Further, whether or not an alteration was made in this particular resolution subsequent to the adoption thereof by the Town Board, as you contend, is a question of fact, and therefore can only be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction upon evidence submitted to it. Very truly yours, s/ Louis J. Lefkowitz By: William A. Carero Mr. Clausen: I did try to research this and get another interpretation. I wonder, Mr. Quinn, as Town Attorney if you would or if, in fact, by law Mr. Lefkowitz could advise on the interpretation of the Ordinance, etc., if you requested so. Mr. Quinn: As a! matter of fact, I think the letter speaks for itself. The only way this matter could be resolved, - those facts are not quite accurate about the opin- ion I stated, - but the only remedy for your resolution is to seek legislature. The only thing I can see would be action for declaratory judgement, - Supreme Court. Mr. Clausen: I'm not sure, in my mind, the way the original resolution was crossed out, not signed, not documented, the stating of the first paragraph and the last paragraph where "plat" is crossed out, obviously the Town Board should not go against your interpretation, but I would like to see how this can be cleared up. Mr. Quinn: The interpretation is: the resolution was entered in appropriate fash- ion in the minutes of the Town. As far as the resolution is concerned it speaks for itself. Mr. Diehl: I would like to ask other members of the Board for their recollections. Mr. Bulger: I remember some discussion of it. I don't know how it got on that paper (referring to the typed resolution prepared for presentation to the Board) and I don't remember seeing that paper. I do recall that we had the advice of counsel that if anyone had received preliminary approval, we could not change the road specs as it applied to them. Mr. Francese: I also recollect some discussion, I think the discussion was at the adoption of that resolution, - discussion as to question of whether or not people who had made application for preliminary approval could possibly come under the specifications. It was my understanding, - I differ with Mr. Bulger on the fact that he stated any person who had received preliminary approval in that part- icular case. Mr. Diehl: I am sure myself there was much discussion on it. The point that I bring up is, to my knowledge, there was nothing in the minutes on it showing that it was changed to preliminary. I am sure it would have to show in the records. Mr. Francese: I think it was Mr. Reilly who suggested to the Board what the criteria might be. Those persons who had made application for preliminary app- roval up to the time of the adoption of the resolution would not have to come under new specs. Mr. Diehl: The final point I bring forth _ where it was changed - I remember no motion or action on it. Mr. Fulton: Do the minutes show the word "preliminary"? Were these minutes approved? Who approved them? What is the pleasure of the Board? Mr. Cornell: Mr. Diehl, when you brought this resolution in, did you not type this resolution up? Mr. Diehl: It was done by the attorney or Town Clerk's office, I don't know which. Mr. Cornell: Before or after it was passed? Mr. Diehl: Before it was passed. !Ir. Cornell: Did you read resolution? Do you remember the word preliminary? Mr. Diehl: Yes, to the first question, no to the second. Mr. Cornell: This contradicts itself. It cannot be legal when it contradicts itself. Mr. Quinn: That is your determination. Mr. Cornell: That is the determination of an attorney. Mr. Quinn: That is his perrogative. The fact that the resolution is typewritten in the official records of this Town and the fact that I examined the minute book on that night of October 8, and read the minutes of a subsequent meeting showing a unanimous approval of the minutes of that particular meeting, I would state that presumes a pretty strong assumption. Mr. Cornell: Mr. Diehl, were you the quthor of this resolution? Mr. Quinn: He offered the resolution. I am told Mr. Reilly, then counsel to the Town drafted the resolution. Mr. Cornell: Under whose direction? Mr. Diehl: Direction of this Town Board. Mr. Francese: The Town Board directs the attorney to draft resolutions. There had been many meetings on this, Some were executive, some were special. A res- olution was required, the drafting was required of the attorney. To the best of my recollection, there was discussion on the matter after reading the resolution and there was discussion on those persons who had made application. klr. Cornell: Author of the resolution? Mr. Fulton to Mr. Diehl: You brought it to the attention of the attorney? Mr. Diehl: Attorney writes it up in legal terms. Mr. Cornell: As a resolution is typed up, isn't it a course or legal requirement to have any changes initiated by the person who is making the change? Quinn: When counsel gets a request from the Board to prepare a resolution, they draft it for them and, if under consideration, the resolution meets with the approval of at least one member of the Town Board, he offers it and moves its adoption. Thre could be any number of reasons for a change. It isn't unusual that between the drafting of a resolution, discussion, and adoption that there could be a striking out, or addition. I know of no rule which would prevent such action. I know of no rule that pertains to initialing, they become part of the record and it is the sworn duty of the Town Clerk to reproduce the record accur- ately. Mr. Clausen: The wording of the ordinance itself - this business of formal applic- ation. At the time of adoption, March 1965, formal application meant not prelim- inary, but the word formal means the time when a developer comes before the Planning Board with plans complete, has everything noted and the Planning Board accepts his subdivision plans, complete. Formal plat is always used together. The word prelim- inary means exactly that. It has nothing to do with formal approval. Developers come before the Planning Board and talk about what they might do. "Where devel- opers have made formal application to the Planning Board for plat approval" word formal crossed out and preliminary written in. I am told that formal and prelim- inary have no meaning. Mr. Quinn: The word generally used in subdivision regulations relating to sub- missions of plats - there are two words used - one is preliminary, the other is final. The word formal could apply to either of them. The word is not normally used. Mr. Cornell: Isn't there something in the subdivision regulation that gives the Highway Superintendent authority to go in and upgrade the specs at any time? Mr. Quinn: The engineer and superintendent can make an early review and can up- grade these specs any time they feel like it. It's standard practice. Mr. Cornell: I am requesting the Town Board to direct the Superintendent of High- ways to do so. Recess at 9:10 P.M.. Reconvened at 9:42 P.M.. Mr. Fulton to Mr. Cornell: Did you want to make any more points? Mr. Cornell: I would like to see some action now. Mr. Fulton: It is the decision of the Board to table it. We are prepared to act. Mr. Diehl: Will Mr. Quinn and Knud Clausen go into it further? Mr. Fulton: It will be brought up as soon as some of the points are cleared up. The following letters were received: 3 2*.' October 28, 1966 Town Board of the Town of Wappinger Town Hall Wappingers Falls, New York Gentlemen: I have been directed on behalf of Spook Hill Sewerage Disposal Co., Inc., a roposed transportation corporation, papers for which were submitted to your Board, to advise you that the subdivision of the premises situate in the Town of Wappinger, 342. which are to be serviced by the proposed corporation, will be considered again ; by the Planning Board of the Town of Wappinger at its meeting on the 7th day of November, 1966. The owners of the development have been advised by the Planning Board that it will consider the time limitation for their application to have expired on the 7th of Nov- ember, 1966, unless provision is made for sewerage disposal. The Board has further indicated it will not extend the time. Such action on behalf o the Pglannin Board will result in great financial disadvantage to the owner`s o or ih4 propose sutdivision. We respectfully request, therefore, your Board act immediately upon the Certificate of Incorporation as provided by law. In addition, my clients have directed me to advise you that they are willing to undertake any alternative proposed by your Board. In brief, they are agreeable o hooking into the Oakwood Knolls Sewer District, upon reasonable terms, and they will consent to have their premises included in an extension of the Oakwood Knolls Sewsr District, or any other sewer district in the Town of Wappinger which your Board believes capable of servicing the premises. Ftrther, the developers will enter into a written contract, providing that your Board prefers a public district, they will consent to the same, include their premises and upon formation of the district immediately dissolve the corporation. In brief, they are willing to become part of a new public district, hook into an existing district, become part of an extended district, or acquiesce in any other reasonable request made by your Board. In the meantime, however, with time of the essence „and threatened with the impending proposed action of the Planning Board, it would seem that the most feasible solution would be to consent to the format- ion of the transportation corporation at once, upon condition that the same be dissolved should your Board, at a future date, require inclusion of the develop- ment in a public district. You may accept this letter as consent and agreement by Sam Hankin, the prin- cipal of said development, to the above contained matters. Very truly yours, s/ Russell E. Aldrich On behalf of Spook Hill Estates, Inc. and proposed Spook Hill Sewerage Disposal Co., Inc., I hereby consent to the foregoing and agree to perform the same as required by the Town Board of the Town of Wappingers. s/ Sam Hankin November 3, 1966 Town Clerk Town Board Town of Wappinger Re: William Lisofsky, Central Park Homes Subdivision Dear Sirs: Our client, William Lisofsky, presently has a preliminary approval from the Town for the above mentioned subdivision, He has been granted extensions, however, as he has not been able to obtain sewer service. He has made diligent efforts to secure this service but to no avail. This office has been informed that the Town has contracted for the purchase of the Ritter Sewer Plant. With this fact in mind, we would like to ask this board to provide some form of sewer service for this development. We would like to get into the Ritter Plant or whatever new transportation corp. the Town will now develop. This is of utmost import to our client, and we greatly appreciate this board's consideration of our needs and the good of the entire town. Sincerely, BRENT AND PHILLIPS s/ Bruce A. Rogers A Resolution, authorizing negotiations for the furnishing of sewage disposal serv- ices to certain residential developments was presented for consideration. 43 z 6 Mr. Fulton: We have a further resolution here I believe. We have another resol- ution we would like to have considered tonight which would be in conjunction with this one. We want to start laying out a large district. 1_J, A., Oakwood Knolls, Lisofsky, Fankin. Arresolution authorizing preliminary survey for the formation of a sewer district in the Town of Wappinger was also presented for consideration. Mr. Fulton: We have a general feasibility study made by Adler and 11.renner. iuis was referred to in here. What we want our Town Engineer to come up with is a cost dollars and cents. This is what both of these resolutions provide for. !Ir. Quinn: We have obligations to operate. Mr. -Dehl: Can we go in and use property that isn't ours? Mr. Quinn: By the terms of the agreement. Mr. Diehl: I would like some comments from Mr. Vandewinckel, before we go any fur- ther. Mr. Vandewinckel: I would comment in the form of a question, with respect to what is trying to be developed. Mr. Fulton: At least two developers will come before the Planning Board. Mr. Vandewinckel: I think to come before us is the need - an application for final approval shall be done on the strength of these resolutions. Mr. Fulton: As far as you are concerned, the developer wants to come to you with plans for sewer and water. Mr. Vandewinckel: For final approval, they must have approval of the Board of Health and this does not constitute that approval. Mr. Fulton: What we have to say here is we intend to want these people in the formation of our district. In the event of a collapse of this plan, they would be allowed transportation corporation. Mr. Quinn: With respect to Spook Hill and Lisofsky development, unless we enter- tain these applications to give them public service, we have no alternative but to give them consent for transportation corporation under the circumstances. We're subject to attack on an article 78 proceeding. Mr. Clausen to Mr. Vandewinckel: The extension to November 7, does this include old or new road specs? Mr. Vandewinckel: old. Mr. Clausen: How would you base your extension to November 7 ? I am under the opinion that during the time between March and August they had time to come be- fore the Board but they did't. I understand extension ran out in August. Mr. Vandewinckel: The preliminary approval has not expired in having gone beyond the date it was originally permitted to go. Mr. Clausen: What was the basis of the granting of the other extension? I believe Mr. Hankin came before the Planning Board and stated that the Town Board had asked him not to develop because of our municipal sewage problems in the Town, and if they would wait and cooperate we would grant them an extension. Mr. Vandewinckel: He had discussions with the Planning Board. Mr. Quinn: Some time last winter, Hankin's corporation made an application for consent to form a transportation corporation. That application is still pending before this Board and has never been withdrawn. Some time in February, March, or April, there were other developers similarly situated and application came before the Planning Board roughly in April. At that time, Mr. Vandewinckel requested an opinion from counsel on how to act. We went an opinion letter stating that the Town Board had effectively prevented these several developers from executing app- lications for final approval. We gave an interpretation of the 6 month clause in the subdivision regulations stating Planning Board had no alternative but to grant 32, the extension. I think the Planning Board quite properly has followed the lines of that spring opinion. Mr. Clausen: I'm not questioning application for transportation corporation. I'm questioning the new road specs. Since the Town Board, from period of March to Aug- ust, had in no way contacted Mr. Hankin that he would get another extension and if his extension and if his extension did run out and he came back to us - if that extension was cancelled or terminated August 15, that is one thing, if the Plann- ing Board gives approval to November, it makes a big difference. Mr. Quinn: I think the Planning Board has no alternative but to grant an extens- ion for these applicants. There is still an application pending. If they are entitled in April to receive an extension on basis of old specs, they would have to grant extension in August under the same conditions. Mr. Diehl to Mr. Vandewinckel: You're trying to put across the question on new road specs? Mr. Vandewinckel: When we grant preliminary approval, one of the things we specify is the roads. When we have granted an extension, it is granted on the same conditions as on the preliminary. Motion was made by Mr. Bulger, seconded by Mr. Clausen to suspend rules to per- mit discussion of Mr. Hankin's extension by Mr. Keeler. On motion of Mr. Bulger, seconded by Mr. Francese rules were resumed. Mr. Clausen: By one action or the other either extension or the right to go ahead it would simply be on the basis of when this district would be formed. Mr. Aldrich: We agreed that if you gave your consent tonight, under article 10 we will dissolve that purpose immediately upon your request in the event we are in a public district. I don't see how we can be any fairer than that. We will form corporation which is an expense to Mr. Hankin and dissolve it immediately. Give us some kind of help so we can justify for the Planning Board. Mr. Diehl: Legally it seems to me that the Town does not own the Oakwood plant. Mr. Aldrich: Grant us permission to form a transportation corporation - I agree to dissolve it when we get these other things worked out. Mr. Bulger: I know that you said in your letter that you would acquiesce in any reasonable request made by the Board, would this include operating under the new road specs? Mr. Aldrich: I never heard about the specs thing until I came here tonight. Motion made by Mr. Clausen, seconded by Mr. Bulger to suspend rules to permit discussion of side issues of the Oakwood Knolls sewer plant by Mr. Lafko. Motion made by Mr. Bulger, seconded by Mr. Clausen to resume rules. Five minute recess at 10:57, Reconvened at 11:23. Mr. Fulton asked the Board if they now wished to act on the two resolutions that were before them. RESOLUTION, TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF WAPPINGER, DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK AUTHORIZING A PRFT,IMINARY SURVEY FOR THE FORMATION OF A SEWER DISTRICT IN THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER Proposed by: Mr. Bulger WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger has entered into an agreement for the purchase and acquisition of the Oakwood Knolls sewage treat- ment and disposal plant and collection system, and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger anticipates entering into an agreement with L. & A. Filtration Corp. for the purchase and acquisition of its sewage disposal and treatment plant and collection system, and WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Tom 3oard of the Town of Wappinger that the aforesaid facilities be utilized to provide domestic sewage disposal service to residents of the Town of Wappinger, and it appears that such domestic sewage disposal service should be furnished by means of a special improvement district, provided that such dis- trict may be feasibly operated, NOW, m=E=C E, it is hereby resolved, that Messrs. .-Tilton rhazen and Vincent C. Kelley, licensed professional engineers, be and they hereby are auth- orized to make and conduct a study as to the feasibility of the formation of the aforesaid special improvement district, and that in the course of conduct of such study, said engineers utilize the services of counsel to the Town of Wappinger, and that in the course of the conduct of such study, said engineers complete and bring up to date any and all feasibility studies previously made with respect to the subject matter of this resolution. Seconded by: Mr. Francese Roll Call Vote -- Resolution -duly adopted. RESOLUTION, TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF WAPPINGER, DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK, AUTHORIZING NEGOTIATIONS FOR THE FURNISHING OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICES TO CERTAIN RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS IN THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER Proposed by: Mr. Francese WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger has taken possession of the Oakwood Knolls sewage treatment and disposal plant and collection system pursuant to the terms of a written agreement executed with Ritter Construction Corp. and others on October 13, 1966, and WHEREAS, William Lisofsky and Spook Hill Properties, Inc., the owners of residential real estate subdivisions situate in the vicinity of the aforesaid facilities, have requested that their respective developments receive sewage dis- posal service from the Oakwood Knolls sewer system, NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved that the Supervisor of the Town of Wappinger be and he hereby is, authorized, empowered and directed to enter into negotiations with the aforesaid developers to make appropriate arrangements for the requested service, subject to approval by this Town Board, it being understood that the Supervisor shall be assisted in the conduct of such negotiations by counsel and the engineers to the Town of Wappinger. Seconded by: Mr. Bulger Roll Call Vote -- Resolution duly adopted D.C.R. --- Mr. Vandewinckel was asked if the Town Board would receive some kind of recomm- endation on the application. Mr. Vandewinckel responded that there had been no meeting since the public hearing. The recommendation and resolution from the Dutchess County Planning Board, recomm- ending against this petition for rezoning was read. Mr. Fulton: The County Planning Board - although we are not bound by their dec- ision - has objections. We want a recommendation from our Planning Board. Mr. Bulger: I suggest that, if they have not received it, that the Town Planning Board has a copy of the County Planning Board's letter. Mr. Quinn offered to the Board a memo that had come to his office from Mr. Pagones, counsel to the applicant which contained comments on the resolution from the Dutchess County Planning Board. Mr. Bulger recommended a copy of Mr. Pagones comments should be sent to County 29, .4 Planning Board and the Town Planning Board along with the resolution from the County. Mr. Pagones noted his problem with regard to a deadline for option which expires on the 1st of December. Mr. Fulton: The County Planning Board had rejected this. I don't want to have the Town in conflict with them. Mr. Fulton to Mr. Vandewinckel: Are Raymond and May now in consultation? Mr. Vandewinckel: I don't think we've acquainted them with the application, but to ask them to render an opinion within a few days would not be right. They have no feeling of the Town or the pulse of the thingHat all, and I just think it would be gkistake. D.C.R. petition tabled and referred to the Planning Board. Rockingham Farms, Inc. -- Request by Mr. Aldrich, on behalf of Charles J. Pattick, for return of Y2 subdivision fee. Motion made by Mr. Clausen to accept the recommendation of the Planning Board ($237.50) to Rockingham Farms, Inc., seconded by Mr. Bulger. Appointment of a dog enumerator was tabled until next meeting. Report from Mr. Ludewig - Mr. Ludewig: At the October 6 meeting, a delegation of Royal View tenants made numerous complaints. I wasn't present when the tenants offered their complaints, but came in later and read the minutes. The most serious - the furnace - I had discovered this and thought it was corrected. The draft wasn't properly adjusted on the burner. The other was a general dissatisfaction with the water service to the entire project. We checked on the water sources first because it was most im- portant. The Health Dept. has the responsibility for seeing that proper water corrections be made immediately. The chimney hookup was corrected. The other complaints were being taken care of at the same time and the last inspection was made over there yesterday and the corrections had been made. One washing machine for 10 families, they now have 3 washing machines for 10 families. The man who was here before the Board was satisfied at this point. On the Model Housing code - I haven't had a chance to look into it. From what I have seen, it is very compre- hensive, covers mobile homes, trailers. At the meeting of Sept. 8 there were com- plaints on the Montclair construction of sewer plant. Mr. Sucich was here. His property adjoins the sewer plant. He made a number of complaints on an open ditch and manholes. One complaint was that the sewer plant wasn't constructed in the point where it was proposed. I checked with owners, and required certification of the location of the plant. The other details had been corrected the following day, and I gave you memo on that. A certification was produced showing where the plant is located. Mr* Fulton: In regard to the building codes, we would like to have you give us a report on your findings on that. Mr. Ludewig: Yes sir, I will be glad to do so. Request of Hickory Hill for acceptance of roads - Mr. Fulton: We can't release him from the bond entirely. Mr. K. Clausen: We have to have a release drawn up by the Town Attorney. Mr. Fulton: There is a $28,000 Bond - do we have a percentage policy? We could hold 20% of the bond for one year. Discussion on complete compliance in regard to monuments. Mr. Quinn: Mr. Gallo called me. He is reporting to the Town Loard that he has completed the roads. 1 thin what he, in effect, is asking for is the release of the bond, but this is not permissalde, 'oecause the bond has a one year maintenance period. Letters received - Leonard Robbins, Chas. Wilson and Mr. Mrs. i'lederbach - Eretch Circle residents - all regarding drainage and standing water in back yards. Clausen: I was out looking at some of these water conditions, but it was ab- solutely a private matter. Fulton requested that Knud Clausen gets a copy of each of the letters. Correspondence -- Mr. Fulton: is there any of it that the Board would like to have read? Mrs. Snowden: We have here two letters, from Mr. Vandewinckel and Mr. Quinn in reference to Justice Hawkins decision on the Thurman et al v. Snowden. Mr. Van- dewinckel urges the Board to give consideration to Mr. Quinn's recommendation that an appeal be brought to the Appellate Division for review. Mr. Bulger: I move we authorize counsel to execute an appeal on the Thurman vs. Snowden decision, seconded by Mr. Francese. Unanimously carried. Mr. Bulger asked counsel if Mid -Point Park had complied. Mr. Quinn replied that a $125,000 bond for completion of the plant, the stocks and another $125,000 bond for materials and work on the plant had been received that they have now complied completely. Mr. Quinn in reference to the letter from Rosen & Rosen re jamen Corp. Green - tree Apts., Klein's counsel is indicating he is seeking sewer service. I think what he is, in effect, saying is that he wants to become a part of the L.&A. sewer district. A copy of a letter dated March 30, 1966 from Ed Rosen to L.&A. Filtration was enclosed with the correspondence from Rosen & Rosen to Mr. Fulton. Notion made by Mr. Bulger, seconded by Mr. Francese to suspend rules to permit Mr. Lafko to defend his position in the dispute about hookups of the Greentree Apts. with LAA. Sewerage plant. Mr. Reilly commented that at some prior time the Board passed a resolution app- roving an extension of area to include these apts.. Mr. Lafko asked how could the Town consent to hook up to his area when he didn't know anything about it? Motion made by Mr. Clausen, seconded by Mr. Bulger to resume rules. Note while on suspension of rules that Mr. Lafko objected to some of the state- ments made in Mr. Klein's letter. The matter had been previously resolved in litigation - favorable to LAA.. A letter was received from Angelo Williams requesting the Town to take over the roads in Tall Trees, Section I. Referred to Highway Superintendent and Engineer to the Town. Notification was received from Wappingers Lodge #671 F. & A.M. that they would terminate their use of the 3rd floor of the Town Building as of the 1st of January. Mr. Chazen requested an executive meeting with the Board on the Rockingham sewer district policies. Mr. Fulton: I authorize him to test lines. He wants to make a recommendation for specifications. Monday, November 7, 8:30P.M., executive meeting to be held with the Board and Mr. Chazen. Mr. Quinn: While we're on the subject of Rockingham Farms - Mr. Lafko, you were awarded a contract to build filters down there. Do you think you will be in a pos- ition to prosecute that work pretty soon? Mr. Lafko: 1 have no contract. Mr. Quinn: There was a contract. Mr. Lafko: I haven't got a copy of it. Mr. Quinn: When the meeting got adjourned last week, the resolution contains a date for public hearing (L. & A.). Motion made by Mr. Diehl, seconded by Mr. Bulger to hold a public hearing on the 1.& A. contract November 22, 1966, 8:00 P.M.. Unanimously carried. RESOLUTION, TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF WAPPINGER, DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK, FIXING TIME AND PLACE FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON TOWN OF WAPPINGER LOCAL LAW NO. I, YEAR 1966 AND PRESCRIBING THE MITHOD OF GIVING NOTICE FOR SUCH PUBLIC HEARING Proposed by: Mr. Diehl WHEREAS, there has been duly presented and introduced at a meeting of this Town Board held on November 3, 1966, a proposed local law, entitled, "A local Law to provide for a partial tax exemption of real property owned by certain persons with limited income who are sixty-five (65) years of age or over", and WHEREAS, the provisions of the Municipal Home Rule Law require that no local law shall be passed by the legislative body of the town until a public hearing thereon has been held before such body, NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved as follows: 1. That a public hearing shall be held on the said proposed local law by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on the 22nd day of November, 1966, at 7'e'clock id A. on such day, at the Town Hall, Mill Street, in the Village of Wappingers Falls, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. 2. That at least five (5) days notice of such hearing shall be given by the Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger by the due posting thereof upon the bulletin board maintained by said Town Clerk in the Town Hall and by publishing such notice at least once in the official newspaper of the Town of Wappinger. Seconded by: Mr. Clausen Roll Call Vote Resolution duly adopted. RESOLUTION, TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF WAPPINGER, AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR OPERATION OF THE OAKWOOD KNOLLS WATER PLANT ON AN EMERGENCY BASIS PURSUANT TO SECTION 103, SUBD. 4 OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Proposed by: Justice of the Peace Bulger WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, pursuant to the provisions of a contract in writing executed on October 13, 1966 with Ritter Construction Corp. and others, is obligated to take immediate possession of the sewage disposal and treatment plant and system and the water supply and distribution system situate in the Oakwood Knolls subdivision, and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, is further obligated, pursuant to the terms of the aforesaid contract and pursuant to certain litigation now pending in the New York Supreme Court, to maintain and operate the aforesaid facilities in accordance with the regulations of the New York State Health Dept. and the Dutchess County Health Dept. and to provide water supply and sewage dis- posal service to the residents of the Oakwood Knolls subdivision, and WHEREAS, it is necessary that the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger procure the services of a licensed operator to perform operating, maintenance and repair services at the aforesaid facilities, and WHEREAS, the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the Oakwood Knolls subdivision will be jeopardized if the aforesaid service not immediately provided, and .:IHEREAS, the situation solicitation of competitive 2nvirommental performance of all services basis, THEREITUI, requires immediate action which cannot await the bids for the necessary services, and Consultants Corporation has offered to -Jndertake the required in the aforesaid connection on an emerEency t is hereby resolved as follows: 1. That the supervisor of the Town of Wappinger be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to enter into a contract with Environmental Consultants Corporation forthwith to operate and maintain the aforesaid water supply and distribution system for a fee of $100.00 pe'month with the understand- ing that necessary repairs authorized by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger shall be paid for on a time and material basis. 2. That the Supervisor of the Town of Wappinger be and he hereby is auth- orized, empowered and directed to enter into a contract with Environmental Con- sultants Corporation forthwith to operate and maintain the aforesaid sewage treat- ment and disposal plant and system for a fee of $200.00 perillonth with the under- standing that necessary repairs authorized by the Town Board of the Town of Wapp- Inger shall be paid for on a time and material basis. 3. That the aforesaid contracts shall continue until such time as the Town Board shall determine that the period of emergency has ceased, and that, in add- ition, such contracts may be terminated by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger at any time upon the giving of thirty (30) days written notice. 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately and all contracts made pursuant to the provisions of this resolution shall be effective as of Nov. 1, 1966. Seconded by: Councilman Diehl Roll Call Vote -- Resolution duly adopted. Motion made by Mr. Diehl, seconded by Mr. Francese to suspend rules. Mr. Lafko: This plant, if ev erything goes right - the Town better give me a letter toniiiit. The Oakwood Knolls Water Works - the owner who sold this to you is2 selling it to me. Mr. Quinn: You're on notice that we entered into a contract on October 20 - assets and stock of the corporation - there is provision against assignment. Mr. Lafko: Your supervisor was informed that the stock is going to be sold to me. You're taking out of general Town funds to run this and Mr. Ritter sold it to me. His attorney advised the Supervisor he was going to do this. Mr. Fulton: He said he was not aware of the position of the Town Board. He said there were negotiations. Mr. Lafko: If you want to resolve it, may I suggest the Town give me letter tonight. Mr. Ritter's attorney told you he was selling the stock to me. Mr. Fulton: He did not. Mr. Quinn: Town of Wappinger now investing in this plant under a contract. I would assume the Town Board would elect to enforce its right of provision. Mr. Lafko: Let minutes so note - as a taxpayer I would like to protest general funds of the Town being spent to run this plant. Mr. Bulger moved to resume rules, seconded by Mr. Clausen. Mr. Diehl: I move that we direct our attorney to look into any problems at the Hilltop Water Works and repost back to us. Seconded by Mr. Clausen. carried. Motion made by Mr. Diehl, seconded by Mr. Bulge Meeting adjourned at 12:43 A.M.. Unanimously and carried to adjourn. Ccua.g. axts1Qatk.,,, aine H. Snowden Town Clerk WARRANT Joseph H. Fulton To , Supervisor Town of Wapp i ager , County of Du tchess , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the day of 0-6,/ , 19.4_, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed.4n my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: P-1 CLAIM No. 556\ 557 v 558 559 560v 561 \' 563 v 564 565 566 567V 568\ 569V 570 571\, 572 L NAME OF CLAIMANT 1114,1a K. drown 10 Spring St.,W.F. Patricia M. Dugan 38 Liss R4.W.F. tireen masterson 60 Mesier Ave. Joan M. rerreievaro 6 Upper Henry St. Catherine UeRonde 7 Trabusco Pt. Eileen Weit 7 Park Ave. Rose Fitzpatrick Wason Dr,W.F. alarles tJrosenoeck 1 Dutchess Ave. Ruth A. Ciarfetla 4 Pelham Ave. Alma Berinato 11 Prospect St. Joan Marie Yeapie 6 Carmine De. Harold J. Myers 93 South Ave. mary K. iaote 1 Adams St. Anna t. Mack 51 Remsen Ave.,S. Margaret r rester l cks 53 Remsen Ave., So. wary n. La5KO Smith Crossing Rd. (2rester C. 62 Robert Lane Mary Ann Decker 573\ 49 Robert Lane uorothy C. *i i ler 574 \/ 65 Robert Lane 575 I 576\'1 577 \V 578 Janice ytottorsi Robert Lane James V. Porter 51 Robert Lane Melva Loftin Widmer Rd.,RFD05 Lois Winn Ingham Hackensack Hgts,RDt3 AMOUNT ALLOWED 53.00 1153.00 %57.00 \.10.50 \153.00 \x.85.50 '153.00 ' 153.00 " 153 1153. 153. I\153. k 153. �- 44.251 1\-108.751 67.54 \/ 46. I L 33.0Cl " 39.00 39.05 I 1 7,0CI 24.0(1 FUND OR ACCOUNT Elections— .• .4 H 3, M N n N .. OTHER INFORMATION Comps. of Employees M N a N 03 N q N H M N N a M SO n In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of_ Le this_ ../-. day of 2 ' [SEAL] . 19 Town Clerk To WARRANT Joseph H. Fulton Town of P-2 , Supervisor Wappinger , County of Du tchess , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Weppin9er , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the day of___l2"^ - " , 19 ` , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT 579\Maureen Porter 579 51 Robert Lane Rose Plew 580\' Maloney Rd. Ruth Peace 581 3 Pattie P1. Clara M. Nissen 582V 5 Pattie Pl. Mrs. Jos. J. Zagursky 583' 10 Phyllis Dr. Marion Hammond 584 " Dorothy H9hts Forma J. VanTuyl 585 58 Robert Lane Warren W. Martin 586 \ Widmer Rd. tthel Michels 587v 5 Daisy Lane Roberta J. Mood 588 8 Daisy Lane Marion Sardo 589 21 Daisy Lane Lorraine Ciccone 590 6 Daisy Lane Bernice Mills 591\1 7 Brian PI Patricia Corteilino 592 v 11 Russ PI. Jenny Olsen 593 `r 10 Russ PI, Bea tr ice He imeyer 594 \' Diddell Rd, raullne 5, than 595 \J Diddell Rd, r rances M, Mcr'e tern 596 L Diddell Rd. AGelayae torbin 597 `' Diddell Rd. Jean ta, balm 141 598"' Diddell Rd. ties tr i ce M. Roe 599 '' 25DeGarmo Hills Rd, ties tr l ce M. lige 599A0' Arlen b. Schubert 600' 7 DeGarmo Hills Rd. IAMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT 22 • 48. 23.2 9. 2.2 15.7 7.88 15.75V 75.001 102. 33.00 96. 78. 81. 147. 153. 117. 51. 130. 99. 9. 101.25 9.00 OTHER INFORMATION Elections — Comp. of Employees » » » » » » te » » » » » 49 » » « « » 4 »o In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of this day of [SEAL] , 19 Town Clerk WARRANT P-3 To Joseph H. Fulton , Supervisor Town of Wepp i n9er , County of Du tchess , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of CAJ n,e,,,,_, and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 3 day of ) 2C-7/ , 19.66__, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. 601tV 602 603 604 605 V 606 \FI 607 v 608 609 1.1 610 NAME OF CLAIMANT June Rase Old Hopewell Rd.. W.F. Estelle P. Zak Dorothy Heights Jeanette he c;onno l l y 13 DeGerno Hills Hattie Hannijen Myers Corners Rd. Marjorie S. Steele Route 376,W.F. Marilynn P. Heady Myers Corners Rd. Barbara Jensen Myers Corners Rd. Donna M. Berinet9-_, Eileen Fay 611 \, 1 Fenmore Dr. 612 613 614 615V 616 617\' 618`' 619 \I 620 \Id 621' 622 \ 623 Emma Fisher Kent Rd. Jane M, Fields Orchard Dr. Edith Barbara Ardmore Dr. Dorothy B. Sch i ese l Fox Hill Rd. Marion H. Siudzinskl Fenmore Dr. Pauline M. Brannen New Hackensack Rd. «« « « « Aimelda M. Kupris Myers Corndrs Rd. Johanna t;. Ht i nck Ali Angels Rd. aviary Jo Ae i l ey Pye Lane Brothers Rd. riorence djsu{K Ali Angels Rd. AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT OTHER INFORMATION 36.00 v Elections- Comp. of 24.75 123.00, 147.00, 153.00 V 112.50v 40.50 V 14.25 11.24 30.0011 138.751 99.00 54.00 153.00 72.00 81.001' 30.00 6.04. 153.00 153.00, 67.50k 115.50" 85.50\' « « « • « « « « « « «O « « « « « « « « « « « Employees In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of this day of , 19 Town Clerk [SEAL] To Joseph H. Fulton WARRANT , Supervisor P-4 Town of WaPPINer, New York. County of Du tchess The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of laspp_iager , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the &2_4)__.day of , 19.6..k, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. Janet V. Pres t 624\ 28 Fenmore Dr. June Schnorr 625'' 12 DeGarmo Hi I Is Rd. Sylvia G. Gorin 626N 13 Liss Rd. June M. Sea 1 zo 627' Route 2, Box 298„Hopewl. Eleanor Crosh ler 628 \I MacFar I and Rd. t I ien tngei 629N Cedar Hills Rd. NAME OF CLAIMANT 630\ 631 I 42 633 \v, 634\ 635\/ 636 \' 637 638 638q 639N 64O 641\' 642\' 643" 44 645 Imelda M. Evens Pine Ridge Dr,Hopewell June Carr MacFarlane Rd. Aibina Meolo Pine Ridge Rd, Hoewell raw rranzoni Rosewood Dr. AMOUNT ALLOWED 33. 153.111. 11.2 76 76.50‘' 65.2 153. 153. FUND OR ACCOUNT OTHER INFORMATION Elections - Comp. of Employees uagny morrey Cedar Hi I 1 Rd. 76 &-v. ye M. L Itelseer runnel Hughsonville,N.Y. 153. Colnerine Loop Hughsonville 153. Mary Conte Camel i Dr., W.F. 153. tnina 1 der s I eeve Ketcharntown Rd. 153. ti izabeth Schofield Old Troy Rd. 67. Norma ciarK Rte 90,P0 Box418,Hughsorw 79. tilzabeth Horton Rte 9D, Hughsonville 73. Helen Tompkins Hughsonville 142 Jean t. Helyea P0.8ox353,Hughsonvil1e 85. vera Ham' 1 ton Old Troy Rd.,Rt 01 153. tireen L. rarreli Chelsea 153.00 '3nceUa P ioQ Che I sea 49.501 ft 34 3. 3. et 3. 13 33 30 3$ 93 tO 04 40 $ In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of this day of (SEAL) , 19........ Town Clerk WARRANT P-5 To Jpse*h H. Ful ton , Supervisor Town of .pplr r , County of Du 1che s , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of oftekl , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the oft eJz , 19.4_, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. 646 t 647v 648 649\J 650 \, 65N 652 653 654\ 655``^ \656 657\4 659 660-\' 66'1), 662 \, 663\' 664N, NAME OF CLAIMANT Eitien 8. Coughlin Chelsea E i isabe th Hammond Chelsea Cornelia k. Weer Chelsea Mary Price Chelsea Charles Grosenbeck Louis Clausen R. J. Brooker Co. 105 Dutchess Turnpike,P. " " ,. " " " ++ " a Eggleston Office Equip. 41 New Market St.,Pogh " M N " .. " N " " a New York Telephone Co. 665\1 Coughlin Bros. Box 23, Chelsea, N.Y. Great Bear Spring Co. Milton Chezen Assoc. 88 Market St., Pough. 666\ 667N/ 668' " " In Witness Whereof, I this day of [SEAL] AMOUNT ALLOWED 24.7' 135. 103.. FUND OR ACCOUNT OTHER INFORMATION Elections - Comp. of Employees " ST n " 1% Elect ions - 1wr- Councjlmens f Office b other exp. " " " Is 3.15 Assessors- 4fjce d Other "C" 41.25' Supervisor -1 0f f ice 6 Other "C" 27.7+ T.8.-T.Ha11 j- Office b Other "E" 3.11 Bldg, Inspector -Office & Other "C" 25.2C Assessors - fice & Other exp. "C" 2.2+1 Bldg. Inspekor-Of f ice & other 24.744.- Assessors-1Office b Other "C" 14.0 T.B.-T.H.-0her exp. "E" (11.80' T. Clerk- 0 face b Other ( 2.25) 16.8 T.B.-T.Hel l -Other exp. "E" 121.24w Bldg. Inspecjor- Office 6 other exp. 35.00 T.B.-T.Hell-Murch of Furniture "C" 157.5 T.B._T.H. - }epairs b etc. "D" 28.34 ++ It I 200.01 Perm. Imp. 5.0( T.B.-AlHa11 860.0(1\ T.B.- Sery Const. Rentals "A" . f Engineers & exp. " 2500.04%1 I, I rt 1 I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of , 19 /r I / Town Clerk • WARRANT To Joseph H, Fulton Supervisor Town of Wappinyer P-6 , County of tchess , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of tappin.ger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 3rd dayof November , 19 66 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificae thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. 669\ 670 671' Y72 673 \674 I 675\ I NAME OF CLAIMANT (AMOUNT ALLOWED W,b.S.D. News, 20 East Main St., American Phtocpy Equip. 2100 Dempster St.,Eyreston Inwood Music Studio 12 Fowler Ave.. POUGH Q utchess Co. Clerk N & S. Supply Corp. RDsi, Fishki l 1 Dutchess Co. Planning Bd.I 676\ I " 677N 1 Etl 678 \/ I Gall St:nPoa[yn N N ing Scott Milton Ailey LaGrangeville, N.Y. 679\1 Elaine N. Snowden \, I Capitol Highway Material 680 I Rte 6, Baldwin PL,Putnam 680A'I Capitol Highway Materials' 681 I Stevens -Blume 6 l \683 \684 .685 Sioper-Wi1len FUND OR ACCOUNT OTHER INFORMATION \ 10.26v T.B.--I -Advertising All Depts. 16.13v " " - cher exp. "E" 64410 -`\'Justice of P ace - Office & other "C" 4.001v Assessors - Mffice & other "C" 62.5C ' Recreation 3.5O \iAssesSors-0f 'ice & other "C" - NB" Other exp, 52. 5.04 34 24.00k RecreatiOn 4.8 Town 282.94" Public 158.41x' " Justice of Peace- Office & other "C N N1N N N N N N N N other exp. Clerk -I Office & Other "C" Safet'+ - Traffic "A" N Sporting? I 227.3C\' Recreation-IPurch.of Equip. "C" Com.Abu1. I 898.3 Misc.: Ambui.I Serv. 126.6E T.B.-=SOR.-In turance"D" other 16.94 Assessors -0fl i ce & other Associated Hospt. Serv. 80 Lexintnn Ave_ Verner Christensen Dutchess County Clerk 2.0cN " 1» (Mi leage) V086 Dept. of Water Supply I 41.6t,T.B.-T.H. Reiairs & etc. "0" V687 I Eugene Schuele I I , Caay Lane 68. Misc.-Assoc. of Towns 688/ I Robert A, Steinhaus 63.94" " " I " 689\I Joseph Gutmann 32.34LBldgs.tnspecltor-Office d Other 690 q Joseph E. Ludewig I 58.0f\'Misc. - Ass+. of Towns I 1.' /›. . In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of this day of , 19 Town Clerk [SEAL] To WARRANT 1°7 Joseph H. Fulton Town of WP_P i nger 3rd , Supervisor , County of lu2chess. , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of W pp 1 nger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the day of November , 19 66 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. 69V Joseph E. Ludewig 692Messrs. Quinn & Rei1ly 693\ 694 \, Centras Hudson Gas & el. P.Q. Box 312, Pnugp NAME OF CLAIMANT tt " AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT 22.6( Zoning Inspextor-Office & other (M'leage) 500.00v Serv. of AU/ & exp of Lit. OTHER INFORMATION " 1275.00 \ " 695" 696\ Dwight Robbins to " " " " " 123.BT.B.-T.H. "IP Repairs and etc - 119.3 " " " " ft Of M 5.Oa" J.P's - Of f i :e & other - d In this ness Whereof,TE have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of Walpp Inger day o! , 19 (06. Town Clerk [SEAL]