1965-05-06 RGM236 The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger was held in the Town Hall, Mi11 St., Wappbngers Falls, N. Y. on Thursday evening May 6, 1965. Present:-Supervisor4Richard H. lirigg9,C6uacilmen-George Robinson S Louis Diehl, Justice of the Peace -William J. Bulger, Attorney for Town -Hal -old Reilly, Engineer for Town -Vincent Kelly, Superintendent of Highway -Robert Lawson, Building Inspector-lobepb Ludern g, Town Clerk -Helen L. Travis. The meeting was opened at 8 P. M.my Richard H. Linge, Supervisor. Supervisor Linge advised the Board that they had received the minutes of the Regular Meeeting of April 8, 1965 and the Special meeting of April 13th, 1965. What was their pleasure on same. Motion was made by Justice of Peace Bulger and seconded by Councilman Robinson that the minutes of the above dates be accepted. Motion carried The bills for the month of April were read as follws: L general Fund $8,097.35 Highwc Fund $3,296.31 Motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Justice of Peace Bulger that the bills for the month of April be paid suject to audit. Motion carried The following reports were read: During the month of April, 1965, while presiding in Justice Court, Town of Wappinger, I heard the following cases and collected the fees and fines listed below: TYPE NUMBER FINES & FEES COLLECTED Motor vehicle 41 $465.00 Civil 5 11.50 Criminal 1 10.00 I am holding $60.00 in my official bank account on a pending motor vehicle case. I have forwarded a check in the amount of $486.50 to the State Depart- ment of Audit and Control. Respectfully submitted -William J. Bulger During the month of Aprils 1965, the activities listed below were handled in Justice Court: (1) 16 motor vehicle cases handled showing $310.00 collected in fines. (2) 4 civil cases handled showing' $8.50 collected in fees and filing costs. 237 (3) One criminal case handled during the month. A total of $318.50 was forwarded to the State Department of Audit and Control. At the close of the month I was wolding $225.00 in pending motor vehicle cases. Respectfully submitted: -Vincent S. Francese Building Inspector's Report for the month of April 1965. Building Permits issued for: 15 Single Family Residences 6 Residence Additions 2 Residence Garages 37 Apartment Buildings -- 296 Units 3 Other Structures 62 Total Permits issued for April Value of Construction $3,002,450.00 Fees Collected & turned over to Town Clerk 1,971.50 Miles traveld on Zoning & Building Inspection by Building Inspector 360 Milese traveled on Building Inspection by Deputy Building Inspector 303 Respectfully submitted Joseph E. Ludewig Motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Justice of Peace Bulger that the reports be aceepted. Motion carried A letter was received from James Thoman, Edgehill Manor, Inc., stating that by a misunderstanding on his part the Town was not officially notified of the completion of Partners Road in September 1964. Asking if it would be poss- ible to start the maintenance date from then if not would they accept the starting date as of now. Engineer Kelly and Highway Superintendent Lawson both stated that Partners Road was in good shape and recommended accepting same. Motion was made by Justice of Peace Bulger and seconded by Uouncilman Robinson that Partners Road be accepted as of May 6th, 1965 at which time the year of maintenance would begin. Motion carried A letter was received from Residents of Losee Road containing a petition from residents asking for a ppeed limit on this road. Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger and seconded by Councilman Deihl that this petition be referred to the County Superintendent of Highways for approval and to the State Traffic Commission. Motion carried A letter was read from State of New York, Office of Local Government stating a meeting would be held in Newburgh on Friday, May 21, 1965 enclosing a blank to fill out if planning to attend. i1J 1. 238 Motion was made by Justice of Peace Bulger and seconded by Councilman Diehl that Geancilman Robinson be appointed to attend this meeting. Motion carried A letter was read from Ted. Olson in reference to junk at the intersection of Rte. 9 & New Hackensack Road. Building Inspector Ludewig stated that he had looked into thks matter and found that this is in the Village and that we had nothing whatever to do with this. A letter was received from the Taxpayers Association of the Town of Wappinger asking for a copy of the minutes of the meetings. A discussion was held on same. Justice of the Peace Bulger stateed that he thought this was out of the question, because if thefylet one have them there would be many other organizations asking for them and as each meeting runs 10 to 12 pages in length it would be a very expensive matter and also would be an extra load of work for the Town Clerk. Supervisor Linge stated he felt the same way and did not approve of same. Letter was received from James Coppola in reference to restrictions on his property. The Board discussed this matter and a letter was ordered written to him explaining same. Attorney Reilly was to write this letter. A letter was read from the State Traffic Commission in reference to a Speed Limit on Henry Drive. The State Commissioner stated they could not meet the request. A letper was received from the Town of Wappinger Planning Board in reference to Amendment to Zoning Ordinanc$ in reference to Riding Academies, etc. Motion was made by Justice of Peace Bulger and seconded by Councilman Robinson that a Public Hearing be held on the above recommendation on May 27th, 1965 at 7:30 P. M. in the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, N. Y. Motion carried The matter of the condition of roads in Oakwod was brought up. Motion was made by Justice of Peace Bulger and seconded by Councilman Deihle that the Town Clerk write a letter to the developer (Mark Ritter) informing him that if these roads are not in condition, including the Mall, before the June meeting that the Board will call in the Bond at this time. Motion carried Engineer Kelly asked the Board to publish bids for Alterations and additions to the heating system on the second floor. Motion was made by Justice of Peace Bulger and seconded by Councilman Robinson that bids be advertised for addtions and alterations to heating system on the second floor of the Town Building. Motion carried 239 Highway Superintedndent Lawson presented the following resolution: - WHEREAS, Brdige No. WP -10 on Widmer Road in the Town of Wappinger is narrow and WHEREAS, the Town Superintendent of Highway of the Town of Wappinger has requested the County Superintednent of Highways to do the necessary work of widening, Now Therefore be it RESOLVED, that the County Superintendent of Highways be authorized to proceed with the widening of said bridge in accordance with Article 9, Section 233 of the Highway Law and bill the Town of Wappinger for the necessary labor and equipment to do the same. The Board directed that bhis beheldover to a later date so that the cost of Bridge and type of bridge could be determined before the Resolution was accepted. Walter Boileow spoke in reference to this bridge. Superintendent of Highway -Robert Lawson reported that he had contacted the State about purchasing a Bruck. The State has only one trick auditable and this is much smaller and would not be adequate for plowing. A discussion was held on this matter. Motion was made by Justice of Peace Bulger and seconded by Councilman Robinson that we purchase a Mack Truck from hie Ralph C. Herman Company, Inc., for $13,345.00 which was the lowest bid meeting the specifications. The vote was as follows:- Supervisor -Richard H. Linge--Aye, Councilman -Robinson -- Aye, Coundilman Deihle--abstained from voting, Justice of Peace -Bulger - Aye. The following resolution was made by Justice of Peace Bulger and seconded by Councilman /Robinson:- RERDLkER9Nthat all water systems whether private g municipally owned shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the recommended water system design standards of the New York Fire Insurance rating organization. The following vote was taken: -Supervisor --Richard H. Linge--Aye, Councilman - Diehl --Aye, Councilman Robinson --Aye, Justice of Peace--Bulger--Aye, AeitteexefxReesex- The following Resolution was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Justice of Peace Bulger: - RESOLVED, that the engineering firm of Ackerman, Knox, Hayward & Pakan is employed to make a comprehensive study and report in connection with the application for a State grant under the provisions of Section 1263-A 240 Article 12 of the Public Health Law. The following vote was taken, Supervisor -Richard H. Linge,--Aye, Councilman - Louis Diehl --Aye, Justice of Peace Bulger --Aye, Councilman Robinson --Aye. The following Resolution was made by Justice of Peace Bulger and seconded by Councilman Diehl: - RESOLVED, that Richard Linge, Supervisor of the Town of Wappinger, is hereby authorized to sign an application for a State grant under the provisions of Section 1263-A, Article 12 of the Public Health Law, to fin- ance the cost of a comprehensive study and report for the collection, treat- ment and disposal of sewage. The following vote was taken: -Supervisor -Richard H. Linge--Aye, Councilman - Louis Diehl --Aye, Councilman Robinson --Aye, Justice of the Peace -Bulger --Aye. The following Resolution was made by Justice of Peace Bulger and seconded by Councilman Robinson: - WHEREAS, the Town Board is of the opinion that the present method of establishing sewage disposal plants in the Town of Wappinger is not con- ducive to the orderly growth and development of the community, and WHEREAS, the present method of establishing sewage disposal 1 plants is financially detrimental to the Town of Wappinger, and WHEREAS, THE Town Board of the Town of Wappinger is desirous of eff- ectuating a system whereby sewage disposal plants shall be erected under the supervision and control of the Town of Wappinger, for the benefit of the Town of Wappingers it is hereby RESOLVED, that all developers in the Town of Wappinger who desire sewage collection and treatment facilities in subdivisions shall be required to make application to the Town Board for the formation of a sewer district. The said application shall be made simultaneously with the initial submission, to the Planning Board, of subdivision plans, and it is further RESOLVED, that the Planning Board is hereby directed to require the application for the formation of a sewer district as a condition to the granting of approval of sudivision plats, and it is further RESOLVED, that the formation of private corporations for sewage cor- rection and treatment shall be permitted only where the formation of a sewer dittrict is not practical or possible. It shall be within the discration of the Town Board to determine whether the formation of a sewer district is practical or possible and it is fut,her RESOLVED, that developers who have plans presently under Planning Board review, who do not have existing, private sewage collection and treat- ment facilities, may proceed with the formation of a private corporation for sewage collection and treatment and the construction of such facilit- ies, but must also make application for the formation of a sewer district and offer the option to purchase the private constructed facilities to the district to be formed at a price which represents the cost of installation. The following vote was take: Supervisor Linge--Aye--Councilman Diehl/ --Aye, Councilman Robinson --Aye, Justice of Peace Bulger --Aye. Councilman Diehl suggested the following motion: Recommendation referring to Road Specification of flincent Kelly 1965 --Town Board request Planning Board advisability of waivers on curb requiremnts. I recommend we discontinue waiver and include curbs and gutters with all new roads. This was disucssed and agreed that it be held over until a later date. Motion was made by Councilman Diehl -that the AAend,# of the meetings be pub- lished in the newspaper before each meeting. There was no4second to thiis motion so the motion did not pass. Councilman Dieh)made the following motion. That all new roads presented for acceptance must be accompanied by a written certificate of adequacy signed by the Highway Superintednent and Town Engineer stating a professional engineer- ingeeasiaction has been made by "Test Borings" or"Test Samplings" and by such these roads meet all specifications to the best of their knowledge. These tests can be made by Vincent Kelly, he is a professional engineer. The report shall become a part of the minutes at which time the road is accepted. It was decided to hold this matter up until we recelivd a legal opinion on same from Attorney Reilly. Report to come in at next meeting. Supervisor Linge requested that he had been in touch with Company in feference to removal of junk. An appoinment had been made with one but they had failed to appear. Town CRerk said she had written for another appointment for Mr. Linge. Mr. Bisom asked that a letter be sent to the State Traffic Commission about speed limit on Myers Corners Road, suggesting that a traffic check be taken after June 1st, 1965 when the new branch of the I. B. M. will be open on the road. Town Clerk to write letter to Commissioner. He also asked about a sign on the Different County Roads stating it is impossible to find roads. Town Clerk to write to Mr. Petrovits in regard to signs. Supervisor Linge reported that the Town Board had mot met with Sheriff Quinlan and he had protb eed that he would give the Town as much protection as he could. Mr. Jensen asked what was being done about Widmer Road. James O'Neill asked about problems on Widmer Road. Speaking especially about the tar problem. Bruce Frazier asked about covering road with stone as tar is coming through. Supervisor Linge requested that Highway Superinteddent attend to having stone pliced on road as soon as possible. A report about the swimming pool at Wildwood Forest was given by Building Inspector --Joseph Ludewig. Motion was made by Councilman Diehl and seconded by Justice of Peace Bulger that the meeting adjourn. Signed Town Clerk To RICHARD H. LINGE WARRANT , Supervisor Town of WAPP , County of DUTCH ESS , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of WAPP INGER , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 6th day of MAY , 19 65, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT 154 1/ Cent. Hud 155 v 1S6 ✓' 157 f/ 158 1/New York Tel. G. & E. Corp. 11 II II II II II II II 11 it 11 11 II 159 ✓ 1F,(1 iiHarn1d H_ Reilly Mesier Ave., Wapp. Falls, N. Y. 161 V' Joseph E. Ludewig, 162 ✓Joseph Gutman Company 163 ✓William A. Scully, tsox /u, K. U. p 164 ✓ John [NUMMI' N. Brookside Gardens Wappingers Falls,N.Y. Y. 165Fr deric A. Smith, Co. Clk. 166 ✓ Bertha R. Recchia 167 ✓ Department of Audit & Con- ` at trol-Albany,N.Y. 168" The Beaseley Agency, Inc. 169 Higgins & Sheer 123 Turnpike Pough. 170 ✓,W. & S. D. News 171./ " 11 11 11 172 Hudson Valley Blueprint Company 29 Academy St.,,,, Poughkeepsie, .Y. AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT OTHER INFORMATION Town Hall, 33.49 -feat, Lgt. ¢tcl Service --Town Hall 4.46 9.92 8.30 22.95 32.55 11 --Building Insp. " --Bd. of Assessor "--Court Room "--Town Hall & Court Room "Assessor & Bldg. Insp. Service of Att. 583.32 5 Exp. of Lit. March & April Bldg. Insp. 36.00 Off. Exp. 30.30 78.00 Town Hall Mileage -April 1965 Mileage April 4965 Repair to Building. 10.00 Park & Playgroind --Dues National Rec. Other Exp. Assessors 4.20 Off. Exp. Assessors 32.60 Off. Exp. 49.70 Retirement system 4,092.5E Insurance All Dept. 6.4, J. of P. Off. Exp. 3.42 Prt. & Adv. All Dept. 11.78 " Maps Mileage Supplemental Combindd Tapes Legal Notice Election 18.16 Off. Exp. Prints In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of this day of , 19 [SEAL] Pension Fund Town Clerk IOO8WILLIAM5OM LAW MOOR CO.. ROCHESTER. M.T. WARRANT To RICHARD H. L INGE , Supervisor Town of WAP_EIN.GER , County of DUTCHESS , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of WAPP INGER , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 6 day of MAY , 19 65, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM NAME OF CLAIMANT No. 173 t" Judson Valley Blueprint 174 V Pitney -Bowes. Inc. 69 Walnut St., Stamford, Conn. i 175 V Dept. of Water Supply 176 ✓ Vdncent Kelly 177 N Robert Boice Paper Co. 40 Cottage St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 178 ✓ I I i 179 V Walter Altonen Prospect St. Wappingers Falls,N.Y. it AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT OTHER INFORMATION Zoning Bpard Cp , 35.44 Off. Exp. Prints 180 Great Bear Spring Co. 56 Colonie St. Albny 7, N. Y. 181 d/Sloper Willen Community 667.59 Hmbulance-Mac rariana Ka'. Wappinger Falls,N.Y. 21.60 Town Hall Off. Exp Stamp Machine Town Hall 6.26 Heat.Lgt. etc. Service -Town Hall Service of 933.33 Engineer &Exp. April 1965 Town Hall 66.23 Off. Exp. Supplies 6.65 8.00 Constable - Comp. Town Hall II Service-Francese 10.00 Lot.. Heat Etc Service -Garage 182,v Village Pharmacy E. Main St. Wappingers Falls,N.Y. 183 Bottini Fuel Oil Co. 21 Alexander Blvd. Poughkeepsie,N.Y. 184 '4 William J. Long, I P. U. LOX 3b0 Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 185 "1 Verner Christensen Ambulance Town Hall 21.62 Other Exp. 129.60 Town Hall Lght. Heat, etc. 830.00 Town Hall Assessors 46.60 Off. Exp. Service First Aid Kit Service -Town Hall Repairs Mileage 186 "f Camp Chemical Industrials 46.25 International Inc., Second Ave. & 13bh St., Brooklyn 13, N. Y. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of this day of , 19 [SEAL] Town Clerk IOOSWILLIAM,ON LAW MOOR CO.. NOCNI/TIR. N.T. WARRANT To Richard__11.._Linbgs, , Supervisor Town of Mapping , County of pus. , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of -Wappiy► , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 3_9 day of May , 19 6; in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT OTHER INFORMATION 188---New-Vask-Stste-espioyew--252v04---Retv-System— -Payment Asti mass* System 189 .1 14.6101rOP u u 11 4,862. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of Wappingsr this 19 day of May , 19 65 [SEAL] Town Clerk 1OO5WILLIANDON LAW DOOR CO.. ROCNIDTIR. N.T.