1964-08-06 RGMThe regular monthly meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger was held on Thursday evening, Ajgust 6, 1964 in the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, N. Y. Present--Supervisor-Richard H. Linge, Councilmen -Wilmer Ifill- George Robinson, Justices of the Peace -Vincent Francese & Will- iam Bulger, Town Highwy Superintendent -Robert Lawson, Town Engineer -Charles Maneri, Town Attorney -Judson Williams, Building Inspector -Joseph Ludewig, Town Clerk -Helen L. Travis. The meeting was opened at 8 P. M. by Supervisor -Richard H. Linge. Supervisor Linge advised the Board that they hade received copies of the minutes of the July meeting and asked what their pleasure was on same. Motion was made by Councilman Ifill and seconded by Justice of the Peace Francese that the minutes be accepted. Motion carried The following 3teports were received: Following is a,report of actions handled by me during the month of July, 1964 in my official capaicty as Justice of the Peace. (1) 33 motor vehicle cases showing $390.00 collected in fines (2) 4 civil cases closed showing $9.00 collected in fees. (3) There was one criminal case closed during the month. I have forwarded a total of $399.00 to the State Department of Audit and Control. I am holding $13.00 in my official bank account for civil cases which were not closed during the month. Respectfully submitted Vincent S. Francese, Justice of the Peace DuKing the month of July, 1964, while presiding in Justice Court, Town of Wappinger, I heard the following cases and collected the fees and fines listed below: TYPE NUMBER FINES & FEES COLLECTED Motor Vehicle 28 $235.00 civil 3 7.50 criminal 0 I am holding $100.00 in my official bank account on a pending motor vehicle case which was not disposted of during the month of July. Respectfully submitted William J. Bulger, Justice of the Peace 91 Permits issued for: 22 Single Family Residences 1 24 Unit Apartment Building 1 16 Unit Apartment Building 3 Residence Additions 2 Residence Changes 2 Private Swimming Pools 2 Residence Porches 2 Office Buildings 1 Gas Stateion 36 Total Permits Value of Constructipn $678,600. Fees Coddlected and Turned over to Town Clerk $579.35 Miles Traveled on Zoning and Building Inspection 395 Respectfully submitted Joseph E. Ludewig, Building Inspector The following resolution was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger and seconded by Justice of the Peace Francese and unanimously carried: RESOLVED that the Supervisor is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with the Wappinger Lodge #671, Free and Accepted Masons Lodge, to purchase this building, minus the strip of land in back, which has been sold, and also with permission from the Wappingers Savings Bank and the Marine Midland Bank of SoutheasterW'New York, for a right of way to the parking lot in the rear, to lopirchase this building for the cashppiice of Fifteen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars($15,500.00) subject to approval by Supreme Court of the State of New York, with provisions that after said conveyance, the Masons shall be entitled to lease the third floor of the building, kitchen and the two storage spaces in the basement, for the sum of Forty Dollars ($40)00) per month, cancellable upon 60 days notice and upon such other terms and conditions as the, Supervisor may deem appropriate. Attorney Williams stated that he had contacted the Comptrollers office asking about auditing of bills and found that the Town bills can be audited the same way that the school does. The Town Clerk and Town Highway Superintendent can make out warrant sheets, sending each Town Board member a copy and these can then be voted upon at the Regular meeting in a group instead of auditing each one separately. Supervisor Linge reported that he had sent a letter to the Census BurEuO-asking for a census next year, but had not re- ceived a reply as yet. Supervisor Linge asked about the date for the next meeting stat- ing several of the Board members would be away at that time. Motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Justice of the Peace Bulger that the date of the regular meeting for September be changed from September 3rd, 1964 to September 10th, 1964. Motion carried Attorney Williams said he had received a request from Attorney Russell Aldrich asking that the adjourned Public Hearing on the Oakwood Sewerage, which was scheduled for tonight be adjourned until the next meeting. Justice of the Peace Bulger state: that he would like to attend the State Magistrates Conference which was to be held in Kerhonkson, N. Y. from Sept. 27 to Sept. 30th, 1964. Motion was made by Supervisor Linge and seconded by Councilman Robinson that the Justices of Peace be allowad to attend the State Magistrate Conference at Kerhonkson, N. Y. from Sept. 27th to Wept. 30th, 1964. Motion carried The Town Clerk reported that Public Hearings would be held on August 13, 1964 for the Card and Irving Re -zoning. That she had received a petition with over 240 names in reference to the Irving property. 9 , Councilman Bulger rescinded his motion made at the/Town Board Special Meeting of July 16, 1964 as follows: Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger and seconded by Councilman Ifill that a Public Hearing be held on the petition presented by the Area Residents for the re -zoning of the Wheeler Hill Districlon September 17th, 1964 at 8 P. M. Councilman Ifill resdinded his seconding this motion. UPON motion by Justice of the Peace Bulger , seconded by Justice of Peace Francese, and by unamimous vote, a public hearing was ordered held on the ftfi2rowing proposed amendment to the Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance on the 17th day of September, 1964, at 8:00 P. M., at the Town Hall. BE IT RESOLVED ANDIORDAINED by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, in pursuance of the authority conferred by Article 16 of the Town Law of the Skate of New York, and also in pursuance of Article 9 of the Town Law to the extent applicable as follows: Section 1. The Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance adopted January 29, 1963, as amended, is hereby further amended by re- zoning a tract of land now zoned in part R-20, One Family Resi- dential District, and in part RD -40, Optional Dwelling Residential District, to R-40, One Family Residential District, said tract of land being in general situate South of the Wappingers Creek and MarlorvillERoad, West of New York Route 9D, East of part of Wheeler Hill Road and also East of the Hudson River and North of the property of Brothers of the Order Hermits (Good Counsel• Novitiate) and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the most northerly point of the southerly abutment of the New York Central railroad bridge over the Wap- pingers Creek at New Hamburg and running from thence easterly and southerly along the shore line of said abutment and thence northeasterly along the southeasterly shore line of the Wap- pingers creek to the point which is at right angles to Creek Road ib range of the juction of the southwesterly side of 9.4 Marlorville Road and the eaterly side of Creek Road, running from thence to the said junction of road lines, thencecsouth-easte easterly along the stothhwesterly side of Marlorville Road approxi- mately 1302 feet, thence northeasterly still along Said Marlor- ville Road approximately 110 feet, thence southeasterly still along said southwesterly side of Marlorville Road 680 feet more or less to the northeasterly corner of lands of the Willis Reese Estate, thence southwesterly along the southeasterly boundary line of the lands of the said Willis Reese Estate approximately 1400 feet to its junction with the northeasterly side of New Hamburg Road, thence in a straight line crossing said New Hamburg Road to the northeasterly corner of other lands of said Reese, thence southwesterly along the southeast Boundary line of lands of said Reese and lands of New York City Congregational Church Associ- ation approximately 2200feet to lands now or formerly of Lilyan Berger, thence southeasterly along said lands of Berger 50 feet, thence southwesterly along the southeasterly boundary line of the said lands now or formerly of Berger apporximately 1213 feet, thence northwesterly still along said Berger 400 feet to the southeasterly boundary line of lands of Lawrence Kanter, thence southwesterly along the said Kanter lands approximately 675 feet to the lands of Edward Kellenberg, thence southeasterly along the said land of Kellenberg and the CrawfordcEstate approximately 1780 feet, thence southwesterly through land of said Crawford Estate alidnglong the woutheasterly line of the land of Gerard Schauer to its intersection with the northeasterly line of Wheeler Hill Road which said point is 388.05 feet from the corner junction of Old State Road and Wheeler Hill Road, thence North North West along the said northeasterly line of Wheeler Hill Road to turn in the Grad at the foot of hill and then cross- ing said Wheeler Hill Road and proceeding along the southwesterly line of the boundary lines of the Fred Wendell property and the northeasterly boundary line of Brothers of Order Hermitd (Good Counsel Nthvitiate) a total of 3187 feet to the easterly shore 95 line of Hudson River, thence north&ely and northeasterly r 4S 7 1... Y along the said 4eetely shore line of the Hudson River to the point or place of beginning. EpEPTING and RESERVING from the above parcel of land to be rezoned a tract of land situate on the southeasterly side of Old Troy Road containing approximately 55.368 acres of land having a frontage o/said Old Troy Road of approximately 1136 feet, a rear line of approximately 1213 feet and northeasterly and Southwesterly boundary line of approximately 2095 feet and 2147 feet, respectively, said parcel being lands now or formerly OF Lilyan Berger, a portion of which it is now believed has been conveyed to Brrokhollow Builders, Inc. Section 2. The zoning map of Town of Wappinger adopted by the Town Board, January 29, 1963, as amended, and being a part of the aforesaid Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended in conformity with the foregoing. Section 3. This amendment shall become effectiie im- mediately upon adoption, posting and publication as prescribed by Town Law. Hugo Musto apoke in behalf of the Cedar Hill Civic Association, He called attention to the item in the Shopper pertaining to Sanitary Fill System.He skated that a petition was to be presented on the matter of the Sanitary Filll3roject location. Mr. John Nolan-RelyearTerrace presented a petition which had been circulated by the Cedar Hill Civic Association and the Cooper - Smithtown Civic Association. He stated that the petition contained 725 signatures -300 from the Town of Fishkill and 425 from the Town of WapOinger. Mr. Musto stated that there had been three members of their Association appointed to attend Board Meetings, they were Mr. Mike Migliori, Mr. John Notipeo and George Moore. Mr. D. Redfield spoke on the matter of zoning Mr. Musto then ini4roduced Harry Melzer of the Cooper -Smithtown Civic Association. George Moore spoke about the letter in the Wappingers Shopper. The matter of alloting m oney to the formation ,of the.Sanitary Fill Project was introduced. There was quite a little discussion on this matter. Motion was made by Councilman Ifill and seconded by Councilman Rob- inson that money be allotted from the General Fund, not to exceed $600.00 for the formation of the Sanitary Fill Project. The vote was as follows: Supervisor--Richard H. Linge---Aye Councilman Robinson--Aye Councilman Ifill--Aye Justice of the Peace Francese--Nay Justice of the Peace Bulger--Aye Grover Roth spoke asking questions about the Sanitary Fill Project. Mr. Redfi&&d asked for an opinion mfom our Attorney as to whether if we pulled out of the joint project could we have condemnation pro- ceeding put on the land by the other Towns. Attorney Williams stated-We could withdrww from the joint project anytime before it becomes operational, that I understand that a referendum was required before project could be operational, such referendum to pass on the property to be acquired and the plan of operation to be followed when the District becomes opegational. „* Arthure Bisom asked if we give money can we still drop out. Grover Roth asked is it had been decided that an incinerator could not be used. He also akked if we were pressing the Junk Yard Ord- inance. Harry Melzer-Smithtown Road, asked about have the Road conditions looked into on the Smithtown-CM:per Road and Entrance to Cedar Hill Road section. There are 14 residents on the road, The road is not being taken care of. He asked if this could be taken care of before the winter months. Supervisor Lingreferred this to the Highway Super- intendent to look into as soon as possible. Mr. Migliori spoke about overhanging limbs and bushes obstruntinUviews along the Highway S, This was referred to Highway Superintendent asking him to tka take this matter up '3ith Mr. Migliori. 97* MrS,, Oberling spoke, about roads in Owkwood Knolls asking them to do something before school opens. Mr. Tullo asked why his letter had not been read at the meeting in reference to Parking space in rear of Doctors Office. Supervisor Linge state they had all received copies of same and it had been referred to the Planning Board. Motion was mdde by Justice of the Peace Bulger and seconded by Justice of the Peace Frances that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Signed. Town Clerk The meeting was re -opened at 10 P. M. by Supervisor Richard H. Linge. Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Francese and seconded by Councilman Robinson that the bills for the month of July be paid. GHBERAL FUND WARRANT SHEET #9 $1,663.277 Highway Fund WARRANT SHEET $16,652.19 Motion was made by Justice of Peace Bulger and seconded by Councilman Robinson that the meeting adjourn. Signed Town Clerk 9 A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board, Town of Wapiimnger, on the Card re -zoning, on Thursday evening, August 13th, 1964 in the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, N. Y. Present: -Supervisor -Richard H. Linge, Councilmen -Wilmer Ifill and George Robinson, Justices of the Peace -William Bulger and Vincent Francese, Town Attorney -Judson Williams, Town Clerk Helen L. Travis. The Hearing was opened at 7:40 P. M. by Richard H. Linge, Sup- ervisor. Supervisor Linge read the notice of the Hearing. Town Clerk reported that the notice had been published in the paper and had been posted. Mr. Linge asked for all thos in favor of the re -zoning to speak at this time. Jeffrey Richard, appeared for John J. Mulvey, Attorney for Mrs. Margaret Card. He presented a petition for Mrs. Card. He also read #l04 and 106 of the Zoning Ordinance. He then showed slides of Route 9, to show the usage of this area. Mr. Linge then asked for thoseopposed to this are to speak at this time. L. A. Williams- a property owner adjacent to the Section #2, stated that when they purchased the property there was to be no commercial pooperty in the developement. He wanted to know why this had to change. William Garren stated that they wanted equality. Harry Ries, Peggy Lane, Asked why it should be zoned business when it is a residential area. Francis Halpin spoke against re -zoning. John Pitiasto spohe against re -zoning Thomas Larkin -spoke wanting to know why he should build two garages when the road is slated to go right though the building now there and through the new garages, and asked if it was being done for personal gain. Harry Ries spoke stating he had seen the final State Map and ac- cording to same the road will cut the store right in half. To itiCilAARD SIM* WARRANT Big. , Supervisor Town of )(KRU G R........._._ .............._.., County of .DU!CCIOI88.... New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Grp -IR , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 4 ------ _...day of, 19.. 4,4, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereo aving been duly filed my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM NAME OF CLAIMANT N 94 Speer—basher 9b Mavk i i i. as rage 97 1!. `1 ¶.l,- 1 AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT 1 1Z. CI Imf4—}tstriltik-111 90 1R /*mon *1 • N *1 99 Contractors Mach. Co 48.5 *3 9,1 ,00 OTHER INFORMATION lbsPa-L. Purchase of Toos +� 4.19 ��" *3 r�.� Ti'4,r " *1 • 3 11. 2.„1 .11 9415, 43 In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of this....4............day of....J1 [SEAL] 1�iElt•-� WARRANT To RICHARD_.5..-I.INCIM , Supervisor Town of KRP2ZEIZR , County of WTCBUS , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of WARP nom , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the ..6. day of....MGR= , 19.64..,in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM NAME OF CLAI T iAMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED wpm ,% Repair, lght 277V drekt Rekr Spri fftl etc _ 56 Colonia Street - Y_ 273/_ Robert CacciQ. I 3 Fowlerhouse Rd. Papp. Falls, rs "orners Rd. Wapp. Falls, E.Y. Aseessors 13.50 Off_ Ixp service OTHER INFORMATION 6th a a 279 280 281 2Aa 283 York Telephone cott Business Ma Service, 739 Main Poughkeepsie, IN_y_ 0 " CO urance Rrightnn 10 441 Co Inc Rt. 52, Hopewell _'unvt4onr,E. Y. Joseph L Iuds+wig Supply 283 " R. J. Brooks 74-76 Cannon St. Pougi.h.ep■ i e M . .00 Traffic Signs & SAgbaBldg. x sp Osrff. Exp_ Town Hall Mileage ,U ly 146A C r Service --Assessors & Building Insp. " Town Hill & Court Repair of Typewriter Signs Mileage 12.50 Town Clerk Off. Exp. Tc,Rrn BaL1 286 1 Pitney -Bowel, Inc, J 21.6q other Exp.Rental of Stamp Mach. 69 Walnut St., Stamford Conn. 7/1/64-9/30/64 In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of. the Town of this day of , 19. Fixing Chair [SEAL] Town Clerk 1003wuuAr,on LAW so.x nrr., e.►. WARRANT To Riehat.d.._gi__.L,oge. , Supervisor Town of Wappingsr , County of Da;s , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the ._4.._...day of Jou gt. , 19_64 in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT IAMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT OTHER INFORMATION 12,13 its :o., inc.-41 N. Office lawys er 2149 S. D. News 82.63 Printing & Legal NntinAew 2011 Main St., Bast T. 2s2"' itrpy8ardware r_^_ Dutch. Shopping Pl. Wappe.- FaUa , 2n� -P. J. Breeler-@e. 74-76 Cannon St. 2941 -Far NI Lucas Church Street, Advertising / A11 -Dept _ 214.40 N N Pssessors Town Clerk 7.366H-Bscp. ,Town Hall. g garage N M Mileage Perms %/Assessors S.22 Offiva iuppliee 'Q M1 M G r 1.661_27 /G a-) In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of WAPPIWJER.._, this 5 day of AMEX , 19.._14 [SEAL] Town Clerk 1000.ILLIARPON LAW POOR CO.. COCA PPTIR. R.T.