1964-05-07 RGM54 The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger was held on May 7, 1964, in the Town Hall, Mill Street it Wappingers Falls, N. Y. Present:=Supervisor-Richard H. Linge, Councilman -George Robinson, Justices of the Peace, Vincent Francese and William Bulger, Town Attorney -Judson Williams, Town Engineer -Charles Maneri, Superintendent of Highways -Robert Lawson, Town Clerk -Helen L. Travis. The meeting was opened at 8:35 P. M. by Supervisor -Richard H. Linge. Supervisor Linge stated that all the Board members had received the minutes of the April meeting, what was their pleasure on same. Motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by frostchcbibmet the Peace Frances that the minutes be approved as written. Motion Carried The bills for the month of April 1964 were read. Motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Justice of the Peace Bulger that the bills be paid. Motion carried GENERAL FUND WARRANT SHEET # 5--$1,227.50 HIGHWAY FUND WARRANT SHEET # 4-- $16,155.05 Attorney Russell Aldrich submitted the following petition from 6K residents of Oakwood Knolls abosing for a Public Hearing on the Oakwood Knolls Sewerage District. Upon motion made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Justice of the Peace Francese thetfollowing petition was accepted: WHEREAS, a written petition date the 28th day of April 1964, and verified that date, in due form and containing the required signatures, has been presented to and filed with the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, for the est- ablishment of a sewer district in said Town to be bound4d and described as follows: ALL that c' xtAin: piece o'r parcgt Qf., 1anF kr4lypg; and being in the Town of Wappinge r, County of Dutchess and Stat4 of New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the north4ely side of Myers Corners Road, the sed point being the southeasterly corner of the herein described district, and the southwesterly corner of lands now or formerly of the Transkrit Corp.; thence westerly along the said northerly line of -Myers Corners Road, the following courses and distances: N83°Z' 50" W 83.80', S 85°59' 10" W232.3O', N 83°19' 50" W 19.3O',N49°10' 50" .w W11.3O', S89°O2' 10" W18.7O', and S75°42''30"g40.73' to a point; thence 55 northerly, westerly, and southerly along the westerly, southerly and easterly lines of the herein dewcribed district the following courses and distances: N13041' 20" W 600.02', S75° 42' 30" 520.00', S 1234'' 50'.' E 100.08 ', S 37 40" W 456.14", and S 14o12' 20" E 200.00' to a point on the northerly line of the said Myers Corners Road; thence westerly along the said northerly line of Myers Corners Road S86°06' 40" W 18.38', and S 82o30' 40" W 202.36' to a point, said point being the southwesterly corner of the herein described district; thence northerly along the easterly line of lands now or formerly of Marshall D the following coarses and distances: N 1 23' 30" E 35444', N 1° 04' 30" E 314.70', No 1°18' 10" E 341.92', No52°45' 40" E 115.42', N 74°54' 10" E 16.40, N 56°01' 00" E 119.66', N 69°06' 20" E22.32', N 56°20'50" E 24.76', N 16°42' 40" W515.7O', and N 16017,30,, W678.79' to a point, said point being the northwesterly corner of the herein described bistrict; thence easterly along the southerly line of lands now or formerly of Winne the following courses and distances: N 68°52' 50" E 131.66', N 69°03'20" E 130.31', N 6838' 00" E 44.00', N 694 0 00' 10" E 66.47', N 68026' 10" $ 90.88; N'14011' 40" E 148.12', N 26°43' 50" E38.66', N 12 43' 30" E 69.00', N 2709' 30" E 50.98', N 44 56' 10" E63.6O ', N 31 42' 00" E 202.03', N 37°52'00" E 103.01', N 44404' 20" E76.44', and N 36o 13' 40" E146.94' to a point; thence continue east along the southerly line of lands now or formerly of Clausen N 79 00'40" E 366.09' to a point in the westerly line of lands of Riccobono; thence southeasterly and easterly along the westerly and southerly lines of said Riccobono the following courses and distances: S15°42' 56 6 09 10" E290.781516'4040 40" E 616.79', S 15 56'30" E 224.59', S 16 03' 50" E236.77', and N 57°36'30" E 776.88' to a point, said point being the northeasterly corner of the herein described district; thence southerly along the westerly line of lands now or formerly of the Transkrit Corp. the following courses and distances: S 1°43' 00" 7 97 E 621.15', S 24a0g' 00" W 187.70', S 50°12' 50" W 153.A8', S 48 1,3' 10" W 83.00', S40639' 50" W 99.98", S 7600' 10" W 408.15', and S6 39' 50" W 720.85', to the point or place of beginning; WHEREAS, the improvements consist of the purchase, acquisition, construction, erection, installation and maintenance of a sewage system, a sewage treatment plant, and other mains, facilities and structures to serve said district in accordance with certain plans made a prt of the said petition and hertofore adopted by this Board, and now on file in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger; and WHEREAS, the maximum amount proposed to be expended for this improvement, as stated in the said Petition, is the sum of $248,000.00; it is hereby ORDERED, that a special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger shall be held at the Town Hall situate at Mill Street in the Village of Wappingers Falls , Dutchess, County, New York, on the 25th day of June 1964, at 7:30 o'clock in the aft4r- noon of that day to consider the said Petition, and the map and plans submitted therewith, and such other evidence as may be adduced and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof, concerning the same; and for such other action on the part of said Town Board with relation to the said Petition as may be required by law or proper in the premises. The Board uoted as follows on the above motion - Supervisor --Richard H. Linge--Aye Councilman --George Robsmson--Aye Justice of the Peace --William Bulger --Aye Justice of the Peace --Vincent Francese--Aye 57 Attorney Russell Aldrich submitted a petition signed by 39 residents of Wheeler Hill Road aksing for rezoning of property in that area from RD40 & R 20 to R 40. Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Francese and seconded by Justice of the Peace Bulger that this petition be referred to the Planning Board for recommendation and report. Motion carried The following reports were submitted: The following is a report of actions handled by me during the month of April, 1964 in my official capacity as Justice of the Peace: (1) 15 motor vehicle cases showing $235.00 collected in ffines. (2) 1 civil case closed showing $.50 collected in fees. (3) There was one criminal case handled by me during the month of April, 1964. I am holding $10.00 in.bail on a motor vehicle violation which has not been disposed of. I am holding $6.00 in my official bank account for civil cases which were not closed during the month. I have forwarded a total of $235.00 to the State Department of Audit and Control. Respectfully submitted --Vincent S. Francese During the month of April, 1964, while presiding in Justice Court, Town of Wappinger, I heard the following cases and collected the fees and fines listed below: TYPE NUMBER FINES & FESS COLLECTED motor vehicle 19 $215.00 Civil 3 6.50 Criminal 1 (warrant issued) I am holding $7.00 in my official bank account on pending civil cases. I am also holding $100.00 on a pending motor vehicle violation which was not disposed of during the month of April. Respectfully submitted William J. Bulger Building Inspectors Report --Month of April 1964 Building permits issued for the following: 3 Commercial Buildings 2 Apartment Buildings 4 Residence Garages 63 Single Family Residence 72 Total permits issued for a value of $8,285,800.00 Fees collected and turned over to Town Clerk $1,226.50 Miles traveled on building inspector and zoning business # 351 Miles Joseph E. Ludewig, Bldg. Insp. A card of thanks was read from the family of Past Supervisor Edward R. Scofield. Mr. Joseph Incoronato asked what was being done about the Fleetwood Sewer and Water District. Supervisor Linge stated that this would be taken up a litter later in the meeting. A letter was read from Mr. William Rayburn of the Mobile Home Center, Inc., withdrawing their application for proposed Trailer Park. Letter was read from Ralph E. Van Kleeck, Consutling Engineers in reference to proposal for the preparation of a Fair Value Estimate of the water and sewer projects owned by Fleetwood Water Work Corporation and Fleetwood Sewerage Disposal Corporation. Mr. Brannon asked about formation of Sewerage and Water Districts. Mr. Incoronato asked about these districts and what was being done and if they thought there would be a report ready for the next meeting. Supervisor Linge stated this was being looked into and he thought there would be something for the next meeting. A letter was read from Miss BeatricEIrving asking for permission to add on to her store property. Miss Irving also appeared at the meeting and spoke in reference to this matter. Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Frances and seconded by Councilman Robinson that this matter be feferred to the Planning Board for re- commOndation and report. Motion carried. A letter was read from Mrs. Mary L. Schmalz, Sec. from the Edgehill Manor Civic Ass. asking the Town to take action with the State of New York to provide Edgehill Manor with the speed Limit. A limit of 25 Miles per hour was asked for. Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger and seoonded by Councilman Robinson that the Town Clerk write a letter to the New York State Traffic Commission asking for a speed limit in this Deveopment. Motion carried 5.9 Arhtur Bisom spoke about rezoning speed limit on Myers Corners Road asking if 35 miles per hour couldn't be requested and also about the speed of school buses. Motion was made by Justide of the Peace Bulger and seconded by Councilman Robinson that Town Clerk write tie. Y. State Traffic Commission asking for speed limit on Myers Corners Road. Motion Carried Knud Clausen spoke statine thought the school bus drivers were doing a good job. Town Superintendent of Highways Robert Lawson, presented Town Map showing Town Roads which was prepared by the State. Resolttion was made by Justice of the Peace William Bulger and seconded by Councilman George Robinson: WHEREAS, The New York State Department of Public Works, assisted by the Town Superinteddent of Highways, has made an inventory of the Town Highway System in the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess; and has provided the Town with a map and a liang of said highways stating the name and length of each, being a total length of 57.95 miles on April 1, 1964, and WHEREAS, The Town Superintendent of Highways did recommend approval of said map and said listing, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Town of Wappinger at a meeting held on the 7th day of May 1964 acdepts and approves said map and said listing of Town Highways assubmitted by 6he New York State Department of Public Works and filed in the Office of the Town Clerk and hereby adopts the same as the official Town record of Town Highways, and be it firther RESOLVED, That three cerified copies of this resolution be forwarded to the County Superintendent of Highways who will retain one copy for his record and forward two copies to the District Office of the State Department of Public Works. Vote of Town Board Supervisor Aye Richard H. Linge Councilman Aye George Robinson Justice of the Peace Aye ----Vincent Francese Justice of the Peace Aye William Bulger Town Superinteddent of Highwagg bubmitted the new road specifications. Motion was made by Justice of Peace Bulger and seconded by Councilman Robinson that the new specifications we accepted to take effect mmediately. Motion carried Upon motion made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Justice of the Peace Bulger a public hearing was directed to be held on the following proposed amendment to the Town of Wappbnger Zoning Or- dinance, such Hearing to be conducted in the Town Hall, at 8 P. M. on June 4, 1964. "Be It Resolved and Ordered, by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, in pursuance of the authority conferred by Article 16 of the Town Law of the State of New York and also in pursuance of Articl4 9 of the Town Law to the extent applicable as follows: Section 1 --The Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance, adopted January 29th, 1963 is hereby amended by re -zoning the following tract of land from R -20 --One Family Residential to GB -General Business. Lands owned by Margaret Card at the Southwest junction of Fowler - house Road and U.S. Route 9, bounded on the north by Fowlerhouse Road, on the east by U. S. Route9, and on the south by lands now or formerly of Montfort, and on the west by lands now or formerly of Woolheiser, havOing approximately 200 feet frontage on Fowler - house Road, approximately 340 feet frontgge on U. S. Route 9, and having a south line approximately 160 feet long and a west line approximately 200 feet long. Section 2 --The zoning Map of the Town of Wappinger, adopted by the Town Board, January 29, 1963 and being a part of the official said Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended in conformity with the foregoing. Section 3. The Amendment shall become effective immidiately upon adoption, posting and pbblishing as prescribed by Town Law. BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED, by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, in pursuance of the auth- ority conferred by Article 16 of the Town Law of the State of New York and also in pursuance of Article 9 of the Town Law to the extent applicable as follows: Section 1 --The Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance, adopted Jan- uary 29, 1963 is hereby amended by re=zoning the following tract of land from R -20 -One Family Residential District, to BB General Business, the following tract of land: Lands owned by Margaret Card situate at the northwest corner of the junction of Fowlerhouse Road and U. S. Route 9, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the point where the northerly line of Fowlerhouse Road intersects the westerly line of U. S. Rzute 9, and running thence along the westerly line of said Route 9, north 10 13' east 254.9 feet to a point in the southerly line of now or for- merly Parsons; thence along the said southerly line of Parsons north89 33' west 210 flet; thence southerly through lands of Margaret Card approximately 250 feet to a point marking the northwest corner of a .355 acre piece now ow formerly owned by Berry; thence along lands of Berry north 82 50' east 110 feet and south 0 54' east 101.23 feet to the northerly line of Flowlerhouse Road; thence along the northerly line of Fowler - house Road 135 feet to the point or place of beginning. Section 2-- The zoning Map of the Town of Wappinger, adopted by the Town Board, January 29, 1963 and being a part of the official said Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended in conformity with the foregoing. Section 3. The Amendment shall become effective immediately upon adoption, posting and publishing as prescribed by Town Law The Board voting as follows: Supervisor Richard H. Linge---- Aye Councilman George Robinson ----Aye Justice of the Peace ----William Bulger -----Aye Justice of the Peace Vincent Francese Aye Superintendent of Highways, Robert Lawson presented the bids for Shale. Circle Sand & Gravel, Inc: Shale for Sub -basing: Price, F. 0. B. Bidders Plant Price, Delivered as Directed 1/2" Clean Crushed Shale Price F. 0. B. Bidders Plant Price, Delivered as Directed .50 per cu. yd. 1.50 Per Co. Yd. 2.25 per cu. yd. 3.25 per cu. yd. Motion was made by Justice of Peace Bulger and seconded by Justice of Peace Francese that being this was the only bid that it be accepted. Motion carried Supervisor Linge reported that he had appointed Councilman Robinson to act as Deputy Supervisor, replacing Councilman Hait who had resigned. The matter of filling the vacancy for Councilman due to the res- ignation of Malcolm Hait was presented. Motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Justice of the Peace Bulger that Wilmer Ifill be appoint Councilman to fill the vacancy of Malcolm Hait until December 31st, 1964. Motion carried Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Brancese and seconded by Justice of the Peace Bulger that the amount to be paid for the Masonic Temple Building be changed from $14,000.00 to $15,500.00. Motion carried A discussion then followed pertaining to the purchase of the Bisnoff property. Mr. Brannen asked if we had decided against the Bisnoff property. Mr. Williams stated contract had been returned to Bisnoff. Knud Clausen stated he thought we should built a Town Hall at a later date. The Commerce and Industrial Committee reported through Mustice of the Peace Francese. The Committee suggested that a Wappingers Falls sign be placed at the intersection of Routes 84 & 9D and Routes 84 & 9; He also stated the committee could report progress on the prep ±thng of the Brochure for the Town. They are waisting for some information from the State before they can go any further. They also reported that they had contacted Con Edison offering M to show they the possibilities of the Township. They sug4ested that Supervisor Linge notify the County that the Town of Wapp- inger as willing to go along with the County on the Waterr'District even though the.City of Poughkeepsie does not. A letter of resignation was received from Wilmer Ifill from the Zoning Board of Appeals. The name of David Kofsky was presented by Kermit Becker as a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals. Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Francese and seconded by Councilman Robinson that DavlGIJKofsky be appointed a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals to fill the vacancy caused by Wilmer Ifill. Motion carried The name of Robert Sei �+cs nhouse was present4d by A. W. Van Der Winckle for a member of the Planning Board. Motion was made by Wu&trace of the Peace Bulger and seconded by Councilman Francese that Robert Steinhouse be appointed a member of the Planning Board to fill the term of James Stacklum. Motion carried Paul Schnarr asked about what progress had been made in fixing roads and storm sewers. Ira Heinz -Asked about what was being done bbout Widmer Road. Mr. Albrecht asked about Ciddy Lane. Knud Clausen -Widmer Road -asked if sign travel at your own risk could r1. be paaced on Widmer Road. Mr. 1 Walsh --asked about culvert under Montfort Road. Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger and seconded by Justice of the Peace Francese that the meeting adjourn. Signed Town Clerk 63 3 LLa V A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board, Town of Wappinger, in the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls on Thursday evening, May ?, 1964. Present: Supervisor -Richard H. Linge, Councilman -George Robinson, Justices of the Peace --William Bulger and Vincent Francese, Town Attorney -Judson Williams -Town Engineer --Charles Maneri, Town Clerk -Helen L. Travis -Building Inspector -Joseph E. Ludewig. Chairman of Planning Board -A. W. VanderWinckle and Chairman of Zoning Board of Appeals --Kermit Becker. The Hearing was opend at 8 P. M. by Superesor Richard H. Ling. The Public Notice of Publication of the aweposed Amendment was read by the Town Clerk and also the certification of the Town Clerk that these were posted. Attorney Williams explained the recommendetion from the Dutchess County Planning Board. Mr. VanderWinckle explained the recommendation of the Town Planning Board. Supervisor Linge then asked for anyone wishing to speak on Item #1. Mr. Eichler -spoke saying he was neither for or against same but asked what the distance of the buildings, should be from the lines of the property. George Brannen-Spoke on this item asking if they didn't think there should be a buffer zone. John Medio -asked it why this was placed in a Residential Area and not in a business area. Martha Oberling-Asked if we doubled the acreage wouldn't it be better. Mr. Eichler -Asked if Vetinerians office couldn't be changed , making a separate amendment of this. Henry Nisson asked if this was passed for this amount of acreage, if at a later date the owner could sell some of the acreage. Mrs. Bond asked if there wasn't some provisions for vetinarians in the Town of Wappinger. Robert Eichlemier-Stated he thought there should be a distance re- quirement in this item. 65 Supervisor Linge them Submitted Item #2. Merlin Odegaard-spoke statiliy that he thought the County Planning Board was wrong in this matter. Rusell Aldrich -spoke stating he thought the County Planning Board was 100% wrong in this matter. There being no other persons to be heard the hearing was closed at 8:35 P. M. Signed Town Clerk A public hearing was scheduled for Thursday, June 4, 1964 on the re-zoning of the Card Property. PRESENT: Supervisor-Riihard H. Linge, Councilmen-George Robins-ea Wilmer Ifill, Justices of the Peace= William Bulger and Vincnent Francese, Town Attorney-Judson Williams, Town Engineer-Charles Maneri, Town Superintendent of Highways-Robert Lawson, Town Clerk-Helen L. Travis. Supervisor Linge called the hearing to order, asking the people who were interested to please come to the front of the room. Therebeing about 300 people present, non e of them would move. They could not go on with the hearing on time so it was held over to a later date. The regular Town Board meeting was held in the Town Hall, Mill Street, on Thursday, June 4, 1964. Present:=Supervisor-Richard H. Linge, Councilmen-Wilmer Ifill & George Robinson, Justices of the Peace-Vincent Francese & William Bulger, Town Attorney, Judson Williams, Town Engineer- Charles Maneri, Town Superintendent of Highways-Robert Lawson, Town Clerk-Helee L. Travis. Supervisor Linge called the meeting to order at 8:45 P. M. but there being dbOut 300 people preset the meeting was trass- ferred to the Wappingers Junior High School Auditorium. Supervisor Linge called the meeting to order at 9:15 P. M. in the Auditorium of the School. SuperiReor Linge stated that being there was so many people there who were interested in the re-valuation matter that he would diipense with all other business until later. Many questions were asked of Mr. Linge and the Board members. The group asked Supervisor Linge if he would demand a meeting of the Town Board and Town Assessors so that questions could be answered by them. Superftsor Linge stated he could not order the assessors to do anything as they were an absolute different department and were not under his jurisdiction, but that a letter would be sent to them asking them to meet, and if they accepted the date and time WARRANT To Richard..B. , Supervisor Town of Wappiagsr , County of , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of 22iagat , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 7 ...day of klay19....$4 in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM NAME OF CLAIMANT N 'AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT OTHER INFORMATION 56 Colonia St. ltlhanr. v. w Other 129'" Dent. of Water suonly- 2.83 Pawn&] 1, Barvic.-Toren r M.11 ,,, 7.941gt., heat 130 Lent. Ind. G. lig a_ Ge_ 1 itc _ 13.1VN U32 O N 0 11 O N 0 N M N N N " O N N 135 •terans of Foreign -Post 45913 40 Cottage St. Poug k.i i•a, t _ Y . 7 ✓ " N N 1381' R. J. Brooker Cos 74-76 Cannon St. Pouahkeeosie.N.Yt / 1391 w N « 71_ AO 140V Binalair R.f_&mammy /� 93 P. O. Box 694 P9uuhkaaipsie, lf _ Y N N N 39.43 w N "•.tw...va'lnallir►r Off, w w N N "1_ of Roos, 'ff. Exp. O w Pawn Clk. N 9.30 .]f f . Exp. ern Basil 141 142V 143 "laid -Hudson Oil Co_ 14_ 24 Poughkeepsie,X.Y. 1V 144 X. Y. Tel. Co. 24.Q¢ " " " Assam. N N M Down Ball i Fix. lawn Ball Lght. Heat. ems M N N N larvae.-Town ga17..�gn. N N ▪ N Ear • 143✓" N N. 44 146'/ Eggleston Off. Eauio N N n Clerk 17.910 f. i Other AP*, a n.NtA, Ins " u" 'supplies In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of this day of , 19 [SEAL] T Town Clerk • 1WWWILLIAM/ON LAW OM 00.. NOONNTON, M.T. WARRANT To RiOhard B. Linge , Supervisor Town of Mappings= , County of DU tl.AbAiEI , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of 1aKppitigex , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 7 .... ._.._day of!!ay 19....64 in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No, NAME OF CLAIMANT 147 ✓ Eggleton Off N N N M AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT N Town Clk. 65_75 off. Up 6,25 TOwn Ball OTHER INFORMATION 0 N w moors 0 0' V i7.56 Exp. Clk. 0 Now Yore w Print. l 15 _Agudsnn Vall•ty Klin riL:t 21. Adv. alb Co -29 Academy St. Depts. penugh]e..ps{., g. Y 'L..1R Town Ball )55/ Pmner Electric Coro. 9.97 Resair. Lqt 8 Most Main St. etc. Kapp. P-lls,N.Y. 156 ✓ J. Morris Ooring—MM. Kurt* Post 427 Amer— ican Leaiop Joseph Prances• 157 ✓ Th. Campbell Pres. X52.00 Print. i Adv.Klda. Insp. supplies all dept. 5/3 ✓ N N N . 1445 N N Bills for Ambulance iTown Ball 160 " Helen L. Travis 1'7/13.77 other Exp. Petty Cash V7-5.00 200.04 Mie©e l lan— eous—Maint- of Vet. Orq sore Off. uv©lies., N Assessors Office Legal Notice Fixingaddgkimi Miter cobieo Maintenance of Rooms 161 ✓ M_ E. Rnbins Bopaxell Medical Com. B *well Jct,,1.Y. r. 162'' Erithton •tee. Co..;s1c.56. Rt. 52,Bopewell jet, , N- 163 ✓I Joseph L. Ludwig. J. of P. other Exp. Blood t4st Traffic 51 lians. EE, Siang Malec® sxd zn 35.10 other Exp. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of this...................day of ..,...__...., 19 [SEAL] Town Clerk 10II0.ILLIAN/ON LAW POOR to., NOCNOOTU, N.T. WARRANT To Richard N. -Ldlago , Supervisor Town of WRPPiJiger , County of Michels , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of lagp.tngls�c , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 7____day of .Ma , 19....f 4 in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed hi my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT 20i-60 OTHER INFORMATION Assessors — otgf•– . Mileage $ In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of MAppinq*u , this 7 day of Malt , 19 4 [SEAL] Town Clerk 100EMILLIAMION LAM NOON CO.. NOCNINTNN. N.T.