1963-10-03 RGM345 The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger Le. was held in the Town Hall, on Thursday evening, October 3rd, 1963. Present: -Town Board -Richard H. Linge, Supervisor, Councilmen -Mal- colm ;Hait & George Robinson, Justices of the Peace, William Bul- ger & Vincent Francese, Superintendent of Highways -Kenneth Croshier, Town Attorney, Judson Williams, Town Engineer, Chdrdes Maneri, Build- ing Inspector -Joseph Ludewig, Town Clerk -Helen L. Travis. The meeting was called to order at 8 P. M. by Richard H. Linge, Supervisor. The minutes of the September meeting were read. The following correction was made. Mr. Brannan ask4d Mr. Francese what kind of Criminal cases were handled in the Court, the previous min= utes stated Civil cases, and Mr. Francese's anwer was mostly offenses and misdemeanors. Motion made by Councilman ;Hait and seconded by Justice of the Peace Bulger that the minutes be accepted as read with the above correction. Motion carried The bills for the month of September were read. Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger and seconded by Justice of the Peace Francese that the bills be paid. Motion carried GENERAL FUND WARRANT SHEET ATTACHED $9,804472 HIGHWAY FUND ITEM #1 I. Leemac Sand & Stone Corp. --Gravel $ 831.05 Dutchess Quarry & Supply Co., Inc.-Kotal Mix 617.05 Mid Hudson Oil Co., Inc. --Gas & Motor Oil 197.71 346 HIGHWAY ITEM #1, con'td Spoor Lasher Co., Inc. --Road Oil Sinclair Refining Co. --Fuel Oil $4,362.30 105.36 $6,113.37 MACHINERYFUND ITEM #3 J. P. Connolly--Reapirs to fire extinguisher 10.00 Hudson River Sales Copp. --Parts for truck 29.30 T. H. Smith Electric Service --Repairs to truck 5.00 J. B. Parsons, Inc. --Repairs to truck 153.41 Acme Tank & Truck Corp. --Repairs to truck 15.00 Mewkills Garage --Parts 8.05 Contractors Machinery Corp. --Parts & Supplies 26.95 H. A. Stein Tractor & Equip. Co., Inc. --Parts 10.10 Knights Garage --Inspection on on trucks 3.00 Wheelers Brake Service --Parts for truck 13.90 274.71 SNOW & MISCELLANEOUS FUND ITEM #4 Leemac Sand & Stone Corp. --Sand 165.00 Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. --Electric Bill 4.45 169.45 TOWN HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT 1A/ Brighton Steel Co., Inc. --Calcium Chloride(Widmer Road)---- $240.00 240.00 The following is a report of cases handled by me during the month of September 1963. (1) Fourteen motor vehicle and traffic cases showing fines collected in the amount of $130.00. (2)Five civil cases closed showing filing costs of $10.00 (3) One criminal action closed during the month of September. $9.00 is being held by me in the official bank account on 4 civil matters which /was not closed during the month ec1Sept. Vincent S. Francese Justice of Peace. The following is a report of cases handled by me during the month of September 1963. (1) Twelve motor vehicle and traffic cases showing fines collected in the amount of $135.00. (2) Nine civil cases closed showing filing costs of $20.50. (3) No criminal actions were handled by me during the month of September. $10.00 is being held by me in the official bank account for filing closts on civil eases which were not closed during the month of September. William J. Bulger Justice of the Peace Joseph E. Ludewig, Building Inspector submitted the followin# report. We issued Building Permits for: 28 New single family residences 4 Residence garages 1 Residence porch 5 Residence additions 38 Total permits Representing a total value of $442,664.00 Fees collected and turned over to the Town Clerk 480.50 Traveled 299 miles on building inspection and zoning business. 34r8. Joseph E. Ludewig, Builgin4 Inspector submitted the following report. Inspected Fishkill Auto Parts, Route 9, Palisi Brothers on September 11, 1963. I found a nymber of violations of the Junk Yard Ordinance, and called attention to them verbally, then followed by letter. On October 2, inspected again and found that an attempt is being made to conform. I estimated about 75 cars have been cut up and removed from the back of the building, the object being to create room to remove the junk cars now stored along Route 9. Fire lanes are in much better condition than on my former in- spection. Palisi Brothers also have a used car dealers license and therefore will be permitted to keep some salable cars in front of the buil4ing. Since the last Town Board meeting *I have been keeping in touch with Mr. Saul Shapiro of Widmer Road by personal visits and then follow up by letter. He has been making a diligent effort to comply with the removal order. I checked on his yard this afternoon and practically all the junk has been removed. I believe his premises will be cleaned up by his deddline of October 4, 1963. On September 24, 1963 I .ikspected the junk yard of Harold Bonnerwith at Route 9 and Middlebush Road. He has a State License to conduct a used car business and also a junk yard Aftrauttholigats. 349 I found several violations of the junk yard ordinance, mainly tige storing of wrecks outside of his fenced area. I asked him to make corrections which he agreed to do. My second inspection on October 3, showed that all suggestions were carried out, fire lane O. K., lock on gate has been provided and wrecked cars removed from road side of I}arage into the junk area. I feel that he conforms to the minimum standards of the Ordinance. The question of the proper fence for the yards was brought up. The Board was advised that the Planning Board is working upon this matter at the present time. Supervisor Linge ordered Mr. Ludewig to keep pressure upon this matter and have the Board report to the Town Board as soon as possible. A letter was received from Wilma Young, Secretary of the Recreation Committee, stating that the Recreation Commission un- animously passed a motion to close all recreation areas at 9:00 P. M. unless otherwise authorized. Motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Justice of the Peace Bulger that the Recreation Areas be closed at 9:00 P. M. unless otherwise authorized. Motion carried Justice of bEe Peace William J. Bulger and Vincent Francese bubmitted the following names to be considered on the Commercial and Industrial Committee for the Town of Wappingers-Vincnet Kelley-Pye Lane, Thomas Armstron-Route 376, Knight Brown -Spring Street. Motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Councilman Robin- son that Vincent Kelley, Pye Lane, Thomas Armstrong, Route 376 and 350 Knight Brown, Sprite Street be appointed on the Commercial and In- dustrial Committee for the Town of Wappinger. Motion carried Motion wqs made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Justice of the Peace Bulger that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLVED THAT; upon the recommendation of the Highway Superintendent, t13e Town Board finds that the remainder of Central Avenue and Erwin Drive have been completed to Town specifications and that any conditions imposed by the Town Planning Board on I. C. B. M. Homes, Inc., in a resolution of said board dated June 18, 1962 and any condition imposed on said Company by Resolution of this Board at its meeting on September 6, 1962 are fully com- plied with. RESOLVED THAT THESE ROADS BE ACEEPTED by Town and that the Bonds and certified check be cancelled. Check to be returned to Eugene Schuele and bonds to be returned to the Insurance car- rier. Motion carried The Supervisor reported that the Town Board had received a request from the owners of the land to rezone their land in the vicinity of Route 376 and Maloney Road from RD -20 to General Business and that this request had been referred to the Town Planning Board for recommendation. The Supervisor reported that under date of September 4, 1963, the Town Planning Board recom- mended that only a portion of theses lands be rezoned and such as were rezoned should be rezoned Local Business. The Supervisor pointed out that in effect this meant that the proposed rezoning to General Business had been rejected by the Planning Board and therefore a rezoning to this category would require a two-thirds majority vote of the whole number of the Town Board and that the Town Planning Board was recommending a limited rezoning to Local Business, which rezoning could be accomplmshed by a simple majority vote by the whole number of the Town Board but in both instances referral to the County Planning Board for a recommenda- tion and a public hearing were required before final action could be taken. Upon ;motion by Councilman Hait, seconded by Councilman Robinson the following reolutions were proposed: RESOLVED that a public hearing on two proposed amendments to the Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance shall be conducted at Town Hall, Wappingers Falls, on the 14th day of November 1963, at8 o*clock in the afternoon of that day. PROPOSED AMENDMENT NO. L BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDAINED by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, in pursuance of the authority conferred by Article 16 of the Town Law of the State of New York, and also in pursuance of Article 9 of the Town Law to the extent applicable as follows: Section 1. The Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinanc4 adopted January 29, 1963, is hereby amended by rezoning two certain tracts of land from RD -20, optional Dwelling Residential, to GB General Businesss District, said two tracts of land being situ- ate in the general area of Route 376 and Maloney Road and being more particularly described as follows: Parcel 1: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Route 376 marking the southerly boundary line Of lands now owned by Cochran 352 Patrick and Lavery, and running thence northerly along the westerly boundary line of Route 376 to a point approximately 230 feet northerly of the junction of Maloney Road and said Route 376 thence westerly at right angles to the westerly line of Route 376 approximately 280 feet to the Wappingers Creek; thence southerly along the Wappingers Creek to a point marking the southerly boundary line of lands ®caned by Cochran, Patrick and Lavery; thence easterly approximately 200 feet along the said southerly boundary line of lands of Cochran, Patrick & Lavery to the point or place of beginning. Parcel No 2. BEGINNINGat a point on the easterly side of Route 376 marking the division line between the lands of Cochran, Patrick and Lavery on the north and the County of Dutchessson the South, and running thence easterly along the said division line 615 feet; thence northerly through the lands of Cochran, Patrick and Lavery and at right angles to the said division line, a distance of approximately 1000 feet to the southerly boundary line of Maloney Road; thence along the southerly boundary line of Maloney Road and the easterly boundary line of Route 376 to the point or place of beginning. Section 2. The zoning map of Town of Wappinger adopted by the Town Board, January 29, 1963 and being a part of the aforesaid Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended in conformity with the foregoing. Section 3. This amendment shall become effective imm4di- ately upon adoption, posting and publication as prescribed by Town Law. PROPOSED AMENDMENT NO. 2 BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDAINED by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, in pursuance of the autha rity conferred by Article 16 of the Town Law of the State of New York, and also in pursuance of Article 9 of the Town Law to the extent applic-abbe as follows: Section 1. The Town of Wappiner Zoning Ordinance adopted January 29, 1963, is hereby amended lgy rezoning two certain tracts of land from RD20, optional Dwelling Residential to LB Local Business, said two tracts of land being situate in the vicinity of Route 376 and Maloney Road, and being more particul- arly described as follows: Parcel 1: BEGINNING at a point on the wekterly boundary line of Route 376, said point being distant southerly 60 feet from the junction of Route 376 and Maloney Road and running thence northerly along the westerly boundary line of Route 376 200 fee; thence westerly at right angles to said Route 376 approximately 200 feet to the Wappingers Creek; thence southerlyalong the Wappingers Creek approximately 200 feet; thence westerly approxi- mately 200 feet to the point or place of beginning. Parcel 2: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly boundary line of Route 376 on the Division line of lands of Cochran, Patrick and Lavery on the north and the County of Dutchess on the south and running thence easterly along said division line 275 feet; thence 354 northerly through lands of Cochran, Patrick and Lavery approxi-, mately 525 feet to a p oint which is 250 feet from the southerly boundary line of Maloney Road; thence easterly and parallel to the said southerly line of Maloney Road approximately 135 feet thence northerly along a line at right angles to the southerly line of Maloney Road 250 feet to the southerly line of Maloney Road; thence westerly and southerly along the southerly and easterly line of Maloney Road and Route 376 to the point or place of beginning. Section 2. The zoning map of Town of Wappinger adopted by the Town Board January 29, 1963, and being a part of the aforesaid Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended in conformity with the foregoing. Section 3. This amendment shall become effective immedi- ately upon adoption, posting and publication as prescribed by Town Law. and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk refer the above proposed amendments to the County Planning Board as required by Section 604 of the Tow of Wappinger Zoing Ordiance. A record vote was taken as follows: Supervisor Linge--Yes Councilman-Hait--Yes Councilman Robinson --Yes Justice of the Peace -.-Vincent Francese Justice of the Peace --William J. Bulger. 1 Knud Claussen appeared before the Board asking what had been done about fences around Junk Yards. The Board stated the Planning Board were working on it at the present time. Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger and seconded by Councilman Robinson that the meeting adjourn. Signed je Town Clerk The Town Board was called to order again fo reconvene Cheat 9:10 P. M. by Supervisor Richard H. Linge for the purpose of taking up a matter that hade been omitted. All members were present. Motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Councilman Robinson that Mrs. Bethha Recchia by appointed to the Board of Assessors to fill the unexpired term of Kenneth Thornton. Motion carried Motion was made by Countilman Hait and seconded by Countilman Robinson that Mrs. Recchias salary be set at $1900. per year. Motion carried The Town Clerk submitted the estimates for the budgtt made out by each department and oflicial. Marie Riccobono appeared before the Board asking Board if they would try and do something in reference to making arrangements with Adriance Libaray. Bill Albrecht appeared before the Board stating that roads, Cindy Lane,Barbara Lane were to have been redone but they have never been done. 355 Motion made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Justice of the Peace. Bulger that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried Signed ))(-6,-, 7--r- Town Clerk 1 1 • WARRANT To =BARD .-IL --LINGE , Supervisor Town of WPP ER. , County of DUTCHESS , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of MAPPING= , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the ._.* _._day of tQ , 19.43., in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof .having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT 'AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT OTHER INFORMATION 907 Peon Ave. Pittebtliegh-14271-Per 285 Golden Hill St. ESit RD#2, 2d9 Brighton Steel en- Rt. 52 ill Myers Corners Rd. -Y- Marine Midland Bank New Hackensack Rd. p-.--Falle14,Y, a Parks & 13601 Playgrounds ,)they Exp. 41 Market St. Poughkeepsie, 254 Cent. Hud_ G & E. 745 Maw Ynr4t Tel. "Ca, _-256 " N N N 34,01 Traffic Signs & Signals AI " " Rec. Commission .2 w i es ors Mileage Off. & Supervisor Service of Surury Exp. of Litigation Town Clerk Other Exp. Town Hall 7.91 Heat. etc. Service Service Town Hall us_ Office 21,9 1 257 Cn t-s-4NW_-0:--&—rZ. 2.66 " " 1.. lc I 260 Edw,arrt_'rb,ompava rp- 6.00 399 Gold St. 7 SA _2591 is " " to u " " u J. of P, AfhsarRIT " , Re. Office Bldg. Insp. "_ ill Rnnk s: In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of this day, of , 19 [SEAL] Town Clerk IOO5WILLIAMNON LAW BOOR CO.. ROCHESTER. N. T. WARRANT To =WM UNE , Supervisor Town of J PPINGER. , County of DUTCBESS , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of WAPPINGER , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the *3 day of. October , 19.63._, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM NAME OF CLAIMANT 1 AMOUNT FUND OR No. ALLOWED ACCOUNT OTHER INFORMATION Assessors 261 ':±ester Sate L'rs,,,,_Ync_. 1fl t3 Off; 4 ©the? Supplies 53 Market it. Expenses 7Alughkeepaiellifof 262 Eaaleston Off. Maui ,. 8.66 Town Clerk Supplies 41 Market St. Off. Exp. Poughkeepe ie, L Y. 48«-6ft Supplies 15 Heath Road, I'ishkill, f. Y, Dockets /_ I251 Main St. Buffkln 3, V 71.93 J. of P. off, Exp. Traffic 265 a • itol Highway Mat, 24.70 Signs & Signe Inc. Signals t. 6, Baldwin P1. 'N. Y. 266 Li J. Brooker Co I1Office oth�arEip ,A (e7 korTr r cf a 1 1 /3 J ct) Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of . ....day of Ocatob.er 19..63. ter, `ISEAL'i Wappinger \MINI«IANION LAN DOOR CO.. OOCNIOTIN. N.V.