1963-04-25 PH301 An Open Hearing was held on April 25th, 1963 at 7:30 P. M. at the Hughsonville Firehouse for the purpose of making Dean Avenue a one way street. Present: -Richard H. Linge, Supervisor, Councilmen -Malcolm Hait & George Robinson, Justices of the Peace -Vincent Francese & William Bulger, Town Clerk -Helen L. Travis. Town Clerk -Helen L. Travis read the attached Legal Notice of the Hearing. Harold Mewkill asked t4ze question. Why it should be made a one way street. Joseph Raffaele stated he had lived there 28 years and can see no reason for it. Betty Horton was against same she though it would be detrimental to the firehouse. William Speedling - stated he thought it would be a very bad corner entering route 9D. William Brady-Thaught road should stay as is. Supervisor Linge called for a vote. Eleven hands were shown against the amdndment and none in favor. Supervisor Linge called the meeting togehter at 7:45 P. M. Motion was made by Justice of Peace Bulger and seconded by Councilman Robinson that no change be made in Dean Avenue/ Motion carried. Signed Town Clerk 295 A public hearing was held on April 25, 1963 at 8 P. M. at the Hughsonville Firehouse for the purpose of extending the Hugh- sonville Fir8 DistOct. Present: -Supervisor -Richard H. Linge, Councilmen -Malcolm Hait & George Robinson, Justices of the Peace -Vincent Francese & William Bulger, Town Clerk -Helen L. Travis. --Russell E. Aldrich Supervisor Lingeopened the hearing . Town Clerk, Helen L. Travis, read notice of Public Hearing, attched hereto. Notice of publishing of said notice was read. Supervisor Linge turned the meeting over to Russell E. Aldrich Attorney who was the attorney in the matter. Lawyer Aldrich explained the purpose of the meeting and spoke about boundaries on the map. Mr. Elmer Cranz of the Central Hudson Gas & Electric Cpoporation spoke explaining rates and District Boundaries. William Speedling asked if any more lights were to be add8d on the Hopewell Road as there were some very dark spots along the road. Richard Garrin asked who asked for these lights. Fred. Halzenbauer-spoke about how much each house would be assessed. Mr. Jamison asked about how the lights are to be placed. Mrs. Charles Collins -Hamilton Road - In favor of light. A vote was taken showing 15 for and 27 against. Those against were all from Wappingers Park ;Homes, Inc. AxximainakiaxxtumxmadyxkyxamummitaxxxHimikmuldxgumandamaxityxammamikmax Rodsimmumkkakxxxxxstixiimaxixgxlimmutkxfaxxklumxgx Supervisor Linge called the meeting to order . Resolution was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Councilman 296 Robinson that a new Hearing be set for the extension of the Hugh- sonville Light District, and that Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation, Inc., make up new maps and plans deleting the Wappingers Park Homes Section. New Hearing to be held on May 16, 1963 at the Hughsonvilde Firehouse at 7:30 P. M. Resolution carried Motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Justice of Peace Bulger that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried Signed Town Clerk The Supervisor presented a proposed amendment to the Town Zoning ordinance which would rezone the Lilyan Berger, Tall T4ee land so that the portion of it which;is now zoned R. D. 40 would be re- zoned R20. This amendment had been recommended by the Planning Board. By unanimous agreement the Board selected May 16, 1963 at 8 P. M. at the Hughsonville Firehouse as the time and place for a public hearing on the proposed amendment. Signed Town Clerk 1