1955-01-06A regular meeting of the Town Board,Town of !appinger was held in the Town Hall. ori January 6,1955. . Present Supervisor Edward R.Soofield;Supt.of Highway virgil Knight, Justice James J.I,yions,Councilman Jesse H.Devoe and Town Clerk Edith H.Booth. Meeting called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 745 P.M. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. 2 3 4 6 7 (iensr4 Fund Beasley Agendy -Siipr is `Bond Official Undertaking and Highway Bonds and Town Collectors Robbery Bond Beasley Agency - Constables -Town Clerk do Justice of Fence Bonds -Virgil Knight aSnpb of Highway Bond -.._.- Iiilicy CDP Wel Comprehensive bodily inJm7 and Property damage Dwight Robbins-- Service Town Hall 5.00 Beasley Agency Inc. --Tax Collectors Bond 113.00 Dorothy D.Odell - Service Typist 32 hours,Town Board =--- Woo 5 1103.11 103.00 31.00 3.00 808.14 . Pu General Repairs - Sinclair Refining Co. Clas ----_ 109.80 Dave Alaocander Grovel ---..- .20 12 .00 Machinery Find Gas 87.54 M Sinclair way taRefining rvice�Station+M�- pairs 47.00 Wappingers Hardware Supplies - 1.11.80 Homer R.Holden Repairs 81.55 Tarantoa Garage --- .._..__ Repairs ---- 22.70 $253.59 i10061lansous Fund New York Telephone Col ------- Service Toa oarap -..-_ 6.65 Motion made by Justice Lyons seconded by Councilman Devoe that bills be paid. �. Motion made by Justice Lyons seconded by Councilman Devoe that Supervisor Scofield be designated as delegate to attend the annual, meeting of the Association of Towns to be held at the Statler Hotel ,Buffalo,N.Y, beginning at lOrOO A.M.,Tuesday February 8th. and ending Thursday February 3Oth.,1955 at 1rOO R.M. and that nT Town Official who cares to attend may do so it being a Town charge. Carried Motion made by Councilman Devoe seconded tV Justice Lyons that Mrs. J.Amelia Bauer be appointed Deputy Town Clerk, Carried Motion made by Justice Frons seconded by Councilman Devoe that the Poughkeepsie New Yorker be designated as the official PW�F for the, Town of lrappinger. Carried Motion made by Councilman Devoe seconded by Justice Lyons that the Supervisor be empowered to publish year3y report. Carred #tion made by Justice Frons seconded by Councilman Devoe that the National Bank of Wappingers Falls,N.Y.be designated as depositary of Town funds for the Town of Nappinger for the year 1955. Carried Motion made by Councilman D®voe seconded t r Justice Lyons that the scale of wages for the HighW.Department be as follows Foreman 1.30 per hour or 10.40 per day .._----- 8 hou" 2nd.Class Operators 1.25 per hour or 1000 per day ---- 8 hours lst.Class Operators 1.20 per hour 9.60 per day 8 hours Carried. i *t. n made by Justice ?J►ons seconded by Councilman DeVoe that UW.00 be appropriated to the Grinnell Library for maiatenaaoe. Carried lotion made by Councilman DeVoe seconded by Justice Lyons that the regular meeting of the Town Board be Feld the first Thursday after the first Tuesday of each month. Carried Motion made by Justice Irons seconded by Councilman DeVoe that the following be appointed constables at $1.25 per hour when so employed Joseph CostagFrank H.Osterc,Elting Scott,Talter J.Altonen and t. L.Robbins. Carried Notion made by Councilman DeVoe seconded by Justice Lyons that the Supervisor be allowed a bookkeeper salary net to exceed $3.00.00 a yew, Carried Motion made by Justice Lyons seconded by Councilmen DeVoe Resolved that upon the reoommendation of the Town Superintendent of HigiNNgs,Snaich Place from the Losee Road to the road leading from Al Now bgh to Hopewell .�ction be accepted as a Town Highwaa as dedicated arried Motion made by Councilman DeVoe seconded by Justice Lyons that the Supervisor be empowered to purchase an adding machine for Town Poses Carried lotion made by Justice Lyons seconded by Councilman DeVoe that Winfield S.Beasley be appointed chairman of the Board of Assessors. Carried Motion made by Councilman DeVoe seconded by Justice Frons --Carried Resolved that the Town Board does hereby fix the salaries of the following Town Officers and employees for the year beginning January 1,1955 at the amounts respectively stated and that such salaries shall be payable at the times respectively specified. BaneOffice -- ----- Salary Payabhle Edward R.Scofield -- Supervisor ----- 1200.00 Quarterly Virgil fight -- Supt.of Highwagr3500.00 Semi-monthly James 41yons Justice of peace 1500.00 .. Monthly Edward B.Beatty Justice of Peace -- 600.00 - a Jesse H.DeVoe ----- Councilman ---., 300.00 - a Emory.. J.fter ---- Councilman ------ 300,00 - a Edith H.Booth Town Clerk --�-.. lgpp.00 - N Droll lliam Eoliarlick - Health 0fficw 700.00 - Yearly Winfield S.Beasley - Chr.Board of Assessors 3200,00 � a Stanley Reis -..-. Assessor -------_ .900.00 Edward M.Husted --- Assessor .------.,. 900.00 - a lotion made by Justice Irons seconded by Councilman DeVoe that meeting adjourn' Carried Supervisor reported the foll@Vving balances as of De@oMb0-r��.955 General Fund balance 16,079.7 , Hightiray 'Fund -item 1-2•-3-4 ---- 13538.44 Town Clerk, A regular meeting of the Board Of HealthaTown of MaPPingerawas held in the Town Hall on Thursday Evening January 6,1955 'resent Supervisor Sao U34Supt.of Highway Virgil Knight, Justice a=nt m n Jesse H.DeVoe ,Health Officer Dr.Nill.iaa E. Garlick and Town Clerk With H.Booth. -Meeting called to order- Supervisor Scofield at 7845 P.H. Health officer VA*G ted siz cases Of measles otherwise Town health in good condition. Meeting Adjourned, i 117