1955-03-03..w .e _ _ .rs _r+. w ....rte, n r+w... r, .. ti •.. ....o ,..... 119 A, 7ragg�� t�,lar me6ting, of the . board w of c'$ 646th, Town of Wappinger weld"h+�Id on i�ltbf�fii�i''��ia `Tb'�rn "��:1 3-1955. PrO.801it ftI*r*ihbr Iftird R.ftbfield � Sept .of High*'&$r Virgil Knight =Counoilmen E�aoi Hager &- Jease H .Devoe , Juatiee of the Peace James J.Lyons,R0Z*h Officer Dr.William E.Garlick and Town Clerk Edith H .Booth . Yeeting was called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 7x30 P.M. Health Officer reported five cases of measles.lof chicken pox and one case of pulmonarytuberoulosis.otherwise Town health in good condition. Meeting adjourned. Town Clerk. A regular meeting of the Town Board,Town of Wappinger,was held in the Town Hall on 'larch 3,1955. Present Supervisor Edward R.Soofield,Justiees James J.Lyone and Edward B.Beatty Councilmen Emory J.Hager and Jesse H.De9oe,Supt.of Highway Virgil Knight & Town Clerk,Edith H.Booth. Meeting was called to order by -Supervisor Scofield at 8 P.M. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. General Fund Warrant No.l from Claim No.29 to No:55 inclusive 019,059.08 g? Fund, Sinclair Refining Co. --- Gas 152.50 Louis Doughty --- Gravel 47.75 Brighton Steel Co. Road Signs ____ 22.98 General Repairs, February 15-28 V1.38 $ 974.61 Machinery Fund National Bank of Wappingers Falls'Bonvd 1950 Mack Track - 1500.00 Interest -- 25.50 National Bank of Wappingers Falls -Bond #1 serest - - .. Acme Tarek & Truck Corp. Miller Clearwater J.B.Andreve Hardware Co. Mack ]Ibtor Truck Corp. Homer R.Holden Midway Gas & Service Station Wappingers Hardware Hat�citrar Co Repairs a Supplies Repairs a Supplies a VA W e . --r- Ben Smith Machinery Co. -- New Snow Plow, Lift Sinal a3r Refining Co. --. Gas Ralph C.Herman Co. -- Payment on Now Mack Truck Miscellaneous Fund 49.75 --- 5.00 --- 18.74 --- 3.50 --- 44.05 --- 49.30 .55 --- 6. oo --- 485.00 --- 166.74 4790*09 .02 Horner A.Sand & Stone Co.Inc. -- Saod --- 6.00 New York Telephone Co. Service Town Garage -- 7.55 Feb.l -15 Snow and Brush Removal 10o .51 $1067.10 1, *$ li& by Justjce Beatty seconded by Councilman DeVoe that bills 'be.. paid. Carried A group of very nice people from Cedar Hill Road appeared before the Town Board at this meeting enquiring if something could be done on Cedar Hill Roadsuch as widening and better surface during the coming year,the Supt.of Highway MrAni.ght agreed to do whatever possible concerning this matter. Motion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Justice Lyons that meeting adjoUrrACarried A regular meeting of the -Board of Health,Town of Vappinger was held in the Town Hall on March 3,1955. Present Supervisor Edward R.Scofield,Supt.of Highway Virgil:Mdght Justices James J.Ly+ons & Edward B.Beatty,Councilmen Emory J.Hager and Jesse HJWfte,HeaIlth Officer Dr.William E.Garlick and Town Clerk Edith H.Booth. Meeting was called to order by SuprtScofield.at 700 P.M.ovalock. Health Officer reported 20 cases of measles and three cases of chicken pox. Otherw1 health of Town in good condition. Meeting adjourned I�,1, 1�W*01 ...,� ,