1957-04-04Aregular meeting of the Towyn Board,Town of Wappinger was held in the Town �da1 Qn Thursday"E`srening April 4,1957 at 700 P.M. Present Supervisor Edward R. Scofield, Justices of the mace Joseph F.Kell & EdwardB.Beatty,Cohncilman Harold J,MewIill,James J.Lyons Attorney And Edith.H.Bomth.Town Clerk. Meeting' wi as called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 700 P.M. Minutes,of previous meeting read and approved as read. March 1 - 15 General Repairs --------- 1085.20 March 15 - 30 a a ----.----- 991.20 Iansdelle Co.Inc;. ---,Road Oil ---- -- 179.00 Fishki l l Builders uu l y Corp. -- Gravel ------------ 228.75 Louis Doughty- --._. -- x ---- 115.00 Sinclair Refining Co. - Gas _-------- 285.18 $ 2884..33 Machinery Fund Sinclair Refining Co. -----. Fuel Oil _-- 91.20 Urey Hardware Co. -- Supplies _--------- 7.37 Homer R.Holden - Repairs -- 8.20 Victor Sapko --- a --------- 10.50 L.Hausch -- a 6100 Mack Motor Truck Corp. ------------ 25.68 Acme Truck Corp. 88.24 Vincent 'Eagan - Kerosene -- 9.25 $ 246.44 Miscellaneous Fund Abbott & Abbott -------- Supplies -------.-- 7.80 C & C Tree Removal ---- Removal of Trees -- 75.00 Brighton Steel Corp. ---- Road Signs --------- 10.00 Petrometal Ind*stries Road Signs ---- 122.50 Roberts Mor Express Inc.- Cartage ----. --.. 2.70 New Fork Telephone Co. ----- Service Tow Garage - 11.75 $ 229.75 Motion made by Judge Kelly seconded by Judge Beatty that bills be paid. Motion Carried 1-63 a General Fund Warrant No -4 From Claim No.60 to Claim No. 80 inclus&'08 60 The Cambell Press --- Printing Town Board ---------- 12400 6l Wapp iprs Ledge NO.671 F.&.A.M. Ralph W.Sinsabaugh Treas. - Rent Jan. -Feb. -March --------- 15Q.00 62 Virgil Knight - Supt.of Highway •S4, ary March ---=---- 191.66 63 Hamilton Oil Service ----7- oil Toga Hall -------- 29.83 64 William E.Garlick --- Health Off .cer Salary 1956 ----- 700,00 65 New Fork Telephone Co. --- Service Town Hall -------- 14.05 66 Williamson Lair Book Co.-.. Record Book Town Clerk -------- 18.99 67 Edith H.Booth --- Town Clerks Salary March -------- 183.3}4_ 68 Virgil Knight ----- Supt.of Highway Salary,Narch 30 ----- 191.66 69 Social Security Fund -- Jan. Feb. -Ma r.Town Share --- 234.53 70 Edward R.Scofield -- Suprts salary,;Jau.--Feb.-,Mar. ------ 375.00 71 Joseph F.Kelly --- Justice of Peace Salary March ------ 233.34 72 Edarci B.Beatty 50.00 73 Emory J.Hager ---- Couneilsians Salary a ----- 25.00 74 Harold J.Mewkill --< 25.00 75 James J.Iyons --- Attorneys Salary " - -- 41.67 76 Dwight Robbins --- Dog Service --- 6.00 77 Dwight Robbins -= Servi.ce , Town Hall ------ 5.00 78 C.H.G.&.E.Corp. --- Serviee'Tow Garage ------- 12.18 79 C.H.G.&.E.Corp. --- Service Store House ------- l*V 80 Alice Hemroth ---- Service Bep.T.Clerk-------- 65,00 $2466-15 March 1 - 15 General Repairs --------- 1085.20 March 15 - 30 a a ----.----- 991.20 Iansdelle Co.Inc;. ---,Road Oil ---- -- 179.00 Fishki l l Builders uu l y Corp. -- Gravel ------------ 228.75 Louis Doughty- --._. -- x ---- 115.00 Sinclair Refining Co. - Gas _-------- 285.18 $ 2884..33 Machinery Fund Sinclair Refining Co. -----. Fuel Oil _-- 91.20 Urey Hardware Co. -- Supplies _--------- 7.37 Homer R.Holden - Repairs -- 8.20 Victor Sapko --- a --------- 10.50 L.Hausch -- a 6100 Mack Motor Truck Corp. ------------ 25.68 Acme Truck Corp. 88.24 Vincent 'Eagan - Kerosene -- 9.25 $ 246.44 Miscellaneous Fund Abbott & Abbott -------- Supplies -------.-- 7.80 C & C Tree Removal ---- Removal of Trees -- 75.00 Brighton Steel Corp. ---- Road Signs --------- 10.00 Petrometal Ind*stries Road Signs ---- 122.50 Roberts Mor Express Inc.- Cartage ----. --.. 2.70 New Fork Telephone Co. ----- Service Tow Garage - 11.75 $ 229.75 Motion made by Judge Kelly seconded by Judge Beatty that bills be paid. Motion Carried 1-63 a Ib4 Supervisor Scofield reported to the Torwn,Board.,that thetakingof the Census in Tom of Wappinger started on April. 3Mt,.,Helen Travit had qualified and was appointed Grew leader for the Tom of'-Wappiiger and Town of East Fishkill. -The following enumerator' atter talo testi had retie i ved th6 necessary number of points and were appointed enumerators . rs I in the Tates,Wappinger Iks.Louise Seeley., Cecilia Kelly and Lois Ibntross for. the Viiof ia and for the Town outside of the Village Evelyn Travis.,Vera gpthe Ruth Cooper and Louise mar the above enumerators aeIng Town Board. Motion made by Judge Beatty seconded by Judge Kelly that meeting adjourn. Mqt4.on Carried A petition was received from residents of Marlorvi-ue concerning , extending the Hughsonville Light District to the lbirIer:V-ille seetioulthe petition" was *onsored by *.& Mirs.Iaey'id Gre;9r. The matter was referred t6 tie Town Aterney for ftrther investi Z7s & assespO gati a valuation of the proposed extension, & Town Clerk No Boixd of Health Meeting was held Health officer reported to Tw_pI Clerk' that Tcnm Health was in good condition only one case of chiel6ie pox aftd a few minor complaints. ZOONTFAV®Rwo