1958-12-29216 A special meeting of the Town Board,Town of Wappinger was held in the Town Hall. on Monday evening December 29,1958 Present Supervisor Edward R.Scofield,Justices Joseph F.Kelly & Edward B.Beatty Councilmen Emory J.Hager & Harold J.Mewkill,Attorney James J.Iyons and Town Clerk Edith H.Booth. Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 7;30 P.M.o'clock General Fund 299 Virgil Knight-Supt.of Highway Salary Dec.31---------- 208.33 300 Transfer to Highway Fund -------------- 12,000.00 301 Social Security Fund -Town Share Oct.-Nov.*Dee.1958--------- 197.43 $ 161662.90 Miscellaneous Fund December 1 - 15 Sanding and Snow Removal ---------- $856.60 Motion made by Judge Kelly seconded by Councilman Mewkill that bills be paid Motion carried Motion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Justice Beatty that the Supervisor be empowered to transfer 12iOOO from,.General:F t to,Highway Fund 10,000 of the 12,000 to Machinery Famed grad 20W to Miscellaneous Fund Motion carried Motion made by Councilman Mewkill seconded by Councilman Hager that the Collectors Bond for $50,000 be approved Motion carried Motion made by Judge Kelly seconded by Judge Beatty that the Supervisor's Highway Bond for $$101000 be approved Motion carried Warrant No.13 from Claim No.281 to Claim N0.301 inclusive 281 Hamilton Oil Service -- Oil Town Hall ------------------- 15.18 282 Virgil Knight - Supt.of Highway Salary December 15 -------------- 208.33 283 Dwight Robbins -- Multiple Dwelling Inspector Salary 1958 100.00 284 Edgar Petrovits - Town. Engineer Salary 1958 ----------------- 300.00 285 Edward M.Husted Assessor -Salary 1500 Expenses 120.00 ------ 1620.00 286 Stanley Reis- Assessor - Salary 1000. expenses 56.90 ------- 1056.90 287 Edith H.Booth -- Town Clerk Salary December ---------------- 183.3. 288 Edward R.Scofield- Supervisor salary ,c- October- Nor. - Dec. -- - 375.00 289 Edward R.Scofield - " Expenses 1958 55.60 290 Evelyn S.Carlson Supervisor's Bookkeeper ------------- 25.00 291 Mid Hudson Medical Group Ex.Blood --------- --.-- 10.00 292 New York Telephone Co. Service Town Hall ----------- 16.95 293 Matthew Bender R, Co. Supplement 1958 ------------- 7.50 294 Joseph F.Kelly Justice of Peace Salary December --------- 133.31 295 Edward B.Beatty it It it It t+ ----------- 50.00 296 Emory J.Hager Councilmans It it ----------- 25.00 297 Harold J.Aewkill it ----------- 25.00 298 James J.Iyons - Attorneys 50.00 299 Virgil Knight-Supt.of Highway Salary Dec.31---------- 208.33 300 Transfer to Highway Fund -------------- 12,000.00 301 Social Security Fund -Town Share Oct.-Nov.*Dee.1958--------- 197.43 $ 161662.90 Miscellaneous Fund December 1 - 15 Sanding and Snow Removal ---------- $856.60 Motion made by Judge Kelly seconded by Councilman Mewkill that bills be paid Motion carried Motion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Justice Beatty that the Supervisor be empowered to transfer 12iOOO from,.General:F t to,Highway Fund 10,000 of the 12,000 to Machinery Famed grad 20W to Miscellaneous Fund Motion carried Motion made by Councilman Mewkill seconded by Councilman Hager that the Collectors Bond for $50,000 be approved Motion carried Motion made by Judge Kelly seconded by Judge Beatty that the Supervisor's Highway Bond for $$101000 be approved Motion carried APPOINTMENT TO FILL VACANCY IN TOWN OFFICE WHEREAS, a vacancy exists in the office of Assessor in the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess, because of the lamented demise of Winfield S. Beasley, who was elected to such office on the Uday of Aviv--isAer, 1957, for a term of y wo years from the 1st day of January 1953. NOW, THEREFORE, In pursuance of the power vested in us by Section 64 of the Town Law, we, the undersigned members of the Town Board of such Town, do ��-mac. �%Li4,*-herebyappoint s.t. of said Town to fill the vacancy existing in such office of Assessor. Such appointment is effective immediately and the said shall hold such office until January 1, 1960. IN WITNESS THEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals at Wappingers Falls in said Town on the 29th day of December, 1958. GY LiL-ci �. Z C? LS ( ) Supervisor (LS) Justice of tri6 Peace Justice of the Peace Cq#ic lm n C9) inc i lman ROOSA & ROOSA COUNSELORS AT LAW 388 MAIN STREET -41 BEACON, N. Y. p .St1Lt# 11 10 a S# highway Late Section 271 provides that not more than Twenty Thousand ($20s000-00) Dollars may be levied and col- lected in agy one year, in any tem in Dutchess County, for the purchased and repair of true and of other road machinery, and WHEREM, this limitation is unrealistic and detrimental because of the great J,, , re ;se in they cost of this equipment they Twenty Tbousand ($20,000,00) Dollars limitation was set by the Nerw York State Logislature, and WHEMSa, the public needs acd demands a more extensive road grOWSM Which need and de aaud therefor has been by the Legislature by its continuous support of amorous Road 'rosrams, and WORUSP the rapid urease in population in each of our Townships and the hasardous traffic conditions caused by a much greater number of motorists uttX1xinS our roads has created a used for the improvement of existing roads and the creation of now made, and WHRRUS, the excessive wear and tear on our roads due to such increased, use haat necessitated much more extensive repair& thereto, and 1H►RlS, they cost of all types of equipment customarily used to improver, create and repair such roads and the ma me of,o such equipment has Faora than 4oublod since the Twenty Thousand (424, 000.00) Dollars limitation was placed upon the Statute Books by the Now York State Legislatture $ and WI5M, they Legislature has seen fit to partially ac:know- l.ed&* the inadequacy of that existing limitations by increasing they similar limitations in certain other terms and counties,and i} ROOSA& ROOSA COUNSELORS AT LAW 396 MAIN STREET BEACON, N. Y. WHIRMs it is dostrablOo and 00000sal7y that such existing limitations be increased in Dutchoss County to the sum of Fifty Thousand (f50,OOO.00) Dollars, Now, ttiereforo, ITRF W �,,SMV that this Town Board upon the recomev44tion of Virgil Knight ,Town Superinton- dent of HighwAys, recomonds- and petitions that the Legislature of the St ate of NOW York amend Section 271 of the Highway Law, Subdivision 3,, in the first sentence thereof to read not more. than rifty T 44 (0501000.00) Dollars in any town in DUtC11486 COVAVY0 OtC--F-11 AIM 319 IT FURTHIR, RISE LVO that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the State Assamblymim, ReWstson Pomeroy, representing Dutchess County, -and to the State Senator, Ernest I. Hatfield, representing butch as County., and to the Board of Supervisors of Dutchess County, and to the Rig way Superint endent I s Assootat ion. of butchess county,, and to the 'Association of Tow Highway Superintendeapss $tat* of New York, and to the Associa of TOWUS4 State of Now York. ftted;pecember 29.,1958 k Town Board of rAv'e ��, r A.Ve "s Aye Aye 217 Motion made by Councilman Hager► seconded by Judge Beatty that the Supervisor Is Public Official Bond for $12,000 be approved. Motion carried Two applications were received from Howard J.Walker and Howard G.Winne for assessor. Appointment to fill vacancy is hereby attached. Motion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Judge Beatty that meetimg adjourn Motion Carried