1959-05-0722V A regular meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappi.nger was held in the Town Hal`1 on Thursday evening MaIr 7, 1959 91. Present-S,ipervisor Edward R. Scofield, Supt. of Highway Virgil Knight, Justice of the Peace Joseph F. Kelly and Edward Beatty, Councilmen Harold J. Mewkill and Emory J. Hager, Attorney James J. Lyons. S>>pervisor ErTArard R. Scofield appointed Emory J. Hager Secretary for the meeting. TTeet.inc, was called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 7;30 P. 111[ o r clock. Iiinutes of the previnas meeting were read and approved. G �TTER.i L FTUD �TIGHWAY FT-TID April 1st to April 15th --general. Repairs------------------------------- 948.00 April 16th to April 30th — ►r it ----------------------------- 1071.20 rnitchess Quarry _ S,_�pply Co.--Kotal islix-------------------------------- 356.88 Lemac Sand °c Stone Corp. --Stone----------------------------------------- 206.75 EllwinSmith-- Grairel--------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- 185.00 Sinclair Refining Co. ---Gas --------------------------------------------- 190.83 Warrant No. 5 From Claim. No. 90 to Claim No. 107 inclusive r0 Vi r;-i_l �ini_F%ht-Sunt. of Highivay-Salary April 15th ------- ---_-_ 229.15 91. Fi_rBt National Pank of' Poughkeepsie, Assessors Rooms Poughkeepsie) Rent, March, April Rr May ------------------------------------ 75.00 92 Grinnell Librar,r Association, Q. Groenwegen, Treas. 1959 Allotment------------------------------------------ 400.00 93 New York Telephone Company -Service Town Hai .---------------------------- 17.95 94 TTi 7'gi1 Knigh-Shpt. o,. Hi_`T mray-Salary April 30th------------------------ 229.17 95, Edith H. Booth--ToVm Clert�Salary April --------------------- ----- 183.33 96 Department of Water Supply -Town Hall------------------- _.00 97 Central_ Tiudson Gas & Electric Copp. -Service Tov+m Hall ------------------ 16.03 98 Dwight Robbins—Dog Service--------------------------------------------- 1)x.00 99 avvight Robbins—Service Town Hall--------------------------- _'------------ 5.00 100 Joseph F. Kelly—Justice of the Peace, Salary April-------------------- 133.33 101 Eduard R. Beatty— n it It n cr n ------------- ------- 50. 00 102 Emory Hager, Councilmans Salary it ---------------------- 30.00 103 Hai -old J. F levvki_ ll " " "---------------------- 30.00 104 James J. Limns, Attorney " "---------------------- 60.00 105 'Taril.yn Fiore -Service Town Board-------------------------------------- 20.00 106 Central jTizdson Gas ', Electric Corp. -Service Assessors Office ------- -_ )4.45 107 Hamilton Oil_ Service - Oil Town Hal --------------------------------- - 20.38 $1,519.79 �TIGHWAY FT-TID April 1st to April 15th --general. Repairs------------------------------- 948.00 April 16th to April 30th — ►r it ----------------------------- 1071.20 rnitchess Quarry _ S,_�pply Co.--Kotal islix-------------------------------- 356.88 Lemac Sand °c Stone Corp. --Stone----------------------------------------- 206.75 EllwinSmith-- Grairel--------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- 185.00 Sinclair Refining Co. ---Gas --------------------------------------------- 190.83 229 TIIGiTNAY FU`1D COAT I D Bri_•htnn Steel Company ---Pipe------------------------------------- 349.00 $3,307.66 L,TACHE4ERY FTPID Sin -lair Re ;i.nina, Corirpanv--Fuel Oil--------------------------�._ 95.35 Feyers T?arrtrrar-e Company --Supplies-------------------------------= 6.60 sTict.or Sanko -- Repairs------------------------------------------ 25.00 i:Tac1_ Truck Comnaay Inc..—Parts >---------------- 87.5)1 OrPe Dixon----------- Repairs------------------ - 6?_.30 Acre Tank e. Trunk Corp. --Repairs--------------------------------- 33.00 309.79 ITISCELIXIEOUS FI11D Bri-hton Steel Comtpany--Posts -------------------- -----------------12. 00 iJe.r for!,- Telenhone Company--Ser�Tice Town Carne ----------------- 12.50 $?4.50 A I:Totion was made bar Judge Kelly and seconded by Councilman Mewkill that, the bills he paid, if found correct. Motion carried. Attorney Ttorminn•ton Schofield, appeared;Re:-Orchard Homes Developement, re- Carding a water district a 'requeiqted-,-by the Beacon Savings Bank account, of mortIc;aue loans. A letter ,vas rsceived from Richard Harris, President of the Smithto7nm- Cooper Roads Civic Association regarding road improvement and requesting I1r. Joni aht+s presence at their Association meeting on May 1.4th. J;1r. Farris was present at the meeting and asked if and when their .road ,v,-)uld be improved. I:Tr. Conte appeared 'before the Board relative to formation of a Planning Board. The attached Serial. Bond Resolution was pvoposed by Justice Reatty and Secnnded ti, = Councilman I.ewki.l.l. Motion Carried. A '2Toticn was ma He by Gouncilman Hai er and seconded 1 --Ar Judge Beatty that the meeting adjourn. Motion Carried 1 �� Resolution by: Seconded by: t�ee_ )me,zs/(.etl,e SERIAL B014D RESOLUTION BOND RESOLUTION OF MAY 7th, 1959 AUTHORIZING THE IS- SUANCE AND SALE OF SERIAL B014DS IN THE TOWN OF WAPPI',N- GLIII.C, DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK) 114 THE AMOUNT OF TE14 ThOUS&ID DOLLARS (W,000-00) FOR THE PURCHASE OF CER- TAIN 111CHWAY MAGHINERY, TO WIT: A NEW MOTOR GRADED, Dated: 1`Iay 7th, 1959 WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, New 'York, after advertisement for bids pursuant to law, by a Resolution duly adopted on the 9th day of April, 1951.9 authorized the Town Superin- tendent of Highways to purchase certain highway machinery, to wit: a new motor grader at a total cost of TWENTY-TWO THOUSKIND SEVENTY 14INE DOLLARS ($22,079.00) subject to the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways, and provided that Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) of such cost was to be paid from the proceeds of obliga- tions to be issued pursuant to the Local Finance Law of the State of New York, and WHEREAS, a contract of purchase for such machinery was duly entered into by the Town Superintendent of Highways, which contract has been approved by the County Superintendent,of Highways, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The specific object or purpose for which obligations are to be issued pursuant to this resolution is to finance the cost of one new motor grader. 2. The maximum cost of such machinery is Twenty-two thousand seventy-nine Dollars ($22,079.00) and the plan of financing such cost is as follows: a trade-in allowance of $2,100.00 for a 1941 Calion motor grader, a down payment of Nine thousand nine hundred seventy nine Dollars ($9,979.00) by current funds in that amount to be paid from the machinery fund; the, balance of the cost is to be provided by the issuance of Serial Bonds in the amount of Ten 'Thousand Dol- lars ($10,000.00) pursuant to this resolution. 3. `The following determinations are hereby made: (a) The period of probable usefulness of such machinery is five (5) years. (b) The. sub -division of paragraph "a" of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law which is applicable in the circum- stances is sub -division 23. (c) The proposed maturity of the obligations authorized by this resolution will not be in excess of five years. (d) That the: total amount of bonds sold or to be sold at private sale in the current fiscal year of the Town of Wap- pinge.r, does not exceed in amount the sum of Twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) . 4. That the Town of Wappinger shall issue its Serial Bonds in the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) to finance such cost in accordance with the. financial plan set forth above. Such bonds shall be dated approximately as of the date of delivery of such machinery, and the power to fix and determine the exact date of such bonds is hereby delegated to the Supervisor. 5. Such bonds shall be numbered "One" to `Five" inclusive, and shall be in the denomination of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) each, and the said bonds shall mature in numerical order in annual instalments in the years and amounts as follows: March 15, 1960 Two thousand dollars ($2,000); March 151, 1961 Two thousand dollars ($2,000); March 15, 1002 -Two thousand dollars ($2,000) ; March 15, 1963 'Two thousand dollars ($2,000), and March 15, 1904 Two thousand dollars ($2,000). The bonds shall be issued in bearer form, without coupons, and shall not contain a power to convert to regis- tered form. The bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding three per centum (3%) per annum, payable annually. Payments of such interest shall be evidenced by notation thereof on the bonds at the time of payment. The bonds shall be in substantially the form of the Sample. Bond annexed hereto and hereby made a part hereof. 0. The Supervisor is hereby delegated the power to prepare such bonds and to sell the same at private sale, at not less than par and accrued interest, and at such sale to fix the interest rate to be borne by such bonds, within the limitations set forth in this resolution. The Supervisor shall deliver such Bonds to the purchaser thereof only against cash or a certified check. The pro- ceeds of the sale of the Bonds shall be deposited in a Special Bank Account as required by Section 165.00 of the Local Finance Law, The powers delegated to the Supervisor by this resolution shall be exercised in conformity with the provisions of the said Local finance Law of the State of New Mork. 7. This resolution shall take effect immediately. The foregoing resolution being put to a vote on roll call, was unanimously adopted.