1959-12-10263 A regular meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger was held in the Town Hall, on Thursday, December 10, 1959. Present: -Supervisor :-Edward R. Scofield; Councilmen:- Harold J. Mewkill and Emory J. Hager, Justice's of the Peace: -Joseph F. Kelly and Edward B. Beatty; Superintendent of Highway: -Virgil W. Knight; Town Engineer: - Charles Manieri; Town Attorney: -James J. Lyons; Deputy Town Clerk: - Helen L. Travis. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Edward R. Scofield at 7:30 P. M. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Ielomia,lis WARRANT NO. 12 From Claim No. 275 to Claim No. 305 inclusive 275 -Virgil W. Knight -Supt. of Highway -Salary Nov. 14---------------- 229.1.5 276 -Hamilton Oil Service -Oil Town Hall .---------------------------- _.._ 2570 277 -Agnes M. Grosenbeck-Service Town Clerk ------------------------a 18.00 278 -New York Telephone Company -Service Town Hall-------------------- 21.1.5 279 -r -Popper Electric Company -Service Town Hall---------------------- 11.25 2.80 -Helen Traits -Service Town Board ----------------------------- ...-.. 5.00 281 Edith H. Booth -Reg. of Vital Statistics------------------------- 36,50 282 -Edith H. Booth -Salary Nov. 29----------------------------------- 183.33 283 -Virgil W. Knight -Supt. of Highway -Salary. Nov. 29-------------...-. 229.17 284 -Williamson Law Book Company -1959 Supplement-----------------...... 15,00 Judge Beatty 1 285 Dennis & Company -1959 Supplement -Judge Kelly ------------------ 15.00 286 -Mid Hudson, Medical Group -Alcohol Test--------------------------- 10,00 287 -Marilyn Fi.ore-Service Town Board--------------------------------- 20.00 288-DNight Robbins Dog Service ---------- ----------- ------------ —..... 12.00 289 Dwight Robbins -Service Town Hall.--------------------------------- 5,00 290 -Dwight Robbins -Multiple Dwelling Salary -1959---------------------- 100,00 291 -Wappingers Lodge No. 671-Ralsph Sinsabaugh, Treas., Rent Town Hall -Oct. Nov, & Dec. ------------------a 150.00 292 -First National Bankof Poughkeepsie, Wapp. Falls. Offi.ceA Rent of Asssessors Room -Nov. Rt Dec. 50.00 293 -Central Hudson,Gas & Elec. Corp.-Service,�?Shed, 8.01 Gargge 3.14--- 11.15 294 -Hamilton Oil Service -Town Hall---------------------------------- 15.26 Salary $1800.00 295 Edward M. Husted-Chairman of Assessors -Salary 1959='2M:-2QQaQQ--- 2100.00 Salary 1000.00 296 -Stanley Reis -Assessors Salary--- pesees-54.0----------------_.._.- 1054.98 Salary $1000.00 297 -Howard G. Winne- " " Exp. 125.00-- ------------ --- 1125.00 298-4oseph F. Kelly -Salary -November -Justice of Peace-----------.----- 133.00 299- Edward B. Beatty-" tr tr to It 50,00 300 -Emory J. Hager it 't Council man----------------------- 30.00 X64 General Fund (Cont'd) 301 Harold J. Mewkill-Salary--November-Councilman--------------------- 30.00 302 -James J. Lyons- " " Attorney------------------------ 60.00 303 Dwight Robbins-Service-Constabl..e---------------------.-�------------ .10.00 3011 -Edgar M. Petrovi t s -Salary -T own Engineer --------------------------- 25,00 305 -Charles Hanieri.- __-_--_--._.----_-------_ .-_ 275.00 $6,058.99 HIGHWAY FUND Ttem // 1 -Payroll No. 21 -Nov. 1 to Nov. 15 -General Repairs_------ 938.80 Elwin Smith- x XRa RjXZ_Gj2aVsj-------------------------------- 230.00 Henry L. Raiche, Sr.---2xxPxaixRRxsQPave1-------------------------- 65.00 Sinclair Refining Company -Gas ----------------------------------------- 153.66 1,007.i6 MISCELLANEOUS FUND Item #4 -Payroll ##22 -Nov. 16 to Nov. 30 -Brush & Tree Servi.ce.--•---------- 988.80 Brighton Steel CompatV-Parts----.--------------------------------- 300.42 Lemac_Sand & Stone Company -----------Sand--------------------------- 63.,00 New York 'Relephone Company --Service --------------- 12,00 1.064.22 MACHINERY FUND Sinclair Refining Company -Fuel Oil--- --- -- - ------ 79.20 Wheeler Brake Service -Repairs ----------------------------------- — 2.00 Shh1ter, Travis & Quinn -Repairs ----------------------------------- Midway Gas & Service ComparVr-Parts -------------------------------- Heyers Hardware Comparrir-Parts--------------- -------------- ---. Acme Truck & Tank Corp. -Repairs -------------------------------- Mack Truck, Inc -Parts ----------------------------------------- 5.96 192..52 46.29 20.75 2.32 36.00 A letter of thanks was read from Town Clerk, Edith H. Booth thanking the Board members for all the coAoperation they had given her. A motion was made by Councilman Hager and seconded by Judge Kelly that this letter be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Mr. Sam Hankin of the Wappinger Park Developement appeared byfore the Board. askng,for acdeptance of Cayuga Drive -to Seneca Drive and Seneca Drive, in the 'Vappi.nger Park DeYelopement as Town Roads. The following reeolution -wqs pre- sented:- RESOLVED THAT; that section of Cayuga Drive to Seneca Drive and Seneca Drive, proposed roads in the Town of Wappinger, and being fully described in a deed thereof from Mr. Sam Hankin. to the Town of Wappinger, to be executed and delivered as hereinafter provided, be and the same hereby are accepted as 265 public highways of the Town of Wappinger, such acceptance to he contingent upon and become effective only when and if the following requirements and all of them are complied with. 1-A performace bond approved by the Town Attorney is filbd with the Town 0 _ such bond is to be in the penal amount, of / D C). and to guarantee com— pletion of said roads in accordance with Town Specificationsoindluding any repairs to the base of the roads which may be necessary before oil and chip may be applied) this work to be completed before the end of the calendar year 1960, and to be approved by Town Superintendent, of Highways. 2. -Any and all drainage easements required by the Town Superintendent are conveyed to the Town, 3. -All recording fees necesary are tandered by check payable to the Dutchess County Clerk IE.— A good and proper deed descrbing such .roads be executed and delivered to the Town and approved by the Town Attorney and Town Engineer. A motion was made by JudgeKKelly and seconded by Councilman Hager that this resolution be accepted, Motion carried. A request was made from Mrf-Arnold Butler, Cameli Acres to the Central Hudson Gas & Electric Company that one of the lights be moved. The Central Hudson Gas & Electric Company asked permission of the Town Board to moire this light. A motion was made by Judge Beatty and sec— onded by Judge Kelly that the light be moved. Motion carried. The bills for the month of November were read. A Motion was made by Judge Kelly and seconded by Councilman Mewkill that the bills be paict. A m6thnn was made by Councilman Hager and seconded by Judge Kelly that the meeting adjourn. Deputy Town Clerk