1960-03-03owl 40 The regular montrly meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger was held in the Town Halls on Thursday evening, March 3rd, 1960• Present: -Supervisor -Richard H. Linge, Justices of the Peace -Joseph F. Kelly, Councilman -Malcolm I. Hait, Superintendent of Highways- Charles E. Mewkill, Sr., Town Clerk -Helen L. Travis, -Town Engineer - Charles Maneri. The meeting was called to order at 8 P. M. by Supervisor, Richard H. Linge. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. � y GENERAL FUND �J 1 WARRANTS NO. 4. 42 -Stanley Ries -Expenses attending annual meeting, Association of Towns_______________________ 69.64 43 -Stanley Ries -Plop of Babcock Est ---------------------------- 44-Eugene V. Conte Attending meeting Ass. of Towns ------------ 45- he Beaseley Agency -Ext. Coverage bill on Garage------------ 46 -New York Telephone Company -Service Town Hall --------------- 4?= he First National Bak of Poughkeepsie -Supervisor Check Book ------------------------ 48— it 11 $+ ►I a 11 -Rel to check ---Book--- --- -- 1.00 13.77 24.42 18.85 11.94 5.14 49-J. M. Goring -Wm, Kurtz Post, #427 -Edwin B. Hinzmann Ltaintenance of Am. Legion Hall- 200.00 50 -Emory J. Hager -Exp. to Ass. of Town Meeting--------------- 12.32 51 -Cent. Hud. Gas & Elec. Corp. -Est. Chge-Hughsonville Light Dist --- --------------------- 1008,78 52- " " ►' " " ", Est. Chge-Stringham Mills, Light Dist.--------------------- 35.21 53_ Est, Chge-Chelsea Light Dist. 24.45.20 54 Williams Law Book Co. -Town Law Supplements---------------- 7.00 55 -State Insurance Fund -Compensation Insurance--------------- .876.60 56 -1st National Bank of Pok -Rent -Assessors Office------------ 25.00 57-11elen L. Travis -Petty Cash 21.84 58 -Dwight Robbins Dog Warden -------------------------------- 14.00 59-11amilton Oil Service, Inc.--gepviee--Town Hall ----------- 44.11 $403402 HIGHWAY FUND Item No, 1 Sinclair Refinging Company -Gas & Oil ------------------- 295.10 Edwin Smith -Gravel - 57 -50 Poughkeepsie New Yorker -Publicity for Bids ---------------- 3.36 if n u is it to ----------- 4.80 ►� ------ 5.2_8_ '282 MACHINERYF UND Item No, 3 Sinclair Refingin Company --Gas & Oil---------- --- $237.91 Abbott & Abbott -Parts & Tools------------------------------- 8.62 Urey Hardware Company -Repairs --------------------------- - Heyers Hardware-Parts------M----____V_---------_------ bgewkills Garage --Repairs------------------------------------ John G. Gauthier -Repairs ------------------------------------ H. DQ. Penn Machinery Company -Repairs ----------------------- Hudson River Sales Corpoartion- Parts & Repairs -------------- Ken Smith Machinery Company -Repairs ---------------------- _._.- 1UackTrucks, Inc., -Repairs --------------------------------- --. Shaker, Travis & Quinn -Cleaning Boiler -------------------� 11i.dway Gas & Service Station -Repairs ----------------------- 8.63 3.70 7.50 2.50 13.14 37.14 8.71 154.99 46.6o 26.30 Acme Tank & Truck Co.rp.-Repairs----------- ------------- --- 58.00 Bonds & Interest -National Bank of Poughkeepsie------------ ___.6361.00 $6,974.72 SNOW Item No. 4 New York Telephone Company -Services --------------------12.0 Leemac Sand °. Stone Corp%.QCrushed Stone & Sand------------- -- 351.85 A letter was received from Mr. Claude Ij Knapp asking about purchasing the old Town Building Property. This was laid over azntil a future date. A letter- was received from the Administrative Offices of the City School District, City of Beacon, asking .for permission to use the Chelsea Fire House and Voting Machine for the Annual School Flection on Hay 3, 1960. Board stated they would have to contact Chelsea Fire commissioners for permission to use the firehouse and our Election Custodians for permission to use voting machine and com- pensate them for taking care c sa nt . Hackensack Heights A letter and a petition was received from the asking that the road be fixed. This was referred to the Siiperintendent of Highways for action. 4 letter was received from Orchard Community Association asking that there roads be taken care of. This letter was referred to the Sup— erintcient of Highways. A letter was received from the Orchard Community Association, stating that they highly recommended the steps taken by the Board in establishing a Planning Board and they suggested that zoning regulations should be developed as soon as possible. Bids were opened from the following:—Dutchess Quarry & Supply Co., Inc., Sinclair Refingin Company—Leemac Sand & Stone Company—Spoor Lasher Company— Frank J. Melito. The following bids were accepted— Leemac Sand & Stone Corp.—for Washed Pea Gravel— Spoor Lasher Company, Inc., for Bituminous Mix (hot). A letter was read from John P. Yaccarine, asking for an appointment as a Constable for the To -an of Wappinger. A motion was made by Justice Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hait that John P. Yaccarine by appointed a Constable of the Town of Wappinger. Motion carried. A motion was made by Justice Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hait that the Town Clerk be empowered to have cards made for the Town Constables. Motion carried. A motion wqs made by Councliman Hait and seconded by Judge Kelly that a new fi.l& cabinet be purchased for the Town Hall. Motion carried. 1r. Eugene Conte, Chairman of -the Planning Board appeared before the Town Board, stating that the Planning Board presented the New York State Building Code for acceptance by the Board. Mr. Arthur Bisom appeared before the Board stating that Mri. W. W. Reese of New Hamburg was very dkuch in favor of the Planning Board. Mr. Carey, appeared for the Board, representing the Town of Wappinger Land Owners Ass., recommending that the Town Board postpone the adeopt:i.on of the Code until a later date. Supervisor Linge stated that they had had an open meeting on this matter and that now it was up to the Board what they did about it. lir. Orlowski appeared b*-Zfore the Board representing the Orchard Homes and stated that they were all in favor of this. The following resolution was presented:—Resolved:— that the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, hereby accepts the applicability of the State #gi.lding Construction Code for the Town of Wappinger, to become effective in said Town of Wappinger, mn the lst day of April, in accodeance with the provisions of section 374—a of the executive law, and it is FURTHER RESOVI D, that the Town 8lerk be, and is hereby, instructed to file a certified copy of this resolution in the principal office of the State Building Code Commission at 270 Broadway, New York 17, New York, and in the office of the Secretary of State at Albany, New York. ZZ54 A motion was made by Justice Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hait that this resolution be adopted. Motion carried Mr. Chri_stianseng appeared before the Board about the New Hackensack Road. This was referred to the HigrDvay superintendent. -y tion was made bV ! of cilman Hait and seconded by Justice Kelly that the bills be paid Motion carried. A motion was made by Justice Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hait that the meeting adjourn. 7 Motion carried. Town Clerk