1961-03-0969 The regular monthly meeting of the Town. Board, Town of Wappinger, was held in the Town Hall, on Thursday. evening., March 9th, 1961 Present: -Supervisor, Richard. H. Lingo, Justice of Peace, Joseph F. Kelly, Councilman, Malcolm I. Hait, Town Attorney -James J. Lyons, Town Enginee.r,Char.les Maneri, and Town Clerk, Helen L. Travis. The meeting was opened by Richard H. Linge.,. Supervisor at 8 P. M. The minutes of the last meeting were read. A motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Justice of Peace, Joseph F. Kelly that they be accepted as. read. Motion carried The bills for the month of Februarywere read. A motion was made by Justice of Peace, Joseph F. Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hait that the bills be paid. Motion carried GENERAL FUND WARRANT NO. 3 24. --Charles E. Houghtaling-Transcripts of Death 5.33 25 --Mrs. Madeline. S. Evans --Secretarial Work etc. 52.85 26 --The Beasele.y Agency, Inc. --Fire & Liability. Ins 2072.95 27 --Joseph F. Kelly --Stamps. 10.00 28 --Eastern Metal & Elmira, Inc. -Traffic Signs. 24..16 29 --Cent. Hud. G & E. Corp.--Service-Town Hall. 31.52 30__ 11 It 11 " n __ n - Assessors Office2.20 31 --Hamilton Oil Service-- " Town Hall... 53.61 32 --Mc Combs--Supplies-J. Kelly 23.98 33 --The State Insurance. Fund --Compensation Insurance 857.95 34 --Frederic Smith--Map-Assessors. 1.40 35 --The Campbell Press --Envelopes _ . 9.75 36--N. Y. Tel Company -Service -Town. Hall & Assessors 27.20 37 --Popper Electric Co--Service-Town Hall-_ 5.50 GENERAL FUND CONT'D 38 --Stanley Ries --Supplies-- • 39--lst National Fank of Poughkeepsie---- Rent HIGHWAY ITEM #1 Sinclair Refin*ng Company, -Gas Shaker, Travis & Quinn --Repairs. MACHINERY ITEM #3 W. E. Pruden Company --Parts Urey Hardware Company-- " Lee Butler, Inc. -Repairs Fishkill Forge -- 11 $7.48 75.00 3,260.88 $ 176.40 86.So 263.20 State Equipment Company --Regales Hoffman Ford Motors, Inc Diesing Supply Company Rowe & Rutlegge-- Supplies Midway Service Station --Parts for Repairs H. 0. Penn Machinery Company -Repairs. let National. Bank of Poughkeepsie -Bonds & Interest Sinclair Refining Company --Fuel Oil. Brighton Steel Company --Repairs of Chains Ken Smith Machinery company --Repairs Dutchess Imports, Inc. --Rent SNOW & MISCELLANEOUS ITEM #L Daniel Conley -Plowing. Snow Bulldozer Cent. Hud. G & E. Corp. -Service 11.80 13.51 76.21 50.73 68.48 457.49 71.55 17.85 43.85 107.62 4270.00 182.40 326.61 46.37 50.00 5,94.47 80.00 5.89 71 SNOW & MISCELLANEOUSE ITEM #ti. CONT TD New York Telephone Company --Service $16.30 0102.19 Motion was made. by Councilman Hait and seconded by Justice of Peace Kelly that the Town Clerk. ba empoweredto write a letter to the State Department concerning the Southern_.Dut.chess Newspaper. Motion carried Motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Justice of Peace Kelly that the Central Hudson Gas. & Electric Corporation be empowered to go ahead with the improved lighting for. the. Hughsonville Light District. Motion carried. Town Engineer, Charles Maneri reported on needs of Highway Department as follows: a larger loader, larger truck with 4 wheel drive, wing attachment for grader. Attorney Lyons presented a corrected map of the Becker property show- ing 49.7 acres. Motion was made by Justice of Peace Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hait that application for State Aid for_Acquistion of the Becker Site be made. Motion carried. Mrs. Baird, Mr. Devenuto and several others appeared before the Board asking who is to blame. for water on Card Property. A dis- cussion was held on the matter. Arthur Bisom:asked what had been done on matter. of Salvage Yard on Smithtown-800per Road. Motion was made by Justice of Peace Kelly and seconded by Council- man Hait that the Town Clerk write a letter to E. I. Hatifield, R. Watson Pomery and the. New York State, Deparmtment of Public Works, stating Board not in favor of changing Route 87 to the Connecticut Line. Motion carried Motion made by Justice of Peace Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hait that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried