1961-05-04v The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger was held in the Town Hall, on Thursday evening, May 4., 1961. Present: -Supervisor -Richard H. Lingo, Justice of Peace -Joseph 0 F. Kelly -Councilmen -Malcolm I. Hait and Emry J. Hager, Town Attorney -James J. Lyons, Town Engineer -Charles Maneri, and Superintendent of Highways -Charles E. Mewkill, Sr. The minutes of the last meeting were read and a motion was made by Judge Kelly and seconded by Councilman Halt that they be accepted as read. Motion carried. The bills for the month of April were read. A motion was made by Councilman Halt and seconded by Judge Kelly that the bill be paid. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND 57 --Helen L. Travis --Petty Cash 425.00 58 --Madeline S. Evans --Secretarial Work & Postage---- 21.34 59 --Dept. of Water Supply--dervice Town Hall 3.46 60 --Williamson Law Book Co. --Forms 7.34. 61 --1st Nat'l Bank of Pok --Rent Assess. Office 75;00 62 --Poughkeepsie New Yorker--Bids-Fuel Oil 3.12 63 --Matthew Binder & Co. --Law Books 12.50 6t --N. Y. Tel. Co. --Service Town Hall 21.10 65 --Cent. Hud G. & E. Corp. -Service -Town Hall 25.96 66-- n n u n 11 n _-Ass. Rooms 2.50 67--M. M. Goring -Wm. Kurtz Post AL#427--Upkeep of Bldg.200.00 68 --George Carr --Auditors Reporeb- 250.00 647.32 HMGHWAY ITEM #1 Shaker, Travis & Quinn, Inc., --Repairs on Heating Whortlekill Rod Gun Club --Gravel 14.9.96 271.25 HIGHWAY ITEM #1, Cont'd Mid Hudson Oil Company --Gas & Oil MACHINERY it UND ITEM #3 Macks Trucks, Ine.-Repairs & Service Midway Service Station --Parts for repairs Mewkill's Garage --Repairs Acme Tank & Truck Corp. -Repairs Fishkill Forge -Repairs Edward Ehrbar, Inc., -Repairs Ken Smith Machihery Co. --Parts for Snow Plows H. 0. Penn Machinery Co. --Grader Blades & Teeth Marion R. G. Smith -Shovels $200.09 621.30 155.o6 4.0o 12.30 104.00 4.00 67.76 34.19 81.31 14..50 467.12 SNOW & MISCELLANEOUS, ITEM # 14. New York Tel. Company --Service Town Garage 12.55 Cent. Hud. G. & E. Corp.-- # '#` " 5.89 18.44 A letter was received from the Recreation. Commission regarding re- commendation of purchase of Becker property. Highway Superante.ndent, Charles E. Mewkili, Sr., requested permission to advertise for bids for new front end loader. Motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Judge Kelly that Superintendent of Highways, Charles E. Mewkill, Sr., be authorized to advertise for Bids on a new front end loader. Motion carried. A letter was received from Julius Hochmouth opposing the building of any playground or ball fields behind his property on All Angdas Road. Mr. Pudesel appeared before the Board, speaking for a group on Peters Road, asking about when zoning will be in effect in order to prevent dumping of garbage in the Town. 80 Three bids for fuel oil#2 were received and opened. Poughkeepsie Oil Terminal, Inc. $.1174. per gal. Vines Oil Service .124. Sinclair Refining Co. .137 " " Motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Judge Kelly that the low bid from the Poughkeepsie Oil Terminal be accepted. Motion carried. Councilman Hait brought up the subject of swimming pools and other open pits, not being fences in, for the safety of the public. This was referred to the Planning Board to investigate and make sug- gestions. Motion was made by Judge Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hait that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Acting Secretary