1961-10-05The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger was held in the Town Hall, on Thursday evening, October 5, 1961 Present; -Supervisor -Richard H. Lange, Councilmen -Emory J. Hager & Malcolm I. Haat, Justices of the Peace -Joseph F. Kelly & Edward B. Beatty, Town Engineer -Charles Maneri, Town Attorney - James J. Lyons. The meeting was opened at 8:00 08clock by Supervisor Richard H. Line. The minutes of the last meeting were read. A motion was made by Councilman Hager and seconded by Councilman Halt that the minutesbe accepted as read. Motion carried The bills for the month of September were read. A motion was made by, Judge Beatty and seconded by Councilman Hager that the bills be paid. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND 134iiHatamxicxtxxximixtmttyxlbu 1 7 i Y� 125 --Chester Satz Co., Inc. guppies 11.314. 126-- " " " Supplies 8.50 127 --Pendell Press --Forms 97.50 128 --Russell E. Aldrich --Recoding Deeds 57.75 129-- " it " --Preparing Reese Papers125.00 130 --Madeline S. Evans --Sec. Duties & Supplies 22.72 131 --Stanley Ries --Typing Service 17.85 132 --Brighton Steel Co., --Signs 69.45 133--N. Y. Tel. Company--Service-Town Hall & Assess.- 25.75 435.86 HIGHWAY FUND ITEM NO. 1 Spoor Lasher Company -Asphalt Road Material Mid -Hudson Oil Company --Gas & Oil 3295.95 194.12 107 HIGHWAY ITEM NO. 1-Cont'd Dutchess Quarry Company--Kotal Mix Leemac Sand & Stone Corp. --Gravel Leemac Sand & Stone Corp. -- 1? 198.10 590.54 10.00 42d8.71 MACHINERY FUND ITEM N0.3 Urey Hardware Company--Hardward & Supplies 12.63 H. 0. Penn Machinery Company --Part for Grader 2.53 Midway Service Station --Repairs & Tires 80.84 Mewkills Garage--Reapirs & Supplies 15.90 ►, „ „ --Toots 5.89 Acme Tank & Truck Corp. --Rent 2 1/2 Months 150.00 Peelor Motor Service, Inc. --Truck Tire 139.39 Rowe & Rutledge --Tools 10.25 Mack Truck, Inc. 39.75 4b5:5,2 57.16 SNOW & MISCELLANEOUSE FUND ITEM NO. Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. --Electric 8,39 Service Lumber Company --Lumber for culvert 25.48 New York Telephone Company --Telephone 12.90 46.77 �� 6•��t k -C -0a- (rw A motion was made by Judge Kelly and seconded by Judge Beatty that the Town purchase a new voting machine from the Rockwell Voting Machine Company. Motion carried Motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Judge Beatty that we purchase 6 Flags for the Six Poling Districts. Motion carried. Attorney Lyohs presented Ko -Kart Ordinance stating same was in order and suggested it be put up for public Hearing. A Pulic Hearing on the Ko -Kart Ordinance was set for October 24th, 1961 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. This notice to be published in the Wappingers -Southern news and the Beacon News. Councilman Hait suggested that the Recreation area given to the be named after Hr. Reese. Town By Mr. Reese. A motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Judge Beatty that Councilman Hait approach Mr. Reese and if he is in favor of same that the park be named tie Reese Recreation Park. Motion carried Mrs. Fay Rao appeared before the Board about Dugans Lane asking Board to go over specifications of road with her. Kenneth Thornton, Building Inspector gave a report on Building permits and asked btia Board to consider rates as they seem to low. Motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Councilman Hager that the Town Clerk send a letter and application to all Salvage Yard Dealers saying they must have license by January 1st, 1962. Motion carried. Mr. Schuel and Mr. Thomann appeared before Board asking for acceptance of Roads. The following resolution was made by Judge Kelly and seconded by Judge Beatty and carried. WHEREAS: Mr. Schuele and Mr. Thomann, have tendered to the Town of Wappinger by deed dated, (SX 3. i00 certain roadway and appurtenant drainage easements, known as EdgewoocHill Manor and the same being in the said Township and WHEREAS: These roadways being unfinished to the Town Specific - Performance ations a/bond has been posted in the sum of 37,000.00 guarantee- ing completion of said roadways ByxMarcltxixx in accordance with the Town Specifications. Mr. Schule & Mr. Thomann It being understood and agreed that t3umxibuxexx be responsible for maintenance of roads and snow removal therefrom until com- pletion of said roads. Ni'. Tennant of Fleetwood Manor appeared beedre the Board asking who was to take care of roads. The Board stated the roads must be taken care of by the owner. The Board instructed the Superintendent of Highways and the Town Engineer to review the Town Specifications for Roads and to make any suggestions for changes to the Board. The Preliminary Budget was read: The following resolution was offered by Judge Beatty and seconded by Councilman Hager: RESOLVED THAT the annexed detailed statment of estimated expen- diture and revenues be and the same hereby is approved and adopted as the preliminary budget, of this town for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1962, and that usch preliminary budget shall be filed forthwith in the Office of the Town Clerk of this Town where it shall be available for inspection by any interested person at all reasonalbe hours, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Board shall meet at the Town Hall on Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, N. Y. in t4ls Township at 8:00 P. M., on October 26, 1961 and then and there hold a public hearing upon such pralimiharylb.gdgpt9ilandstha# the Town,Clgrk.. <s1ialh gine notice of such public hearing by publiehiiignnotice thereof in the Beacon News and the Wapp- ingers and Southern Dutchess News, newspapers having gneral circulation within this Town, such notice to be published twice and the first publication thereof to be at least ten (10 days prior to the time hereinabalve set for said heaaing; and the Town Clerk shall also cause five cp ayes pf stet). notice to be posted conspicuously in different places in the Town not less than ten days before the day designated for such hearing. The Notice to be published and posted shall be prepared by the Town Clerk and shall be in substantially the form annexed hei-eto. The foregoing pesolution, upon being put to a vote, was adeopted by unanimous vote. NOTICE OF PUBLIC' HEARING ON PRELIMINARY BUDGET NOTICE 19 HEN:BY GIVEN that the preliminary budget of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, for the fiscal year be- ginning January 1, 1962, has been completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town, at Mill Street, Wappingers Pallls, N. Y., in said Town, where it is available for inspection by any interested person at all resonable hours. AND FUTTER NOTICE 1S HER, BY GIVEN that the Towc, Board of the said Town of Wappinger will meet and review such preliminary budget and hold a public hearing thereon at the Town Offices, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, N. Y. in said Town at 8:0010fclock P. M. on the 26th day of Octoher 1961 and that at such henring any person may be heard in favor of or against the preliminary budget as compiled or for or against any item or items therein contained. AND NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, pursuant to Section 113 of the Town Law that the following are the proposed yearly salaries of Town officers of the Town, to wit: Supervisor 0000.00 - Justice of Peac 2250.00 Justice of Peace 800.00 Councilman (6wo) 600.00 each Town Clerk 3600.00 Town Superintendent of Highways 654-0.60 Town Engineer 750.10 Town Attorney 2500.00 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD Dated:eQc.ta.ber 5, 1961 .4014 // << Helen L. Travis Town Clerk, Town of Wappl A discussion was held pertaining to salary of election workers and custodians of Machines. Motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Councilman Hager that the salary of the election workers by 0..50 per hour and X200.00 per person for the custodians of voting machines. Mr. Ur•ey appeared for the Recreation Motion carried Commission asking why a vote was being taken on the Kapfenstein property. The Board stated that tOey were just getting the opinion of the people on the matter. Mr. Ryan asked if state aid could be gotten for the purchase of recreation equipment and for putting the park in shape. A motion was made by Jude Kelly and seconded by Judge Beatty that the Town Attorney be instructed th procure this infor mation and present it at the next meeting. Motion carried. Motion was made by Judge Beatty and seconded by Councilman that the meeting adjourn. NOTIQE Of' PvoLwHWLARING ON RELIMINARYY 'BUDGET NOTICE IS HERE>3Y GIVEN that the Oelimfpary budget „ of the TOWN 08' . AP1'iNoER, 1utche$s County,New ork. for the fiscal y ar beginning J?nu. ail' 1, 1962 has been' lorppleted and filed in the, office Of the Tawn Clerk 'Town, at Mill Street. Wapping¢' N. Yq in said .Town. where it is for inspection by any interested p all reasonable hours. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS QIVEN that the Tgwn Board of of Wagqe er wilt meet and rem preliMtna 'budget and hold a hearing t reon at 4,0 Town Offic i'Streeti; W Pringers-Falls. N. Y., , Town- at o'clock p.m, on the 26 I,Petot , and that at such he mayy.� be heard in favo e preiminary budget as r against any item o-- 1 ,'Bilerpin pntained. t AND OTICE IS ALSO GIVEN. 1 ollowtegnon the pwIn of the a oP ed. yearly, t -of Townv�, officers of this Town, „to vat oo0: 6kp.Nis.r. .................< 2,250. Jhstice of the Peace ;250. Justice of the, Peace ,- 600 ' Counollmel awe) :,....""eat 3.600 ' Town Clerk .Town Superintendent of Highways 6,55o. Town Attorney . . .. . • 2,500. mown E,ng,ioeer _ 750. ', Assessors: — Chairman , , . ': , 2,000. Aseeseors (two? 1,700 hated; October1961, BY bRDER ' Q THE TOWN B0pRD' HELEN L. TRAVIS, TOWn Clerk, Town of Wappulger.:, . ':Oct.-. 16, 20 Town Clerk Hager AIDING ON PROPOSI6D ORDINANCE f URLIC HEARIN •RDINANCE OF INGER, IN REF S NOTICE IS 'ISER.EB tient to Section ,1$0 ,af he State of New,Ygrk, a resolution. of the Tgwn., Wn of Wpppinger;;NPW Ya October 5, 1961i-,ithe .ea' Al hold a : publ R.; ilgarin, Mill Street WapPinOe, he 24th day of Octgbora', to 'bear 1211 in ,ottiaene far .or„ agar a proposed oriftyaljcq.de 5 feBow5t.;-, to regulat, arts and:'piin ownship,r,.}nciy operaWgnt s�fety,fa+ Other fdplilti4s', i'oq tion; .th?rewlth,_ ragtilatio epec*flc ,refap4pce,.,,tq, Of the AP11B9 tie: yv,4 1364-4w f)F`:YYAH ;N :; TMit .