1961-10-2631/ yon .pet sonar service as provided by Section 133 of the Town Law. By order of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger, New York. HELEN J. TRAVJS, Town Clerk. Nov. 3 • ' A special meeting of the Town Board, Town of wappinger was held in the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, N. Y. on Thurs- day, October 2611141., 1961 a 8 P. M. Justice of the Peace Present: -Supervisor -Richard H. Linge, kgm Edward B. Beatty, Justice of Peace --Joseph F. Kelly, Councilman Malcolm I. Hait, Superintendent of Highways:- Charles E. Mewkill, Sr., Town Engineer: -Charles Maneri, Town Clerk -Helen L. Travis, Town Attorney -James J. Lyons. The dbtached resolution on Ge -Karts was presented. A Resolution was made by Councilman Hait and .seconded by Justice of the Peacy Beatty that the xxtixx Go -Kart Ordinance be accepted and #o go in to effect 60 days from today. Motion carried Motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Jud€fie Beatty that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. A public Hearing was held on the 1962 proposed budget, of the Town of ,dappil,,rer on Thursday evening, October 26th, 1961 at 8 F'. M. Members of the Board attending were: -Supervisor -Richard H. Linge, Justicesof the Peace: -Joseph F. Kelly 2c Edward B. Beatty, Council man Malcolm I. Hait, Superintendent of Highways -Charles E. Mewkill, Sr., Town Engineer -Charles Maneri, Town Attorney: -James J. Lyons, Town Clerk: -Helen L. Travis. The Budg., t for the Year 1961 was read. Mr. I3isom spoke Iir. Ries: -spoke pe resenting assessors asking why their request for raises was refused and why they were not notified and askad about same. agi= 31`. �t +ftn1 h)g 3 trat Itre 11th g apera� tp the A Taceg P{.;Ahz'G', .R end ,Money )re; prnaafi ib iigLh1� aUyPtt. tae Town Baur 'tipeieat;Q .,of $.tha TOW, _Lev/,i, ha. Pike RP anacl ';this ordinance aaat.i.d intent' to ag doing to regulate '•trol ¢h@ ,operatlpM.• of go-kart4:° to the T v ->Of• Wippinger in prtler to, protect a lfoatei' the peace, welfare aid good ardor o€ 'the ypeopple of the Town. Seeger}2.;, DEFINITIONS. As used in ;NS. ordance: (a) Trul iergi "person" shall mean an iandiv'corporidilai+ati,on.ati 'association, a partnership, (b) The term ""go-kart" shall mean any yehtete powered by ane pr mere, two or faun cy le internal cpnitinstlgn engines YIP epeh": rodueei fifteen horeapqw er P ss;, exc1ndmg tractors, agricultural machin@ry .al 4 vehipni1ea 100 for the, care and maintenance of property. (el The tetra "go-kart: track operator ' shall -mean any per Pp,ha charges for 'r.the-"�aF',r+alp�pelwy by go-karts I within' Town 'of WapPinger. (d) The term "muffler" shall mean 14 device cedaisting al mere than one , chamber or more than three baffle Pates or the eggivalent for the purpose of receiving exhaust gas from an internal combustion" engine aha effective In re - /tieing noise. Aa used herein a muffler shall hot include any device meeting the .prapeding speeift(catione which equipped with "a cut -Out by-ppad almll ar dedice. seefinn a. 41-P1.ICA'ATOIf . Thiq otdinance pball apply 10 the operation of go-karts on all {ands, public or private,within the ,:}'PWA Wept upon a while highway. SSection 4. 'OPERATION OF GO-KARTS PROH1BITED DUBING CERTAIN HOURS. (a) Nq pg ela shall p crate or lease Or'rent .a go-kart before the hour of two o'clogk • 1n Me afternopp of any day, lyjthfn'the Tawn of Wappinger, (b) No perso1l abate oPerata a go-kart gfter;the hplirs of'Six o'clock la ttie eve- ing ,Qt any, day, except, en Friday and athrdat, • when he person shall operate lgq+kkao* fter the hour: of nine In the ,pvtng, 111e Town of Wappinger." 1., (a) Nct o.11arl track operator a ail per-, , a per re toperate ge,n before, hoar 'of ,tpp�i p'gloe in the ternooni day'githin the Town of Wappinger. n go-kart Track eperater shall peon, to operate a go-kaarrt after of ixro'clack to the eyening..of except frldaY and Saturday ieat.t€u. ettaft� ar thr{'_Itb41L.p..to. e� houcloc rtittasitiek; rpted r pf nine o' the evening within the Town of Wap- er. Section 4. OPERATION OF GO -HARTS ITHOUT' MUFFLERS . PROHIBITED PTE) December 26th, 1941. ' Np' person shall operate a go-kart h is not equipped with an. adequate •muffler in constant operation and properly Maintained to prevent any exceaslve or pnusuai noise after December 261h, 1961. Id) No person shall lease or rent a go-kart foreration un property within The TlWf o1 Wappinger which Is not ?tquipped wjlh an adequate muffler prop- erly maintained to prevent any excessive or unusual nolle after December 26th, '1241. (e) No gq-kart track "operator shall .ermitmthe operation of a go-kart without 4c4 put operation adequate eireesalve 0 „undsual.p!iee 6,. 1991- AT ON' OF f11175I7$�jCEt NALTIES 1+'OR. (a) Any person who commits any act 14 violation . of any provision of this Ordinance shall: be deemed to have '4Pmmitted an offense against this ordb Pince and shall be liable for the penalties 'herein imposed for- such violation. Each net "committed in violation of ahy provi- slop of this ordinance shall constitute a separate offense, (bi For every', violation of any Prov{ lou pp� this . ordinance, tilt Person violating file same spall be sdbjee( to S fine of pt more than $100.00 'ar, imprl4pbment At exceeding 30 days, or by bath ouch • `no and imprisonment. ., (c) Any person violating, this ordinance ; shall be subject to a civil penalty en- orceable, and collectable by the 'Town j r the amount :of 450.00 for clack such q.fense. E, « (d( In addltion to the }}Bove provided enalties apd punishmap{s, the,. Towp pard' mhy also maintain ap apical or procoedidg in the name of the Ta 1'fl in ,a • court of competent jurlsdlotiop to eon-. el compliance with or to restr In hY nianction the., violation of such pip fl fee. Section., a. SAVING CLAUSE:, any clause, sentence, paragraph, arae or Turf nF ihia nrainonno 0,,41 1.0 • "". 15 A special meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger was held on Thursday evening, October 26th, 1961 at 8:45 P. M. in the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, N. Y. for the purpose of accepting the Budget for the year 1962. A motion was made that the attached budget for the year 1962 be accepted. The motion was made by Judge Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hait. Motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Mudge Kelly that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. -.egal Notices4'r: ' f ' Legal Notices - , ANNUAL BUD ET For the Town of Wappinger r the Year 1962 GENERAL FUND - A ROPRIATIONS GENERAL GOVERIMENT TOWN BOARD: Town Hall and Offices: • a. Rental (Board Room, Offices, Election, etc. . $ 900.00 b. Compensation of Employees (Total befae deductions)400.00 c. Purchase of furniture and equipment . ... . .. 300.00 d. Repairs, fight, heat, telephone and water .. ... .. ... 1,200.00 e. Other expenses ... . . . .. . .. 800.00 Elections: a. Compensation of election officials (Incl. $ileage) b. Compensation of custodians of voting mchine c. Other Expenses .. . . d. Voting machines, purchase and repair e. Rent of Polling Places Insurance: a. Compeusatipn Insurance b. Official bolds and underta).ings c. Fire and liability d. Other Dues for membership in Association of Town: Printing and advertising (all departments) Services of attorneys and expenses of litlgatiot Annual audit and examination Payment of State for Social Security (Town ;hare) TOTAL TOWN BOARD 2,200.00 400.00 200.00 2,000.00 300.00 2.000.01) 000.00 4,000.00 SUPERVISOR a. Salary (Total belore deductions) b. Compensation of employees ........ c. Office and other expenses ..,,.... .. . JUSTICES OF THE PEACE a. Salaries ( Total before deductions) . b. Compensation of employees c. Office and other expenses . 05.00 500 011 $00.110 31)0.00 3,80(1.00 Legal Notices Legal Notices CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT NATURE OF IMPROVEMENTS a. Right of Way 500.00 TOTAL -Construction and Permanent Improvement , MISCELLANEOUS ' Veterans Organizations for Rooms . .. .. $250.00 Other Payments. (Describe) Expense 4ssociation of 'Towns Attendance 400.00 TOTAL -MISCELLANEOUS CONTINGENT PURPOSES TOTAL -FOR CONTINGENT PURPOSES GENERAL FUND - ESTIMATED REVENUES STATE AID - a. Per Capita $-12,001).00 b. Mortgage Tax 15,000.00 1,50)t.00 TOTAL STATE AID .. LICENSES AND PERMITS: a. Ong Licenses trecaived from county/ '1'OTAI, LICENSES & PERMITS DEPARTMENTAL EARNINGS: O. Fees of Town Clerk 3,900.110 b. Fees of Justices of the Peace 2,500.00 500.00 TOTAL DEPARTMENTAL EARNINGS UNEXPENDED BALANCE TOTAL GENERAL FUND -ESTIMATED REVENUES. GENERAL FUND -SUMMARY APPROPRIATIONS: GENERAL GOVERNMENT $44,820.00 $20.98a.00 PUBLIC SAFETY .. .. 2,150.00 RECREATION 2,750.00 $ 3,000.00 EDUCATION1,000.00 1,000.00 MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS AND INTEREST 10,900.00 300.011 CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT 500.00 4,300.00 MISCELLANEOUS 0) 650.0 FOR CONTINGENT PURPOSES .. 2,000.00 93,0301.00 400.00 225.00 TOTAL JUSTICES Of' THE PEACE COUNCILMEN: a Salaries (Total bet ore deduct 10051 ............ .... $ 1,2)10 00 b. Office and other expenses 100 00 ,TOTAL COUNCILMEN TOWN CLERK a. Salary (Total before deductions) $ .1,600.00 b. Compensation of employee . .. ... . 1.000.00 c. Office and other expenses 400 00 TOTAL TOWN CLERK ASSESSORS a. Salaru (Total before deductions1 i Compensation of employees .... '........ c. Office and other expenses 3 675 00 1,300.00 T'O'TAL APPROPRIATIONS -GENERAL FUND . TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES -GENERAL FUND ... AMOUNT 'TO BE RAISED 13Y TAXES FOR GEN. FUND PART TOWN FUNDS -APPROPRIATIONS (For use Only in Towns containing one or mnie Inc. Villages) ZONING COMMISSION: a. Compensation of employees (Total belore deductions( 500.011 { TOTAL ZONING COMMISSION PLANNING BOARD a. Office and other expenses 1,01)0.00 b. Compensation of planning consultant 6.250.00 TOTAL PLANNING BOARD 5.00.00 INSPECTION COSTS $ 5.400 rrc) a. Building Inspection --Multiple Dwelling 1511.00 b. Building Inspector . .. .. .. 1,800.00 t.5). (0 560 00 TOTAL ASSESSORS TOWN ATTORNEY a. Salary (Total before deductions) $ 2,3001)1) c. Office and other expenses . 101).101 1'U'I'AL TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN ENGINEER a. Salary ('Total before deductions) 750 011 c, Office and other expenses ' 100.00 TOTAL '('OWN ENGINEER TOTAL -GENERAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC SAFETY '(LICE CONSTABLES AND DEPUTY SHERIFFS a. Compensation (Tota) before deductions( ..... ... ... $ 1,000.00 b. Mileage and other expenses 200.00 TOTAL POLICE, CONSTABLES AND DEPUTY SHER. 18AF'F'IC a. Signs and signals ... .. .. .. 500.110 TOTAL 'TRAFFIC .. )OG WARDEN a. Compensation (Total berme deductions) b. Other expenses 400.)10 50.00 TOTAL DOG WARDEN TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 'OWN LIBRARY a. Payment to Library TOTAL TOWN LIBRARY TOTAL EDUCATION . 'ARK AND PLAYGROUNDS a Other expenses b. Patriotic observance (Memorial EDUCATION RECREATION Day, $ 1,000.00 $ 2,501.1)0 etc.) 250.00 TOTAL PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS '1'O'1'Al. RECREATION MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS AND INTEREST t EDENPTION OF DEBT (Principal paid from General Fund Only) Capital Notes $10,000.00 6,110,00 EXAMINING BOARD a. Civil Defense Purposes . 5010.00 500.00 $050.00 02,000.00 $47,000.00 1,50)1.00 6,400.00 2,001.01 056,000.00 63,870.00 50,000.00 96,070.00 501.00 7,250.00 1,050.00 TO'I'AI. EXAMINING BOARDS 500.00 TOTAL PART -TOWN FUNDS APPROPRIATIONS 010,200.00; PART - TOWN FUNDS -ESTIMATED REVENUES 2,600.00 TOTAL PART - TOWN ESTIMATED REVENUES ... 3,01)0.00 AMOUNT 1'O BE RAISED BY TAXES FOR PART -TOWN FUNDS 7,200.00 830.00 HIGHWAY FUND HIGHWAY FUND (lien Il -Appropriations: General repairs, including sluices and culverts $75,000.00 044,820.00 1,200.00 TO'T'AL APPROPRIATIONS ESTIMATED REVENUES: State Aid 5,200.00 Unexpended Balance . 5,000.06 75,600.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 111,200.00 500.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (item 1) 04,000.00 BRIDGE FUND (Rem IU -Appropriations: Labor, equipment, rental, repairs and maintenance of bridges 3,000.60 Materials tor repair and maintenance of bridges... ... 1,000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS .. .... 9,00(1.00 Estimated Revenues. Unexpended Balance 4,000.00 450.00 2,15)1.00 I,(100 00 91.000.00 2,750 00 02,750.00 10,000.:3 'Ft)'!'Ai. Slnnicipal Indebtedness & Interest .. $10,000.00 AMOUN'T'TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND MACHINERY FUND (Item III) -Appropriations: Purchase 00 machinery, tools and equipment 8,000.00 Repair of machinery, tools and equipment 6,000.00 Storage of machinery, tools and equipment 500.00 Redemption of Bonds, Principal Only 7,50)1.00 Interest on bonds and notes 650.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS ESTIMATED REVENUES: ' Rental of machinery, other municipalities 800.00 Unexpended balance ... 3,000.00 $22,650.10 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 3,800`001 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND v (Item 1II) $18,850.00 SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS FUND (Item IVl-Appropriations: Salary of Town Superintendent ('Total before deductions) 6,550.00 Removing obstructions caused by snow 10,01)0.00 Cutting' and removing noxious weeds and brush ..... . 3,000.00