1962-12-06227 The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board, Town of Warpinger was held in the Town Hall, on Thursday evening, December 6th, 1962. Present: -Supervisor -Richard H. Linge, Councilmen: -Malcolm Hait and George Robinson, Justice of the Peace, -Vincent S. Francses aa, Town Engineer--Chatales Maneri, iiuparimtEmt xmfx ighxmyx- mown Attorney -Judson Williams --Town Clerk --Helen L. Travis. The meeting was opened at 8 P. M. by Supervisor -Richard H. Ling. The minutes of the ast meeting were read. There being no errors or corrections a motion was made by Couhcilman Hait and seconded by Councilman Robinson that the minutes.be accepted as read. Motion carried The bills for the month of November were read. A motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Justice of the Peace Francese that the bills be paid. General Fund WARRANT SHEET NO. 13 attached $134.29 HIGHWAY FUND ITEM #1 Motion carried. Dutchess Quarry Supply--Kotal Mix Spoor-Lasher Company --0i1 N. Y. Telephone CompanyTelephone Mid-Hudson Oil Company Gas Leemac Sand & Stone Company --Gravel ctO 8662.82 12.80 273.00 580.97 $1Q,663.59 MACHINERY FUND ITEM #3 Mack Trucks, Inc. --Repairs 53.54 Phils Saw Service --Saw sharpened 1.25 Acme Tank & Truck Corp. --Repairs 83.00 Urey Hardware Company --supplies 4.51 Midway Service Station --Parts & Repairs --T 21.62 Hudson River Sales Corp. --Repairs 20.60 228 Peelor Motor Service --Tires $146.51 Mewkills Garage --supplies 8.40 Contractors Machinery Corp. --Supplies 100.65 400.08 SNOW & MISCELLANEOUS ITEM #. Central Hudson Gas & Elec. Company --Lights 24..08 Sinclair Refining Company --Fuel Oil 6,5.30 89.38 Motion was made by Justice of the Peace, Francese and seconded by Councilman Hait the following resolution was unanimously adopted. RESOLVED, that the following named persons are hereby designated as ballot clerks in the respective polling places in the election distridts hereinafter stated for the special Town election to be held on December 17, 1962, between the hours of 2 P. M. and 8 P. M. and shall be entitled to compensation for their services therefore at the rate of ELECTION DISTIRCT 1st District -- 2nd District -- 30d District -- 4th Distict-- 5th District -- 6th District -- 1.50 per hour, viz: BALLOT CLERK Viola Brown --Republican May Hummel-- 11Eileen Weit--Democratic Mary Le Roy-- Margaret Frederics- Victoria Lopez -- Harold Mac Maullen- Raymond Dolan -- Helen C. Howell --Republican John Goebel-- " C. B. Van Voorhis-Demogratic Franla P. Yeomans -- Grover Churchill --Republican Lena Husted-- Catherine Loop-- Democratic George Lieberman -- James Stacklum-- Eileen Farrell -- Mary Price-- Republican Elizabeth Hammond-- " Robert Gruendle -- Eleanor Croshier -- - Democratic 11 - Republican " 11 It " Albino Medio Helen Bechtold Democratic it A letter was read from the Blue Cross suggesting a group for the Town Employees. The Board suggested that a meeting be scheduled with the Company and the employees. Councilman Halt suggested that the bids for oil and Gasoline be advertised. 19eitice of Peace Francese reported he will hold. courton Wed- nesday evenings. Mr. Bisom asked when the final hearing would be held on the zoning ordinance . The Board stated the date had not yet been set. The Town Board is to canvass the Voting Machines and get same ready for special election. They will meet at the Town Hall on Saturday, November 15, 1962 at 2otclock . Kenneth Thornton, Building i}ispector gave tha following report - 32 permits -838,000.00--4745.75. Motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Councilman Robinson that the planning consultant be hired for $4000.00 per year from December 1, 1962 to December 1, 1963. Motion carried. Motion. made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Councilman Hait that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Signed Town Clerk L Motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Justice of Peace Francese that Dwight Robbins be appointed Dog Enumerator for the year 1963. Motion carried WARRANT To lachars1 __a.....Lingo , Supervisor Town of Wappingor , County of Dutchess , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the Wappinger _6 day of December , 19 62 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM NAME OF CLAIMANT No. 226 Eleanor Croshier 227 " 228 " 229 N. Y. Tel. Company 11 11 230 231 232 233 231. 235 236 237 R, RyannkAr On - 74 Cannon St. Pok Wapp. Lodge #671 F & 10.00 A. M. flalph Sinsabau,h Marine Midland Nat'l, Bk. Rockwell Mf. Co. eamestown, i. Madeline S. Evans, AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT of P. 7.00 Comp. of Em. Town Clerk 15.00 -Comp. of Ems J. of P. 6.00 Coi. of Emll Town Hall 31.95 Heat, Lgt.E. Town Clerk f. & Othe7 Supplies Exp. Town Hall other Exp. 5.03 13 Election 6.82 ther Exp. OTHER INFORMATION Office Work 11 tl Assessors Service Town Hall & 11 -4.06 Helen L. Travis, Petty 9.83 Cash Wapp. Cent. School 24.00 The Campbell Press 6.75 134.29 Budget Hearing Check Book iurtain Lever Seals -nlinning Bd. ff. Other E . Town Hall ther Exp. 'arks & Play other Exp. other Exn. IBallot s for votina Mach. Election 1 I Supnlies etty Cash creation Commission ls Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of...Wappinger......._, day of December ,19 62 [SEAL] 1005WILLIAMSON LAW BOOK CO.. ROCHESTER. N.Y.