1951-10-0411 A regular meeting of the Town Board,Town of Vappinger was held in the Town Hall on October 4,1951, Present Supervisor, Edward 1t.Scofield,supt. of highway,Harry B. Gr''iswold,Justiees rtalph H.dederer & Edward B.Beatty,Councilman Jesse H.DeVoe and Town Clerk Edith H.Booth. Meeting called to order by Supr.Scofield at 7:45 P.I`t. 11-11inutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. General Fund #160 -National Bank of "Wappingers Falls,Rent July -Aug. -sept. 1951- 105.00 161 Harry B.Griswold Supt's Salary Sept.1-15,1951 125.00 162 Thomas x.Race, Assessors Salary - Year 1951 500.00 163 Lawrence Collier, xefund Erroneous faxes 4.03 164 New York Telephone Co.- Service mown Hall 6.90 165 It " bervice Justice of Peace(Dederer) . 6.60 166 Edward _a.Scofield Supr.- Salary July- Aug. -Sept .1951 300.00 167 Edith H.Booth Town Clerk itSept.1951 125.00 168 Harry B.Griswold,Supt's ItSept.16-29,1951 125.00 169 Joseph Costa - Dog Service 4.00 170 C.H.G.&.E.Corp. -Service 2own Shed 1,90 171 f.H.Dederer- Justice of Peace Salary Sept. 116.66 172 Edward B.Beatty " " " If " 41.66 173 Emory J.hager Councilmans Salary Sept. 25.00 174 Jesse H .De Voe " " " 25.00 . � 1511.75 Highway Fund General hepairs Lansdell Co .Inc .-ull 35.75 Sinclair xefining Co. -- Gas 123.82 Clifford J.Perkins -- Compressor 230.00 Hamilton uil Service -- Gil 16.31 Sp 402.88 `.bridge hand Payroll V18 - 6ept.16-29 Bridge Repairs 700.80 E Er 52.00 Fishkill Plains garage - Lumber 5.60 A.Lupparelli & Son - I Beam 20.30 Fishkill Builders Supply Corp. - Gravel 18.00 Poughkeepsie Steel Produets Inc. -One Steel Piece 14.50 811.20 Miscellaneous .Fund Payroll #17 Sept -1 - 15 Brush Removal 665.20 New York Telephone Co. Service Town Shed 6.50 Albert E.Payne -- aoad aigns 7.15 678.81 12 ��achinery fund Homer R.Holden Repairs -- H.0 .Penn Machinery Co. Parts C .Urey ----- Tools 67 .80 13.33 3.50 Wappingers Hardware 10.72 Franklin Farm Equipment Co. farts -- Tyson Tack Corp. -- Repairs $138.73 17otion made by Justice Dederer seconded by Justice Beatty that bills be paid. Carried notion made by Justice Beatty seconded by Justice Dederer that the resignation of Peter Coughlin as election inspector,Town of Nappinger Dist.#5 be accepted and that Fames B.Stacklum Chelsea,N.Y.be appointed election inspector in Dis1#5 to take his place. W arri ed Potion made by Councilman DeVoe seconded by Justice Beatty that the preliminary budget of the Town as presented to the Town Board by the Town Clerk be approved. Carried Resolved that this Town Board does hereby prepare and approve as the preliminary budget of this Town e ig his�'—z@wfi for the fiscal year beginning on the 1st. day of January 1952 the itemized statement of estimated revenues & expenditures hereto attached and made a part of this resolution and be it .Further resolved that such Preliminary Budget shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk where it pha11 be available for inspection by any interested person at all reasonable hours and be it Further resolved that this -board shall meet on vctober 19,1951 between the hours of 4:00 and €i:00 P.T. for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing upon such preliminary budget and be it Further resolved that the Town Clerk give notice of such Public Hearing in the manner provided in Section 116 of the Town Law. The official notice is filed in the 6upervisors Office and the preliminary budget is hereby attached. Votion made by Councilman DeVoe seconded by Justice Beatty that meeting adjourn. carried