1952-03-13A regular meeting of the down Board, Town of Wappin er g ,was held in the down ball on i -!arch 13,1952 Present Supervisor, Edward n.Scofield,aupt.of nighway,iarry n.Griswold justices R.H.Dederer & Edward B.Beatty,00uncilme.n Emory j.Hager and Jesse ii.DeVoe and Town Olerk Edith h.Booth &eeting called to order by supervisor 6cofield at 7:30 PX - minutes X -minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. General Pund #40 Poughkeepsie mew iorker,aupervisors Annual Report 41 New York Telephone uo . - Service ',Town iiall 42 it t+ is t► - service a.H.Dederer 43 riughsonville AreList.-Lawrence j.Collier Treas . 44 Ohelsea Are .gist. -- r -rank k.Collyer, Treas 46 mew hackensack Pire Dist. -John rL.Ervin, x;reas . 46 united states PostOffiee-6tamps for 6ollector 47 V.F.W.Post 5913- maintenance of rooms 1952 48 mcUombs ---- Supplies judge Lederer 49 riarry B.Griswold- aupt.salary Pebruary 29 bu Edith d.Booth -mown clerks oalary isbruary 51 Joseph uosta Dog service b2 ft.H.Dederer justice of Peace oalary r�eb. 66 Edward B.Beatty Itiiif 11 " b4 Lmory J.Hager uouncilmans Bala:ry " 55 jelse A.DeVoe ii 56 Ivan B.Flood Printing b7 v.H.G.&.E.Corp. riughsonville Light mist. 58 " " " T' to IT Chelsea Light gist. 59 n n n t? it It sights otringhams bridge 60 U It if " IT 1° bervioes Town ball 61 j.Amelia Baxter Deputy Town ulerks cervices 62 mcCombs Supplies judge Bederer 63 rational Dank of Wappingers malls ,$qnt Town Hall Jan . i Feb .Marek 64 harry b.Griswold s'uptl8 salary iviareh 15 6b w'illiam E.Garliek health ufficer`s salary 1951 66 Edith H.Booth 611 i±rederick j .1)iBerto Aegistrar 1951 Dog service Highway rund Item 1 r'e'bruary 1-16 General repairs Item 2 Louis Doughty Gravel Ashkill builders Supply corp. San& Sinclair hefining Oo. Gas 43.00 6.45 6.45 3724.12 37u b .74 4943.33 15 .00 50 .00 83.33 12b.00 12b.00 4.00 116.66 bu .00 25.00 2b.00 4.7b b97.84 6u8.56 28.08 2.46 165.5u 41.14 1U6.00 ---- 11u0.00 ---- 62.51 ---- 4.00 15160.89 1. 3513.80 8'? .00 66.00 17b.46 666.26 27 Bridge Fund Mrs.Mary Booth ---- Planks for Bridges 80.0o Motion made by councilman DeVoe seconded by Judge Dederer that bills be paid. Carried Motion made by Judge :uederer seconded by Councilman Hager that the Supervisor be empowered to rent the adjoining room to the Town H all,from the National Bank of Wappingers Falls,N.Y.,the rent for both rooms to be $65.00 a month. Carried Motion Made by Justice Beatty seconded by Councilman Hager that the Supervisor be empowered to sell the following security belonging to the Town of Wappinger one $5,u00., United States of America Treasury Bond 2% -1951--1953 No.2579K registered in the name of the Town of Nappinger. The proceeds of the sale of the oond shall be deposited by the Supervisor in the building fund of the gown and expended by him against the cost of erection o= a new Town garage building as provided for in the following resolution. parried Vachinery 11und Bond ----- Mack 'T'ruck ------ 2u00.00 interest on Bond #1 Haack Truck ------ 127.5u 6inclair Refining %o. Gas ------ 73.63 hen Smith machinery Oo.Ine. carts ------ 127.56 Bennett & Bolaskey -- repairs ----- 13.00 r,aillard Lumber 00. -- Tools ------ .75 Homer n.Holden ---- nepairs ----- 2u5.40 u .Urey --- Tools --- - - 1.41 +Wappingers hardware -- ` Dols ---- 1.94 J .E.Andrews Oo.Ine. --une iviciullogg Saw 4u"Blade -- 405.00 Tarantos Garage --- storage ---- 5u.00 A.Lupparelli & son -- Angle Iron ---- 34.bu Bill ;hands Auto Electrical service-.depairs ----- 2.75 Midway Gas & Service Station-- Repairs & Parts ---- 648.54 $3691.98 Miscellaneous Fund February 1-15 ---- Snow Removal ----- 499.20 February 16-29 ---- " " -- -- 890.60 New York Telephone Co.Serviee Town Shed ---- 6.20 Solvay gales Division-- Ualcium Chloride ---- 708.75 $2104.65 Bridge Fund Mrs.Mary Booth ---- Planks for Bridges 80.0o Motion made by councilman DeVoe seconded by Judge Dederer that bills be paid. Carried Motion made by Judge :uederer seconded by Councilman Hager that the Supervisor be empowered to rent the adjoining room to the Town H all,from the National Bank of Wappingers Falls,N.Y.,the rent for both rooms to be $65.00 a month. Carried Motion Made by Justice Beatty seconded by Councilman Hager that the Supervisor be empowered to sell the following security belonging to the Town of Wappinger one $5,u00., United States of America Treasury Bond 2% -1951--1953 No.2579K registered in the name of the Town of Nappinger. The proceeds of the sale of the oond shall be deposited by the Supervisor in the building fund of the gown and expended by him against the cost of erection o= a new Town garage building as provided for in the following resolution. parried Judge uederer,Judge Beatty and :ouncilman DeVoe were appointed on the building committee. Motion made by Councilman Hager seconded by justice Dederer that meeting adjourn. Carried A • rogular meeting of the board or Health, -Town of Wappinger was held in the Town Hall on March 1b,1952 Present Supervisor Edward R.Scofield,Supt.of Highway Harry B.Griswold,Justices x.H.Dederer & Edward B.Beatty,Councilmen Emory J.Hager & Jesse H.DeVoe,Health Officer Dr.William E. Garlick and Town Clerk Edith H.Booth. Meeting called to order by Supr.Scofield at 8:00 P.M. Health Officer reported 5 cases of chicken pox and two of mumps for January and eight oases of Chicken pox and six of mumps for February. Meeting adjourned. , � I, � tL) R, 9, , Town Clerk. .-4 RESOLUTION DATED APRIL 10th, 1952 AUTHORIZING THE ERECTION OF A TOWN GARAGE BUILDING BY THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS, AT A TOTAL COST NOT IN EXCESS OF 915,000.00. At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappingers, Dutchess County, New York, held in the Office of the Town Clerk, Wappingers Falls, New York, the 13th day of March 1952. RESOLUTION by Justice of the Peace Edward B. Beatty, seconded by Town Councilman Emory Hager. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, as follows: Section 1. That the Town Superintendent of High- ways be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to construct and erect a building for the housing and storing of highway machinery`, tools, implements and equipment owned by the Town pursuant to Section 142, Subdivision 4 of the Highway Law of the State of New York. Section 2. That the said building shall be built upon land now owned by the Town situate on the Albany Post Road and shall be built in accordance with the plans and specifica- tions attached to this resolution and hereby made a part of the same. Section 3. That the said building shall be erected at a total cost not to exceed $15,000.00. Section 1.4.. That the period of probable usefulness - of the said garage building is hereby determined to be twenty (20) years pursuant to Section 11, Subdivision 11(b) of the Local Finance Law of the State of New York. Section 5. That the plan of financing the cost of the construction of the same shall be as follows: 05,000 of such cost shall be paid out of surplus funds of the Town, and the balance from the proceeds of obligations to be issued pursuant to the Local Finance Law to finance such purpose. Such obliga- tions will be authorized to be issued by this Board by separate resolution. mediately. Section 6. This resolution shall take effect im- The above resolution having been put to a vote, the result was as follows: Supervisor Edward R. Scofield voted AYE Justice of the Peace, Ralph H. Dederer voted AYE Justice of the Peace, Edward B. Beatty voted AYE Councilman Jesse H. DeVoe voted AYE Councilman Emory J. Hager voted AYE The resolution was declared duly adopted.