1952-04-10'" ;:` was he d i � A regular meeting of the Town Board, -own o= Wappinger a 1 29 the lown gall on April 16,19524 Present Supervisor Edward A,Scofield,Supt.of Highway Marry B.Griswold Oouncilmen Emory J.Hager and Jesse H.DeVoe,Justices R.H.Dederer and Edward B.Beatty and Town Clerk Edith H.Booth. Meeting called to order by Supr.Scofield at 7:30 P.M. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. General Fund. #68 Wm.E.Garlick M.D. -- Health Officers Expenses ----------- 9.60 69 state Insurance Pund -Compensation Insurance ----------- 1690.00 I/ 70 New York Telephone Co. - Service Town Hall ---------- 6.75 71 ►' " IT " - Service Judge Dederer-------- 6.00 72 Edith H.Booth --- `Down Clerks Balary,11arch ---- 125.00 .,. 73 Edward R.Scofield -- Supr's salary Jan. )Feb. -March 300 .00 74 Harry B.Griswold -- aupt's salary March 31st. ----- 125.00 75 R.H.Dederer -- Justice of Peace Salary March --- 116.66 76 Edward B.Beatty - " " IT " " ----- 50.00 77 Emory J.Hager -- Gouncilmans Salary March ----- 25.00 76 Jesse H.DeVoe -- IT " if 25,00 79 Joseph Costa -- uog Service ------ 12.00 80 Gertrude W.Beasley -- Policy JOJS1384 ----- 813.56 81 C.H.G.&.E.Corp. -- Hughsonville Light Dist. ------ 74.73 82 if " if " " " --- Chelsea Light Dist. ----- 38.57 63 it if if IT " It--- Service Town Hall ---- 6.46 3424.23 Highway Fund March 16-31 -- General Repairs ---- 860.40 Louis Doughty -- Gravel ---- 251.50 Sinclair xefining Oo . -- Gas ---- 194.12 Dutchess Ouarry & Supply Corp. -- Road J;Ux ---- 27.00 1333.02 Machinery Fund Lane Farm Supply Inc. -- Parts ---- 2.70 �I Vidw ay Gas & Service Station -- Repairs ---- 29.95 i Victor 'Manko--------- Repairs ----- 1.50 Homer R.Holden--------- nepairs ---- 68.70 Ken smith Yachinery Go. --- Re -pairs & Parts ---- 100.63 York Podern Corp. --- -- Parts ---- 126.38 Wappingers Hardware ----- Wools ---- 4.60 J.E.Andrews hardware 6o. -- 'fools ---- 5.15 Tice & Hack Distributors Corp.- nepairs ---- 13.24 Freeman Denney -------- Repairs ---- 22.35 George S.Phillips------- Engine ---- 35.00 Taranto's Garage ------ nepairs ---- .548.05 958.25 30 T i sc el lane ous Pund A: -larch 1-15 Snow & Brush nemoval ---- 857.80 Service Lumber ;o. --- aepairs ---- 2.00 Hamilton Uil Service --- Oil ---- 16,k6 New York 'Telephone Co. -- Service Town Shed ---- 6.50 882.56 11otion made by Justice Beatty seconded by Uouneilman DeVoe that bills be paid. Carried Motion made by Councilman iiager seconded by Justice Beatty that the voting place in i,ist.#5 Town of uYappinger be changed from the Chelsea Yacht Ulub to the Chelsea Fire House. Oarried Votion made by Justice Dederer seconded by Councilman Hager that meeting adjourn. Oarried Town Clerk. A regular meeting of the Board of Health,iTown of Wappinger was held in the Town hall on April 10,1952 Present 8upr.Edward ft.8co field, Justices R.H.Dederer and Edward B.Beatty,UouneilfOA lsmory J .Hager and Jesse H.DeVoe Supt.of Highway Harry B.Griswold,health Officer Dr.William .Garlick and Town Ulerk Edith H.Booth. Meeting called to order by Supr.Soofield at 8:15 P.14. Health Officer reported fourteen cases of chicken pox and two cases of measles,otherwise Town health in good condition. Meeting adjourned. 6d'AVqy11(2'�J' Town Clerk.