1952-11-06A regular meeting of the Town '8oard, Town o1 W%VPA!a9@r was held in the Town Hall on yovember 6,1952. Present Supervisor Edward R.Scotield , Superintendent of HighwaSr Harry B.Griswold,Justices R.H.Dederer and Edward B.Beatty, Councilmen Emory J.Hager and. Town Clerk Fdith H.Booth. 1'eeting called to order by Supr.Scofield at 8:00 P.Y. h`inutes of previous meeting read and approved_ as read. General Fund 4192 Harry B.Griswold,Supt.of Highway,Oct.Salary 120.00 193 Poughkeepsie New Yorker-Advertizing 15.07 194 W.S.Beasley -Assessors salary & expenses 924.00 195 New York Telephone Co. -Services Judge Dederer 8.40 19b 11 11it " Service Town Hall 6.90 197 Ivan H.Flood -- Printing - Town Clerk 4.75 198 Gertrude W.Beasley- Premium Policy 83064-0 32.40 199 Edith H.Booth-- Town Clerk Salary October 120.00 200 Harry B .Griswold , Supt .3alary Oct .16 - 31 120 .00 201 Campbell Press -- Printing Town Board 11.50 202 C.H.G.&..&.Corp. - Service Town Hall 1.90 20:5 Dennis & Co.Inc. -Justice Vanual-Judge Dederer 7.50 204 Assn.of Towns,State of New York - Dues 1953 41.00 205 Williamson haw Book Co. ,Justice R`?anual,E.Beatty 7.50 206 Y.Douglas Terwilliger ----------- Election Services 76.92 20'I J.`;ay Hummel - - - - - - - - - - " IT 60.00 20ts Theresa Clemens ---------- " it 60.00 209 Elizabeth Ackert---------- " IT 60.00 210 Alice T.Herproth---------- " IT 17.00 211 Yrs .Ruth Duhrels------- - - - " if 111.00 212 Harold hiacliullen---------- " " 76.92 21;D Raymond Dolan ---------- " 60.00 214 Charles J.Fredericks---------- " 60.00 215 Victorio Lopez _____ _-____ 60.00 216 Ethel S.Hudson---------- " 17.00 217 Tt ame 1 yens ---------- " 17.00 218 Coert B.VanVoorhis---------- 219 Frank '.-.Yeomans -- --- --- -- " '71:160 220 Augustus Howell ---------- " " 65.80 221 Freeman Denney ---------- " X2.00 222 Josephine C.Ha,istead---------- " " 10.00 223 Thomas k .Race ---------- " „ 111.00 224 Douglas Hamilton ---------- " " 77.40 225 Gerald Holden ---------- " " 60.00 226 Catherine Loop ---------- " " 60.00 227 Richard Horton ---------- 60.00 2531. b6 general Fund amt,for'd --- 2531.56 228 Irene Ott ------------- Election Services --- 78.00 229 Virginia Collyer -- " IT --- 50.00 230 Ethel K.Quick -- " 1t --- 60.00 231 James Stacklum -- " If 60.00 232 Village or Wappingers Falls,Rent of Polling Places 100.00 Dist.l & 2 233 New Hackensack Fire Co.,Rent or Polling Place Dist.#3 b0,00 234 Anna Weisner ,Rent of Polling Place, Dist.#4 50.00 235 Chelsea Fire Disc. Rent of Polling Place Dist.11r15 bO.00 236 R.H.Dederer, Justice or Peace Salary October 116.66 237 Edward B.Beatty it to I. if if 50.00 268 Emory J.Hager-- Councilmans " " 25.00 239 Jesse H.DeVoe-- to " " 25.00 324 6 .22 H i gnw ay Fund General Repairs -October 1-15 -------- 78.40 Sinclair Refining Co.---- Gas -------- 154.16 General Repairs � -- Villard Lumber Co. -Tile -------- 22.40 --David Alexander -Bulldozer work -- 196.00 --Service Lumber Co.-- Supplies --- 15.6b lilliam Schuerman --- Gravel ----------- 32.00 1,racninery Fund Sinclair Refining Co. --- Gas ----------- 48.50 Hamilton Oil Service --- Oil ----------- 14.42 Lane Farm Supply Inc. --- Supplies --------- 2 .`lb Hosier R.Holden --- Rej)airs-------- 46.60 Taranto's Garage ---- If --------- 8.00 120 .38 Yiscellaneous Funnd October 16-31 Brush Removal & Snow Fence Erection 79b.20 hew York Telephone Co. --Service Town Shed --- 7.;1150 Fisnkili Builders Supply Corp. -- Sand Building Fund The Nindsor Bldg -Supply Co.Inc.-- Building P aterial Percy Brown -Labor it 11 If Abbott & AbboLt ----- supplies dappingers Hardware -- 11 - --- 56.00 858.bo -- 201.71 -- MU.60 ----- 57.63 ----- 28.38 0 t)41 .2k M1 50 Fishkill Hardware Building Fund --- Supplies Yontfort Bros. --- Verner S .Christiansen Blocks Lumber amt.for'd 641.6 ---- 18.60 ---- 6.60 ---- 26.40 Victor Sanko ---- Steel ---- 7.40 6,j'/.ZX Fotion made by Councilman DeVoe seconded by Justice Beatty that bills be paid. Carried. yotion made by Justice Beatty seconded by Justice Dederer that the Fowler House road be accepted as a Town highway. Carried James Bedore and Jonn McGregor of Chelsea appeared before the Towil Board in re: to no parking signs in front of the Chelsea Fire House. Judge Dederer volunteered to look into this matter and see what could be done concerning same. yotio.a made oy Justice Beatty seconded by Councilman Hager Resolved that the contract dated November 4,19b2 offered by the C.H.G.&.E.Corp.ior street lighting presently installed on the portion OZ 6he Stringham hill Bridge,iocated within the Town or Wapfinger be and the same hereby is accepted and the Sul-ervisor is hereby authorized to execute suen contract in name of the Town. Carried A`otion made by Justice Beatty seconded by Justice Dederer Resolved that the contract dated November 4,19b2 offered by the Central Hudson Gas 8, Electric Co.ior street lighting presently installed in the Cnelsea lighting District located witnin the Town of Wappinger is nereby accepted. Carried Yotion made by Councilman DeVoe seconded by Councilman Hager Resolved that the contract dated November 4,19b2 offered by the C.H.G.&.E.Corp.lor street lighting presently installed in the Hu8nsonville Li.gnting District, located witnin the Town of Wajpinger be accepted Carried. notion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Justice Dederer that Edwin B.Hiuzmann oe appointed dog enumerator for the year 19b6. Carried. Liotion made by Justice Beatty seconded by Councilman Hager that meeting adjourn. Carried / / ... I •JMM'A Town Clerx. 51 A regular meeting of -one hoard of Vl'eallh., Town , oi lappinger was held in the Town Hall on ITovember 6J952 Present Supr.Edward R.Scofield,Justices IR.H.Dederer & 'Edward B. Beatty, Supt. of Highway Hvv .Harry B.Grisold,Health Of-ficer Dr.vftiiiam E.Gariick,Councilmen Emory J.Hager and Jesse H. DeVoe axed Town Clerk Editn H.Booth. Meeting called t6 order by Supr.Scofield at 7:60 P.y�' Heaith 01ficer reported two cases of chicken po-,c af-rl Cavo cases of whooping cough otherwise Town health in good C3 condition. Meeting adjourned Town Clerk.