1953-02-1261 A regular meeting of ztne Town Hoard, "own or Wappinger,was held in the Town hall on Jebruary 12 ,1953, Present Supervisor Edward R.Scofield,Supt.ot highway Harry B.Griswold Justice of Peace x.H.Dederex,Councilmen Emory J.Hager & Jesse H.Devoe and Town Clerk Edith H.Booth,. meeting called to order by Supr.Scofield at 8 P.Y. Gas ------ yinutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. ! 'Jappingers Hardware ------ Supplies ------ General Fund v idw ay Gas & Service Station-- 14 New York Telephone Co. -Service Town Hall & Court Room - 16.79 lb'A!ildred Ntorgan - Election Services --- ----------- 10.00 16 Grinnell Library Association --- 1956 Allotment ----- 400.00 17 Beasley Agency Liability - Town meeting room ----- 12.00 18 Edith H.Booth,Town Clerk --- Salary January ----- 150.00 19 Harry B.Griswold,Supt.of Highway " Jan.16-61------- 167.50 20 R.H.Dederer,Justice of Peace - Salary -January ----- 116.66 21 Edward B.Beatty " " " It ----- " 50.00 2b.00 22 Emory J.Hager,Councilman if _____ " 25.00 26 Jesse H.DeVoe, to It ----- 24 C.H.G.&.E.Corp.-- Service Town Hall "--' 6.68 2b poughxeepsie Newspapers Inc.,Supr's Annuai.Statement-- r 6.00 26 W.S.Beasley, Expegees- Asen.of Towns Convention ---- 60.54 211 Edward R.Scofield " `' " " " ---- 57.66 Z6 R.H.Dederer �� n n r� 62.54 zy Mr.Robert Seymour, Sign Town Hall ---- 9.00 60 Urey Hardware --- Supplies ---_ 1,92 61 Emory J.Hager -- Expenses Assn o= Towns Convention-- 21.08 $1,2o2.07 Highway Fund General Repairs - Sinclair Refining Co.--Gas---------lyts.l0 Yachinery Fund Sinclair refining Co. ----- Gas ------ 161.24 ! 'Jappingers Hardware ------ Supplies ------ 9.50 v idw ay Gas & Service Station-- Repairs 6.30 Abbott &Abbott - supplies ------- �p 36.16 Victor S anko-------- Repairs -------- 13.90 Ellwood H.Yacy --------- "------- 6.00 Tyson Y ack Corp. -------- "------- 4.30 Urey Hardware ------- SuPPlies ------ 1.50 Homer R.Holden ------ Repairs ----- 42.75 Hudson River Sales Corp. ---- rp ------ 17'50 Z 66 .15 62 wilding Fund Ferraro Electric-Wireing New Town Garage H.G.Page ------ Supplies Christensen & Lingo Lumber Co. Lumber Villard Lumber Co. n Miscellaneous Fund June lb -31 Sanding and Snow Removal -------- New York Telephone Co.-- Service Town garage -------- Pay Roll Jan.16-31 -- Sanding and plowing snow ------- 36b .00 80.40 82.22 3.`11 $631.69 1,027,ttb 'T . 0 b 1,027.88 2,062.7b Motion, made by Councilman DeVoe seconded by Councilman Hager that bills be paid. Carried Lotion made by Councilman Hager,seconded bJJustice Dederer that Ave.and Cagoline Drive the Town taKe over Thornacres�et Chelsea and certain conditions are met,agreeable Co ane Town Superintendent of Highway. Carried Motion made by Counciluan Hager seconded by Justice Dederer Resolved: that the Town of Wappinger renueez the State TraXfie Commission Pursuant to Article 7 of the Vehicle & Traffic law to restrict or prohibit the parking of vehicles,on both siaes of Liberty Street,a Town highway in the hamlet of Chelsea for a distance of fifty feet in =runt of the Chelsea Fire House, Carried !motion made by Justice Dederer Seconded by Councilman DeVoe that the Town of Viappinger purchase from the Beasley Agency inc.a Comprehensive .:.iability insurance Policy as stated in their letter of February yth,to Supervisor Scofield at 4 total estimate Premium oz $116b.41 Carried. Votion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Justice Dederer znat meeting adjourn. Carried Town Clerk A regular meeting of zne Board of Health,Town of Wappinger was held in the Town tiall on February 12 ,lyb Present Supervisor Edward R.Scofield,Councilipen Emory J.Hager and Jesse H.DeVoe,3upt.of Highway Harry B.Griswold,Justice or Peace H.H.Dederer ana Town Clerk Edith H.Booth. Meeting called to order by Supr.Scorield at 1:60 P.Y. Health Officer Dr.Wm.E.Garliak reported to clerk five cases of chicken pox and one case of German measles. Looting adjourned. V Town Clerk.