1953-03-0563 A regular weeting of tine 'Town board 'i"Uvvu of 4appinger was held in Town lull on h! ai c A 5,1y65 Present Supervisor Ldward n.Scofield,5upt.of Highw ay,Harry B,Griswold Co-qneilmen,Emory J.Hager & Jesse H.DeVoe,Justiees A.H.Dederer and Edward B.Beatty and Town Clerk Edith H.Booth. Meeting called to order by supervisor Scofield at 8o'cloek P.M. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. General Fund #32 Harry B.Griswold -- Supt's salary -February 14 ----- 137.50 iii V.F.W.Post b915 -- Maintenance 19bb ----- 50.00 34 Dwight Robbins -- Log Service - ---_ 8.00 O5 McCombs -- Supplies Town Board ----- 101.55 36 Lawrence J .Collier - Treas .Hughsonville mire Dist.----- 404 (.29 61 Frank J.Collyer - Chelsea it it ----_ 3686.94 38 Stanley Ries - It W.Haekeneack „ n _____ 5076.02 39 Joseph Costa - Dog Service ----- 4.00 40, Harry B.Griewold - Supt's salary February 28 ----- 157.50 41 Edith H.Booth - Town Clerks Oalary February ----- 1bO.00 42 New York Telephone Co. Service Town Hall ----- 10.00 43 Campbell Press -- Printing Town Board ----- 12.25 44 William E,.Garlick .-- Health Officers balary 1952 ----- 1100.00 4b Edith H.Booth -- Registrar 1952 ----- 37.00 46 Williamson Law Book Co.- Supplies justice of Peace 3.67 47Beasley Agency Inc. -- Policy CBP 64362 Liability ---- 692.02 48 if to SPF 600,111 Fire ---- 46.43 49 R.H.Dederer -- Justice of Peace Salary,Feb. ----- 116.66 60 Edward B.Beatty -- it ifn n " -- 60.00 bl Emory J.Hager _- Councilmane " it ---- 25.00 b2 Jesse H.DeVoe --ifn " ---- 25.00 b3 C.H.G.&.E.Corp. -- aerviee Town Hall ---- 4.66 54 Edith H.Booth -- Town Clerk -Expenses ---- 24.51 bb C.H.G.&.B.Corp. -- Hughsonville Light Dist. ---- 449.31 56 It 11 n n n 11 Chelsea Lighting Dist. ---- 231.92 b7 a n n n n n -- stringhams bridge ---- 22.48 b8 Dorothy D.Odell -- l'ypeing Judge Dederer ---- 10.00 $ 15, x353.71 Machinery found National Bank or Wapp.Falls,Bond#2on Mack Truck f6 2000.00 interest 96.7b Sinclair Refining Co. -Gas ---------------- 186.21 Popper Electric Co.-------------tcepairs---------------- 1.16 Hudson River Sales Corporation --------------- 21.13 H.O.Penn Machinery Co. " -------------- 27.43 Wappingers Hardware -------- ='0018 ---------------- Lane Farm Supply Ina. ---- Tractor Parts --------------- 74.77 David Alexander --- Servicers --------------- 40.00 Victor Sanko ----- Repairs -------------- 19.50 Homer K.Holden ----- it --------------146.6b Shaker,Travis & Quinn --- Repairs Town Garage ---------- 383.07 Midway Gas & Service Station it ------------ 707.00 Ken Smith Machinery Co. -- Good Roads Spreader --------- 1503.82 b207.08 Building Fund Shaker,Travis & Quinn -Heating Installation Town Garage - 4237.00 Bridge Fund Bridge Repairs --------------------------- 474.90 M14 - Miscellaneous /- Miscellaneous Fund Snow & Brush Removal -------------------------- 574,40 Brush Removal ---------------i----------- 830.40 National Bank,wappingers Falle,N.Y. Capitol Note 6000.00 It it�� �' Interests ----- 60.83 Bessie Goebel --- Electric olock,hown Garage ---- 5.00 New York Telephone Co.- Service Town Garage ---- 10.85 The Rodgers Co.Inc. --- road bigne ---- 9.75 Brighton Steel Co.Inc. -- Snow Fence Posts ---- 122.48 $641-b.71 Highway Find General Repairs-Fishkill Builders Supply Corp. --- 12.00 Sinclair Refining Co. ----- Gas ------ 124,52 Louis Doughty ---- Gravel --------- 179.75 516.27 '11-otion made by Councilman DeVoe seconded justice Beatty that bills be paid. carried ltidward is .Beatty was appointed a committee of one to look up property to be used as a Town dump and report at the next meeting of zhe Town Board. motion made by Councilman Hager seconded by oustiae Dederer that meeting adjourn. carried 0 i T010 _7�zlo - . AN Town Ulerk A regular meeting of the Board of Health,Town of wwappinger,was held in the Town Hall on March b,19bb Present Supervisor Edward R. Scofield, Justices R.H.Dederer & Edward B.Beatty,Supt.os Highway Harry B.Griswold,;ouneilmen Fmory J.H ager and Jesse H.DeVoe,Health Officer Dr.William E. Garlick and Town Clerk Edith H.Booth• Meeting called to order by Supr.Scofield at 7s0 o'elook P.M. Health officer reported four cases of Whooping cough and two cases or pneumonia otherwise Town health in good condition. Meeting adjourned Town Clerk.