1953-04-0965 A regular meeting oz cne Town. 13oard ,'.iown o -t �Nappinger was held in the Town Sall on April 9,19631 Present Supervisor Edward ft.Scofield,Supt.of Highway Harry B. Griswold , Justiose r,dward B.Beatty & H.R.bederer, councilman Jesse A.DeVoe and Emory J.gager and Town Clerk Edith H.Booth, meeting called Lo order by Supr.Scofield at 8:00 o'clock P Minutes of previous meeting read ana approvea as read. General rund b9 Harry B. Griswold, supt,s salary March 14, --------- 15`1.bu 60 uwight aObbine -- Log Service --------- 6.00 61 .Beasley Ageuey lua.Premium Policy SPF 6uO--------- bb.43 62 J.Amelia Baxter -- cervices .deputy Towa clerk ----- 142.60 65The 6taze lneuranue Fund Policy #A66-278 -------- 1620.uu 64 Dwignt L.Hobbins -- i)og aervice--------- 8.00 6b New Yorx Telephone uo.-oervice Towu Hall --------- 10.10 o6 nuith H.Bouin,Towu Clerk - Salary Liareh-------- 160.uu 61 bdward R.Scozield,aupr,s salary Jan. -Feb. -march -- 500.00 acs Nouert Seymour - Painting and replaceiug Sign ---- 8.00 6V Harry B.Griswold- Supt's saiary karen 51 -- ---- i67.b0 110 R.H.Dederer---- Justice oz reace Salary,march --- 116.66 '71 Edward B.t Be at ty if it if it - - - - 50 .00 72 Emory J.$ager--.;ouncilmans Salary " ---- 25.00 113 Jesse ii.DeVoe -- '. " " - - - 25.00 '14 Poughkeepsie hew Yorker, ad.vertizeing Auditors n'eport 2.47 inspection 7b ,f " if if Notice to ijog Owners 4.57 76 ivational Dank or vappingers ialls,rent � an.,Feb.,March 195.00 77 Beacon News -- Notice to Dog Owners -------- 5.75 78 C.H.G.& E.Corp. Hughsonville Lighting bist. ----- 74.90 79 it IN " IT it it Chelsea .sighting „ist. ---- 68.66 bo " IT " " if if Service Store House ---- 2,22 til Beasley Agency ine.,Policy 8730 Premium crown Garage 214.71 42.02 Tyson Haack Corp. --------- it -------------- q# 5527.77 Hi Rhw av Fund Fishkill .builders aupply Corp. -- Gravel ------ 53.00 David Alexander ------ " ------ 1u8.00 Louis voughty ------ " ------ 124.50 Sinclair refining uo. --- - Gas ------ 145.75 machinery Fund Painting on Trucks ----------------------- 18.00 5/4 ton international `Truck --------------------- 600.00 Sinclair refining Co. --- Uas-------------- 147.03 Hamilton oil Service Inc. -- uil-------------- 15.64 urey Hardware Co. -------- Toole -------------- .65 York Modern Corp. -------- Parts ------------- 85.14 Ken Smith Machinery uo.----- It ------------- 42.02 Tyson Haack Corp. --------- it -------------- 7X.22 Bennett & Bolaekey--------- Repairs ------------ 72.00 Tapanto's Garage --------- IT ------------ 6*Ob Wappingers Hardware -------- Supplies ----------- i3,59 Abbott & Abbott -------- it ----------- Vi.etor aanko-------- Repairs ------------ 111.86 Midway Gas & Service Station it ------------ 29.25 Homer R.Holden--------- It ------------ 155.70 1279.3b Miscellaneous i0and Brush Removal --- biarch 1-14 - ------ 850.40 Brush Removal --- march 16- 51 ----------- 834.60 Vew York Telephone Co. -- Service 'mown Garage -- 6.95 1671.96 11 Motion made by Councilman DeVoe seconded by Councilman Hager that bills be paid. Carried v'otion made by Councilman Hager Seconded by Justice Beatty that the resignation of Thomas K.Race as Town Assessor be accepted with regret. Carried Votion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Justice Beatty that Stanley Reis be appointed assessor to fill out the unexpired term of Thomas K.Race. Carried Yotion made by Justice Beatty seconded by Justice Lederer that meeting adjourn. Carried Town Clerk No Board of Health meeting was held.. Health Officer Dr.William h.Garlick reported to clerk three eases of chicken pox and two cases or measles , for month of ?,,!arch. Town Olerk.